[? Dec.] |
189. Form of a debenture to be issued to the sufferers at
Nevis and St. Kitts. Presented to the Board by Messrs. (John)
Campbell and (Stephen) Duport. Endorsed, Recd. Read Jan.
13, 17 12/13. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 9. No. 145; and 153, 12. pp. 54,
55.] |
[? Dec.] |
190. Form of a debenture to be issued to the sufferers at
Nevis and St. Kitts. Subscribed, I approve of this form. Signed,
Edw. Northey. Endorsed, Recd. Read Jan. 20, 17 12/13. 1¼ pp.
[C.O. 152, 9. No. 154; and 153, 12. pp. 68–70.] |
[1712.] |
191. Copies of powers of attorney granted by sufferers at
Nevis to representatives in England to receive their share of
H.M. grant in aid, 1708–1712. [C.O. 243, 4. pp. 1–311; and
243, 5. pp. 313–450 ff.] |
1712–1720. |
192. Copy of will of William Benton, planter, of St. Kitts,
April 28, 1710. [C.O. 243, 4. p. 24.] |
193. Copy of will of James Norton, of St. Kitts, May 28,
1712. [C.O. 243, 4. p. 26.] |
194. Copy of will of William Sample, of London, Jan. 12,
1709. [C.O. 243, 4. p. 49.] |
195. Copy of will of Charles Gregory, of London, Aug. 16,
1711. [C.O. 243, 4. p. 59.] |
196. Copy of will of Jedidiah Hutchinson, St. Kitts, Feb. 28,
1711. [C.O. 243, 4. p. 70.] |
197. Copy of will of Martin Madan, late of Nevis, March 17,
1703. [C.O. 243, 4. pp. 111–116.] |
198. Copy of will of Ann Estridge, St. Kitts, June 11, 1709.
[C.O. 243, 4. p. 128.] |
199. Copy of marriage certificate of Lionel Davison and
Susanna Cotgrave, Nevis, Jan. 1, 1712. [C.O. 243, 4. p. 131.] |
200. Copy of will of William Burt, of Nevis, Oct. 15, 1707.
[C.O. 243, 4. p. 233.] |
201. Copy of will of John Byshopp, of Nevis, Dec. 27, 1707.
[C.O. 243, 4. p. 236.] |
202. Copy of will of Thomas Neale, of Nevis, Feb. 24, 1708.
[C.O. 243, 4. p. 239.] |
203. Copy of will of Richard Martyn, Nevis, Feb. 20, 1707/8.
[C.O. 243, 4. p. 241.] |
204. Copy of certificate of marriage of Rev. Robert Robertson,
rector of St. Pauls, Nevis, and Mrs. Mary Pogson, Nov. 13, 1709.
[C.O. 243, 4. p. 266.] |
[? 1712.] |
205. A Memorial by [? Capt. Taverner]. First Scheme. A
true account of the Island of Gaspey and how advantagous it will
be to the French, not only for their trade to Canada, but also for
the makeing a quantity of codfish in Nova Francia, and Pettynorth
with severall other places of N-f-d-l-d. (1) That Island lying in
the Gulph of the mouth of the St. Laurance and having a fine
harbor in it, must be very convenient for the French ships bound
to Canada etc., the river or harbor being very finly sittuated
for a strong fortification which it's presumable they will build it
being so highly necessary not only for the protection of their own
fishing trade in the Island, and that to Canada, but in time of war,
it will enable them to spoile all the fishing we shall have on the
coast of Nova Scotia from the Island of Gaspey, St. Lewis, on
the entrance of the River of Canada, in which places are great
quantitys of cod fish, etc. (2) The Island of Gaspey its presumable
is most excellent for cod fishing, it being a Cape of land lying
between two seas, in both of which are great quantity of cod fish,
etc. There is wood for building stages, etc., for firing there is
coals enough, and none in any other part of America. (3) The
Island is very large, etc. described. The weather is much warmer
than in N-f-l-d-, so that they catch cod fish there all the year
except January. (4) It is far preferable to N-f-l-d, etc. So that
it is very plain the French will be better seated there than ever
the English were on N-f-l-d, both as to trade and cod fishing, not
foregeting the clandestine trade they may cary on with the Indians
of Nova Scotia and make them our enimies when they please,
having Island of Gaspey, haveing fishing rome enough for France
and England too, I think the French have no reason to complain
for want of a fishing place; if the French shou'd insist of any more
fishing place from us, I think it very unreasonable, etc. because
there is very good cod fishing all along the coast of Nova Scotia
from Gaspey to the mouth of the River Canada, which I call
Cape Nova, and about the coast of Cape Charles, which makes
210 leagues on their own coast. We are assured that about the
coast of Cape Charles is very good fishing by reason that several
French ships, since our men of war and letters of mark have gon
to Pettinor and seized their ships and fish, they have deserted that
fishing, and fish on the coaste of Nova Francha near Cape Charles
and made good voisages, etc. If the French must have some part
of N-f-l-d to fish, the best part we cou'd give them is from Cape
Kay to Cape Hamilton, because we have no knowledge of it, but
if they will not accept that, to give them from Cape Hamilton
to Cape St. John, etc. It's most certain the less room we allow
them the worse voiages they will make to confine them is best.
If the French have any permission to fish on N-f-l-d and the
English to trade with them, it will be very pernitious, by reason
that they can cary goods to the land, and sell cheaper than the
English do, especialy salt, wine, brandy, canvas, dowlas, kentin,
nails, and rosin also some silk, there being large consumptions of
those goods, the silk and kentin only excepted, but the New
England merchants will deal considerably in all those goods
except salt and pitch, wch. will incourage the French merchands,
and discourage the English to a great degree, so that speedy care
ought to be taken in preventing the same. If the French have
all these allowances it will enable them to be masters of the trade
in a maner for they have their men cheaper than we possibly can,
they vittle them cheaper, great part of the fishing craft cheaper
as netts, lines, canvas, nails and pitch, these things considered
they will be able to undersell us considerably at the markett,
their fish from Gaspey goeing sooner to the markett than ours
must have the best price, and their haveing so prodigious a coast
in length to fish on, that their advantage will be very great in
that respect. 3½ pp. In Capt. Taverner's handwriting. [C.O.
194, 23. No. 16.] |
[? 1712.] |
206. A Memorial [? by Capt. Taverner]. Second Scheme.
An account of Newfoundland and Gaspey in Arcadia, as to the
comodiousness of the harbor, fishing, firing, and the trade thereoff,
showing how advantageous it will be to the English in haveing
Placentia, Shapenor, St. Peters, the Cape of Fortune, and the
coast as far as the west, and north east, as the Isle of St. George,
wch. lyeth in the Gulph of St. Laurence, and how inconsiderable
the Island of Gaspey will be to the English as to the fishing trade
or anything else. Explains how the English Newfoundland fishery
is handicapped by lack of room, and the lateness of their season.
The consumption of all sorts of coarse goods and provisions there,
as well fishing as craft, is so very considerable that it employs
most of the trade in the west of England to make goods for that
countrey. |
The fish made by the English indeed are not many, those
which are taken are chiefly caught by the people of Bonavista
at Pettenorth, but if we have Placentia and the coast from Cape
Rase, Cape Ray and from that to Port Rich, its impossible to have
any ground of complaint in that trade, for what we wanted before
is likely to come into our hands, such as want of fishing beaches,
fishing ground and great plenty of fish, and taking it soon in the
year, as also the great plenty of furrs of all sorts, besides dear,
bear, seals, timber, etc. Enlarge on the value of that fishery. |
Perhaps some may object that the French haveing of Gaspey
will enable them to catch a great quantity of cod soon or sooner
than we can at Placentia, to wch. I answer that Gaspey is
convenient enough for their ships tradeing too and from Canada
to stop at, but I cannot allow it to be a place for fishing, for there
is no bank near enough to it for botts to fish on, the water near
the shore is very deep, there is a strong tyde allways comes out of
the Gulph of St. Laurence, which must spoil the codfish, so that
its plain the French cannot catch any considerable quantity of
cod fish at that Island, without they have sloops after the manner
of New England fishing, which must be very chargeable to them,
seeing they have no timber upon Gaspey fit for such vessells,
besides they have little or no beach upon that island, and what
there is cannot last long when the consumption will be so great,
that Island has been in the hands of the French some ages, that
they have not fished on it proves it can be of little or no use to
them for fishing, etc., and we need not envy the French having of
Gaspey. Pettenorth must be alow'd to be a very good place for fishing and beaches on the coast fit for making fish, but their ships and
men goeing there have been attended with great difficulties by
reason of the ice, for the French seldom get into their fishing harbor
till the last of May or 15th of June, etc. I am fully satisfy'd if
the French did not fish there, few or none of the English wou'd
especially if we have Placentia. There are good furs at Pattenorth
wch. the English have allways caught. I never understood that
any large mast was to be had on that cost for ships. So that all
things considered, I do not se how the French by fisheing at
Pettenorth can any way damage us provided they have no inhabitants nor build no forts, but go and fish as usal, and that our
people may fetch furs, or do anything they please among them,
etc. I can only offer one thing more, that as soon as the peace is
made, necessary care be taken to send the forces ordered for
Placentia imediatly, this being don it will encourage several to
fish there this season, wch. will be the only help to encourage
ships and inhabitants to come there the next year, etc. If we
fail of this we loose 2 fishing seasons. I think it highly necessary
that some person be apointed to settle all the fishing room in
that part, and likewise to make a discovery of all the harbors
kays beaches etc., to search all harbors which the French are not
to have liberty to fish in, and to seise any they shall find there,
by this method we shall know how to proceed, and make all
necessary improvements. In times past we have been strangers
to the advantag and improvements wch. N-f-l-d is capable off.
7 pp. In Capt. Taverner's hand. [C.O. 194, 23. No. 17.] |
[? 1712.] |
207. Memorandum. There is a letter of the 20th (v. July
11th) from Nevis that says they were then under no apprehension
of the French. ½ p. [C.O. 184, 1. No. 28.] |
[? 1712.] |
208. Petition of merchants and traders to Antigua to the
Earl of Dartmouth. Pray that a General Pardon may be issued
to the inhabitants of Antigua. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 42. No. 79.] |
209. Copy of certificate of marriage of Thos. Barnaby and Mrs.
Sarah Evant, St. James', Nevis, Aug. 22, 1711. [C.O. 243, 4.
p. 274.] |
210. Copy of will of Henry Rawlins, of Nevis, Jan. 11, 1709–10.
[C.O. 243, 4. p. 279.] |
211. Copy of will of James Walker, of Bow, Middlesex, Jan.
18, 1712. [C.O. 243, 4. p. 280.] |
212. Copy of will of Sir James Houblon, London, Oct. 21,
1704, with affidavit of Sarah Brooks as to alterations, etc.
[C.O. 243, 4. p. 309.] |
213. Copy of will of Stephen Payne, of St. Kitts, Sept. 8, 1711.
[C.O. 243, 5. p. 318.] |
214. Copy of will of Tobisas Pender, of Nevis, May 23, 1711.
[C.O. 243, 5. p. 331.] |
215. Copy of will of Sarah Bennett, of Nevis, Dec. 28, 1707.
[C.O. 243, 5. p. 337.] |
216. Copy of will of Thomas Cottgrave, of Nevis, Aug. 6, 1706.
[C.O. 243, 5. p. 371.] |
217. Copy of will of Anthony Peterson, of Nevis, Aug. 19,
1700. [C.O. 243, 5. p. 372.] |
218. Copy of will of Michael Nowell, of Nevis, May 28, 1712,
[C.O. 243, 5. p. 372.] |
219. Copy of will of John Hilton, of Nevis, Dec. 22, 1710.
[C.O. 243, 5. p. 385.] |
220. Copy of will of William Davis, of Nevis, Jan. 22, 1707–8.
[C.O. 243, 5. p. 390.] |
221. Copy of will of Sarah Lobatto, of Nevis, Jan. 8, 1707–8.
[C.O. 243, 5. p. 393.] |
[1712–1713.] |
222. List of debentures of relief fund held by sufferers of
Nevis and St. Kitts. [C.O. 243, 9.] |
223. Copy of will of John Lytton, of Nevis, May 1st, 1709.
[C.O. 243, 5. p. 400.] |
224. Copy of will of Peter Christian, of Nevis, Feb. 26, 1706–7.
[C.O. 243, 5. p. 410.] |
225. Copy of will of John Hayton, of Nevis, Dec. 22, 1706.
[C.O. 243, 5. p. 412.] |
226. Copy of will of John Edgerly, of Nevis, Feb. 28, 1707–8.
[C.O. 243, 5. p. 419.] |
227. Copy of will of Joseph Gurney, of Nevis, April 3, 1707.
[C.O. 243, 5. p. 462.] |
228. Copy of will of Anne Ling, of Nevis, Jan. 8, 1709. [C.O.
243, 5. p. 471.] |
229. Copy of will of George Chappell, of Nevis, May 19, 1711.
[C.O. 243, 5. p. 500.] |
[1712–1750.] |
230. Index (bis) to Nova Scotia corespondence, 1712–1750.
[C.O. 326, 47.] |
[? 1712.] |
231. Address of the Lt. Governor, Council and Assembly
of Antigua to the Queen. Wee, being prevented by Generall
Douglass's neglect or some other designe of his, makeing our
earlier approaches to your most sacred Majesty, do now with the
greatest humility and hearts full of joy congratulate your Majesty
on your putting an end to the late bloody warr, by a most advantagious and glorious Peace, etc., to the unspeakable satisfaction
of us your poor distressed inhabitants of this Collony, whose utter
ruine, under God, it has most effectually prevented, when wee were
on all sides environed by an enemy, whose subtilty being equall
to their power obliged us at a vast expence allwayes to be in
armes, etc. Signed, John Yeamans, Edw. Byam, W. Codrington,
Thomas Morris, Wm. Thomas, Will. Byam, E. Warner. Geo,
Lucas, Speaker. 1 p. [C.O. 7, 1. No. 20.] |
[1712.] |
232. Gilbert Pepper to the Earl of Dartmouth. The relations
of Daniel Parke having found Samuel Watkins and Dan. McKinen,
of Antigua, they are now secured in Newgate, etc. Signed, G.
Pepper. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 42. No. 102.] |
[? 1712.] |
233. Col. Thomas Cary to the Earl of Dartmouth. Being
unjustly prosecuted and sent over prisoner into England, prays
to be admitted to bail and to be heard by the Lord Dartmouth.
½ p. [C.O. 152, 42. No. 104.] |
[? 1712.] |
234. Clergy of Barbados to Col. Cleland. Solicit his good
offices with the Diocesan and the Society for promoting the
Gospel in settling the affair of Generall Codrington's donation,
and obtaining an instruction to the Governor for granting
escheated lands as glebes to incumbents, "to be communicated
to him by our hands, that he may be sensible, we are privy to
such instruction." etc. P.S. —We mention Col. Codrington's
donation because we perceive by some printed discourses, that the
notion generally entertained of us, is very groundless. We are
not sunk into such a lethargick stupidity, as to be unconcerned
for ye conversion of our slaves. Our Zeal is as fervent, etc. as
theirs who think so hardly of us. Signed, William Ball, Charles
Irvine, Gilb. Wharton, Ad. Justice, Willm. Gordon, Edw. Brice,
Charles Cuninghame, Jon. Glasgow, And. Baillie. 3 pp. [C.O.
28, 43. No. 86.] |
[? 1712.] |
235. A list of names and addresses in England, relating
to Barbados. 10 pp. [C.O. 28, 43. No. 85.] |
[? 1712.] |
236. Memorandum of the rate of exchange of some Portugal
pieces. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 1085. No. 1.] |