Index: D

Pages 443-449

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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Dalarche, captain, 291.

Dale, Dr. Valentine, master of requests, peace commissioner:
-, letters from, 10, 15, 32, 34, 35, 36.
-, -, referred to, 14, 17.
-, sent to Parma, 10, 73; sends details of Parma's forces, 15, 17, 35, 36–7; returns, 26, 38; account of audiences, 32–5; journey expensive, 35; Croft hopes his journey will enable to decide about treaty, 46; Parma's assurances to de Loo after audience of, 47; Queen dissatisfied with Parma's answer to, 51, 74.
-, unwell, 36.
-, sends verses from Virgil to Queen, 35–6.
-, Killigrew cannot safely send to, 60.
-, first visit of, to Parma, mentioned, 71, 94.

Dall, —, letters borne by, 152.

Damascus. Damasco, late pasha of. See Sinan.

Damhoudère, Damhoudre, N. de, councillor extraordinary of Flanders, confession of, 171; referred to, 213.

-, Zoos de, father of N., 171.

Dampierre. See Cugnac, François de.

Danen, Lennis, captain, 149.

Danet, Dannett, —, 289, 408.

Daniell, Robert, victualler, of Bergenop-Zoom, 355, 408.

Dantsey, Richard, 410.

Danzay, Dansey, Charles de, French ambassador to Denmark:
-, has high opinion of H. Rammel, 76.
-, thinks king of Denmark one of richest in Europe, 78.

Danzig, Danswicke, Dantzick, the Danskers, Daunskers:
-, Spaniards buying ships at, 330.
-, sends corn, etc., to Spain, 350.
-, Harborne at, 404.

Darcy, Darcie, Darcye, Darsie, Darsye, Francis, captain, 222, 410:
-, money paid to, 260, 262; due to, 411; due by, 353.
-, company of, at Flushing, 30, 137, 263, 273; men from, sent to England, 132.

Dartmouth, Derthemouth [co. Devon], 63.

Dauphiné, Dolphine, France:
-, union made to preserve peace in, 107.
-, Romans, the only Leaguish town in, surprised. 110.
-, la Valette defeats royal cavalry in, 310.
-, Savoy invades, 395.
-, governor of. See Maugiron, Laurent de.

Davies, John, of Waller's company, 194.

-, —, 408.

Davila. See Avalos, Martin de.

Davison, Davisson, Thomas, of Russel's company, 195.

-, William, sometime ambassador to United Provinces, principal secretary, 362, 415.

Dayne, —, Walsingham's servant, 130.

Dedonie, Adrian, 293.

Deepe. See Dieppe.

Deget, Lucas, of Bergen-op-Zoom, 129.

Degoly, —, 85.

Dekema, Sixtus, envoy from Friesland to Queen, letter from, 59.

de la Chatre, Chastre, Claude, marshal of France, governor of Berri :
-, Villeroy makes apologise, 98.
-, at Paris, 108.
-, anxious for news of Armada, 126, 127.
-, lothe to go against Navarre, 145.
-, escapes from Blois, 392.

de la Faille, Fall, Delafall, la Fall, la Falle, la Phallia, John, dispute over mortuary house of, 281.

-, John, son of the above, letter to, referred to, 350; Giles asks Walsingham to assist, 281, 305.

-, Martin, Sir Martin, house of, at Antwerp, 349.
-, two children of, coming from London to Antwerp, 350.
-, Willoughby's debts to, 376.

de la Fay, baron, 335.

de la Fin, Jean, seigneur de Beauvoir la Nocle, lackey of, 126.

de la Gras de Lion, —, 334.

de la Guiche, Guische, Philibert, grand master of the ordnance, chevalier du guet, expelled from Paris, 152.

de la Marck, Charlotte, princess, duchess, of Bouillon, Buillon:
-, letters from, 103, 128, 382.
-, -, referred to, 179.
-, Montpensier protects, but promises to bring to Catholicism, 62.
-, seeks licence from Elizabeth and States, 103; petition for, to get salt, 414.
-, desires a loan, 128; asks Walsingham's advice, 383.
-, Elizabeth should assist, 179.

-, William Robert, duke of Bouillon, brother of Charlotte:
-, will of, referred to, 4.
-, Elizabeth asked to continue to Charlotte the licence granted to, 103, 128, 414.

de la Motte. See Pardieu, Valentine.

de la Noue, la Noo, la Noue, François, 136, 151:
-, letters from, referred to, 47, 123, 176.
-, letter to, referred to, 176.
-, princess of Orange can get letters to, 47, 176.
-, Casimir sending with army to Sedan, 58.
-, capture of, referred to, 259.
-, at Sedan, 310.
-, wife of, mentioned, 123.

-, Odet, seigneur de Teligny, Theligny, Tylygny, son of François :
-, princess of Orange would exchange Toraise for, 47; or Armada prisoners, 151.
-, to be exchanged for Avalos, 155.
-, Walsingham gets Armada prisoners to exchange for, 176.
-, book of, 310.

de la Tour d'Auvergne, Henri, vicomte de Turenne, Turin, 126; not yet with Navarre, 145.

de la Tremouille, Trimouille, Charlotte, princess of Condé, report of execution of, 107; untrue, 110.

-, Claude, brother of Charlotte, 107.

de l'Aubespine, Claude, baron de Châteauneuf, French ambassador in England :
-, letters from, 63, 88, 143, 314, 337, 355, 364.
-, -, referred to, 120, 145.
-, de Muy's men assault servants of, 17, 22; threatens to inform king, 23, 24; his charges thereon, with answers, 23–4; le Sueur complains of the attack, 64; Stafford sends evidence thereon to Villeroy, 86; Lilly deals with Pinart thereof, 128.
-, asks for release of Scottish ship, 63.
-, writes in favour of le Doyen and other merchants, 88, 314.
-, writes of panic in England at Armada, 120; reluctantly writes of Armada's defeat, 145; writes that two Queen's ships lost, 146; has not congratulated Queen on victory, 221.
-, asks passport for goods sent to France, 143.
-, lady Sheffield and Lilly deal with Pinart about speeches of, 146.
-, Queen allows to return awhile, 318; asks leave to go, 337; Queen desires him to stay, 355.
-, man of. See Placin.
-, secretary of. See Sueur, Stephen le.
-, steward of, 145.

-, -, wife of:
-, Stafford's wife asks, for news, 64.
-, and le Sueur exclaim about assault on his men, 98.

-, Claude, seigneur de Verderonne, the queen-mother's secretary of finances, 125.

de la Valette. See Nogaret, Bernard de.

de l'Espine, Philippe, captain, 374.

Delft, Delf, Delff, Delfte, Delph [S. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, merchants of, spoiled, 148.
-, ships preparing at, 161.
-, rye sent to Bergen from, 297.
-, Vijgh's hostility towards, 388.
-, burgomaster of. See Brasser, Govert.
-, citizen of. See Wijks, Gilbert van.
-, draper of. See Bell, Bastian.
-, pensionary of. See Voocht, Leonard de.

Delliana, Alonso, 264.

de l'Oyseleur, Pierre, Villiers, Vellyers, Viliers, Villyers, Vyllyars, the minister:
-, letters from, 305, 329, 395.
-, Burnham will see, 11.
-, Russel's enemy, 49; will not reconcile him and Maurice, 65; could do so, 177; deals with Burnham, 305.
-, Maurice led by, 82.
-, lost brothers at St. Bartholomew, 395.

Delph. See Delft.

Denham, William, 409.

Denie. See Denny.

Denis. See Dennis.

Denmark, the Danes:
-, United Provinces' deputies going to, 2; have not gone, 186; Hohenlohe said to be in, 309; is going to, 388.
-, justice done to those of, spoiled by Leveson, 21.
-, Rogers gets restitution of English goods seized in, 76; none allowed to serve at sea against England, ibid.
-, ambassadors coming to, from Scotland, 76.
-, D. Roger's account of, 77–80.
-, list of senators and councillors of, 80.
-, Low Country refugees in, 136.
-, report Ranzau and Valkendorf imprisoned, 310.
-, Spaniards buying ships in, 330.
-, Willoughby's mission to, mentioned, 375, 376.
-, Caron's visit to, mentioned, 390.
-, table of royal family of, 404.
-, admiral of. See Munk, Peter.
-, chancellor of king of. See Kaas, Nicholas.
-, chancellor of kingdom of. See Huitfeld, Arvid.
-, the four governors of:
-, appointed for one year and given instructions by States, 77–8.
-, promise Casimir to urge German Protestant union, 79–80.
-, See also Kaas, Nicholas; Munk, Peter; Rosenkrantz, George; Walkendorf, Christopher.
-, king of. See Christian IV; Frederick II.
-, marshal of. See Gyldenstjerne, Peter.
-, marshal of the king's hall. See Maltizen, Stein.
-, prefect of stables. See Tunen, Eustace van.
-, queen-mother of. See Sophia.
-, secretary of. See Jul, Absalom.
-, States of, regulated regency, 77.
-, treasurer of. See Walkendorf, Christopher.

Dennis, Denis, Dennyce, Dennys, Denys, Maurice, captain, sergeant-major of Flushing, 410:
-, going to England, 364.
-, weekly imprests of, 129; money paid to, 260, 262; due to, 411; due by, 354.
-, company of, at Flushing, 30, 31, 137, 224, 263, 273; men from, sent to England, 132.

Denny, Denie, Sir Edward, 230.

Depien. See Lallier, Jacques.

deputies. See under ambassadors.

Derby, earl of. See Stanley, Henry.

Derthemouth. See Dartmouth.

Dess—, Don Hernando de, 264.

Deutecom, Deuticon. See Doetinchem.

Deuxburghe. See Doesborgh.

Deventer [Overijsel, Netherlands]:
-, garrison of, in great want, 237.
-, garrison disarms burghers, 342.
-, enemy convoy taken near, 342.
-, burgomasters of. See Marule, Henrick van; Winnsen, Beerent van.
-, governor of. See van den Berg, count Hermann.

Deventer. See Prounincq, Gerard de.

Devereux, Robert, 2nd earl of Essex, Excees, 368, 410; money paid to, 260, 411, 412; due to, 276.

Devuyer. See Goyer, Dirk de.

Dewesbroughe, Dewsborog. See Doesborgh.

diamonds, 174, 367.

Diane de France, called duchesse d'Angoulême, 124; would buy geldings in England, 131.

Dieppe, Deepe [Seine Inf., France], 4, 123:
-, corn sent to Lisbon from, 63.
-, gunfire heard at, during Armada battle, 85.
-, Stafford has news of Armada from, 100.
-, ships arming at, 108.
-, governor of. See Chatte, Aymar de.

Digges, Diges, Edward, 235.

-, James, gent., clerk controller of the checks and overseer of musters in the army in the Low Countries, muster-master, muster-master-general, 137, 138, 358:
-, letters from, 159, 235, 394.
-, drafts of letters from, 229–31; loose papers of, 290.
-, papers signed by, 264.
-, Willoughby stays patent appointing, 109, 163; as Webbes claims office, 119.
-, Leicester gave charge of musters to, 110.
-, appointed; fears Webbes' rivalry, 159, 160.
-, sends notes on musters to Privy Council, 160; the notes, 161.
-, going to England, 199.
-, instructions from, about musters, 251.
-, abbreviate of musters delivered by, 268.
-, requests of, about musters, 272; Council's answers to, 279–80; doubts about musters sent to Council by, 293–5; requests of, about accounts and musters, 295–6; resolution on requests of, 298; proposals of, to be executed, 311; papers by, on musters, referred to, 394.
-, note of causes hindering making up of year's accounts, 296–7.
-, requests of, for Willoughby to Council, 298.
-, Bodley's requests to States for, 316–7; Bodley to assist, 356, 357.
-, finds the bands full, 337.
-, points disputed between States and, 402–3.
-, horse captains' protest at fees of, answered, 413.
-, entertainment, 343, 344; imprests, 291.
-, money due, 408, 411.
-, clerks of, 109.

-, Thomas, esquire, late mustermaster-general of the army in the Low Countries, late commissary at Flushing, brother of James, 159, 295, 364:
-, James acted for, when absent, 110.
-, Heigham complains of, 114, 177.
-, corruption of commissaries since discharge of, 229.
-, will be little richer for his office, 230.
-, muster books for time of, referred to, 231.
-, note of services of, 255–6.
-, orders of, about musters, to be confirmed, 280.
-, States agreed with, to keep commissaries in all garrisons, 316; but failed to do so, 394.
-, asserts that States agreed to rates of pay set down by Leicester, 356.
-, entertainment, 409.
-, dead pays due to, 235.
-, money due to, 276, 411.

Diomedes, 36.

Dixmude, Dismewt, Dixmu, Dixmue, Dixmuth, Dixmuyde, Dyxmuk [W. Flanders, Belgium]:
-, letter dated at, 15.
-, Dale sees Parma's forces mustered at, 35, 36.
-, Parma's army still at, 152, 172.
-, Stanley's regiment at, 398.

doctors, physicians, surgeons:
-, sent to Dunkirk, 1.
-, Ostend needs, 41.
-, one would cure Walsingham, 87.
-, Killigrew's, 233.
-, pay of army, 414.
-, See also Miron, François.

Dodaendael, Dodendale, Durendale [Gelderland, Netherlands], Schenck takes, 267, 268.

Doddington, Luke, 408.

Doeres, Fleure, Floris, Geertruidenberg, sergeant-major, 67; letter signed by, 320.

Doesborgh, Deuxburghe, Dewesbroughe, Dewsborog, Doesborch, Doesburch, Dousborough, Dowsborough, Duesborough [Gelderland, Netherlands]:
-, supplies sent to, 43.
-, disorders of unpaid garrison of, 44.
-, horsemen of, take enemy convoy, 342.
-, intended enemy operations near, 345.
-, English horsemen at. See Sidney, Sir Robert.

Doetinchem, Deutecom, Deuticon, Dotecum [Gelderland, Netherlands]:
-, Verdugo fails to take, 20, 44.
-, supplies sent to, 43.
-, unpaid garrison of, disordered, 44.
-, horsemen of, take enemy convoy, 342.

Dohna, Dony, baron Fabian von, 146.

Dolfyn, —, 410.

Dolphiné. See Dauphiné.

Dombes, prince de. See BourbonVendôme, Henri de.

Domis, —, 91.

Don, Tanys, river [Russia], 335.

Donia, Kemp van, Campedoglia, Friesland member of Council of State, 253.

Donkerk, Donnkerck, Donkyrke. See Dunkirk.

Dony. See Dohna.

Doornich [Gelderland, Netherlands], 330.

Doot, captain, 149.

Dophem, —, rolls of company of, 88, 359.

Dordrecht, Dordecht, Dordricke, Dort, Dorte [S. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, letters dated at, 27, 313, 319, 372, 373, 379, 393, 394, 395.
-, Willoughby at, 50, 374; his lodging at, 88.
-, offered to bear payment to Geertruidenberg, if town lost afterwards, 57.
-, ships preparing at, 161.
-, post to, 186.
-, Bodley going to, 381.
-, desires grain from England, 394.
-, pensionary of. See Pauwelsz., Jacob.
-, burghers of. See Adrianson, John; Roerom, Adrian Cornelis.

Doria, Don Juan Andrea, prince of Melita, commander of Spanish galleys, burns Biserta, 201.

Dormer, Michael, captain, 410; money paid to, 260.

Dorp, Dorpe, Willom van, colonel, seeking redress for Sonoy from Medemblik, 70; deposition of, about Menninck, 362.

Dorre, Dorium, Johan, Overijsel member of Council of State, differences about re-appointment of, 43.

Dort, Dorte. See Dordrecht.

Dotecum. See Doetinchem.

Douai. Dowaie [Nord, France], 'university' of, 71.

Doublet, Nicholas, secretary, at examinations of Menninck, 332, 346, 363.

Doughty, Dughtye, Michael, Derby's servant, ill, 3.

Dousborough. See Doesborgh.

Dover [co. Kent], 196, 337:
-, Armada fought with between Calais and, 91.
-, Menninck lost his money at, 319.

-, straits of, 157.

Dowaie. See Douai.

Downs, the, 113, 143, 146.

Dowsborough. See Doesborgh.

Doyen, Thomas le, French merchant, 88, 314.

dragomen, droguemen, 165.

Dragonne. See Mondragon.

Drake, Sir Francis, the vice-admiral:
-, and Howard to continue at sea, 18.
-, reported flight of, 126.
-, Ortel presses States for powder for, 133.
-, Cavendish brings back more gold than, 230.
-, Lecester to deliver victuals for Portugal voyage to, 232.
-, troops to go with Norris and, 307, 389, 391.
-, will be ready by Jan. 1st, 312, 337.
-, Spanish preparations against, 395.

Drances. 36.

draper. See Bell, Bastian.

Dresden [Saxony, Germany], 186.

droguemen. See dragoman.

Drunen, John van, late burgomaster of Utrecht, act restoring, 254.

Drury, Druery, Drurie, Sir William, governor of Bergen-op-Zoom:
-, letters from, 164, 206, 271, 393.
-, -, referred to, 48.
-, letters to, 105.
-, States lothe to replace by Morgan at Bergen, 11.
-, Morgan's complaints. 20–1; and diatribe against, 93.
-, Charles uses Walsingham's name on behalf of, 48.
-, offers to send Burghley news: could hold Bergen as well as Morgan, 164; complains of his disgrace and of false reports, 206–7.
-, valour of, at siege, 209.
-, Willoughby favours, 212: and leaves in command of forts, 246. 260, 272.
-, captains of Bergen write for, 228.
-, Willoughby suggests should succeed Conway, 304.
-, took beds from Bergen, 347.
-, attacks Morgan, 390.
-, wife of, 164.
-, See also Bergen-op-Zoom: Morgan, Sir Thomas.

Dubois, du Boys, captain, 374.

Duch. See Dutch.

Duchland. See Germany.

Duckett, —, 408.

Dudley, Ambrose, earl of Warwick, 251.

-, Robert, earl of Leicester, Lestre, lord steward, late lieutenant-general of the forces in the Low Countries, privy councillor, his excellency, 76, 105, 255, 315, 409, 410, 411, 415:
-, letters from, 25, 182.
-, -, referred to, 9, 30, 31, 317, 344, 376.
-, letters to, 6, 106, 111, 182.
-, -, referred to, 41, 46, 70, 84, 109, 179, 185, 215, 267, 335, 348.
-, warrants of, 412.
-, -, referred to, 276.
-, Danish merchants' case before, 10.
-, fears attack on Ostend if Armada does not sail, 25–6.
-, gets allowance for Gilpin, 42.
-, would exchange Toraise for Teligny, 47.
-, Ste. Aldegonde would reconcile Maurice and, 49; Maurice meant to seek agreement with, 299.
-, Bacq raised troop by commission of, 50.
-, appointments made by, at Utrecht, challenged, 70; writes to urge re-appointment of Deventer, 182; magistrates set up by, displaced, 253; certain exiled by, restored, 254, 289; declaration of, annulled, 257; party of, overthrown, 258; Queen protests at ill usage of friends of, 268; excessive favour of, to Deventer, 304.
-, recommended Varrhael to Rogers, 79.
-, had no leisure to settle judgment in Netherlands, 83.
-, Morgan sends his letter to Queen to, 93.
-, Willoughby offers to bring troops to, 106.
-, appointed J. Digges to oversee musters while T. Digges absent, 110; gave Webbes patent as clerk of check, 119.
-, Sonoy lost all in obeying, 208, 250.
-, gave J. le Michel annuity, 208.
-, swore to observe Ostend privileges, 212.
-, called Saravia to England, 213.
-, death of, referred to, 230, 347; Utrecht States condole with Queen, 207; as do Ostergonians, 288; Killigrew would attend funeral, 233.
-, Geertruidenberg garrison took an oath to, 241, 248, 414.
-, T. Digges got orders for musters set down by, 256; States' agreement with, on rates, etc., referred to, 297; they now disallow them, 294, 296, 356; allowance made to Sherley by, 338, 367.
-, States were sending embassy to content, 259.
-, Aysma ill treated for loyalty to, 269, 301.
-, licences of absence, granted by, to be allowed, 280.
-, promised to aid Engelstedt, 290.
-, States made allowance for intelligences to, 324.
-, hostility of Hohenlohe to, 333.
-, had evil opinion of Borlas, 368.
-, converted English horse into lancers, 403.
-, money paid to, 260, 262, 276.
-, company of, discharged, 263.
-, troop of, discharged, 264; was very weak, 376.

Duesborough. See Doesborgh.

du Faur, A., sieur de Pujols, Navarre's chamberlain, 166.

du Fay. See Hurault de l'Hôpital, Michel.

Dughtye. See Doughty.

duke, the. See Farnese, Alexander.

Duncome, —, 409.

Dunkirk, Donkerk, Donnkerck, Donkyrke, Dunckerq, Dunkerck, Dunkercke, Dunkerk, Dunkerke, Dunkert, Dunkyrke, Duynkerke [county of Flanders, now Nord, France]:
-, letter dated at, 305.
-, Parma's army near: surgeons sent thither, 1; forces at, seen by Hodgson, 3; ready to embark, 48; well provisioned, 58; Parma expected at, 85.
-, Parma's ships ready to sail at, 8; brigantines to be built at, 17; flat bottoms sent to, 35; only 18 mean ships at, 37; Antwerp and Bruges ships to go to, 40.
-, States' ships watching, 8; driven off by gale, 82.
-, Justinus blockading, 91, 104, 111; States urged to send more ships to, 118; 8 more sent, 140; ships always off, 143; States' blockade of, said to have caused Armada's failure, 111.
-, Armada ship taken between Calais and, 104.
-, English peace commissioners embarked at, 108.
-, Parma will make sortie from, 118.
-, boats should have been sent to damaged galleons from, 122.
-, Queen desires States to blockade, 133.
-, Seymour returns to help blockade, 133.
-, Chevalier d'Aumâle at, 146.
-, States' fleet gone to, 158.
-, ships go from, to find Armada, 171.
-, Parma's army leaves, 172, 177.
-, state of shipping at, 228.
-, money at, to bribe James VI, 231; 250,000 crowns brought from Spain to, 232.
-, Meetkerke could be useful against, 289.
-, take English ship, 298.
-, Spaniards to embark for Ireland at, 320; Stanley going to, 351; other forces sent to, 364, 365.
-, no ships arming at, 330; reports of shipping at, 365, 368, 399.
-, warship of, taken in Elbe, 350.
-, Conway urges attack on, 377.
-, Parma at, 382.
-, Hamburg trade with, 390.
-, forces at, 403.
-, capture of, by Parma, referred to, 259.
-, church at, 228.
-, governor of. See Aguilar, Francesco de.

du Pin. See Lallier, Jacques.

du Plessis. See Mornay, Philippe de.

du Puy du Val de la Jugie, François, baron de Rieux, 152.

Duquecborne, Daniel, burgher of Middelburg, 412.

Durbancke, John, sergeant in lord Burgh's company, 194.

Durendale. See Dodaendael.

'Dutch,' Duch, Dutche, 16, 75, 88, 185, 267, 374, 376, 381, 403.

Dutchland. See Germany.

Dutchmen. See Germans.

Duvenvoordt, Duvenvoord, Duyvenvoert, Jean de, sieur de Warmoudt, lieutenant-admiral of Holland, ambassador of the United Provinces to Denmark and Germany, goes with Hohenlohe to Dresden, 186; returns, 388.

Duynkerke. See Dunkirk.

Dyer, Dyar, Sir Edward, letter to, 192; letter borne by, 157; going to England, 159.

Dyne, Yoghan van, widow of, 355.

Dyngmansz., captain, 149.

Dyxmuk. See Dixmude.