Pages 449-469
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 3, March 1715 - October 1718. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1924.
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Abbot, John, of St. Kitts, 44.
-, Richard, of Nevis, 261.
-, Thomas, of Nevis, petition of, 40.
-, William, of St. Kitts, 184.
Abraham, Elizabeth, of Antigua, deposition of, 361.
-, Philip, of Antigua, deposition of, 361.
Accadia or Accadie. See Nova Scotia.
-, French governor. See Subercasse.
Acworth, Mr., commissioner of navy, evidence of, 322.
Adams, John, merchant, attends board re Barbary trade, 81, 408, 424–427, 444–445.
-, -, letters from, 34, 408.
Addington, Mr., of New Hampshire, letter from, 401.
Addison, Joseph, appointed commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 105.
-, -, passim to, 225.
-, -, secretary of state, 226.
-, -, -, correspondence with, passim, to end of volume.
Adlington, Walter, of Jamaica, affidavit of, 142.
-, -, associated with Dr. Samuel Page, against Lord A. Hamilton, 170, 172, 193, 195, 271, 275.
Africa, 191.
-, natives, attitude of, 92–93, 188.
-, trade with, 92–93, 98–99, 186.
-, see also Royal African Company.
Aix la Chapelle, 150.
Albany, New York, relations with Iroquois at, 122, 290, 433, 436.
-, negroes of, 440.
Aldridge, Capt., letter from, 79.
Alford, Daniel, of St. Kitts, 262.
Algiers, pirates, 110–112, 115.
-, consul at, 432.
Alicante, Spain, 233, 238, 432.
Allen, Alexander, ropemaker, of Carolina, evidence of re naval stores, 213, 218.
Alleyne, Abel, of Barbados, son of Brigadier T. Alleyne, q.v., 247.
-, Brigadier Colonel Thomas, on council of Barbadoes, decease reported, 227, 247, 262, 285.
Allison, Mr., letter to, 301.
Alpha, Michael, affidavit of, 171.
Amsterdam, trade with, 380.
Anderson, Deborah, of New York, 264, 282, 333.
-, Col. John, to attend board, 238.
-, -, evidence re Coram's memorial, 239.
-, -, recommended for New Jersey council, 298.
-, William, of New York, 264, 282, 333.
Andross, Sir Edward, 350.
Anguilla, Island, 151, 223, 251, 280– 281, 283, 294, 349, 398, 399.
-, governor of. See Howel.
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, 4, 13, 34, 79, 108, 110–111, 120, 218, 234, 349.
-, governor of. See Caulfield, Vetch, Phillips.
-, lieut. governor. See Doucet.
-, climate of, 30.
-, condition of, 71, 114–116, 118.
-, French inhabitants, 392. See Nova Scotia.
-, garrison of, 4, 5, 28–31, 33, 49, 51, 53, 56, 58, 77, 115, 127–182, 180, 352, 357, 372.
-, governorship of, 13, 15, 18.
-, loyal addresses from, 48, 52, 392.
Anne, Queen, acts of, 391, 393–394, 399, 433.
Antigua or Antegoa, Island, Leeward Islands, 83, 89, 204, etc.
agent for. See Nivine, Mr.
acts passed in, 91, 94, 105, 183, 185–187, 204, 212, 223–226, 241, 245–246, 259, 279, 281– 282, 304, 307, 311, 314, 327, 338, 342–343, 353, 362–365, 368, 371–377, 390, 400, 405, 409–411, 415, 420.
assembly, minutes of, 147, 404.
contributions to governor's allowance, 296–297.
council of, 75, 172–173, 220, 325–326, 361, 365–366, 375, 401–402, 405–406, 408–415, 432, 435, 438.
-, minutes of, 361, 404.
-, members of. See Cochran, Crump, N., Frey, J., Gamble, J., Morris, Col., Oliver, Tankard, B., Thomas, Col., and Yeamans, Col.
defence and militia of, 147, 187, 373.
duties in, 390, 405, 409–416.
French attack on, 364–365.
governor of, succession, 325–326, 397.
loyal addresses from, 151, 397.
orders in council, 204, 259, 342, 415.
passes for, 111.
Roman Catholics in, acts against, 186, 279, 353, 362–365, 368, 372, 374, 415.
See also Leeward Islands.
Antwerp, barrier, treaty signed at, 119.
Arbuthnot, Mr., evidence re Bilboa, 214.
-, -, attends board re Taverner's petition, 114–115.
Arcenan, Peter, journal of, 71.
Archangel, 129.
Archbould, Mr. James, on council of Jamaica, 1.
-, -, renominated for council of Jamaica, 19, 278.
Arembura, Don Manuel, petition of, 293–294.
Arlington. See Adlington.
Armstrong, Capt., complaints against, 127.
-, -, evidence re Nova Scotia, 114–115, 215–216.
-, -, memorial of, 118, 390.
Ashley, Mr., lord proprietor of Carolina, attends board re relations with Virginia, 55.
Ashurst, Thomas, 417.
-, -, to attend board, 418.
-, -, letter from, 437, 444.
-, -, attends board, 442.
-, Sir William, commissioner, 444.
Askew, Mr., Jamaica planter, attends, 7.
Assaillie, Mrs., of St. Kitts, case of, 208, 294.
Astell, William, director of South Sea Company, attends board, 306.
Astley, Sir Jacob, commissioner, (1) et passim.
-, -, commission to, 35.
-, -, new commission, 105.
-, -, recommendation of Popple, 220.
Athy, Elizabeth, daughter of Dorothy Symms (Freeman), of Antigua, 400, 411.
Atkins, Edward, to attend board re Flanders trade, 222.
Atkinson, Theodore, recommended for New Hampshire council, 80.
Austrian Low Countries, commerce with, 23, 35–37, 39, 60, 62, 119, 128.
Aylmer, Whitgift, Jamaica planter, evidence of re Jamaica troubles, 11–13.
-, -, requested to attend board, 10.
Ayloffe, Sir Benjamin, governor of Muscovia Coy., evidence re Mucsovy trade, 158, 161.
-, -, letter to re woollen trade, 100–102, 127.
-, -, to attend board, 157, 444.
Aynsworth, Mr., of Barbadoes, ordered to attend board, 60.
Ayscough, major, Jamaica gentleman, 3.
-, -, attends board, 202.
-, -, petition of, to be restored to Council, 18.
-, renomination for Council of Jamaica, 15, 278.
Azores of Western Islands, exports of, 428, 431, 434.
Bahama Islands, 294, 332, passim.
lords proprietors, 95, 237.
-, surrender by, 285, 287, 296, 310–311, 348, 371.
governor. See Mostyn, Rogers Woodes.
-, appointment of, 97–98, 126, 263, 295–297, 311, 333, commission for, 427–428.
orders in council, 126, 295–296.
piracies in, 182–183, 196–197, 205, 294, 357.
products of, 153, 158–159.
settlement of, 93, 237, 245–250.
state of, pitiable, 41–42, 98, 153, 245, 294.
Bahia, Brazil alias Byhea, 180.
Baker, Capt., Henry, surveyor of Kent and Sussex, 417, 442.
Baker, Samuel, ordered to attend board, 104.
Balchen, Captain, of 'Diamond,' letter from, 142.
Ball, Levy, evidence re woollen trade, 95–96.
-, Samuel, 81.
-, -, attends board re Madeira Consulate, 77–78.
Baltemore, Lord, a minor, proprietor of Maryland, 33, 248, 349.
-, -, guardian for. See Guilford, Lord.
Baltic, trade with, 108, 380.
Bampford, Mr., solicitor for St. Edward Ernley, 148.
-, -, attends board, 149, 151, 173, 263, 268, 365, 372.
-, -, letter from, 183, 257– 258.
Banister, Mr., evidence of, re New England, 51, 54–55, 64–65, 72.
-, -, essay and memorial from, 73, 108.
-, -, to attend Board, 50, 54.
Bankes, Richard, of St. Kitts, proposal of, 260, 278.
Barbadoes, 6, 77, 111, 207, 209, 219, 387–388.
lieut. governor. See Lowther.
agents. See Micklethwaite, Lloyd and Bampfield.
treasurer. See Maycock.
successor to treasurership, 59– 63.
council of, president. See Sharpe, Frere.
-, minutes of, 281, 293.
-, petitions of, 23, 264– 265, 333.
-, members of Alleyne, Barwick, Bond, Carter, Colleton John, Cox, Dottin, Frere Hallet, Pilgrim, Roberts.
-, vacancies in, 133, 139, 148–149, 151, 153–158, 161, 169, 227, 232, 262, 333, 353, 430.
Assembly, clerk to, Zouch Arthur.
-, minutes of, 281–299.
acts in, 47, 98, 135, 138, 183–185, 204, 206, 252, 264, 268, 278, 280–282, 285, 293, 295–296, 298, 300, 317, 319, 332, 355– 356, 360, 362–363, 365, 371– 374, 394, 411–412.
courts in, 206, 263, 265, 281, 293, 295, 356.
commissions and circular letters, 279, 427–428.
fortifications in, 265, 360–363.
governor, salary of, 13, 263.
missionaries in, 265–268, 275– 276, 444.
negroes in, 281, 295.
privateers in, 215, 295.
revenues of, 61–62, 187.
seals for, 59, 277, 279.
settlement of, 62, 204.
state of, 60–61.
stores of war etc., 198, 211, 219, 281.
trade with French, 207–208, 221.
Barbary. See Morocco.
Barbouda Island, governor for, 148.
Bard, Peter, Frenchman, to be naturalized, 124.
Barnstable, Newfoundland trade, mayor written to, 97, 102, 104, 118.
Barnstead, Mr., letter from, 369.
Baron, Mr., of Jamaica, attends board, 212, 214–215.
-, petition of, 275.
Barrington, Mr., letter from, 404, 408, 435, 438.
Barton, Leonard, 272.
Barwick, Samuel, of Barbados council, 264–265.
-, -, restored to same, 333.
Barzey, William, for council of Mountserrat, 75.
Basket, Mr., H.M. printer, 442.
-, -, attends board, 287, 353, 360, 445.
-, -, to attend board, 282, 348, 359.
Basse Terre, St. Kitts, 260, 264, 279.
Basset, William, member of Virginia council, 2.
Bateman, Sir James, sub-governor of South Sea Company, 120.
-, -, to attend board 338.
-, -, letter to, 349, 351.
Baxter, Capt., attends board re Minorca, 366–367.
Bay of Bulls, Newfoundland, 104.
-, map of, 107.
Bay of Fundy, 105.
Bayeux, Thomas, 437.
Beaubassin, proclamation of King George at, 48.
Beck, Sir Justus, of Jamaica, attends board, 202–203, 335, 379.
-, -, instructions to, 336.
Beckford, Thomas, appointed to Jamaica council, 144.
-, -, Lord Archibald Hamilton's objection to him, 74, 273.
Bedell, Mr., letter from, 309.
Bedmar, Marquis de, king of Spain's minister in England, 100.
Beeston, Sir William, ex-governor of Jamaica, 320.
Belcher, Mr., 172.
-, -, attends board with Col. Shute, 168, 170, 173.
Bellamy, a pirate, 294.
Benbow, Admiral, letter from, 411412.
Bendysh, Thomas, 253, 274–275, 303.
Bennet, Col. Benjamen, governor of Bermuda, 169, 171, 175.
-, -, desired for governorship of Bermuda, 45, 47.
-, -, letters from, 150, 341, 357–358, 361, 405, 409, 411.
-, -, instructions to, 47, 48, 53, 176, 357.
-, -, relations with pirates, 357–359.
-, Capt., son of above (called lieut. governor of Bermuda, by error in text), 175.
-, -, sent to deal with pirates, 358–359.
-, Geo., 270, 273.
-, -, to be of new council of Jamaica, 144.
-, Sir John, of Bermuda, attends board, 47, 169.
-, -, commission and instructions for, 111, 176, 428.
-, -, to attend board, 47, 111, 168, 176.
-, Spencer, alias Phipps, of Cambridge, Massachusets, 393.
Benson, Mr., evidence re Royal African Company, 186, 188.
Beresford, Mr., agent for St. Carolina, 209.
-, -, attends with assembly's address to king, 149, 153.
-, -, evidence of, 64, 100, 158–159, 167, 196, 199, 212– 215, 218, 228–229, 240.
-, -, memorial of, 311, 335.
Berkeley, of Stratton, commissioner, 1, et passim.
Berkley, Edmund, member of Virginia council, 2, 140.
lieut. governor. See Pulleyn, Bennet.
agent. See Sir John Bennet.
acts of, 32, 231–232, 234, 259, 406, 442–443, 445.
circular letters, 277, 412, 427– 428.
commission for, 427.
council, petitions of, 45, 47–48, 175–176.
-, members of. See Outerbridge.
draughts of instructions for Governor, 48, 53, 357, 411– 412.
privateers in, 357–359, 361, 388, 405, 409.
seals for, 59, 182, 277, 279.
sloops of, 168–171, 175–176, 181–182.
Bernard, Samuel, of Jamaica, to attend board, 248.
-, -, evidence of, 249.
-, Thomas, chief justice of Jamaica, 294.
-, -, nominated for council of Jamaica, 19, 46, 278.
-, -, letters from, 268, 271– 274.
Berwick, Mr., of council of Barbados, evidence in Colleton case, 157.
Beswick, John, Jamaica merchant, petition of, 355.
Beverly, Capt. Henry, of sloop Virgin, directions to, 183, 294.
-, -, letters from, 294–295.
Bicknel, Mr., inspector general's office, letter from, 151.
Bignell, Mr., to attend board, 206.
Bilboa, Spain, 212, 225.
-, consulate at, 160, 232, 238.
-, trade, at 174, 214, 216.
Billerica Bridge, Massachusets, 393.
Billingsley, Mr., attends re petition for insuring ships, 345.
Birmingham, Mr., R.C. in Antigua, 364–365.
Biscayners, trade with, 160, 174, 238.
Blackman, John Lucie, estate of, in Barbadoes, 98, 138.
Blackwell Hall Factors, woollen trade, 91, 93.
Bladen, Col. Martin, 181, 298.
-, -, appointed commissioner of trade, 247.
-, -, new commissions to, 334.
Blair, James, member of council of Virginia, 2.
-, John, speaker of Jamaica assembly, letter from, 140.
-, -, to be of new council, 144.
-, -, removal urged by governor, 9, 270, 273.
Blake, Mr., of Royal African Company, attends re defence of company, 91–92, 97.
-, -, of St. Kitts, buys Bodkin's plantation, 197–198.
Blakiston, Colonel, agent for Virginia, 292.
-, -, attends board, 69, 111, 134, 164–166, 224, 288, 347.
-, -, letter from, 200.
-, -, letter and instructions to, 201, 223, 347.
-, -, pass for, 110.
Blanche, Mr., letter from, 233.
Blathwayt, Mr., 173.
-, -, auditor general to Plantations, 181.
-, -, letter from, 13, 69, 260.
-, -, books of, 323.
-, -, decease of, 268.
Blean, merchant of Royal African Company, 188.
Blew, Mr. James, attends re whale fishing, 257–258.
-, -, caveat by, 367.
Bloombergh, Baron, letter to, 410, 414.
Bodkin, Andrew, of St. Kitts, his rebellion, 197–199, 344.
Bolingbroke, Lord Viscount, 12, 37, 127–128, 140, 436.
Bolton, Daniel, evidence re St. Kitts, 254.
Bonavista, Island of, Newfoundland, 87.
-, -, salt loaded at, 94.
Bond, Col. Francis, to be of Barbados council, 169, 185.
Bonner, William, to be security for Robert Johnson, 200–201.
Boon, Mr., agent for South Carolina, attendance desired, 93, 209, 240.
-, -, delivers assembly's address to king, 149, 153, 167.
-, -, evidence of, re Carolina trade, 158–159, 196, 199, 212– 215, 218, 228–229, 266, 375, 378.
Bordeaux, 441.
Borland, Mr., 27.
-, -, attends board, 210, 212, 289, 312–315, 328–329.
-, -, contract for supply of food, 30.
-, -, petition of, 285, 360.
-, -, summoned to attend board, 327.
Boston, Massachusetts, 29–30, 34, 65, 71, 73, 79, 83, 192, 196, 233, 235, 314, 345, 348, 391, 403, 409–410, 419, 430.
-, depredations of Indians in, 71.
-, harbour, map of, 33.
Boulogne, 417, 442.
Bouryan, John, of St. Kitts, 110.
Bowden, Mary, attends board re plantations in St. Kitts, 17.
-, -, losses sustained by, 21.
Bowles, Mr., of Jamaica, attends board, 202.
Bowman, Mr., communication for, 415.
Bradley, Mr., merchant, attends board, 217, 337, 345.
Brailsford, George, letter to, 2, 3.
-, James, letter from, 2.
-, Mr., captured by Spaniards, 57.
Bramble, John, for council of Mountserrat, 75.
Bravo, Mr., attends board re pirates, 237.
Brazils, French trade with, 2,179–180.
-, Dutch trade with, 179–180.
-, trade with, 179–180, 182– 183.
Bridger, John, surveyor of woods in America, attends board, 34, 56, 173, 175, 218.
-, -, complaints against, 41–43, 46, 350, 352, 354–355.
-, -, letters from, 41, 52, 63, 70, 84, 220, 347, 430, 432, 434, 437.
-, -, letters and instructions to, 37, 66, 349.
-, -, memorials of, 106, 108, 219.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 25, 39, 44, 52, 69, 217.
-, -, reappointed surveyor general, 72–73, 76–77.
-, -, recommendation for New Hampshire council, 80.
Bridgewater, Charles, for council of Nevis, 75.
Brimstone Hill, St. Kitts, 244.
Brisac, captain, of St. Kitts 261.
-, -, evidence of, 195, 197– 199, 250–252.
Bristol, 103, 232, 237, 313.
-, merchants of, 78–79, 235, 347, 373, 379–380, 384–385.
-, Newfoundland trade, mayor written to re, 97–102.
-, imports to, 108.
Broderick, William, attorney general in Jamaica, 273–274, 294.
-, -, to be on Jamaica council, 110, 135, 144, 204.
-, -, attends board, 202– 203.
Bromley, Mr., secretary, 36.
Brooksbank, Mr., attends re woollen trade, 95–96.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 93.
Broughton, Mr. Andrew, to be security for Robert Johnson, 200–201.
Brown, Anthony, of Antigua, 187, 246, 279, 342, 371, 373–374, 376.
-, Henry, of St. Kitts, proposal of, 261.
-, Nathaniel, of Jamaica, 183, 185.
-, Petronilla, wife of Nathaniel Brown of Jamaica, 183, 185.
-, Stephen, of St. Christophers, petition of, 260.
-, -, defence of Catholics in Antigua, 363–365.
-, Mr., of Minorca, attends board, 366.
-, Mr., consul at Venice, letter from, 445.
Bruges, 37–38, 42.
Brunswick linens, 138.
Bruxels, 36, 42.
Bubb, Mr., H. M. minister at Madrid, 100, 216–217, 225, 353.
Buck, Samuel, to attend board, 235.
-, -, evidence of, 237.
Buer, Major, of St. Kitts, evidence of, 250–252, 261.
Bunyard, Mr., to attend board re Montserrat invasion, 287.
Burchal, Mr., of St. Kitts, letter from, 292.
Burchett, Mr., Secretary to Lords of Admiralty, 28, 147, etc.
-, -, inquiry of, 93.
-, -, letters from, 18–19, 23, 28, 93, 97, 99, 109–110, 115, 144, 148, 152, 196, 215, 220, 227, 232, 246, 259, 319– 320, 341, 351, 428–429, 435.
-, -, letters and instructions to, 25–26, 92, 94, 142, 145, 149, 151, 211, 246, 323, 345– 346, 349–350, 356, 358, 409, 411, 425, 428–429, 435.
Burdell, Mr., proceedings complained of, 210.
Burges, Col. Elizeus, governor of New England, 43, 58 (Massts. Bay and New Hampshire).
-, -, attends board, 50.
-, -, complains of Mr. Bridger, 41–43.
-, -, complains of New England land bank, 44, 65, 72.
-, -, instructions to, 63, 80– 81, 90, 204.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 49.
-, -, recommendations from, required, 76, 79.
Burgoyn, John, evidence re trading ships, 64.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 63.
Burke, William, 261.
Burlington, New Jersey, 298.
Burwell, Col., naval officer of Virginia, 189.
Busby, Mr., attends board, 365.
Busfield, Mr., 444.
Buttler, Capt., attendance desired, 93.
-, James, attends board re Nevis hostages, 41, 50, 152– 153, 260.
Button, Thomas, of Nova Scotia, 114.
Buxton, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, of St. Kitts, 261.
Byam, Edward, of London, merchant, attends board, 437–438.
-, -, petition re Antigua council, 220.
Bydeford, Devonshire, merchants of, petition, 15, 174, 213, 387.
-, -, Newfoundland trade, letters to mayor etc., 97, 102, 104, 118.
Byerly, Mr., collector of customs at New York, 98.
Byfield, Colonel, of New England, land bank, proposal for, 49, 65, 71, 73.
Byrd, William, agent for Virginia, member of Virginia council, 2.
-, -, receiver general of Virginia, 135.
-, -, attends board, re divers questions, 54, 62, 69, 75, 135–137, 139, 164–166, 713, 183, 189, 190, 218–219, 229, 230, 242–243, 292.
-, -, instructions to, 217, 238, 283, 334, 345–346.
-, -, letters from, 187, 345– 346.
-, -, petition to, 421.
-, -, representation from, on Virginia finances, 70, 74, 247, 289–291.
Cabibel, Peter, of St. Kitts, attends re St. Kitts, 110.
-, -, request for lands, 260– 261.
Cadaraque, Lake, 73.
Cadiz, letter from re trade, 3, 232– 233, 436.
-, Irish at, 243.
-, timber carried to, 27.
Cadogan, Mr., relating to treaty of commerce with Flanders, 20, 22, 62–63.
Caillard, Mr., proposed for Jamaica council, 277.
Cairnes, Sir Alexander, petition of, 256–257, 262, 265–266, 351.
-, -, attends board re insurance, 379, etc.
Calais, 418, 441–442.
Cambridge, Massachusets, 393.
Campbell, James, of Newfoundland, agent for Newfoundland, 111.
-, -, evidence of, 112.
-, -, letter from, re Plantation, 49.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 111.
-, -, papers signed by, 115.
-, -, memorial from, 228.
-, Mr., M.P. for Glasgow, evidence re herring trade, 131.
Campeche, Bay of, 226, 243, 247.
-, fugitives to, to cut logwood, 7, 11, 12, 266–267.
Canada, 403, 440.
-, expedition, 30, 101, 301.
Canary Islands, Spain, trade with, 113, 248, 255, 282, 318, 323– 325, 331–333.
-, wines of, 324–325.
-, consuls. See Cross, Pouldon.
Candler, Capt., 259.
Cane, Jane, of Nevis, 427.
Canterbury, silk manufacturers of, 6.
-, woollen manufacturers of, 417.
Cape Breton, 4, 16, 105, 173, 352.
-, compared with Newfoundland, 9, 17, 74.
-, fishery at, according to Col. Nicholson, 5, 39, 73.
-, French inhabitants move to, from Nova Scotia, 4, 10, 28, 103, 173, 218, 403.
-, French ships bound for, 18.
-, French intrigue with Indians at, 71.
-, journey to, 71.
-, trade with, 18.
Cape Coast Castle, W. Africa, 188.
Cape Dore, Nova Scotia, 267.
Cape Gaspe, 71.
Cape, George, evidence of, 441.
Cape Lahun, Newfoundland, 394.
Cape Sables, Indians at, 71.
Cape St. Mary's, Newfoundland, 394.
Cape Verde Islands, 188, 190.
Capisterre Quarter, St. Kitts, 260– 261.
Capon, Mr., of Annapolis Royal, evidence re Nova Scotia trial, 218–219.
Carberry, Earl of, 245.
Carbonel, Michael, secretary of Levant Co. 84.
-, -, instructions to, 80.
Carbonier, Newfoundland, 104.
Cardonel, Mr., commissioner of Salt duty, attends board, 422–423.
Carey, Robert, agent of Virginia Indian Co., 144, 149, 164–166, 230.
-, -, memorial from, 149.
-, -, against monopoly act, 159–160.
Carkesse, Mr., attends board, re drawbacks, 119.
-, -, letters from, 32, 79, 84, 105, 120, 148, 152, 187, 197, 219, 239, 255, 276, 282, 292, 327, 338, 348, 355, 359, 367, 378, 413, 421, 428, 430, 432, 438.
-, -, instructions to, 25, 50, 59, 63, 68, 81, 123, 145, 148, 172, 182, 192, 227, 244, 246, 286, 309, 324–326, 345– 346, 377–378, 396, 399, 413, 419, 420, 444.
Carlisle, Francis, of Antigua, attends board, 432.
Carolina, 51, 166, 311, 342, 347, 366.
governor. See Craven, Johnson, Daniel.
proprietors lords, 53, 56, 67, 343, 345, 348; see also Carteret, lord.
-, letters from, 53, 67, 194, 230, 240, 340, 363.
-, letters to, 51, 160–161, 178, 231, 234, 244.
agents for. See Beresford and Boon.
assembly of, 54, 149, 159–160, 167, 196, 375.
acts in, 54, 200–202, 207, 209, 355, 372–373, 399, 428.
boundary with Virginia, 141, 262, 340–343.
charter of, 171.
commissions for, 427–428.
commodities produced in, 56, 105, 149, 153, 158–159, 165, 171, 212–215, 217–218.
defence of, 54–55, 67, 70, 75, 83, 178, 229–231.
duties in, 355, 365, 372–373, 399, 428, 433.
envoy. See Kettleby.
Indian insurrection, 51–54, 56– 57, 62, 64–65, 67–69, 79, 83, 100, 158, 165, 196, 227, 229, 235–236, 240, 243, 246, 250, 372; see also Cherokee, Yamansee.
naval stores in, 209–210, 216– 218.
pirates in, 428.
relations with Spaniards, 196, 199, 242.
settlement beyond Savanna river. See Montgomery.
state of, miserable, 53–55, 58, 64–65, 149, 153, 196, 228–229, 235–236, 266, 375.
surrender of government, 56.
Carpenter, General, governor of Minorca, evidence before board, 15, 123, 367, 393.
-, -, letters and memorial from, 124–125, 395–396.
-, -, requested to attend, 366.
-, Nathaniel, petition of, 176, 261.
-, -, attends board, 365.
Carrol, Mr., clerk, 65.
Carter, John, petition of sergeants of Annapolis, 32.
-, Robert, member of council of Virginia, 2.
-, William, to be a member of council of Barbados, 133, 185.
Carteret, lord proprietor of Carolina, 229, 235–236.
-, -, attends board, 53, 55.
-, -, evidence of, 55–56, 236–237.
-, -, opposition of, 159.
Carver, Col. Josiah, 211.
-, -, to attend board, 235.
-, -, evidence re pirates, 237.
Castile, Sir James, 304.
Castle, William, Massachusetts, 410.
Caulfield, James, letter from, 32, 48, 127.
-, Major Thomas, lieutenant governor at Annapolis Royal, 4–5, 32, 105.
-, -, complaints to, re soldiers' clothing, 29, 31.
-, -, letters from, 52, 114, 181.
-, -, letters to, 59, 61, 71.
-, -, memorial in favour of, 10.
-, -, relations with French inhabitants, 6.
-, -, death announced, 234.
Cayouga, (Iroquois) Indians, 290.
Chamberlain, William, piracies of, 417.
Chammorel, Monsieur, French secretary, letter from, 409–410.
Champante, Mr., agent for, New York, attends board, 111.
-, -, memorial from, 87, 95.
-, -, letter from, 90, 336.
-, -, pass for, 110.
Chaney, John, of Virginia, certificate of, 190.
Chaplin, Mr., member of assembly of Jamaica, removal urged by Governor, 9, 270, 273.
-, -, to be of new council of Jamaica, 144.
Chapman, Richard, of Antigua, deposition of, 361.
-, Sir William, director of South Sea Co., attends board, 121, 306–307, 322.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 231, 242.
Chappell, Jasper, evidence of, 441.
Charakees or Cherokees, Indians, insurrection of, 54.
Charles II., king of England, 363.
-, act of, 145, 172.
-, letter of, 143.
-, marriage treaty, 94, 179.
-, charter of, 222, 231, 304, 350, 390, 394.
Charles VI., Emperor, 62.
-, trade with dominions of, 61– 62.
Charles Town, Carolina, 54, 56, 64.
Checanecton, inhabitants, loyal address, 48.
Chester, merchants of, 387.
-, Robert, director of South Sea Co., attends board, 121, 322.
-, Mrs., evidence in Colleton case, 156, 265, 366.
-, -, attends re St. Kitts, 278, 283.
Chetham, Mr., attends board re Barbary trade, 408, 424.
Chetwynd, Mr. John, commissioner of trade, 1, passin, 298, 332, to end.
-, -, commissions to, 35, 105, 247, 331.
-, -, appointed minister to Spain, 231, 238.
-, -, instructions to, 344.
Choppin, John, for council of Nevis, 75.
Christ Church parish, Barbadoes, 264, 278, 333.
Christiana, Virginia, fort of, 166, 259.
Clarendon, Earl of, (lord Cornbury), caveat of, 3.
-, -, evidence re land settlement, fishing patents etc., 14, 68, 344.
-, -, maladministration of, (in New Jersey), 87.
Clark, Col., letter to, 115, 133.
Clarke, George, merchant, certificate, 302.
-, -, bill of indictment, against, 290.
-, -, recommended for council of New York, 76, 91.
-, Samuel, account for wood and coals of, 113, 163.
-, -, to attend board, 177.
-, -, evidence re Brazilian trade, 179–180.
-, Thomas, of New Jersey, petition of, 396.
Clayhill, St. Kitts, 264, 279.
Clayton, Robert, petition of, re St. Kitts, 177–179, 204, 261.
-, -, letter from, 310.
Cleeveland, Capt., 213.
Cleeves, William, commander of 'Golden James,' 114.
-, -, petition of, 225–228.
-, -, representation of, 210, 212, 214.
Cleland, Col., of Barbados, evidence in Colleton case, 155–156.
-, Capt., John, Master of Cobb Galley, of London, 88.
-, -, complaints against Col. Moody, 88–89.
Cobb, Mr., solicitor to Don B. de Guardia, attends, 253, 257.
Cochran, Richard, 183.
-, Archibald, 220.
-, appointed to council of Antigua, 172.
Cockburne, William, of Jamaica, secretary to lord Archibald Hamilton, 273, 303.
-, -, attends board, 202, 243, 256, 291–292.
-, -, letters from, 256, 280, 284.
-, -, petition of, 299, 326, 328, 344.
-, -, to attend board, 288.
Cocke, William, Dr., member of Virginia council (2), to attend board, 179, 289, 292.
-, -, secretary of Virginia memorial from, 284.
-, -, attends board re Virginia laws, 291.
Codrington, Colonel William, and Col. Christopher, 263–265, 405.
-, -, governor of St. Kitts, 21.
-, -, grant to Mr. Salkeld, in St. Kitts, 23, 197–199, 208, 254, 263–264, 268, 278, 283.
-, attends board, 317.
-, -, letter from, 325.
-, -, petition of, 372.
-, Thomas, of New York, 443.
Cokburne, John, commissioner, 1, et passim.
-, -, commission to, 35.
-, -, new commission to, 105.
-, -, papers laid before committee by, 131.
-, -, letter to, 233.
Cole, Christian, resident at Venice, 354–355.
-, -, attends re insurance, 345, 348, 375.
-, -, letter to, 346, 413.
-, -, letter from, 416.
-, Captain Michael, attends re naval stores, 171, 210.
Coleman, Nicholas, of Jamaica, complaint of, 319.
Colepepper, Lord, surrender of, 69.
Colleton, James, of Barbadoes, his estate, 154–157.
-, John, son of James, for vacancy in Barbadoes council, 138–139, 148–149, 151, 153– 158, 185, 227, 232, 247, 262, 285.
-, Sir John, son of Sir Peter, 138, 227.
-, -, attends board, 149.
-, -, memorial from, 139, 148, 151, 153–157.
-, Sir Peter, of Barbadoes, q.v., 155–157.
Columba Island, Newfoundland, 26.
Compere, Mr., of Jamaica, attends board, 202.
Congreve, Mr., secretary and clerk of inrolments in Jamaica, 74, 299.
-, -, correspondence with, 276–277.
Connecticut, 436.
agent. See Philips, Ambrose.
acts in, 86.
boundaries of, 401.
coinage in, 79.
commission for, 427–428.
Conolley, Mr., evidence to board re pilchard fishery, 421–423.
-, -, letter for, 428.
Conyers, Sir Gerard, deputy governor of Turkey Co., 2, 102.
-, -, evidence re memorial from company, 106–107, 109.
Cooke, Sir Charles, knight, commissioner for Trade and Plantations (1), et passim, 247, 341.
-, -, commission to, 35.
-, -, new commission to, 105, 247, 334.
-, Elisha, of Massachusets, complaints against Mr. Bridger, 430.
-, Capt., commander in Royal African Coy., 92.
-, Sarah, of St. Kitts, 195.
Cooksage, John, of Nova Scotia, 114.
Coope, Richard, attends board, re Nevis sufferers, 397, 400, 427.
Coram, Thomas, of New England, attends board, 43, 152, 215, 231, 239, 318, 322, 324, 335.
-, -, letter from, 147, 219, 369.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 319.
-, -, proposal to settle exsoldiers, 68, 234–235, 318, 321, 323, 350, 354, 389–390.
Corbet, John, of New York, 443.
-, Mary, of New York, 443.
Cork, merchants of, 387.
Cornbury, Lord, governor of New York, afterwards Clarendon, Earl of, 258, 358.
Cornwall, Admiral, behaviour in Morocco, 408–409.
Cornwall, county of, pilchard fishery in, 421–423.
Cossart, Mr., a Frenchman, expedition against Montserrat, 364365.
Costabell, Monsr. de, 17.
Courpom, Mr., of St. Kitts, 260.
Cox, Sir Charles, attends board, 59.
-, -, letter from, 430.
-, Dr., Daniel, of New Jersey, expelled New Jersey assembly, 57, 299.
-, -, complaints against General Hunter, 15, 201–202, 301, 336–337.
-, grant of lands from government, 57.
Crab Island, Virgin Islands, description of, 75, 255–256.
-, -, destruction of, by Danes and Spaniards, 392, 397–399, 404–405, 410.
-, -, removal to, 294, 349350.
Cracherode, Anthony, patent officer in Barbadoes, 325.
-, -, attends board, 300, 377.
-, -, memorial from, 293, 317–318, 427.
-, -, instructions to, as register in chancery, 317.
Craggs, Mr., secretary, letters from, 375, 406–407, 409, 412, 416, 424–426, 430, 442.
-, -, letters and instructions to, 355–357, 360–361, 369, 372, 378, 388–389, 396–397, 399, 404–405, 409, 425, 427, 429, 431, 434, 437, 445.
Crane, James, attends board re naval stores, 210, 212–214, 218.
Craven, Col., governor of Carolina, letter received from, 51, 53, 69.
-, -, superseded, 194.
Crawley, Mr., of Virginia, evidence re Indian insurrection, 62.
-, -, letter from re Indian insurrection, 69.
Croisat, M., grant of land by French king, 57.
Crooke, Clement, late chief justice of St. Kitts, complaint against, 335.
Cross, Mr., appointed consul in Canaries, attends board, 327, 331.
-, -, memorial of, 331–332.
Crossland, Mr., attends board re woollen manufactures, 357, 441–442.
Crow, Christopher, late consul at Leghorn, letter to, 413.
-, -, letter from, 416.
Crump, Nathan, for council of Antigua, 75.
Cumberland, county of, 298, 417.
Cummings or Cuming, Archibald, surveyor of customs at Boston, 192, 196, 309.
-, -, attends board re Newfoundland fishery, 17, 27, 33.
-, -, letters from re Newfoundland fishery, 87, 233, 309, 345, 430.
-, -, letters and instructions to, 16, 25, 234, 348.
-, -, representation from, re woods, 63.
Cunningham, Robert, of St. Kitts, evidence of, re Stoddard case, 308–309, 311–312, 315–317, 369.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 307.
-, -, petition of, 328, 370.
-, -, letter to, 392.
D'Acunha, Don Lowis, ambassador to king of Portugal, his evidence re Brazil trade, 181.
Daines, Sir William, attends, re insurance charter, 348–349.
Damarasconte, river, New England, 175.
Danes, envoy, 234, 255–256.
-, settlement of, 92, 350, 404– 407, 410–415.
Danish East India Coy., 340.
-, timber, 108.
Daniel, Henry, attends re Virginia Indian Coy., 164.
-, Col., Robert, deputy governor of South Carolina, affidavit of, 196.
Danson, Mr., to attend board, 211.
Danzing, Poland, trade with, 415.
Darcey, Walter, request for lands in St. Kitts, 261.
Dartmouth, Earl of, late secretary of state, his treaty with Venice, 337.
Dartmouth, 438–439.
-, Newfoundland trade, mayor written to, re, 97, 102–104, 109.
Davers, Sir Robert, attends board, 60.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 59.
Davie, Jos., 213.
Davis, Mr., H.M. mast maker at Woolwich,. 238.
-, -, evidence of, 239.
Dawson, Mr., member of Muscovy Coy., evidence re Russian trade, 167–168.
Deacon, George, of council of New Jersey, 431.
Deal, 417, 444.
Dean, John, ship seized at Antigua, 83, 204.
de la Croix, John, pilot of the 'Comte de Paix,' 170–171.
de la Freille, French protestant in St. Kitts, attends re lands, 197.
de Laigny, Monsr., Intendant of Commerce. 20.
Delaware River, Pennsylvania, 194, 221, 232.
De Leuze, Captain, of St. Kitts, 369, 371.
Delme, Sir Peter, to attend board, 177.
-, -, evidence re Brazilian trade, 179, 180, 182.
Denmark, king of, 414.
-, trade with, 415, 440; see also Danes.
Dent, Mr., commissioner of Salt duties, attends board, 422– 423.
Denyes, Monsr., letter to French king, 5.
Derry, bishop of, 275.
D'Iberville, M., French envoy, conquest of Nevis, 40–41, 49, 64, 286–287, 300.
-, -, letter to, 38.
-, -, memorial and papers from, 36–37, 39, 285, 297.
Diharce, Peter, petition of, 240, 253, 256–257, 294, 309, 324–325, 333–334, 389.
-, -, to attend board, 288, 307.
-, -, attends board, 291, 310.
Disque, Capt., French smuggler, 342.
Diston, Mr., evidence re woollen trade, 95–96.
-, -, order to attend board, 93.
Dixon, Elizabeth, of St. Kitts, wife of John Dixon, 110.
-, John, of St. Kitts, 110.
Docminique, Paul, commissioner for trade, 2, passim.
-, -, commissions to, 35, 105, 247, 334.
-, -, letter to, 342.
-, -, in charge of Bahama commission, 428.
Dodd, Mr., letter from, 173, 181.
Dorpere, Livinus, to attend board re Flanders trade, 222.
Dottin, William, of Barbadoes, to be of council of Barbadoes, 161.
Doucet, Capt., to be lieut. governor of Annapolis, 349.
-, -, letter from, 392.
Douglas, Capt., James, of Nova Scotia, 114, 256–257, 262, 265.
-, John, of St. Kitts, 261.
Dover, 444.
Dowse, Mr., solicitor, 347.
-, attends re insuring ships, 362.
Doyle, Mr., Bristol merchant, attends re insurance charter, 348.
Drummond, Mr., attends board re Netherlands commerce, 36, 37.
-, -, letter from, re Flanders tariff, 39.
Drummy, John, affidavit of, against Brigadier Hunter, 336–337.
Dublin, merchants of, 387, 441.
Dubuc, Capt., attends board re Minorca, 366–367.
Duchess County, New York, 433, 436, 443.
Ducingham, Capt., 417.
Dudley, Col., Sir Matthew, governor of New England, bad treatment of Indians by, 239.
-, -, correspondence with, 52.
-, -, letter from, 83, 107, 400–401, 403.
-, Paul, attorney general of New England, memorial of, 401.
Dumaine, M., 261.
Dummer, Jeremy, agent for Massachusetts Bay, attends board, 26, 49, 64, 69, 71, 113, 168, 170, 172–173, 210–212, 215, 235–236, 238, 318, 321, 352.
-, -, instructions to, 63, 68, 174, 234, 318–319, 335, 393, 428.
-, -, letters and memorials from, 66, 73, 112, 176, 235, 239, 335, 350, 354–355, 369, 407.
-, -, pass for, 110.
Dunbar, Major, surveyor general of customs and Leeward Islands, 367.
-, -, attends board, re Nevis, 49, 50.
-, -, letter from, 367, 376, 405.
Dungan, Col., governor of New York, 258.
Duport, Stephen, 369, 371.
-, -, attends board re French protestants in St. Christophers, 16, 17, 20, 21, 85, 110–111, 147, 177, 184, 195, 197–199, 203, 208, 250– 253, 286–288, 296, 303, 344, 370.
-, -, for council of St. Christophers, 75.
-, -, memorial from, 20, 94–95, 412.
-, -, summoned to attend board, 15, 20, 111, 249, 285, 295, 342.
-, Mrs., 370.
Duquesne, Mr., governor of Martinique, correspondence with, 206.
Durepaire, Monsr., petition re St. Kitts plantations, 85, 87.
-, Mme., question of her religion, 85.
Durham County, 417.
Dutch, fishing trade, herrings, 86–87, 131.
-, -, trade, relations with, 35, 38, 62, 78, 92, 94, 167– 168, 179–180, 251.
-, -, trade with Morocco, 409; see also Holland.
'Eagle' brigantine of New York, condemned in prize court, 88, 124.
Earl, Charles, of Nevis, petition re sufferings of, 40.
Earle, John, of Liverpool, merchant, letter to, 220.
-, -, attends re insurance, 348.
-, Samuel, of St. Kitts, 206.
-, -, detained by French, 287.
East India Company, 385, 387.
-, secretary. See Woolley.
-, accounts of exports, 80, 90– 91, 300, 326–328, 419, 432.
Edinburgh, 424, 441, 444.
Edisto river, Carolina, settlements in, destroyed by Indians, 64.
Edlyn, Col., of Jamaica, attends board, 202.
Edwards, John, attends on behalf of Royal African Coy., 188, 444.
-, agent, sturgeon coy., 313.
Eels, Joseph, deposition of, 222.
Elizabeth, Queen, statutes of, 381, 385.
Elliot, John, of Antigua, 187, 246, 279, 342, 371, 373, 376.
-, Mr., of Royal African Coy., attends in defence of Coy., 91.
Elliston, Richard, attends board re Jamaica duties, 303–304.
-, -, nominated for Council of Jamaica, 19.
Elsinore, Denmark, 405, 415, 419.
Emmett, John, attends board re insurance, 379, 386.
Emperor. See Charles VI.
England, bank of, 385.
Ereuspets, M., 441.
Erie, Lake, 434.
Erle, Mr. Giles, of Bristol, attends council, 16, 237.
-, Mr. Sergeant, counsel for Bristol merchants, 379, 384– 385.
Ernle, Mrs., of Barbadoes, memorial to, 139.
-, -, petition of, 153–157.
Ernley, Sir Edward, of Barbadoes, petition of, 138, 148–149, 151, 153–157, 185, 232.
Essex County, Virginia, 414.
Estridge, Benjamin, of St. Kitts, recommended for council, 398.
Exeter, Newfoundland trade, mayor written to, re, 97, 102, 109.
Eyles, Sir John, evidence in Tryon case, 156.
-, Joseph, 247.
-, -, evidence in Colleton case, 156.
Fairley, Captain, attends to give evidence re Newfoundland, 9.
Falkingham, Captain, scheme for Newfoundland fishery, 109.
Falmouth, 18, 387, 424.
Faneril, Benjamin, 437.
Fanueil, Mr., attends board, 212.
Felix, Father, priest at Minos, letter to, 392.
Fellows, Mr., director of South Sea Coy., attends board, 121.
Fenton, Thomas, of St. Kitts., petition of, 260.
-, William, of St. Kitts, petition of, 261.
-, -, attends board re distribution of lands, 250– 252, 302–303, 305–306, 316.
Fermouse, Newfoundland, 104.
Fernandes, Abraham Diaz, attends board re pirates, 237.
Fernando, Capt. Francis, of sloop Bennett, 243, 272, 293–294, 303.
Fernley, Mr., attends re Jamaica trade, 284.
Ferryland, Newfoundland, 87, 118.
Fig-tree, St. Kitts, 261.
Finland, 213.
Five Nations, Indian. See Iroquois, also separate nations: Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca.
Flanders, duties in, 36, 37, 39.
-, trade with, 22, 127, 222.
Fleetwood, Mr., consul at Naples, letter from, 416.
Florida, Gulf of, piracies in, 143, 272.
Fornelles, Minorca, 367.
Forrard, Mr., of Jamaica, attends board, 202.
Forty, Mr., 99.
Fotherby, Capt., letter from, 9.
Fowey, Newfoundland trade, mayor written to, re, 97, 102, 109.
Fox, Anthony, for council of Montserrat, 75.
France. See French.
Frankland, Mr., consul at Bilboa, 148, 160, 212.
-, -, letter to, 152, 214.
-, -, evidence of, 232–233, 238.
Franklyn, Mr. See Frankland.
Freeman, Arthur, of Antigua, 400, 411, 420.
-, Dorothy, of Antigua, 400, 411, 420.
Freke, Capt., Bristol merchant, attends re insurance charter.
French, king Louis XV.
at Newfoundland, 17, 36, 88, 93, 217, 225, 394.
at Nova Scotia, 4–5, 28–29, 36, 39, 218, 352, 292, 403.
at St. Kitts, 110, 176, 184, 286– 287. See also St. Christophers Canada q.v.
conquest of, in Maine, 239.
consulate at Madeira, 78.
court of, 93.
claim St. Lucia and Tobago, 23.
intrigues with Indians, 5, 56–57, 65, 71, 73, 79, 350.
invasion of Carolina, 56.
-, of Montserrat, 364–365.
-, Nevis, 23, 64–65, 69, 106, 286–287.
Mississippi Valley, strength in, 307, 309, 311, 335, 438.
negro slaves, 433, 440.
prisoners of, 360. See also Martinique.
Senegal Coy., 93, 171, 175.
settlements in America, 2, 220– 221, 248, 372.
ships in South Seas, 3, 222, 224, 228, 409–410.
smuggling with, 417–418.
trade with Africa, 69, 92–93, 99, 190, 243, 409.
-, -, Brazil, 2, 179–181.
-, -, Netherlands, 38.
-, logwood, 241.
-, salt, 422–423.
-, sugar, 374–376, 388. See also Ireland.
-, woollen, 96, 324, 338, 347, 357, 417, 441–442.
treaty with, 207–208, 216, 224, 232, 403. See also Ryswick, Utrecht.
West Indies, possessions in, 39, 251–252. See also under separate Plantations.
Frere, Mr., to be restored to council of Barbadoes, 47.
Frey, John, for council of Antigua, 75.
-, -, to attend council, 405– 406.
Fulham, 290.
Fuller, Mr., consul at Leghorn, letter from, 445.
Funnel, Andrew, ordered to attend board, 104.
Furbur, Jethro, affidavit of, 73.
Gambia, river, 92, 190.
-, climate of, 99.
Gamble, John, recommended for Antigua council, 401, 415.
Gandin, Mr., evidence re Carolina cloth, 171.
Garcia, de Francisco, Spanish consul at Gibraltar, 232.
Gardiner, Penelope, of Nevis, 397.
-, Walwin, of Nevis, 397.
Gardner, Col., attends re Col. Phillip's memorial, 353, 359.
Garnet, John, of St. Kitts, recommended for council, 398.
Gaudin, Mr., attends board re pirates, 237.
Gaudy, surveyor of Newfoundland, 93–94, 97, 107.
Gee, Joshua, merchant, evidence re Pennyslvania hemp, 210–211, 213, 216–217, 328, 377.
-, -, memorial of, 219, 222, 232, 256–257, 262, 407.
-, -, attendance requested, 209, 327.
Gellibrand, Samuel, clerk at board, 66, 220.
Genoese, 113, 430, 434, 442, 445.
Gerish, Richard, recommended for New Hampshire council, 80.
Germany, trade with, 33, 40, 96, 150.
-, protestants in Virginia, 404.
Ghent, 37–38.
Gibraltar, 232–233, 408.
Gillard, John, husband of Sarah Cooke, 195.
Glasgow, 35, 39, 40, 42, 43, 86, 131.
-, M.P. See Campbell.
Glostershire, 96.
Godet, Monsr., journey to Cape Breton, 71.
Godfrey, Peter, member of Muscovy Coy., 162.
-, -, evidence of, re Muscovy trade, 167–168.
Godin, Mr., of Carolina, evidence re Barbary trade, 408, 426–427.
-, -, evidence re Carolina trade, 158–159, 210, 214.
-, -, petition of, 426–427.
Godolphin, Mr., register of trading ships, 68.
-, -, memorial of, 145, 332, 335.
-, -, to attend board, 345.
-, -, attends re British built ships, 346.
-, Sir William, 38.
Gohier, Mr., of Royal African Coy., attends board re defence of Coy., 91–92.
Gold Coast, climate of, 99.
Gomersal, Ezekiel, to be of new Jamaica council, 144.
-, -, renominated for Jamaica council, 278.
Goodfellow, Mr., ex consul in Muscovy, member of Muscovy Coy., evidence re trade with Russia, 125–126, 128–129, 167–168.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 124.
Goodman, Mr., evidence re sturgeon, 329.
Gordon, Thomas, treasurer of New Jersey, 68–69, 96.
-, -, member of New Jersey council, 297.
-, -, agent for soldiers' clothing, 28.
-, -, indictment of, 301.
-, -, letters from, 297–298.
-, Rev.? commission to Jamaica by bishop of London, 263–265.
-, -, complaints against, 444.
Gore, Mr., of Royal African Coy., letter to, 188.
Goree Island, West Africa, 92.
Gosalin, Mr., of Bilboa, letter from, 8.
Goskham, Mr., Bristol merchant, attends re insurance charter, 348.
Gosley, John, Bristol merchant, attends re insurance charter, 348.
Gotenburgh, Sweden, timber from, 106–108.
Gould, Sir Edward, attends board re logwood trade, 427–428.
-, -, letters from, 430, 434– 435.
-, -, letters to, 431–432.
-, Nathaniel, member of Muscovy Coy., evidence of re trade, 167.
Graves, Mr., petition of re Bahama Islands, 41, 97.
Gray, William, clerk at board, 66, 220.
Greenwood, Mr., of Salt Office, letter from, 422.
Gregory, Mr. John, of Jamaica, attends board, 202.
-, -, nominated for council, 278.
Griffin, Mr., affidavit of, 259.
Griffith, Mr., attends, his memorial re wool, 338.
-, -, memorial from, 347– 348.
Grimaldo, Marquis de, 216.
Guardalupe, West Indian Island, belongs to French, expedition against, 198, 364.
Guardia, Don Bernardo de, petition of, 240, 253, 256–257, 294, 309, 324–325, 333–334, 389.
-, -, to attend board, 288, 307.
-, -, attends board, 291, 310.
Guernsey, trade of, 103, 326, 432.
-, -, salt of, 422–423.
Guichard, Francis, French Protestant at St. Kitts.
Guilford, Lord, guardian to Lord Baltemore, 33.
-, -, instructions to, 203.
-, -, nominated Mr. Hart to be governor of Maryland, 41.
-, -, letter from, 248, 349.
Gurnay, Hugh, of Nevis, sufferer from French invasion, 169–170.
-, Joseph, of Nevis, uncle and heir to Hugh Gurnay, 169.
-, Mary, of Nevis, executrix of Joseph Gurnay, 169.
Hackshaw, Mr. Richard, ordered to attend board, 104.
Hagar, Commodore, 227.
Haliday, Mr., of New Jersey, certificate from, 298.
Halifax, Earl of, Lord President, 25.
Hallet, Mr., of Council of Barbadoes, demise of, 161.
Hamburgh, 35, 39, 40, 42–43, 84, 86–87, 131, 150, 152, 203, 205, 313–315, 444.
-, resident at. See Wych.
-, governor of Coy. See Ward, Sir John.
-, senate of, 161–162, 200.
-, trade with, 96, 102, 107, 180, 224, 380, 415–416, 424, 445.
Hamilton, Lord Archibald, governor of Jamaica, 1, 14, 18, 111.
-, -, superseded, 143, 204.
-, -, complaints against him, 142–143, 170–172, 193– 195, 201, 280, 303.
-, -, defence of, against assembly, 9, 13, 74, 112, 114– 115, 191–192, 250, 268, 269, 275.
-, -, draughts of instructions to, 18, 20, 167.
-, -, letters from, 47, 110, 113, 132–133, 142, 150, 167, 182, 184, 201, 247, 275.
-, -, memorial of, 145–146, 282–284, 291–293.
-, -, services of, alleged, 11, 193, 259, 263.
-, -, to attend board, 256, 267.
-, Duchess of. letter from, 236, 239.
-, -, petition of, 318, 323.
-, Duke of, 318–319, 323.
-, Mr., agent for Duchess of Hamilton, q.v.
-, -, to attend board, 318– 319.
-, -, evidence re lands in Nova Scotia, 323.
-, Walter, Col. or General, governor of Leeward Islands, 17, 64, 75, 123–125, 198.
-, -, addresses in favour of, 395, 397.
-, -, attends board re St. Kitts, 19, 21, 41, 49, 85.
-, -, complaints against, 296–297, 303, 305, 308, 312, 316, 325–326.
-, -, instructions to, 81, 90, 150, 224, 232, 263, 283, 305, 311, 314, 331–332, 344, 346, 361, 363, 377, 397–398, 401, 411, 419, 421.
-, -, letters from, re St. Kitts, 18, 149, 151, 208, 210– 211, 223, 226, 245–246, 280, 291–292, 335, 349–350, 361, 365–366, 397–399, 404–405.
-, -, requested to attend board, 20, 40.
-, -, settlement to be made to, 223–226, 296–297.
Hammond, Mr., evidence re Spanish trade, 232, 238.
Hampshire county, Massachusets, 391, 410.
Handasyd, Col., of Jamaica regiment, 10–11, 270.
Hanover linens, 138.
Hanse towns, treaty with France, 200, 203, 205.
Harding, deputy remembrancer of Pennsylvania, 199, 207.
Hardisty, Robert, of Barbadoes, agent for Sir John Colleton, 138, 148, 151.
Harler, Capt., of Col. Handasyd's regiment, attends re state of Jamaica, 10–11.
Harris, Richard, 2.
-, -, evidence on Royal African Coy., 92, 112, 114, 121, 190, 237, 243, 339–340.
-, -, to attend board, 91, 120, 188, 235, 241.
-, -, letters from, 98–99, 277.
-, -, of New England, 313.
Harrison, Nathaniel, member of Virginia council, 2.
-, -, recommended for New York council, 299.
-, Thomas, nominated for Jamaica council, 278.
Hart, John, to be governor of Maryland, 24, 41.
-, -, instructions for, re trade and navigation, 33, 41.
-, -, letter for, 349.
Hartshorne, Mr., 301–302.
Harwood, Mr., attends board, re Minorca, 366.
Hatherne, Anne, infant of Antigua, estate of, 91.
Havana, Cuba, 184, 201, 205, 222.
Hawkins, Mr., engineer at Jamaica, evidence of, 112, 114, 133.
-, -, memorial from, 115.
-, -, to attend board, 93.
-, William, ex sergeant in Annapolis garrison, his evidence, 31.
Hawys, secretary to Russia and Muscovy Coy., his evidence re grievances, 128–129, 163.
Hayes, Mr., merchant of Portugal, letter from, 321.
-, -, attends board re Lisbon, 368.
Haynes, Mr. Christopher, 214.
-, -, to attend board, 231, 242.
-, -, evidence of, 232–233, 243, 444.
Heathcote, Col. Caleb, of New York, Surveyor General of customs, memorial from, 192.
-, -, letters re Indian insurrection etc., 79.
-, Sir Gilbert, attendance desired, 235, 338.
-, -, attends board re Jamaica, 112, 237, 339–340.
-, -, letter to, 142.
Helden, John, collector of customs of St. Kitts, for council of St. Kitts, 75.
-, -, resigns from, 398.
Hemming, Mr., consul at Madeira, 72–73, 78.
Hemmings, Major, of Jamaica, attends board, 202.
Henegua Islands, Bahamas, now Inagua, ship seized off, 169.
Henrico, parish of, Virginia, 141, 418.
Henshaw, Mr., consul at Genoa, 430, 434, 442, 445.
Herbert, Thomas, of Nevis, estate of, 152, 175, 185.
Hern Bay, 417.
Herne, Mr., to be consul at Alicante, 238.
-, -, letter from, 432.
Heysham, Robert, of Barbadoes, attendance required, 91, 111, 188.
-, -, attends board re various matters, 77–78, 92– 93, 112, 227, 262, 339–340.
Heywood, Peter, Col., President of Jamaica Council, to be Commander-in-Chief of Jamaica, 143, 204.
-, -, appointed to council of Jamaica, 19, 144.
-, -, complaints of Lord Archibald Hamilton, 256, 270, 273–275.
-, -, instructions to, 142, 145, 147–148, 222–223.
-, -, letters from, 201, 208– 209, 294, 320, 349, 366, 392, 429.
Hibbard, Mr., of Mexico, in cochineal trade, 159.
Hill, Anne, of Nevis, 348.
-, Col., Edward, evidence re Virginia exchange, 189–190.
-, Frances, of Nevis, 348.
-, Mary, of Nevis, 348.
-, Samuel, petition re St. Kitts, 261.
Hispaniola, (Santo Domingo), French strength at, 2, 10–13, 201.
-, -, trade with, 266, 276, 282, 284, 286.
Hobby, Sir Charles, memorial re Nova Scotia, 4.
Hodges, Sir Joseph, 162, 235, 242.
-, Sir William, 10.
-, -, to attend board, 231.
Hodskin, William, clerk at board, 66, 220.
-, -, to go to Spain, 238.
Holdernesse, Earl of, appointed commissioner for Trade and Plantations, 334.
Holdip, Mr., secretary to Commissioners for Salt, letter from, 414, 421.
-, -, letter to, 422.
Holford, Sir Richard, Master in Chancery, 249.
-, Thomas, clerk at board, 66, 220.
Holland, 313, 372.
-, trade with, 22, 32, 37, 40, 439–440.
-, treaty of commerce with, 35.
Home, Dr. Pat, of Barbadoes, 360.
Hooke, Mr., 414.
Hornbee, Mr., of Spanish town, letter from, 211.
Horneck, engineer, 125.
Hornigold, a pirate, 205, 359.
Howard, Mr., letter from, re Portuguese merchants, 182.
-, Capt., of Shoreham, letter from, re pirates, 196.
-, Major, officer of Col. Handasyd's regiment, attends to give evidence to state of Jamaica, 11.
-, -, ordered to attend, 10.
Howell, Mr., governor of Anguilla, petition of, 151.
Hudson, Israel, clerk at board, 66, 220.
Hudson River, Palatines on, 122.
Huffum, Mr. John, of Nevis, 261.
Hugg, John, proposed for Council of New Jersey, 403–404, 407.
Hughes, Mr. Stephen, of Carolina, evidence re Virginia Indian Coy., 164, 212.
-, -, captured by French, 57.
Hume, Capt., letter from, 404.
Humphreys, John, of Nevis, 426.
Hungerford, Mr., counsel for Bristol merchants, 379, 385–386.
Hunter, Col., governor of New England, 15, 24, 34, 68, 158, 337.
-, -, conduct of approved, 263–264, 339, 442.
-, -, disagreements with Council, 73, 263.
-, -, -, -, Bridger, 41, 58.
-, -, -, Col. Nicholson, 30.
-, -, defence of, 101, 304.
-, -, instructions to, 24–25, 45, 75, 80, 111, 124–125, 300, 330–331, 334, 336, 340, 342, 354, 366, 368–369, 375, 377, 404, 414, 429, 431, 434–435, 443.
-, -, letters from, 44–45, 68, 71, 76, 87, 101, 103, 121, 123–124, 244–245, 289–292, 298–299, 301–302, 304, 329, 336, 340, 357, 402–404, 414, 431, 437, 443.
-, -, relations with Indians, 88, 90, 122, 302.
-, -, ordinance of, 310, 330.
-, -, proceedings against, by, Dr. Cox and Mr. Mulford, 15, 201–202, 240, 257–259, 302, 336–339, 358, 360, 368, 431.
Hutcheson, Mr. Archibald, commissioner, 1, et passim.
-, -, commission to, 35.
Hyde, John, of London, merchant, to be security for Keith, 183, 194.
-, -, attends re naval stores, 217, 225–230, 241–243.
Ile Royale. See Cape Breton.
Indians, of Carolina, rebellion of, 51–54, 57, 62, 64, 69, 79, 88, 229, 236.
-, arms furnished to, 83.
-, deeds, title of, 322.
-, destroy towns on Piscatagua, 27, 38, 49.
-, loyal addresses from, 48.
-, relations with French, 5, 57, 65, 71, 83.
-, trade with. See Virginia, Carolina, New England.
-, treatment of, cruel, 57, 62, 239, 301.
-, submission of Eastern Indians, 401.
-, tribes of. See Charakee, River, Iroquois or Five Nations, Saponie, Susquehanah, Tuscarora, Yamasee, Carolina.
-, See also New England, New York, Nova Scotia and Virginia.
Ingram, Mr., attends board re woollen manufactures, 357, 417– 418, 441–442, 444.
-, -, memorial from, 369, 396–397, 414, 437.
Innes, Mr., of New Jersey, certificate from, 298.
-, Revd. Dr., minister of N.J., Monmouth County, 298.
Ireland, 112, 326, 373, 415, 422–423, 432.
-, exports from, 113–114.
-, factors for Newfoundland, 116–118.
-, flax manufactures, 133–135.
-, House of Commons, Irish, 276.
-, Roman Catholics in Spain, 243.
-, settlers for St. Christophers, 21.
-, woollen trade with, 96, 324, 338, 347, 441–442.
-, sugar trade with France, 220–221, 228, 231.
Iroquois or Five Nations, Indians, 44–45. See also Cayuga Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga and Seneca.
-, French intrigues with, 65, 67, 73, 79.
-, presents for, 87, 90, 91.
-, relations with, 88, 122.
Isle of Wight County, Virginia, 178.
Italy, 413.
-, merchants of, petition of, 6.
-, -, trade with, 16, 416.
Jackson, George, of Bilboa, evidence of, 174, 339–340, 379.
-, Mr., of St. Kitts, 260.
-, Mr., H.M. Resident at Stockholm, 162.
Jacqueau, Mr., memorial from, re Newfoundland fishery, 109.
Jamaica, 3, 14, 111, 326, 336, 351, 361, 414.
governor of. See Hamilton, Lord Archibald, Pitt and Lawes, Col.
commander in chief. See Heywood, Peter.
attorney general. See Broderick, William.
surveyor general. See Keith, William.
receiver general. See Knight, Mill.
secretary. See Congreve.
council of, secretary. See Page, Samuel.
-, members of, Archbould, Ayscough, Beckford, Bennet, George, Bernard, T., Blair, J., Broderick, Chaplain, Elliston, Gomersal, Gregory, Harrison, T., Heywood, Moore, J., Moore, S., Morant, Mumbry, Norris, W., Oldfield, Col., Peck, Pennant, Rigby, Risby, Rose, Sadler and Stewart, John.
-, minutes of, 1, 13, 47, 132, 150, 182, 201, 222, 273, 291–292, 294, 320, 429.
-, addresses from, 132, 182.
-, constitution of, 1, 9, 16, 18–19, 46, 63, 110, 135, 144, 202, 204, 267–268, 277– 278, 299, 343.
assembly of, 120–122, 202–203, 267, 270–271, 276.
-, minutes of, 1, 13, 115, 132, 143, 150, 222, 320.
-, quarrels with governor and council, 8, 10, 13, 22, 74, 112–114, 132, 135, 142, 172, 187, 191–193, 199, 225, 270.
acts of, 19, 22, 46–47, 150, 182–183, 185, 187, 196, 203, 222, 227–228, 244, 248, 250, 259, 266–269, 276, 281–284, 288, 296–297, 320–321, 328, 333, 341, 346, 354, 389, 396.
bonds for duties, 7, 184, 280.
defence of, 7, 10–11, 112, 132– 133, 259, 270, 282, 320–321.
exports from, 132, 285.
governor, complaints against. See assembly and Page, Samuel.
-, instructions to, 20, 143– 145, 147, 152, 167, 193, 195, 204, 209, 243, 245–246, 260, 262–263, 283–284, 323, 331.
-, salary arrears of, 193– 194, 259, 261, 268.
lands, escheated estates in, 3, 8, 267, 275, 278, 343.
merchants, petition of, 2, 13, 115, 133, 144–146, 182, 264, 277, 283, 355.
negroes in, 8, 10–12, 120–121, 227–228, 259, 285, 297, 300, 304–307, 318–319, 331.
passes for, 112.
pirates in, 170, 184, 196–197, 201, 215, 235, 237, 275, 277, 280, 283, 286, 294–295, 338– 339, 349, 366, 392, 416, 429.
revenue of, 132, 429.
seals for, 277, 279.
settlement of land, 7–8, 10–13, 145, 245, 266, 268–269, 276, 278, 343.
ships of war, 3, 14, 142, 148, 167, 205, 237, 280.
state of, 7, 20, 46, 184, 187–189, 331.
stores of war, 319, 323.
trade with French, 409–410.
trade with Spaniards, 142–143, 170, 240, 247, 251, 256–257, 272, 274, 282, 286, 288, 291, 293–295, 303–304, 309–310, 324–325, 333–334, 389; see also Guardia.
James II., 304.
James III., the 'Pretender,' 290, 364–365.
James River, Virginia, 178.
Jamineau, Claud, merchant, letter to, 413.
-, -, letter from, 417.
Jamison, David, minister of New York, letter to, 291.
Jansen, Johannes, of New York, 443.
Jeffries, Sir Jeffry, 78.
Jeffry, George, recommended for New Hampshire council, 80.
Jemmot, Francis, 264, 278.
Jennings, Col. Edmund, member of Virginia council, 2.
-, -, attends re absence from council, 6.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 33.
-, Sir John, to attend board, 366.
-, Richard, act for payments of debts of, 32, 232, 234, 259.
-, Captain, a pirate of Bermuda, 358– 359.
Jersey Island, petition of, 174.
-, trade with, 326, 432.
-, salt of, 422–423.
Jesuits, influence on French in Nova Scotia, 5.
Jetsen, Mr., attends board, 212.
Jews in Morocco, 408.
Joel, Mr., of Bermuda, 175.
John V., king of Portugal, 78, 180.
Johnson, John, Esq., of New York, to be of New York council, 122– 123, 135, 437.
-, Mary, of Nevis, 255.
-, Col. Robert, of Carolina, nominated for governorship of Carolina, 194, 200– 202, 207, 209, 237.
-, -, evidence of, 56– 57, 64, 100.
-, -, letter from, 428.
-, Sir Thomas, M.P. for Liverpool, his evidence, 215, 217– 218, 220.
-, -, re St. Kitts settlement, 261.
-, Mr., of Naval office, attendance required, evidence re naval stores, 209.
Jones, Capt., Edward, certificate from, 111.
-, -, evidence of, re masts, 108.
-, -, affidavit of, 171.
-, Joshua, recommendation of, 170, 172.
Jory, Col., of Leeward Islands, agent for Nevis, attends board re Nevis hostages, 41, 111, 286– 288, 296, 303.
-, -, letter for, 388.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 40, 111, 285, 295.
Joyce, Henry, letter from, against Brigadier Hunter, 337.
Kane, Col., lieut. governor of Minorca, to attend board, 366, 414.
-, -, attends re Minorca, 367, 393, 395, 413, 418–419.
-, -, memorial from, 370, 396, 427, 431.
Keefe, Timothy, of Antigua, deposition of, 361.
Keith, William, surveyor general of customs in Jamaica, 132.
-, -, to be deputy governor of Pennsylvania, 183–184, 193–194, 205, 221.
-, -, instructions for, 335, 353–354.
-, -, letters from, 288, 311, 331.
-, -, security for, 199.
Kelly, Mr., of Jamaica, evidence re duty on negroes, 121–122.
Kelsall, Mr., letter from, 107, 195, 266–267.
Kempthorn, Capt., Commodore of Newfoundland convoy, 93.
-, -, to receive money for Newfoundland soldiers, 25.
-, -, letters from re Newfoundland fisheries, 89, 109.
Kennebeck river, New England, 173, 235–236, 238, 350–351, 354.
Kennedy, Mr., of Virginia, evidence re Indian War, 241, 242, 246, 249, 250.
Kenney, John, 211.
Kent, county, smuggling in, 417–418, 442, 444.
Kettleby, Mr., of Carolina, 53.
-, -, evidence given by, 56– 57, 64, 83.
-, -, memorial of, 58.
King's County, New York, 443.
Kingston, Jamaica, 248, 256, 320, 331.
Kinsale, Ireland, clothing sent from, 29.
Knight, Mr., deputy receiver General of Jamaica, petition from, 201–202, 265.
-, -, attends re whale fishing, 257–258.
Knipe, Sir Randolph, member of Muscovy Coy., evidence re trade with Russia, 167.
-, -, letter from, 440.
Koningseg, Count, Emperor's minister, 61–62.
Kupius, Williamina, escheated estate of, in Jamaica, 3, 267, 275, 278, 281.
Lake, Sir Bibye, petition of, 236, 318–319, 322.
-, -, attends re above, 238.
Lambert, Capt., a French subject of St. Kitts, 261, 303.
-, Sir John, Bart., evidence re Bermuda, 175–176.
-, -, petition re Bermuda, 168, 170–171, 181.
-, -, to attend board, 169, 359.
Lamego, Mr., attends board re pirates, 237.
Laming, Capt., John, evidence for Mr. Roe, 174.
Lands End, 422.
Langdon, Alexander, planter in Nevis, attends board, 17.
Langton, Dominick, minister in Barbadoes, 268, 275.
la Roche, M. Francis, refuses office of treasurer at Lisbon, 321, 352– 353, 357, 368, 396.
-, -, to attend board, 359.
Lawes, Col. Sir Nicholas, of Jamaica, 12, 267.
-, -, appointed governor of Jamaica, 243, 245, 283.
-, -, attendance requested, 3, 248, 300, 319.
-, -, evidence before board, 7, 144, 237, 243, 246–247, 283– 284, 303–304, 320, 331.
-, -, instructions to, 246, 262–265, 276–278, 280, 321, 323, 333–334, 346, 354, 361, 412, 416.
-, -, letters from, 286, 297, 336, 351, 414, 429.
-, -, memorial of, for peopleing island, 11, 26, 277, 328.
Laws, Mr., letter from, re Austrian Low Countries, 23.
Leake, Captain, commodore of Newfoundland convoy, 18, 19.
Leathes, Mr., letters from, to Mr. Walpole, 20, 23, 42.
Le Blanc, Pierre, planter in Nova Scotia, his stock of cattle, 5.
Lechmere, Richard, late solicitor general, 231–232.
-, -, evidence re New England, 43.
-, -, letter to, 8.
-, -, memorial re naval stores, 108.
-, -, to attend board, 43.
Leeds, Yorkshire, 357.
Leeward Islands, 17, 20, 24, 36– 37, 50, 59, 69, 83, 86, 111, 140, 148, 185, 208, 216, 223, 232, 259, 300, 307, 346, 363, 365, 396, 401, 404–406, 438, 419, 421, 437– 438.
governor of. See Hamilton, Gen. Walter.
lieutenant generals of. See Mathew; Walton.
agent in. See Tryon, Rowland.
acts passed in, 211, 223–224, 373, 388.
circular letters to, 277, 412.
commissions for, 427–428.
councils in, 75, 172, 211, 223.
duties in, 182, 187, 197, 211– 212, 288, 367, 388.
exports and imports, 63, 223, 367.
governor's instructions for, 90, 123, 125.
-, salary of, 224, 263, 296– 297, 311, 314.
inhabitants of, 283, 294, 305, 350, 398–399.
loyal addresses from, 151.
memorials from, 83, 240, 255– 256, 349, 407, 410– 411. See also Danes.
pirates in, 149, 211, 215, 226.
relations with French, 245, 388.
revenue of, 212.
seals received for, 59, 277, 279.
stores of war, 147–148, 152–153, 170, 197–198, 204–205, 211– 212, 215, 246, 288, 397.
Leghorn, Italy, 107–109, 413, 416, 424, 427–428, 430, 432, 435, 445.
Leith, 86, 441.
Leoffs, Isaac, 93.
-, -, attends board to give evidence, 95–96.
-, -, evidence required re export of cloth, 91.
Leominster, Duke of, 258.
Leslie, F., a pirate, 359.
-, -, letter from, re surrender, 357.
Leuze, Capt. de., of St. Kitts attends board, 369.
Levant Coy., See also Turkey Coy.
-, secretary. See. Carbonel.
-, exports of, 84, 106.
Levingston Manor, N. Y., 436.
Lewen, George, 224.
-, -, evidence of, 242–244.
-, -, to attend board, 210.
-, -, memorial for, 225.
Lewin, Sir William, attends re trade with Newfoundland, 88.
-, -, presents representation from Poole, 6.
Lewis, John, member of Virginia council, 2.
-, Leonard, of New York, 443.
Liddall, George, petition of, re St. Kitts, 177–179, 204.
Liege, 37.
Lightfoot, Richard, memorial from, re Barbadoes council, 353.
Lilley, Samuel, of St. Kitts, attends board, re Stoddard's case, 302–303.
Limburgh, province of Netherlands, 39.
Linch, Sir Thomas, former governor of Jamaica, 143.
Ling, Anne, of Nevis, 348.
Lisbon, (Portugal) 179, 181, 193, 439, 441.
-, British factory at, 321, 357, 359, 368, 396, 416.
-, Consulate at, 34, 72, 77–78, 80–81, 321, 352–353, 435, 445.
Liverpool, 215, 255, 423.
-, merchants of, 78, 220, 387.
Lloyd, John, attends board, 213, 268.
-, -, evidence re Virginia Indian Coy., 164.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 104.
-, Sir Nathaniel, advocate general, 64, passim, 122.
-, -, paper sent to, 120, 128, 286, 370.
-, -, letters from, 123, 128, 375.
Lodwick, Col., evidence re whale fishing, 257–258, 374.
-, -, memorial to board, re Iroquois, 73.
Loggan, Justinian, clerk at board, 66.
-, -, resignation of, 219– 220.
-, Mr., consul at Ostend, 79.
London, 212, 254, 275, 289, 307, 313–314, 380, 417.
bishop of, 45–46, 248, 263, 265, 268, 275–276, 290–299.
exports from, 116.
imports to, 108.
Lord Mayor of, 385.
merchants of, trade, 9, 78, 83, 220, 336, 362, 378–379, 382, 384–385.
port of, 100, 103, 378.
silk manufactures of, 6.
Tower of, 440.
London, Mr., attends re insurance petition, 337.
Long, Col., Jamaica gentleman, 3.
-, -, attendance desired, 235, 248, 300.
-, -, evidence re pirates, 237, 250, 304.
-, -, petition from, 248, 256.
Longville, Mr., French protestant, attending board, 233.
Lonsdale, Katherine, Viscountess, 298, 356.
Looby, Baptist, of Antigua, 91, 94, 105.
-, -, seized at Martinique, 245.
-, Margaret, of Antigua, wife of Baptist Looby, 91.
Lordell, Mr. John, to attend board, 177.
Louisiana, settlement of, 311, 335.
Lowe, Ann, widow, petitionre patent for curing sturgeon, 285, 288–289, 298, 307, 314– 315, 328, 360.
-, -, letter from, 309.
-, Joseph, of New York, petition of, 396.
-, -, to attend board, 104.
Lowndes, Mr., clerk of treasury, 201.
-, -, instructions and letters to, 3, 13, 24, 68–69, 84, 101, 106, 133, 170, 182, 187, 194, 206, 222, 250, 256, 267, 280, 286, 288, 363, 365, 392, 394, 400, 413, 420, 424–425, 440.
-, -, letters from, 83, 98, 211–212, 246–249, 325, 332, 335, 370, 425, 437.
Lowther, Mr. James, of Whitehaven, 276, 298, 356.
-, -, governor of Barbadoes, 6, 444.
-, -, letters to, 63, 232, 357– 358.
-, -, letters from, 63, 133, 206–207, 265, 281, 293, 295, 356.
-, Robert, of Meaburn, 298, 356.
Ludwell, Col. Philip, member of Virginia council, 2.
-, -, governor's accusations against, 173, 178, 181, 259– 260.
Lyddale, George, of St. Kitts, 261.
Lyn, Mr., agent for soldiers' clothing, 28.
Lynch, Col., attends board re pirates. 237.
Lyol, David, appointed to council of New Jersey, 24.