Nov. 1.
1072. Mem. in the handwriting of John Locke. That the first
payment of the rent for the Province of Carolina is to begin from
the feast of All Saints 1665, and is 20 marks per annum. [Col. Entry
Bk., No. XXII., fly leaf at end of volume.]
Nov. 3.
1073. William Newell to Henry Muddiman. Hears from Rochelle
that a ship belonging to the West India Company was arrived there
from St. Christopher's, bringing certain news that the Jamaica men
had taken St. Eustache from the Dutch on Aug. 12. It is but three
leagues from St. Christopher's, there is but one landing place in it,
where but one or two men can go up at a time to an eminent place,
on the top of which there is a fort which had 450 men, furnished
with powder and guns by De Ruyter ; yet 300 resolute men went
and took them by force, turning out the Governor most shamefully,
and all the Dutch ; it is supposed they were drunk or mad, for
there was no treachery by the Governor, as the hard usage he
received proves : when the Dutch have lost one or two small islands
more, they will not have a foot of ground in all America. [Dom.,
Chas. II., Vol. CXXXVI., No. 17, Cal., p. 40.]
Nov. 6.
1074. Sam. Farmer to Sec. Lord Arlington. Is ashamed to trouble
his Lordship upon every light occasion, but is now necessitated to
do so by the unexampled cruelty of his keeper. Feels the rather
encouraged for that Sir John Knight told him Sergeant Gyde was
ordered to allow Farmer to go abroad with his keeper as formerly.
Has been kept close prisoner, and not suffered to go even to church,
and cannot now stir abroad without his Majesty or his Lordship's
particular order ; nay he has been locked up in his chamber because
he desired to learn his Lordship's pleasure in the matter. Prays for
such relief as his Lordship shall be pleased to vouchsafe. ½ p. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 115.]
[Nov. 15.]
1075. Petition of Sam. Farmer to the King and Council. That
he has been exiled from his wife, children, and estate, and kept
prisoner upwards of 20 weeks, and fears his reputation suffers in his
Majesty's esteem owing to certain articles exhibited against him for
things done by the whole Assembly. Is confident he can return a
satisfactory answer to these articles. Was an eminent sufferer under
the late usurped powers, and now owing to his long absence from
England his friends are few, and his means of subsistence less. His
estate in Barbadoes, on which he has 200 slaves besides Christian
servants, worth 20,000l., so that it is not likely that he will fly from
his estate and leave himself and his reputation utterly lost in his
Majesty's disfavour, especially as he voluntarily appeared in court
upon his first landing. Prays that his Majesty will not believe
anything against him until he has been heard ; that for the better
clearing of his innocence he may have a copy of the charges, and
afterwards a speedy hearing ; and that he may be granted liberty
upon bail to go to counsel and pursue his other occasions for manifesting
his innocence. Indorsed, Received and read in Council,
15th Nov. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 116.]
1076. Petition of Sebastian Crespo, subject of his Catholic Majesty,
to the King and Council. In 1664 there was taken from him in the
West Indies, a ship called the St. Michell and St. Dominico, by
Henry Castines, an Englishman, which was carried to Jamaica. Sir
Thos. Modyford, by virtue of his Majesty's order, sent the 28th June
1664 to Cartagena to proffer the said prize ; and petitioner having
transported himself for Jamaica, to take possession of said ship,
found it condemned for prize in the Court of Admiralty, by which
it was sold, and bought in the name of Richard Richardson and
another, being in reality for said Governor, who for an inconsiderable
sum bought that which was worth 40,000 pieces of eight.
Petitioner with the orders and process of the business appeared
before his Majesty and Council and proved his justice, and on report
of Sir Wm. Turner, his Majesty was pleased to order restitution of
said ship and goods to petitioner, and to grant him a letter to the
said Governor, as doth appear by the annexed copies. Petitioner
having transported himself to Jamaica, said Governor dispossessed
him of the aforesaid orders and letter, refused him any receipt, and
only proffered by Samuel Barnard, his secretary, 1,000 pieces of eight
for his debt ; which petitioner refused, and is come to cast himself
again at his Majesty's feet. Humbly prays that said Governor may
be compelled to give satisfaction to petitioner, to the value of 4,700l.,
which is the sum due to him, as appears by the report of Sir Wm.
Turner. Annexed,
1076 I. Order of the King in Council. On reading petition and
papers of Don Antonia de Villa Vitiosa, agent of the embassage
of his Catholic Majesty to this court touching the
ship St. Michael and Sancto Domingo, Sebastian Crespo
owner, seized in June 1664 by an English ship, Henry
Castines commander, by virtue of letters of marque from
Lord Windsor, Governor of Jamaica ; ordered that said
petition and papers be sent to Sir Thos. Modyford, Governor
of Jamaica, who is hereby required (the state of the
business being as is set forth) to use his utmost endeavours
for causing restitution to be made, and if it cannot be
effected, to return an account of the whole matter with his
opinion thereupon. Oxford, 1665, Nov. 10.
1076. II. The King to Sir Thos. Modyford. Refers above petition
and papers for his examination and recommends the whole
matter to him, willing him to use all possible care in the
retrieving and recovery of said ship and goods, or otherwise
that entire and speedy satisfaction be made to petitioners.
Oxford, 1666, Jan. 17.
1076. III. Draft of preceding letter with corrections in the handwriting
of Williamson. Together 4 papers. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XIX., Nos. 117-120.]
Nov. 15.
1077. Warrant signed by Ri. Bellingham, Governor, and John
Leveret, assistant, to the keeper of the prison in Boston. To take into
his custody Abraham Corbet till the next General Court of election,
that he may there appear and answer for his tumultuous, seditious,
and disorderly carriages. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 121.]
1078. Proposition that the Commanders of all ships bound for
England coming from the Plantations should be ordered to get into
the latitude of Cape Clear, 100 leagues short thereof, and from
thence sail to Kinsale for intelligence, which will prevent the great
charges of convoys. 1 p. Two copies. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX.,
Nos. 122, 123.]
Nov. 16.
1079. The King to Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes.
Ships having been seized on their return from the Caribbee Islands
by single capers of the Dutch, it is ordered that vessels return for
the future in fleets ; such fleets to set sail from Barbadoes on the
last days of March, June, and September, and call at the Caribbee
Islands for other vessels waiting there. Instructions to prevent
masters of vessels sailing before these seasons. The fleets to make
for the ports ordered, also, for the more orderly conducting and
keeping company, commanders to be appointed admirals. For the
better security of Barbadoes and the other islands the forts are to be
repaired, and sufficient magazines of shot and shell provided, and
careful watches kept, so that they may not be surprised as they were
last year. The Jamaica fleet not to sail with the others, but it
would be advantageous if the Surinam fleet could fall in with the
Barbadoes fleet and come home with it. To proceed with the settling
of St. Eustatius and Saba, scattering the Dutch inhabitants over
other Plantations, whereby their labour may be of use without
danger ; and in case Tobago is still held by the Dutch to endeavour
to reduce it the King's obedience. Draft, with numerous corrections,
by Sir Joseph Williamson. 4½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX.,
No. 124.]
Nov. 16.
1080. Copy of the preceding. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol.
XXIV., pp. 5-9.]
1081. Proposals by merchants and traders to the Plantations. In
consequence of an order to the Governor of Barbadoes that no ships
should come from thence but in fleets, and in the month of June ;
that a convoy be immediately appointed for several great ships in
the Downs bound for New England to fetch masts for the King's
service and for other Plantations, to sail clear of the soundings where
they may meet the Barbadoes fleet and other ships bound home.
½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 125.]
Nov. 16.
1082. The King to Sir Tho. Modyford, Governor of Jamaica.
Having observed that many ships in their return from the West
Indies have become a prey to the Dutch, chiefly through coming
scattering, whereas if there were a certain time fixed for their return
care might be taken to secure the coast by ships employed for that
purpose ; his Majesty has thought fit to appoint seasons, viz., the
24th March, 24th June, and 24th September, at which only ships are
to return from Jamaica to England and Ireland, unless employed for
his Majesty's immediate service. All ships are to enter into bond to
keep company and defend each other, and the Governor is directed
to appoint one of the commanders admiral for the voyage, to compel
any that shall be disobedient to the observance of his Majesty's
commands, and to direct them that when near the coast of England,
if they shall not have met any of his Majesty's ships of war in the
soundings, to endeavour to touch at the first port of England for
information. His Majesty cannot but notice his diligence and good
order by which the Dutch Plantations of Sabia and Stacia have been
reduced, and is full of hope shortly to hear of the like success against
Curaçao, and assures him of his gracious acceptance of that service,
desiring him to go on to root the Dutch out of all places in the West
Indies, and where he shall have success to transplant the greatest
part of them to Jamaica or other Plantations, which may have the
benefit of their industry without hazard of revolt, leaving garrisons
in the places reduced, especially Curaçao, if God give success. Draft
with corrections in the handwriting of Williamson. 2 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 126.]
Nov. 16.
1083. Copy of the preceding letter. 2½ pp. [Dom. Entry Bk.,
Chas. II., Vol. XXIV., pp. 3-5.]
1084. The King to the Governor of Maryland. Directions as to
the time of sailing and the course that ships from Maryland are to
take to meet convoys, that prevention may be had against a repetition
of the great losses sustained last summer in their voyage homewards ;
none to sail before the 1st of April. Draft with corrections in Williamson's
hand. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 126*.]
Nov. 16.
1085. Governor Sir Thos.Modyford to Lord Archingdale [Sec. Lord
Arlington]. The greatest part of their small fleet has arrived at
Statia, whereon Col. Morgan with 319 men landed, and after small
opposition took the place, the good old Colonel leaping out of the
boat, and being a corpulent man got a strain, and his spirit being
great he pursued over earnestly the enemy on a hot day, so that he
surfeited and suddenly died, to almost the loss of the whole design,
but Col. Carey succeeded him, and about three weeks after sent Maj.
Rich. Stevens with a small party and took Saba also. Besides other
plunder they had 900 slaves, 500 are arrived at Jamaica, with many
coppers and stills, to the great furtherance of this colony, being very
brave knowing blacks. The distractions caused by the loss of Col.
Morgan and the too easy disposition of Col. Carey, to whose more
large relation he refers his Lordship. Was much troubled that the
main design against Curaçao was thus frustrated, and sent for the
leading men of the privateers lately come in from Spanish quarters,
whom he had obliged by not questioning them, and caused Major
Byndlosse to hold correspondence with the old privateer, Capt.
Mansfield, and to appoint a rendezvous at Blue Fields Bay, where it
is calculated will be no less than 600 privateers, and they will
forward the design of Curaçao, which he hopes will be the King's
before this letter is in his hands. Recommends his Majesty to sell
the plantations at Eustatia and Sabia, which may probably produce
5,000l., to the English at St. Christopher's. The covetousness of
some of the officers and soldiers, the reason of the loss of the design
of Curaçao. Has received the joyful news of his Highness' glorious
victory over the Dutch, and will himself do all he can against that
ungrateful Republic, for which purpose he endeavours to dispose and
inflame the minds of privateers and town dwellers of Port Royal,
already very forward to suppression of that enemy ; but please consider
the militia is under no pay and the soldiers all but paper
commissions, whereas in the actions of St. Jago de Cuba and Campeachy
they had the countenance of the King's ships. Is glad his
Majesty is pleased with his mean endeavours, having done his utmost
for the advancement of his Majesty's affairs. Has suspended none of
his Majesty's patents but that of Secretary (Povey's), who, leaving no
fit deputy, or giving security, was dismissed by order of Council,
[11 Nov. 1664, see ante p. 251], whilst that of Surveyor has expired
by death, and that of Marshal, though very prejudicial, is still held
by Lynch's deputy. Will govern himself according to the light he has
given on the sense of his Catholic Majesty's Council at Madrid. Begs
for full instructions as to what employment to give to the privateers
after the suppression of the Dutch, whose name, he guesses, will ere
three months expire, be forgotten in the Indies. Should not have encouraged
Lynch in his design to Madrid ; he has dissembled with
Modyford, but hardly thinks him so base as to advance Spanish
affairs against us. The Spanish prizes have been inventoried and
sold, but the privateers plunder them and hide the goods in holes
and creeks, so that the present orders little avail the Spaniard, but
much prejudice his Majesty and his Royal Highness in the tenths
and fifteenths of prizes. Some of the privateers are well bred, and
he hopes with good handling to bring them to more humanity and
good order, which once obtained his Majesty hath 1,500 of the
best men in the world belonging to this island. Has conferred
his Majesty's blank commission of Major of the Island upon his
eldest son, who the Governor sent down to bring his mother and
the rest of his family, but has too much reason to believe him shipwrecked
and drowned, and therefore begs it may be conferred on
his second son Thomas, who has lately arrived with his mother
and 100 passengers. Supposes his Majesty may save the charge
of a Deputy Governor, as being altogether needless, and fears he
shall never again meet with one so useful, so complacent, and loving
as Col. Morgan was ; he died very poor, his great family having
little to support them ; his eldest daughter is since married to Serg.-Major
Bindlosse, of good estate. Suggests a member of the Council
being appointed Governor in case of his own death or absence. Has
enjoyed as great a measure of health as ever he did in England,
but must confess the island is very subject to agues and fevers,
but these are brought on by intemperance, surfeiting, and carelessness,
and are common, especially with the old army officers, "who
from strict saints are turned the most debauched devils." The
Spaniards who trade with the Royal Company at their first coming
wondered much at the sickness of our people, until they knew of
the strength of their drinks, but then wondered more that they
were not all dead. 3¼ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 127.]
[Nov. 17.]
1086. Petition of Sam. Farmer to the King and Council. That
he was by Lord Willoughby imprisoned at Barbadoes and afterwards
banished without any cause shown ; and now sees it was
for things done by the Assembly of which he was Speaker, which
would amount but to misdemeanours and therefore bailable. Is
now confined in a common gaol with felons, so that life itself is
burthensome, and yet has always been an assertor of his Majesty's
rights, and was Speaker of the Assembly that presented his Majesty
with 4½ per cent. of all the produce of the island, which draws from
petitioner yearly 200l. His large estate and voluntary appearance
in court upon his first landing demonstrate that he will not fly from
his trial. Prays the King to take his loyalty and sufferings into
consideration, to release him from restraint and vouchsafe him
liberty upon bond or recognizance to go unto counsel and pursue
other occasions for manifesting his innocence ; and that the sergeant's
fees may be suspended until the case is heard. Indorsed,
Read the 17 Nov. 1665. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 128.]
1087. Petition of Sam. Farmer to the King and Council. That
having received a copy of the articles exhibited against him, he is
now prepared to make his defence. His imprisonment among
infamous persons, without privacy of bed or chamber, is very
grievous and chargeable to him ; and his enforced absence from
wife and family almost insupportable. But is most grieved by the
hazard he runs of having his actions (always full of duty and
loyalty) otherwise represented to his Majesty, as his adversary has
a great advantage over petitioner, and has sent the testimonies of
all such as could depose anything against petitioner. Prays for a
speedy hearing, and that his Majesty will in the interim restore
him from the borders of death to life, by enlargement upon his
own bond, or at least with sureties, to appear whensoever commanded.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 129.]
1088. Col. Theodore Cary to Sec. Lord Arlington. Sends copy of
his letter of 23 Aug. last [see ante, No. 1042]. Is sorry and indeed
ashamed that he only acquainted his Lordship of the forts of Tortola
and Curaçao, they being the principal places that were designed for.
Shall not now relate his unhappiness in not effecting what he so
earnestly endeavoured, or the occasion that sullied our begun victory,
having with this sent a true and perfect narrative of the whole proceedings
in that voyage, by which his Majesty will see his care and
pains. Still assures his Lordship that had they two of the King's
small frigates, it would be an easy work to reduce and keep for his
Majesty, all the forts and places the Dutch have in these parts.
1088. I. A True and perfect Narrative by Col. Theod. Cary, declaring
the proceedings in the late expedition from this island of
Jamaica against the Dutch under the management of Lieut.-Gen.
Edward Morgan, until his death, and afterwards by
Col. Theodore Cary. On a confirmation of the report of
war having been declared with Holland, Sir Thos. Modyford
gave Col. Cary a commission to raise a regiment
under command of Lieut.-Gen. Edward Morgan. Ere they
departed most of the seamen and soldiers mutinied and
would not set forward until the Lieut.-General and himself
promised that their commands should not take from them
any part of their plunder, which should be equally divided.
Sailed on the 16th May for the Isle of Pines, where the
fleet was mustered, being in all nine sail, with 71 guns and
about 650 men. Capt. Maurice Williams, the Lieut.-Gen.,
and himself in the Speaker, of 18 guns ; Capt. John Harman
in the St. John, 12 guns ; the Civilian, 16 guns, Capt.
Garrett Garretson ; the Pearl, 9 guns, Capt. Robt Searle ;
the Olive Branch, 6 guns, Capt. John Outlaw ; the Trueman,
6 guns, Capt. Albert Bernardson ; the Susannah, 2
guns, Capt. Nath. Cobham ; the Mayflower, 1 gun, Capt.
John Bamfield ; and the galliott, 1 gun, Capt. Abrah.
Malarba. Lost the Susannah and Mayflower with 60
men, and soon after the Olive Branch, Capt. Outlaw, with
96 men, who went for Virginia. Proposal of the Lieut.-General
to attack Tobago, but it was resolved that Eustatia
should be the first place attempted. On July 17 made for
their rendezvous at Montserrat, and were assured De Ruyter
had left the coast, leaving only one frigate of 14 guns about
the islands. At Montserrat the Lieut.-Gen. went ashore
and was met by the Governor, Maj. Nath. Reade, and was
provided with some sloops for landing, but left many
stragglers behind. Found they were able to land 326 men,
and it was ordered that Lt.-Col. Thos. Morgan should first
land with his division, and Col. Cary with his to second
him. Account of their landing at Eustatia on 23rd July,
the ships being under the command of Capt. Harman. The
enemy seeing them pressing on gave them a small volley,
retreated, and presently fled. The Lieut.-General died, not
with any wound, but being ancient and corpulent, by hard
marching, and extraordinary heat, fell and died, and Col.
Cary took command of the party upon himself by the
desire of all. Summoned Capt. Peter Adrianson to surrender,
whereon the Dutch marched out of the fort, leaving
11 great guns and ammunition. Consultations as to the
division of plunder, sending the Dutch off the island, and
leaving the English, Scotch, and Irish, who took the oaths
of allegiance to his Majesty. Reasons for not attacking
St. Martin's. Refusal of the soldiers and seamen to stir
until the booty gotten at Eustatia was shared, and the
delay caused through the officers and soldiers not being able
to agree on the manner of sharing. While this was in agitation,
which took up no little time, the Mayflower arrived,
which with Maj. Stevens and Capt. Jas. Walker and 48 soldiers,
in all 70 men, were sent to reduce the island of Saba,
four leagues from Eustatia, which surrendered on the same
articles. Differences between officers and soldiers, the seamen
and their captains ; the fleet came out upon the account
of no purchase no pay, but the seamen and soldiers for the
most part disowned any agreement but customary, and
this would not please all. Recruits solicited from Col.
Watts, Governor of St. Kitts, but no men could be got
unless they would take Lord Willoughby's commission,
"from which all our party dissented." On a muster not
250 appeared, and they grown so mutinous that they would
not proceed, but on their own terms. Account of further
disputes as to division of plunder. Consultation about
carrying on the design for the Virgins and Curaçao, when
it was resolved that considering the number and their conditions,
they could not reasonably proceed further, so they
departed, leaving Lt.-Col. Thos. Morgan, Governor of
Eustatia and Saba. Met with a great storm which disabled
and scattered the ships, but most of them since arrived at
Jamaica, bringing 400 negroes ; the Speaker, Pearl, and
Olive Branch being still abroad. Those acquainted with
the customs and manners of the privateers, and the natures
of soldiers, may judge how Col. Cary passed his time amidst
so great confusion as usually attends such parties, whose
plunder is their pay and obedience guided by their wills.
His greatest trouble was to return and not to effect
what he intended when he first undertook the voyage.
Account of the booty, also list of arms and ammunition, and
the inhabitants sent off and remaining on the two islands.
There were captured four colours, 20 guns, six barrels of
powder, 192 small arms and ammunition, 942 Indians and
negroes, besides horses, cattle, sheep, goats, and cotton. 320
Dutch were sent off the islands, and some, with many
English, Scotch, and Irish, remained and took the oath of
allegiance. Jamaica, 1665, Nov. 17. 20 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XIX., Nos. 130, 130 I.]
Nov. 20.
1089. Sir Robt. Carr and Samuel Mavericke to Sec. Lord Arlington.
The rumour that Col. Cartwright is taken by a Dutch privateer
has put them into no little confusion ; the original papers of
all their transactions were with him and they fear lost, with other
writings of concernment and the maps of the several Colonies.
Fearing miscarriage of the accounts they have sent from time to
time of their proceedings, they send the inclosed papers and this
cursory recapitulation of them. Have formerly given an account
of what they did in the three southern colonies and with the
General Court of the Massachusetts in Boston till May 30, which they
sent by Capt. Harrison ; copies of their further transactions they
have sent to New York to Col. Nicolls. Proceedings concerning
John Porter and his petition ; they found the General Court at Boston
presumptuous and refractory and could obtain nothing from them
that might be satisfactory to the King's desires. Their declaration
in answer to the Commissioners' summons touching the action of
Thos. Deane and others in the case of the ship Charles of Olleroon.
The commission to Symonds and Danforth to go to the Eastern parts
and oppose the Commissioners in their proceedings. Their proceedings
on receipt of the King's letter signifying the war with the
Dutch and enjoining the Commissioners to look after the fortifications
will be seen by their warrants to Portsmouth and other inclosed
papers. Thus far was sent by Col. Cartwright an exact account
of all proceedings, as may be seen by the copy of letter they sent
by him [see ante, July 26, No. 1024]. Account of what has since
taken place ; the warrant sent by the General Court to the constable
of Kittery, the Commissioners having then settled the Eastern
colonies, beyond Piscataqua river under the King's immediate
government till his pleasure was further known. The Massachusetts
commission to Danforth, Lusher, and Leveret to go thither and
reduce them to their Government, their petitions to the Commissioners,
and Champernowne and Rishworth's letters are inclosed, as also Sir
Robt. Carr's letter to Danforth, &c. Notwithstanding the General
Court at Boston sent their peremptory summons to Corbet to appear
before them to answer to a contempt. From hence they went to
Dover to keep court ; the Eastern people were informed they would
come in a hostile manner, and therefore met at Kittery to have opposed
them, if they came over the river, which was supposed was one cause
of their speedy return towards Boston. Desire if Col. Cartwright
have escaped that he be shown this account and the inclosed papers,
for his further information. Corbet committed to prison, where he
still remains, and the Commissioners can receive no satisfactory
answer why. Commit it to his judgment what to think of the
matter. Printed in New York Documents, III., 106-108. Inclose,
[N.B.—The following inclosures Nos. I.-XIII., have a cover which
is indorsed, These are all the material transactions in the King's
Province and in the Eastward since my parting with Col. Nicolls at
Boston, May 26, 1665, and Col. Cartwright at Nantucket, Aug. 1,
1089. I. Report of the King's Commissioners to his Majesty on
Duke Hamilton's petition. That no servant, agent, or
planter was ever sent over to take possession upon the
Patent of James Marquis of Hamilton. That the Massachusetts
pretend to a part of that land by a grant from
Charles I. Another part was granted to the colony of
Connecticut by his Majesty, another part given by his
Majesty to the colony of Rhode Island. They cannot
find the 10,000 acres at the head of Sagadahock in the
east, it having two streams but the head unknown, nor
know they of any land Lord Gorges had there, of which
the 10,000 acres were to be set out.
1089. II. Petition of John Porter, jun., of Salem a prisoner in
Boston gaol, to the King's Commissioners. 1 April 1665.
[Calendared, ante, No. 969.]
1089. III. Declaration of the General Court of the Massachusetts.
Protesting against the legality of the King's Commissioners'
warrant for protection to John Porter, jun. Also the
Commissioners' reply, 23-24 May 1665. [Calendared, ante,
No. 996.]
1089. IV. Commission from the General Court of Massachusetts to
S. Symonds and Thos. Danforth, 2 June, and note from
Symonds and Danforth to Sir Robt. Carr. 4 July 1665.
[Calendared, ante, No. 1006.]
1089. V. The Massachusetts warrant to the constable of Portsmouth
12th July. Their letter to the King's Commissioners,
16th July ; the Commissioners' reply and warrant
by the Council to summon Deputies for holding a special
General Court. 21 July 1665. [Calendared, see ante, No.
1089. VI. Order of the General Court to the constable of Kittery.
1 August 1665. [Calendared, see ante, No. 1032.]
1089. VII. The King's Commissioners commission for Justices of
the Peace, in the Province of Maine. York, 23 June 1665.
[Calendared, see ante, No. 1010.]
1089. VII.* The King's Commissioners to Sec. Lord Arlington.
26 July 1665. [Calendared, see ante, No. 1024.]
1089. VIII. Petitions of part of the inhabitants of Portsmouth and
Strawberry Bank to the King's Commissioners. [Calendered,
see ante No. 1015.] Also of the inhabitants of
Portsmouth and Strawberry Bank, Dover, Exeter, and
Hampton to the King ; and of the inhabitants of the Province
of Maine to the King. 3 papers. [Calendared, see
ante, inclosures Nos. I. and III. of No. 1024.]
1089. IX. Capt. Champernowne, Edw. Rishworth, and Ed. Johnson
to the King's Commissioners. Aug. 1665. [Calendared,
see ante, No. 1040.]
1089. X. Edw. Rishworth to Sir Robt. Carr. Has advised the
gentlemen to the Eastward that the Magistrates of the
Massachusetts are come to Strawberry Bank. Hopes for
the continuance of his care of them till the issue of these
vexatious molestations. York, 6 Oct. 1665.
1089. XI. Sir Robt. Carr to Danforth, Lusher, and Leveret, Commissioners
of the Massachusetts. Requiring them not to
molest those in Strawberry Bank, Dover, and Exeter that
have petitioned his Majesty for liberty until the King's
pleasure be further known. Kittery, 10 Oct. 1665.
1089. XII. Summons for Abraham Corbett to appear before the
General Court at Boston, 10 Oct. 1665. [Calendared, see
ante, No. 1064.]
1089. XIII. Warrant to the Marshall of Dover and Portsmouth to
apprehend Abrah. Corbet, 26 Oct. ; also Warrant to the
keeper of the prison in Boston to take Corbett into his
custody. 15 Nov. 1665. [Calendared, see ante, Nos. 1069,
1077]. Together 18 papers. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX.,
Nos. 131, 131 I.-XIII.]
Nov. 20.
1090. Sir Robt. Carr and Samuel Maverick to Sec. Lord Arlington.
Copy of the preceding letter with inclosures Nos. IX., X., and XI.
Also annexed,
Edw. Rishworth to Sir Robt. Carr. Reports from Boston
that the Massachusetts authority resolve to suspend any further
actings towards them until the spring, and provided then the
King's pleasure be not further known and declared they will
bring us in with a powder. "If that be the way of their execution
there needs be no great fear of death in those wars."
Hopes to hear from him before his journey to the southward.
Many thanks for his great care about their preservation and
peace. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., Nos. 132, 133.]
Nov. 22.
1091. H. Jocelyn, F. Champernowne, E. Rishworth, and others,
Justices of the Province of Maine, to Col. Nicolls at New York. The
daily frowns of our displeased and discontented neighbours of the
Massachusetts upon us doth occasion some to fear, others to hope for
a change among us, which causes authority to be weakened, peace
to be interrupted, and good order to be neglected. Humbly request
Sir Robt. Carr's presence amongst them in the spring, which they
doubt not will be very effectual. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX.,
No. 134.]
Nov. 26.
1092. George Reid to [Sec. Lord Arlington]. Begs his Lordship
will admit his most submissive thanks for the singular favour among
so many conferred on his family, of procuring him the patent for
this island from his Majesty's High Commissioners, which has been
confirmed by Gov. Sir Thos. Modyford. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XIX., No. 135.]
Nov. 29.
1093. Justices of the Province of Maine to Sir Robert Carr. Expressions
of thankfulness ; must ever remain his perpetual debtors.
The full appearance of the people at their last Court gave sufficient
testimony of their being well satisfied with their present standing,
persons of all parts generally appearing, Casco excepted, from whence
came not one person. Mr. Munjoy hath not accepted his commission,
from which he is now excluded. Request his further presence in
the spring, his countenance would be very useful to them under
these clouds of difficulty. Have presumed to solicit Col. Nicolls
herein. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 136.]
(New York.)
1094. Col. Richard Nicolls to the Duke of York. Since his Royal
Highness' letter of Feb. 11, he has not been sparing of toil or charges
to put these parts into a posture of defence against the Dutch,
though at the same time engaged in troubles with the Indians at
Fort Albany, consequently many incident charges have arisen this
summer, with all which he has struggled to the utmost of all his
own moneys and credit, depending upon the promised supplies, the
want whereof is a general calamity, but falls most heavily upon him,
who is not able to support so heavy a burden any longer. Does not
value the sight of his own ruin of fortune, but his reputation lies at
stake, having so often (in confidence of a supply) assured the inhabitants
of the care taken for their relief, who are now left naked
to the rigour of the winter. The whole trade is lost for want
of shipping, but the charge of four garrisons falls upon himself.
Beseeches a speedy supply before they fall to extremities. Hears
that Col. Cartwright is taken at sea, by whom his Royal Highness
would have received full information of the state of these parts.
Knows Cartwright's return to New England is very uncertain,
therefore beseeches his Royal Highness to consider some fit
person to succeed Nicolls in this government. Proposes Harry
Norwood, whose temper would be acceptable both to the soldiers
and country. Now the most refractory republicans acknowledge
themselves fully satisfied with the method of government. His
resolutions are to send over a copy of the laws this winter with the
alterations made at the last general assizes, which, if his Royal
Highness will confirm and cause to be printed at London, the whole
country will be infinitely obliged. Have had a general joy and
thanksgiving for the signal victory over the Dutch and preservation
of his Royal Highness' person, the very news whereof has revived
their spirits and is antidote both against hunger and cold. Printed
in New York Documents, III., 104. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX.,
No. 137.]
New York.
1095. [Col. Richard Nicolls] to [the Duke of York]. About 10
days past Capt. Bollen showed him a letter from Lord Berkeley and
Sir G. Carteret with a grant from his Royal Highness to them for
all lands west of Hudson's river ; wherein is comprehended all the
improvable part of his Royal Highness' patent, and capable to
receive 20 times more people than Long Island and the remaining
tracts, in respect of quantity of land, sea coast, and Delaware river,
fertility of soil, and fair hopes of rich mines, to the utter discouragement
of any that desire to live under his Royal Highness' protection.
Neither can he suppose that Lord Berkeley or Sir G. Carteret know
how prejudicial such a grant would prove to his Royal Highness,
but must charge it upon Capt. Scott, who was born to work mischief
aimed at the same patent, and hath given out that he had injury
done him by his Royal Highness ; whereupon he betrayed Lord
Berkeley and Sir G. Carteret into a design of ruining his Royal
Highness' territory, which he has fully completed unless his Royal
Highness take further order herein. Upon this tract several new
purchases are made from the Indians since Nicolls' coming, and
three towns beginning. Gave it the name of Albania, lying to the
west of Hudson's river, and to Long Island the name of Yorkshire,
as to this place the name of New York, to comprehend all his Royal
Highness' titles. Presumes to propose that Lord Berkeley and Sir
G. Carteret may have 100,000 acres along the sea coast, which is a
most noble tract of land, but will cost them 20,000l. before it will
yield a penny, and their children's children will reap the profit.
Great have been the abuses of false reports, yet hopes to give a
satisfactory account by word of mouth, but at present town and
country cry out they will leave their dwellings if they cannot stay
Nicolls from going to Boston, such are their apprehensions of a
Dutch invasion. A fragment. 2 pp. Printed in New York Documents,
III., 105. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX. No. 138.]
New York.
1096. [Col. Richard Nicolls] to [the Duke of York]. Notwithstanding
the high and mighty threats of the West India Company
of Amsterdam they do not live in so much apprehension of the Dutch
as in hopes of the arrival of some English ships for the supply of
trade and relief of the necessities of both officers and soldiers, for
whose accommodation he has been more industrious than in all other
actions of his life. What he has done towards the settlement of
laws Mr. Coventry will show his Royal Highness. Has formerly
rendered account of the settlement of bounds between his Royal
Highness and the patent of Connecticut, made by his Majesty's
Commissioners and the Governor and Council of Connecticut, wherein
five towns were relinquished to Connecticut by virtue of their precedent
grant from his Majesty, which determination was of great
good consequence in all the colonies, though to the diminution of his
Royal Highness' bounds ; so that east of New York and Hudson's
river nothing considerable remains to his Royal Highness except
Long Island, and about 20 miles from any part of Hudson's river.
Looks therefore upon all the rest as empty names and places possessed
40 years by former grants, and of no consequence to his Royal
Highness, except all New England could be brought to submit to his
Royal Highness' patent. The people of Long Island are very poor,
but from this town is the great hope of all the benefit which can
arise to his Royal Highness, and if his former proposals meet with a
good answer, he can assure his Royal Highness that within five
years the staple of America will be drawn hither, of which the
brethren of Boston are very sensible. Yet such is the mean condition
of this town (which is the best of all his Majesty's towns in
America) that not one soldier has lain in a pair of sheets or on any
bed but canvas and straw, which Nicolls beseeches may be supplied
out of the King's stores, as Dunkerque was and Tangier is. A
fragment. Printed in New York Documents, III., 106. 2 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 139.]