Journal, June 1728: Journal Book E.E

Pages 413-419

Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 5, January 1723 - December 1728. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1928.

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Journal, June 1728

June 4. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary.


New Commission for this Board.

Sir Thomas Frankland in the room of Mr. Chetwynd.

His Majesty's Commission, dated the 1st instant, whereby (besides the great officers of State, as in the last Commission for this Board) the Right Honourable the Earl of Westmorland, Paul Docminique, Thomas Pelham, Martin Bladen, and Edward Ashe, Esqs., Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Bart., Walter Cary, Esq., and Sir Thomas Frankland, Bart., are appointed Commissioners for Promoting the Trade of this Kingdom and Improving his Majesty's Plantations in America, was opened and read; and their Lordships took their places at the Board accordingly.

Nova Scotia.

Mr. Coram, relating to the land between Kennebeck River and St. Croix.

Mr. Coram, formerly a petitioner for a tract of land in Nova Scotia, attending, their Lordships desired he would give the Board an account of what he knew in relation to the land between Kennebeck River and St. Croix; whereupon he said, that this tract of land had been granted by King Charles the 2nd to the Duke of York; but that in 1696 two letter of marque ships from France took the only fort the English had on the said tract called Pemaquid; that in 1698, some French Jesuits, to shew the extent of their boundaries, had built a chapel on the western side of Kennebeck River, which continued in their possession until the year 1710, when Monsieur Subercasse delivered up to General Nicholson, by capitulation, all Nova Scotia, with its ancient boundaries, and that this surrender was afterwards confirmed by the King of France at the Treaty of Utrecht. Mr. Coram further informed the Board, that the largest masts in America grew on the aforesaid tract of land between Kennebeck and St. Croix.



British subjects' losses.

Mr. Ward and Mr. Hall attending, presented to the Board an account of their losses by the Spaniards, amounting to four hundred and twelve pounds, which was read, as also

Mr. Hill's losses by the Spaniards, received from Mr. Cunningham, amounting to nine hundred and twenty two pounds, twelve shillings and three pence.


Plantations General.

Mr. Attorney and Solicitor General's report, 5th and 6th Articles of Neutrality.

A report from the Attorney and Solicitor General about the instructions given to his Majesty's Governors in America, upon the 5th and 6th articles of the Treaty of Neutrality with the French, was read.

Letter to Mr. Scrope with Colonel Dunbar's instructions.

A letter to Mr. Scrope, inclosing the draught of instructions for Colonel Dunbar, appointed Surveyor General of the Woods on the Continent of America, mentioned in the Minutes of the 30th of the last month, was agreed and ordered to be sent.


Letter from the Duke of Newcastle, Captain Phenney continued Governor.

Authorities to be prepared.

A letter from the Duke of Newcastle, of the 31st of the last month, signifying his Majesty's continuance of George Phenney, Esq., in the government of the Bahamas, and directing draughts of a commission and instructions to be prepared for him; where— upon ordered that the same be prepared accordingly.


Mr. Fane's report.

Mr. Worseley's additional salary.

Mr. Fane's report, relating to the continuance of Mr. Worseley's government of Barbadoes within the meaning of an Act, whereby £6,000 additional salary is settled upon him, was read.





Plantations General.

Representation to be prepared upon his Majesty's possessions.

Their Lordships taking again into consideration the letter from the Duke of Newcastle, relating to his Majesty's possessions in America, disputed by the King of Spain, mentioned in the Minutes of the 10th of the last month, gave directions for preparing the draught of a representation thereupon.

June 5. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Cary.





Plantations General.

Representation to be prepared upon his Majesty's possessions, agreed.

The draught of a representation, directed yesterday to be prepared, upon the Duke of Newcastle's letter relating to his Majesty's possessions in America, disputed by the King of Spain, was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.

New York.

New Jersey.


Mr. Lowther presented to the Board a map.

The Secretary then laid before the Board a letter he had received from Mr. Lowther, late Governor of Barbadoes, enclosing a map of Hudson and Delaware Rivers, as a present to the Board, which letter being read, ordered that the Secretary do return Mr. Lowther thanks from the Board for the said map.


Mr. Yeamans attended with the Act appointing him agent.

Sent to Mr. Fane.

Mr. Yeamans attending, presented to the Board an Act, passed at Antigua in January last, for increasing the salary of the present agent for this island, and for appointing how long he shall continue in his office, and desiring their Lordships would please to consider the said Act, and report thereupon to his Majesty; ordered that the said Act be sent to Mr. Fane, for his opinion in point of law.

June 6. Present:—Earl of Westmoreland, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary.



British subjects' losses.

Mr. Mocatta attending, presented to the Board a list of his losses by the Spaniards, which was read, as also

A letter from Mr. Partridge to the Secretary, of this day's date, enclosing the following papers, which were laid before the Board, viz.:—
Estimate of the ship and cargo of the Wanton, taken by the Spaniards in 1724.
Copies of three affidavits, in relation to the capture of the said ship.
Copy of the owners of the said ship's petition to his late Majesty in 1724–5.
Copy of the Duke of Newcastle's letter to Mr. Stanhope, his late Majesty's Ambassadour at the Court at Madrid, dated the 14th of January, 1724–5, in behalf of the ship Wanton.

Nova Scotia.

Colonel Philipps attends with a copy of a French pass specifying the boundaries.

Colonel Philipps, Governor of Nova Scotia, attending, presented to the Board the copy of a pass, dated the 23rd of October, 1710, from Mons. Subercasse, whilst he was Governor of Nova Scotia, wherein is particularly specified, what the French included within their government of that Province, which was read.

June 13. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Sir O. Bridgeman.



British subjects' losses.

The undermentioned accounts and papers relating to the losses of ships and goods, which his Majesty's subjects have sustained by the Spaniards, were read, viz:—
Captain Fisher's and Mr. Ellis's losses on board the Donegal, received from Mr. Clarke.
The memorial of Joseph Watts, Esq.
The Lucitania with her cargo, received from John Bernard, Esq.
The Anne brigantine with her cargo, received from Mr. Samuel Storke.
The Penelope with her cargo, received from Mr. William Bassnett.
The Loyal galley with her cargo, received from Mr. William Pugley.
The Susannah and Mary with her cargo, received from Mr. Allard Beline.
The Honest Bess with her cargo, received from Mr. Samuel Storke,
The John and Mary with her cargo, received from Mr. John Wood.
The Betty with her cargo, received from Mr. John Peachy.
Forty nine papers, received from Messrs. Bonham and Claphamson.
Mr. Wilks's losses.
Mr. Buchanan's losses.
Mr. Baker's losses.
Mr. Govan's losses.
Messrs. Vernon and Webster's losses.
Mr. Musgrave's losses.
Letter from Mr. Lynn, with the African Company's losses.

South Carolina.

Captain Bowdler's letter, Fort King George.

A letter from Captain Bowdler, dated the 9th of June, 1728, relating to Fort King George on the River Alatamaha, was read.

June 14. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Docminique, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary.



British subjects, losses.

The undermentioned accounts and papers relating to the losses of ships and goods, which his Majesty's subjects have sustained by the Spaniards, were read, viz.:—
Messrs. Merry, Gaultier and Seal's losses.
Mr. Porter and Mr. Caswall's losses.
Mr. Road's losses.
Mr. Green's losses.
Mr. Shaw and Mr. Gage's losses.
Mr. Seele's losses.


Instructions for Mr. Worseley agreed.

Their Lordships taking into consideration the draught of instructions, directed to be prepared the 9th of April last, for Mr. Worseley, Governor of Barbadoes, the same were agreed and directed to be transcribed.

Representation to be prepared.

Ordered that the draught of a representation be prepared thereupon to his Majesty.

Order in Council upon Mr. Whitworth's petition praying payment of a sum of money for copies of Minutes of Council.

Mr. Whitworth.


An Order in Council, dated the 12th inst., referring to this Board the petition of Francis Whitworth, Esq., Secretary of Barbadoes, praying payment of £1,333 12s. 6d. due to him there, for making out copies of Minutes of Council, etc., for his Majesty's Secretaries of State and this Board, since the year 1719, was read; whereupon ordered that Mr. Whitworth be acquainted that the Board desire to speak with him on Wednesday morning next.

June 19. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir 0. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary.



British Subjects losses.

The undermentioned accounts and papers, relating to the losses of ships and goods, which his Majesty's subjects have sustained by the Spaniards, were read, viz.:—
Mr. Copithorne's losses.
Mr. Hartley's losses.
Mr. Harris's losses.
Mr. Brooker's losses.
Mr. Upton's losses.
Mr. Hyde and others, their losses.
The representation of Mr. Unwin, relating to his losses.
The memorial of Mr. Johnson and others, about their losses.
The petition of Mrs. Bowcher, relating to her claim upon the Spaniards.


Letter from Mr. Woreley with a paper.

A letter from Mr. Worseley, Governor of Barbadoes, dated the 9th of April last, was read, and the paper, therein referred to, was laid before the Board, viz:—
Minutes of Council, from the 28th of November, 1727, to the 20th of February, 1727–8, particularly the list of fees taken in the several offices.

Mr. Whitworth attends upon his petition.

Representation to be prepared.

Mr. Whit worth attending, as he had been desired, their Lordships took again into consideration the Order in Council upon his petition for £1,333 12s. 6d. due to him at Barbadoes, mentioned in the last Minutes, and, after some discourse with him upon that subject, gave directions for preparing the draught of a representation thereupon.

New England.

Nova Scotia.

Mr. Coram's memorial, setting forth his Majesty's title to a tract of land.

Mr. Coram, who attended the Board the 4th inst., in relation to the tract of land lying between the Rivers of Kennebeck in New England and St. Croix in Nova Scotia, attending again, presented to the Board a memorial setting forth the King's title to the said tract, which was read.

June 20. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary.

New York.

Letter from the Governor, answer signed.

A letter from Colonel Montgomery, Governor of New York and New Jersey, dated the 6th of the last month, was read, and a letter to him, in answer thereto, was immediately drawn up and signed.


Representation upon Mr. Whitworth's petition signed.

The representation, ordered yesterday to be prepared, upon the petition of Francis Whitworth, Esq., Secretary of Barbadoes, praying payment of £1,333 12s. 6d. due to him there, for making out copies of Minutes of Council,. etc., for his Majesty's Secretaries of State and this Board, since the year 1719, was agreed and signed.



British subjects' losses.

The undermentioned accounts and papers, relating to the losses of ships and goods, which his Majesty's subjects have sustained by the Spaniards, were read, viz:—
The losses of the London Insurance.
Mr. Marsingall's losses.
Mr. Andres's losses.
Mr. Devon's losses.
Mr. Cornock's losses.

South Carolina.




Plantations General.

Representation of a state of his Majesty's possessions in America and injuries done by the Spaniards signed, with a letter to the Duke of Newcastle.

A representation upon the Duke of Newcastle's letter, dated the 9th of the last month, signifying his Majesty's pleasure to this Board, to lay before him a state of his Majesty's possessions in America, particularly of Fort King George on the borders of South Carolina, of the Bahama Islands and of the Bay of Campeachy, which are disputed by the King of Spain, and to set forth the proofs, to support his Majesty's right thereto, and likewise to lay before his Majesty all injuries done by the Spaniards to his Majesty's subjects, upon which redress has not yet been obtained, agreed the 5th inst., was signed, as also a letter, for enclosing the same to the Duke of Newcastle.


Public papers received from Mr. Sharpe.

The Secretary then laid before the Board the following papers, received from Mr. Sharpe, viz:—
Proclamation of King George the 2nd at Nevis, the 26th September, 1727.
Minutes of Assembly, from the 1st of June, 1727, to the 2nd October following.
Births and Burials at the parish of St. Pauls, from Michaelmas, 1726, to Michaelmas, 1727.
Account of negroes imported and sold, from March, 1727, to Michaelmas following.
State of the public accounts, from the 1st of June, 1727, to 10th October following.
Account of all his Majesty's forts and platforms, and what ordnance belong to the same, as also an inventory of the stores in the magazine of Charles Fort, taken the 3rd of October, 1727.


Rhode Island.


Draughts of letters agreed.

The draught of a letter, directed to be prepared the 8th of last month, to the Governors of Connecticut and Maryland, was agreed and ordered to be sent, as likewise one to the Governor of Rhode Island.

June 27. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Cary.


Representation with Mr. Worseley's instructions signed, and letter to the Duke of Neweastle.

A representation, with the draught of Mr. Worseley's instruetions for the government of Barbadoes, ordered to be prepared the 14th inst., was agreed and signed, as also

A letter for enclosing the same to the Duke of Newcastle.

Nova Scotia.

New England.

Letter from Mr. Sterling, etc.,about settling lands.

A letter from Mr. Sterling and Mr. Watson, proposing to begin a settlement between Kennebeck and St. Croix, according to Mr. Coram's scheme, was read; whereupon ordered that Mr. Coram be acquainted with the Board's desire of speaking with him thereupon on Thursday morning next.

Nova Scotia.

Letter to Colonel Armstrong.

A letter to Colonel Armstrong, Lieut. Governor of Nova Scotia, directed to be prepared the 31st of the last month, was agreed and ordered to be sent.

New York.

Mr. Fane's report upon the Act preventing prosecutions.

Mr. Fane's report upon an Act, passed at New York in 1727, for preventing prosecutions by informations, was read; whereupon ordered that he be acquainted that the Board desires to speak with him on Wednesday morning next.


Incidents and salaries.

The Secretary then laid before the Board an account of the incidental charges of this office, from Lady Day, 1728, to Midsummer following, amounting to £204 1s. 3d., viz:—

£ s. d.
Account of petty expences, from Lady Day, 1728, to Midsummer following, amounting to 105 1 8
The stationer's account for the same time 69 14 5
The postman's account for the same time 19 2 0
Mr. Clarke's account for wood and coals 10 3 2
£204 1 3

Letter to the Treasury.

Whereupon a letter to the Lords of the Treasury, desiring payment thereof, as also of the salary due to the Secretary and other officers for the same time, was signed.