Henry VIII: March 1546, 1-5

Pages 153-165

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 21 Part 1, January-August 1546. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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March 1546, 1-5

1 March. 303. The Privy Council.
A.P.C., 342.
Meeting at Greenwich, 1 March. Present: Chancellor, Great Master, Privy Seal, Great Chamberlain, Essex, Admiral, Durham, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Paget, Sadler. Business:—Warrants to treasurer of Tenths to pay the lord Admiral 2,000l. for wages of those who served on the Narrow Seas, due 4 Feb. last, and to pay Sir Anthony Knevet l,000l. for munition and Francis Flemming 100l. towards making of the Ordnance house. Warrant to the Exchequer for 1,000l. for victuals. John Lynsey and William Ely had letters to customers, &c., of London, for the unlading of 800 tuns of wine, the King's licence to follow. Chr. Squyer, merchant of London, having recovered certain debts in Flanders paid in French wares, had letters to the customers, &c., of London for the discharge of poldaves, canvas, prunes, woolcards and Paris thread (values given), undertaking to sell the poldaves at 23s. 4d. the piece, which is 3s. 4d. under London price. Edward Vaughan, captain of Portsmouth, absent through sickness, returned with letters to Edward Grimston, who supplied his place, to take, besides his allowance, the half wages of the captainship for the time of his being there and pay Vaughan the other half; Vaughan also had letters to the mayor and brethren of Portsmouth, John White of Sowthwyk, Ant. Pounde, Wm. Pounde and ——— Wayte to assist him in the King's service.
1 March. 304. George Grenleffe to St. Leger.
R. O. The Englishman that brought the prize of Gasken wine to Yowghall which Mr. Agart bought was at Korke with his own bark and another well appointed, with 100 tall men to do the King and my lord (fn. n1) service according to his promise, and my lord commanded me to bring them to the Dengell for certain Frenchmen there. As we lay at anchor, and both captains and most of their men were gone four miles off for victuals, leaving me as their deputy, a French man of war with 60 of the tallest men of Depe, Sent Mallows and those coasts boarded us and cried Yield ye; whereupon we took our weapons and fought for three hours. They killed one of our men and brake our master gunner's leg, but we killed their captain and ten of their best men and wounded 25 others and took their ship. The ship, of which "they have made me captain," contained only 8 tun of beer and a hogshead of flesh and bread, and some writings which my lord will send; and if God send any good prize I trust to see you at Dublen. These men who thus have served the King and my lord according to their promise are told that, at Waterforde, Mr. Peper said that he would take them as soon as he would a Frenchman. Please inform Mr. Peper that, the King not offended, they would set little by him, for they have tall men "that of the worst of xxiiij. hath taken the charge of good ships." God send you "the upper hand of your enemies." Korke, 1 March.
P.S.—One of the prisoners confesses the setting out of the navy of 13 galleys and 50 ships (the Saker of Depe was one of them) into Scotland, 20 Feb., to fetch the Scots queen, and that they make the greatest army they can to land at Eye next May.
On a detached slip enclosed:—"Mon sieur de Senne chapitainne en chef de l'ermee quy va querir lay Royne d'Escosse."
Pp. 2. Add. knight of the Garter and deputy of Ireland. Endd.: "Letter from George Grenleff for taking a French ship, and the copy of their licence from the captain of Depe (fn. n2)."
1 March. 305. Charles V. to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P., xi. 65.
His subjects of the maritime towns of the Low Countries complain of such ill treatment by the King's captains and men of war on the sea that they dare not continue their fishery of herring, cod or "dogge" (haddock?). Begs him to give order that they be not molested, especially as they have the Queen of Hungary's attestation that they are the Emperor's subjects. Maestricht, 1 March 1545. Signed. Countersigned: Verreyken.
French. Broadsheet, p. 1. Add.
1 March. 306. Queen Mary of Hungary to Henry VIII.
R. O. The Emperor has written in favour of his subjects, fishermen of the Low Countries, that in the coming season of cod and herring fishery they may fish more freely than last year, when the men of war sometimes took their victuals, fish and tackle, although they had the writer's attestation that they were subjects of the Emperor. Begs him to take good order that they may fish freely. Maestrecht, 1 March 1545. Signed. Countersigned: Despleghem.
French. Broadsheet, p. 1. Add.
1 March. 307. City of Hamburg to Henry VIII.
R. O. What they have answered to his requests for corn and ships, received by his letters and by the speech of his commissary, Wm, Watson, the said commissary will relate. Although inclined thereto, the scarcity (greater than ever remembered by man) of the corn harvest in maritime Germany deprives them of the power to gratify him. In granting what they have the necessity of preserving their trade in France does not permit them to lend public authority. Sealed 1 March 1546. Subscribed: Consules senatoresque civitatis Hamburgensis.
Latin. Hol., large paper, p. 1. Add. Endd.
1 March. 308. Robert Archbishop of Armagh to Paul III.
R. O. Urges him to persevere with the Council. Trent, 1 March 1546. Lat. Modern transcript from Rome, pp. 3.
2 March. 309. College of St. Katharine near the Tower.
R. O. Inventory (in the form of an indenture between Gilbert Lathum, priest, master of St. Katharine's, and Sir Marten Bowes, mayor of London, Edmund bishop of London, Sir Roger Cholmeley, chief baron, Sir Richard Gresshame, Wymond Carewe, Robert Brooke, recorder of London, Nicholas Bacon and Thomas Mildemaie, commissioners for the survey of the colleges, hospitals, fraternities, brotherhoods and other spiritual promotions in London) of the furniture of the College of St, Katharine near the Tower of London, 2 March 37 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 10.
2 March. 310. Henry earl of Surrey to Lords Cobham and Grey and the Council of Calais.
Harl. MS.
283, f. 355.
B. M.
Howard, 212.
Answers to their letters that, albeit he has received no letters from the King as they have, he would wish that, after making their proclamation, they would execute it on their part as he intends to do on his; or else it will not be in his power "to let any captain, English or stranger, to offer such measure as is offered them." If they wish to redress the past they may give order for the future by sending home any who have left this service to serve there; and he will do the like again. The French fleets lie here before the haven. Boulogne, 2 March 1545. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
2 March. 311. Scepperus to Schore.
viii., No. 206.
Has informed Schore of his despatch, with which he now goes to England. Asks promotions for his bailiff at Eick and Cornelius Meunicx, advocate of Ghent. Sends the ratification of the king of England and two other documents, by his wife, not daring to entrust them to anyone not absolutely sure. Bruges, 2 March 1516.
2 March. 312. Vaughan to Paget.
R. O. On 2 March I received your letter, with a bill of exchange of the Bonvyce for 30,000 cr. of 6s., a packet for Bonvyce's friends, and two letters for the ambassadors. "A day and more" before, Dyodaty, a friend of Bonvyce, came to me in the English house and said that he heard from London that Bonvyce would give such a bill; and before writing this I spoke with him, and it is agreed (at his desire) "that he shall be the man that shall both give the credence and deliver the money," as that house is loth to give bills to "any house of the Dowche." If he will serve for like interest as others I will take him; "if not, I will make him believe I will employ his credit upon another, and yet, to keep them in and to nourish them still in the desire to serve the King, I will deal gentlyer with him than with other." Of this money there seems no cause of doubt, as Bonvyce's credence is good. Your two letters to the ambassadors are despatched, although this morning I had a letter from Mr. Chamberleyn signifying that my lords of Winchester and Westminster would be here with Mr. Caern on the 4th inst., "and that the Emperor should be departed from Mastreght the first of this present towards Loreyn."
I find Jasper Dowche often devising things which he cannot perform. As to the offer of 600,000 cr., it is a weighty sum and found in no man's house save the Fowker's, and he will not deliver it unless all the King's subjects are bound for the payment by Act of Parliament, as I lately signified to the King. "Your other letter to Dymok I will send this day. Here is and hath been wonderful cold weather. The rivers in Holland be so frozen that no vessel passeth through them. But Dymok thinketh to buy corn if the Queen will suffer it to pass. Mr. Chamberleyn writes that I should make ready such money as I will send by my lord of Winchester into England; but here no crowns can be had without giving interest for them, and the Fowker will pay only in current money. The King might refer such things to my discretion, and it is better to give ¼ or ⅓ per cent, for crowns than to take white money. "Watson is I wot not where. I think he shall be able to do nothing." This credit of Bonvyce's will furnish Dymok and Mr. Damesell. Where the merchants tell you to sell the Fugger's fustians here to pay the credit due in April, it is impossible to sell them without loss for ready money, nor can you be sure of their sale in time to keep the credit of April, "which is an earnest matter; again, if the Fowgger be handled amiss, ye shall lose him, for he may not abide to have his merchandise decay in price."
A servant of a brother-in-law of mine, a witty and honest fellow, spoke this day with one who yesterday came out of France and met between Roan and Amyens 3,000 pioneers and 2,000 Pyamountoys, hastening towards Bulleyn to make a fortress at Marguyson. The bruit in France was that Bulleyn should be had without handstroke, seeing that neither men nor provision were sent thither out of England. Andwerp, 2 March.
Hol., pp 4. Add. Endd.: 1545.
2 March. 313. Vaughan to Paget.
R. O. After the closing of my packet, Dyodaty, Bonvyce's friend to whom the bill of exchange is consigned, came to me and we concluded that he shall bring the 30,000 cr. of 6s. home to my lodgings, to avoid bruit; and I shall give him interest at 10 per cent., which is 5 per cent, for the half year, and repay him in crowns. Andwerp, 2 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.: 1545.
2 March. 314. Charles V. to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P., xi. 66.
As the bp. of Winchester is returning, would not omit to write by him referring to his declaration what has here passed. Henry will have heard occurrents from the Sieur d'Ecke. Maestrecht, 2 March 1545. Signed. Countersigned: Bave.
French. Broadsheet, p. 1. Add. Endd.
2 March. 315. Gardiner, Thirlby and Carne to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P., xi. 66.
Upon receipt of letters from your servants, John Brende and John Brygynden, signifying their repair to Captain Courtepenyng to muster footmen, and asking whether we could obtain licence for their passage in small numbers through these Low Countries (because Grandvela had said that the Queen was to be spoken with therein, as in our former letters we signified), Sir Edw. Carne desired President Skore to obtain the Queen's answer, and also licence for certain munition provided by Damesyl to pass into England. President Skore showed himself willing; and, when we looked for answer, Grandvela sent the Emperor's chief secretary to me, Winchester, to request that we might speak together either at his house or mine. We went to him upon "Saincte Mathewes Daye" in the morning, and found President Skore with him. With devices and pleasant tales "to renew familiarity," he protested the Emperor's affection and his own zeal to further it, told us of the Diet at Cambray and the slender intelligence between the Emperor and the French king, and how the Frenchmen rumor in Italy that their practices with you for peace are "near a point"; and so came to say that these footmen might pass, provided that Captain Courtepenyng come first to the Queen himself, to devise thereupon, for order must he taken that no more of such soldiers should be together at any town than might be well ruled. Skore said that this should be so expedited as not to cause delay; and they "assured on the Emperor's behalf" that he should go and come safely,—and here Grandvela praised the man's courage in war. This answer we have written to your said servants by a sure man who knows the country, your servant Bastian of Andwerp. As to the licence, they thought it "a great proportion," but you should have all that might be spared, and it should be expedited that day; as indeed it was, and all granted save 1,000 hacbuts and 500 harness for footmen. Grandvela then said that he must that afternoon make instructions for the despatch of Mons. Skepperus to you, and asked me, Winchester, what matters he should speak of, as familiarly as if they would follow my counsel. I answered that they said that the Emperor would send him with commission for the marriage, and so passed that over; and afterwards, when, speaking of the Emperor's departure, appointed for the 1st inst., I feared that I should not so soon receive your letters and be able to take leave, Grandvela said earnestly "that if I would, the Emperor should tarry here two days the longer." These are small matters, but they declare a desire to redubbe the past and reconcile us. "We had no communication of the matter of the aid, and for all his cheer he might see we were not satisfied."
On the 27th Francisco arrived with the Council's letters for Gardiner's return.
On the 28th, had access to the Emperor and declared the King's pleasure for Gardiner's return, Thirlby's continuance here and Carne's attendance upon the Queen. And Gardiner said that, now the amity was renewed, there only remained the aid due for last year, wherein he desired the Emperor to take such order that he might "return with a full perfection [of] all matters." The Emperor said that it was promised with a condition. Gardiner answered that he heard of no condition but such as was fulfilled by this "eclarishement." The Emperor said he took it that by this eclarishement "all had been gone." Gardiner replied that they three affirmed that the aid was ever reserved, and it was not an article of state but a money matter. He answered that his Council should consider it. Asked him, now at his departure, to recommend to the Queen the observation of these new capitulations; telling him how beneficial the war was to him, and therefore he should aid the King with every necessary. He listened pleasantly, and said that all promised should be observed; and, with cap in hand, desired Gardiner to commend him to the King.
On 1 March we spoke with Grandvela, who entertained us most gently; and as for the aid the answer is referred to Mons. Skepperus. Grandvela and Skore both confessed that your aid when Mr. Wallop went was a goodly aid, and Granvela added how, at the Emperor's request, you continued it six weeks beyond the time. We reminded them that the fruit of our war was theirs; for, although you shall have the glory to be the scourge of him that has troubled all Christendom, it gives the Emperor opportunity to recover his own and restore the Duke of Savoy, and if it ceased they might find the Frenchmen more untoward; all wise men, we said, thought that a visage of war on the Emperor's part would induce the French king to do reason to both. Grandvela seemed to agree, but said that, because of the Germans, the Emperor could not resolve upon war until he spoke with the Princes of Germany at the Diet, and then Grandvela would communicate thoroughly with me, the bp. of Westminster. We had many words herein, in the course of which Grandvela sware that there was no further agreement in practice with the Frenchmen and no hope of the French king's restoring the Duke of Savoy. It may be that because the Duke is a prince of the Empire the Emperor will try to get the war accepted as war of the Empire, and so deprive the French king of the service of the Germans; for Grandvela speaks of the resolution to be taken at the Diet as though he wished us to expect something. Not having spoken with the Queen, we communed only generally of victuals, etc.; and they said that we should have all things.
That afternoon we spoke with the Queen and delivered your letters, saying that, of the things which the Emperor covenanted that you should have we had reserved the specialties to be opened to her, and were sure that she would consider your present necessity. She answered very gently that, as the Emperor was not absent, she must first counsel with him; and she would gladly do what she might, but "must f[ollow] th'ordre of her souverain th'Emperor," who had a league with France. And hereupon we opened the matter at length. She heard it "very diligently" and promised that there should be no fault on her part. So we took leave, and are now "looking for an answer, being this Tuesday the removing day."
When we spoke of Ryffenberge the Emperor asked for the report of Vicechancellor Navius, who says that "he must have a good time or he can do it"; and when we desired that the matter might be examined in these parts the Emperor answered that he would take order upon Navius's report. The ambassador of Brandenborowe, not the Elector but [Albert], who has been with the King, (fn. n3) has told Gardiner that his master is ready to serve with 2,000 horsemen and can bring them as far as this town within a month. Gardiner referred him to my lord of Westminster, here resident, to know whether the King needs men.
We have tarried for the answer from President Skore; but, because it is so late that we must leave this town, we finish this letter together, and leave that answer to be written by us, the bp. of [Winch]ester and Sir Edward Carne. Mastryke, 2 Feb. (fn. n4) (Signatures illegible.)
In Gardiner's hand, pp. 11. Slightly mutilated. Add.
[2] March. 316. Gardiner to Paget.
R. O. Thanks for your diligence in despatching Francisco; yet, it took not "that effect," for it was Saturday (fn. n5) afternoon ere he came. You will perceive by our common letters to the King that all things are better than they were. The Emperor today departs this town (fn. n6) and so do we. Here have been ambassadors from all the states of Germany to desire the Emperor not to make war against the bp. of Colen, but remit that matter to the Diet. While desiring to learn their commission there came "to visit me one whom, of all Germany, I would have, for his knowledge and truth, wished to have spoken with; and yet since I was at Ratisbone I owed him a horse and was now even for shame driven to pay him, and so I did, but I had rather have given him xx. marks; and thus the world doth mingle sweet and sour together." He is learned and of good reputation, and told me that the message of all these ambassadors is only for the bp. of Colen. "Other particular matters I shall tell you when I come home, which shall be as shortly as I can." Having passport to carry what I list, I have advertised Mr. Vaughan that I will come by Antwerpe and carry money for him if the other passport is delayed. Sends news among ambassadors of the "conciliable" at Trent, "where be gay words." Captain Buckholt, of whom he wished to know the towns name that should be delivered, has "buried his wife and lost the greater part of his living." Fears that his story was but a practice to gain favour and have the money he challenges of Chamberlain. Cannot tell where he now is.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.: —— (blank) Martii 1545.
2 March. 317. Gardiner and Carne to Paget.
R. O.
St. P., xi. 72.
In their common letters to the King, they wrote that they would, in a postscript, signify the Queen's answer, which President Skore had promised Carne to solicit. Skore added that in these matters means must be used to avoid inconveniences; from which it seems that they will act indirectly as in the licence for the munition (when they wrote to the Margrave of Antwerpe to bid the customers let it pass) and not over openly show themselves against the Frenchmen. This day the Emperor departed from Mastryke towards Almayne and the Queen towards Brucelles; but President Skore was bidden to a banquet among good fellows "in a hot stufe with plenty of cold wine." When Emperor, Queen and Grandvela were gone, Gardiner sent two servants to seek Skore. After two hours search, one of them, Twaytes, returned at 3 o'clock, as the writers were going to horse, saying that he found the President "in a stufe drinking roundly, and one of the company in a furred cap and a glass in his hand of a quart full of of wine"; and the President said that he would give Carne the answer at Brucelles. Wyngfeld also found him and had like answer; and both "said it was far forth days with him." And so we departed from my lord of Westminster.
Carne now goes to Brucelles and Gardiner to Antwerpe, where Carne will bring him Skore's answer. Beg him to signify the sum of this to the King, the circumstances being "too light matter" for his Majesty's ears. Send this post with "the rest," because it contains better matter than they wrote last. Hassel, 2 March.
Skepperus has his dispatch from the Emperor to the King and is in Sealand abiding it, as Grandvela says. Signed.
In Gardiner's hand, pp. 3, Add. Endd.: 1545.
2 March. 318. Chamberlain to Paget.
R. O. According to the King's pleasure, signified by Paget, has, with my lord of Winchester's advice, concluded his processes with the Almaines, and, through Winchester, informed the Emperor, whose answer was that upon the report of the Vicechancellor of the Empire he would provide therein. As my lord of Westminster will now suffice to remind the Emperor, the writer now repairs home in company with Winchester. Mastricht, 2 March 1545.
Hol., pp. 2, Add, Endd.
3 March. 319. Repayment of Loan.
R. O. Bond given by Wriothesley, Russell, St. John, Browne and Paget to Ant. de Vivaldi, Hen. Salvagho, Acellin Salvagho, Vincent Balthazari Guinughi, John Balbani and their company, in 6,000l. st., for the repayment of 20,000 cr. for which the said Vivaldi and Salvaghi, 1 March last, directed their letter of credit to Guinigi, Balbani and their fellowship, in favor of such persons as Stephen Vaughan, the King's agent, should appoint. Dated 3 March 37 Hen. VIII. Signed. Seals lost.
3 March. 320. The Mint at Bristol.
R. O. Indenture, made 3 March 37 Hen. VIII., witnessing that Sir Wm. Sharington, undertreasurer of the King's mint at Bristoll, has delivered to Roger Wigmour, comptroller and surveyor of the same, "these parcels of money" for the said mint, viz.:—On 3 March 37 Hen. VIII., 340l.; 3 April, 200l.; 3 May 38 Hen. VIII., 340l.; 3 June, 235l.; 3 July, 220l.; 3 Aug., 92l.; 3 Sept., 96l.; 3 Oct., 89l. 16s.; 3 Nov., 80l.; 3 Dec., 80l; 3 Jan., 72l.; 3 Feb., 99l. 19s. 9½d.; 3 March 1 Edw. VI., 73l. 6s. 10d. Total, 2,018l. 2s. 7½d. Signed. per me Roger Wigmor.
Large paper, p. 1.
3 March. 321. Sir Edw. North to Mr. Scudamore.
R. O. Authorising him to pay Ric. Harman, late schoolmaster at the dissolved college of Burton upon Trent, 10l. for his half-year's pension due at the Annunciation next; but to make no further payments to him, as the King has provided for him otherwise. My house in London, 3 March 37 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
3 March. 322. J. de la Brousse to the Queen [Mother] of Scotland.
Balcarres MS.,
iii. 102.
Adv. Lib.
On our arrival at Dieppe, I wrote by the son of my host, Desterlin (of Sterling?), what I heard at that time. Eight days later we arrived at the Court, which we found in the villages of Normandy. We are now at St. Germain, where all your race are, and your mother, who governs more than she wishes, "car inia (il n'y a) quelle pour aler a la chasse et devisser bastimens et a estee envoiee querir en propres a Paris ou elle estoit pour la proces de Monsieur vostre fiz ou le Roy va fere caresme presnant (fn. n7) "; and from thence it is said he goes to Fontainebleau. The King, the Dauphin and the Council are well informed of your affairs of Scotland. He now sends Mons. Douzay thither as ambassador, and very shortly Mons. de Mandosse, premier maitre d'hôtel, with money to be employed at your discretion, "et generallement vous messieurs le p .... (?), et cardinal pour contenter tout." They promise also to send you the rest of your pension and money for a present to the Governor, Angouz, Gorge (?), Arguil, Baudauel, Humes and the Capt. of Donbertrant. Madame (fn. n8) has not yet spoken to me on the subject of the last conversation you held with me at Stirling, when I took leave of you, for she only came two days ago. Begs her to remember his petition for his brother. Begs her also to provide touching the county of Gian. Mons. de Lorges, who has gone this morning to Paris, says he spoke of it yesterday to the King. Puiguillon and I have this morning urged Mons. Daumalle to remind Madame to speak of it to the King at the meeting to which she has gone. Leaves the rest of the news to her kinsmen to report. St. Germain en Lez, 3 March 1545.
Hol., Fr., pp. 2. Add.: Ala Royne d'Escosse. Endd.
3 March. 323. Vaughan to Henry VIII.
R. O. Yesterday received a letter from Secretary Paget with Ant. Bonvyce's bill of credence for 30,000 cr. of 6s. Fl. Delivered the letters which came therewith to the house of Bonvice here and sent for Dyodaty, of the same house (who bad, the previous day, said he was advertised from London that Ant. Bonvice should give a credit here for 20,000 or 30,000 cr., but if so, it must not be credited to any house of the High Dowche here, for, after experience of their evil dealing, he would no more give his bills of credit to any of them), who agreed that he and his friends should emprunt the 30,000 cr. for 6 months at 5 per cent. to be paid and repaid in crowns; and, lest Jasper Dowche should hear of it, the money is to be sent to Vaughan's lodging. Explains that he will receive the 30,000 cr. less the interest; 'albeit that, as well to Bartilemew Compaigne, now lately, as to John Carolo and others, for money emprunted by them, to th'intent they should be the more willing to serve your Majesty, their bills were more liberally made to their somewhat more advantage, like as, before I made them, I sufficiently advertised your Majesty's most honorable Council, and this (indeed) maketh men the more willing."
Where Paget signifies that, in case the Regent accord transportation hence of 400,000 cr., the Fowgger's fustians, "not being Holmes but Hornes fusteans," should be sold here, and the proceeds used to discharge the 15,000l. which the King owes in April; considers that to keep the day of payment is both to the King's honor and the encouragement of men here to serve him, and that this sale may not yield money soon enough, and also that the Fugger, being the only man who serves the King with great sums and intent on the price being upheld as Vaughan has promised, may be offended. "Will signify what may be done in that matter after talking with Jasper Dowche, who has been these two days out of town, and whom he will "handle" with Paget's advice concerning the three things for which he lately made suit. Wishes that the King had written to the Queen for no more than he signified, viz., 200,000 cr., for she, being found unwilling to grant far less sums, may, in respect to the Emperor's need, stay at so huge a sum as 400,000 cr. and make no grant at all. Jasper Dowche and Vaughan agreed that with licence for 200,000 cr. they could convey double or treble that amount. Looks daily for the obligations of London. Will give the Fugger ⅓ per cent, for payment in crowns.
My brother's servant, who lies here for his master, yesterday talked with a merchant here who arrived that day out of France and had met between Roan and Amyens about 3,000 pioneers, accompanied by 2,000 Piamountoys, going towards Marguyson, where the French king would make a fort, whereby, and by his ships and galleys, Bulleyn shall be won "without handstroke or the murder of any man." A merchant of this town who favours the King has just come to say that the French king has hired four men with 3,000 cr. out of hand and promise of 500 cr. a month each, of whom two are to enter the King's service while his army is on this side the sea and corrupt the "captains strangers with gifts and promises"; and, that failing, the other two to devise with trusty persons in England to set fires in sundry towns there, and especially to set fire on the King's powder and ships. The man gave hope that all four persons should be delivered to the King's hands. The overture of this matter coming from the Margrave of this town, being the chief officer here, who may get secret knowledge in this and other matters and also much assist the King's agents here, Vaughan will speak with him; and, if he proves willing to do the King service, suggests the present to him of an ambling nag from the King.
Hears that, coming out of the river of Burdeaux, 15 or 16 ships laden with wine and woad have been lost, some of which were to repair to London. The loss is above 200,000 cr. The Emperor is departed from Mastreght towards Liege and Luxemburghe. Jasper Dowche gives hope that when this bargain with the Fugger is ended and the obligations sent he will bring to pass the emprunture of 600,000 cr. The obligations of London must be made to pay current money. The Fugger offers to deliver of the 30,000l., as many crowns as Vaughan shall need if he will give per cent, to have them. Andwerp, 3 March.
Hol., pp. 7. Add. Sealed. Endd.: 1545.
3 March. 324. William Damesell to Paget.
R. O. Has the King's munition, viz. copper, saltpetre, cliffes, powder, &c., worth 2,000l., ready to depart in four days; and, perceiving it to be dangerous to send the same without wafters, has sent a man into Zelond to attend the coming of two of the King's ships which come over with certain crayers laden with merchants' goods and require them to conduct the ship with the munition. If this speed not, he will stay the munition until other of the King's ships come. Has received Paget's letter signifying the King's pleasure concerning the anchors. Andwerpe, 3 March 1545.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
3 March. 325. Mont to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P., xi. 73.
Wrote from Francfort on the 17th ult. Sends letters of Philip count Palatine (fn. n9) announcing his coming. The French captain Reckroed, with Basfonteyn, remains still at Francfort engaging the best soldiers and captains. Reckroed has charge to levy 12 standards of foot; and men who have seen it say that he has much money. The men are sworn to fight by land or sea against all save the Empire and the Protestants. Count Beuchlingen, who left six days ago for the French king, will lead some standards of foot with him. Vogelspergius is appointed to have 12 standards. The French king seeks the Protestant princes with frequent legations. Yesterday Philip Palatine told Mont, in confidence, that his uncle Frederic is agrieved that the King has sent no one to congratulate him on his accession to the Electorate, as all other kings and princes have done. All the counts pledged to the Gospel are now met at the request of the Bp. of Cologne, whom the Emperor adjudged (unless within 15 days he should restore religion according to the ancient abuses) to be deprived, and his subjects and adherents put under the ban of the Empire. Such an unheard of process offends and surprises all; and its execution may kindle war throughout Germany, for the Bp. will never do this and the Protestants are determined to defend him. The Colloquy of Ratisbon will do nothing. The Emperor sent thither as collocutors three monks, sworn enemies of the Gospel, and the Spanish theologian Malvenda, to whom he prescribed the form of disputation according to the teaching of the articles of Louvain. There has been great contention about the form of disputation, the Protestants wishing to have all that is said on either side taken down by notaries and the others objecting to this; but at last the view prevailed that all should be made under annotation of notaries and preserved by the Senate of Ratisbon. No news of the Council of Trent. Worms, 3 March 1546.
Latin. Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.: 1545.
3 March. 326. Mont to Paget.
R. O. On 21 Feb., M. Gerardus came to me at Francfort, with whom next day I set out towards Duke Philip at Heydelberg. whose letters I have now sent to the King. I dared not accompany him in the journey since I have received no such order from England; moreover, the French captains still stay at Francfort and with daily feasts conciliate all men. It is said that the chief of them has here 100,000 ducats. The Protestant princes and states, indeed, published that no man should go out to war without the magistrates' consent, but such commands are vain. The Diet of the Protestants will be held at Worms on 1 April. We came hither now to see what preparation was made; and we see that lodgings are appointed for this Diet. Whether the princes themselves will assemble is not yet known. The Emperor has summoned all on 15 March to come in person to Ratisbon; and is said to be himself coming through Luxemburg to the Diet. That they may come in person was the reason for the Emperor's sending Vicechancellor Naves to the four electors of the Rhine; and he also moved the Palatine to make no change in religion before the Diet. The Palatine wrote in a lengthy reply that confession of mouth and work is as necessary to salvation as persuasion of the heart is to justice. I would wish the King to give the Protestants some sign of friendship in the coming Diet; for they seek his alliance, seeing that the Pope and Emperor are conspiring and striving against Gospel liberty.
Desires to know how best to serve the King, to whom he has given his life. Grieved to receive no word from Paget by Gerardus. Commendations to Petre. Worms, 3 March 1546.
Proceedings at Heydelberg with Duke Philip will be learnt from the Duke's letters and from Gerardus. Moved him, as summer is approaching, to go to the King; and at their departure he said that he would set out within eight days.
Latin. Hol., pp. 2. Add. Sealed. Endd.
3 March. 327. Garert Harman to Paget.
R. O. "1546. The 3 daey Marche at Worms:—Right honorabelle mein good master Cecritary, hit is soe that I have deliveret the Kinges Mte his letter, whiche was wt gread reverens and gladnis reseved. And saeide that hy (fn. n10) wilbe glad wt all his hart to sarve his maoest nobell Graesse, noe prince in erth liever, and wilbe areddy to comme wt all spede possibell. Faein hy woold make proficion for the warres, but hy will leave muche bissenis and comme wt spede, by Goddes graece, to cnaowe his maoest nobelle graces pleasur. I have founde him at Haeydelborg.
"Sir, now by Goddes grace I trust to bring with me tham that shabe suffisient to se[rve] the Kinges Highnis for the afferes in Erlande, howbe hit the be nott veil toe gitte. Faein y woolde have tham that shulde be annest fassin menne—God knaowet manny be rude. Y praey God sende me tham that be for the purpoes. This y will comit jur mastership unto Almichty God. Y trust to comme wt the Ducke wt all spede. Garert Harman."
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.: 1545.
4 March. 328. Regrating of Wool.
Soc. of
Antiq. Procl.,
ii. 163.
Mandate to the sheriff of Staffordshire to proclaim that, whereas in the Act of the Parliament begun 23 Nov. last against regrating of wool [37 Hen. VIII. c. 15] the shires of Midd., Staff., Oxon and Berks are omitted from the list of shires named, the King, by advice of his Council, extends the scope of the Act to these four shires. Westm., 4 March 37 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, p. 1.
4 March. 329. The Dauphin to Mary of Guise.
"Madame, ma sœur," I have received your letters by the Sieur Dozy, varlet de chambre of the King my father, and learnt from him all things there. Moreover, the Sieur de Lorges has amply informed me of his voiage and the good treatment you accorded him, and especially your diligence in all things which touch the affairs of the King my father, for which I thank you. If there is any pleasure I can do you, I will do it heartily. St. Germain en Laye, 4 March 1545. "Votre bon frere Henry." Endd.: Lettre du Dauphin."
From a modern copy among the late Father Stevenson's papers, p. 1.
4 March. 330. Brende and Brigantyn to Henry VIII.
R. O. According to the King's pleasure to make all haste, they have "hasted" Courtepenyng, and he has used such diligence that the musters are appointed on the 17th inst. at Nahuyse in the Bp. of Monster's land, who has granted licence; and immediately afterwards the soldiers will go forward to Caleis. Wrote to the bps. of Winchester and Westminster therein; and had answer that the Emperor has granted passage on condition that Courtepenyng come first to the Regent, to take order with her Council for the manner of passing. That being impossible (because Courtpenyng cannot be spared at the musters, after which the soldiers must be immediately despatched and if stopped "they turn back again") the writers have despatched in all haste to Mr. Came to obtain free passage; for Courtpenyng himself has signified to the Regent's Council the manner of their passing, and the writers have signified to Carne that they shall pass in small routs and pay well. See proof that Courtpenyng means to serve faithfully in his diligence in this matter and his refusal of many captains whose fidelity was not proved. Divers that have before been captains will serve in gentlemen's wages, and of soldiers only the best shall be taken. Trust to have a choice company, "for neither he taketh of Freseland nor Gelders but only of this country, being the principal race of lanceknights." Courtpenyng is in great estimation here, not only among men of war but others. Having ordered things, he is gone to Hamborow to visit his wife; and the writers, leaving here the money they brought from Andwerp, will likewise go thither to-day for the rest. In this country is great suspicion that the Emperor will move war against the Protestants, who will therefore not suffer men of war, corn, ships, and the like to leave their country. "A few days now past died Martyne Luther, which thing, though it be not of much moment, yet, by reason of the great fame that goeth of it in this country, we could do no less than advertise your Majesty." Breame, 4 March. Signed: Jo. Brende: Jhon Brigantyn.
Pp. 2. Add. Sealed. Endd.: 1545.
4 March. 331. Brende and Brigantyn to the Council.
R. O. To the same effect and as far as possible in the same words as the preceding, but dated "from Andwerp," 4 March. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
4 March. 332. Brende and Brigantyn to Carne.
R. O. Whereas we wrote from Andwerpe to the lords of Winchester and Westminster to procure passage for 3,000 soldiers, levied by Conrade Penyng and mustered by us, through Flanders to Caleyes, they write that they have obtained it of the Emperor, but so that Courtpening must first come himself to the Regent, to take order with her Council for the manner of passing. By our instructions and the King's command at our departure, we are to make all haste, the King expecting them at Caleis by the last of this month; and therefore we have appointed the muster on the 17th at Nauhowse, in the bpric. of Menstre, where order shall be taken for their passing in small routs and paying honestly. Courtpening has no time to come, nor can be spared from the musters, and has written to the Regent's Council (as he says) the manner of their passing. It remains in you to provide that they be not stopped, "for if they should, all this money were lost and the King's Majesty's purpose utterly disappointed. There remains nothing in us but to despatch them forwards; and if you will write aught to us, this bearer knoweth where to find us." Breame, 4 March.
Copy, p. 1. Headed: To Sir Edwarde Carne.
4 March. 333. John Brende to Paget.
R. O. I and Mr. Brykenden have written to the King and the Council these several letters of one effect. All the captains have promised to have their men ready, the 17th inst., at Nahuyse, 7 leagues from Breame, in the bpric. of Menstre; and I trust that the soldiers will be at Caleis by 8 April. Whereas we wrote to the King's ambassadors with the Emperor to "foresee these men should pass," yesterday, by Bastian Lucas, we received their answer (copy enclosed, together with copy of our letter again to Mr. Carne). We depart today towards Hamborow to receive the rest of the money wherewith, besides what we brought from Andwerpe, to pay the soldiers at muster day. Doubtless we shall find a choice company. Many things I would speak in commendation of Courtpenyng, but for fear of finding faults in him hereafter. He seems to take the best way to have the King well served and needs no persuasion thereto; admitting only such captains as he knows, having choice of plenty "and of soldiers spare thousands if need were." Sends these letters by Mr. Watson, who is returning from Lubeck "without any great effect of his voyage." Breame, 4 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd. 1545.
5 March. 334. The Privy Council.
A.P.C., 348.
Meeting at Greenwich, 5 March. Present: Privy Seal, Essex, Admiral, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Petre. Business:—Upon letters from the Deputy and Council of Calais of the scarcity of Lenten provision and their desire for licence to eat flesh, it was written, marvelling that Calais, which is accustomed to furnish itself and England also, should be so barren; if due regard were had to the setting forth of fishermen, no such lack should be, but the King "was pleased that they of his Council should at convenient times eat flesh."
5 March. 335. Chr. Haller to Paget.
R. O. Has not answered Paget's letter of 10 Oct. last, hoping always to be rid of his illness and make the answer himself. Considering that Paget's said letter annuls the contract made between Mr. Stephen Vaughan and the writer because Messire Jehan Caerle Delaffitati and other Italian merchants refuse its fulfilment, and that, upon Vaughan's word, the writer had to keep his money ready about three months, having, to advance the affair, offered Vaughan 2,000 cr. or 3,000 cr. without security; and, not having received notice from England in time to profit by it, he begs that he may be recompensed for the expenses (le frait) of the money, with which he intended to do the King service. Antwerp, 5 March 1546. Signed: Crystofle Haller de Hallersteen.
French, pp. 2. Add. Endd.: 1545.


  • n1. The Earl of Desmond.
  • n2. See No. 187.
  • n3. In 1540. See Vol. XV. No. 370.
  • n4. Evidently a slip for "2 March.'
  • n5. Feb. 27th.
  • n6. Maestricht.
  • n7. Shrove Tuesday fell as late as the 9th March in 1546.
  • n8. The Duchess of Guise.
  • n9. No. 297.
  • n10. That is, Duke Philip: