May 6.
81. Governor Endecott's instructions to Thos. Kirke and Thos.
Kellond, sent to the Governor of Connecticut and Deputy Governor
of New Haven jurisdiction, or to the Chief Magistrates there. To
deliver the several letters to John Winthrop, Governor of Connecticut,
and Wm. Leete, Deputy Governor of New Haven jurisdiction,
with enclosed copies of letter from the King to the Governor of
New England, brought by Mr. Foster. To declare that the Governor
and Council of the Massachusetts jurisdiction met in March
last, before the King's pleasure was otherwise known than by Proclamation,
and issued their warrants for apprehending Edward
Whalley and William Goffe, that so they might testify to the world
how much they abhorred to entertain or conceal such persons,
declared to stand convicted of having a hand in the execrable
murder of the late King. To desire them to have thorough search
made for Whalley and Goffe, and if found to bring them into the
Massachusetts jurisdiction, impressing sufficient men well accoutred
and horse to enable him to do so. To make diligent inquiry
what Whalley and Goffe have been doing, and where they have
been, so that the King may have a true account thereof. To give
bills for their expenses, which will be discharged by the Treasurer.
All military commanders, constables, and other officers and inhabitants,
are to be aiding and assisting them, as they will answer the
contrary at their uttermost peril. In case Whalley and Goffe be
gone into the Dutch jurisdiction, they are to deliver the letter and
inclosure to the Governor there, and request he will deliver them
up. Annexed,
Governor Endecott to the Governor of Connecticut, the
Deputy Governor of New Haven, and the Governor of Plymouth.
That he has received a letter from the King, dated
5 March 1661, requiring diligent search for the apprehending
of Colonels Edward Whalley and William Goffe, copies of which
he incloses, being of equal concernment to them as to himself,
as the gentlemen guilty of so execrable a murder have some
while since departed this jurisdiction. Doubts not they will
faithfully discharge their duty to the King as is desired. On
same sheet,
Governor Endecott to Peter Stuyvesant, Governor of New
Netherlands. In case Colonels Whalley and Goffe be come
into his parts, as he understands they are, having fled from
the justice of the English nation, he is desired to deliver
them up to the bearers. Boston, 1661, May 7. Certified copy
by Edward Rawson, Secretary. Printed in New York Documents,
III., 41. N.B.—The Minute of Council and the warrant
annexed to No. 82, are here pasted to the back of Governor
Endecott's two preceding letters. 2 papers. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XV., Nos. 48, 49.]
May 6.
82. Another copy of Governor Endecott's instructions to Kirke
and Kellond, with the two letters annexed as above. Also,
Minute of the Council of New England, directing the Secretary
to issue a warrant to Edward Michelson to make diligent search for
the apprehending of Whalley and Goffe. Boston, 1661, March 8.
Warrant to Edward Michelson, Marshal-General, or his deputies
above mentioned. Boston, 1661, March 8.
Certified copies by Edward Rawson, Sec. Indorsed, Boston.
From the Government there to Mr. Sec. Morrice, about Goffe and
Whalley, the regicides, and what industries were used to find them
out. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., Nos. 50, 51.]
May 7.
83. Minutes of a Committee [for Foreign Plantations] concerning
Barbadoes. The inhabitants will give no less to the King than
they did formerly to the Earl of Carlisle. Cotton and tobacco were
formerly the commodities of those parts, now sugar is the chief
commodity. The Earl of Carlisle's patent of small validity, but
the King will take order that that patent shall not prejudice his
Lordship. Four per cent. has been offered by some, but Lord
Willoughby will use the best means to increase the King's revenue. St.
Christopher's, half English and half French. Antigua is 300 square
miles, St. Christopher's, Montserrat, and the Caribbee Islands, 1,500
square miles in extent. Col. Watts is Governor of St. Christopher's ;
Col. Osborne of Montserrat. Surinam is 350 leagues from Barbadoes.
It yields as good sugar as Barbadoes. Lord Willoughby has
expended at Surinam nearly twenty thousand pounds. The King's
interest in Surinam extends to the Orinoco ; the whole tract of
land is about 350 square leagues with 1,000 inhabitants. Lord
Willoughby desires 30 leagues for himself and his heirs, but the
Committee think it too much for one man. "Let Lord Willoughby
go Governor of Barbadoes, and after a while when he is weary
there then go to Surinam." The Attorney-General to prepare a
patent for Lord Willoughby to be Governor of Barbadoes, and
Commissioners to be appointed to be sent with him to settle the
Government there. In Sir Edw. Nicholas' hand. 2 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XV., No. 52.]
May 9-10.
84. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. That the Assembly join
with the President and Council in a public address to the King and to
the Lords of the Council, or Commissioners for Foreign Plantations,
that no person may be received to act on behalf of the inhabitants.
The Assembly desire that their further answer concerning the two
and four per cent, may be suspended, until further order for their
settlement arrive from England.
May 10.
The two Committees appointed to expunge from the Statute,
Council, and Assembly Books anything found derogatory to the
King's authority, being found inconvenient, a Committee of four
from the Assembly with Col. Dan. Searle and Wm. Kirton added
from the Council are now appointed.
Answers to be sent to the several clauses of the letter from the
Council for Foreign Plantations to Lord Willoughby. There are
two regiments of horse and four of foot militia, the officers serving
at their own charge and the men like the trained bands in England ;
the forts and guns are maintained at the public charge, the public
charges are defrayed by a tax on imported liquors, supplemented
when necessary by a levy. The Government consists of a Governor,
Council, and Assembly consisting of two burgesses from each parish ;
the island is divided into five precincts, each with four judges, who
decide everything according to the laws of England, supplemented
by some special ones concerning slaves, servants, &c. ; the lands are
held in free soccage. The colonels are to make a return to the
President as speedily as possible of the blacks and whites, freemen
and servants, in their divisions, and the churchwardens of the freeholders
in their parishes. If supplied with 3,000 servants yearly,
Jamaica and other Colonies can be furnished with freemen. Sugar
is the principal commodity, some parts afford cotton, the country is
too barren for indigo, and ginger (at the present price) is not worth
planting. The Secretary is to furnish a list of ships arrived last
year, and whither bound. Will prosecute the late Act of Navigation,
but beg that the King's ships may not carry off ships lying in their
ports to the Admiralty Court in England, but have them tried
before the courts of record here. Will always give their best
assistance for promoting the Colony of Jamaica, and use their
utmost endeavour to suppress all lewdness and debauchery. There
are 11 parishes, for one of which there is no minister to be had, and
others are supplied with unordained ministers, but if the Archbishop
of Canterbury will send them some able religious ministers,
12,000 lb. of sugar yearly will readily be contributed, besides other
conveniences. All in peace and quiet. Desire a common seal for the
island, or else that the hands and seals of the Governor and two of
the Council may be good in any law court in England. [Col.
Entry Bk., Vol. XI., pp. 44-52.]
May 11.
85. Petition of the President, Council, and Assembly of Barbadoes
to His Majesty's Commissioners for Foreign Plantations. That sugar,
the chief and almost the only manufacture by which the inhabitants
subsist, is grown to so inconsiderable a value that many must quit
the island unless his Majesty and the Parliament of England grant
their desires for increasing the value of that commodity. That
they may have liberty to transport their produce in English
bottoms to any port in amity with his Majesty, giving security to
pay the lawful customs. To advance the value of foreign money,
and re-coin it, as well as bullion, to any value they think fit ; and
that no applications or addresses from private individuals may be
received.—With reasons for granting the same. 1. If all the commodities
of the island be by the new Act (of Trade) forced into one
market, the result will be a glut, and a still further fall in the value of
sugar. 2. The prices of servants, negroes, cattle, horses, and dry
goods, being double what they were, must ruin the planters. And
3. The trade with foreign parts in English ships cannot prevent the
increase of his Majesty's shipping and navigation ; and all countries
having by experiment found that a control of the currency is the
only true measure and encouragement of trade. Signed by Hump.
Walrond, President of the Council, and John Burch, Speaker of the
Assembly. 2½ pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., p. 45-47.]
May 13.
Inner Court of
86. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. The letter engrossed
for New England, also the report on certain petitions and
complaints delivered to Sec. Sir Edwd. Nicholas on 30th April.
B. de Caseres and others to bring in the letter from the King
of Denmark with their petition [See No. 65], when the Council
will report thereon. Committee appointed to consider Ferdinando
Gorges' petition and the several patents concerning the Province
of Maine, to receive examinations and testimonies concerning
the several rights thereto belonging, and report on same. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, p. 29.]
May 17.
87. Minutes by Sec. Sir Edw. Nicholas of business to be transacted
at the Council Board. The letter prepared by the Council of Plantations
to be sent to New England, being read at the Council Board,
but not thought fit to be sent now, nor at all by the Council of
Plantations. A Committee of the Council Board to consider of a
proclamation of pardon ; two ships to be sent thither, and to let the
people know the King takes them into his protection ; some person
to be sent with authority to demand Whalley and Goffe. Warrant
for the Duke of York to be Admiral. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV.,
No. 53.]
May 17.
88. Order of the King in Council. Appointing the Lord Chancellor,
Lord Treasurer, Lord Privy Seal, Duke of Albemarle, Duke of
Ormond, the Lord Chamberlain, Earl of Anglesea, Viscount Saye and
Sele, Lord Hollis, Lord Cornwallis, Sir Edw. Nicholas, and Sir
Wm. Morrice, Secretaries of State, a Committee touching the settlement
of the Government of New England ; to meet at Worcester
House on Tuesday next, for the purpose of framing letters, proclamations,
or orders for the King's signature, and from time to time
as they shall appoint. Directions to the Attorney-General to insert
in the charter for [Propagation of the Gospel in] New England,
which he has been instructed to prepare, the following names, which
were this day approved at the Board, viz. :—
To be added :—
Lord Chancellor.
Lord Treasurer.
Lord Privy Seal.
Duke of Albemarle.
Lord Steward.
Lord Chamberlain.
Earl of Anglesea.
Lord Visc. Saye and Sele.
Members of the Corporation of
New England now in being :—
Alderman Francis Warner.
Erasmus Smith, Esq.
Henry Ashurst, Treasurer.
Richard Hutchinson.
Joshua Woolnough.
George Clarke.
Thomas Speed.
Thomas Bell.
John Rolfe, Gentn.
Names of New Members.
Robt. Boyle, Esq.
Sir Wm. Thompson,
Sir Wm. Bateman, Knts.
Sir Anty. Bateman,
Sir Theop. Bydolfe,
Sir Lawr. Bromfield,
Alderman Tempest Milner.
Alderman William Love.
Alderman William Peake.
Tho. Foley, Esq.
Dr. Thomas Cox.
Dr. John Micklethwait.
Dr. Trench.
Dr. Charles Doyley.
Deputy Tho. Staynes.
Deputy John Juryan.
Deputy Wm. Antrobus.
John Bathurst.
Harman Sheafe.
Thomas Gillibrand.
James Hayes.
John Benbow.
Lawrence Brinsley.
Barnabas Meares.
John Acrod.
John Dockett, Gent.
Edw. Biscowen, Mercht.
Martin Noell, Gent.
See Patent dated 7 Feb. 1662, No. 223. 3 pp. [Col. Entry Bk.,
Vol. LX., pp. 1-3.]
[May 17.]
89. Representation to the King of "the sufferings of our friends
in New England, and also the request and desire of the exiled for
thee to consider of with all speed." Eighteen instances of whipping,
imprisonment, fining, &c. are described in separate paragraphs. One
is signed by N. N. Upshall, an inhabitant of Boston, who for speaking
against cruelties to Friends was banished from his wife and
children, and hath been prisoner a whole year because he returned :
another is signed by Sam. Shattock, an inhabitant of Salem, who
had half his house and land sold while in prison, and was afterwards
banished on pain of death. They desire that they may not in future
be abused, and that they who are exiled and the rest of their friends
may quietly enjoy their habitations, whose principle is to do violence
to no man. Signed by Thos. Coveny, Th. Moore, Giles Sylvester
and Ellis Hookes. There is a further request signed by Samuel
Shattock, Nicholas Phelps, and Josiah Shatwick, that having been
banished on pain of death from their families two years, only for
conscience sake, and shipmasters being prohibited from taking over
any called Quakers upon penalty of 100l., something may be done
to secure the shipmaster from damage, and they may return, there
being two ships ready to sail for Boston ; this opportunity lost it
may be next year before another occurs. They all desire that
their grievances may be referred to the Council for Plantations
and something be done. With minute that the King in Council
was pleased to order that the petitioners' desires should be referred
to the Council for Foreign Plantations. Whitehall, 1661, May 17.
2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 31, pp. 9-11.]
90. A compendious representation of several cruel and inhuman
sufferings inflicted upon the people of God called Quakers under
sentence of the magistrates of New England in that country, upon
the account of four Acts passed at Boston the 14th Oct. 1656, 14th Oct.
1657, 20th May 1658, and 20th Oct. 1658. Upon account of the first
Act 28 persons were cruelly whipt, "only for coming into that
Government" ; on the second three had their ears cut by the hangman
in prison, "contrary to the law of God or man," and one woman
was whipped aged about 60 years ; on the third law several were
imprisoned and fined great sums of money for peaceably meeting
together to worship God ; and on the fourth law 22 were banished
upon pain of death because they were called Quakers, four of these
were put to death. Several appeals were made to England by the
persons persecuted, which the Governor and magistrates denied,
"who would not own that England anything to do with them."
It has also been ordered that they that had not to pay the fines for
not coming to their worship shall be sold for bondmen and bondwomen.
Indorsed, "R[eceived] 6 Sepbris 1661, Jo. Pewts. Papers
concerning the laws in New England touching Quakers." 3 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 54.]
May 17-20.
Inner Court of
91. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Mr. Pym,
Sir John Colleton, and Mr. Kendall, with others, appointed a committee
on Gorges' petition, not having time sufficient, adjourned till
Monday next.
May 20.—Report of Mr. Froude that he had attended the Principal
Secretary of State with the letter and report for New England,
who gave answer that the letter for New England being a matter
of State, the Lords of the Privy Council would take it into consideration,
and to that purpose a committee of their Lordships was
appointed for the management thereof. Petition of B. de Caseres
referred for consideration, as also further proceedings on Gorges'
petition. Representation of the Quakers of their sufferings in New
England, referred to this Council by the Privy Council, being read,
Messrs. Boyle, Povey, and Diggs are appointed a committee to consider
thereof and draw up a paper to be presented to the King.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, p. 30.]
May 22.
92. Order of a General Court of election held at Boston. Being
desirous to try all means, with as much lenity as may consist with
their safety, to prevent the intrusion of Quakers, "who, besides their
absurd and blasphemous doctrines, do like rogues and vagabonds
come in upon us," and have not been restrained by the laws already
provided, It is ordered that every such vagabond Quaker found
within any part of this jurisdiction shall be apprehended, taken
before a magistrate, and being adjudged a wandering Quaker, viz.,
one that hath not any dwelling or orderly allowance as an inhabitant
of this jurisdiction, and not giving civil respect by the usual gestures
thereof, or by any other way or means manifesting himself to be a
Quaker, shall be stripped naked from the middle upwards, tied to
cart's tail, and whipped through the town, and from thence immediately
conveyed beyond our jurisdiction as the warrant shall direct,
and in case of returning again to be subject to such further punishment
as this order sets forth. [Col. Papers., Vol XV., No. 55.]
May 22.
93. Order of the General Court at Boston. That Wendlocke
Christopherson and all the Quakers now in prison be forthwith
acquainted with the new law made against them, that they be
released from prison, and sent from constable to constable out of this
jurisdiction. Judah Browne and Peter Peirson for their contempt
in court to be tied to the cart's tail by the executioner and whipped
through Boston with twenty stripes apiece and then sent with the
rest. If any be found after twelve hours within this jurisdiction
they are to be proceeded with according to law. Certified copy by
Edward Rawson, Secretary. On same sheet,
Order of the General Court at Boston concerning Quakers,
dated 27 Nov. 1661. See No. 192, i. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV.,
No. 56.]
94. Petition of Edward Bradbourne, the elder, to the King.
Sets forth his services and losses in the royal cause from the first
beginning of the late troubles to the value of 30,000l. ; that Thos.
Noell who is in possession of the office of Secretary in Barbadoes is
willing to surrender his grant which his Majesty upon a petition
delivered by Lord Culpeper promised to the petitioner ; prays for a
confirmation of the office to John Dawes, one of the gentlemen of the
Privy Chamber, for his life, in trust to the use of the petitioner and
his assigns, to be executed by Edw. Bradbourne the younger, who is
on the place, or any other deputy whom Dawes may appoint. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 57.]
[May 27.]
95. Petition of the President, Council, and Assembly of Barbadoes
to the King. They have read two Letters Patent under the Great
Seal creating John Dawes Principal Secretary, and Fras. Cradock,
Provost-Marshall of the island ; they had always been accustomed
to appoint their Secretary until the "usurping tyrant" invaded
their privileges, and as the Secretary is Keeper of the Records
of all grants touching their lands, it is very important that they
should have authority to bind him to the faithful discharge of his
office. Pray the recal of the King's Letters Patent, and permission
to dispose of said places with consent of the Governor. Indorsed by
Sec. Nicholas, "Received 27 May 1661." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XV., No. 58.]
May 29.
96. Thos. Kellond and Thos. Kirke to Governor Endecott. They
left Boston on 7th May, arrived at Hartford the 10th and gave
Gov. Winthrop his letter and the King's order for apprehending
Colonels Whalley and Goffe, who said they did not stay there but
went directly for New Haven, one Symon Lodell guiding them ;
the Gov. carried himself very nobly to them and promised all
diligent search should be made after them, which was afterwards
performed. Arrived at Guilford 11th May ; the Deputy Gov.
William Leete said he had not seen the two Colonels in nine weeks.
Information from Dennis Scrauton that Whalley and Goffe were
harboured in the house of one Davenport, a minister in New Haven ;
that one Goodman, Bishop of the town of Guilford, was able to give
the like account, and that Deputy Leete knew as much. Account
of the delays they met with, and their supposition that Leete was
unwilling to assist in the apprehension of Whalley and Goffe, but
wished to give them time to escape, "he wished he had been a
ploughman and had never been in the office, since he found it so
weighty." They afterwards went according to their instructions
to the Governor of the Manhattas, from whom they received civil
respects and promises of assistance, but said he could not answer
to Gov. Endecott's request before sending to his masters at home,
but would give him timely notice if Whalley and Goffe came there.
With affidavits dated 30th May and 4th June, signed by Edward
Rawson, Secretary, that Kellond and Kirke delivered this paper
to Gov. Endecott as a true report of their proceedings ; and of
Samuel Martyn of Weathersfield, Connecticut, employed by Gov.
Winthrop to wait on Kellond and Kirke. 2 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XV., No. 59.]
May 31.
97. Order of the Privy Council on report of the Council for
Foreign Plantations of 24th instant, touching a paper delivered to
the King by sundry persons called Quakers, read at the Board 17th
instant. Referring the representation of the sufferings of their friends
in New England, and their request and desire, together with said
report of the Council for Foreign Plantations to the Committee for
New England for their report. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 60, p. 4.]
May 31.
98. Petition of Henry Earl of Sterling to the King. That King
James, by Letters Patent of 3rd November 1620, granted all that
continent of America, between 40 and 48 degrees of N. latitude,
called New England, to the Dukes of Lenox and Buckingham, and
others, persons of honour and worth, and incorporated them by the
name of the Council for the affairs of New England. That said
Council by their deed of 22nd April 1635, granted to petitioner's
grandfather, Wm. Earl of Sterling, an island called Long Island,
which petitioner's grandfather, father, and himself have respectively
enjoyed and at great cost planted, but of late divers Dutch have
intruded on several parts thereof, to the King's disherison and
petitioner's prejudice. Prays for a confirmation of his said
inheritance, and that in any future treaty with the Dutch, they
submit themselves to the King's Government or depart those parts.
With reference to the Council of Plantations, who are directed to
certify what is fit to be done for the petitioner's satisfaction in
order to the good of his Majesty's service in that island. Whitehall,
1661, May 31. Printed in New York Documents, III, 42, 43. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 31, p. 11.]
99. Petition of Thos. Chiffinch, Capt. John Browne, and Thos.
Rosse, to the King. For the office of receiver of his Majesty's rights,
dues, and customs for the Caribbee Islands, as formerly executed for
Barbadoes by Capt. James Browne, uncle of one of the petitioners.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 60.]
100. Grant to John Browne, Thomas Rosse, and Thomas Chiffinch,
of the office of Receiver General of the customs, excise, rights, and
duties in the Caribbee Islands during pleasure. [Dom, Chas. II.,
Docquet, p. 112.]