Walsham Hundred: Fishley

Pages 100-104

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 11. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1810.

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The King at the survey had a lordship, of which Ralph, the old Earl of Norfolk was deprived at the Conquest, (fn. 1) so that this Ralph was not R. Guader or Wagers, who for his rebellion against the Conqueror in 1074, was deprived, according to Speed, but the Saxon Chronicle places it in 1075, and it seems probable that old Earl Ralph, was father to this last.

Earl Ralph had 25 socmen with one carucate of land, and 30 acres, one of them named Ufward, belonged to the King's soc in the Confessor's time, and there were three carucates and a half among them. It was 8 furlongs long, and 5 broad, and paid 10d. gelt, and Godric took care of it for the Conqueror. (fn. 2)

The family of La Veile (fn. 3) were early enfeoffed of it. King John, in his 2d year, had grant and charter of confirmation of this manor, and those of Laringset, Witton, &c. as his ancestors held by the service of being the King's ostringer, (or falconer,) dated at Dorchester, April 19, under the hand of Thomas, archdeacon of Wells; witness, William Earl of Salisbury; and in the 13th of the said King, held it by the fourth part of a fee, and Thomas de Veile by the same tenure. (fn. 4)

Sir John de Veile and Lecia his wife were living in the 5th of Edward I. and gave lands in this town and Witton, to the priory of Bromholm; in the 28d of that King, John, son of Sir John de Veile, dying sans issue, Reginald de Dunham, son of his sister Beatrix, aged 26, was his heir, and inherited this manor. This Reginald gave the moiety of Ridlington advowson to Bromholm priory in the 31st of the aforesaid reign.

Peter Buckskyn was lord in the 9th of Edward II. and in the 8th of Edw. III. conveyed it to Roger Hardegrey, citizen of Norwich.

In the 38th of that King, license was granted to John Berney, John Plumstede, &c. to give the manor of Fishley to Joan, widow of Roger Hardegrey for life, remainder to William de Wichingham and Margaret his wife for life; remainder to Nicholas son of William and Margaret, who probably was daughter and heir of Hardegrey; and in the 3d of Henry IV. she held this manor of La Veile's, late Reginald Dunham's, by the fourth part of a fee.

Nicholas Wichingham, Esq. died in 1430, and by Alice his wife, had William his eldest son, who died before his father.

Robert, son of William, was lord of this manor; his son John succeeded, and died in the 3d of Henry VII. lord of this manor, those of Burgh-Hall, and Reedham in Fishley, leaving John his son and heir, who by Anne his wife, daughter of Thomas Brampton, Esq. of Brampton, had three daughters and coheirs, Thomasine, Elizabeth, and Olivia. (fn. 5)

This last married Roger Rookwood, Esq. of Easton in Suffolk, and on a division of the Wichingham estate, had this lordship assigned to her; and on December 1, 1538, had letters of administration granted of the goods, &c. of her husband deceased.

This Olivia made her will August 26, 1563, and was buried in the chancel of this church of St Mary, by her husband; gives 4s. to the repair of the church; 4s. to the poor; to her sister Thomasyne Rookwood, 20l; to John Caus of Christ Church, clerk, 40s.; to Jane Calthorp, her grand daughter, 10l.; to her sister Thomasine her gown of damask, furred with lamb, with her kirtle of russet damask, appointing her executrix; proved August 29, in the said year.

By the marriage of Jane her daughter and coheir, a moiety of it came to Christopher Calthorp, Esq. son and heir of James Calthorp, Esq. of Cockthorp, and a moiety to her sister Anne, daughter and coheir, &c.

Jane remarried, and in the 6th of Elizabeth, was the wife of Jeremy Bowes, Esq. of London, afterwards a knight, but they on the said year, convey their moiety to the manor, and a moiety of the advowson, to Robert Wood, with lands in Acle Aston, &c. who in the 6th of that Queen, had license to alien it to Anthony Bate. From Bate it came to William Spooner, Gent. Mrs. Dayns, widow, mother of Spooner left it to him.

By indenture, dated October 23d, in the 23d of Elizabeth, Henry Cornwalys of Norwich, and Thomas his son, by Anne his late wife, daughter and coheir of Robert Rookwood, Esq. Olive his wife, for 600l. sold to William Spooner of Fishley, Gent. and Elizabeth his wife, the moiety of the manor of Le Veile's alias Hardegrey's, with that of Burgh-Hall, &c. the moiety of the advowson, also the moiety of 8 messuages, 6 cottages, 14 gardens, 540 acres of land, 200 of meadow, 200 of pasture, 100 of wood, 200 of heath, &c. in Fishley.

By this it appears that Spooner was lord of the whole town, and patron. He left a daughter and heir, Elizabeth, who married Sir Richard Bellassise of Ludford, in the county of Durham, and died February 7, 1641, and was buried in St. Aldate's church, at Oxford.


Nicholas, son of Nicholas de Pincerna, or Le Botiler, had also an interest here, in 1201, and in 1270, Adam de Brancaster, and William de St. Clere, in right of their wives, heiresses to Nicholas, the last of that family living in 1250, and lord of a manor here, had each a moiety of it.

St. Clare, in 1242, sold his to William de Hevingham, and in 1389, William, son of William Hevingham purchased Brancaster's part, as is said, but it appears by a fine levied, in the first of Edward I. that Adam, son of John de Brancaster, with William, son of Reyner of Wytholesham, and Beatrix his wife, late wife of Nicholas Botiler, and William de St. Clere, sold their rights to Guy de Botetourt.

In the 17th of Edw. I. Catherine, widow of Walter Bukeskin, released to Catherine her daughter, several messuages and lands in this town, Upton, Frethorp, Burgh in Flegg, &c.

In the 35th of that King, William de Caly and Catherine his wife, released to Nicholas de Bukeskyn, the said messuages and lands.

Nicholas and Peter Buxskyn, were returned as lords in the 9th of EdwRoger Hardegreys, John Berney, Thomas de Bumstead, were querents in a fine in the 18th of Edw. III. and Peter Buxskyn deforcient, of the manor of Burgh-Hall, with the moiety of the advowson of the church of Fishley, with lands in Upton, Frethorp, Mouton, South Walsham, &c. settled on Roger after Peter's decease.

Walter Thurston had also an interest in this town, in the 34th of the said King, when he aliened 2 messuages, 14 acres of land in Witton, Redlington, and Edingthorp, with a manor in Fishley, to Bromholm priory.

On the death of Joan, widow of Roger Hardegrey, it came to William de Wichingham and Margaret his wife, as was settled in the 38th of Edward III.

In the 29th of Henry VI. Robert Wichingham, Esq. was found to die seized of this manor of Burgh.

By an inquisition taken October 31st, Ao. 21 of Henry VII. Burgh Hall was found to be held of the abbot of St. Bennet at Holm, by fealty, and the yearly rent of one penny for all services.

Being thus in the Wichinghams, passed together (as united) with the lordship of Fishley, as is abovementioned.


Here was also 24 acres of land and 2 borderers, (fn. 6) held of the abbey of St. Bennet, by the family of Redham, who gave name to it. Ralph de Redham and Margaret his wife, conveyed by fine to John, son of Gerard de Redham, in the 14th of Edward I. 12 messuages, with several parcels of land, in Fishley, Upton, &c.

Robert de Redham, in the following year, claimed view of frank pledge of his tenants; and Matthew, son of Gerard de Redham, was lord in the 2d of Edward II. and in the 2d of Edward III.

This came after to the Wichinghams. John Wichingham, Esq. died possessed of it in the 3d of Henry VII. and being thus united to Fishley manor, had the same lords.

The tenths were 28s. Deducted 0 0.—The temporalities of Weybridge priory 3s.

The Church is dedicated to St. Mary, and was a rectory, consisting of two portions, that of Peter de Pulham's, was valued at 4 marks; the other of Hugh, at 46s. 4d. Peter-pence 6d.; carvage 2d. ob.— The present valor is 5l. and is discharged.


In 1310, John Spike, presented to a mediety, by Matthew de Redham.

1321, Bartholomew de Ryston to a mediety, by the prior and convent of Weybrigg. In the 14th of Edward II. the prior had a patent to purchase this mediety of John de Boletort, whose manor of Upton extended into this town; and Matthew, son of Gerard de Redham, had lands here of the said John.

In 1333, Mr. John Cley to a mediety, by Peter Bukskyn.

1334, Hugh de Schuldham to a mediety, by ditto.

1334, Simon Ymme, to a mediety. Ditto.

John de Dalling, rector.

1338, Thomas de Wedmore.

1338, Thomas de Downham, by Peter de Bukeskyn.

1342, Robert de Knapton, by Roger de Hardegrey.

1542, Thomas de Dunham. Ditto.

1349, Robert de Fornset, by ditto.

1349, William Chapman. Ditto.

1350, Robert Smith. Ditto.

1354, John Attefaldgate. Ditto.

1359, Nicholas de Hanworth. Ditto.

1367, John Sipeter, to a mediety, by Joan, relict of Sir Roger Hardegrey.

John Pecock, died rector of a mediety April 30, 1382.

Henry Bishop of Norwich, on April 10, in this year, consolidated, with the consent of Joan Hardegrey, patroness of one of the medieties.

1407, Robert Hay, by Nicholas Wychingham.

1417, Thomas Artyes. Ditto.

1419, William Ham. Ditto.

1434, Hugh Leverych, by Robert Wychingham, Esq.

William Robyns, rector.

In 1448, Thomas Walpole, presented to a mediety by Robert Wychingham, Esq. on the death of William Robyns, rector.

1449, Thomas Walpole, by Robert Wychingham.

1456, Thomas Howys, by James Arblaster, Esq. in right of his wife Agnes, and Nicholas Ovy, Gent.

Agnes was late wife of Robert Wichingham, Esq.

1460, Robert Kerlynghall. Ditto.

1482, Thomas Ley, by James Arblaster, Esq.

1492, Edmund Wheeler.

1722, Henry Nelson, by William Luson, merchant, on Jonathan Newhouse's death.

1723, William Mackay. Ditto.

1753, Edward Holden rector, by Howling Luson of Gunton in Suffolk.

Mrs. Dayns, widow, was patron in or about 1600, and William Spooner her son after her; late Arthur Bates, and Henry Cornwaley's; and Thomas Drayton was rector.

William de Scohies had also 2 acres valued at 12d. this was afterwards united to the lordships aforesaid.


  • 1. Speed's Chron. p. 148.—Saxon Chron. p. 182.
  • 2. Terra Regis qua' Godric. servat. —In Fiscele ten. R. Comes vet. T. R.E. xxv soc. i car. t re. xxx ac. p'ti. u. ex istis e. de Soca Regis no'me Wfnud. sep. iii car. et dim. et ht. viii qr. in long, et in lat. et de gelt xd.
  • 3. Of this family see in Witton, Blofield Hundred.
  • 4. Testa de Nevil.
  • 5. Of this family see at large in Wichingham Magna, Eynford Hundred.
  • 6. Terra S'ci Benedicti de Hulmo.— In Fischele xxiiii ac. t're. et ii bor.— See in Upton.