Pages 419-423
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 5, January 1723 - December 1728. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1928.
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Journal, July 1728
July 3. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary.
Letter from the Duke of Newcastle about additional salary for Mr. Lilly.
Instruction to be prepared.
A letter from the Duke of Newcastle, dated the 2nd inst., signifying his Majesty's appointment of Mr. Lilly, engineer, to go to Jamaica, and directing this Board to prepare an additional instruction for Major General Hunter, Governor of that island, to recommend to the Assembly there to allow to the said Mr. Lilly such a sum, as will make his pay twenty shillings per diem during his continuance upon that service, he having but £200 per annum allowed him here, was read; whereupon ordered that the draught of an instruction be prepared accordingly.
Nova Scotia.
Order in Council.
Colonel Philipps ordered to his government.
Commission agreed.
An Order of the Committee of Council, dated the 29th of June last, requiring Colonel Philipps forthwith to repair to his government, and directing this Board to prepare such a commission and instructions, as they shall think proper, was read; whereupon ordered that a representation be prepared, for laying before his Majesty the commission agreed the 9th of May last.
New York.
Mr. Fane attends.
Act, prosecutions.
Mr. Fane attending, as he had been desired, their Lordships took again into consideration the New York Act, mentioned at the last meeting, for preventing prosecutions by informations, and made a progress therein.
July 4. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary.
Letter from Mr. Willard with paper and Acts.
A letter from Mr. Willard, Secretary of the Massachusets Bay,
to the Secretary of the Board, dated the 21st of May, 1728, was
read; and the papers, therein referred to, were laid before the
Board, viz:—
Minutes of Council, from the 4th of September, 1727, to
the 22nd of February, 1727–8.
Minutes of the Council in General Assembly, at the session
held October the 4th, 1727, and of that held the 22nd of
November following.
Acts sent to Mr. Fane.
Nineteen public Acts, passed in October and November, 1727.
Ordered that the said Acts be sent to Mr. Fane, for his opinion
thereupon in point of law.
Letter from Lillington, one of the Council, who does not return to this island.
Representation, recommending Mr. Pilgrim in his room, to be prepared.
A letter from Mr. Lillington, one of the Council of Barbadoes, dated the 27th of the last month, signifying his intention not to return at present to that island, whereupon ordered that a representation be prepared, recommending Joseph Pilgrim, Esq., to his Majesty, as a fit person to supply Mr. Lillington's place in the said Council.
Representation with additional instruction to General Hunter, Colonel Lilly's additional salary, signed, and letter to the Duke of Newcastle.
A representation, with the draught of an additional instruction to General Hunter, Governor of Jamaica, for providing an additional salary for Colonel Lilly, going engineer thither, directed in yesterday's Minutes, was signed, as also a letter transmitting the same to the Duke of Newcastle.
New York.
Act, prosecutions, sent to Mr. Attorney and Solicitor General.
Their Lordships, taking again into consideration the Act, passed at New York in 1727, for preventing prosecutions by informations, mentioned in yesterday's Minutes, gave directions for sending the same to Mr. Attorney and Mr. Solicitor General, for their opinion thereupon in point of law.
Nova Scotia.
New England.
Mr. Coram attends about settling lands.
Mr. Coram attending, as he had been desired, their Lordships, after some discourse with him in relation to the settling the land between the River Kennebeck in New England and St. Croix in Nova Scotia, resolved to consider further thereof at another opportunity.
St. Christophers.
Colonel Hart attends with Order in Council for repealing an Act, that repealing an Act, which settled a salary on Colonel Hart.
Colonel Hart attending, presented to the Board an Order in Council, dated the 12th of June, 1728, for repealing an Act, passed at St. Christophers in December, 1727, entituled, An Act for repealing an Act for settling the sum of Two thousand pounds per annum of current money of the Island of St. Christophers, during the term therein mentioned, upon his Excellency John Hart, Esq., the present Chief Governor of all his Majesty's Leeward Charribbee Islands in America, for the more honourable support of the said Governor and the dignity of his Majesty's Government, and for appropriating the moneys payable thereby to his said Excellency, from the 25th of June, 1727, and for declaring in what specie the duty, commonly called the three shillings duty, shall be hereafter paid.
The Order sent to the Earl of Londonderry.
Whereupon a letter, for enclosing the same to the Earl of Londonderry, Governor of the Leeward Islands, was signed.
July 9. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Cary.
Letter from Captain Phenney with papers.
A letter from Captain Phenney, Governor of the Bahama
Islands, dated the 16th of March last, was read, and the papers,
therein referred to, were laid before the Board, viz:—
The Governor's answer to queries relating to the state of the
Bahama Islands for the year 1727.
Minutes of Council, from the 10th of March, 1727–6, to the
16th of December, 1727.
Naval officer's lists of ships entered and cleared between
Michaelmas, 1727, and Christmas following.
Account of ordnance and other warlike stores remaining
in and wanting at the Bahama Islands.
The Treasurer's account of receipts and disbursements for the
year 1727.
Lists of births, burials and marriages at Providence in 1727.
To be considered at another opportunity.
Whereupon their Lordships agreed to consider further of the said letter and papers, and of the state of the Bahama islands, at another opportunity.
Representation recommending Mr. Pilgrim to be of the Council, signed.
A representation, ordered the 4th instant to be prepared, for recommending Joseph Pilgrim, Esq., to be of his Majesty's Council of Barbadoes, instead of George Lillington, Esq., was agreed and signed.
Letter from Mr. Popple by order of Horation Walpole, Esq., for an account of British subjects' losses etc., copies ordered.
A letter from Mr. William Popple, dated at Paris, the 13th of July, 1728, N.S., desiring, by order of his Excellency Horatio Walpole, Esq., his Majesty's ambassador there, to have copies of the representations of this Board of the 25th of September, 1717, (relating to logwood), and of the 20th of June, 1728, with a schedule of such losses, as have been sustained by the British subjects in their shipping, and effects taken from them by the Spaniards since the peace of Utrecht, was read; whereupon directions were given for preparing and transmitting copies of the said papers accordingly.
July 16. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.
New Hampshire.
New Jersey.
Seals approved, Order in Council to prepare draughts of warrants, directions to prepare the same.
Four new seals for the Provinces and Islands undermentioned, viz: for the Provinces of the Massachusets Bay, New Hampshire and New Jersey, and for the Bermuda Islands, being approved by his Majesty and brought from the Council office, were laid before their Lordships, and an Order in Council of the 12th of the last month, requiring this Board to prepare the draughts of warrants, for transmitting the said seals to the Governors of the said Provinces and Islands, impowering them to make use thereof, and requireing them to return the old seals, in order to their being defaced by his Majesty, was read; whereupon directions were given for preparing draughts of the said warrants accordingly.
Nova Scotia.
Commission and instructions for Colonel Philipps agreed.
Representation signed, and letter to the Duke of Newcastle.
The draughts of a commission and instructions for Colonel Philipps, to be Governor of Placentia in Newfoundland, and Captain General and Governor in Chief of his Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia, were agreed, as also a representation to his Majesty thereupon, which was signed, together with a letter for enclosing the same to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle.
July 17. Present:—Mr. Ashe, Mr. Cary.
Letter from Mr. Worseley with papers.
A letter from Mr. Worseley, Governor of Barbadoes, dated
the 20th of May last, was read, and the papers, therein referred
to, were laid before the Board, viz:—
Proceedings in the Court of Chancery in 1727.
Resolution of the Commissioners for building a new magazine
for gunpowder in 1727.
Orders for delivering several quantities of gunpowder to the
gunners of the several forts in Barbadoes.
July 18. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Cary.
Letter from General Hunter list of Acts.
A letter from Major General Hunter, Governor of Jamaica, dated the 4th of May last, was read, and the list of Acts, therein referred to, was laid before the Board.
Extract of the letter sent to the Duke of Newcastle.
Their Lordships then agreed and signed a letter to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, for enclosing an extract of Major General Hunter's said letter, relating to the Spanish privateers in the neighbourhood of Jamaica, in order to be laid before his Majesty.
July 23. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Cary.
Letter from General Hunter with papers and Acts.
A letter from Major General Hunter, Governor of Jamaica,
dated the 16th of May last, was read, and the Acts and papers,
therein referred to, were laid before the Board, viz:—
Minutes of Council, from the 15th of August, 1727, to the
20th of April, 1728.
Minutes of Council in Assembly, from the 28th of March,
1728, to the 18th of April following.
Minutes of Assembly, from the 28th of March, 1728, to the
18th of April following.
Seven Acts, passed in 1728.
Revenue Act considered.
Whereupon their Lordships took into consideration the first of the said Acts, entituled, An Act for granting a revenue to his Majesty, his heirs and successors, for the support of the government of this island, and for reviving and perpetuating the Acts and laws thereof, and made a progress therein.
July 24. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Cary.
Further considered.
Their Lordships made a further progress in considering the Act, passed at Jamaica in April, 1728, entituled, An Act for granting a revenue to his Majesty, his heirs and successors, for the support of the government of this island, and for reviving and perpetuating the Acts and laws thereof.
July 30. Present:—Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Cary.
Revenue Act sent to Mr. Fane and 21st article of General Hunter's instructions, with six other Acts.
Their Lordships, taking into further consideration the Act, passed at Jamaica in April last, entituled, An Act for granting a revenue to his Majesty, his heirs and successors, for the support of the government of this island, and for reviving and perpetuating the Acts and laws thereof, ordered that the same be sent to Mr. Fane, together with copies of the 21st article of the instructions to Major General Hunter, Governor of Jamaica, upon that head, and of the draught of a bill therewith delivered to him, for Mr. Fane's opinion, how far this last Act is agreeable to the intention of the said draught and instruction; and that the six other Acts, passed at the same time, be likewise sent to him, for his opinion thereupon.
Letter from the Duke of Newcastle, with the copy of one from Mr. Donovan about the importation of rum, with papers.
A letter from the Duke of Newcastle, of the 22nd inst., referring
to this Board the copy of a letter from Mr. Donovan, agent to
the contractors for victualling his Majesty's ships at Jamaica,
complaining of his being prosecuted there, for having imported
from Barbadoes a quantity of rum for the use of his Majesty's
squadron in the West Indies, without paying the duty imposed
by an Act, lately passed in Jamaica, was read, and the papers,
therewith received, as undermentioned, were laid before the Board,
Copy of a letter from Mr. Donovan to his Grace the Duke of
Newcastle, dated the 24th of April, 1728.
Notification of several duties payable on the importation of
several goods at Jamaica.
Copies of several orders from Admiral Hosier, etc., for putting
rum on board the ships of war by Mr. Donovan, agent
victualler at Jamaica.
Mr. Donovan's answer to a complaint against him, in relation
to the importing of rum to Jamaica for the use of the
ships of war.
Letter to the Commissioners of the Navy.
Whereupon ordered that a letter be writ to the Commissioners for Victualling his Majesty's Navy, to know of them whether the contractors or others, concerned in supplying his Majesty's ships in the West Indies with rum or other liquors or provisions, have paid duties in any of his Majesty's Colonies in America, for such supplies of his Majesty's navy, or whether they have been at any time demanded [fo. 201].
July 31. Present:—Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Cary.
Mr. Donovan's affair considered.
Mr. Delafaye and Mr. Carey summoned.
Upon further consideration of the complaint of Mr. Donovan [fos. 200, 203], agent to the contractors for victualling his Majesty's ships at Jamaica, referred to this Board by the letter from his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, as mentioned in yesterday's Minutes; ordered that Mr. Delafaye, agent for Jamaica, be acquainted with the Board's desire of speaking with him on that subject, at eleven of the clock on Tuesday morning next, and that Mr. Robert Carey be desired to attend at the same time, with such others, as may be concerned in the contract.
Order in Council, stores, clause to be inserted in the instructions.
An Order in Council of the 25th inst., upon a report of the Lords of the Committee of Council appointed to consider the representation of this Board, relating to the state of the Bahama Islands, referring to the Board of Ordnance a list of stores transmitted by the Governor of the said islands as wanting for their defence, and directing this Board to insert a clause in the draught of his commission, impowering him to call an Assembly in those Islands, was read; whereupon directions were given for preparing a clause accordingly.