Index: P

Pages 497-503

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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Pach, captain, 149.

Paddon, James, 409.

page. See Charles.

Paget, Pagget, Thomas, baron, of Beaudesert, 349.

Palafox, Francisco. 264.

Palatinate [Germany], 348.

Palavicino, Pallavicino, Horatio, Horace:
-, can send letters to de la Noue, 176.
-, Holland repudiated debt to, 244.
-, questions by, on exchanges, 370.

Pallandt, Floris, count of Culenberch, Culenborgh, Cullynberch, suspected of plotting with Schenck, 302; Brakel's troops join, 303.

Palmer, Barnaby, captain, gentleman porter and marshal of Brielle, 411.

Papillon, —. 63.

Papists. See Catholics, Roman.

Paradis, count de, and 2 brothers, in Armada, 116.

Parasis, Lancelot, States' commissary, at Geertruidenberg, 56; held as hostage, 66.

Pardieu, Valentin, seigneur de la Motte, la Mothe, Lamot, Lamott, la Motte, governor of Gravelines:
-, Dale sups with, 15.
-, Spaniard blames, for Armada's failure, 98.
-, Parma said to have imprisoned, 122; to be governor of Dunkirk, 158.
-, absent, 228.
-, gets Ostend prisoners to serve king, 365.

Paris, Parrishe, Parys [France], 110, 127, 128, 136, 391:
-, letters and papers dated at, 5, 13, 16, 62, 64, 85, 90, 99, 100, 108, 110, 120, 122, 123, 124, 131, 146, 154, 178, 401.
-, -, referred to, 382.
-, Guise's popularity at, 5; his weak position at, 99; he is troubled by discontent at, 125.
-, royal captains displaced at, 5; new ones take oath to king, 61.
-, late events at, encourage Spain, 54.
-, king will not go to, but meets magistrates at Chartres, 61; he is urged to visit, 125; but refuses, 126; queen mother going to, 126; his servants expelled from, 152.
-, two women burnt at, 64.
-, London should be trenched around like, 91.
-, king's expulsion from, known in Turkey, 102.
-, many at, now fear Spanish victory, 108.
-, James VI abused at, 120.
-, rumours at, of Armada's losses, 122.
-, Lilly going to, 147.
-, prepares to resist king, 392; cannot hold out long, 395; holds for Roman church, 399.
-, Parma will march towards, 400.
-, 'bourse' of, 5.
-, exchange at, on London, 386.
-, convent of les filles repenties at, 126.
-, merchants of. See Targer, Valentin and Nicolas.
-, parlement of, riot at, 153; councillor of. See Perrot, Nicolas.
-, prévôt des marchands of, reported slain, 395.

Parker, Sir Nicholas, captain, 224, 410:
-, letters from, 134, 304.
-, letter signed by, 229.
-, needs money, 134, 304.
-, signs horse captains' petition, 163.
-, does valiantly at Bergen, 209.
-, money paid to, 262, 277, 412; due to, 411.
-, troop of, at Bergen, 137, 264.

-, Roger, 319.

parlement. See under Brussels; Paris.

parliament, 386.

Parma, Parme, Parmeye, prince, duke of. See Farnese, Alexander.

Parrishe, Parys. See Paris.

Pasmo, David, 281.

Pasquier, Pasquer, —, Villeroy's clerk, 98, 128.

Passeberg, Mandropius, of Hagisholm, 80.

passports, safe-conducts, referred to, 56, 66, 146, 148, 349:
-, for peace commissioners, 33, 94.
-, duchess of Bouillon asks Queen's, 103, 128; for salt, 414.
-, Châteauneuf asks, 143.
-, pay of soldiers absent without, 239, 293, 294, 296.
-, Tomson gets, 320, 396.
-, of governor of Doornich, 330.
-, Queen's, for Bodley, 357.
-, Navarre's, 367.
-, Welsers ask for Queen's, 369.
-, of lord admiral, 399.

Passier, Perinck, Perrinke, 353, 408.

Pastrana, Pastrano. See Silva y Mendoza, Roderigo de.

pataches. See ships.

patent, letters, 109, 218, 219; referred to, 109, 119, 159, 160, 163, 252.

Patrona Zuñiga, Armada galleass, 75.

Patton, Archibald, captain, 286.

Paul, John, Danish subject, 158.

Paulet, Pawlett, Poulet, Sir Amyas, privy councillor, 298; letter signed by, 142.

Pauwelsz., Pauli, Jacob, called Halling, pensionary of Dordrecht, 332.

-, Martin, captain, 149.

Payne, Richard, master gunner of the Brielle, 411.

Payton, Peyton, Sir John, 408.

peace commissioners, the English, 3, 150, 151:
-, letters from, 10, 32, 84.
-, letters to, 51, 81.
-, Croft complains of rest of, 26.
-, alleged proposals of, with Spanish replies, 28–9; cause suspicion in Zeeland, 48, 50; found on prisoners, 49; published at Ostend, 58.
-, have done nothing since Dale left, 32.
-, asked to state conditions for restoring towns, 37, 46; get demands and answers put in writing, 37.
-, lack provision, 38.
-, Cobham thinks should be recalled, 38; Champagney hopes for no agreement with, 47.
-, were to deliver ultimatum, 51; return, 59, 94; recalled, 81; at Calais, 97; embarked at Dunkirk, 108.
-, Parma may imprison, 60.
-, Killigrew cannot safely send to, 60.
-, 'deduction' of whole proceedings of, 71–4; summary report thereof, 94–7.
-, de Loo regrets recall of, 116, 196.
-, benevolence of, to Ostend, 166.
-, See also Brooke, William; Croft, Sir James; Dale, Dr. Valentine; Rogers, Dr. John; Stanley, Henry.

-, the Spanish, 20, 151:
-, last answer of, unsatisfactory, 10.
-, told that Dale going to duke, 10.
-, Croft praises, 26, 46.
-, alleged answers of, to English proposals, 28–9; published in Zeeland, 48, 49, 50, 58.
-, complain of breaches of cessation, 32.
-, require definite terms for towns' restitution. 37; would then have concluded, 116.
-, Queen's ultimatum to, 51; to be told of English recall, 81; escort English to frontier, 94.
-, 'deduction' of whole proceedings with, 71–4; summary report thereof, 94–7.
-, See also Grussot, Jean de; Ligne, Charles de; Maes, John; Perrenot, Frederick Granvelle.

peace treaty and proposals, 415:
-, Netherlands churches anxious about, 2; their reasons againts, 94.
-, Allen says impossible without toleration in England, 4.
-, Spanish Council considering, 4.
-, Dale sent to Parma, 10, 17; returns, 26; his audiences, 32–5.
-, breaking of, would unite States, 19.
-, reported proclamation, 20; expresses Queen's meaning, 32.
-, civilians disagree, 26.
-, alleged articles of, 28–9; cause trouble in Zeeland, 48, 50; found on prisoners, 49; published at Ostend, 58; Oldenbarnevelt shows to Council of State, 65, 68–9; Walsingham's letter on, pleased States, 90; it is published, 152; articles spread at Flushing, 132.
-, no progress in, 32; an abortive conference, 37; Cobham despairs of, 38, 70; Croft hopes for Queen's resolution on, 46, 71; Parma despairs of, 47.
-, evil effects of, in Friesland, 43; Friesland mission to England about, turns back, 59.
-, Queen's ultimatum on (not sent), 51.
-, Croft's notes on difficulties in, 71.
-, 'deduction' of whole proceedings in, 71–4; summary report, 94–7.
-, English commissioners recalled, 81; withdraw, 94.
-, C. Roels fears Queen may be abused by, 83.
-, Harborne uses, to stir up Turks, 102.
-, de Loo still hopes to renew, 116; suggests fresh overtures, 150, 151, 196, 197, 198.
-, Damhoudère's opinions upon, 171.
-, Ortel requires assurance of nonrenewal, 241.
-, only real difference between Queen and States, 305.
-, question of religion, 359.
-, Queen demands removal of foreign forces, 405.
-, proposal for negotiations through Tuscany, 295.
-, See also cessation of arms; peace commissioners.

Peacoke, William, 409.

Peakens, Gideon, 293.

peat, 152.

Peckham, Simon, of Hart's company, 194; money due to, 408, 409.

Pecok, Robert, deputy governor of Merchants Adventurers at Stade, late agent in Russia, 310:
-, letters from, 348, 351, 360.
-, -, referred to, 352.
-, takes bonds of Atwood to appear before Council, 348.
-, excuses not going to England about Muscovy Co.'s debts, 351–2.

Pedemontele. See Piementel.

Peeland, land of Pele [N. Brabant, Netherlands], 215.

Pekott, Pegot, Pygote, Pygott, William, renegade captain, to be sent to Flushing, 167; not to be trusted, 306; taken to Ostend, 350.

Pelham, Pellam, Sir William, lord marshal of forces in Low Countries, 134, 410:
-, money paid to, 260, 261, 276.
-, company of, discharged, 263.
-, sends for men from England, 382. man of, 183.

Pellevé, Nicolas de, bishop of Amiens, 395.

Pembroke, earl of. See Herbert, Henry.

Peñafiel, Penatiel, marquis of, 116.

Pera, in Gallipoli, 199.

Peregrin, Diego, 264.

Perez de Guzman, Alonso, duke of Medina Sidonia, Medina, Medina de Cidonya, Midina, Sidonia, admiral of the Armada, 116, 299, 401:
-, letter from, 75.
-, brings Parma instructions, 4.
-, will not return till has succeeded, 112.
-, quarrels with Valdes in Channel, 115.
-, landed at Alaredo, 231, 232.
-, said to be prisoner in Ireland, 232.
-, sent Leon to Parma, 305.
-, Parma blames, 313.
-, confined to his house, 330; not allowed at court, 395; disgraced, 399.

Peronne [Somme, France], 398.

Perre, —, letter signed by, 337.

Perrenot, Frederick Granvelle, sieur de Champagney, Champagny, Champaigny, Champaygny, Champigny, Schampanye, baron of Renaix, peace commissioner, 4, 47, 95, 96, 196, 298, 405; Parma said to imprison, 122.

Perrot, Nicolas, councillor of Paris parlement, 153.

Perseval, Christopher, 288.

Persia and the Persians:
-, war with, drains Turks' treasure, 101; less dangerous to Turks than Spain is, 103; Hogia wants peace with, 138; peace desired by, 201.
-, Turks take Ardabil, 102; plan to take Feret Pasha, 165; Turks defeat, 335; Turks defeated by, 393.
-, Turks' great preparations against, 139.
-, Murad prisoner in, 165.
-, Barton's account of, 172.
-, Turks could not fight Poland and, 282.
-, shah, sophie, of. See Abbas I; Mahomet Khuda Banda.

petasses. See ships, pataches.

Peter, prince of Moldavia, 174; Harborne makes trade treaty with, 404.

Peterson, John, 408.

-, Peter, 408.

Petfeld, captain, 291.

Petite, Rowland, 354.

Petvyn, Edward, 410; letter from, 41.

Peyton. See Payton.

Phallia, la. See de la Faille.

Pharaoh, 130.

Phare, the. See Vreeswijk.

Phelippes, Philipps, Thomas, 359.

Pherhad Bassa. See Feret Pasha.

Philip II, king of Spain, Portugal, etc., the king catholic, 9, 157, 195, 205, 236, 237, 328, 331, 365, 377:
-, letters from, referred to, 1, 4, 72, 329.
-, letter to, 391.
-, no longer hopes for Scots' aid, 11; Parisians say James betrayed, 120.
-, uses credit in Poland for Maximilian, 79.
-, will keep no promises to heretics, 83; nor tolerate Protestants, 94, 171.
-, States now hate less, 135; they would obey, but for Elizabeth, 159; their reconciliation with, not impossible, 379.
-, Pope grants 10th on Spanish clergy to, 157.
-, death of, would bring peace, 213.
-, orders Parma to send men to Spain, 305, 323, 329.
-, Parma going to visit, 320; said to recall him, 351.
-, demands new taxes, 329.
-, buys Hanse ships, 330.
-, Ostend burghers would yield town to, 341.
-, offers 10l. for every man for galleys, 368.
-, going to Galicia in spring, 395.
-, ports and islands belonging to, 415.
-, relations of, with England:
-, Allen's book reveals aims of, 2, 33; bull grants England to, 60.
-, consults council on peace treaty, 4.
-, would not attack without strong party in England, 4; sent English rebels to Parma, 52; disappointed in English Catholics, 360.
-, only bears name of raising Armada, 7.
-, design of, against England, 28; religion the motive, 37, 38.
-, alleged English offers to, 29; evil effects in Zeeland, etc., 48, 49, 50, 58; English demand to see commission of, to Parma, 29; used treaty as blind, 59; Croft thinks sincere, 71; English demands of, 404; English demand withdrawal of foreign forces from Low Countries, 405.
-, Queen's reasons for expecting attack by, 51–2.
-, 'deduction' of proceedings in peace treaty with, 71–4; summary report thereof, 94–7.
-, commissions Hennison against England, 76.
-, bade Armada sail or hang, 92.
-, relation made by Richard Burley to, mentioned, 107.
-, sent Parma English crown and sceptre, 112.
-, will hardly make fresh overtures of peace, 150, 151; rumour that may, 152.
-, neck of his practice broken, 177.
-, would ratify any terms de Loo agreed to, 196–7; would have ratified Parma's terms, 198.
-, was slow to fight England, 197.
-, will attack England again next year, 215, 216, 326, 330, 366; sends 2 fleets, 349; will seize Jersey, 351; asks 'parliament' for funds, 382; great preparations of, 387, 401.
-, Queen declares has shown himself her open enemy, 227.
-, Ortel requires assurance of non-renewal of treaty with, 241.
-, proposal for Florence to mediate between Elizabeth and, 295.
-, Portugal expedition to prevent plans of, 389.
-, notes on English relations with, 415.
-, relations of, with France:
-, English aid to Navarre would occupy, 53–4.
-, bade Mendoça require French aid for Armada, 121.
-, Mendoça wrote to, of Armada's triumph, 154.
-, Guise promised Boulogne to, 311.
-, Turks say seeks France for Savoy, 335.
-, will maintain war against France, 382.
-, Parma fears Henry III may attack, 391.
-, Parma sends one to, on French affairs, 392.
-, badly placed if League crushed, 393.
-, Italians hope for French aid against, 393.
-, Henry III may seek accord with, 396.
-, truce with Queen Mother, 398.
-, reinforces Savoy, 401.
-, relations of, with Turks:
-, vizier a pensioner of, 101.
-, Harborne urges Turks to attack, 101, 102–3.
-, Barton's plan to get Turks to attack, 173–4.
-, sends Doria to attack Tunis, 201.
-, council of, at Milan, 393.
-, court of, 349, 395.
-, secretary of. See Idiaques, Don Juan d'.
-, 'bastards' of. See Leyva, Alonso de, Prince of Ascoli; Silva y Mendoza, Roderigo de.
-, son-in-law of. See Charles Emmanuel of Savoy.
-, See also Spain.

Philip [III], reported evil disposed, 394.

Philip, landgrave of Hesse, 186.

Philip Ludwig, duke of BrunswickGrubenhagen, 186.

Philip, Phillip, Phillips, John, making guns for Middelburg, 1, 57.

Phrise. See Friesland.

physicians. See doctors.

Piati, —, captain, engineer, Menninck's relations with, 332, 345.

Picardy [France], 391:
-, Spanish army may buy victual in, 108.
-, will accept no stranger as governor, 124.
-, League loses ground in, 395.

Pick, William, 87.

pickaxes, 81, 297.

Piementel, Pedemontele, Piedemontel, Piedomontello, Piementello, Piemontel, Pyemontell, Don Diego de, commander of San Mateo and of Sicilian terzio, 176:
-, captured, 104; prisoner in Zeeland, 111, 114, 116.
-, examination of, 112; referred to, 118; is printed, 185.
-, English traitors with, 113.
-, brave speeches of, 159.

Piero, 1.

Pietersz., Herman, captain, 149.

-, Schaut, captain, 149.

-, Wauter, captain, 149.

Pijper, Cornelis de. See Gijsbertsen, Cornelis.

pikes, 35, 81, 106, 136, 207, 287, 297, 381.

pilots, Armada lacks, 104; in Armada, 232.

Pinart, Pinard, Pynart, Claude, sieur de Camailles, French secretary of State, 98, 108, 124:
-, aids Lilly in opposing Mendoça's demand for galleass, 123, 146, 147.
-, tells Lilly of Spanish galleys wrecked, 127.
-, Lilly deals with, about assault on Chateauneuf's men, 128, 146, 147.
-, dismissed, 178.
-, ignorant, 208.
-, depends of Queen Mother, 209.

pioneers, 237, 238; needed at Bergen, 207.

Piper, —, 410.

pirates and piracy, corsairs:
-, R. Stewart's ship condemned for, at Enkhuisen, 20, 68, 82, 221.
-, Ortel complains of, 21.
-, N. Sea unsafe through, 76.
-, Châteauneuf complains of, 88, 314, 364.
-, by Venetians on Turks, 173.
-, of Barbary, 201.
-, See also Brasbridge; Fuchs; Gilbert, Adrian; Hennison; Lee, Gilbert; Leveson, Sir Walter; Remond, George; Strangewitz; Waddon, John.

Pistolets, 174.

pitch, 81, 136.

Pittenween, lord, commendator, of.
-, See Stewart, Sir William.

Placin, Plassin, —, servant of Châteauneuf:
-, quarrel of, with Honoré, 22; Honoré's account of, 23; evidence of Torcy, Captot, and Job de Villiers, 23–4.
-, Stafford sends evidence to Villeroi, 86.
-, Pinart calls a knave, 128.

Planche, —, la, 392.

Plymouth, Plainmue, Plimmouthe [co. Devon], 63, 148; Armada off, 92.

Podelitz, baron of. See Gans, Adam.

Poignie, Poigny. See Angennes, Jacques de.

Poitou, Potyoo, Poytou [France], 145, 209.

Poland and the Poles, 335:
-, efforts to obtain release of Maximilian, 79.
-, Tartars seek to embroil Turkey with, 139.
-, Harborne returns through, 404.
-, council of, 308.
-, chancellor of. See Zamoiski, John Sarius.
-, king of. See Sigismund; Stephen Bathori.

Poley, Polley, John, lieutenant, captain, 224, 293.

Pollison. See Pullison.

Pomerania, Pomerland [Germany], 404.

Ponce, Don Christoffel, 264.

Ponnitz, —, councillor of Christian I of Saxony, French pensioner, 80.

pontoons, 306.

Pont St. Esprit [Gard, France], 13.

poor laws, English, referred to, 39.

Pope, the. See Sixtus V.

Pope, —, 409.

Poppius, Arnold, letters signed by, 287.

Porte, the. See Turkey.

Portland [co. Dorset], Armada fighting heard towards, 85; Armada engaged off, 104.

port pieces. See guns.

Portugal, Portingal, Portingall, and the Portuguese, Portingals, Portingalles, 4, 379:
-, English would renew alliance with, 29.
-, E. Norris urges attack on, 85.
-, Harborne urges Turks to restore Don Antonio to, 102; Barton also, 138; Barton's plan, 174; Antonio seeks Turkish aid to regain, 281.
-, England dependent on cloth market in, 171.
-, Parma to send men to, 323.
-, Antonio has correspondence with, 396.
-, expedition to:
-, Norris to get States' aid for, 221; English forces to go from Provinces to, 232; States eager for, 288; Norris wants veterans for, 336.
-, takes flower of English gentry, 230.
-, will prevent new Armada, 366.
-, enemy well informed of, 370.
-, Willoughby dislikes weakening his forces for, 373.
-, Brett would serve in, 380.
-, rumours about, 398.
-, See also Norris, Sir John.

-, a cardinal of. See Albert, archduke of Austria.

-, galleons of. See ships.

-, king of. See Philip II of Spain; also (pretender) Antonio, Don.

Pory, laird of. See Ogilvie, Henry.

Potyoo. See Poitou.

Poulet. See Paulet.

powder. See gunpowder.

Powell, David, captain, 410, 412:
-, money paid to, 261, 262; due to, 411; due by, 355.
-, company of, at Bergen, 137, 263, 291; men from, sent to England, 132; to go with Norris, 390.

-, Stephen, 367.

Powrie, laird of. See Ogilvie, Henry.

Poytou. See Poitou.

Preisteman, —, 408.

Prescott, cornet, 194.

Prether, —, Hatton's servant, 197.

Price, Pryce, John, captain, 9, 410:
-, money paid to, 261, 262; due to, 411.
-, company at Brielle, 137, 263, 273.

priests, Catholic:
-, expect news of Queen's death, 41.
-, urge Guise not to trust Henry III, 61.
-, many in Armada, 92.
-, English treatment of, 354.
-, friars, 335, 399.
-, Jesuits, 5, 7, 60.
-, monks, 92.
-, See also Grateley, Edmund; Tyrrell, Anthony; Worthington.

-, Jewish, rabbis, 335.

-, Protestant, preachers, ministers, 414.
-, See also Basilius, Jacobus; de l' Oyseleur, Pierre; Helmich, Werner; Michel, Jean le; Modet, Hermann.

Prince, the. See Farnese, Alexander.

Privy Council. See Council, Privy.

Proby, Probie, Peter, 409.

proclamations, referred to, by Queen, on peace treaty, 20, 32; by Willoughby to Bergen troops, 210, 211.

Propertio, the engineer, 332.

Proppe, captain, 291.

Prosser, Robert, captain, late E. Norris' lieutenant, bills of, referred to, 243, 353, 354; at Ostend, sorely wounded, 390; Suderman to go to Portugal instead of, 391.

Protestants, heretics, Huguenots, those of the religion, reformed religion, 220, 339, 351:
-, Parma's hostility to, 8; will keep no faith with, 83, 213.
-, Navarre abused as, 23.
-, G. Ranzau would not serve against, 79.
-, Spain hoped for aid of malcontent English, 360.
-, Huguenots:
-, Placin attacked by, 17, 22–4, 64, 86.
-, Catholics and, join to defend Dauphiné, 107.
-, hated in Paris, 110.
-, Bellièvre thought a, 208.
-, maltreated at Mauléon, 363.
-, church in Antwerp:
-, expenses in getting copies of Allen's book, 2, 46, 60; in danger of discovery, 84.
-, reformed churches of United Provinces:
-, mission to Queen from, 2; returning, 70; thank Queen, 94.
-, memorial to Holland by, 3.
-, garrisons strengthen in towns, 43.
-, need to maintain magistrates at Utrecht, 70.
-, would leave Low Countries if peace without toleration made, 71, 97.
-, zeal has grown cold, 135.
-, Utrecht eager to maintain, 237; new officers swear to maintain, 245; no sign of change, 257; none meant, 270; was established by Leicester, 289; Mörs well affected to, 290.
-, ministers pray for Maurice, 252.
-, debt of, to Meetkerke, 289.
-, treaty binds Queen to uphold, 328.
-, refugee churches in England:
-, should pay force in Gelderland, etc., 135–6; exhortation to, 181.
-, 500 from, sent to Bergen, 220.
-, Ostend seeks alms of, 223.

Prounincq, Gerard de, called de Deventer, burgomaster of Utrecht:
-, letter from, 349.
-, letters to, referred to, 317, 400.
-, Queen and Leicester urge reelection of, 181, 182.
-, imprisoned at Utrecht, 225, 246, 253; life in danger, 247.
-, Killigrew deals with van der Aa for, 233, 234; the reply, 245.
-, Norris to deal for, 248; Queen required States to release, 268, 300, 301; need to get release of, 290; little can be done for, 349.
-, to be tried, 268; accused of writing against States, 302; proceedings stayed till States General meet, 342; few charges against, 348.
-, Mörs justifies action against, to Queen, 304.
-, Willoughby to demand stay of proceedings against, 316.
-, his justification, 317; would defend self before English, 349.
-, no certain news of, 322.
-, Bodley to deal for, 356; Queen requires stay of proceedings against, 383.
-, wife of, 245.

Provence, Prowance, county of, France, leagues with la Valette, etc., 107; Savoy invades, 401.

proverbs, etc., 47, 91, 266, 348, 389.

Prussia, duke of. See George Frederick of Brandenburg Anspach.

Pryce. See Price.

Pujols, de. See du Faur, A.

Pullison, Pollison, Sir Thomas, alderman of London, 364.

Pybrac, the late — de, 166.

Pyemontell. See Piementel.

Pygote, Pygott. See Pekott.

Pynart. See Pinart.