Pages 466-481
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 5, January 1723 - December 1728. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1928.
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Macdowall, Mr., of St. Kitts, attends Board, 285, 354.
Macmanners, Mrs., of Bahamas, attends Board, 425.
Madan, Mr., attends Board, 187.
Medeira, Island, North Atlantic, 32, 143, 438.
Madrid, Spain, 415.
-, consul at, 100–1, 106.
Mainard, Mr., tobacco merchant, requested to attend, 299.
Maine (N. America), settlement of, 114, 287, 292.
-, boundaries of, 338.
Manley, Mr., letter from, 18, 53.
Mann, Edward, receiver of St. Kitts, 291.
-, -, proposed for St. Kitts Council, 230–1, 244, 271.
-, Robert, letter from, 230.
Marsh, Mr., agent for Antigua, attends Board, 4, 20.
-, -, memorial from, 3.
-, -, requested to attend, 14, 19.
-, -, counsel for Connecticut, attends Board, 207–210, 314.
Marsingall, Mr., 417.
Marstrand on Kattegat (Sweden), 326.
Martin, David, to attend Board, 385.
-, Isaac, petition of, 187.
-, Nicholas, merchant, 32.
Martinique, Martinico, French West Indies, Governor of, 18, 118.
-, trade with, 27, 29, 53, 201, 251.
for Proprietor. See Baltimore.
for Governor. See Calvert.
Acts in, 301, 310, 313–15, 319, 329, 352.
appointment of Governor in, 299, 301, 322–3, 418.
duties in, 65.
merchants of, 441, 443.
negro trade with Africa, 254.
proclamation of George II., in, 407.
Mascarene, Major, of Nova Scotia, 217, 335.
Massachusetts, New England.
for Governor. See Shute, Burnett, W.
for Lt. Governor. See Dummer, W.
for agent. See Sanderson.
for Secretary. See Willard.
for Treasurer. See Allen.
Acts in, 33, 49, 51, 56–60, 80, 87–8, 108, 110, 346, 285–7, 309, 338, 342, 364–5, 374, 392, 411, 419, 445.
Assembly of, 7, 33, 42, 57–60, 75, 85, 87, 95, 197, 245, 282–4, 293, 432, 443–4.
-, Minutes of, 285, 338, 342, 374, 419.
Council of, 60, 282–4.
-, Minutes of, 33, 85, 95, 110, 285–7, 338, 342, 374, 419.
charter of, 58, 60, 197, 289, 365.
boundaries of, 9–12, 14, 282, 291– 2, 295, 337, 339, 341–3.
fortifications in, 411.
Governor's salary in, 387.
judicature, 246.
patent of, 8.
Quakers in, q.v.
revenue of, 285, 309, 374.
seal for, 421, 424, 428, 430.
state of, described, 41–2.
stores of war in, 54, 197.
taxes in, 57–60.
war with Indians in, 197, 337, 410.
woods in, 304.
Massey, Capt., Edward, letters from, 353, 368.
Masters, Mr., of Newfoundland, 50.
Matthew, Hon. William, Lt. General of Leeward Islands, 291.
-, -, address to, 398–9.
-, -, complaints against, 369, 378, 380–1, 387–9, 392, 401, 429.
-, -, letters from, 360–1, 374, 387, 397–8.
-, -, letters to, 313–4, 359, 365, 382, 387.
-, -, salary for, 142.
Maverick, Samuel, 11.
Maxwell, Mr., of New York, attends Board, 198.
Mead, Richard, 155.
Menandes, Don Francisco, Spanish Marquis, letter to, 36.
Merit, Solomon, Spanish merchant, attends Board, 227, 229.
Merrimack River, southern boundary of New Hampshire, 279.
Merriweather, Mr., attends Board for Bristol merchants, 64–6.
Merry, Richard, Spanish merchant, to attend Board, 227.
-, -, losses of, 416.
Meure, Mr., agent for General Matthew, attends Board, 388, 402.
-, -, letters from, 215, 389, 392, 397–8.
-, -, requested to attend, 387, 401.
Meyer, Sir Peter, trader with Hamburg, attends Board, 362–3.
-, -, requested to attend, 386.
Middleton, Arthur, Commander in Chief of South Carolina, 129.
-, -, letters from, 343, 354.
-, -, Complaint against, 435, 437–9.
Miles, Mr., of Massachusetts, petition of, 364.
Mill, Richard, proposed for Jamaica Council, 161.
-, -, approved for Jamaica Council, 181.
Milledge, Lt. John, at Annapolis, 335.
Milliken, Mr., of St. Kitts, 132.
Milward, George, deceased, of St. Kitts Council, 85–6, 109.
Minas, Nova Scotia, 15–6, 228, 412.
Minna, West Africa, 241, 243, 262.
Miranda, Isaac, attends Board, 75, 169, 205.
-, -, petition of, 73, 79, 186, 208, 210, 220.
accounts, 30–1, 66–7, 105, 143, 186, 211, 305, 366–7, 377, 394, 418, 429.
Board of Trade Commissioners. See Ashe, Bladen, Bridgeman, Cary, Chetwynd, Docminique, Frankl and, Hobart, Pelham, Plummer and Westmoreland, Earl of.
clerks, 1, 6, 87, 106, 121, 323–4, 331, 346–7, 431–2.
charges of office, 21, 45, 282–3, 419, 426.
state of office, 339, 431–2.
buildings in offices, 13, 89, 335, 373.
salaries, 198, 211, 239, 368.
councellorship at law, new appointment, 195–6. See Fane, West.
new Commissions, 346, 413.
Misener, Captain, of Princess Amelia, 340.
Misquammacock, alias Paucatuck, Rhode Island, 9.
Missing, Mr., of Nova Scotia, letter from, 427.
-, -, requested to attend Board, 355, 357.
-, -, stores provided by, 412.
Mississipi river (N. America), French settlements on, 52, 103.
Mitchell, Mr., merchant, attends Board, 89–90.
Mocatta, Mr., attends Board, 415, 443.
-, -, requested to attend, 442.
Mogul, the Great, 298.
Mohawk (Iroquois) Indian, deserters of, 174.
Molineaux, Mr., of Montserrat, 132, 383–4, 388, 393–4.
Monmouth county, New Jersey, 15, 20.
Montague, Duke of, Proprietor of St. Lucia and St. Vincent, attends Board, 381–2.
-, -, instructions for, 25, 130.
-, -, letter from, 384.
-, -, letters to, 444–5.
-, -, petition of, 378–80, 382, 386, 392–3, 437; and see Tobago.
-, -, requested to attend, 380.
Montgomery, John, appointed Governor of New York, and New Jersey (1727), 347–8.
-, -, attends Board, 350–1.
-, -, instructions for, 348–9, 352–3, 363, 403.
-, -, letters from, 417, 433.
-, -, letter to, 435.
Montreal, Canada, 164, 172, 174, 177.
Montserrat, Leeward Islands, 120, 383–4.
for Clerk. See Lee.
Acts in, 28, 32, 35–7, 57, 63–4, 71, 80, 82, 84, 109, 119, 123, 133, 150, 281, 344.
Council of, 119–20, 159, 161, 188–9, 280, 288, 374, 397, 399– 401, 409.
-, for members. See Cockran.
Daily, Fry, Gerrish, Irish, Ravell, White.
Courts in, 397.
negroes in, 132, 255, 344, 397.
ordnance at, 397.
Moody, Colonel, petition of, 25.
-, -, attends Board, 49.
Moore, Samuel, appointed to Jamaica Council, 102–3, 113.
-, -, Walter, master of Eagle, deposition of, 119.
-, Mr., letter from, 200.
-, -, collector of customs at Philadelphia, 149.
Morant, Captain, of Jamaica Council, resignation of, 103, 113.
Morice, Humphrey, attends Board, 220, 232, 239, 247, 249–51, 253, 257, 267.
-, -, letters from, 150–1, 248, 378.
-, -, requested to attend, 149.
Morris, Captain Jasper, commander of Dolphin, 429.
-, Thomas, merchant, of Barbadoes Council, attends Boards, 95–6.
-, -, decease of, reported, 384.
-, Mr., of Virginia, attends Board, 64–6.
Mouncey, Mr., of Bahamas, attends Board, 427.
Moyer, Sir Peter, attends Board re hemp trade, 69–70.
Mulcaster, Mr., agent for Captain Phenney, 290.
-, -, attends Board, 425–7.
Murray, Andrew, of Antigua, 284–5, 289, 294, 329.
Muscovy, Russia, emigration to, 137.
-, Company, petition of, 78.
-, -, hemp trade of, 69–70, 72–3, 77.
Musgrave, Mr., 416.
Nanhigganset. See Narragonset.
Nantes (France), 48.
Narraganset Bay, New England, 8–11, 209–210.
-, Indians, land purchased from, 8.
Narragonset River, New England, 8– 11, 209–210.
Nassau Fort, New Providence, Bahamas, 273, 365.
Nassen, Mr., of Nova Scotia, affidavit, of, 43.
Nayhautick. See Narraganset.
Nayler, of New Hampshire, death of, 26.
Needham (Massachusetts), 60.
Netherlands, 69–70.
-, merchants attend Board, 92.
-, -, requested to attend, 88.
-, import of hemp through, 69– 70, 72, 77.
Nevis, Leeward Islands.
for Lt. Governor. See Sibourg.
Acts in, 28, 31, 35, 37, 39, 57, 222, 281, 375.
Council and Assembly of, 122, 189–91, 288, 374, 418.
-, Minutes of Council, 83, 190, 374.
Courts in, 374.
debentures for sufferers from French invasion, 199–201.
negroes in, 344, 372.
ordnance in, 375, 418.
proclamations in, 374.
revenues of, 374, 418.
Newberry (New England), 346, 409– 10.
Newcastle, Duke of, attends Board, 247, 251, 267.
-, -, letters from, 84, et passim to end.
-, -, letters to, 83, et passim.
New England, 432.
for Governor. See Shute, Burnett, W.
Acts in, 125.
Assembly of, 75; and see under Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
college of, 302.
exports and imports, 144, 185.
finances of, 309.
Governor's salary, 329; and see Shute.
horse trade, 287.
Indian war, 197–8.
settlement of waste in, 417.
shipbuilding in, 130–1, 135–8, 144.
trade with Europe, 114.
-, Indians, 121.
-, Newfoundland, 3, 52, 337.
woods in, 111–2, 216–8, 293, 314, 443; and see Burniston.
for Governor. See Phillips.
Act of, 445.
convoy of, 3, 13–4, 17, 49–50, 109, 124–5, 155–6, 159, 184, 217–8, 226, 229, 328, 330, 337, 395, 401–2.
-, for Commodores. See Cayley, Bowler, St. Lo, Vere Beauclerk.
fisheries at, 49–52, 124–5, 180, 217, 226, 228, 395–6, 430–2, 434, 438, 441, 445–6.
French seizures at, 413.
survey of, 228–30.
trade with, 15–6, 32; and see Gledhill.
New Hampshire.
for Governor. See Shute, Burnett.
for agent. See Newman.
Acts in, 279, 338, 383, 410, 413, 443.
Council of, 6, 26–7, 57, 73, 83, 282– 4, 386–8.
-, Minutes of, 111, 279, 338, 383.
-, members. See Atkinson, Frost, Gilman, Odiorne, Penhallow, Plaisted, Weare.
Assembly of, 282–4, 410, 413.
boundaries, 70, 207–10, 279, 281–2, 287, 291–2, 295, 337–9, 341–3.
seal for, 421, 424, 428, 430.
shipping in, 98, 279.
stores, military, 51, 54, 56, 279, 383.
-, naval, 109, 111.
woods in, 121, 304, 437, 439, 441.
New Jersey.
for Governor. See Burnet, W., Montgomery.
Acts in, 15, 20, 33–4, 226, 263, 274, 350–1, 435.
Assembly of, election, 7, 34, 44, 53–4, 56, 62, 80, 380, 405, 433.
-, Minutes of, 99.
Council of, 40, 351, 380.
-, Minutes of, 99, 226, 263, 274, 405.
-, members. See Anderson, Alexander, Ayres, Lyell, Smith, Jas., van Horn.
accounts of, 46.
census of, 99, 352.
duties in, 433.
Chief Justice in, 274.
map of, 352, 414.
mines in, 7, 16, 103, 106.
proclamations in, 372, 380.
for Proprietors. See Richier.
revenues of, 263, 312–3, 350, 433.
seals for, 421, 424, 428, 430.
ships entered and cleared, 99, 158, 350, 405.
Newman, Mr., agent for New Hampshire, attends Board, 27, 54, 281–2, 292, 341–3, 413.
-, -, letters from, 6, 26, 51, 56, 73, 410–1.
-, -, requested to attend, 279, 287, 291, 338.
Newport, Mr., Barbadoes merchant, attends Board, 82, 89–90, 95–6, 257.
-, -, letter from, 200.
Newsom, Mr., of Bahamas, attends Board, 427.
New York, 380, 432.
for Governor. See Burnett, W., Montgomery.
for agents. See Bampfield, Le Heup.
for Attorney General. See Bradley.
for Surveyor General. See Colden.
Acts passed in, 2, 6, 34, 40–1, 46, 57, 73, 80–2, 91, 93, 95, 102, 104, 108, 112, 125, 154–5, 158–9, 162–6, 168–77, 198, 274, 288, 299–301, 305–6, 313, 317, 344, 350–1, 357–9, 367–70, 403–4, 418–20, 426, 429, 433.
Council of, 158, 163, 180, 270, 372, 433–4.
-, Minutes of, 274, 300, 312– 3, 404–5.
-, members of. See Barberie, Beckman, Byerley, Kennedy, Lancey, Livingstone.
Assembly of, 158–9, 299, 317, 358– 9, 372, 405, 433.
-, Minutes of, 274, 300, 312– 3, 405.
accounts of, 46, 352.
boundaries of, 6, 40–1, 43, 57, 80, 99.
Courts in, 372.
customs in, 91, 162–6.
imports and exports, 103, 110, 155, 159, 162–6, 274–5, 313.
-, Indians, trade and treaties with, 46, 94–5, 98, 104, 106, 108, 155, 157–8, 162–6, 168–77, 182, 198, 352.
map of, 352, 414.
merchants of, 312.
Palatines in, 39–40.
population of, 312.
Presbyterians, petition of, 198.
quota for war required, 197.
ships, clearances of, 273–4, 300, 313, 350, 372, 405, 433.
stores of war in, 313.
Niagara Falls, Canada, 176, 304–5.
Nichols, John, attends Board, 287, 301, 315.
-, -, memorial of, 299, 301, 307, 326.
-, Thomas, 10–11.
Nicholson, General, Governor of South Carolina, attends Board, 205, 214–5, 323–5, 353, 368.
-, -, complaints against, 32, 35, 38–40, 108, 110, 126.
-, -, instructions to, 43.
-, -, letters from, 36, 126–30, 202–4, 321–3.
-, -, letters to, 37, 127, 343, 354, 365.
-, -, occupation of Nova Scotia by, referred to, 414.
Nisbett, Mr., Swedish merchant, attends Board, 78, 320.
-, -, requested to attend, 319, 424.
Nivine, William, agent for St. Kitts, 381.
-, -, attends Board, 4–5, 20, 135, 138, 160, 182–3, 277, 281, 358, 377.
-, -, letter to, 71.
-, -, requested to attend, 3, 14, 19, 159, 284.
-, -, salary settled on, 4.
Noden, Ralph, agent for Bermuda, attends Board, 37–8, 153–5, 269–7, 400, 426.
Norris, Mr., Swedish merchant, attends Board, 76, 78, 92–3, 149, 181, 199, 320, 424.
-, -, letters from, 181, 435.
-, -, letter to, 156.
-, -, requested to attend, 74, 90, 196, 198, 319.
North, Mr., solicitor, attends Board re Leeward Islands, 187–93, 218–9, 221–3, 263–6, 277.
Northern Neck (Virginia), charter, 276, 356–7.
Northey, Sir Edward, Attorney General in 1702, 310–1.
-, Samuel, petition of, 438.
Norway, coast of, lighthouses on, 133, 135, 137, 139, 162, 179–80.
-, trade with, 370.
Nova Scottia, 215.
for Governor, See Philips, Col.
for Lt. Governor. See Armstrong, Colonel.
Acts in, 424.
Civil Governor to be established in, 327, 331–2, 336.
Council, Minutes of, 206, 335, 412.
defence of, 120–1, 217, 355, 412–3.
fishery in, 17, 206–7, 217–8, 220–1.
French in, 228–9, 246, 354, 413–4.
grants of land in, 2, 13–17, 40–3, 57, 77, 90–1, 93, 98–100, 104–8, 114, 119–21, 124, 293, 295, 333–5, 413–4.
Indians in, 246, 333, 335, 356.
seals for, 429, 438.
state of, 56, 71, 73, 228–9, 410–1, 436.
survey of, 77–8, 118, 120, 220.
Odiorne, Jotham, recommended for New Hampshire Council, 73, 83.
Ogden, Mr. evidence of, 255.
Oland Island, in Baltic (Sweden), 323, 326.
Oldenburgh (Germany), 296, 300.
Oldfield, Mr., attends Board, 89–90.
Ontario Lake, Canada, 176.
Orfeur, Mr., letter from, 232.
Orkney, Earl of, Governor of Virginia, re–appointed (1727), 347–8.
-, -, attends Board, 319, 382– 3.
-, -, instructions to, 308, 311, 314, 321, 347, 349, 356, 358, 371, 403–4.
-, -, letters from, 212, 320.
-, -, letter to, 282.
Ostend (Belgium), 90, 99, 113, 117, 262.
-, Company, 298.
Oswego, New York, 372.
Oulatta, a Creek Indian, 127.
Outassatah, a Cherokee Indian, 127.
Outerbridge, Mr., of Bermuda Council, suspension of, 398–9.
Overal, Mr., evidence of, 243.
Oxenford, Mr. attends Board, 87, 100, 134, 199.
-, -, letters from, 110–1, 185, 202, 294, 321–2, 389.
-, -, letters to, 130, 362, 388, 391.
-, -, requested to attend, 99, 103, 198.
Pacatuck. See Paucatuck.
Padua (Italy), 48–9, 71–2, 245.
Palatines. See New York, Carolina South, Jamaica, Pennsylvania.
Palmas Cape, West Africa, 269.
Palmer, Mr., merchant of Barbadoes, attends Board, 89–90, 95–6, 281, 391.
-, -, letter from, 390.
Paris (France), 48, 420.
Paris, Colonel Alexander, of South Carolina, 127.
Parke, Colonel, late Governor of Leeward Island, murder of, 191–2, 264.
Parsons, Thomas, recommended for Bermuda Council, 19, 45.
-, -, attends Board, 400.
-, -, resignation of, ibid.
-, Mr., director of Royal African Company, 228, 315.
Partridge, Richard, agent for Rhode Island, attends Board, 6–12, 14, 40, 51, 57–60, 87, 197, 207– 10.
-, -, letters from, 213, 415.
-, -, petition of, 16, 44, 49, 56, 70.
-, -, requested to attend, 206.
Pater Noster on Kattegat (Sweden), 319–320, 323, 326–7.
Patuxet, Rhode Island, 9.
Paucatuck river, alias Narraganset, 9–12, 14, 209–10.
Pautucket Falls, New England, 9.
-, river, 209–10.
Peachy, John, 416.
Pelham, Henry, Secretary for War, letter from, 317–8.
-, Thomas, Commissioner of Trade, 1, et passim.
-, -, re-appointed, 346, 413.
Peloquin, John, New York trader, attends Board, 169–70.
Pemaquid (Nova Scotia), 414.
Penhallon, Samuel, recommended for New Hampshire Council, 388.
Penn, Mrs. Hannah, 271.
-, -, declaration of, 226.
-, -, memorial from, 244–5, 256.
-, Springett, 271.
-, -, declaration of, 226.
Pennsylvania, 27.
for Governor. See Keith, Gordon.
Acts in, 110, 138, 141–2, 156, 227, 229, 231, 239, 244–6, 255–7, 271, 286, 326, 406–9.
boundaries of, 302.
Council, Minutes of, 147.
House of Representatives in, 245.
linen in, 440.
Palatines in, 440.
state of, 447.
trade with Barbadoes, illegal, 407.
Pequt, River, New England, 8.
Pera, Pero plantation, Jamaica, 23, 28–9, 52, 180, 182–3, 208, 212, 218, 275, 277, 281.
Perrie, Jonathan, of Jamaica, petition of, 121.
Perry, Micajah, of Virginia, attends Board, 50, 64–6, 91, 254, 301, 307, 357, 443.
-, -, letters from, 224, 440.
-, -, requested to attend, 299, 356, 438.
Persia, 298.
Perth Amboy, in East New Jersey, 226, 312.
Petty, Thomas, commander of Snapper, 194.
Phenney, Captain., Governor of Bahamas (1721–1728), letters from, 27, 29, 31, 193–5, 273, 290, 293, 306–8, 364–5, 407, 420, 427.
-, -, letters to, 30, 277–8, 408.
-, -, continued in office, 414.
-, -, complaints against, 424–8.
-, -, supersession of, 430.
-, Mrs., wife of Governor, misbehaviour of, 425–7.
Philadelphia (Penn), 149, 407.
Philipps, Colonel, First Civil Governor of Nova Scotia, 121.
-, -, continued in Govern– ment, 391.
-, -, attends Board, 16–7, 41, 73, 77–8, 120, 167, 206–7, 215, 217, 251, 410, 413, 415.
-, -, letters from, 2, 56, 71, 103, 118, 179, 336, 410–1, 436.
-, -, commission of, 152, 407, 436.
-, -, instructions to, 32, 73, 419, 421.
-, -, requested to attend, 15, 72, 150, 162, 214, 409.
Philipps, Ensign, 412.
Phipps' Tower (West Africa), 261.
Piedmont (Italy), silk, 402.
Pierce, Captain, commander of H.M. ships, on Virginia Coast, attends Board, 443.
Pilgrim, Joseph, proposed for Barba– does Council, 419–20.
-, Thomas deceased, of Barba– does, 46.
Pin, Mr. du, 379.
Pinder, Ridley, 194.
Pisiquith, Nova Scotia, 412.
Pitt, Captain John, appointed Governor of Bermuda (1727), 359– 60.
-, -, attends Board, 400, 409.
-, -, instructions for, 362, 366, 399, 403, 406, 436.
Plaisted, Colonel John, recommended for Council of New Hampshire, 26–7, 57,
-, -, refuses to act, 73.
Plantations General.
Acts, private in, 14, 17, 45, 93, 315, 389, 409.
-, to be sent to Mr. Fane viceMr. West, 195–6, 266.
boundary disputes with Spain, 408, 414.
circular letters to Governors, 157, 196, 336, 342–4, 349, 395–6, 400, 414, 436.
customs, Surveyor General of, 187.
defence of, 52.
duties in, 98, 108.
ecclestical jurisdiction in, 288, 321.
execution, suspension of, 282, 284–5.
Governors' power of voting in Council, 150.
imports and exports, 99.
laws against blasphemy etc., 330, 334–5.
linen in, 437, 439–41.
naval stores in, 24, 76–7, 139–40, 142, 145, 354, 383–4, 389–91, 437, 439–40.
pirates, 1, 45, 363, 403, 432–4, 436, 438–9.
prize ships, 356, 358, 360.
proclamation of George II. in, 339, 341–4.
road in plantations, proposed, 214–5.
seals for, 348, 353, 358–9, 366.
Spanish effects, restoration of, 7.
trade with French, 7.
woods in, 317, 366, 373–4, 376, 381, 389, 395–6, 412; and see Armstrong, Burniston, Dunbar.
See also under separate colonies Antigua, Bahamas, Barbadoes, Bermuda, Carolina, North and South, Jamaica, Leeward Islands, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montserrat, Nevis, New England, Newfoundland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Nova Scotia, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, St. Christophers and Virginia.
Plummer, Richard, Commissioner of Trade, 2, passim.
-, -, recommendation of, 331.
-, -, resignation of, 346.
Plymouth, New, colony of, 8–9.
-, -, patent of, 209.
-, Devonshire, 434.
Point Morant, Jamaica, 138.
Point Riche, Newfoundland, 49.
Poland, 379.
Poole (Dorsetshire), merchants of, 15–16, 32, 226, 228, 434.
Pope, Mr., of Jamaica, 281.
Popple, Alured, Secretary to Board, re–appointed, 346.
-, -, letters from, 115, 144, 178, 220, 323.
-, -, letters to, 109, 144, 158.
-, Henry, appointed clerk to Board, 323, 331.
-, -, resignation of, 346.
-, William, letter from, 420.
Port-a-dally, West Africa, now Portudal, 241, 244.
Porteen, Alderman, Leghorn merchant, attends Board, 200.
Porter, Mr., 416.
Portland, Duke of, Governor of Jamaica, 131, 150.
-, -, instructions to, 154, 178, 197.
-, -, letters from, 13, 18–19, 43–4, 62, 70, 101–3, 121–2, 156, 160, 167, 185, 205, 223–4, 244–5, 278, 283–4, 295.
-, -, letters to, 18, 26–7, 44, 74–5, 79–80, 112–3, 162, 185–6, 280, 282, 286, 288, 294, 333.
-, -, salary for, 24, 44, 114.
-, -, speech of, 161, 167, 213.
-, -, decease of, reported (1726), 297.
Port Morant, Jamaica, 23, 28–9, 52, 182–3, 208, 212, 218, 275, 281.
Portmore, Earl of, attends Board, 442– 3.
-, -, letter from, 446.
Porto Bello, South America, 291.
Port Roway, Nova Scotia, 78.
Port Royal, South Carolina, 411.
-, Jamaica, 113, 130–1, 147.
Portsmouth (Hants), 357.
Portugal, King of, John V., 111.
subjects taken by pirates, 72.
merchants summoned to attend Board, 88, 446–7.
trade with Africa, 234.
Potomack district (Virginia), 275, 328, 428.
Poyntz, Captain, memorial of, 379.
Pratt, Mr., counsel for Rhode Island, attends Board re boundaries, 8–12, 207–10.
Praying Indians. See Mohawks.
Prevereau, Mr., agent for Colonel Hope, attends Board, 94.
-, -, memorial from, 78.
-, -, letter to, 330.
Proprieties, bond of Deputy Governors, 313.
Providence Island and town, Bahamas, 27, 194, 273, 364, 420, 427.
-, town, Rhode Island, 9–10.
-, plantation, 7.
Prussia, King of, Frederick William I., 263.
Puckle, Mr., memorial of, 379.
Pugley, William, 415.
Pullen, George, carpenter, of Antigua, 3–4, 19–20.
Pulteney, Mr., Commissioner to Admiralty, requested to attend Board, 141.
Purry, Peter, a Swiss, petition of, 98, 100, 110–1, 183.
Pusey, Colonel, of Jamaica Council, 161, 434–5.
-, -, letter from, 185.
Pym, Charles, recommended for St. Kitts Council, 200–1, 212.
Pyrmont (Germany), 15.
Quakers, in Barbadoes, 62–3, 75–6, 79–80, 83, 91.
-, in New England, persecution of, 49, 51, 57–61, 87, 108.
Quebec, Canada, 165, 170, 172, 178, 228.
Queen Ann's Point, Cape Coast Castle, 261.
Queen's Country, New York, 301, 305, 344, 403.
Queensferry (Scotland), 432.
Raddon, George, of Bahamas, complaint of, 364.
Ramsey, Mr., evidence of, 242–3.
Randall, Mr., tobacco merchant, requested to attend, 299.
Randolph, Richard, clerk of Virginia Council, 303, 305, 316–8, 351, 404. 447,
-, Colonel William, recommended for Virginia, Council, 382–3.
Rappahanock district (Virginia), 275, 328, 355, 428.
Ravell, Anthony, of Montserrat Council, attends Board, 189.
Rawleigh, Cabel, ex-register in Chancery at St. Kitts, 264.
Raymond, Mr. Justice, late Attorney General, 68.
Rayner, Colonel Samuel, recommended for Bermuda Council, 66, 80.
-, -, decease of, 297.
Reeves, John, deposition of, 201.
Reid, George, of Jamaica, 35.
Rexidore, Don Antonio, petition of, 35.
Reynolds, Mr., Provost Marshal of Barbadoes, 341.
Rhett, William, Surveyor General to Customs in Carolina, petition of, 12, 35–6.
-, -, letter from, 33.
Rhode Island, New England.
-, for agents. See Jenks, Partridge.
-, Acts of, 44, 337.
character of, 9.
boundaries of, 6, 14, 16, 39–40, 70, 206–10, 213–4, 329.
quota required for Indian war, 197.
Rice, John, 10.
Richardson, Mr., petition of, 49, 56.
-, -, attends Board, 51, 57– 60.
-, John, of Nevis, 31, 35, 37, 39.
Richier, Mr., Proprietor of New Jersey, attends Board, 54.
-, -, requested to attend, 53.
Rider, Mr., counsel, attends Board, 138.
Ridge, Mr., M.P. for Poole, attends Board, 15–6.
Ridley, John, of Barbadoes, deposition of, 382.
Rio de Cobre, Jamaica, 116.
Rio Grande, Jamaica, 138.
River Indians, negotiations with, 2.
Road, Mr., 416.
Roberts, Gabriel, certificate of, 240.
Roe, Mr., merchant, attends Board, 92.
Rogers, Richard, appointed clerk at Board, 331, 347.
-, Captain Woods, ex-Governor of Bahamas, 194, 364.
-, -, re-appointed (1728), 430.
-, -, commission for, 432, 439.
-, Mr., letter from, 232.
Rolles, Mr., H.M. seal cutter, attends Board, 358, 438.
-, -, warrant for, 359, 366.
-, -, to attend Board, 437.
Rollings, Mr., merchant, attends Board, 139, 142–4.
Rose, Major, of Jamaica Council, decease of, 161–2, 166, 181.
Rosst, Henry, of Bermuda, petition of, 150–1, 153–5.
Rothmahler, Job, of Carolina, account of, 127.
Roure, Peter, master of Two Brothers, pardon to, 184.
Rowland, Thomas, of St. Kitts, petition of, 185, 214, 338–9.
Royal African Company, 47, 50, 307, 311.
for Secretary. See Lynn.
for directors. See Hayes, Lansdale, Parsons. Tryon.
charter of, 235–6, 252.
losses of, 416.
petition of, 219–21, 224–5, 227–8, 230–44, 247–55, 257–63, 267– 70.
Russel, Mr., solicitor, attends Board, 281.
Russia, hemp from, 70, 72–3, 77.
-, naval stores from 202.
-, merchants of, 320; and see under Muscovy.
Sabee, West Africa, 262.
Sables Cape, Nova Scotia, 17, 78, 333.
Sadler, Colonel John, of Jamaica Council, 161.
-, -, decease of, 179.
St. Amand, Mr., agent for Duke of Bolton, attends Board, 136–8, 143–4.
-, -, letters from, 131, 134.
St. Augustine, Florida, 36, 128, 368, 386, 411.
St. Bartholemews parish, S. Carolina, 397.
St. Catherine parish, Jamaica, 23.
St. Christophers, Leeward Islands, 70, 118, 208, 327, 374.
for Lt. General. See Matthew, and complaints against him.
for agent. See Nivine, Beake.
for Deputy Secretary, See Esdale.
Acts passed in, 2–7, 25, 28, 63–4, 71, 74, 76, 80, 82, 85, 109, 119, 122–4, 135, 142, 184, 223, 264, 281, 290–1, 293, 313–4, 342–3, 352, 381, 386, 401–2, 420, 437.
Assembly of, 83, 85–6, 188, 208, 222, 280, 313–4, 360–1, 387–9, 392, 398–400.
-, Minutes of, 397–8.
Council of, 85–6, 109, 200–1, 212, 215, 220, 230, 244, 271, 280, 375, 378, 400, 429.
-, Minutes of, 392, 397–8.
-, for members. See Burt, Davis, Duport, Holmes, Mann, Milward, Pym, Soulegre, Willett.
courts in, 123–4, 290–1, 293, 369, 375, 378, 380–2, 398.
defence of, 361, 387–8.
imports, prohibition of, 123.
negroes, 333, 375, 397.
officers in, 264–5, 369.
pirates in, 119.
revenues of, 124, 375, 397.
settlement of French part in, 132, 134–5, 138, 142, 156, 180, 185, 214, 218–20, 232, 271, 285, 291–2, 330–2, 338–9, 352.
See also Hart; Smith, Wavel.
St. Croix, Nova Scotia, 413–4, 417–8, 420.
St. Denis parish, S. Carolina, 397.
St. Domingo, West Indies, 344.
St. Elizabeth parish, Jamaica, 116.
St. George Fort (India), 442.
St. George del Mina (West Africa), 260, 262.
St. George's parish, Antigua, 297, 314– 6.
St. Helena parish, South Carolina, 203.
St. James' parish, Jamaica, 116.
-, Westminster, q.v.
St. James Santee, S. Carolina, 397.
St. Johns, Antigua, 481.
St. John's parish, S. Carolina, 397.
St. John's Newfoundland, 438, 441.
St. John Island, West Indies, Danish seizure of, 123, 181, 183.
St. Lawrence river, Canada, 104.
St. Lo[e], Captain, of Ludlow Castle, Commodore of Newfoundland Convoy, attends Board, 156, 395.
-, -, instructions to, 220–1, 328.
-, -, letters from, 180, 184, 330, 396.
St. Lucia, Island, West Indies, 18, 22, 25, 28, 130, 378, 382, 444–5.
St. Mary Cayou parish, St. Kitts, 74, 76.
St. Ovide de Brouillan, M., Governor of Canada, correspondence with, 413.
St. Paul's parish, S. Carolina, 397.
-, Nevis, 418.
St. Peter's parish, Antigua, 296, 314–6, 351.
St. Philip's parish, Antigua, 3, 19–20.
St. Thomas Island, Danish, West Indies, Governor of, letters to, 122.
-, -, letters from, 181.
St. Thomas, parish, S. Carolina, 397.
St. Thomas, in the East parish, Jamaica, 23, 28–9, 52, 182–3, 208, 212, 218, 275, 281.
-, in the Vale parish, Jamaica, 23, 25.
St. Vincent, Leeward Islands, 130, 378.
-, Acts of Trade in, 25.
-, French claim to, 382.
Salem (New Jersey), 54.
Sallee (Morocco), 232, 238.
Salmon, Thomas, of Newfoundland, petition of, 156–7, 167–8, 185, 202, 337.
Sampson, Francis, ex-Secretary of Antigua, 222, 264.
Sanderson, Anthony, clerk at Board, 324, 331, 347.
-, Sir Thomas, of Royal African Company, attends Board, 230, 247, 267.
-, Mr., agent for Massachusetts Assembly, memorial from, 87.
-, -, attends Board, 41–2, 58–60.
Sandford, Mr., merchant, attends Board, 24, 41–2, 58–60, 139–42, 144.
Sandwell, Mr., requested to attend, 299.
Sandy Point, St. Kitts, 3.
Santa Cruz, West Indies, 344.
Santiago de Cuba, Governor of, 194.
Sardinia, King of, Victor Amadeus II., edict of, 286, 298–9, 301, 304, 306, 319–20, 384–5, 399–400, 409.
Sasoubre, Mr., proposal of, 124.
Satur, Jacob, merchant of St. Kitts, 375. attends Board, 37–8, 139–42, 144.
-, -, letter to, 6.
Saul, William, of St. Kitts, 375.
Savage, Habbijah, affidavit of, 29.
Sayer, Dr., counsel for Governor Nicholson, attends Board, 324– 5.
Schahhook Indians, of New York, 157.
Schenectady, New York, 313.
Schuyler, Mr., of New York, affidavit of, 165, 170, 174.
Scrope, Mr., Secretary of Lords of Treasury, letters from, 82–3, 86, 103, 106–7, 120, 124, 130, 139, 142, 145, 151, 314, 373.
-, -, letters to, 81, 102, 148, 155, 229, 239, 315, 318, 345, 366–7, 381, 414.
Seacunk river, New England, 9.
Seal, Mr., 416.
Seccundee, now Sekondi, West Africa, 259, 261, 315.
Seele, Mr., 416.
Senegal (West Africa), 237–8, 243, 260.
-, Company, 238, 241.
Serjeant, George, attends Board, 219– 20.
-, -, requested to attend, 218.
Shado (West Africa), 261.
Sharpe, John, of Carolina, letter from, 203.
-, Mr., agent for Barbadoes, attends Boards, 51, 57–60, 75, 85, 87–9, 93–6, 98, 102, 104, 133, 135, 138, 153, 160, 187– 93, 196, 199–200, 206, 214, 221–3, 246, 263–6, 275, 277, 285, 375–7, 380–1, 391.
-, -, letters from, 379, 418.
-, -, letters to, 361, 369.
-, -, requested to attend, 218, 390.
-, -, of New England, complaint against Mr. Armstrong, 125, 130, 155.
-, -, solicitor, attends re New York trade, 162–6, 168– 77, 207–10, 305, 324–5.
Shaw, Mr., 416.
Shaws Ford (Paucatuck river), New England, 9.
Sheldon, Mr., merchant, attends Board, 135.
Shelton, Mr., Secretary to Lords Proprietor of Carolina, attends Board, 24–6, 37–8, 77, 100, 110– 1, 408–11.
-, letters from, 79, 85–6, 152, 183, 274.
-, -, letters to, 48, 90, 147, 195.
-, -, memorial from, 2.
-, -, requested to attend, 20, 98, 406.
Sherborough, West Africa, 258–9, 261, 269.
Ships named.
Anna Marie, 432.
Anne, 415, 432.
Betty, 416, 432.
Cassandra, 43, 102.
Catherine, 247.
Chandois, 121–2.
Delight Galley, 72.
Dolphin, 429, 432.
Dorothy, 432.
Eagle, 119.
Elizabeth and Joan, 432.
Enterprize, 272.
Esperance, 122.
Eubonia, 432.
Exeter, 46.
Fame, 147.
George and Elizabeth, 81, 297.
Harriet, 432.
Honest Bess, 415.
John, 432.
John and Betty, 295–6.
John and Mary, 416.
Jolly, 432.
Kinsale, 446.
Loyal, 415.
Lucitania, 415.
Ludlow Castle, 156, 184, 220, 328, 330.
Lynn, 89, 115, 146, 162.
Margaret, 432.
Mermaid, 43.
Nassau, 75, 185.
Penelope, 415.
Prince Orange, 432.
Princess Amelia, 340, 355.
Prosperity, 32.
Richard, 432.
Richinond, 432.
Saint Anthony, 432.
Salamander, 277–8.
Salisbury, 89, 109.
Snapper, 194.
Solebay, 125.
Susannah and Mary, 415.
Two Brothers, 184.
Wanton, 415.
Westbury Galley, 432.
William, 278, 399, 432.
Short, Mr., Secretary to Board of Ordnance, letters from, 220, 332.
Shrewsberry (Carolina), 411.
Shute, Colonel, Governor of New Hampshire, attends Board, 27, 41–2, 54, 130, 197, 215, 225, 283, 376, 387, 410, 439–40.
-, -, leave of absence for, 15.
-, -, letters from, 6, 17, 73, 227, 309, 329, 388.
-, -, petition of, 227, 229–30, 282–4.
-, -, requested to attend, 26, 214, 376, 386, 409, 437.
-, -, superseded (1727), 363.
Sibourg, Major General Charles, appointed Lt. Governor of Nevis, (1727), 365.
Sicily, trade with, 199.
-, King, Charles VI., the Emperor.
Sierra Leone (West Africa), 242, 258, 269.
Signac, Peter, merchant at Placentia, letter from, 32.
Simmons, Captain, murder of, 202.
Simpson, Captain, 241.
Six Nations, Indians, 157–8; and see Iroquois.
Skinner, Mr., consul at Leghorn, letter from, 200, 219.
Skutenhelm, M., Secretary to King of Sweden, memorial of, 319–20, 327.
Smargin, John, ex-Secretary to Leeward Islands, 222.
Smith, James, to serve on New Jersey Council, 46.
-, -, memorial from, 435.
-, John, of Nevis, planter, 31, 35, 37, 39, 71–2.
-, Nicholas, of Jamaica, 137, 281.
-, Thomas, Landgrave of South Carolina, memorial of, 397.
-, Wavel, Secretary of Leeward Islands, attends Board, 120, 124, 134–5, 153, 191–2, 208, 218, 220–3, 230, 245–6, 263–6, 290–1, 293, 342.
-, -, letters from, 291, 375.
-, -, petition of, 131–5, 152–3, 188–90, 208, 216, 266–7, 377, 398, 402; and see Hart, Matthew.
-, -, requested to attend, 119.
-, Colonel, suspended from Bermuda Council, 19, 45.
-, Mr., beaver cutter of London, attends Board, 16, 18–9.
Snelgrove, Captain, evidence of, 261–3.
Snelling, Mr., of Turkey Company, attends Board, 266.
Snow, Mr., evidence of, 241–2, 249, 258, 260, 269.
Snowden, Mr., attends Board, 157, 167–8.
Solenthal, Mr., Envoy of King of Denmark, memorial of, 139.
Sommers, Mr., attends Board, 88.
Soulegre, Major Peter, recommended for St. Kitts Council, 85–6, 109.
Sound, the (Denmark), 156, 244, 327, 386, 399.
South Sea Company, 234, 250, 292, 319.
-, Directors of, attend Board, 332.
-, petition of, 149–51, 154, 318, 332–5, 363.
-, letter from, 224.
-, letters to, 221, 331.
Spackman, John, Spanish merchant, to attend Board, 227.
King of, Philip V.
trade, general with, 100–1, 105–6, 227–9, 293–4, 332.
merchants to attend Board, 92, 446–7.
-, summoned to attend, 88, 337, 341, 446.
effects in West Indies, 7, 177, 344– 5, 354.
piracies in West Indies, 414–7, 420–1, 432.
relations with Bahamas, 194–5.
-, Carolina, 35–6, 368.
-, Jamaica, 43.
-, Virginia, 370.
Spanish Town (Jamaica), 122.
Spanish town (Virgin Islands), 212.
Sparre, Baron, letter from, 74.
Spencer, John, clerk at Board, 10, 324.
-, -, discharge of, 331.
Sperling, Mr., attends Board re hemp, trade, 69–70.
Spiers, Mr., Assistant Secretary to Turkey Company, letter from, 270.
Splatt, Mr., Carolina merchant, evidence of, 254.
Spooner, Mr., attends Board, 133, 153.
Spotswood, Colonel, ex-Governor of Virginia, 48, 280, 287, 309.
-, -, attends Board, 135, 141–3, 214–5, 217, 282, 289–90, 309–10, 330, 439–40, 443.
-, -, grants of land by, 117, 208, 289.
-, -, letters from, 120, 275, 288–9, 302, 306, 314, 320–21, 324, 326, 331, 351, 389.
-, -, relations with Indians, 66.
-, -, requested to attend, 384, 437.
Spotsylvania county, Virginia, 117, 310.
Spriggs, a pirate, 194.
Stanhope, Mr., Secretary, letter from, 379.
-, -, ambassador at Madrid letter to, 415.
Stapleton, Sir William, attends Board, 187.
-, Lady, widow of General Hamilton, letter to, 80.
-, -, letter from, 85.
Statia, West Africa, 261.
Sterling, Mr., 418.
Stevens, Roger, 194.
Stevenson, Mr., agent for Jamaica, attends Board, 131, 136–7, 206, 213, 284.
-, -, memorial from, 114, 178– 9, 182, 216, 224, 228.
-, -, requested to attend, 131.
Steward, Adam, of Carolina, 35.
Stewart, John, of Jamaica, petition of, 121.
Stockholm (Sweden), 78.
Storke, Samuel, 415.
Stout, Henry, proposed for Jamaica Council, 179.
-, -, appointed for, ibid., 197.
Stoutenburgh, Captain, 25.
Stowe (Massachusetts), 60.
Stracey, Mr., of Nevis, memorial from, 31.
Strahan, Dr., attends Board, 187–93.
-, -, representation of, 192–3.
Strange, Mr., counsel for Colonel Hart and Mr. Lehoup, attends Board, 187–93, 324–5.
Subercases, M., ex-Governor of Placentia, for King of France, 168, 414–5.
Sutton, Sir Robert, Director of Royal African Company, attends Board, 231–2, 239, 247, 251, 257, 267, 311.
-, -, letter from, 200.
King of, Frederick, 300, 319, 327.
Ordinances of, 146, 149, 156, 181, 196, 214, 424.
for Resident. See Jackson,
tar in, 139–40, 390.
trade with, 74, 76, 78, 90, 92–3, 95, 137, 146, 149, 198–9, 213, 319–20, 323, 326, 390, 424, 435.
Switzerland. See Purry, Peter.
Sydenham, Mr., of Bahamas, attends Board, 427.
Talapoore Indians, of Carolina, 127.
Talmash, Hon. Thomas, of Montserrat, 63.
Tangier (Morocco), 442.
Tantumquerry (West Africa), 261.
Taquin (West Africa), 261–2.
Taunton (Somerset), 80.
Taverner, Captain, attends Board, 51, 229–30.
-, -, requested to attend, 49, 228.
Thambsen, M., Danish Governor of St. Thomas, letter from, 122.
Thames river (England), shipwrights in, 130–1, 136–8.
Theobalds, Mr., merchant, attends Board, 135.
Theyre, Giles, Secretary of Leeward Islands, 222.
Thomas, Sir Dalby, Governor of Cape Coast Castle, 249, 260.
-, Major George, of Antigua, 358– 9, 365–6, 403.
-, -, proposed for Council, 384, 393.
-, Lewis, of Antigua, 5.
-, -, attends Board, 210.
-, William, deceased, of Antigua, 358–9, 365–6, 403.
Thompson, Josiah, 4, 45.
-, Richard, of Bahamas, 194, 273.
-, Sir William, counsel for Connecticut, attends Board, 8–12, 20.
Three Points Cape (West Africa), 262–3.
Thrup, Charleton, Spanish merchant, attends Board, 227, 229.
Tigh, Mr., H.M. Consul at Elsinore, letters from, 32–3, 108, 156, 244, 327, 386–7, 399.
-, -, letters to, 328, 405.
Tilson, Mr., letters from, 45–7, 251.
-, -, letter to, 76.
Timms, Mr., evidence of, 255.
Tiverton (Massachusetts), 58–61.
Tobago Island (West Indies), French pretensions to, 160, 379–380.
-, -, Lord Montague's petition for, 378, 380, 382–8, 392–3, 437.
-, -, settlement of, 379–380.
Tomlinson, Mr., Swedish merchant, attends Board, 76, 78, 92–3, 181.
-, -, letter from, 181.
-, -, requested to attend, 74, 90, 196, 198.
Toriano, Mr., merchant, attends Board, 92, 107.
-, -, letters from, 114, 121, 126.
Tortola Island, Leeward Islands, proclamation at, 374.
Toshach, Mr., of Newfoundland, petition of, 150, 167, 178–9.
-, -, attends Board, 168.
Townley, Mr., of Turkey Company, attends Board, 266.
Townsend, Lord Viscount, attends Board, 247, 251, 257, 267.
-, -, letters from, 69, 72, 74, 76, 78, 90, 92, 99, 113, 117, 130–1, 133, 135, 137, 146, 149, 162, 179–181, 213, 257, 266, 270, 293, 295–7, 300, 308, 318– 20, 326–7, 347, 357, 359, 361–2, 379, 386–7, 393, 396, 400, 411, 424–5, 427–8, 447.
-, -, letters to, 93, 95, 147, 162, 327, 348, 360, 363, 402, 435.
circular letters to consuls re duties, 380–3.
customs ledger, 121.
calicoes, 272, 294, 298, 393, 395.
hemp, 69–70, 73, 76–7.
iron, 388–9, 391, 402.
linen, 437, 439.
logwood, 286, 420–1.
naval stores, 139–40, 142, 202.
pirates, protection from, 45.
rice, 111, 114, 202.
salt, 218–9.
silk, 17, 321, 402, 411, 437, 439.
snuff, 275.
Spaniards, losses from, 414–6; and see Spain.
straw-hats, 274.
sugar, 70, 86–93, 95, 99–101, 103, 107–8.
tar, 139–43, 202.
tobacco, 87–8, 91–2, 99–100, 107– 8, 110–2, 114, 117, 126, 287, 299, 301, 326.
wool, 45, 48–9, 70, 80, 118, 130–2, 245, 270, 286, 289, 298–9, 304, 319–20, 322, 384–5, 409, 437.
And see under separate Colonies, Plantations General, and other countries, France, Holland, Italy, Royal African Company, Russia, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, etc.
Travers, Joseph, petition of, 243, 272.
-, Samuel, merchant, 243, 272.
-, -, attends Board, 37–8.
Treby, Mr., 16.
Tregonning, Richard, to be chamber keeper vice Samuel Clarke, 425.
Treguet, Mr., to attend Board, 385.
Trevor, Sir Thomas, former Attorney General, 11.
Trinity Palmetto Point parish, St. Kitts, 74, 76.
Truman, Thomas, of Nevis, attends Board, 89–90.
Tryon, Thomas, of Barbadoes, attends Board, 85, 88–90, 95–8, 187, 385.
-, -, letters from, 17, 225.
-, Mr., Director of Royal African Company, attends Board, 50.
Tucker, Captain Daniel, of Bermuda, recommended for Council, 30–1, 80.
-, George, to be Secretary and Provost Marshal of Bermuda, 403.
-, Henry, Major, of Bermuda, accounts of, 82, 276.
-, -, decease of, 297.
-, Richard, of Bermuda, Secretary and Deputy Provost Marshal, accounts of, 82, 276.
-, William, Col., of Bermuda Council, decease of, 66–7, 80.
Tucker's Island, Bermuda, 154.
Turkey, or Levant Company, trade of, 257, 266, 270–1.
Unwin, Mr., 417.
Upton, Mr., 416.
Utrecht, Treaty of, 49, 125, 414, 421.
Vandreuil, M., Governor of Canada, 164.
Van Horn, Cornelius, proposed forNew Jersey Council, 312–3.
-, -, appointed, 351.
Vanvelsin, Captain, 25.
Vaughan, Lord, 136.
Venice (Italy), illegal woollen trade with, 48–9, 72, 80.
Verdes, Bay de, Newfoundland, 2.
Verdon, John, deposition of, 122.
Vere, Mrs., of Bahamas, attends Board, 425, 427.
Vere parish, Jamaica, 147.
Vernon, John, clerk of Privy Council, 123.
-, -, letter from, 117.
-, -, estate of, 198, 200, 212, 286.
Vetch, Colonel, ex-Governor of Nova Scotia, attends Board, 14–15, 99, 333.
-, -, petition of, 13, 40, 57, 91, 98, 100, 107–8.
-, -, requested to attend, 98, 104, 332.
Vincent, Nicholas, 15.
Virginia, 90, 93, 97, 120.
for Governor. See Orkney, Earl of.
for Lt. Governor. See Drysdale, Gooch.
for agent. See Leheup.
for Attorney General. See Clayton.
commission to Governor, 319–20.
Acts in, 18, 30–2, 34–5, 37, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 57, 62, 64–7, 70, 81, 91, 290, 295, 300, 302–3, 305–6, 309–10, 321, 323–7, 351, 406, 428–9, 440–1, 447.
Assembly, 27, 47, 80, 195, 290, 319–20, 351, 428.
Council, Minutes of, 27, 92, 117, 195, 220, 290, 328, 355, 370, 406, 428.
-, for members. See Basset, Carter, Custis, Dandridge, Grimes, Harrison, Jennings, Lewis, Ludwell, Randolph.
boundaries of, 48, 195, 274, 280, 287, 294, 329, 428.
college in, 302, 324–5.
duties in, 65–6, 295, 429.
frontiers of, 370.
Governor, instructions for, 371, 403–4.
hemp in, 118, 391.
imports and exports, 290.
Indians in, 370.
land grants of, 134, 143, 208, 212, 215, 217, 287–90, 303–4, 306, 309–10, 330, 351.
merchants of, 224, 428–9, 443.
negro trade to, 50, 62, 64–7, 218–20, 254, 257, 275, 355, 438.
ordnance in, 290, 438.
revenues in (quit rents, etc.), 27, 47, 57, 92, 195, 290, 328, 355, 406, 428.
shipping in, 355, 428.
Spanish aggressions in, 195.
tar in, 139.
tobacco trade, 299, 301, 307, 315, 439.
wool in, 439.
new counties, 8, 27, 45, 117–8; and see under Spotswood.
Virgin Islands, W. Indies, 397.
Vougel, Mr., attends Board, 296.
-, -, requested to attend, 295.
Wadeson, Mr., of Barbadoes, 340.
Wadsworth, John, 424.
Wager, Sir Charles, Commissioner of Admiralty, attends Board, 39– 40.
-, -, letter to, 424.
-, -, requested to attend, 141.
Waldo, Mr., of New Hampshire, petition of, 342.
Walker, Thomas, 194.
Waller, Sir William, 379.
Walpole, Rt. Hon. Horace, Ambassador at Paris, 420.
-, -, attends Board, 239.
-, -, letters from, 4, 18, 32.
-, -, letters to, 26–8, 30, 39.
-, Sir Robert, Secretary of State, attends Board, 239, 247, 251, 267.
-, -, letters to, 48–9, 56, 72.
Wando parish, South Carolina, 203.
Ward, Mr., attends Board, 414.
Warner, Col., of St. Kitts, 132.
-, -, on Antigua Council, Registrar of Admiralty in Leeward Islands, 265, 353.
-, -, attends Board, 385.
-, -, letter from, 399.
-, -, letter to, 398.
Warwick, Earl of, 8.
Warwick [Rhode Island], 9.
Watson, Mr., of Newfoundland, 50, 418.
Watts, Joseph, memorial of, 415.
Wayland, Marck, Spanish merchant, to attend Board, 227.
Weare, Peter, of New Hampshire Council, 27.
Wearg, Mr., counsel for Rhode Island, attends Board re boundaries, 8–12.
Webster, Mr., 416.
Weeks, Ralph, proposed for Barbadoes Council, 161.
-, -, approved for Barbadoes Council, 181.
Weiser, John Conrad, petition of, 39–40.
Woklon, Richard, of Nevis, 198, 200.
Wentworth, Colonel, Lt. Governor of New Hampshire, letters from, 26, 33, 98, 109, 111–2, 205–6, 279, 338, 342–3, 383.
-, -, letters to, 289, 387.
Wescombe, Mr., Secretary of South Sea Company, letters from, 154, 292, 318–9.
-, -, letter to, 149.
Weser River, Germany, 296, 300.
West, Richard, councillor at law to Board, attends Board, 5, 29, 55.
-, -, Acts sent to, 2–3, 6, 15, 21–2, 31, 34, 37, 46, 49, 51–2, 54, 70, 72–3, 102, 115, 123, 125, 129, 131, 138, 161, 167, 195.
-, -, -, reports of, 2, 5, 20, 28, 34–5, 39, 52, 55, 68, 74, 76–7, 81–3, 86, 88, 93, 95, 110, 114, 116, 119, 133–6, 141, 150, 160, 198, 212, 245–6, 293, 348, 356, 439.
Westminster, St. James, parish, 123, 198, 200.
Westmoreland parish, Jamaica, 23, 116.
Westmorland, Earl of, Commissioner of Trade, 3, passim.
-, -, re-appointed, 346, 413.
-, -, recommendation by, 346.
-, -, report of, 383–4.
Westphalia (Germany), 296.
Weymouth (Dorset), 434.
Wheelock, Brian, Deputy Secretary to Board, 347.
Whidah now Ouidah (West Africa), 242, 250, 258, 260, 262.
Whitaker, Mr., Attorney General of St. Carolina, letters from, 435, 437–9, 441.
White, John, proposed for Montserrat Council, 281, 288.
-, Leonard, proposed for Bermuda Council, 400.
-, Mr., trial of, 200, 207, 212.
Whitehaven (Cumberland), 195.
Whitworth, Francis, Secretary of Barbadoes, attends Board, 417.
-, -, petition of, 416, 437.
Wich, Mr., envoy extraordinary to Hanse towns, 293, 295, 318, 386, 393, 396, 400–1.
Wicherly, Richard, of New England, petition of, 144.
Wilks, Mr., 416.
Williard, Mr., Secretary to Massachusetts, letters from, 33, 110, 285– 7, 337–8, 342, 374, 419.
-, -, letter to, 34.
Willett, John, of St. Kitts Council, protest of, 378, 381.
-, -, letter to, 382.
-, -, letter from, 429.
William III., Acts passed in reign of, 166, 233, 238, 298, 349, 445.
-, grants by, 302.
William and Mary Fort, Boston, 33, 205, 279, 338.
-, College, Virginia, 324–5.
Williams, Roger, of Antigua, 288.
Williamsburgh (Virginia), 91.
Willis, Mr., attends Board, 301, 324–5.
-, -, requests to attend, 299.
-, Sir William, attends Board, 442–3.
Willoughby, Lord of Parham. exGovernor of Barbadoes, 264.
Wills, Mr. Counsel for Rhode Island, attends Board, 207–10, 221–3, 263–6.
-, -, for Royal African Company, attends, 232 et passim, 239 passim, 247, 251, 257, 267–70.
Wilson, John, appointed messenger and assistant doorkeeper to office, 1.
-, -, promoted, 425.
-, Mr., attends Board, 13–15, 99.
Wiltshire, England, clothiers of, 118.
Winnebah, West Africa, 261.
Winnett, Mr., of Nova Scotia, 412.
Winthrop, John, former agent for Connecticut, 8, 11.
Wise, Richard, notary public, certificate of, 32.
Wood, John, 416.
Woodford, Thomas, solicitor to East India Company, 56.
Woolley, Mr., Secretary to East India Company, 298.
-, -, letters from, 56, 109, 270, 289, 336, 395, 442.
-, -, letters to, 89, 245, 267, 326, 393.
Woolwich, Kent, 391.
Wordsworth, Mr., Swedish merchant, letter from, 181.
Worsam, Mr., account of Trade, 101.
-, -, letter from, 107.
Worseley, Henry, Governor of Barbadoes, 285.
-, -, letters from, 26–7, 46–7, 53–5, 62–3, 71–2, 88–9, 114–5, 126, 145–6, 157, 159–60, 162, 185, 200–1, 247, 251, 257, 279, 292, 339–40, 355, 361–2, 380, 394, 400, 417, 421, 429–31.
-, -, letters to, 119–20, 131, 161–2, 247, 280, 282, 286, 340, 362, 367, 400, 430.
-, -, complaints against, by Assembly, 386, 390–1.
-, -, salary for, 408.
-, -, instructions for, 401, 403, 408, 416, 418, 437.
-, -, continued in Government, 398, 401, 414.
-, Mr. agent for Barbadoes, attends Board, 38–9.
Wragg, Samuel, merchant, agent for South Carolina, attends Board, 37–8, 141–2, 254, 409.
-, -, letters from, 354, 397, 411.
-, -, requested to attend, 408.
Wrentham (Massachusetts), 60.
Wroth, Ensign, Robert, of Nova Scotia, 412.
Wyet, Mr., Barbadoes merchant, attends Board, 82.
Wynn, Henry, pirate, trial of, 119.
Yeamans, Mr., of Antigua Council, attends Board, 356, 367, 385, 399, 415, 434.
-, -, requested to attend Board, 366, 398.
York District (Virginia), 275.
-, river (Virginia), 328, 355, 428.
Yorke, Sir Philip, H.M. Attorney General, letter to, 68.
-, -, report of, 295–6.
Younge, Francis, agent for South Carolina, 32.
-, -, attends Board, 21, 24–6, 37–40, 84, 139–40, 213, 389, 409.
-, -, bill of credit for, 127.
-, -, letters from, 12, 35–6, 52, 108, 353, 411.
-, -, requested to attend, 20, 408.