Henry VIII: June 1546, 11-15

Pages 519-534

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 21 Part 1, January-August 1546. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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June 1546, 11-15

11 June. 1039. Peace with France.
Soc. of Antiq.
Procl., ii. 167.
Proclamation of the peace concluded with the French king, in which is also included the Emperor Charles. (Note in later hand: This proclamation was proclaymed 13 Junii 38 Hen. 8, being Whitsunday 1546.)
Printed by Berthelet.
ii. Modern copy of the King's mandate to the mayor and sheriffs of London to proclaim the above. Westm., 11 June 38 Hen. VIII.
11 June. 1040. Price of Wine.
Harl. MS.
442, f. 219.
B. M.
Mandate to the mayor and sheriffs of London to publish a proclamation limiting the retail price of wines in London, viz., Gascon and French 12d. a gallon, Sack or Rumney 10d., Rhenish or Malmesey 12d. Westm., 11 June 38 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 2.
Soc. of Antiq.
Procl., ii. 166.
2. Another modern copy.
P. 1.
11 June. 1041. The Privy Council.
A.P.C., 450.
Meeting at St. James's, 11 June. Present: Chancellor and Norfolk. Business:—Warrant to Williams for 2,000l. to be made over by Sir Ralph Warren, &c. Letter to my lord of Canterbury, answering his of the 7th, (1) that he should travail to induce the inhabitants of the Cinque Ports to make the Contribution as the rest of the country did; (2) that, whereas he deferred to press such as, having lately entered their benefices, were burdened with First fruits, he should, for the sake of order, call upon them according to his instructions; (3) that, as to his opinion that the money owing to sundry persons for corn and other the King's provisions might be allowed in their contributions, such regard for the poor men's necessities was not expedient, but after they had paid their rate order should be taken here for their satisfaction. Sir Ric. Lee had warrant to the Exchequer for 300l. for spades, &c., for New Haven in Bullenoys; and to Carew for 400l. for Quynborghe castle. Upon information that Richard Graye, captain of a ship of the Lord Admiral, and Ric. Hore, captain of one of Sir Thomas Seymour's, had robbed a hulk of Balthazar de Ahedo and Tylman van Kerssell of sugar and wines (mark given) and stored the goods at Ilfordecombe, Ancelyne Salvage had letters to —— (blank) to sequestrate them. Letters to Stowell, vice-admiral of Devonshire, for release of two ships of John Malyne of Calais stayed at Toppesham by the general restraint of adventurers. To Sir Thomas Arundell and Sir Thomas Trencharde, who wrote on the 8th inst. to the Lord Chancellor enclosing passports and examinations touching a bark of Brytayne arrived with salt for the discharge of certain prisoners' ransoms, that, in view of the peace which had now ensued, further enquiry was unnecessary, and the sale of the salt might be allowed. Warrant to treasurer of the Tenths for 125l. reward to John Baptist Corso, 500l. to Melchior Scetes upon his father's reckoning for grain and —— (blank) to Fras. Fleming and Anthony Anthony for making the ordnance house in the Tower.
11 June. 1042. The Privy Council to Vaughan.
R. O. The King takes in good part his letters of the 7th answering theirs written by his Majesty's command and explaining the cause of his proceedings. Upon Vaughan's writing on the 29th ult. that neither Haller nor any other there would lend upon such bonds as the Fugger took, and therefore some other way must be devised here, the King caused an order to be taken here for the greater portion of the debt to be paid, and despatched one who was the Fugger's factor here to obtain from the Fugger he prolongation of part; whose answer is expected in a few days. Now, as it seems that Jasper Duch has made a "dark overture" to Vaughan to serve the King therein, Vaughan shall eftsoons talk with him and travail for 50,000l. or 60,000l. towards the discharge of the debt; and advertise hither with diligence.
Draft in Petre's hand, pp. 3. Endd.; M. to Mr. Vaughan, xjo Junii 1546.
R. O. 2. "A remembrance for Xpofer Hansell to do for the King's Majesty with [G]uydo Her[on] or Antony Fuggers concerning the respect of time to be prorogued for the payment of the moiety of 152,180l. Flemish."
To conclude for the said moiety or for 60,000 or 50,000 for six or seven months, not under, at interest not above 6, 6½ or 7 per cent. for the six months. If he cannot "reduce Guydo Heron, factor for the said Fuggers in Antwerp, to conclude" he may, if he think it good, go to Ant. Fuggers in Dowchelond. "Item, we will that in nowise ye exceed this our order" but advertise us of your proceedings. And we have delivered you towards your charges 100 cr. value 25l. st. Grenewyche, —— (blank) day of Juyn 1546.
P. 1. Endd.: The Fuggers memoryal.
11 June. 1043. Privy Council of Scotland.
Regist., 26. Meeting at Stirling, 11 June. Present: Queen, Governor, bps. of Galloway and Orkney, earls Angus, Huntly, Argyle, Bothwell, Cassillis and Glencairn, abbots of Paisley, Cupar and Dumfermling, lords Erskin, Flemyng, Maxwell, Ruthven, Livingstoun, and Somervell, secretary, lords George Douglas and Wm. Hamyltoun. Business:—Proclamation ordered against dealing with the murderers of Cardinal Betoun who withold the castle of St. Andrews. Summons of certain gentlemen of Fife to meet with the Governor and Secret Council to give their advice. George lord Setoun appointed to be of the Secret Council in place of Huntly now Chancellor. The Governor discharges the bond made to him by certain noblemen anent our Sovereign Lady's marriage, and the Queen all bonds made to her to the contrary and also all bonds betwixt noblemen of the realm are annulled. Order against riotous evictions of tenants. The Queen, Governor and Council to convene at Edinburgh on Monday 28 June. Order (detailed) for delivery of the house of Lochmaben to lord Maxwell. Proclamation to be made against invading or spoiling abbeys, churches and other religious places. Order (detailed) taken with regard to James Twedy of Drummelyar. The Governor's consent to deliver Lochmaben to Maxwell. Angus, Cassillis, Maxwell and Sir George Douglas ratify and approve the Act of Parliament dissolving the peace and contract of marriage with England and renounce all bonds made by them with the king of England.
11 June. 1044. Vaughan to Paget.
R. O. "Jasper Dowche, suspecting the exchanges that be presently made in this town for London, Lyons and Venyce, by the factors of Anthony Bonvyce, Bartilmew Comp and John Gyrald, to pay the Fugger with, as I think no thing to be done by the merchants in no place of Christendom that 'scapeth his knowledge, this day came unto me and told me that this order which the King's Majesty hath taken with the Fugger hath suddenly brought an exceeding alteration of money amongst the merchants, so as he thinketh the same must needs tend to the King's Majesty's great loss and disadvantage." Apparently it hinders his making money for the Emperor, who will be unable to provide at so little interest as he thought; and, the King having heretore used his services and offered him a pension, he half takes the matter unkindly. He prayed Vaughan to signify to the King with speed that, if this order is not beyond recal, he will serve with 100,000 cr. to 1,000,000 cr., and if his Majesty will not take the jewel offered three months ago he may take an honest portion of copper at the ready money price, or even at 12d. in the hundred below that, to be repaid by instalments at one, two, three or more marts, so that the King's merchants may without trouble pay the debt. This he will deliver at 11 per cent. and take the obligations of London and the King's promise. Other things he told which Vaughan writes to the King in the letter herewith.
Is sore diseased, for the first time, with the stone, having this day voided above a dozen small stones and being in "wonderful pain with stopping my water"; and as the King has taken order there for paying the Fugger he begs Paget to be a suitor for his coming home. Andwerp, 11 June.
I send herewith Jasper Dowche's letter written to you. It is said that the King "will call down his money"; if so, pray let me know.
P.S.—Sir Ralph Warren, alderman of London, signifies by letter the sending of 27 specialties of merchants of the Staple amounting to 7,000l. st. made over at 25s. Fl. the pound st. Knows of no money owing here by the King before August except 6,000l. Fl. to Bartilmew Compaigny, which is payable about 10 or 12 July. This the Council bound themselves to repay in valued money, and Vaughan asks what order to take therein, as the Staplers pay no valued money, and what to do with the rest of the 7,000l. st. when Compaigny is paid. Thomas Gresham, who at the end of last summer conveyed 31,000l. of the King's from hence to Calles, has entreated that his charges may be put to Vaughan's account.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.: 12 June 1546.
11 June. 1045. Gaspar Duchy to Paget.
R. O. Noticing the alteration of exchanges in this Bourse, and hearing that it is due to some who are charged to pay money here in acquittance of the King's debt to the Fouckers, has communicated with the esquire Vachan, and also begs Paget to inform the King that if his Majesty wishes money at the payments of this fair of Pentecost, at honest interest, upon the obligations of London and his Majesty's letters of assurance, he will furnish 400,000 or 600,000 cr., provided that the King will buy 300,000 ducats' worth of copper, to be paid for at his Majesty's convenience at the ready money price. Begs that if the King has no need for the above he will do him some favour in compensation for the damage he suffers and the pension which he refused. Antwerp, 11 June, 1546. Signed.
French, p. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd.
12 June. 1046. Wriothesley.
R. O. Release to the Crown, by Thomas lord Wriothesley and Joan his wife, of their manors of Charmester and Bere, Dors., the late prebend of Charmester and Bere in Salisbury cathedral, the advowson of the vicarage of Bere and lands (extent given) in Chermester and Bere, Burton, Wolton, Stratten, Grimston, Southmore, Furston, Langford, Polliston, Wreikelfford, Cowden, Hernston, Charleton, Wotton, Magna Burton, Waram, Southbroke, Stokley, Bere Regis, Winterborn Kingston, Milborn Sancti Andree, Doddingsbere, Thuterton Milborn, Dowlissh, Anderston, Stoke, Tomston, Tornettes Pedell, Aftepedyll and Bloxford. Signed: Thomas Wriothesley, Cancel.: Jane Wryothesley. Subscribed by Sir Edw. North as taken 12 June, 38 Hen. VIII., and signed by Wm. Staunford [as witness].
P. 1. Endd.: The notes of certain fines which be ingrossed of record.
R. O. 2. Receipt, 12 June, 38 Hen. VIII., by Thomas lord Wriothesley from Sir John Williams, treasurer of Augmentations, of 703l. 8s. 7½d., due upon an exchange with the King for the manor and prebend of Chermestre and Bere, Dors., lately belonging to Salisbury cathedral, as appears by an indenture of 7 June in the year abovesaid. Signed and sealed.
P. 1.
12 June. 1047. Van der Delft to Charles V.
viii., No. 276.
The bp. of Durham has come, from the King and Council, to inform him of the peace, in which the Emperor was included and the treaties with him reserved. Upon this point the French had been as troublesome as on the question of Scotland, and the King's firmness not to agree to anything to the Emperor's prejudice had almost stopped negociations; and he, therefore, so distrusted the French that he would communicate nothing to Van der Delft until the treaty was actually signed. During negociations the French were continually strengthening their forces, and still did so. The Scots were included in the peace only on condition that they fulfilled their promises and obligations to this King. As the bishop did not volunteer any further statement, the writer merely replied that he thanked God for allowing peace which was so sorely needed by Christendom, and added that he always had the fullest confidence that the King would consent to nothing prejudicial to the Emperor; no doubt the arrangement was honorable for the King. To this the bishop only replied that after the first conference the French proposed conditions injurious both to the Emperor and his King. Asked if the English were to retain Boulogne, he paused and simply answered yes.
Has since learnt from a sure source that when the King despatched his plenipotentiaries he enjoined them to listen to no proposals discordant with the alliance with the Emperor; and moreover, that he struck out certain clauses submitted by the French which were directed against it.
Boulogne and its territory on this side of the river remain in the King's hands to be inhabited by Englishmen until the French pay a large sum to cover the cost of the war and the arrears of the pension, which is still to be paid. Peace will be proclaimed here tomorrow. The Admiral of France comes hither and the Lord Admiral goes to France. Galleys and ships of both sides are recalled. London, 12 June 1546.
12 June. 1048. Peter Giovan Luty da Sciena to Sir Harry Knyvett.
R. O. Zeal for the King's service impels him to show his mind as follows. Has, as Knyvett knows, in these wars, foretold things which afterwards happened, and a way to "expugnate the fortress" which, since the peace, has been seen to be feasible, and the French have partly provided against it as he said they would. That fortress is not so strong as he thought before seeing it, and "notwithstanding all their adjoinings, ways enough may be found to the winning thereof"; but even in peace, being so nigh Bolleyn, "it is to be taken heed of all deceit, chancing oftentimes that a sure stealing maketh a man a thief, and by many ways one goeth to Rome, and good assurance doth not annoy." Because Bolleyn is of great importance it is to be taken heed to in time of peace (for in war it can keep itself), as examples in Italy in our own days show.
"First, there was robbed Saleo in the duchery of Urbyn, whereas the soldiers entered by night, more than 185 yards of height; which was the cause of the loss of all the said duchery.
"The earl of Galyott won Mirandula with a boat of leather, where at this present is (sic) lord and master."
"The Frenchmen, having no respect to the peace taken by the Emperor's Majesty, took from him Tirasco and Cresentino, and wanted little the same night that they had not taken Alba in Pyamounte, which they 'hit' (yet?) keep.
"And in like manner the Emperor by sundry manner of ways under truce and peace would have won Turryno, one of the principal towns in the duchery of Savoy, and last of all by six wagons of hay whereas in every wagon was hidden under 6 soldiers which had once won the gate; and for default of the ambushments, which did not follow readily, they could not obtain their purpose.
"And by such like wise the Signory of Venys did win Padoa from the Emperor Maximilian, and thereby did after win Trevysy, Bressa, Verona and all the merke Trevesana."
The selling of wines in cellars in Base Bolleyn seems dangerous, for often I have seen them full of French soldiers. Sometimes there enter three or four great vessels of Frenchmen which might well conceal soldiers, especially when they have their hold so nigh. In many places about High Bolleyn enemies might hide. Watch should be kept even at high water, "because I can show a way whereby to pass over with much people suddenly and to carry the 'gynne' upon men's backs easily and far off in short space." At the mouth of the haven is a jetty of piles which, although on the other side of the water, belongs to the King, and if it were maliciously marred a storm might fill the haven with sand. The hold made upon the hill over High Bolleyn is more important than any other, as I shall show when commanded, "and I think that I was one of the first that counselled it to be made, at my lord Admiral's being at Bolleyn." About Bolleyn lie a great number of gunstones of iron, shot or left where ordnance was set, and already many are hidden under ground. They should be collected. The Frenchmen build beside their fortress a great mount where the windmill was, to carry ten cannons, which will be'noyful to High Bulloyn. The wall and bastion over against the market place should be raised, and the hospital, where now is the storehouse of wood, made into a mount. This should be more 'noyful to their hold than theirs to Bolleyn, although both serve only "to break down houses and to kill men." The hold which they "pretend to make" at the haven cannot annoy us unless they cut it out so as to keep their galleys therein, which seems impossible.
As to the discharging of the soldiers that you spoke of, the King and his Council know best; but I will bring forth an example, viz.:—The Black Band being in wages with Clement bishop of Rome, about 8,000 of the best soldiers of Italy, he had won from the Emperor almost all the realm of Naples and was like to win the city when the Emperor ordered his viceroy to agree with the Bishop, even to his disadvantage, on condition that both sides should discharge their soldiers; "and, suddenly as they were discharged, the Emperor took the most part into wages and speeded immediately Mons. de Bourbon, being in the duchery of Millan, towards Rome, which had a great number of Spaniards and Almaynes; so that the Bishop had not leisure to provide himself, and so he was taken and Rome spoiled." 12 June 1546.
Hol., pp. 4. Headed.: To the right worshipfull Sir Herry Knevet, knight, of the Kynges Maties Pryvye Chamber.
12 June. 1049. Vaughan to Henry VIII.
R. O. This day came Jasper Dowche (half taking unkindly the order which he suspects to be taken with Anthony Bonvyce, Bart. Compaigne, John Gerald and others for payment of the Fugger, he, Dowche, being known as the King's "most bounden") and told to what unreasonable prices money is suddenly raised, both for England, France and Venice by this matter. Gathered that this increased price raises the interest upon the provision which he now makes for the Emperor, and that, whereas he had bruited that the King would always use him in such services, the using of other men demonstrates that he is disregarded. After telling of the alteration made in the Bourse, he said that whereas the King had heretofore used him, he marvelled that this way was taken for payment of the Fugger, which would prove far more unprofitable than another which he could devise; for he would undertake, upon obligations of London and the King's promise, to furnish from 100,000cr. to 600,000cr., so that the King would take withal, if not the jewel offered long ago, an honest portion of copper at its value in ready money, or even 12d. in the hundred less. The money to be repaid either "martely" or at 2, 3or more marts by portions which the King's merchants might easily pay, and to bear interest at 11 percent, as the Emperor pays. He would have the King informed of this offer with speed, so that the great loss likely to be sustained by the way now taken might be avoided.
Dowche then told what exchanges had lately been made for Spain and elsewhere for the Emperor's service, amounting to over 400,000 cr., and that the intent was for some exploit against the bp. of Culleyn, "against whom the bishop of Rome had lately sent over his fulmination and curses," and was also contributing money. Yesternight, received a letter from Sir Ralph Warren, alderman of London, signifying the sending of 27 specialties amounting to 7,000l. st. payable by merchants of the Staple on 30 June, and made over at 25s. Fl. for the pound st. Will indent for them with the bringer. Knows of no money that the King owes here before August except 6,000l. Fl. to Bart. Compaigne, which is payable on 10 or 12 July, and for payment of which in valued money certain of the Council are bound. Desires to know what agreement to make with Compaigne's factor; for he thinks that the merchants of the Staple will not be able to make any payment in valued money. Andwerp, 12 June. (fn. n1) Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Sealed. Endd.: 1546.
12 June. 1050. Guron Bertano to Cardinal Farnese.
R. O. * * * *
The English ambassadors will be here shortly, their Admiral being one. And then this [Admiral] shall go thither; "et questoe belissimo gioco per me." This peace pleases everyone in France and England, especially the ladies, whose loves and pastimes now begin in both courts. Paris, 12 June 1546.
Italian. Modern extract from Rome, p. 1.
12 June. 1051. The Duke of Alburquerque to Henry VIII.
viii., No. 275.
A soldier formerly in his service, arriving from England yesterday, says that there was a Spaniard imprisoned in the Tower of London who claimed to be a cousin or nephew of the writer and brought letters of recommendation from him. Gave no such letters, and hopes that the man will be punished. Is not surprised that the French should have invented this device, as they have shown their resentment in the matter of his property; but as others may have carried thither similar forgeries he certifies that this is his first letter to the King since he left the realm. Rejoiced to hear of the King's recent victories. Cuellar, 12 June 1546.
12 June. 1052. The Duke of Alburquerque to Paget.
R. O. A soldier, my servant, arriving here from England says that there was a knave there with false letters of mine calling himself my nephew and consequently receiving favour of the King, who was afterwards known to be a French spy. Although it is a pleasure to know that he was favoured for my sake, it would be a greater pleasure to know that he was punished. When I send a relative or other person to serve the King he shall not go without a letter to you and to another Spaniard there. It is necessary to be circumspect, as the French, knowing how I served the King, will expect such as go in my name to be well received in England; and, as many Spanish thieves and knaves take refuge in France, one will never be wanting to venture such a trick. I write to the King of this matter and cannot rest until I have his answer.
Greatly rejoiced that the news (fn. n2) was untrue which was given us in the garden of your inn at Brussels, [so] full [of] sadness to both of us. May it please God that you may not see yourself in such case for many years to come, but that all in your house may pass with much happiness to the lords of it. Cuellar, 12 June 1546. Signed.
Spanish, p. 1. Add. Al [magnifico senor, Ma]estre Pa[getto, secret]ario de la Magt [del rey d'] Yngalaterra, [etc.]. Endd.
13 June. 1053. The Privy Council to Carne.
R. O.
St. P., xi. 217.
Having seen sundry letters from him and Mr. Rede, the King takes their proceedings in good part. By letters from us, the Lord Admiral, Sir William Paget and Mr. Wotton, he was informed of the peace with France, which has also been declared to the Emperor's ambassador resident here, who will doubtless have advertised the Regent. The King will now discharge sundry soldiers, to pass quietly through the Emperor's country, and Carne shall procure favour for them.
Draft corrected by Petre, p. 1. Endd.: M. to Mr. Kerne, xiijo Junii 1546.
13 June. 1054. Prince Edward to Dr. Coxe.
Harl. MS.
5,087, No. 14.
B. M.
Lit. Rem. of
Edw. VI., 18.
Is persuaded that frequent letters please his dearest Almoner, who has often told him to write good letters and never bad; and with practice he hopes to improve, for he means to give as much labour to letters as the ants give for their winter's food. Hunsdon, 13 June 1546.
Lat., fair copy, p. 1.
13 June. 1055. Hertford to Henry VIII.
R. O. Was advertised by Mr. Secretary Paget that Rogers, surveyor of Bulloyne, should make a plat of this country and carry it to the King. He now repairs over therewith. In it the King has a jewel, a pleasant and profitable country; and no time should be lost in the division and ordering of it; for which purpose Mr. Riche and Mr. Sadleyr or Mr. Riche and Sir Richard Southwell or other meet persons should be sent. Bearer can tell the state of fortifications here, at the Master of the Horse's camp, the Almains' hill and the Blacknesse. If the Frenchmen now usurp upon Bulloyn haven further than the treaty allows, would know how to use them. Newhaven in Bulloynoys, 13 June 1546. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
Aug. I. ii. 82.
B. M.
2. A chart of the country round Boulogne (perhaps that referred to in § 1), showing the "Old Man," the town and its fortifications, the fort on the other side of the water, the sea and the cliffs beyond. Apparently the fort at Outrean was to be connected by a wall with another fort on the verge of the cliffs. A square fortification is also shown some distance above the town on the other side of the river. In the distance, apparently, is Etaples at the mouth of the Cauche.
A paper roll, 3ft. long by 1ft. 11 inches.
13 June. 1056. Carne and Rede to Paget.
R. O. The letter herewith from my lord of Westminster has just arrived. He writes to Carne that he wrote on the 4th occurrents of the Emperor's Court and enclosed a letter to Paget, but these letters are not received. Yesterday the Commissaries and we met at the Chancellor of the Order's house and we were shown the same books of the customs of Zelande as were shown at Bynkes, but none so ancient as the treaty requires, save that of which we wrote to Secretary Peter. We required to see "more antianter bookes," and were answered that they had none. We desired to see registers which declared the exactions and customs of each kind of merchandise, that we might know whether they were wont to take such customs as they make our subjects pay. They answered that the same customs have been taken ab evo. We then roundly proposed such general griefs as were proposed at the Diet of Calles and Borborowe and required them to show their authority for such "vectigalles or customes," saying that if taken in times past they must have books of it. After long debate they said that, touching five in the hundred and one in the hundred, the assise of beer and wine, and the 20th penny of house rents, they had no registers and stood to their answer made at Burborowe, but they would advertise the Queen and Council here before making a further answer. So likewise touching confiscation of merchants' goods for lack of payment of the customs, and the prohibition of harness, as well bought here as passing through. For the other griefs they say that they have books standing in divers offices, which they will send for. Then they desired a copy of our notes of the general griefs, saying that their books were sent to the ambassador resident in England and the commissary joined with him there. Gave it as in the copy herewith. They said we should have answer to the particular griefs when it was known how their subjects were answered there, wherein they could perceive nothing done. Among the general griefs were some things used in Spain, in which they said that here they could do nothing.
The Scots lately, at a place in the sea called the Dogge, took 13 or 14 fishing boats of Hullonde and Zelande; and have also taken four ships of merchants of these parts laden with wheat from Eastlande. These were taken upon the coast of Norweyg, and were worth 25,000 ducats. For redress the Duke of Arscot's herald, called Arscot, is sent into Scotland. The Queen here seeks a new aid towards fortifying the frontiers of Lyege towards France. Bruxelles, 13 June 1546. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add. Sealed. Endd.
14 June. 1057. The Privy Council.
A.P.C., 453.
Meeting at Greenwich, 14 June. Present: Chancellor, Norfolk, Great Master, Privy Seal, Essex, Admiral, Durham, Winchester, Cheyney, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Paget, Petre, Sadler, Riche, Wotton. Business:—Warrant to treasurer of Tenths to deliver 2,000l. to Sir Ralph Warren, Sir Ric. Gresham, &c., to be exchanged to Stephen Vaughan. To treasurer of Augmentations for 6,000l. to Thomas Geoffrey, to be conveyed to Sir John Harrington, treasurer of the Wars, and 13l. 6s. 8d. for charges. To treasurer of the Chamber to pay Rol. Brasebrige 4l. for posting to Boulogne and back about the middle of May last; and Chr. Hansell, factor to the Fuggers, 25l. for posting to Antwerp and to his master. Passport for Hansell with two horses. Warrant to treasurer of Augmentations to to pay the bp. of Winchester diets at 5 marks from 1 June forwards during his mission "to Bullen, New Haven and other places there"; also like warrant for the Master of the Horse.
14 June. 1058. Van der Delft to Charles V.
viii., No. 277.
Yesterday received letters from the [Queen of Hungary] and obtained audience to declare to the King her thanks for the news of the peace communicated to her by his ambassador. He said that the French insisted upon his treaties with the Emperor being reserved in the form in which he (Henry) was included in their treaty with the Emperor, and they produced the extract from that treaty; but he considered the wording of that extract insufficient, and the French made such difficulties that it seemed as if the whole negociation would fail, and for that reason he deferred informing Van der Delft of the matter; Boulogne and the territory between the river and Guisnes and Calais remained his, the pension continued payable, first payment to be in December next, and at the end of eight years the French might recover Boulogne by paying two millions in gold in a lump sum in one day. The writer remarked that in that case Boulogne would remain his; and he smiled.
The King and principal courtiers seem to remain attached to the Emperor. They had a great meeting today, and the Chancellor and others assured the writer that they would work for the maintenance of the alliance; and they were pleased that he had sent a special courier to the Queen with news of the peace. To get information about Scotland, asked if the rumored assassination of the Cardinal was true. They said it was, and that the two men who committed the deed were of good family and now held the Cardinal's house. The crime, they said, was lamentable, and Scotland very low. A French gentleman has come to invite the King to be sponsor to the Dauphin's child. The King will send for this a member of his Order. Councillor Wotton is to be ambassador resident in France. Winchester and the Master pf the Horse have returned. The peace was proclaimed yesterday both in London and at the Court in presence of the French gentleman, it being announced also that the alliance with the Emperor remained intact. London, 14 June 1546.
14 June. 1059. Van der Delft to Mary of Hungary.
viii., No. 278.
Repeats the effect of his letter to the Emperor (No. 1058) with this addition, that, after dinner, on taking leave of the Council, he asked if the King's army was to disperse; and they replied that the greater part of the troops would be dismissed next week, and begged him to write to her to provide for their passage, as she did at their coming. London, 14 June 1546.
14 June. 1060. Vaughan to the Council.
R. O. This day a servant of Sir Ralph Warren, alderman of London, brought me 27 "specialties or billes obligatorie" of certain merchants of the Staple, amounting in all to 7,000l. st. and payable to me on 30 June at 25s. Fl. Since signifying that the Fugger would neither anticipate nor prolong any of his debt, I have received no charge from you, and cannot remember that the King owes money here until 15 Aug., save 6,000l. Fl. to Barth. Compaigne, payable in valued money the 15th of next month. Please signify what to do with the rest of the money and what order to take with Compaigne's factor for his payment in valued money, as the Staplers are not bound to pay any. Andwerp, 14 June.
Hol., p. 1, Add. Endd.: 1546.
14 June. 1061. William Damesell to Paget.
R. O. These four or five days, has been in Holland with the Lady Regent's letters for John Dymocke's deliverance from prison, who has been very ill handled. Dymocke finished the King's affairs here and departed towards Breame, where he has disbursed money for corn to men who neither deliver it nor return the money. Please inform the King that Dymocke delivered me 900l. or l,000l. Fl. more than I shall need; and learn of the King and Council how I shall employ it, and whether I may have licence to repair home. Andwerpe, 14 June 1546.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
14 June. 1062. John Dymock to the Council.
R. O. Under the King's appointment and theirs to send victuals from Holland and Brame, has sent 9 hoys to Calys, Dover and Seynt John's Rode, laden with butter, cheese, bacon and rye. Bought 260 last of wheat and rye at Dordrecght, and 136 last of it lay in four ships for 23 days; but, owing to arrest, it had to be unladen again and "dead freight" paid to the mariners. About Easter the Council wrote to him to sell it, and he did so at a profit, above all charges, of 600l. Fl. While receiving the money, about 20 May, was bidden to a dinner and interrogated, as he has written to Secretary Paget, the truth whereof will appear by "certifyfications" made by honest men before the lords of Dorte, of which Mr. Vaughan will send copies. Begs their lordships to speak to the King not to suffer a faithful servant to be thus injured, having been asked the questions under protest that all should be under the rose, haled to prison like a thief or a dog by ten men from the house where the Procureur himself lodged, accused to the Lady Regent while he remained in prison, and sentenced without a hearing to leave Dordrecght within five days; for the Lady Regent wrote to the Council of Holland to discharge him for the King's sake, although deserving of death for speaking against the Emperor and the "placate" and the Holy Church. Has a copy of her letter and honest record that nothing thereof is true. Had it not been for the King's money, under arrest by the Procureur's means, and for the corn of Brame,whereon he had disbursed 3,500l. FL, he would rather have rotted in prison than gone like a banished man. Would be loth to come home by water as though banished. Has delivered to Mr. Damesell 3,300l. FL, and left his wife's brother to receive about l,700l. more and deliver it to Mr. Vaughan or Mr. Damesell. Asks what reward to give his wife's brother, who bought this corn and has accompanied him hitherto, receiving only meat and drink. Amesterdame, 14 June 1546.
Hol., pp. 4. Add. Endd.
14 June. 1063. John Dymock to Paget.
R. O. I send in writing all that passed between the Procureur General and me, and desire you to let Nycasius declare it in English; for it is sent in Dutch because our conversation was in Dutch, and the Emperor's ambassador may thereby see whether I have been well used. That the Procureur was the beginner, by asking unlawful questions and "protesting underneath the rose," shall appear by seven or eight certificates under the seal of the lords of Dordrecht. It was meant towards the King, otherwise they would not have acted so cruelly, even though I had offended the Emperor and the Church, as falsely reported to the Queen. When I sat at supper, in the lodging where the Procureur himself lies, there came in ten men who "did haul and pluck me as though I had been a dog, saying" Where are your men for to wait upon you. and where is your King Henry for to help you?' with many spiteful words, and so carried me through the streets that there was above 200 people which did see it." But for the lords of Dorte I had been carried next morning to the Hage and my soul sent to God "or ever my time was." The Procureur is here named "Ypolytus with two souls," and his father was called "Jan without any soul." Within these 18 days were two men burnt at Amsterdame with cloth bound on their mouths that they might not declare why they suffered, the said Ypolytus himself helping to bind them to the stake. Such men, who have as good conscience as dogs, and are also officers, reckoned that the money was mine; and, having heard that I made a good pot of wine by the corn I sold here, thought to despatch me both stock and gains; and but for the lords of Dorte I had been despatched before the letters came from Mr. Carne. What Mr. Carne has done God knows; for I am banished without knowing why, and would have resisted had it not been for the King's affairs at Brame, and his money arrested in Dorte. It shows the good heart they bear to the King when they say that sentence has been given against me, and yet never heard me nor the honest men who heard all that was spoken. I have at least seven certificates under seal of the lords of Dordrecht, and have made protestation against the Procureur for damages, trusting with the King's favour to bring him the reward "that King Asswerys did give unto Amon." If it had pleased you to get the King's letter to the lords of Dortte thanking them for favour shown to me and asking how I have used myself, and what the Procureur and witnesses against me are, you would learn that they are (1) the Procureur, who has been accuser, examiner and judge, (2) John Marche, secretary of the Hage, who within this three months got two nuns with child and was therefore forced to flee "for defiling of ghostly religion," but was pardoned by means of the Procureur, and he was commissary for examination of "tastys" against me, (3) the "ballow" who bade me to dinner and his deputy, and an usher or serjeant of the Hague who waits upon the Procureur. Against them I have three honest men and the ballyow's wife, who depose that I spake not against the Emperor, nor his placards, nor sacrament, which according to the Queen's letter are the things alleged against me. Mr. Vaughan will send copies of all the "certyficacions," either in French or Latin. Amsterdam, 14 June 1546.
The gains upon the corn bought at Dortte amount, above the great charge of freighting and unlading four ships, to 600l. Fl. Begs favour that when his business is done at Brame he may come home by Flanders, and so it should not be known that such things have chanced. Signed.
Pp. 4. Add. Endd.
15 June. 1064. Sir Richard Gresham.
R. O. Grant to Sir Richard Gresham of lands in the parish of Barking, Essex, etc. Greenwich, 15 June 38 Hen. VIII.
Lat. Copy dated 2 Dec. 1602, certified as a true copy of the enrolment remaining in a "book in the custody of me, Robert Doreham." Ten large sheets of paper written on the one side only and fastened together at the top. Endd.: The l'res patents of Richard Gresham for Dunshall and Newbury Hall in Barking. Also endd.: 36 Hen. 8 l'res patents to Geffrey Lukyn of Gowres and Buckerels in Chingford.
R. O. 2. Notes in the same hand as the endorsements of the preceding as to the extents of fields, etc., thereby granted.
P. 1.
15 June. 1065. The Privy Council.
A.P.C., 454.
Meeting at Greenwich, 15 June. Present: Chancellor, Norfolk, [Great Master, Privy Seal, Essex, Admiral, Durham, Winchester, Cheyney, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Paget, Petre, Sadler, Riche, Wotton]. Business:—Warrants to Exchequer and Mint, each to pay 2,000l. to Robert Legge for marine affairs. To treasurer of the Chamber to pay John Parminger, servant to Mr. Mason, for posting to his master in Almaigne, 15 June, 20l. Letter to the commissioners in Cambridgeshire to cease pressing scholars of Cambridge for the Contribution, since none of them, by his living in the University, may spend 10l. a year. General letter to mayors, &c., to assist bearer, Ralph Boswell, to apprehend John Waterman. Knight and Kettell had warrant to Peckham for l,000l., to be defrayed under the lord Great Master in victual for the seas. Letter to Mr. Mason to take leave of Duke Frederic, Duke Philip, &c., and return. Placard for Mons Dessey for post horses for him and the train appointed to conduct him to Boulogne or Calays. Letter to Deputy of Calais and Lord Graye to prepare horses for Mons. Dessey's journey to the first port in France; and also 25 or 30 horses against my lord Warden's arrival on his way to France.
15 June 1066. Henry VIII. to the Dauphin.
R. O.
St. P., xi. 218.
Is pleased with the desire he has shown for the restoration of amity, and readily grants his request as to holding his daughter over the font, as to the sieur de Dessay is more amply declared.
ii. The Same to the Admiral of France.
Has heard of the affection he has always borne to Henry; and while he continues to promote the amity he will both do service to his master and pleasure to Henry.
French. Drafts, pp. 2. Endd. Minute of the Kinges Mates l'res to the Dolp[hin]and Admyral of France the xvth of June 1546.
1067. Henry VIII. to the Dauphin.
R. O. The lord Warden of my Cinque Ports and treasurer of my household comes, on my behalf, to hold over the font the beautiful princess your daughter, for whom I pray God's blessing and send mine.
French. Draft, p. 1. Headed: For my lord Warden. Endd.: The K's Mate to the Dolphin.
15 June. 1068. Sir Thomas Wiatt to Paget.
R. O. Since the King has given lord Sturton the charge here, the writer desires to return home. "I would have used no other help but my lord of Hartford's in discharging me from Base Bolleyn, as though he had afore so done when he placed me in this fort, had I not thought that those that have, by bringing this to pass, made reckoning to have done me a foul displeasure, will now, when they shall perceive how little I esteem that, work me to tarry where they may do me displeasure indeed. Wherefore, gentle Mr. Secretary, help me herein, knowing that, though I should less have troubled you the tother way, yet I should not have been so assured to obtain that so greatly I do desire, nor have had any thank at your hand for not using your friendship, which hath been more a great deal than I have deserved or am able to recompense." From the camp at New Haven, 15 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.: 1546.
15 June. 1069. Carne to Paget.
R. O. Has been greatly sued unto to write in favour of the borowmayster and others of Dorte concerning ships lately taken between Calais and Bolloynge by the captain "(as they say)" of Seynt John's Rode. Commends their cause and desires that they may know that he has written in their favour. Bruxelles, 15 June 1516. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
15 June. 1070. Thirlby to Paget.
R. O.
St. P., xi. 219.
Rejoiced to receive, on the 13th, letters from Paget and other the King's commissioners of the long desired peace. Declared it next day to the Emperor: for on the 18th the Catholics were with the Emperor to declare their conclusion to remit matters of religion to the Council at Trente, as advertised in Thirlby's letters of the 9th. Herewith sends the letters by which he learnt this, with the writer's name cut off. The world begins to be dangerous. Two or three days past captains were despatched to make soldiers, Mons. de Bures is said to have a great band ready; and 7 or 8 days past arrived Mons. du Lyre, general of the musters, which shall be taken in three or four days some 12 leagues hence towards the Rhine. The war is bruited to be for the restitution of the Duke of Brunswike, and not for religion but for the administration of justice and repression of rebels; and the Emperor has within these two days written to divers princes and cities to that effect. Was told this on Whitsunday, after dinner, by the ambassador of Savoy. Asked him why he was not gone to the Emperor with the other commissaries of the princes, and he answered that they were gone to declare their conclusion to remit matters of religion to the Council at Trent; and he had been in the council house with the rest but needed not to go to the Emperor, who knew both him and his master well enough. Told him it seemed like setting up again of old abuses, since the Bishop of Rome rules the Council and has his three presidents there. The ambassador answered that the remission was so tempered that the Emperor should guarantee free access and recess to the Council and free speech in it. Said that the Bishop ought not to rule there, who had as much to answer for as he could lay to others.
Is told that Duke Maurice of Saxe who is present at this Diet was moved to take arms for the Emperor but desired that he might remain neutral. Is also told that the Emperor never moved this, nor would have the services of any coronell of the Protestants, albeit divers of them have offered service. Knows not which of these tales to believe. Since coming hither, has written to Paget on 19 and 28 April, 6 May, and 4, 6 and 9 June, through the ordinary post to Mr. Carne, sending certain acts of the Council at Trident, which he cannot send again, having had scant leisure to copy them once. Sent also with last letters the copy of the Emperor's proposition to the States, also sent again herewith. As it was thought that the first article, concerning the ordering of religious disputes, would make business, it was ordered that the Catholics by themselves (who have answered as above) and the Protestants by themselves should answer every article of the proposition. Understands that the Protestants will answer that they are content to submit matters of religion to a General Council kept in Germany, "where the matters may be ordered by the Council and not by the authority of the Bishop of Rome, nor of none other." Begs to know whether his letters have been received. In case of war the passages may be stopped, and therefore he makes the more haste to despatch this. Will try to learn how the French ambassador advertises to his master, and by that way send news through the King's ambassador in France. Hearing that the French ambassador had no advertisement of this peace (a sign that he is little esteemed at home) caused Seignor Barnardyne to advertise him thereof; and he was greatly rejoiced. The Duke of Cleaves is looked for daily and blamed that he makes his wife (fn. n3) tarry for him; who came with her mother the Queen of Hungary (and another of her sisters, to be Duke William of Bavar's son's wife) on Friday last, (fn. n4) I being met without this town by the Emperor, the King of Romans, her husband and a train of 2,000 horse. Ratisbona, 15 June 1546.
"I had almost forgotten to tell my gladness of your tidings of the Cardinal of Scotlonde. It is half a wonder here that ye dare be so bold to kill a cardinal."
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
R. O. 2. [Enclosure in the above].
Original of No. 1031 ii., with the writer's signature cut off, and undated.
Lat., p. 1.
R. O. 3. [Another enclosure].
"This 15 day of June, being with me at dinner, Vanderell, a gentleman of the Emperor's, told me that the Emperor should have for these wars above 12,000 horsemen and above 50,000 footmen. When I asked how we should do, that for the shortness of time and want of things here could neither have tents ne other necessaries to follow in the war, by this communication picking a quarrel to learn what he would say whither the Emperor would turn his power, in nowise I could not learn of him but as yet it was not determined. After dinner one other wrote me a letter of this tenor. "Heri sub noctem ad te misi scedulam qua exercitus Cæsaris continebatur. An acceperis nescio; sin minus rursus hoc accipe. Peditum: 24,000 Germanorurn, 10,000 Italorum, 8,000 Frisonum, 10,000 Italorum (underlined), 9,000 Hispanorum. Equitum: 10,000 Germanorum, 4,000 Brabandorum, Gueldrorum, etc., 1,000 Hungarorum, 500 Italorum. Preter universam curiam et aliquot alia milia peditum Inferioris Germaniae. Caesar seipsum parat ad prelium, totusque exercitus transferetur ad Wirtenbergensem, Palatinum et Lantgravium, in quos Romanus Presul Caesarem excitavit maxime. Protestantes nondum responderunt Caesari ad articulum religionis. Hoc autem proponent se optare concilium liberum Christianum et in Germania. Etiam ut Pontifex Romanus adigatur ad obedientiam Concilii Tridentini. Si autem Protestantes egerint de mutacione loci Concilii audientur. Advenit filius Brunswicensis captivi ex Italia."
I think amongst the footmen he over reckoned himself in rehearsing twice the Italians and therefore I have under-stricken the number. The residue of his account in horsemen differeth from Vandra 31,500 (sic). Because I am not paymaster I let it pass. Musica also brought me a letter to you directed from himself, wherein (he saith) he writ you marvels. Ye shall know when ye have read them; for I cannot tell you what they be, but whatsoever his letters be he is marvellous. He that wrote me this letter would fain have a pension of the King's Majesty; but, because ye should not be accumbered with him by my means, I neither send you his letters nor will tell you his name, though it doth cost me a horse."
In Thirlby's hand, p. 1.
R. O. 4. Order for the war.
Cavalry:—German: Prince Maximilian Archduke of Austria 2,000, Marquis Albert of Brandborg 2,000, Grand Master of Prussia 1,500, Marquis John of Brandborg 600. The Emperor's household, counting men of arms, 1,500. From Flanders under the Count di Burra, 3,000. From Hungary under Thomas Hadasto, 1,000. From the Pope, 800. From the duke of Florence, 200. From the Dukes of Piacenza, Ferrara and Mantua, number not mentioned. From Lombardy and Piedmont, 400. Captains Aldana and Aghilara, each 100 arquebusiers on horseback. Niccolo Secco, 200 horse. Total 13,400.
Infantry:—High Germans, 16,000, under colonels the Marquis of Marignano, captain general of the artillery, Signor Alliprando brother of the Cardinal of Trent, Georgeo da Ratisbona, and the Marshal of the Emperor s Court. Low Germans under the Count di Burra, 10,000, Spanish in Hungary, Piedmont and Naples, 8,000. Papal, 12,000. Total 46,000.
Artillery:—Cannons 16, demi-cannons 8, long culverins 4, demi-culverins and sakers 12, falconets 10. Powder, balls and other munitions; 600 munition wagons; 5,000 work horses; boats, bridges and the like; 1,500, Bohemian pioneers and 1,500 from Germany; 200 "mestressa marinaresca"; 200 masons.
The above I had from the Marquis of Marignano who is present in all councils. Octavio Farnese will be head of the Pope's men. Cardinal Farnese will come as legate with the men. who are the flower of the captains and soldiers of Italy. The Cardinal of Trent will return from Rome, and he and the Cardinal of Augsburg will be commissaries of the Emperor's camp. The Duke of Alva, captain general of the army. The Prince of Sulmona, captain of the horse from Italy. The free cities will not move for either side, and have sent to tell the Emperor that they will not be against the Empire and ask only that their privileges may be observed; Augsburg has forbidden the taking of pay from the Emperor or any other prince. The war will be principally with the Duke of Saxony, the Landgrave and the bp. of Cologne. The Emperor has sent warning to the Count Palatine not to move but remember how the Emperor Maximilian deprived his grandfather. (fn. n5) Duke Maurice, who is here, will not take arms against his own kin, but will aid the Emperor with victuals and other things. The Count di Burra has intimated, that peace being made between France and England, the Italians and Spaniards who were in the King's service will be dismissed, asking whether the Emperor would have them and also Englishmen; who replied that they should be had by all means. On the 6th prox. the King of the Romans will leave for Bohemia to hold a Diet. Everyone is sure that unless an agreement is made the Emperor will be victorious, for the Protestants have as yet no great provision. Some hope for a settlement and some not, this Court being at present full of both parties. Don Francesco da Este, brother of the Duke of Ferrara, has left the Emperor's service, grieved that the charge of the cavalry, which in the other war was his, has been given to the Prince of Sulmona who is now coming with them. The army cannot be assembled before the end of next month as the Italians cannot be here until then.
I send you the reply of the Catholics to the Emperor upon religion. If the Emperor goes into camp it is said that he will leave the ambassadors in some place; and. as the King ought to know how the war proceeds, I would like to be there with my Italian friends and keep the ambassador continually informed if it will please the King to give me the means of maintaining myself honorably, as most ardently I desire to serve him who has always been my protector.
Italian, pp. 4. In Bernardino's hand.
R. O. 5. Reply of the Catholics.
The councillors of the Electors of Mentz and Treves, and other Catholic states, and the ambassadors of those who are absent, have carefully read the Emperor's proposition and pray him to persevere in his desire to make union in the Christian religion. He can remember why the Colloquy which he appointed was fruitless; and since he would know their advice in the cause of religion, the Catholic states advise a general Christian Council in Germany, especially as it has always been demanded by those of the Augsburg profession. Since the time of the Apostles a General Council has always settled disputes. It is evident that colloquies and treaties work nothing. Even if such dissension could be composed by treaty, some of the princes might set little by it, and the German nation be less strenuous against the enemy of the Christian name. And now that the desired Council is begun and has held some sessions, these states think that affairs of religion ought to be directed thither. And they petition his Majesty, as Emperor and Patron of the true ancient religion, to insist upon this Council, take care to have it attended by all Christian potentates, and compel the Protestants to appear and propound their grievances and submit to its decision upon their doctrines, going and returning in safety. As to the archbishoprics and other ecclesiastical states, they declare that in visiting the Council they will let it be seen that they have omitted nothing they could do for reformation and concord in religion.
Lat., pp. 3. In Bernardino's hand. Headed: Responsum statutum Catholicorum in Ratisbona ad privatam propositionem Ce. Mtis eidem Mti suæ exhibitæ (sic).


  • n1. The last sentence with the date is added in Vaughan's own hand. The letter was evidently completed otherwise on the 11th. like Nos. 1044 and 1045.
  • n2. Of the death of Paget's wife. See Vol. XX. Part i. No. 485.
  • n3. Mary daughter of King Ferdinand was about to marry the Duke of Cleves; while her sister Anne was to be married to Albert of Bavaria.
  • n4. June 11th.
  • n5. The writer apparently means his father, Count Palatine Philip, deprived in 1504.