June 1-5.
1004. Gov. Sir Thos. Modyford to Sec. Lord Arlington. Sends
copies of his letters of April 12 and 20, Cal., ante, Nos. 976, 979 ;
also letter of M. Tracy, Viceroy of all the French King's possession
in America, together with his answer, from which his Majesty may
take the height of the French designs in these parts ; also letter from
M. Ogeron, Governor of Tortugas, who had a plantation here. Is
confident his promise of satisfaction for what Moreau did was but to
gain time until they are strong, and then they will do all the mischief
they can, and will make it difficult for ships to come to Jamaica,
but hopes Col. Morgan's presence will prevent this. The French
themselves would rather live under the English way of government,
as being more free, secure, and beneficial than their own.
June 5.—Has just received his letters of 23 Nov., by Gainsford,
and one from the Duke of York of 17 Nov., also his letter of 6 March,
and has ordered the ships to go to Kinsale for instructions. His last
letter, of 28 March, signed Arlington, gave Modyford much trouble, as
he feared his correspondent was changed, until his brother informed
him of his increase of honour. Has published his Majesty's declaration
against the Dutch and the Act of Navigation. Incloses,
1004. I. Mons. Tracy to Gov. Modyford. Acknowledges the
civilities of Lord Willoughby and the Governor of St.
Christopher's ; has ordered the restitution of wine taken
from an English ship by Mons. D'Augeron, Governor of
Tortuga ; complains of the taking of a ship from the road of
Guadaloupe which was taken to Jamaica. Port François,
1665, May 8. [French.]
1004. II. M. Ogeron, Governor of Tortuga, to Sir Thos. Modyford.
Wrote last to the Lieut.-General to let him know that the
King had given him the government of Tortuga and of the
French on the coast of San Domingo. Since then they have
seen M. de Tracy, and have spoken of the robbery of
Moreau and of the wine that was sold at Tortuga, which
Ogeron has been expressly enjoined to pay for, but as the
storekeepers are poor, begs his Excellency to reduce each
pipe of wine to 40 pieces, and give them time for payment.
If his Excellency will answer M. de Tracy has been ordered
to forward it. Tortuga, 1665, May 22.
1004. III. Gov. Modyford to M. Ogeron. Incloses copy of his answer
to M. Tracy open, and requests him to send the same
and to pay the small sum mentioned speedily to Mr. Beeston,
if any kind of satisfaction is intended. Jamaica, 1665,
May 24. On same sheet,
1004. IV. Gov. Modyford to M. Tracy. Promises civility and kindness
to the French while they usurp neither on his Majesty
nor his subjects' interest as Moreau did. Is glad M. Ogeron,
whom he knows and esteems, has the command of Tortuga.
Wentworth, who is said to have taken a galliot in Guadaloupe
road, durst never since touch at Jamaica ; if ever he
does he shall be tried for a pirate and make restitution.
The reparation offered for the 80 pipes of wine is so low
that unless paid forthwith it cannot look like any manner
of satisfaction. Jamaica, 1665, May 24. Indorsed, Carry
to Hampton Court all Sir. Thos. Modyford's late letters,
and all relating to Barbadoes, which Mr. Williamson had
order to lay together ; also another copy of the above.
Together 5 papers. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., Nos. 69, 69 I.,
II., III., IV.]
June 2.
1005. Tho. Woodward to Sir John Colleton, near St. James',
London. Understands from Mr. Drummond and Mr. Carterett that
the Lords Proprietors of Carolina have appointed him surveyor of
Albemarle ; he will endeavour to serve them faithfully. His opinion
concerning his instructions : The bounds of the county of Albemarle,
40 miles square, will not comprehend the inhabitants already settled
there, and 1,600 square miles may be laid out. The boundaries
which he conceives most convenient for this government, beyond
which all persons for some time should be prohibited from seating.
Thinks it very inconvenient to erect divers governments to have
passage through one another's territories or inlets, as Maryland,
having no inlet for shipping but through the Capes of Virginia. All
these inlets so uncertain for shipping. There is an inlet at Wococock
or Wococon, which hereafter may serve for another government
between this and Cape Fear. Remarks on the proportions of land
allotted, with the rent and conditions, which are by most people not
well resented, and the very rumor of them discourages many who had
intentions to remove hence from Virginia. Also on the experience of
Lord Baltemore in Maryland, that men will remove from Virginia
upon harder conditions than they can live there will prove a vain
imagination, it being land only that they come for. Quotes from Sir
Francis Bacon's Essay of Plantations : "Planting of countries is like
planting of woods, for you must make account to 'leese' almost 20
years' profit, and expect your recompense in the end ; for the
principal thing that hath been the destruction of most plantations
hath been the hasty drawing of profit in the first years." Thinks it
will for some time conduce more to the profit of the Lords Proprietors
to permit men to take up what tracts of land they please at an easy
rent than to stint them to small proportions at a great rent, provided
it be according to the custom of Virginia, which is 50 pole by the
river side and one mile into the woods for every 100 acres. Rich
men, which Albemarle stands much in need of, may perhaps take up
great tracts, but then they will procure tenants to help pay their
rent and will build houses, which poor men cannot compass, to
invite them. Besides to have men of greater possessions in land
than others, will conduce more to the well being and good government
of the place than any levelling parity. To reduce planters into
towns is here almost impossible. When the country is peopled and
commerce increases it may more easily be effected. By appointing
ports and markets, not only merchants but tradesmen and artificers
will lay the foundations to superstructures of towns and cities,
always provided a course be taken for procuring a coin, without
which no town or market can well subsist ; and this can no way be
effected but by the balance of trade. He, therefore, most highly
applauds their Lordships' design of making wine in this country,
confident that if the value of the drink only within 20 years past
brought into Virginia had been imported in silver, Virginia would
have had more money for the number of her English inhabitants than
most, if not the most, opulent countries have in Europe. Excuses
his zeal to this place, which he has many years endeavoured and
encouraged to seat. Requests him to entertain this truth for a
maxim, those that live upon a place are best able to judge of the
place, therefore the petition of the General Assembly will deserve his
serious consideration. Mr. Carterett, their secretary, will answer all
their expectations, for the Spanish proverb says, "Que la buena
diligencia es la madre de la Buena ventura." Indorsed by John
Locke. 2 pp. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., No. 4.]
June 2.
1006. Commission from the General Court of the Massachusetts
jurisdiction to Samuel Symonds and Thomas Danforth. To hold a
county court for York, and obstruct his Majesty's Commissioners'
proceedings in the Province of Maine. With note from Symonds
and Danforth to Sir Robt. Carr, that they find they are obstructed
and the trained bands summoned to attend the motions of the
King's Commissioners, and that they cannot concur with him herein.
1665, July 4. 1 p. Two copies. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., Nos. 70, 71.]
June 3.
1007. George Cartwright to Col. Nicolls. Mr. Dean's complaint
against one of the King's Courts disapproved of by the Governor.
Mr. Broadstreet's declaration that the Governor did not speak the
sense of the house. Dean said he was commanded by a great
Minister of State in England to put his cause to the Commissioners
and it was now before them, and therefore he could not alter it,
whereupon he was dismissed. Broadstreet and Major Denison have
ordered some members of that Court to watch the Commissioners
going, and when they come into the greater towns they are to keep
Courts there, and to give order that none make any complaint or
appeal to the Commissioners or obey any orders from them, "which,
if it be true, will make our business short in the Eastern parts."
Congratulations on his suitable reception at Rhode Island, their
civility and loyalty to the King greater than in other places. Has
sent by Winder the remainder of all their transactions. Begs him
to let his brother Beresford have a place to plant in. Hears a
strange ship has arrived at Sandy Hook which may be Capt. Philip
Carteret ; if there be a supply for them, prays for an order to receive
his share in England. His service to Mr. Delavall and Capt. Needham.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 72.]
June 5.
1008. George Cartwright to Col. Nicolls. News from Mr. Winslow,
a gentleman of Boston, lately come from Barbadoes, who says, on
20th April Ruyter and 14 sail shot 500 geat shot into the town, yet
killed only one negro, one Christian, and a dog ; that there were 27
ships laden with sugar for England, one of the Guinea Company of
40 guns, in all 40 ships, amongst which Capt. Scarlet of this town
had his ship shot through and through. The Dutch did much hurt
amongst the ships, but were not able to take any away. They went
from Barbadoes to the Leeward Islands, and what they will do he
cannot imagine. Six ships and 1,500 men going from Jamaica to
take in Curaçao, they are to victual themselves with tortoises.
Sends papers by Winder. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 73.]
June 18.
1009. Samuel Mavericke to Col. Nicolls. On June 10 the Court
adjourned till October ; their last Act was making an order that the
Courts usually kept by them at Piscataqua and in the Province of
Maine should still be continued, and that none should take notice of
any other authority but theirs, "and to that purpose we find orders
given in every place we come." They were nobly treated at Salem
by Capt. Curwin and Mr. Browne, and gallantly entertained at
Ipswich by Major Dennison, Capt. Appleton, and others. Then to
Newbury ; Sir Robt. Carr and Col. Cartwright, went to Hampton,
where they were very well entertained and made extreme welcome.
The inhabitants expected they should have declared them freed
from the Massachusetts Government, and that the Commissioners
would have established the King's authority among them. They
then went to Piscataqua. Much time spent in inquiring into
Mason's right to the Province of Hampshire ; most of the
people acknowledge his right, although the Massachusetts have
subjected it under their jurisdiction. Several persons yet living
that were servants to Capt. Mason ; Capt. Jocelyn, for several years
his agent, gave them an account in particular of the whole matter
and manner of the Massachusetts encroachment. The inhabitants
of Dover, Exeter, and other towns summoned by the Commissioners
to attend them, though commanded by the Massachusetts not to
give any obedience, came generally in, showed them very great
respect and love to the King ; their entertainment has been very
noble ; when they have done here they will go to the Province of
Maine and so onwards. The bearer, John Porter, to whom they
gave protection at Narragansett, desires to shelter himself under
Nicolls' protection. Their power disowned by the Massachusetts,
any encouragement from the Commissioners might animate them
to resist to blood shedding. The Massachusetts have spies everywhere
upon all the Commissioners' actions and particularly upon their
letters. 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 74.]
June 23.
York, Maine.
1010. Commission signed by Sir Robt. Carr, George Cartwright,
and Samuel Mavericke, the King's Commissioners, for settling the
affairs of New England. Appointing Francis Champernown, Robt.
Cutt, of Kittery ; Edw. Johnson, Edw. Rishworth, of York ; Sam.
Wheelwright, of Wells ; Fran. Hooke, Wm. Phillips, of Saco ; George
Munion, of Casco ; Henry Jocelyn, of Black Poynt ; Robt. Jordan,
of Richmond Island ; and John Wincoll, of Newgewanack, justices
of the peace within the Province of Maine ; with power to any
three to hear and determine all causes, both civil and criminal, and
order all the affairs of said Province for the peace, safety, and
defence thereof ; and forbidding Gorges' Commissioners or the Corporation
of the Massachusetts to molest any of the inhabitants of
the Province of Maine with their pretences, or to exercise any
authority within this Province until the King's pleasure be further
known by virtue of their pretended rights. All who lay claim to
any land in this Province by Patent to have them forthcoming by
this time twelvemonth. Also, the oath to be administered to said
justices of the peace. Annexed,
1010. I. Commission from the General Court of the Massachusetts
jurisdiction to Symonds and Danforth ; also, note from
Symonds and Danforth to Sir Robt. Carr. 2 July (? June)
[see ante, No. 1006]. Certified copies. Together 3 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 75.]
June 30.
1011. The second charter granted by King Charles II. to the
Lords Proprietors of Carolina. The first charter dated 24 March,
15 Chas. II. (see ante, No. 427), is recited, and the grant enlarged
according to the bounds specified, viz., all that territory or tract of
ground extending north and eastward as far as the north end of
Carahtuke river or Gulet, upon a straight westerly line to Wyonoake
creek, which lies within or about the degrees of 36 and 30 minutes
northern latitude, and so west in a direct line as far as the south seas,
and south and westward as far as the degrees of 29 inclusive northern
latitude, and so west in a direct line as far as the south seas aforesaid,
with the patronage and advowsons of all churches and chapels. The
tract of land hereby granted annexed to the Province of Carolina,
and the Lords Proprietors empowered to constitute counties, baronies,
and colonies within said Province ; also to enact laws and constitutions,
to erect courts of judicature, and to appoint judges, justices,
&c., and to make orders and ordinances. License to all the King's
liege people to transport themselves thither. Said Province to be
of the King's allegiance. License to freight in every port, and to
transport goods and merchandise, saving to the King the customs
and duties, excepting certain goods to be custom free for seven
years after the first importation of four tons of any of said goods.
Power to erect and constitute ports, harbours, &c. ; the subsidies to
belong to the Lords Proprietors, who may assign, grant, or sell any
part of the premises. Also power to confer titles of honour and to
erect forts, castles, cities, towns, and other fortifications ; to levy,
muster, and train men and make war, and exercise martial law.
Said Province and all the inhabitants to be subject immediately to
the Crown of England. The Lords Proprietors empowered to grant
liberty of conscience. In case of doubts or questions, the interpretation
to be made most advantageous and favourable to the Lords
Proprietors. This Charter is printed in full in Trott's Laws of
South Carolina, pp. XXXIII.-XLIV., see Col. Entry Bk., No. XXIV.
[Patent Roll, Chas. II., Part 5, No. 6.]
June 30.
1012. Copy of the second Charter granted by the King to the
Lords Proprietors of Carolina. 27 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXI.]
1013. Note of the names of the eight Lord Proprietors of Carolina
and of the bounds of the two patents granted to them by King
Charles II., in the 13th and 15th years of his reign, viz., on 24th
March 1663, and 30th June 1665. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XX.,
1014. Petition of Grace, widow of Capt. Wm. Pestle, to the King.
For some allowance, her husband, who was master of H.M.S. Jersey,
having been slain at the taking of Goree in Guinea, near Cape
Verd, under Major Holmes. [Dom. Chas. II., Vol. CXXIV., No.
147, Cal., p. 439.]