Henry VIII: August 1534, 1-5

Pages 401-407

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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August 1534, 1–5

1 Aug. 1027. Sir Ralph Dodmer to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Thanks him for pains he has taken in the case of Rawlyns. As the latter cannot pay without selling his office, is content to take the debt by instalments of 20l. a year. London, 1 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Endd.: Sir Rauff Dodmer, the first of August 1534.
1 Aug 1028. Leonard Smyth to Lady Lisle
R. O. I wrote lately to my lord, enclosing a letter from Mr. Baynham to his wife for the deliverance of 20l. to my lord, which I delivered to him in London. Since my coming to London from Mr. Marvens in Hampshire, I hear that Stafford your servant, to whom I gave the letter, was in London long after, so I wish to know whether it has been received. I have sent a copy of the articles to be delivered to the lord Chancellor and Mr. Secretary in the matter with Mr. Seymour. A copy shall be given to every one of them immediately. Little better inducement could be devised for the continuance of your possession. Mr. Seymour has little comfort in the matter and I trust soon he will have less. I send the bills of the money I have laid out for my lord since first coming to Calais. If you are not content, I will take very little with your favor rather than you should think me a near greater of my lord's purse. To lie in London is no small charge. I am no gainer thereby, and do not desire to have your fee of 10l. longer than I deserve it. Though you would give me no fee or profit, I would be your servant and the King's during my life. I have sent 60l. of the 87l. 13s. 4d. for wood sold, given 4l. to Hussey, and taken 10l. for myself. There is 10l. due from Motley.
My lord has written for two liveries for servants at Subberton, for which I must pay ready money, for Holte says he has been so long delayed that he is weary. London, 1 Aug.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: At Calais.
1 Aug. 1029. Count of Cifuentes to Charles V.
Add. MS. 28, 587, f.1. B.M. Wrote on the 21st ult. The Pope wad getting worse, and doctors thought he could not recover. Hears today that he is rather better. Letters from the French Court of the 25th state that Ana de Bolan's brother has come to put off the interview of the kings of England and France until September. It is thought it will not take place, on account of the distrust between the two kings, and because the king England is afraid of leaving his kingdom for fear of a revolution (alguna alteracion). A great man (fn. 1) having been apprehended whom the King wished to be executed (que queria que se justiciasse,) the Council would not do so, but rather released him from prison and set him free. At this the King and the duke of Norfolk were much displeased. This may be the beginning of changes which may lead to the punishment of the King. * * * Rome, 1 Aug. 1534.
Sp., pp. 4. Modern copy.
Ibid., f.3. 2. Another copy.
1 Aug. 1030. John Archbishop of Lunden to Charles V.
Lanz, Corr. des K. Karl V., ii. 100. Reports interviews with queen Mary of Hungary when passing through the Netherlands, with William count of Nassau at the siege of Münster, with the duke of Cleves, and afterwards with the archbishop of Treves. In conversing with the last about the wiles of the French, the archbishop said he was aware of them ; and that there had lately come to him an ambassador who had been first with the landgrave of Hesse, who told him nothing of any consequence, bat was evidently very reserved. The archbishop added that he had a servant, a doctor, who was acquainted with a colleague of this ambassador, and whom he commissioned to inquire why he had not been more frank. The colleague answered that the Landgrave had told the ambassador he might go to the archbishop of Treves, but he should do nothing with him about his business: and he therefore went on to the archbishop of Cologne. I inquired more than once whose ambassadors they were, but the archbishop replied he could not tell me this. I asked whether they were of France or England. He said “No,” and added, smiling, “It may be, however, that these ambassadors were sent in the name of a third person but that their business was in effect to promote the interests of these Kings.” I could get nothing more out of him. He declared his readiness, however, to do his best to resist the French King's intrigues, but insisted that the Emperor must be present in the Empire.
Describes his further progress by Spires and Heidelberg. The Landgrave's army is dispersed. Part has returned home, another part has gone to the siege of Münster, another has gone to the Lubeckers, for the liberation of king Christiern, the rest, by the Landgrave's orders, has gone to aid the duke of Holstein against the Lubeckers. Thus most of the German soldiers remain in these lower parts, where they can serve at lower wages because of the abundance of provisions. Your majesty knows how the Lubeckers make war with the king of England's money, and desire to release king Christiern, which if they cannot do they mean to promote the election of his nephew. Christopher count of Oldemborch, as king of Denmark. This may breed serious danger in Holland, which might easily be invaded by either party. * * Prague, 1 Aug. 1534.
2 Aug. 1031. Scotland.
R. O. Modern copy (very inaccurate) of the treaty in Rym. XIV. 529, with ratification by Henry VIII., dated at the Black Friars, Guildford (Gailfordiæ), 2 Aug. 1534, 26 Hen. VIII., in presence of Rob. abbot of Kinlos, ambassador of Scotland, Sir Thos. Audeley, Chancellor, Steph. bishop of Winchester, Thos. duke of Norfolk., Hen. earl of Northumb., Henry earl of Cumberland, Thos Cromwell, the King's secretary, Sir Will. Fitzwilliam, Edw. Fox, clk., King's almoner, and Ric. Simpson (Sampson), dean of the Chapel.
Pp. 18.
2 Aug 1032. Scotland.
Cal. B. v. 217. B. M. i. Commission to Thos. Audley, chancellor, Thos. Cromwell, chief secretary, Edward Foxe, almoner, John Trigonwell and Richard Gwent, to treat for peace with Scotland. Recited in Rymer, XIV. 536.
Ibid., f. 220. ii. James V.'s commission for the same purpose to Will. bp. of Aberdeen and Adam Otterburn, 17 Feb. 1533, 21 James V. Recited in Rymer, XIV. 535.
Ibid., f. 222. iii. Witnessing clause of the treaty concluded by Henry VIII.'s commissioners at London, 11 May 1534.
Ibid., f. 224. iv. Ratification of the same by Henry VIII. Dated at the Black Friars, Guildford, 2 Aug. 1534, 26 Hen. VIII.
Ibid., f. 232. v. Henry VIII.'s ratification of “the second treaty” by the same commissioners, viz., the indenture 12 May 1534, touching the Cawmills.
Copies, in modern hand.
1033. [Henry VIII. to James V.]
R. O. St. P. IV. 673. Has received his loving letters by the abbot of Keinlosse. As James has ratified the peace at the request of the prior of Durham, Magnus and Frankelyn, Henry has done the same.
Draft, pp. 3.
R. O. St. P. IV. 674. 2. [Henry VIII. to Queen Margaret.]
On the same subject.
2 Aug 1034. Garter King of Arms.
Add. MS. 6,297, f. 93. B.M. Indenture between Sir Thos. Wriothesley, Garter King of Arms, and Thos. Hawley, Norroy King of Arms. Hawley grants his power in the North to Wriothesley, who will pay him half the profits. 2 Aug. 26 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 4.
1035. Sir Thomas Audeley to Cromwell.
R. O. “Master Secretary, I send you your book with a little reformation, done suddenly without great deliberation. I pray you take it in good part. The matter is good, but the art is dangerous, if it should go in general terms. Therefore I brought it to some specialties, praying you to deliberate in it and add and substra[ct] what ye think good.” A servant from lady Husse in the Tower has been twice with me this day desiring that she might go abroad to the chapel and take the air, as she is very sick. I wish your opinion on this matter. “Her offence was nought but ye perceyve how she aboryth yt, with that she never spake it but by event and not of wil deliberat nor malice.” For the cell at Lincoln the name is not in the book, but there are no more at Lincoln belonging to York, and the value is but 23l. Devise the King's letter.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
3 Aug 1036. The Princess Mary.
Otho, C. x. 254. B. M. “The examination of the lady (fn. 2) Anne Husee, received the iij. of August.
“First, examined how often she hath repaired to the lady Mary since the time [she] lost the name of princess, answereth t[hat] she never repaired to the said lady Ma[ry] since the time the King's highness dis[charged] her from attendance upon her but [only a]t Whitsuntide last.
“[Item], examined whether she was send [for at that] time or any other time since her . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e by the lady Mary to come . . . . . . . . she [an]swereth of her allegiance, that [she was not at an]y time so sent for.
“[Item, interro]gated upon what occasion . . . . . . . . . . . . . the said lady Mary at th[is time an]swereth that she coming with the lord . . . . . . . . . . . . . [a]tt thatt time to the par[liament, took par]tly thereof occasion to see . . . . . . . . . . . . . on to her, and partly as s . . . . . . . . . . . . . [s]he was moved so to go by [cause she heard] say that divers other h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . her before that time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that she might in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nger go un . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cause she * * *
“Item, further examined whether she knowing that by the laws of this realm the said lady Mary was justly declared to be no princess, did nevertheless at her being t[here] call the said lady Mary princess . . . . . . . . . that she first upon Monday, as she thinketh . . . . . . . . . . called for drink for the princess, [and after] upon the Tuesday, she said th[e princess], meaning the lady [Mary, was] gone in walking.
“Item, examined what mo[ved her at divers] times to call her by the [name of princess], she taketh God to re[ord, and will go to] her death upon the same that . . . . . . . . . . . . neither for any propen[se] . . . . [she so] named her, but only . . . . . . . . . . by the custom of t . . . . . . . . . . when she was servant . . . . . . . . . . she saith it might appear [to any that heard] her speak that word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . er have heard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . again and immedi[ately] * * *
“Item, interrogated whether she at any [other time] before or after the said feast of Whit[suntide], heard any other person call the say[d lady] Mary princess, since that time she w[as by the] laws deprived that title, answere[th that] she never to her remembrance heard [any person] so name her.
“Item, further demanded what she hath heard anybody say of the King's ma[jesty], she sai[th that] she never heard any man say th[at the ma]rriage betwixt the King's highn[ess and the Dowager] was good and lawful, sen[s the time that the] same was otherwise declar[ed by the law o]f this realm.
“[Item], examined whether she at . . . . . . . . time before said, heard th[em speak of bona f]ides parentum, or that the [lady Mary] was the King's lawful [daughter, she] answereth and saith th[at she never] heard any person so say [or use any] such term.
“[Item], further interrogated, whe[ther at any tim]e since she departed fr[om] . . . . . . . [she received] any message or letter . . . . . . . . . . . any such * * * her, she answereth that she never received nor sent any such message or letters.
“Item, examined whether she have received from the said lady Mary any t[oken, or] sent any unto her, she answe[reth that] she hath sent at certain times . . . . . . . . [and] received like tokens from her ag[ain; and at] one time she received from the [said lady] Mary a band for a p . . . . . . . . at every sending and receipt . . . . . . . . . . commendations with thanks without . . . . . . . . . . and hereof she offereth to . . . . . . . . . . .
“Item, further examined by . . . . . . . . . . sent and received the said . . . . . . . . . that at such times as she . . . . . . . . . [t]o London for her own busi[ness] . . . . . . send the said tokens by . . . . . . . . . . . . . see how she did, and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . antes received the other toke[ns] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lady Mary again de . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the ladies attend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . thinketh.
“Item, examined whether she since her [committal] to the Tower received any message, le[tter or] token from the said lady Mary . . . . . . . . other, she answereth that she nev[er received] any such.
“Item, examined whether she thinketh [the marriage] betwixt the King's highness and the [princess Dowager] good and lawful or injust, onlawfu[l, and] against the laws of God, she aw[nswereth th]att before the contrary was by [the laws declar]yd she thought the said m[arriage lawful], but since that time she . . . . . . assure]dly thought and so doth now [think the same] to have been unlawful an[d contrary to the la]wes of God.
“[Item, exam]yned what persons were th . . . . . . . . . . . . during her abode at Hunes[don, she answer]ith that the lord Morle[y] . . . . . . . . . . . his wife and daughter, m . . . . . . . . . Shakerley and his wife, with ij. . . . . . . . . . . . . with them, another merchan[t] . . . . . . . . . . . . his wife, Sir Edward B[aynton?] . . . . . she knew not . . . . . . . . . . . time of her * * *
“And finally where she hath in any of the premises offended the King's majesty, she most humbly beseecheth his Highness of mercy and forgiveness, as one that is repentant for that she hath so offended, and purposeth [never] hereafter to fall in to semblable d[anger].”
Signed: Ann[e Husee]. (fn. 3)
Countersigned: Per me, Edmundum Walsyng[ham]—Per me, Thomam Wryothes[ley]—Per me, Gulielmum Petre.
3 Aug. 1037. Sir Perus Dutton to Cromwell.
Hart, MS. 604, f. 60. B. M. Wright's Suppression of the Monasteries, 52. Has taken the abbot of Norton, Robt. Jamyns, and the stranger, a cunning smith, the abbot's servants, Rondull Brereton, baron of the exchequer of Chester, and John Hale of Chester, merchant. Will take the rest as speedily as possible, and bring them up. Has sent up dan Rondull Wilmyslow, monk of the Walle Royall, for whom he spoke to Cromwell. He is a good religious man, and more fit to be master than any other monk of the house. Asks Cromwell to favor his preferment. He will perform what Dutton promised. Dutton, 3 Aug. Signed.
p. 1. Add.: Mr. Cromwell, secretary. Endd.
3 Aug. 1038. Jaques De Coucy [Sieur de Vervins] to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I have got a goshawk for you, which I send by the bearer. I am sorry I could not get one sooner. It is difficult to get them here on account of the mauvais garcons who steal them. Vrenyn (Vervins?), 3 Aug. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
3 Aug. 1039. Chester.
Harl. MS. 2,150, f. 88 b. B. M. The rental of the common rents and rents of assise belonging unto the city of Chester by year, renovate and made by H. Gee, &c., the first year of his mayoralty, as well of divers old rentals as by his diligence with other his brethren to view the same. 3 Aug. 26 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 8.
4 Aug. 1040. Martin De Cornoca to Charles V.
Add. MS. 28,587, f. 7. B.M. Sends information of importance relating to England, where he spent a good part of his youth. Is sure that the Emperor wishes to remedy the injustice done to his aunt. There is now living in these parts a great English personage named Reynaldo Polo, of the blood royal, of the illustrious house of Clarence, and the earl of Warwick. He is the son of the countess of Salisbury, governess of the princess of “Norgales,” the Emperor's cousin, is 35 years of age, very learned, prudent and virtuous. Believes that the Emperor with such an instrument will be able to prevail in his affairs with England without much fighting or bloodshed.
The King has tried hard to gain Pole's assistance in the divorce, but he would not defile his conscience, and wrote a work to the King in the Queen's favor showing the King the dishonorable nature of his proceedings and the danger which might follow therefrom. The King was angry at this, and Pole with his leave left England to study, and has been about two years and a half at the university of Padua.
Pole is by his mother's side of the noblest blood in the kingdom. His father, Sir Richard Pole, was a worthy knight of Wales (Norgale), a near relative of the late king, and greatly esteemed in his country. Reginald's elder brother is lord Montagu, who is much beloved for his virtues. His sister is wife of the son of the duke of Buckingham (Vuquisgan). He is related to most of the great families, and is connected by indissoluble friendship with all the Queen's friends, and especially with a great lord named de Deulier. The whole of Wales is devoted to his house, for his sake and the sake of his relatives Vuquingan and Vorgoña (Abergavenny ?). On account of their love for the Princess and the death of don Ris, who was beheaded three years ago, the whole province is alienated from the King. The earldoms of Warwick and Salisbury are also devoted to Pole's family, and could put 20,000 men in the field. Sends a drawing of his arms. Speaks of his many virtues. If he were to go to England in its present troubled state, on account of the Queen and the faith, who can doubt that, with a very little favor and help, he would be able to put the affairs of the kingdom in a good state, and that he would be received by most of the people as if he had come from heaven? Thinks that he alone could do more than 40,000 foreigners, as they would come for destruction, but he for the safety of all. It would be a pious and famous deed to help such a man in preserving a kingdom oppressed by a harlot and her friends, and in reinstating the Queen and Princess. The King is suspicious of Pole's family on account of their title and their wealth (although the Crown has usurped the greater part of the latter), their fidelity to the Queen, and on account of Pole's absence. Does not know Pole's mind about all this, but thinks that he would not be wanting in the delivery of his country from tyranny. Recommends the Emperor to make some agreement (Partido) with him.
Thanks the Emperor for the consulate he holds in Venice. Venice, 4 Aug. 1534.
Sp.,pp. 7. Modern copy.
5 Aug. 1041. Lord Edmund Howard to Cromwell.
Faustina, E. VII. 111. B. M. More than 30l. is owed here to Edward Thwaytes, which should come to the King by his act of attainder. Would have caused it to be levied, as it is accustomably. here used that any person attainted or convicted in England, and losing lands or goods there, loses also lands and goods here. Thos. Brooke, one of the King's servants here, has obtained the King's letters patent for two windmills and other lands late held by Thwaytes, for a rent of 7l. 8s. 2d. above the rent of 51s. 10d. paid by Thwaytes. The moiety will shortly be due. Wishes to know Cromwell's pleasure about these matters. Calais, 5 Aug. Signed.
p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
5 Aug. 1042. Scotland.
Lamb. MS. 285, f. 346. Proclamation of peace with Scotland, 5 Aug. 1553 (sic), 26 Hen. VIII.
Copy, in an Elizabethan hand.
1043. Reformation of the Church.
R. O. “How the false heresies which the bishop of Rome hath taught the people should be brought out of their conscience and hearts.”
1. The archbishop of Canterbury should summon a council of bishops and doctors, and have them sign their decision on each of the articles contained in the “book of the charge.” Which done, copies should be sent to each county with command to every sheriff, custos rotulorum and justice of the peace, to have them read at every sessions and great leet. All parish churches should be visited, and the curates examined how they instruct the people. Let six or seven masters of the Chancery “of the right sort, nothing favoring the Pope's laws, nor having living thereby,” be appointed to judge questions of heresy. And let sermons in English be drawn up and appointed to be preached by the curates every Sunday.
Pamphlets against the doctrines of celibacy of the clergy, honoring of images and prayers for the dead to be printed before Parliament begins.
“Bills to be drawn against the next Parliament:”
1. Allowing priests to marry and to work for their living. 2. Prohibiting, on a penalty of 10l., all offerings to images. 3. For the reformation of the pleading in the common law. 4. For reformation of the Court of Chancery “as well for injunctions procedendo and examiners of witness.” 5. For the excessive fees taken by clerks for writing in every court in England.
p. 1, large paper.


  • 1. Lord Dacre.
  • 2. Corrected from “dame.”
  • 3. The whole document seems to be in her hand, except the signatures below.