May 6.
451. King's Bill containing a grant to Francis Lord Willoughby
of Parham and Lawrence Hyde, of Surinam in Guiana, by the name
of Willoughby Land. Whereas Lord Willoughby in 1650 furnished
out a vessel, and by treaty with the natives of that part of Guiana
called Surinam, between the rivers Marawyn and Seramica, began
to settle an English colony upon the same, and at his own cost
equipped a ship of 20 guns and two smaller vessels with things
necessary for the support of said Plantation ; and afterwards in
1652, for the better settling of said colony, went in person, and
fortified and furnished the same with things requisite for defence and
trade, and since his return to England has at his own cost supplied
and supported said colony from time to time ; his Majesty taking
into consideration the faithfull services of said Lord Willoughby,
and his desires that Lawrence Hyde, second son of Edward Earl of
Clarendon, may be joined with him, grants to said Francis Lord Willoughby
and Lawrence Hyde, their heirs and assigns, all that part
of the mainland of Guiana in America called Surinam, lying westerly
one mile beyond the river Copenam, and easterly one mile beyond
the river Marawyn, containing from east to west forty leagues or
thereabouts, and extending from the sea southwards to the heads
of said rivers and thence by direct lines to the South Sea, by the
name of Willoughby Land ; with the said rivers Seramica, Surinam,
Copenam, and Marawyn, and all other rivers, islands, ports,
mines, privileges, profits, &c., &c., in as ample manner as has been
granted to any proprietor of any other colony ; except 30,000 acres
reserved to his Majesty for demesne, and one fifth of all ore of gold
and silver, to be held in free and common soccage, yielding 2,000 lbs.
of tobacco of the growth of said country, to be paid into the Custom
House at London every year at the feast of St. Michael, and also the
fifth part of all ore of gold and silver gotten there. With power
to transport persons, arms, ammunition, goods, and merchandise on
paying the usual customs ; such persons to have free trade and not
to be compelled to answer any suit out of said colony, and liberty
to such as inhabit said province and cannot conform to the Church
of England to grant such dispensations as they think fit, provided
said persons continue in loyalty and obedience to his Majesty ; also
power to plant settlements, erect cities, towns, manors, markets,
schools, convey lands and tenements, appoint governors and other
officers, frame a government, and establish laws with the consent
of the greater part of the freeholders, or their representatives, punish
delinquents extending to imprisonment or loss of life, if need be,
constitute courts of justice, and further to appoint a standing Council,
and with their consent make laws as near as may be agreeable to
the laws of the realm, so as the same do not extend to altering the
right of any person in his estate, goods, or chattels, also to build and
fortify citadels, harbours, &c., appoint a captain general, and in case
of invasion by the natives or any other enemies train and muster
the inhabitants and fight with any persons not in amity with his
Majesty, to proclaim martial law, and subdue all tumults, rebellions,
and mutinies. All the posterity of free denizens of England, born
within said province, to enjoy the privileges of free denizens of
England. Forbidding the subjects of any foreign prince to traffic
unto or haunt said province without license of said grantees, on pain
of forfeiting ships and goods, said grantees to dispose of such forfeited
ships and goods without any account to his Majesty. In case either
of said grantees or their heirs or assigns shall be in said province,
or in any part of America, the party so present shall exercise and
enjoy all the grants, authorities, and privileges herein-before granted,
reserving the due share of profit to the party absent. Indorsed,
Ld Willoughby. Charles R. Our pleasure is that this pass by
immediate warrant. Entred at the Signett, 2do Junii 1663. John
Nicholas. Entred at the Privy Seal, 2do Junii 1663. The Patent
is dated 2 June 1663, see Patent Roll, 15 Chas. II., Part 10, No. 4.
[Privy Seals, 15 Chas. II., No. 360.]
May 9.
452. The King to all Captains and Commanders of ships, and all his
subjects in Newfoundland. Whereas by his Majesty's letters of 20th
March 1661, he commanded Sir Lewis Kirke, John Kirke, and the
heirs of Sir David Kirke forthwith to deliver any houses and lands
within the province of Avalon, belonging to Cecil Lord Baltimore,
to such as should be appointed by him, and whereas Lord Baltimore
has appointed Capt. Robert Swanley to be his lieutenant there. His
Majesty's officers and subjects are hereby required to be assisting to
Capt. Swanley or his deputy in the Government of said province.
Signed by the King, but not countersigned, a correction having
been made. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 28.]
May 9.
453. Copy of the preceding. 1½pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCIII.,
pp. 14, 15.]
May 12.
454. Articles of agreement at a conference held at Mr. Allerton's
in Winocomoco, in Virginia, by the Commissioners of Virginia and
Maryland, not to plant any tobacco in either Colony after 20th June
1664 for one year. Signed by Thos. Ludwell, Richard Lee, John
Carter, Robt. Smith, and Henry Corbin. And by Philip Calvert,
Henry Sewell, Edward Lloyd, and Henry Courcy. Certified copy by
Thos. Ludwell, Sec. Indorsed, "The first treaty about lessening the
quantities of tobacco." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 29.]
May 20.
Point Cagua.
455. Order of the Dep. Govr. and Council of Jamaica to the
Provost-Marshall. That Francis Willson, for his mutinous and
seditious speeches at Point Cagua, stand near the gallows at St.
Jago de la Vega for two hours on 21st inst. having a gag in his
mouth for half an hour, and a drum beating for the remaining time,
with his transgressions written on paper and pinned to his back,
that he receive the same punishment the following day at Point
Cagua, and be afterwards imprisoned, until he be banished for seven
years. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 34, pp. 81, 82.]
May 21.
456. Earl of Berkshire and two other Commissioners of the
Savoy to Williamson. There is a serious charge against Francis
Hodges for unjustly detaining several sums of money due to his
Majesty : he was by the late pretended authorities and the then
Council of State appointed Treasurer and Paymaster of the forces in
Jamaica ; request that Richd. Pight may peruse the book of entries
to find out what order was made for empowering Hodges to hold
that office and what security he gave for discharge of the trust.
[Dom. Chas. II., Vol. LXXIV., No. 15, Cal., p. 146.]
May 23.
457. Minutes of a meeting of the Lords Proprietor of Carolina :
Present, the Duke of Albemarle, the Lords Craven, Berkeley, and
Ashley, Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, and Sir Jno. Colleton. Ordered,
1. That, Lepreyrie be Engineer and Surveyor for Carolina. 2.
That he be allowed 20s. weekly for the present. 3. That Sir Jno.
Colleton be paid by each Proprietor 25l., to be disbursed according
to the orders of the major part of the Proprietors. 4. That 20,000
acres be first reserved in every settlement for the Proprietors.
5. That the court-houses and houses for public meetings be settled
upon such lands. 6. That maps be printed of the Province, and
some declaration drawn to invite planters, and that both be published.
¾ p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 20, p. 1.]
May 27.
Inner Court of
458. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. On consideration
of a complaint against the Deputy Governor of Barbadoes
for having, as is alleged, on the petition of three parishes
only, and without the advice of Assembly, as is usual, made a
general order prohibiting all prosecution at law against planters
there, for any debts due by them for divers months, to the great
damage of merchants and traders [see ante, No. 424]. Committee
appointed to wait upon Lord Willoughby to know the grounds of
this complaint and inform the Council thereof. ½ p. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XIV., No. 59, p. 50.]
May 30.
459. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Report
of Lord Willoughby that he knew nothing of an order of the
Deputy Governor of Barbadoes obstructing all proceedings at law
against any planters there for their debts, but by report only, but he
was of opinion that the Deputy Governor and his Council would
endeavour to make that order justifiable by some Act of Assembly,
on hearing the great complaints of several merchants and traders
and their reasons for the evil consequences that cannot but attend
so bad a precedent. Committee appointed to draw up the whole
state of the matter and what they think fit to be done therein. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, p. 50.]
[May 30.]
460. Petition of William Waddington to the King. That in the
town of St. Michael's in Barbadoes, being drawn to an excess and
over-measure of drinking in November 1662, petitioner by some
provocation of discourse did utter treasonable words, as it is attested
against him, viz., That the King is elective, and in case he did anything
amiss he was triable by his people ; words he can neither
remember nor is sensible of, and of so heinous concernment that
(compos mentis) petitioner doth hate and abominate. For these
words he was on 2nd December last arraigned, cast, and received
the sad sentence of condemnation. Prays for his Majesty's pardon,
and that his life may not be snatched from him for words either
not spoken, or extorted from him in a senseless condition. With
reference to Sec. Sir Henry Bennet to consider the same, and move
his Majesty therein. Whitehall, 1663, May 30. Annexed,
460. I., II. Depositions of Jacob Lake, John Coachman, and
Nathaniel Biscoe, that William Waddington had declared at
the house of John Coder in the town of St. Michael's, that
the King was elective, and in case he did anything amiss he
was triable by the people or his Parliament. Barbadoes,
1662, November 13, 29. Certified by John Jennings,
Clerk of the Crown. 1663, February 28.
460. III. Certificate of 32 inhabitants of London, that William
Waddington, while resident in the parish of St. Mary Hill,
near Billingsgate, was ever of civil conversation, and did
not take up arms or act against his sovereign during the
late unhappy differences.
460. IV. Declaration of 12 inhabitants of Barbadoes, that they
had never observed in William Waddington any disaffection
to his now Majesty, or to his Royal father of blessed
memory, only in November last they were credibly
informed that he did, when overtaken with drink, unwittingly
utter certain treasonable words.
460. V. Deposition of Anne Waddington that William Waddington
was very much in drink when he spoke certain words
inserted in his petition deliverd by her to his Majesty on
24th May last. 1663, June 2. Together 6 papers. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 30, 30 I., II., III., IV., V.]
[May 30.]
461. Petition of Col. Guy Molesworth to the King. That the
ship Martin Van Rosen of Middleburgh, while trading at Jamaica
with negroes for provisions by leave of the Governor and Council,
was taken prize by Capt. Richard Whiting, commander of his
Majesty frigate the Diamond. That Col. D'Oyley, then Governor,
seized about 47 of said negroes and sold them, and is still accountable
to the King for the money. Prays in consideration of his
sufferings and his present great wants that the King will bestow
said money upon him, out of which he is willing to pay 100l. into
his Majesty's privy purse. With reference to the Commissioners
for Foreign Plantations to report whether the moneys are in his
Majesty's disposal. 1663, May 30. Memorandum that this petition
was redelivered to the petitioner by an order of 1 June 1663.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 31, p. 15.]