Walsham Hundred: Tunstal

Pages 117-121

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 11. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1810.

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Ralph de Beaufoe, a near relation of Bishop Beaufoe, had a grant of a lordship, of which Godric a freeman was deprived, and Turold held it at the survey under Beaufoe; containing 60 acres of land, 3 borderers, &c. with 8 acres and a carucate of meadow, among them and the tenants in King Edward's time, always valued at 10s. and the soc was in the King. (fn. 1)

Eudo, steward of the Conqueror's household had the grant of a lordship, of which Escule, who held it under Herold in King Edward's reign, (afterwards King) was deprived, one carucate belonged to it, 6 borderers, and 8 acres of meadow, half a carucate in demean, and half a one among the tenants, 200 sheep, (but at the survey 240) a church with 8 acres of glebe, valued a 8d.; this lordship was then valued at 40s. at the survey at 3l. and the town was 7 furlongs long, 6 broad, and paid 8d. gelt. (fn. 2)


Eudo, who was lord at the survey, was the fourth son of Hubert de Rie, a Norman, and brother of Hubert de Rie, castellan of Norwich castle, to whose descendants, barons of Rie, this lordship came, and by the marriage of Isabel, one of the daughters and coheirs of Hubert, the last heir male of that family, and of Oliva the other daughter and coheir, was brought into the families of De Cressi, and Le Marshal.

Sir Roger de Cressi, son of Hugh, marrying Isabel, and Oliva, John Marshat, who was marshal of Ireland, and nephew of William Marshal Earl of Pembroke, between whom the barony of Rie was divided. Sir Roger Cressi was living in the reign of King John.

Robert Fitz Roger de Corebrigg, granted to Richard, abbot of Sibton, the homage, &c. of Bernard le Sage, in this town, the abbot releasing to him the rent of 40s. payable to him and his successors out of Bliburgh manor in Suffolk; this Robert was a witness of King Richard the First's charter to the city of Norwich in his fifth year.

William de Halfrehate, by deed sans date, grants to God, St. Mary, and the monks of Sibetune all his right and claim, &c in the advowson, and right of patronage of the church of Tunestalle, and in all things that they held, or their assigns of the gift of Sir Stephen de Cressi, for ever; witnesses, the lord Hugh, the son, then seneschall of the lord Roger, Earl-Marshal of England, James de Crek, Reginald de Hemelington, John de Tunestall, Bernard le Sage of the same, William de Lingwode, Roger, son of Michael de Lingwode, William Gernun of Birlingham &c. (fn. 3)

In the 3d of Henry III. a fine was levied between Margery de Cressi, petent, and Baldric de Taverham, deforcient, of the fourth part of a fee in this town, and in the 20th of Henry III. he held the fourth part of Oliva de Marshall, and Peter de Musters, standard bearer to Sir Roger de Cressi, held of him the moiety of a fee, &c.

Gyles de Wachesham was found in the first of Edward I. to hold a quarter of a fee, and Almaric de Peche the 8th part of a fee of Gyles de Wachesham; and Gerard de Wachesham in the eleventh of that King had the moiety of 4 fees here, in Depeham, Morley, &c. of the manor of Hokering; the Marshal's interest here came by marriage to the lords Money, who held it in capite in the 34th of Edward III. and the 3d of Richard II. &c.

The family of the Tunstals had also an interest herein; Alfred de Tunestal had lands here, as appears by a fine in the 10th of Richard I. and Alan in the 3d of Henry III.

John de Tunestal in the 14th of Edward I. had the assise of his tenants, as his ancestors had enjoyed it, and in the following year Thomas de Tunstal, and Nicholas de Monesley claimed the same; but it was found to be in the Crown.

The Tunstals interest came as it seems to the family of Atte Lee; Thomas de Tunstal conveyed lands to John Atte Lee, in the reign of Edward I John Atte Lee of Tunstal was living, and Margaret his wife, in the 17th of Edward II. and John Atte Lee, junior, in the 2d of Edward III.

In the 9th of Henry IV. John Rothe of North Birlingham, Jeff. Segrym of South Walsham, &c. demise to John Berney of Reedham, Esq. the messuages, tenements, lands, rents and services, late John Atte Lees, in Tunstal, Halvergate, &c. which they had of the feofment of John Haylesdon, chaplain, &c. and they of the feofment of John Atte Lee in the 6th of Henry IV. and William Yelverton, judge of the King's Berch, Robert Toppys, citizen and mercer of Norwich, &c. demise the same to John Banyard of Mettingham, and Robert Banyard of Spectashale in Suffolk, Esq. Ao. 38 of Henry VI.

After this, John Grey of Sybton demised it to Sir Edmund Jenny, Michael Fysher, and William Jenney, Esq.

After this by the marriage of Margaret, daughter and heir of Ro. Baynard of Specteshale in Suffolk, Esq. it came to John Bacon of Baconsthorp in Norfolk, Esq. who died lord in 1462; he left it to Thomas his son and heir, who dying about 1485, had by Margery his wife, daughter of John Jenny, two daughters and coheirs, Elizabeth, and Anne; and on a division of the Bacon's estate a moiety of this lordship was allotted to Elizabeth, who was married to Sir Thomas Glemham of Glenham Parva, in Suffolk, who died in the 29th of Henry VIII. when it came to his son and heir Christopher; and on his death, in the 4th of Edward VI. to Thomas Glemham his son.

Anne, the other daughter and coheir, brought her moiety to Robert Garneys, of Kenton in Suffolk, Esq.

Thomas Garney, died possessed of it Ao. 16th of Elizabeth, and left Elizabeth his daughter and heir, married first to—Jernegan, and after to Philip Strelley, of Nottinghamshire; their son Nicholas died s. p.

Robert de Verli had a lordship, out of which Calp, who possessed it in Edward the Confessor's time, was expelled, 80 acres of land belonged to it, with 6 borderers, one carucate in demean, and one a nong the tenants, 10 acres of meadow, and 60 sheep, with a saltwork, valued in the whole at 20s. (fn. 4)

This came from the Verlies to the Earl's Warren, and was held of them of the Lords Bardolf of Wirmegey.

Julian, daughter and heir of Hugh Lord Gourney, relict of William, Lord Bardolf, died seised of it in the reign of Edward I. valued at 59s. 4d. per ann. and Philip de Haskeby held in Ao. 20th of Henry III. the 5th part of a fee of the Earl Warren.

About the 20th of Edward III. Sir Richard Pateshull held here, in Field, Dalling, &c. two fees, and his heir was in ward (a minor) of the Lord Bardolf, and he of the Earl Warren.

John Fastolf died seized of a lordship here in the 7th of Henry IV. and Hugh was his son and heir; and Sir Hugh Fastolf his son, in the year 1417, when John was found his son and heir, aged 10 years; Maud, widow of Sir Hugh had a dower herein, in the 15th of Henry VI. John Rookwood had also an interest herein in the 5th of that King, held of the Lord Bardolf.

In the 38th of Henry VIII. Walter Baker and Margaret his wife, convey to Edward Spaney, two messuages, two gardens, 80 acres of land, 20 of meadow, 20 of pasture, 60 of marsh, and 10 of wood.

Gilbert, an officer of the Conqueror's cross bowmen, was rewarded for his services, with a lordship, on the expulsion of Ratho, a freeman, who enjoyed it, consisting of half a carucate of land, 6 borderers, 8 acres and half a carucate of meadow in demean, half a carucate among the tenants, 3 cows, and 52 sheep, valued then at 10s. at the survey at 22s. (fn. 5)

This lordship came from Gislebert, into the family of De Cheney, (as I take it,) and so (being united to this manor) to the Cressies, &c. as may be above seen.

The tenths were 5l.—Deducted 18s. 4d.—The temporalities of Norwich priory 3s. of Siblon 16s. 8d.

The Church is dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, and was rectory valued at 12 marks, Peter-pence 8d. ob.—carvage 3d. ob. and granted about the reign of Richard I. to the abbey of Sibton in Suffolk, by Robert Fitz Roger, (as is before observed) and after a vicarage was settled on its being appropriated, valued at 8 marks, and the rectory at 12 marks.


In 1309, Richard Weston was instituted vicar, collated by the Bishop of Norwich.

1320, Oliver de Wycton. Ditto.

1323, Robert Folsham. Ditto.

1332, William de Rugham. Ditto.

1342, William Aldeby. Ditto.

1342, William de Ringland. Ditto.

Thomas de Brome, vicar.

1352, William de Weston. Ditto.

1361, John de Gunton, presented by the abbot, &c. of Sibton, on the Bishop's nomination.

1366, William de Cavingham, by the Bishop.

1377, Adam de Blofield, by the King, the temporalities of the abbey, then in the King.

1384, William Hacon, by the King.

1393, Sim. Bond, by the Bishop.

1402, John Bek. Ditto.

1404, Edmund Ray. Ditto.

1419, John Swetenham. Ditto.

1422, John Cuppere. Ditto.

1434, John Kentyng. Ditto.

1436, John Biskele. Ditto.

1439, Thomas Elys. Ditto.

1441, Roger Coton. Ditto.

The patronage of the vicarage, with the appropriated rectory, was granted on July 31, in the 28th of Henry VIII. to Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk, on whose attainder coming into the Crown, was granted on July 1, Ao. 7th of Edward VI. to Edward Spanye, and John Baspole, with the messuages, called Tytley house, or manor, &c. to be held in soccage, and finding a curate, or chaplain, on their paying 436l. 13s. 7d. to the Crown.

It is at present a curacy, and held with Moulton.

On September 10, Ao. 39th of Henry VI. John Banyard, and Robert Banyard, let to farm to Thomas, abbot of Sibton, and the convent, a messuage, late Thomas Allen's, citizen and spicer of Norwich, formerly John Atte Lees, with all the lands, rents, and services, &c. which they lately had of William Yelverton, the judge, Robert Toppys, which they jointly purchased with Allen deceased, of Thomas Tilelowe, late burgess of Yarmouth Magna, for 30 years, paying 6 marks per ann. this was what was granted to Edward Spanye, &c. at the Dissolution.

From the Spaneys, it came by the marriage of Jane, daughter of John Spaney, to Thomas Jenkinson, son of John Jenkinson of Norwich.

Richard Jenkinson was lord in the 21st of Elizabeth; he married Margery, daughter of Thomas Ward of Broke, and had Thomas his son and heir, born in 1577, and was living in 22d of James I. in the said year on September 1, he conveyed the appropriated rectory to Sir John Hobart, but the lordship was in his son, Miles Jenkinson, who died in prison at Norwich, his widow held it in 1702, her son Thomas died single, but her daughter was married.

On the 23d of July, in the 37th of Henry VIII. Sir Thomas Clere had a grant of Child's marsh in Tunstall, late belonging to Henringbye college, with messuages and lands.

In the chancel window, sable, a fess, - - - - - between three eaglets displayed, or, Spaney's arms.


  • 1. Terra R. de Bellofago—Tunestalle tenuit Godric lib. ho. T.R.E. p. man. mo. tenet Turold. lx ac tc. iii bor. mo v et viii ac. p'ti. sep. 1 car. int. se et ho's sep. val. x s. et soca e. regis.
  • 2. Terra Eud nis Dapiteri—In Tunestaneten. Escule ho. Heroldi T.R.E. i car. tre. tc. vi bor. p. et mo. v et viii ac. p'ti. sep. dim. car. in d'nio. et dim. hou. tc. cc ov. mo. ccxl i ecclia viii ac. et val. viiid. tc. val. xl sol. p. et mo. iii lib. et ht. viii qr. in long. et vi in lat. et de gelto viiid.
  • 3. In the original deed that I have, it is thus: Festib; D'no. Hug. fil. t'nc. Seneschall. D'ni. Rog. Comit. Marescall. Angl.; this must be Hugh Bigot, son of Roger Earl of Norfolk, (in the time of King John) who succeeded his father in 1220.
  • 4. Terre Robti de Verli—In Tunestalle tenet. Calp. T. R. E. lxxx ac. tre sep. vi bor. sep. i car. in d'nio. i car. ho'um. x ac. p'ti. tc. lx mo. l ov. i sal. sep. val. xx sol.
  • 5. Terre Gisleberti Arbalist—In Tunestall ten. i lib. ho. Ratho dim. car. tre. sep. vi bor. viii. ac. p't. tc. dim. car. mo. i car. in d'nio. sep. dun. car. ho'um. iii an. tc. lii ov mo. xxx.