Hundred of Wayland: Threxton

Pages 362-365

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 2. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1805.

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The church was valued at nine marks, besides the portion, and paid 5s. procurations, 20d. synodals, and 9d. Peter-pence. The Prior of the monks of Norwich had a pension of 10s. per annum out of this church, being a perpetual composition made by William de Ralegh Bishop of Norwich, in lieu of two parts of the great tithes of the demeans formerly of Wiganus Brito, (Wigan Briton,) in this town, which pension was after settled on the celerer of that monastery; but the Prior and monks of Castle-Acre held the advowson of the church of the gift of Hugh de Wauci, son of Ralf, and had a pension of a mark a year paid them by the rectors. (fn. 1) It continued in that Prior's gift till about 1321, and was then sold to John Salmon Bishop of Norwich, who settled it on his successours, and it not being part of the barony of the see, did not pass with it to the Crown at the exchange, but remains in the Bishop's gift at this time, who had a pension of 13s. 4d. paid by the rector, which was settled when the patronage came to the see, in lieu of the pension due to Castle-Acre, which he had purchased with the advowson; (fn. 2) there was a gild dedicated to All-Saints here. The rectory is valued at 7l. 4s. 9d. ob. and being sworn of the clear value of 34l. 14s. 4d. it is discharged of first fruits and tenths, and is capable of augmentation.


1205, Mr. Ralf de Harpele. The Prior of Castle-Acre.

1242, Mr. Paul, rector.

1283, Simon, rector.

1302, non Oct. Oliver de Wysete, Prior of Castle-Acre.

1303, 11 kal. May, Adam de Dynieton, deacon. Ditto.

1308, 4 id. Sept. Robert, son of John Medmere of Frettenham, a poor clerk, had a bull of provision from the Pope, directed to the Bishop, to provide for him, who assigned him this rectory.

1330, 4 id. June, Ivo de Glynton, priest. The first presented by the Bishop.

1332, 4 id. Oct. John de Swathfield of Yarmouth, priest. Change with East Bilney.

1344, 11 March, Robert Markaunt, priest. Ditto.

1354, 16 May, Roger de Helmingham, priest, on Merkaunt's resignation. Change with Bek Hospital in Billingford.

1360, 23 Nov. John de Ixworth, accolite.

1385, 22 May, John de Barton. The King, the see being void.

1396, 17 March, Richard Turner of Tanton.

1399, 22 Jan. Mr. Thomas Bradmore of Hegham.

1400, 6 July, the Right Rev. John, by God's permission, Archbishop of Smyina, Suffragan to the Bishop of Norwich.

1404, 26 March, Roger Turner of Tanton.

1452, 26 April, Sir John Dunston, priest.

1503, 18 Dec. Sir John Sonkey, chaplain: united to CressinghamParva. The Bishop reserved the annual pension paid to the see, on this institution.

Sir Thomas Bek, rector.

1546, 16 Feb. Sir John Serle, on Bek's death. Edmund and John Crofts, by grant of the turn from the Bishop.

1561, 13 Aug. Thomas Palmer, priest.

1561, 22 Nov. Edward Marshe, priest, united to Merton.

1571, 9 Jan. Hugh Turner, clerk, united to Watton.

1608, 28 Febr. Thomas Crosse, A. M. united to Merton in 1620, ob. 1640.

1666, 3 April, Henry Tooley, A. M. united to Watton.

1681, 10 May, Andrew Atley, A. M. on Tooley's death, united to Watton.

1698, 4 Aug. John Berry, clerk, A. M. on the last incumbent's death. The Bishop. United to Watton.

1730, 22 Mar. Will. Petwin, clerk, collated by the Bishop.

1735, James Reynolds, collated at Bury by Petwin's cession, the same day united to Lackford in Suffolk.

The Rev. Mr. John Soley, junior, on Reynolds's resignation; he is the present [1738] rector, and holds it united to Little-Cressingham. Collated by the Bishop.

The Church consists of one isle only, which is tiled; the chancel is thatched, the steeple is low and round, and in the south window are the arms of Clare Earl of Gloucester, Tony, and Beauchamp.

On a brass in the middle isle,
Orate Pro anima Roberti More cuius anime propicietur Deus.

The temporals of the Prior of Thetford were valued at 4s.

Simon Senz Aveyr gave to the church of the Holy Trinity of Norwich a third part of his tithes of Trekestone, namely of all his land there, which gift he confirmed upon the altar of the Holy Trinity at Norwich, before the monks of the place, for the soul of his brother Warine, whom the monks had taken into the bedroll of their brethren, when he died; the witnesses were Ingulf the Prior, and his monks, Wickman the priest, &c. and he gave seizin by delivery of a branch of broom; he gave them also two parts of his tithes of Rannestune, and John de Grey and Thomas de Blunvyle, Bishops of Norwich, confirmed it. (fn. 3)

This town paid 1l. 13s. 4d. to the tenths, and is now assessed at 156l. to the land tax, the whole being joined, and reduced to one house only, in which Mr. Knopwood now dwells, and occupies the whole town, which he is said to have lately purchased.

In the Confessor's and Conqueror's time, this manor had one carucate and half in demean, and was held by Hugh, of William de Warren, who had it of the Conqueror's gift, and granted it to be held of his castle of Lewes; it was worth 30s. and the town was then a mile and half long and a mile broad, and paid 15d. geld. (fn. 4)

The manor and advowson was in Philip le Vealtre, (fn. 5) who married Esmond, sister of Ralf de Wauci of N. Barsham, and had with her in marriage this manor and advowson, which, at her death, she gave with all her goods to the monks of Castle-Acre; but Hugh, son of Ralf de Waucy, entered after her death on the lands, &c. and the monks coming to a composition with him, he confirmed his aunt's will, and William le Wealtre or Wewter, Esmond's grandson, confirmed the lands and church to them, on condition that Jeffry Fitz-Peter of Threkestone, and his heirs, should hold the manor and lands of the monks, paying 20s. per annum as the rent of it, to the Prior, who was always taxed for this rent at 20s.; and the said Peter and his heirs held it at the third part of a fee: after this, Henry Prior of Acre surrendered to William le Vealtre their land in Trikeston, called Morehall, to be held of the monks, but he put them in possession of the advowson, by the texts of the Evangelist laid on the altar; and they had it till 1321, when they conveyed it to the Bishop.

Of the other part of Threxton we read thus in Domsday, fo. 223.
Terre Rainaldi filij Ivonis. n. Wanelund. In Trectuna viii, libi: homines iii. car. terre [et] xxviii. acc. C.G.E.modo tenet Ranulfus [et] ii. bur. xx. acr. prati. tunc vi. car. post iii. mo ii. t dim. t iii. rar. possent esse. hoc liberatum est pro una carucata terre. tune nal.iii. l. t x. bal. lx. sol.

This came to Wiganus Brito, (Wigan Briton,) who settled two parts of his tithes on Threxton church, and one third on the Prior of Norwich; but in about 1246, there was a perpetual composition made between the Prior of Norwich and the rector, by which it was agreed that the rector should for ever receive all the tithes, paying the Prior a pension of 10s. a year; this part was always held of the honour of Clare, and was after divided into many small parcels, all which were small manors, as Hemenhale's, Farthing's, Pencethorp, Curlewe's, Mounteney's, &c. which took their names from their several owners, but have been all reunited, as they still [1738] continue.

Bartholomew de Stiveky held the third part of a fee in Henry the Second's time.

John de Boteler, Jeffry Bosoun, Edmund Southouse, Isabell de Mora, or Moor, and Peter Ferthyng, held another third part of a fee.

In Richard the First's time, Emma de Mora paid 4d. per annum for ward money to Norwich castle.

Robert Curlew held another third part of a fee in Henry the Third's time, of Richard Fitz-Simon, and he of the Earl of Gloucester. In 1256, Richard Curlay of Triketon held a whole fee, and was not a knight, but was summoned to be made one; this was Castle-Acre, or Fitz-Peter's manor.

In 1288, Walter de Winfarthing sold his estate to William de Saham.

In 1308, John de Cove of Suffolk, and Eve his wife, had a grant of free-warren here, in Cove and Northales.

In 1314, Simon Fitz Richard held of the honour of Clare 12 fees here and in Cley Pensthorp, &c.

In 1315, Alice Stormer, William Mounteyn or Mounteneye, Edward de Southouse, and Simon Fitz Richard, were lords of this town.

In 1321, Alice, widow of Richard Curlew, Richard Storm, Thomas Curlew, and Agnes his wife, sold their manor to Nicholas Fastolf and William Jordan of Letheringset, in trust.

In 1327, These manors, which were held of Clare honour, were then held of Robert-Fitz-Walter.

In 1335, Robert son of Ralf de Hemenhale, Knt. and Agnes his wife, sold this capital manor, which extended into Little Cressingham, Merton, Stanford, Watton and Saham, and the moiety of a manor in West-Derham, to John de Limpenhowe, and John, parson of the fourth part of Dicleburgh, and his heirs.

In 1345, Rich. Fitz-Simons, Rob. Curson, William his son, Tho. Howard, John Bosoun, John Southouse, John atte Water, Rob. de Hemenhale, Lucy Farthyng, and Joan Welundaye, held a third part of a fee of the honour of Clare, which was formerly Rich. Fitz-Simons's, and Rich. Stormer held another third part of Rich. Fitz-Simons, he of the Countess of Clare, and she of the King, which was formerly Rich. Curlew's; which shews into what small parcels it was divided.

In 1398, Simon Fitz-Richard held 12 fees here, and in Cley, Pensthorp, &c. of Clare honour.

In 1401, Henry Pakenham held the third part of a fee of Richard Fitz-Simon.

In 1453, Tho. Gernon of Threxton, cousin and heir of John Gernon of Merton, infeoffed Henry Pakenham, &c. in lands in Merton, Threxton, &c.

In 1546, Sir Richard Southwell, Knt. was possessed of an estate here, but it was only part of Saham manor.

In 1550, Christ. Mounteney of Threxton, Gent. was buried in this church, leaving Ursula, Margaret, Elizabeth, and Anne; he died seized of Hemenhale's manor here, which was formerly Rich. Curlew's, and was held in 1562, by Rich. Mounteney, his son and heir, of Sir Christ. Heydon, Knt. to whom it was sold before 1570; for in 1572, he was lord; after him, Sir William Heydon, Knt. had the united manors of Threxton, Hemenhale's, Curle's, Ferthings, and Pensthorp, all which were held of the honour of Clare, and afterwards came to the Houghton's.

Sir Robert Houghton, Knt. had them, Francis Houghton, Esq. (fn. 6) his son and heir, died April 13, 1629, leaving Robert, his son and heir, then three years old only; it continued in this family till it was mortgaged to Sir John Prettyman, and his lady, and was after assigned, as Mr. Neve says, to Sir John Holland of Quidenham, and after that to Sir Edmund Bacon of Garboldisham, who purchased the Houghtons estate, and sold this again to Mr. Rob. Knopwood, the present [1738] owner.


  • 1. Reg. Castle-Acre.
  • 2. Pat. 14 E. 2. P. 2. M. 18.
  • 3. E Regro. quinto. Ecce. Cath. Norwic. fol. 4.
  • 4. Terre Willi. de Warrenna. Wanelund H. (Doms. fol. 89.) In Trestunam ten. Hugo. i. car. terre et iiii. bord. et i. serv. et x. acr. prati, semper i. car. et dim. in dominio, et dim. car. homin. et i. liber homo xii. acr. et val. xxx. sol. et hoc, pertinet ad Laues, et habet x. quar. in longo, et dim. leug. in lato, et xv. den. de Gelto, quicunque ibi teneat.
  • 5. Regr. Castle-Acre in Bib. Harleiana, fol. 34.
  • 6. Coles's Inquis. vol. i. p. 323.