East Indies: October 1626

Pages 246-258

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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October 1626

Oct. 4–7. 365. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Upon some discourse concerning the Dutch it was wished that the business of Amboyna might be revived to his Majesty and the State, but this matter was referred to next Court. Treasurer Bateman's note concerning the Company's charges being a business of so great consequence taken "now into their examinations." Resolved to continue the pension of 50l. given during pleasure to Robert Bacon, the Company's late secretary, no longer than Michaelmas last; Gabriel Lee who receives 12s. a week for looking to the cider, by reason of the ships now returned and to be set forth, to be continued in pay till Christmas. Washborne, keeper of the warehouse at the Exchange, by reason of age found weak and unserviceable to be dismissed with a small pension during pleasure. Gabriel Lee thought meet for this service, as also Thomas Hanson, resolved to continue Washborne till Christmas and then to dismiss him. Edward Lee, a very weak man in the Company's affairs to be dismissed at Christmas, also Thomas Chauncey, one of the warehouse keepers, as well for the business of Dover which was conceived to be "unanswerable" in him, and that his employment is unnecessary. Proposal of Ralph Hanson that whereas he and three other Auditors were appointed to attend four days a week and received 100l. per annum each, in regard they had overcome the most difficult part of the business, that they should attend only two days a week and receive 50l. apiece; the Court relished well the motion and ordered the same accordingly. The former order for the dismissal of John Robinson at Blackwall at Michaelmas last confirmed. The Court apprehended the charge of their officers' wages at Blackwall to be great; motion made to build and repair their ships "by the great" and so free the charge at Blackwall, but the resolution deferred. Finding that a certain allowance of salary to men uncertainly employed is prejudicial, ordered that the salary of John Webb employed in the slaughter house be reduced from 30l. per annum to his former salary of 12s. a week, to be paid only when he is employed. Mr. Governor next propounded the gratuities to himself and the rest of the Committees, but this was conceived more proper to be handled at a General Court. Then he propounded the charge of interest, which though great he knew not how at present to lessen in regard of the many payments shortly to be made upon the coming home and setting forth of their ships, nevertheless, though it had been reported on the Burse that the Company had not goods enough by 40,000l. to pay their debts they need not doubt but they are able to do it; and therefore in this particular the Court ordered nothing. Report of Mr. Governor that Lord Conway having on Sunday last moved the King for leave for the Company to have wrought in their old powder mills, received a flat and absolute denial; that Mr. Blyth is in hand with the new mills and gives an extraordinary commendation of the place, not doubting that if they let Sir Edward Randall alone he will soon be as willing to join in the assurance as the Company can desire, which they may do the rather that Mr. Baron Sotherton's lady, whose interest they have, is likely to live many years; Mr. Hanson had cast up the charge expended upon the old mills (that for the new mills with the help of the old materials would not be above 150l. or 200l.) whereby the powder stood the Company in 5l. a barrel, which was conceived very dear, yet in regard they cannot well be furnished at this time here, and that they have remaining a quantity of materials, and daily expect from the Indies 300 barrels of saltpetre more, which they know not how else to employ without loss, it was concluded that the work should go forward, and Mr. Blydi was commanded to receive the old materials and lose no time to set them working. Edward Collyns, clerk of the powder mills, admonished not to be absent without leave. The Persian Ambassador having sent two of his servants desiring to be furnished with 300l. or 400l. for his present occasions a Committee intreated to know from him what sum he desires and advise him to proportion to himself a competent sum for his weekly expense, and not to live at so uncertain a rate. Barlow to be gratified with l00l. for his extraordinary pains in the Company's service for the year past. The lading of the Star or Pinnace to be determined on Friday next. Edam's bill for postage to be paid.
Oct. 6.—Ordered that Thomas Chauncey be presently dismissed, not to put any disgrace upon him, but to ease the Company's charge, and because he had other employments. As it was feared the joiner that stole the nails at Blackwall would be banged, in regard he had fled twice and would be "denied his clergy," the Court being very unwilling to lay so heavy a punishment upon him, which hereafter might occasion some aspersion to be cast on the Company, concluded not to prosecute him, but desired Messrs. Leatt and Abdi to speak privately with Mr. Recorder, to the end the nail stealer might receive corporal punishment, but by no means to prosecute him for his life. Request of the Persian Ambassador to be supplied out of the silks with 200l. or 300l. to furnish himself, son, and servants with apparel and necessaries and to redeem his plate which he had laid to pawn, that he had not resolved what would serve for his weekly expense, but in a day or two would send them a note thereof. In answer to inquiries as to how the Company's affairs stood at his departure from Jacatra, Lieut. Hill said that there was good store of pepper left at the factory, besides what is now sent home in the Charles and the Hart, that the Reformation, Eagle and Coaster were all ready at his coming away to be sent forth, and that there was a plentiful supply of money. He further related how barbarously the Hollanders use their own nation who are in their service, making no more account of them than of slaves, and allowing them but 2½d. a day, which cruelty, with the misery they endure (most of them going naked and barefooted), occasioned 72 of them, at Hector's Island, in sight of Jacatra, with one consent and hand in band to leap into the sea and drown themselves. Mr. Hill to make ready his bill of charges. The Court fell into serious consideration whether to send again to Jacatra or give over that trade, and Mr. Governor demonstrated the great and needless charge sustained by the improvident carriage of their factors, specially in maintaining 11 ships, the repair of which, with victuals and wages, has been an excessive charge without yielding any profitable return, and was of opinion it had been far better husbandry to have laid up or sunk five of them, which (when masts, ordnance, &c. had been taken out) would not have been 500l. loss to the Company; he declared that their estate at Jacatra, as appears by late letters was, in ready money, 453,000 R. of 8, besides what was in other factories, which together might amount to 600,000 R., of all which there is only a return of 20,000l., so as if they go on with the trade they will find that estate there in specie. Mr. Munn added that it were fit first to find out the wound that had impaired the trade, and recounted that since the second joint stock 68 ships had been sent forth, of which there hath returned home only 24, and there had been sent in quick stock 1,011,000l., besides the benefit of goods sent thither and by trading from port to port and reprisals, which could not be less than 200,000l. more, of which there is returned but 507,000l. so that the rest (except about 100,000l. taken by the Dutch) is either eaten out in charges of shipping and the like or remaining in the Indies, which may be more than 200,000l., wherein it is now apparent that the Company has been most unjustly charged with sending little or no stock into the Indies, for it would answer 35l. per ton freight sent out. And to make good Mr. Munn's allegation, that the excessive charge is the cause of the Company's declination, Mr. Governor remembered that of 30 ships employed and kept abroad only one in two years was returned. Upon the Governor desiring the Court to take this business into their serious consideration, Mr. Abdi was of opinion to call home the President from Jacatra to dissolve the factory there, and next to think of some more commodious place, which was seconded by Mr. Leatt, who advised to resettle at Bantam. Mr. Martin propounded that they should first see what had been sent home of late, what remained in the factor's hands, what commodities may be had there, and what profit made; whereto Mr. Governor answered that 119,000 R. laid out there had yielded 119,000 here, so there was no doubt the trade would yield good profit were this great charge moderated and the differences with the Dutch effectually accommodated, but till the King and State should declare themselves and countenance the trade no good was to be expected. The Court fell into dispute concerning the trade the Hollanders have with the Chinese, wherein it was wished the Company had the like correspondency, for doubtless it was a very beneficial trade, but it was the general opinion that until all differences with the Dutch were accorded and the State was willing to protect the Company, it would be in vain to attempt anything with the Chinese, for the Hollanders would fall upon the English and dispossess them of every place where they should inhabit. Mr. Deputy advised that before they resolved to abandon the trade at Jacatra they should first examine what it produced at their first entrance, counting the charges and losses that had since happened by disasters, and they would find it made profit of six or seven for one, and therefore a business not suddenly to be forsaken, for he conceived it might be reduced to its former state, but not without a faithful league and amity with the Dutch. Mr. Governor wished some middle way might be found out, and that but one ship be sent there yearly until they understand the intention of the State, which would keep life in the business and be a means with more safety to bring home their remaining estate. As for resettling at Bantam, Mr. Bell advised that all the ships idle in the Indies be commanded to repair thither, and by a strong hand there to lade and return to England; but the day being spent further consideration was deferred til the morrow morning.
Oct. 7.—On the motion of Mr. Milward ordered that Mr. Treasurer receive from him and partners all moneys they are to pay for the Persian silk, giving receipts in the Company's name, and take like receipts from the Ambassador for moneys hereafter paid or lent him. The two pinnaces named the Speedwell and the Hopewell. To procure from the city 100 or 200 barrels of powder to make up the provision for the next fleet. The business of Jacatra being resumed Mr. Munn continued his former opinion that the Straits of Sunda is no fit place to settle the President in and make the rendezvous for their ships in regard it has no provisions but at wonderful great rates, which in the north of the Indies may be had reasonable, and the affairs of the Company better directed thence, as is seen by the Portugals, who direct all their affairs from Goa, and that until his Majesty and the State right the Company upon the Hollanders, all that shall be adventured will be but lost, and therefore better at first to be given over, for where a trade returns not upon rich commodities 3½ for one it can be no gaining trade and this trade yields no more in the medium of all the commodities brought home for the second joint stock. Mr. Bell replied that he remembered when the trade of Surat was as much spoken against as this of Bantam, though now found profitable, and his opinion was not to give over the trade, but have some conference with the Dutch, whom they may find better disposed and content to beat down the price of pepper. But Mr. Abdi thought that men are inclined from worse to worse, not from worse to better, and therefore no hope of any good quarter with the Dutch, they having so strongly fortified themselves in those parts, and perceiving this State does not revenge the injuries done by them or countenance the Company's cause. Alderman Ducy advised for the present to dissolve the President and Council at Jacatra, and only, as at the beginning, to settle two small factories till times prove more prosperous, and meantime to send but one ship a year there. Other places were propounded as factories, as Acheen, Masulipatam, and Jambi, but Mr. Ellam alleged such reasons to the contrary that the Court persisted no further, but in conclusion determined to dispeed away the Speedwell for Jacatra with 8,000 or 9,000 pieces of 8 at most, and in their letters to blame the factors for their ill husbandry in keeping the 11 ships and putting the Company to such unnecessary charge in repairing those which, had they been sunk or laid up, would have saved the Company much money, and produced more profit, requiring them to gather from all parts the Company's goods and send them home as speedily as possible, but in no sort to advertise them that the Company has any intention to abandon Jacatra, but only that they take this course to gather their estates together till there be either a better correspondency with the Dutch or the King and State relieve the Company, and then their meaning is to continue the trade as formerly. Mr. Kirby wished the Company would now send a ship to China, for much good might be expected thence, but the Court, though they approved of the business, yet being confident the Hollanders would use all opposition to withstand them, and in no sort permit them to land on their islands, thought this work more proper for a future time. The slaughter house to be set to work for provisions for this ship, that she may be under sail this month. Upon the relation of Mr. Governor that he finds that of those indebted to the Company there were 25 to whom the Company owed money, but besides there were divers who were very able but would not pay sums amounting to 10,535l., ordered that 40s. per month per 100l. be laid on every one for his default. 16½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX. 125–141.]
Oct. 9.
366. Robert Tottell to John Banggam. Has taken four pieces of cloth from Offley; he lives here as factor for his son Wheattham; has sent him away much discontented and written to Offley that his "pions" shall be no buyers of that commodity, which belongs to the Company. Hoped to pass the river at a cheaper rate; but the Sheik is a base rogue and curried favour with the Drogga for a breakfast of stinking fish. Will have great care in the buying of cloth. 1 p. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1236.]
Oct. 11–13. 367. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Nicholas Wright, Ralph Bennett, and John Brooking who came home in the service of the Dutch in the two ships last arrived, presented a letter from Misselden at Delft, and related that Christmas next come six years they went from Plymouth to the East Indies with the Dutch; that there was come home into Holland a merchant that was one of the jury at Amboyna, but Speult was gone for Surat and some expect his coming home in the King David, others that he would come overland, for there was a report that he was afraid the English would seize him; they said they had not heard of 72 Dutchmen leaping overboard at Hector's Island, but they found in the Straits of Sunda many that hid themselves in the ships, not being permitted to come home after having served eight to 11 months more than their time, between 70 and 100 of whom were sent back to Jacatra and 70 more brought to Holland, but it was very likely it was those sent back, for they were very fearful they should be hardly used, besides divers are used no better than slaves, going in a manner like Indians all naked, with very poor allowance. Being demanded what ships lay before Bantam they said sometimes one sometimes two old ships good for nothing, but the Dutch had no trade there in regard there was nothing but pepper; but had a good trade with the Chinese, a wild people, but very subtle, who come every year with five great junks with silks and other commodities, that the island where they trade is four or five days' sail from the Manillas, three from Macao and a month from Jacatra; there were other brave islands thereabouts, but all wild people, the Chinese being at great enmity one against the other, one island, one king, and one governor against the other. Being desired to produce a plot of those islands they said they were to go to Holland again and would bring some plots over with them. Demanded why the Chinese will not let the Dutch enjoy the Pescadores, they answered that they make a god of the island and will suffer no stranger to come there, in regard there was an old King crowned there and it was given by a woman to the poor, besides they have built three forts upon the island and have very great ordnance in them; affirming further that the Chinese bring the greatest profit to Jacatra, for every man must give the Dutch so much per month to come thither and trade, yet if the Chinese offer to go to Japan the Dutch make prize of them; 10s. given to the men for their pains. Ordered that the wife of Stephen Goad be allowed three months' pay yearly of her husband's wages at his earnest request and in regard of his long service, this being his eighth voyage. Proposal of the Governor to raise the price of indigo if there came no news of the Surat ships within this month. Report of Mr. Governor that yesterday he and some Committees were summoned before Mr. Attorney and Mr. Solicitor-General by virtue of a reference to them from his Majesty, upon a petition exhibited to his Highness by the Persian merchant's son concerning Mr. Milward's demand for abatement for wet or rotten silk, and a request for restoration of the goods which belonged to his deceased father; but being made acquainted that the Lords of the Council had referred all differences between Mr. Milward and the merchant to the Lord Treasurer and Mr. Secretary Conway who had desired Messrs. Van de Putt, Burlamachi, and Chamberlain to report their opinions to their Lordships who allowed their certificate, and being shown the Orders of Council of the 15th and 24th July, Mr. Attorney and Mr. Solicitor refused to meddle therein, but said they would report to his Majesty the state of the business. Mr. Governor insisted further that upon the hurt given to the interpreter which he said was two inches, he came to the Bourse to him on Saturday and as he was complaining two of the Ambassador's men came and told him my Lord would fetch all the goods out of the Persian merchant's house that afternoon, whereupon Martyn desired the house for three or four days to carry his own things away, and Mr. Governor answered he made no question but the Ambassador would grant it; after which Martyn went to Lord Dorset crying murder and complaining much of the Ambassador, and Lord Dorset caused a warrant to be drawn, which was also signed by the Earl of Bridgewater and Sir Julius Cæsar, for keeping the peace, directed to the Sheriff of London, and to detain the merchant in custody till the matter was heard, but the merchant was set free, at which the Ambassador seemed very much discontent, saying he knew what to do when he came into Persia; but Mr. Governor disliked that Mr. Sheriff had not taken his person into custody, and resolved to attend the Earl of Dorset this afternoon, and in regard there came a letter enclosed in Mr. Misselden's to the Persian merchant, he was sent for and told that if he would not submit to the Ambassador he would be again taken into custody, but he refused. Ordered that Mr. Cappur attend Sir Edward Randall and appoint a meeting with some of the Committees about the powder mills, upon which Mr. Governor informed them that a gentleman offered that if the Company would leave the mills and procure that he might serve the King he would do it for "ob (a farthing) the lb." less than Mr. Evelyn, but nothing was resolved in regard there is an expectation of 400 chests of saltpetre to come from the Indies in the James.
Oct. 13.—Bartholomew Nokes, who had served Lady Romney, widow of Sir Wm. Romney, sometime Governor of this Company, and a constant adventurer since her husband's death for 12 years, was made free of the Company at her request. Motion of William Pritchard, Chaplain to Lord Grandison and Vicar of Battersea, on behalf of Elizabeth, wife (as he pretended) of Lewis Gwilliams, minister, who went out in the Exchange, for part of her husband's wages; answered that Gwilliams had professed he was a single man and she had no warrant for any of his wages, but 20s. was given to her out of the poor box on condition she trouble the Company no more till his return, and remembering he was a weak scholar it was thought fit by the Speedwell to send for him home if be be found insufficient, and to enter a caveat in the Company's books that he receive not his estate before order be taken for his wife's maintenance. 50s. per load demanded for 52 loads of knees brought out of Ireland, which was conceived too much, but Mr. Ducie certifying that knees are not to be had in England, and that the King paid as much and also that nothing will be abated, it was left to Mr. Kirby to agree for them as cheap as he could. Warrant to Mr. Treasurer to allow Mr. Milward 350l. paid to the Persian Ambassador, and 150l. paid to the merchant upon account of the Persian silk ordered to be signed. John Wympe, Mr. Hurt's man, entertained purser's mate of the Speedwell. Report of Mr. Governor that Mr. Trumbull, by order of the Lords, had written to him touching the complaint made by the Persian merchant against the Ambassador in a petition to the King containing many untruths, whereupon Mr Governor had signified to the Ambassador their Lordships. pleasure that he should appear at the Council table to answer it; but he refused, alleging that their Lordships had nothing to do with him or the government of his people, but he affirmed he did not strike the merchant as is falsely informed; upon which resolute answer their Lordships resolved not to trouble themselves any more with complaints of this nature. A request by letter of Mr. Bix, one of the Council at Jacatra, for leave to return at the end of four years and seven months instead of five years referred to the President and Council at Jacatra. 6½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX., 141–147.]
Oct. 14.
368. Joseph Hopkinson to John Banggam at Lahore. Wonders he has not heard from him or Goodwin about the things in their hands; begs him to write, and in case he himself should be absent by return for England, to direct his letters to Richd. Wylde. His slow advices and inattention are much wondered at here. Is lately returned from a hard voyage from Mocha, and is somewhat ill disposed, therefore refers him till further opportunity. Mr. Barber and Wm. Gibson are come out as factors. 1 p. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1237.]
Oct. 18–31. 369. Court Minutes of the East India Company. On petition of John Robinson, lately dismissed from Blackwall for Mr. Packer's sake, and in regard the Company had no place void of which he was capable, he was granted 40s. out of the poor's box, and two or three cartloads of small chips from Blackwall yard for firing, with cartage to his own house. John Martyn, interpreter to the Persian merchant, presented a note of moneys owing by him amounting to 436l. 4s.d., but the Court willed him to procure his master's hand and seal thereto. Ordered that Mr. Ludlow receive 40l., being two-thirds of the wages of George Willoughby for his five years' service; also that the bond of Benjamin Moore, a factor, dead in the Indies in the Company's debt, be sought out that some course be taken for recovery of what is in arrear. Allnutt, master of the pinnace Speedwell, required to use all possible diligence in dispeeding her, and in procuring seamen, mates, and other officers, the whole complement with himself to be 50, and getting his ordnance, viz., 4 sakers and 10 minions, aboard. Hockett was also required to get sails and all things ready under his charge for the pinnace, and to use his endeavours to procure mariners, and Mr. Leatt being desired to assist Mr. Styles in shipping marine men, informed the Court that he found few willing to go that way in regard of the tyranny and cruelty of the Dutch and their hard usage there, upon which Mr. Governor calling to mind the proud and stately carriage of John Gonninge, against whom divers had complained that he had been the cause that many had refused to go that way, commanded that those complaints be searched out and produced to the view of the Court Request of Mr. Steevens on behalf of his brother William about letting the Company's yards and docks at Deptford to him; but the Court, calling to mind that they pay 50l. per annum for the same, would by no means let one half without the other, but willed him to try and procure another to join with his brother, and the great dock should be made serviceable at the Company's charge. Mr. Mustard entreated to join with Messrs. Henry Garway and Munn for signing warrants for dividends. Report of Mr. Leatt that he and Mr. Mustard had attended Sir Henry Marten about the business of Woodcock, who desires not only his own and servants wages outwards and homewards, but also his charges in defending the suit, which the Court would by no means condescend to, for though their proctor could not charge him with wilful error, for he lost his own son and all his estate, they laid to his charge a great deal of negligence in not causing his cask to be coyned and in taking out 50 tons of ballast against the advice of one of his mates, Caleb Field; but in conclusion Sir Henry Marten willed him to set down his demands in writing and the Company should answer them. Consideration about provision of wine; Mr. Bell alleged it had come down from 20l. per pipe to 18l., and he thought to forbear a little longer; some of opinion that Muscadine would serve the turn, others that strong beer was as wholesome as Canary wine, another mentioned white wine, and others Rebola, which it was answered would turn to vinegar, and was only good to make present beverage, but nothing was concluded. The boatswain and purser's mate of the Speedwell to attend at next Court to receive charge not to allow beer and other commodities to be stowed in their ship, the Company having been much abused in that particular. Consideration of the great mortality from scurvy in the Charles and Hart homeward bound, and how to prevent it; some of opinion that lemon water was very good, but Mr. Styles related that tamarind was the excellentest thing, and wondered so many should die with so much tamarind aboard, whereupon Lieut. Hill being called in affirmed that everyone had tamarind, but they had all been debauched people and removed from several ships, and many had been upon Lagundy where they might have been infected. The question of raising the price of indigo respited till the end of the month. Consideration of the great negligence of some of the Company's officers in the long lading of their ships, Mr. Governor affirmed that these three or four years past he had caused Mr. Mountney to answer the same, the Court holding it a marvellous weighty business resolved to take some course hereafter for preventing this abuse. A resolution to send either the Charles or Hart to Surat this year in company with the Mary and Star deferred until they be unladen, docked and viewed whether either of them be serviceable.
Oct 20.—Note presented by Thomas Hanson of those who by his solicitation have paid their debts, amounting to about 1,000l., as also of such as are refractory; ordered that no warrants for their dividends be made till they pay what is due or appear personally to show sufficient cause for their refusal. Request in the name of the Lord Mavor elect for borrowing the Company's chambers, which after some discussion was granted. Bargain for 28 tons of knee timber from Ireland, sufficient for the present. Upon information that Woodcock insists on having wages for himself and servants outwards and homewards and his charges in the suit between himself and the Company, Messrs. Leatt and Mustard were desired to confer with him and compose this business, or otherwise to report to the Court. Ordered that Nicholas Crispe the younger have 50 more barrels of indigo upon the same terms as before. Mahomet, the late Persian merchant's son, having by his interpreter, Martyn, presented a bill of his particular debts, amounting to 446l. 4s. 9d., which sum he desired to receive, he was answered that what was justly due the Company would pay, but in no sort will deliver the money to the merchant, but if he please to be present at the payments to see if he can make any abatement, they shall like it well. Two cutlers having desired payment for knives delivered to said merchant, Messrs. Cappur and Blunt were ordered "to peruse the knives and compare them with the bills"; and the interpreter being a suitor for the legacy of 10l. from the Persian merchant deceased, was told that debts were to be paid before legacies. Request of Milward to cast up the value of the three maunds of silk belonging to Mahmoote, the Persian merchant's cook (as appears by the will of the late Persian merchant), and supply his present necessities out of same. William Bart, recommended by Judge Yelverton, and other suitors for employment as pursers and pursers' mates, were wished to attend this day three weeks and told that the Court would receive none but good accountants. Bills for repairing the two tenements in Nightingale Lane, in Limehouse, belonging to the children of —— George to be paid. The Court remembering the abuse ordinarily committed at setting forth their ships, in stowing mariners' and sailors' goods in abundance in hold, charged the purser's mate and boatswain of the Speedwell not to receive any goods into the ship but upon tickets from the Company, upon forfeiture of their places. Request of Allnutt, master of the pinnace Speedwell, to be employed in some other ship, pretending she was so unserviceably built as to be altogether unfit for fight, but Steevens declared she was strongly built and fit both for fight and service, and that Allnutt being unwilling to go to the southward made this his excuse; Mr. Governor told Allnutt they expected he would make good what he had undertaken, whereupou he desired an assurance that the President and Council might be commanded to put him in a better ship for his return and not have power to detain him at their pleasure, the first of which the Court utterly denied, but was willing to give assurance that he should not be detained there above a year unless with his own consent, with which he seemed well satisfied. Mr. Steevens having revived his brother's suit for the house, yards, and docks at Deptford, the Court demanded 100 marks rent, but his offer was so far short that they would hold no further treaty with him.
Oct. 23.—The Court finding that the Persian merchant had forsaken his house and settled under the protection of Sir Robert Sherley at Limehouse, so as if they gave him money for payment of his debts the creditors might yet be unsatisfied, ordered that on repair to the Court and proof made of their debts the creditors should be paid by the Company. On the motion of Martyn, the interpreter, the Court promised to assist him in obtaining an equal share (which he pretended would come to 50l.) with Smethwike for the brokerage of the Persian silk according to the promise of the late Persian merchant, to which Milward was privy; also to pay him the legacy of 10l. and 6l. 13s. laid out for Mahomet, the son, if he could procure the allowance of the Ambassador and said Mahomet. Upon information that the Charles and Hart were at Gravesend and tomorrow would be at Erith, where they were to unlade, Mountney was charged with all speed to send down lighters and buoys for taking out the lumber and unlading them. The Secretary with Mr. Cappur and a counsellor-at-law to attend the hearing of the cause between Bolt, Burrell, and the Company on Wednesday next in Chancery. Mr. Cocks having revived the business of Mr. Hobbes, whom the Company long since sent into Persia with letters from his late Majesty, and who there died, desiring satisfaction not only for three years' service, but for 200l. in pearls and jewels which he carried hence, it was remembered that for the jewels the Court had formerly given a full answer, for it was unknown to them whether he carried any, but for the wages as it did not appear that any agreement was ever made with him, the Court desired Messrs. Kirby and Martyn to speak with Cocks. and that Mr. Ellam search the accounts and letters of those times for any agreement.
Oct. 25.—Upon petition of Johan Cranfield, late wife of Richard Frobisher, deceased, showing that she with her husband, two sons, and a servant went to the Indies in the Merchant's Hope, and were all taken prisoners by the Portugals at Macao, where after many years captivity her husband and sons died, and she was ransomed, but her servant was yet in slavery, and desiring 80 R. left by her husband in Haselwood's hands at Jacatra, since deceased, and such moneys as were due for her husband's service, ordered that he accounts be examined and report made of what is due. Offer of Edmond Wright and others, of 9s. per lb. for the cloves now come home. Offer of Mr. Governor to deal for the whole 9,000 bags of pepper if the Company will make a reasonable price and give good time, left to further consideration. Martyn, interpreter to the Persian merchant's son having produced his master's authority for payment of the debts due by him, the Court accepted same and appointed Ralph Hanson, paymaster. Evans appointed Master of the Star. On information from Steevens that he intended to launch the new great ship on the morrow, the Court remembering that the Queen had lately been at Blackwall and called the ship by her own name, ordered that she should be called the Mary. The dock and yard at Deptford let to Wm. Steevens with all housing (the powder house excepted) for 40l. for one year from Michaelmas last. Consideration concerning the provision of ryals of 8 to be sent to the Indies, a great part of the Persian silk having to be returned in that species into Persia, some thought a good quantity might be had from St. Malo, but it was objected that no Englishman is suffered to trade there, then was alleged that the Company might be furnished with gold from Hamburgh, but a privy seal must first be procured which would raise a great deal of scandal upon the Company, others of opinion it might be brought over in a man-of-war and put into their ships in the Downs, Mr. Spurstowe mentioned a friend who had 1,700l. or 1,800l. in gold, but nothing was concluded, only Mr. Munn was desired to confer with some that came from the Indies concerning the passage of gold there, for it was thought sultanees would pass best there.
Oct. 27.—Report of Mr. Governor that he and other Committees made a journey yesterday by coach to Erith where they went aboard the Charles and Hart, dined with the Captains and Masters, and dispeeded away to the Downs the bark laden with the cables for the Great James and Jonas which was yet "ungone," and that neither Mountney nor Hockett had observed their express command to send down hoys and lighters to take out the lumber and ordnance for lightening the ships, but this was excused on Hockett's part by the launching of the Mary yesterday at Blackwall which detained the men, and on Mountney's part by the extreme foul weather, but the weather coming fair the ships will be ready to break bulk on Monday; whereupon it was agreed that the Committees according to the usual custom should go down in turn to be present at the unlading till the ships were cleared. Orders for the pursers concerning the unlading, so as to avoid the abuses heretofore committed, who were also commanded not to suffer any goods belonging to mariners or others to be put into any boat but the Company's hoys, and so to be brought to their warehouses, to be disposed of as the Court should think fit. Request of Mr. Wither for payment of 40l. which (as he pretended) he had lent to the Persian merchant's son; ordered that he procure the assent of the Persian Ambassador. Report of Treasurer Bateman that the disbursements shortly to be made for dividend, custom, impost, and servants' wages upon discharge of the four ships now returned were great, and in regard there was but little cash, and debts come in but slowly, he advised that no more dividend be paid out till the end of next month; but the Court held it no way safe or honourable to break their promise, seeing they had divulged that a dividend was to be made, and divers gentlemen were come out of the country about same, nevertheless where any great sums were to be paid the party might be entreated to forbear a month or two on interest, but not to refuse any man his dividend, not doubting that there will come in sufficient to satisfy all payments without much difficulty; therefore the Court entreated Mr. Treasurer to go on cheerfully, considering there is not any of the Committees but will be as ready now as at any time heretofore to afford their credits if there be just cause. A Court appointed on Wednesday next purposely to handle the question of dividing one or two half capitals upon the goods now returned in the four ships. Mountney again commanded to use all diligence to send down provisions for the Speedwell. On petition of Washborne, keeper of the warehouse at the Exchange, to be continued in his employment or at least that in consideration of his 13 or 14 years' service and great charge of children and children's children, the Company would bestow some exhibition upon him; the Court considering the place required a more "gare" and able man continued their resolution to dismiss him and appoint in his place, Gifford, one of their Auditors, but were content to allow Washborne his quarter's salary, and free him from further service. 200 bags of pepper belonging to several persons yet remaining in the warehouse at the Exchange which is now to be cleared for the pepper just brought home; ordered that a warehouse be hired for said 200 bags at the owner's charge, notice being first given them of this order. A particular of divers remains of commodities under his charge presented by Blunt; ordered that a day be appointed to make sale of them by the candle; also that Tho. Hanson, a very able and expert man, be assistant to him, and because of the multiplicity of business occasioned by return of the ships, that Hanson be persuaded to supply his place in the Custom House with a deputy. Thomas Chauncey also mentioned as one well experienced for this employment, but the Court utterly rejected his service as holding it no way fit to entertain him again.
Oct. 31.—Upon advice from Portsmouth of some danger the Great James had been in from a storm and the weakness of the men, ordered that Boatswain Ingram and Thomas Corne with 12 seamen be dispeeded to Portsmouth. Ordered that the four Dutchmen that came home in the Charles and two in the Hart receive 4l. per man as a courtesy from the Company towards defraying their charges home, but not to give them any wages in regard they stole into the Company's ships without leave. upon the request of Skinner that stay be made of the Adventure he made over two years ago to his son-in-law, Richard Wiseman, in regard the conditions agreed upon were not performed; ordered that stay be made until Wiseman be heard. 20 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX. 148–167.]
Oct. 21. 370. Certificate signed by the Governor, Deputy Governor, and 10 of the Committees of the East India Company, in favour of Lieutenant Philip Hill who has been twice employed by them into the Indies, to be appointed captain of one of the ships to be set forth by the city for his Majesty's service. 1 p. [Dom. Chas. I, Vol. XXXVIII, No., 37, Cal p. 460.]