Index: B

Pages 411-414

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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Baboccia, 246.

Bacharach, 190.

-, meeting of German Princes at, 214.

Baden, articles dated at, 156.

Baglione, Signor Ridolfo, a Florentine Captain slain, 73, 76.

Bagni, Count Giovanni Francesco da, 314.

Baillon, John de, Treasurer of the Exchequer in France, 191.

Bajazet, Sultan, younger son of Soliman II., 186, 187.

Baker, Mr., 138, 383.

Baldo, Signor Philippo, Imperial Ambassador to the Turk, 389.

Balingham, near Ardres, 326.

Balionibus, Signor Adriano de, 260.

Balneaves, 290.

Bamberg, Archbishop of, 83, 90, 111, 121, 214.

-, -, ravages Albert of Brandenburg's country, 1.

-, -, besieges Plassenberg, 8, 9.

-, -, besieges Sueinfort, 10, 90.

Banco, 254, 333.

"Bando della Triegua," 279.

Bannister, Thomas, 168.

Bannum Imperiale, 17.

Bapaume, 98.

Barbarico, Venetian Ambassador in France 151, 210.

Barca-Sotto-Giulia, intelligence dated from, 314.

Barcelona, 202.

Bareto, Bastien Moins, 236.

Bargues, Marquis, see Vargues.

Bari, duchy of, 347.

-, -, bequeathed to King Philip, 346, 347.

Barlanicia, 287.

Barnardo, Cavalier, 215.

Basle, letter dated from, 139.

Bastia, 16, 185.

-, captured by the French, 10, 11, 16.

-, fortified by the Genoese, 209.

Bavaria, 127, 136.

- (Munich), Albert, Duke of, 10, 135, 136, 246.

-, Duke Ernest of, Archbishop of Saltzburg.

-, William, Duke of (deceased 1550), 10, 136.

- (Landshut-Ingoldstadt), Duke of, see Palatine, Otho Henry, Prince

Bave, Secretary to Charles V., 162.

Bavio, Count John Francesco di, 202.

Bayonne, Bishop of, 188.

Beaulieu, letter dated from, 2.

-, abbey of, 96.

Beaumont (Flanders), 95.

Beaustesin, 115.

Becdeleure [Bec-de-Liévre], Réné de, Seigneur de Sazillay, 236.

Bec, Georges du, Baron de Boury, 5.

Bedford, Earl of, see Russell, John; Russell, Francis.

Bedingfield, Sir Richard, 283.

Bedwyn, Prebend of, 141.

Belgian pirate, 359.

Bellay, William du, Seigneur de Langey, 264.

Belle Isle, 299.

Belvidere (Rome), 380, 400.

Benavides, Don Juan de, 85.

-, -, his wife (Donna Geronoma de Navarra), 85.

Bendlowes, William, servant to Thomas Gresham, 44, 60.

Benevento, Bartolomeo di, 296, 322.

Benincourt [Bugnicourt], M. de, see Lalain, Ponce de.

Bentivoglio, Cornelio, 170, 298, 309.

Bergamo, bishopric of, 388.

-, Bishop of, 388, 393.

-, -, declared a heretic, 370.

Berghes, 189, 205.

Beringo, Secretary to Paul IV., 307.

Bernardi, Francisco, death of, 219.

Bernardine, John, 194, 318.

-, John, English Agent in Venice, 370.

Bernardino, Francisco, 343.

Bertrand, Jean, Seigneur de Villelle, Garde des Sceaux in France, Archbishop of Sens (1557), 9, 68, 264.

-, -, created a Cardinal, 294, 299.

Berwick-upon-Tweed, 166, 290, 335.

-, Treasurership of, 109.

Betanzos, 83, 91.

-, letter dated at, 76.

Bethune, 114, 117, 136, 398.

-, letters dated from, 136, 393.

Beux, 108.

Beverley, Prebend of, 141.

Beylo, the, 153.

Beziers, Bishop of, see Strozzi, Lorenzo.

Biez, Oudart, Seigneur du, Maréchal de France, 109.

Bilbao, 75, 84.

Binche, 108, 110.

Birago, Ludovico, 159, 187, 196, 264, 271.

Biscay, fleet of, 83.

Biscayno, Don Fernando de Gamboa, see Gamboa.

Bishoprics, Papal regulation as to, 204.

Bishop's Waltham, 106.

Blackheath, the rebels on, 56.

Blancbaston, Charles, 235.

-, Raoulot, Seigneur Dubosc-Regnould, 235, 236.

Blandicke, camp at, letter dated from, 326.

Blasius, imprisoned in St. Angelo, 393.

Blassenberg, see Plassenberg.

Blois, 190.

-, letters dated from, 201, 209, 224.

-, Louis de, Seigneur de Trelon, 124.

Blonkett, Edward, 38.

-, -, letter from, 37.

Blount, Sir Richard, Master of the Ordnance at Calais, letters from, 3, 66.

Blunt, Captain, 396.

Boar, wild, sent to Queen Mary of England, 16.

-, hunting of, by Charles V., 17.

-, hunting of, at Guisnes, 30.

-, killed by Henry II., 151.

Bochetel, Guillaum, Secretary of State to Henry II., 12, 52.

Bochotz, Gothart de, Seigneur de Grenenbrock and de Hermondt, 311.

Boemo, Carlo Sciaratino, 246.

Bohemia, 92.

-, King of, see Maximilian.

-, Mary of Austria, Queen of, 167, 219, 225.

-, -, letter to, 172.

-, -, letter from, 208.

-, states of, 208.

Bohemian cavalry, 178.

Boisdaulphin, Sieur de, see MontmorencyLaval, Claude de.

Bois de Vincennes, 273.

Boissy, M. de, see Gouffier, Claude.

Bologna, 170, 186, 202, 287, 288, 297, 366.

-, Legate of, see Caraffa, Carlo, Cardinal.

-, Reformation of, 199.

-, letter dated from, 339.

-, governorship of, 235.

-, Bishop of, letter from, 339.

Bolognetto, Francisco, 199.

-, -, letter to, 199.

Bonifacio (Corsica), 11, 16, 63.

Bonner, Edmund, Bishop of London, 107.

Bonnivet, M. de, see Gouffier, François.

Bonvisi, Anthony, of Antwerp, 197, 199, 212, 367.

Book, Hebrew, 19.

-, a lewd, 190.

Books, 19.

Borandino, Signor, 291.

Borders, the (between England and Scotland), 58.

-, cattle taken on, by the English, 17, 18.

-, customs and laws of, 18, 23.

Borgo, Lauarandosi, 246, 247, 254, 255.

Borre, Dionysius, Swedish Agent in England, 344.

-, -, letter to, 385.

Borscello, 323.

Bossut, Compte de, see Hennin-Liétard (d' Alsace), Jean de.

Boston, 61.

Bothwell, Earl of, see Hepburn, Patrick.

Boulogne, 4, 16, 31, 147, 158, 184, 229, 233, 239, 267, 273, 298, 316, 350, 351, 353, 354, 356, 395, 403.

-, Captain of, see Monchy, Jean de.

-, letter dated at, 31.

Boulognois, the, 7, 261, 276, 344.

Bourbon, Antoine de, Duc de Vendôme, 9, 14, 58, 112, 122, 127, 178, 294, 392.

-, -, becomes King of Navarre, 178, 273, 274, 299.

-, Charles de, Prince de la Roche-surYon, 96, 122, 298, 358.

-, Jean de, Duc d'Enghien, 4, 222, 264.

-, -, slain at St. Quentin, 328.

-, Louis de, Duc de Montpensier, 122, 137.

-, -, taken prisoner at St. Quentin, 328.

-, Louis de, Prince de Condé, 14, 122, 264, 298.

-, Louis de, Cardinal Archbishop of Sens, 294.

Bourbourg, 245.

Bourch, François du, 364.

Bourchier, John, Lord Fitzwarine, 107.

Bourdillon, M. de, see Platiere, Imbert de la.

Bourdin, Secretary, 244.

Bourgogne, Adolphe de, Sieur de la Chappelle, Vice-Admiral of Flanders, 106.

Bourne, Sir John, Secretary of State.

-, -, letters to, 53, 67, 168, 184, 267, 273, 302, 305.

Boury, M. de, see Bec, Georges du.

Bouvines, 95, 108, 115.

Boxall, Sir John, Secretary of State, 381, 395, 401.

-, -, letters to, 302, 305, 339, 370, 371, 374, 375, 376, 377, 383, 386, 392, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400.

-, -, letter from, 368.

Boytendalle, Grey Friars of, 368.

Brabant, 93, 102, 118.

-, states of, 111, 206.

-, John III., Duke of.

-, -, charter to, from the Emperor Charles IV., 184.

Brabanters, the, 192.

Brancati, Camillo, 146.

Brandenburg-Anspach-Bayreuth, Albert of, see Prussia, Albert, Duke of.

Brandenburg-Culmbach, Albert Alcibiades of, see Albert, Marquis of Bayreuth.

Brandenburg, Joachim II., Elector of, 17, 168.

Brayarde, M. de, President of the Council of Malines, 162.

Braye, Sir Edward, 325, 326.

Brayes, 354, 356.

Breda, 154.

Bredvelt, Sir Peter, Master of Sandingfeld, 230.

Bremen, 4, 168.

Brescia, 287.

-, bishopric of, 388.

Brest, 61, 74, 280.

-, Justices of, 280.

Breste (Poland), letter dated from, 152.

Bretigny, treaty of, 403.

Bretoniére, M. de la, 107.

Brett, John, 375.

Bridewell, 80.

Brill, 385.

Brimen, Charles de, Comte de Meghen, Chief Captain of Artillery in Flanders, 75, 103, 119, 153, 217.

Brissac, Maréchal de, see Cossé, Charles de.

Brittany, 40, 52, 191, 280, 299.

Broder, Harry, 105.

Broickhusen, Gertrude, 245.

-, Jasper, 245.

Brooke, George, seventh Lord Cobham, (of Kent), 107.

-, -, his encounter with the Kentish insurgents, 57.

-, Richard, 223.

-, Thomas, 295.

Brown, Valentine, 358.

Browne, Sir Anthony, K.G., first Viscount Montagu, 173, 180, 182, 183.

Bruges, 189, 190, 194, 364, 385.

-, letter dated from, 360.

-, Edmond, Lord Chandos, 327.

Bruno, letter from, 1.

Brunswick, city of, 8, 10.

-, (Calenberg), Eric, Duke of, 8, 213, 214.

Brunswick (Lüneburg), Otho junior, Duke of.

-, -, letter of, 38.

-, (Wolfenbüttel), Henry the younger, Duke of, 2, 8, 10, 81, 101, 121, 148, 150, 157, 176.

-, -, joins Duke Maurice of Saxony, 1.

-, -, his country ravaged by Albert of Brandenburg, 1.

-, -, challenged by Marquis Albert, 4.

-, -, signally defeats Marquis Albert, 17.

-, -, quarrel with the town of Hamburg, 90.

-, -, totally routs Albert Alcibiades, 100.

-, Julius, Duke of, 148, 150.

-, Philip Magnus, Duke of, 1.

Brussels, 36, 39, 49, 50, 53, 55, 63, 86, 93, 206, 213, 216, 231, 292, 360, 364, 368, 371, 376, 377, 381, 383, 385, 388, 405.

-, letters and papers dated from, 6, 7, 8, 11, 17, 32, 34, 40, 47, 55, 70, 75, 81, 82, 85, 89, 92, 94, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 110, 111, 114, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 124, 126, 127, 130, 132, 133, 135, 136, 139, 142, 144, 145, 148, 149, 150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, 181, 186, 188, 190, 192, 194, 198, 200, 206, 216, 218, 220, 225, 226, 231, 242, 245, 278, 292, 310, 311, 349, 360, 363, 364, 365, 367, 368, 371, 372, 375, 385, 388.

-, Council in, 6, 91, 104, 145, 149, 154, 382.

-, the plague in, 231.

Bruxelles, Philibert de, 208.

Buccioro, Secretary, 269, 270.

Buckingham, Duke of, seeStafford, Edward.

Bueil, Louis de, Comte de Sancerre, Grand Échanson de France, 298.

Bugia (Africa), 214.

"Bulla Jubilei pro Pace," 278, 279.

Bullion, 25, 37, 40, 43, 48, 55, 380.

Bunny, Richard, 191.

-, -, letter from, 191.

Buoncompagno, Bishop of, 288.

-, -, appointed Ambassador to Venice, 392.

-, Signor, 340.

Buren, Count de, see Egmont, Maximilien d'.

Burgos, 84.

-, Bishop of, 214.

-, Cardinal of, see Pacheco, Cardinal.

-, letter dated from, 350.

Burgundians arrested at Calais, 71.

Burgundians, the, 65, 69, 121, 122, 182, 183.

-, their cavalry, 9.

Burgundian pale, the, 37.

-, soldiers, 93, 137, 138.

Burgundy, 83, 209, 217.

- and low countries, state of, 127.

Busca, 315.

Butler, Richard, 123.