Mary: October 1556

Pages 260-273

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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October 1556

Oct. 3.
542. Peter Vannes to Sir William Petre. Is constrained to be briefer than he ought by the shortness of time and the weariness he is in from travelling to post and pillar only for any open trial and assured declaration of the truth in forma autentica, to which he was moved for the Queen's honour, that by silent murmurs was by wicked persons and ignorant people unworthy and much blotted,— ignorant people who do not consider that of a godly woman can nothing proceed but godly acts. Has obtained, by the Podesta's command and all his magistrates' doing here, that the late Earl of Devonshire's servants, four physicians, two surgeons, that have had him in cure and have been privy to his opening and searching, have been sworn and examined before witnesses as to the disease of which he died. Their depositions and testimonies remain with him till he has the Queen's commandment. Has obtained from the chief magistrate of this city the consignment of the writings that were found in the Earl's chamber after his death to the assured keeping of the Podesta or his successor until the Queen's pleasure be known by her letters to them. Has caused an inventory to be made of the moveables brought forth upon oath by the Earl's servants to remain in their custody. Prays the Queen's pardon for having done this without commission. The matters between the Pope and the Duke of Alva tend to the continuance of war; all practices of peace are utterly excluded. The Pope, it is written, had thought to take the Duke prisoner under colour of a meeting; and for this purpose had commanded that a very good number of soldiers from various garrisons should suddenly intercept him between the place of meeting and the camp. It chanced, however, that the Duke came accompanied by 1,000 horsemen and 500 arquebusiers, and so the Pope was disappointed. Cannot tell what will be the end. The Pope greatly prepares with the French King's help, and the Duke lacks no furniture. [Two pages.]
Oct. 8.
543. Dr. Wotton to the Council. On the 20th ult. received theirs of the 16th, his Majesty being then on his way from Val Luisant [Vauluisant] to Paris, where he arrived on the 25th. On the 28th had audience, and declared his instructions concerning the Sacrette. His Majesty said the vessel was well known to be his own and built at his own expense; that his word ought to be taken therein, that the thing was of very small importance and in a manner unworthy to be committed to Commissioners; and therefore trusted her Majesty would have the same regard to his word as she would expect him to have of hers in a like case. To Wotton's arguments his Majesty at length said he would talk about it to the Constable, with whom Wotton had already conferred and found him even more earnest in the matter than the King; but after the feast of the Order is over, he will again be in hand with the Constable. On the 1st inst. Senarpont, who is now Knight of the Order, came to him from the Constable to mention that it was considered by the Master of Requests, who was appointed one of the Commissioners for the matter of Sandingfeld, that upon this change of weather, after the long fair and dry season, it will be very uneasy to travel, specially in low countries as the Boulognois. Wherefore the Constable thought that, if it so contented her Majesty, it were better to defer till the spring; but if it did not, the original appointment should hold good. Desires to know her Majesty's pleasure. By Senarpont's conversation it seems they reckon at this meeting to settle not only the question of Sandingfeld but of the limits, and that bounds and marks shall be set up so as to prevent any disputes in future. At the request of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton sends some letters to them and others unsealed. Of late he has been several times with Wotton; and by his words seems to have a good affection to her Majesty and not to meddle with the doings of the rebels. Colby has also been with him; desires much to return home, says he never meant but well to the Queen and only came here to watch the rebels and apprize her Majesty of their designs, as set forth in his letter inclosed (missing). Knows nothing of the man otherwise, and wishes to know how he shall comport himself to him. Has perused Killigrew's examination, in which it seems to him the chief thing of all is lacking, viz., the gift of the Sacrette made directly by the King to the Killigrews; which alone would suffice if such had been made and could be shown. But none such being made, it will be hard to prove the donation. It is true that by the examination it seems the Admiral had an order from the King to deliver the Sacrette and her fittings to the Killigrews, which the Admiral said he kept for his warrant and discharge: also that the Admiral wrote two letters to the ViceAdmiral La Meilleraye, that the King had given the vessel to the Killigrews, and therefore commanded him to deliver her to them; and also that he gave a written order to Jour de Mare for her delivery to them, as of the King's gift. All which writings, or any of them, would make some kind of proof; but how it is possible to come by any of them, he cannot devise. Killigrew says that 30 or 40 persons were present when De Mare delivered to him the furniture of the ship: yet that does not seem to prove the gift of the vessel, for the like might have been done had the King only lent her. The common voice and fame must be proved by witnesses before a judge, and how that could be done here, he is equally unable to see. Besides the people of Newhaven are so unruly, and bear so little good-will to the English, that any one going thither to take information would be in much danger of his life. On hearing that M. A. Colonna has taken several places of the Pope, though of minor importance, such as Pontecorvo, Frosilone, Anagni, &c., the French King has resolved immediately to send troops to aid his Holiness; yet many think these troops are not going to Rome but to Piedmont for the invasion of Milan, thereby to draw off the Imperial troops from the Papal States. The French are to send Swiss, French, men-at-arms, and light horse, and with them the Duke D'Aumale and Damville the Constable's son. The Pope is said to have solicited aid from the Seigniory of Venice and the Duke of Mantua: what the former will do is doubtful, the Pope seeming to have been first invaded. Should Milan be invaded the King [Philip] must make vigorous resistance at the beginning, as any marked loss on that side might peril all his interests in Italy, considering the wavering minds of that nation and the present state of affairs there. Brissac is so afflicted with the gout that it must be some time before he can return to Piedmont. They say that whenever Colonna takes any place of the Pope, he removes his family arms and substitutes those of the Holy See, pretending that the place shall be kept for the See and the Pope's successors. The Abbot of St. Saluce has lately gone to Flanders of his own accord, as he says, to mention to King Philip certain communications between him and Caraffa, which implies that the Pope would be well content to listen to some good agreement. But men think it nothing likely that the Cardinal should use any kind of talk with him, seeing that all the while he was here he seemed to do nothing but to ring alarms to set Princes by the ears, at the very time when he pretended to have come for a peace and a general Council. The Abbot therefore is more probably sent by the Constable under the aforesaid pretence, and at his return he has given some hope that his Majesty will be well content to treat of a peace on very reasonable terms. Indeed it is reported that the Emperor's Ambassador has made such declarations to the French King of his Majesty's mind, that the former takes it in very good part. Does not hear anything of this from the Ambassador: will rather wish and pray for some good end, than trust much upon it. Colonna now besieges Veletri, 20 miles from Rome, in which are said to be 2,000 foot and 400 horse, under command of the Duke di Soma, a fugitive of Naples. The Duke of Alva makes as if this matter touched him never a whit, although he has a good force in readiness, on the ground that the Pope is in arms and has so many troops about him. After the feast of the Order had written to the Constable about the Sacrette, but received no reply until to-day, a thing in the meantime having chanced to the Constable which has troubled him more perhaps than anything ever has. The Constable still insisted that the Sacrette belonged to his Majesty, but referred him to De l'Aubespine, who followed the same line, whereby it seems they intend not that Commissioners shall meddle with the matter; and it is to be noticed in the handling hereof, that the King would not himself give the answer, but shifted it to the Constable, who in turn transferred it to De l'Aubespine. Enters very fully into the question of the property of the Sacrette, sifting the examination of Peter Killigrew, repelling by positive facts the pretences of the French King, and showing his bad faith; concluding that even if the Sacrette does belong to the King, his lending her to the Killigrews, and allowing her to be armed and provisioned in his ports without the usual caution required by the treaty, renders him liable for all injuries and damages done by the Killigrews, and therefore the vessel may be detained by those who have suffered the injuries until compensation has been received. What troubled the Constable was this: in the desire for the greatness of the house of Montmorency, after having procured his son to be made a Knight of the Order, and obtained for him the governorship of Paris and the Isle of France, he had arranged a marriage between him and the Duchess of Castres, the King's [base] daughter, on which occasion he intended further to have resigned in his favour the office of Grand Master. But after providing the feast for this marriage, which should have been solemnized within the last eight or ten days, and in honour of which great jousts and tournays had been prepared, the young man declared to the Admiral and his father that he could not find it in his conscience to go through with the marriage, having been for a long time ensured to another gentlewoman, named Piennes, whose sister was married to Sipierre, of the Privy Chamber, at the time when Lord Clinton was here. This so upset the Constable that he left the Court for his own house, where he lay certain days to digest his choler, seeing all his hopes frustrated, and those who have seen him report him to be greatly changed in his appearance. The young man is put under guard, and the lady sent to a convent; whereby it seems they seek yet some remedy for this matter, for if Piennes could be content to be a nun, then might the other marriage take effect; at least if the first be not consummated, as Wotton doubts whether it be. Mendoza, the Maitre d'Hotel, who was to take money for payment of the Swiss, has not yet left: and the Duke of Ferrara's Ambassador seems prepared to return in post to his master. The Prince of Ferrara has had a relapse, but is likely to recover. News have arrived that Colonna's troops have made courses almost to the very gates of Rome, and the Pope has sent Cardinals St. Jacomo and Trani to commune with Alva to fall to some agreement; but those who know the Pope's obstinacy think he will not agree, as long as he may be in hope of succour from the French. [Ten pages and a half. Partly in cipher, deciphered.]
Oct. 8.
544. Dr. Wotton to Sir William Petre. Whether it be Dr. Martin, or whoever else, he shall be welcome when he comes. As for Petre's office, knowing the weakness of his body, and the pains and travail he has sustained therein already, cannot but think he does well to leave it. And because the office is so easy and pleasant, and Wotton so meet a man for it, Petre may be assured that he must needs thank him as much as the thing deserves, that would wish him to it. "I am now so broken through age since my coming hither, that you shall not know me when you see me. And therefore it is time for me to get me into a corner, and take me to my beads, and to remember that we have not here permanentem civitatem, and therefore to begin to put on my boots, and prepare myself to go to the other place where we look to rest." The King kept the feast of the Order here in Notre Dame, more solemnly than wont. Besides his Majesty the following 24 Knights were present; the Constable; the Duc D'Aumale; Boissy, le Grand Ecuyer; Marshal Brissac; M. D'Enghien; Count della Mirandola; M. D'Estrees; Prince de Condé; Baron de Courton; Ludovico di Birago; M. de Montmorency, the Constable's eldest son; and M. D'Andelot, the Admiral's brother. These sat on his Majesty's right. On his left were, the Duke of Guise; Duke of Nemours; the Admiral; the Marshal St. André; M. de Lorges; the Vidame of Chartres; Prince of Ferrara; M. de Bonnivet; M. de Bellay; Alphonso D'Este, base brother to the Duke of Ferrara; M. de Senarpont, Captain of Boulogne; and the Marquis d'Elbœuf, youngest brother of the house of Guise. The three last were recently created. Hears that the Vicomte de Turenne and two Italians are named to it. It would have been a goodly sight, could they have appointed a place for every living Knight of the Order; for then the choir of Nôtre Dame would not have served, and scantly the body of the church, for the purpose, so numerous are they, ex omni natione quœ sub cœlo est. Noticed that there were present two brothers of the name of Bourbon; three brothers of the house of Lorraine or Guise; two of the names of Montmorency, father and son; two of the name of Coligny or Chastillon, brothers; two of the name of Este, uncle and nephew; and two of the name of Gonffier, viz., the Grand Ecuyer and Bonnivet, kinsmen. Thomas Stafford and Sir Robert have quarrelled again, in such sort that Sir Robert has contrived to have the other cast into the vilest prison of Rouen among thieves and such honest companions, on the ground that Thomas and his men went armed in Rouen seeking Sir Robert's life. And as it is contrary to law to go armed in Rouen, Sir Robert managed to have the other caught, armed with shirt and hosen of mail. Thomas threatening to be even with him for this year, Sir Robert has come to the Court, suing earnestly to have the extremity of the law to pass against Thomas. Thinks he cannot prevail. "If ever there were a tragico-comedia played, surely these men played it." Montmorency is to be married to the Duchess de Castres. Selve, who was Ambassador in England, is sent to Rome, and Dabanson is revoked. The latter is likely to be made Garde des Sceaux, if the present one, who is very ill, dies, or is made Cardinal. Asheton and certain of that company are abroad on the sea, which is thought to be the greatest succour that these honest men trust to live by here. It were well if they could be met with, having already done hurt to the King and Queen's subjects, and perhaps may get such prizes as may encourage them and their fellows to attempt greater things. Since writing, has heard of the chance happened to the Constable and his son, the particulars whereof he has written to the Council.
P.S.—Since closing his letter to the Council, has heard that Mendoza left this morning; the money had preceded him. Also that the Romans grudge sore against the Pope for past losses and fear of another sack, and do what they can to move him to some agreement. Six hundred men-at-arms and 500 light horse are ordered to be in readiness by the 20th inst. to go to Piedmont; and Brissac, weak as he is, is pressed to return to his charge there. [Three pages.]
Oct. 10.
545. Sir Edward Carne to Queen Mary. Since his letter of the 3d inst. it is reported that the Duke of Alva lies at Tivoli, and has taken the town of Vicovaro without resistance of the townsmen; so that the Pope's soldiers there were compelled to leave, except those that were in the rock there in the name of Signor John Paulo di Vicinis, Lord of the town. It is said that the Duke will now attack Reati, 40 miles from this, in the confines of Naples, for the sake of having provision for his army brought nearer and surer. On the 4th all the Pope's soldiers were mustered out of the city; they were in number above 7,000 foot and 520 horse well appointed, but he has no army in camp, nor is likely to have, for lack of money. Since then about 100 more horse and a small number of foot have come. The Pope has taken all the corn in the city at a fixed price, which shall be paid by certain officers when they fall in. The bakers can bake no bread but of this corn, and the loaf is reduced from eight to four ounces, but the price is the same as when it consisted of the eight. It is moreover to be made of a certain whiteness, "and no man shall bake within himself but must buy of the bakers, whereby it is waxen very dear." Yesterday a messenger went from the Senate of Venice to the Duke of Alva to protest that they will defend the lands of the Church. Hears that the Pope sent a messenger to the Duke to know why he made war against him, and whether he did so of himself or by commission from his Majesty. About seven days ago he also sent Fabricio de Sanguine, a kinsman of his own, to his Majesty, to offer to treat of a peace with him, which he will not with the Duke; and it is said to signify his contentment to put the variance between him and his Majesty in the French King's hand. It is also said that the English Ambassador with the French King has moved him in his Majesty's behalf already. The city is so strait kept that no man can forth of the gates without a special licence from Cardinal Caraffa. [Two pages.]
Oct. 10.
546. Peter Vannes to Sir William Petre. The proceedings of the Duke of Alva daily prosper, and being master of the field he has already reduced several towns, rather with yielding than with much fighting, furnishing his camp with sufficient victuals, whereof they had much need. He has of late taken a strong castle and a town called Vicovaro, and those places which he brings to the King's will he orders very gently, paying for all his army takes and ministering justice in all things; whereas at Rome much rigorosity is used, and the Pope's soldiers handle the people there with much extremity, hurt, and damage. Thinks by what he hears say that the Pope might have had reasonable agreements at the Duke of Alva's hands if he had been disposed to condescend to the reasonable assurance of the realm of Naples and to some other capitulations, which seems to be impossible unless Signor Marc Antonio Colonna were restored to his estates, which are as a strong bulwark to the realm of Naples, and competent hostages given by the Pope during his life. To any of these things it will be hard to bring the Pope, for he is of a stout nature, and greatly encouraged by the French and by the hope that he has conceived that all Princes and nations of Christendom should take his part and reckon his quarrel lawful and just. Upon this he has made in the Consistory a great lamentation against Princes and Potentates that are so slack in helping him and the Church. In case necessity should compel him he had rather abandon Rome and retire from the manifest danger to some place where he should not be compelled to do anything contrary to his mind and dignity. The Frenchmen's help is very far off, though they have made provision in banks here to the amount of 300,000 crowns. As he cannot tell for what purpose, he is slow to believe they will spend it in vain or in doubtful enterprises. And because it might well be that the French, to divert the Duke of Alva, should break war in Lombardy, thinks the Germans who have arrived at Trent will be bestowed in divers garrisons for the better assurance of the King's estates and affairs in Lombardy. Sends herewith a discourse of these wars and the state of occurrents at Rome up to the present date, written from Rome by a wise man. Perceives by it that those successes are not in such towardness as the Pope and the inhabitants would have it. For his part, as a poor man that hath nought ado withal, would wish a good agreement and peace, and that the King should be well assured of his estates, and some way were taken for the restoring and recompence of Marc Antonio, and the matter so arranged that other Princes should not suspect the Duke of Alva after one kind of victory of ensearching further, in which case "we might bring all in our neck." Has no more to say of the Earl of Devonshire's matters than he has already written, except that his servants look to him for their expenses in Italy and their conduct money homewards, the which he cannot do, having none himself, but as he can borrow and be trusted from time to time upon interest of exchanges. The plague continues here, but not so cruelly as before. The eschewing of it, by removing from place to place, has cost him two pennies and more. Is sorry to hear that Petre is at times somewhat troubled with a spice of the strangolione [quinsey]. Does not know the peculiarities of it, but intending to go to Padua within three days will consult with his friends as to the kind of remedy most propice for him. [Three pages. Indorsed by Petre.]
Oct. 14.
547. Albert, Marquis of Brandenburg, to Queen Mary. Begs to continue his annual habit of sending falcons; requests her Majesty's acceptance of those now transmitted herewith, and trusts that she enjoys the sport. [Latin. Broadside.]
Oct. 18.
548. Dr. Wotton to the Council. The Prothonotary de Noailles, now Bishop D'Acqs, has been with him, and stated that, although on account of his own private affairs he could have desired to remain here awhile, yet being urged by the King and the Constable to depart, he intends in three or four days to take his journey to England in post, for so he is commanded to do, there to continue as Ambassador, and his brother, the agent, is to return home. [Three pages. The greater portion in cipher, undeciphered.]
Oct. 19.
549. Same to Secretaries Sir William Petre and Sir John Bourne, and either of them. Is informed that a Frenchman named Nicolas Devisat, formerly teacher to the Duke of Somerset's children, and who fled from England, for falsifying letters as he believes, has gone, or will go shortly, to Calais to teach the children of the Comptroller there. He has recently been with the French King, and has received good reward; indeed, strange as it appears, is said to have been appointed of the Privy Chamber; so that, being a crafty child, it is thought he goes not thither but to practise some matter of importance. Wherefore suggests that if he goes to Calais, it were well done to hearken diligently to his doings; and in case he has committed the offence in England above referred to, that may be a good occasion to talk with him a little whensoever any cause of suspicion shall appear against him.
P.S.—The Admiral is still at the Court, and a number of captains waiting orders. [One page. In cipher, deciphered.]
Oct. 20.
550. Same to Queen Mary. Has just been informed that the French King has a design upon Calais and the neighbouring places, for which purpose Senarpont has gone down, and is concentrating all the troops in these quarters at Boulogne, to be in readiness when occasion shall serve. His informant had this from one of the rebels, some of whom, believed to be Bryan Fitzwilliams and the Horseys, have been lately on her Majesty's frontiers, practising to further the matter. The person would not have told him if he had not believed it to be true; and it seems the French King has to do this in consequence of some faction or dissension in Calais for religion's sake, to which some commission vigorously used may have given occasion. Her Majesty may think this inconsistent with the King's fair words, yet he cannot but certify her of this, considering its importance. Reports as to Nicolas Devisat, concerning whom he has written in another letter [supra]. [Two pages. Cipher, deciphered.]
Oct. 24.
551. Peter Vannes to Sir William Petre. Has not omitted at any occasion offered him to give the Council knowledge of such occurrences as he has thought worthy advertisement. The matters between the Pope and the King remain in the same state as when he previously wrote, and the Duke of Alva offers and is ready to accept any honest conditions of agreement, not refusing to compromise these quarrels in this Seigniory's hands, so that a way may be found for the assurance of the realm of Naples, which it will be hard to do, considering the Pope's constancy and disinclination to change his determined enterprises, lawful and just, as he says, and that it is not according to his dignity and estate that he should put in a compromise that thing that is assuredly his own; considering also the great preparations the Pope is making still in every place, and the French [King] also for his Holiness' behoof, with many brave letters and messages "that he will come in his own person to defend him in his own quarrel," the hope and trust in which, some men think, make the Pope somewhat stiffer in condescending to any agreement. All this notwithstanding, the Seigniory makes earnest and secret labour in proposing divers conditions to both sides to bring the war to peace, as a thing most necessary in Christendom. Meanwhile preparations on both sides and increasing of soldiers do not cease, as appears by advices from Rome inclosed. Having nothing of greater moment, forbears to trouble the Council with his vain letters. Hourly looks for the Queen's expedition for his revocation, and hopes by her benevolence, if his age serve him, once ere he dies to kiss her feet, and presently to do reverence to the Council. [One page and a quarter. Indorsed by Petre.] Inclosing,
551. I. Intelligence from Rome, October 17, 1556. Monday evening the Venetian Secretary returned from the Duke of Alva, having been well entertained by him, and performed the office committed to him by the chief persons here, to the end that war may terminate, the affairs of Italy be accommodated with the Pope, and the peace of Italy be not placed in new embarrassments; and that the Duke might conform to what King Philip has always said by his Ambassador, that he did not wish for war with his Holiness nor to have any pretext for entering the States of the Church, but that he only wished to secure the affairs of the Empire from molestation. The Duke sought to justify himself by showing intercepted letters, the processes of many plots against the Empire, declaring that what he had done he was forced to do for the security of the Empire, and had done it like a son who takes the sword out of his father's hand to the end that he may not injure him, and that his King has not the slightest wish to occupy the States of the Church; and that his good intentions may be known he is content to remit all the controversies which he has with his Holiness into the hands of this most illustrious Seigniory, and to abide by its decision. With this good news he has allowed him to come hither having further treated with him on the method of securing matters. The Secretary having been with the Ambassador of his Holiness to give him a par ticular account of all that he has negotiated with the Duke, and having also exhorted his Holiness by the public benefit and the safety of the Holy See, to content himself that matters might be accommodated so that there might be peace in Italy and the truce be maintained, the Pope thanked him for the offices which the Republic had done, and for their friendly remembrances, but, matters being so advanced, he would have desired rather aid than counsel from the Seigniory, especially as from the injustice of the cause of his adversaries his honour and dignity would be done away with, and he could not, preserving his authority and jurisdiction, compromise that which was clear and render it obscure, hoping that God would aid his cause and that succour would not be wanting to him. Having heard that he causes [mass] to be celebrated daily though he is excommunicated, he spoke of it with much heat. And it is thought that there will be a Consistory to deprive the King of his kingdom, and to excommunicate the Duke, anathematizing him and all who support him, his Holiness with an unconquered mind resolving to do nothing unworthy of the place nor the charge which he holds. He has dispatched a courier to France to give a particular account to the King of all that has followed, and to solicit aid and succour from him. Mons. de Selve is hourly expected; he comes as Ambassador in room of the one who was gone to set right the state of Milan. In four days the Secretary Buccioro is expected, he comes by the long route; with his arrival will be cleared up what he has done with them, and whether it is to continue the war or to make peace. Since the taking of Vicovaro the Duke has made no more progress, but has stationed the troops in many places, and moved the artillery from Tivoli to Veletri to besiege it. Some of his men are at Tivoli, some at Frascati, at Grotta Ferrata, Marino, Rocca del Papa, Albano, and Riccia. He has issued orders that sowing may be done with security, and that cattle shall not be seized under the heaviest penalties. The Pope at the prayer of the Romans is content that sowing may be done to prevent a dearth next year. On Friday night 15 French gallies sailed from Civita Vecchia and took up at Ostia six companies of soldiers, who were ordered thence to take Neptuno and burn a portable bridge, many barques, ladders, biscuits, ropes, and other munitions, which 10 gallies of Sicily had unladen there that they might be conveyed thence to the camp. Having reached the place two hours before daylight and disembarked 500 men, they began to batter it from the sea with great fury, and alarmed the inhabitants to such an extent that they talked of surrendering, which caused the assailants to cease for a short while. A frigate having come out a galley was at once ordered to take her, which she could not do, and this again caused an interruption of the battering; day breaking and it being seen that the enemy were very few and that the bombardment had done little harm, they forthwith constructed forts and at mid-day the infantry embarked with the loss of seven or eight killed and 11 wounded, when a storm having arisen which caused them to ship water, being unable to complete the enterprise they returned to Cività Vecchia. Although great things are written from France touching the aid which the King will order, yet seeing it is far off and slow, everybody desires peace and prays God not to ruin entirely the Roman Court and the States of the Church. Nineteen gallies have gone from Genoa to Spain to raise money and men, and 18 more are going to embark Spaniards at Spezzia and Italians at Leghorn to take them into the Empire, and by another way to convey the Germans. It is said that the Nuncio wrote from the Court of France that he hopes 40 days will not pass without the two Kings coming to an agreement. Yesterday friar Thomas Manrique was summoned to the palace to be sent back to the Duke of Alva in reference to an accommodation, and to-day there has been a congregation of Cardinals in the house of San Jacomo to that end, and it will send back the friar to the said Duke. Archbishop Sauli has been put in the castle, whence perhaps he will not come out without scalding himself with hot water. Sig. Camillo Colonna could give him his life; by what they say, he has confessed since his wife was taken to have sought to give a gate to the enemy. [Italian. Five pages.]
551. II. Intelligence from Rome, of same date. This evening all the Romans who were put off to this time on the question of the negotiations for peace by Caraffa, (who, for change of air and a little retirement and repose since the misfortune, is for three days at Montecavallo,) assembled in the house of San Jacomo, and have resolved to send back the same friar Thomas to the Duke of Alva to re-open the negotiations for peace; believes he will go to-morrow. Yesterday the courier came from France with letters from the King, which the writer hears speak boldly of the wish and resolve of the King to help the Pope even with his person in necessity; and they expect in two or three days the Secretary Buceres, who waited to be sent off with the resolution of many particulars when the courier left. In a day or two M. de Selve, the new French Ambassador, is expected here. There is no fresh news touching the army outside the city. Describes the expedition to Neptuno and its failure as in the preceding intelligence. Marshal Strozzi went this morning to inspect Cività Vecchia and will return hither. Monluc has gone to Montalcino. To-day Archbishop Sauli was imprisoned in the castle; does not yet know the cause. He was here under a bond of 20,000 crowns not to leave Rome without licence. It was said this evening that one Emilio Rouiano had been arrested in virtue of a treaty. [Italian. One page.]
551. III. Intelligence from Milan, October 14, 1556. The Cardinal of Trent, who is at present Governor of Milan, had commanded the Spaniards and German veterans in that state at Spezzia, to go to the Duke of Alva; has since recalled the Germans because it was not right that the state should suddenly be deprived of all its veterans, especially as he understood that at the end of the present month Mons. de Brissac, Birago, and other captains with 6,000 Swiss, 6,000 French, and 400 lances, were coming into Piedmont, and already some movement is perceived at the frontiers. Next Monday will be made the consignment of Piacenza to Duke Octavio, whose wife and son have already arrived here; the former is about to set out for the Court of King Philip, her brother, and desiring to take her son with her, asked licence of the Cardinal, who replied that he had no such order but to send him into Spain. She then prayed his reverence to write to the King that as he intended to order her son into Spain he would be content to keep him in Flanders near his Majesty. [Italian. Half a page.]
551. IV. [Oct. sine loco.] Had no time yesterday evening, the despatch having been received at night, to make a copy of the other letters except that of Simonetta, and order one of another which contains matters of importance; besides this has to mention an accident which befel the Pope since the penultimate despatch, in consequence of which it was thought that he would have departed this life; also that Mons. Monluc in returning from a certain service fell into an ambuscade and was taken prisoner, but in exchange for him they gave six of their men. Yesterday the Imperialists received letters of the 9th, announcing that the Emperor on the 28th ult. arrived in Spain in a port called Laredo safely, and that King Philip remitted to the Seigniory all the differences with the Pope. Advices have been received from France that nuptials being about to be solemnized between the son of the Constable and the natural daughter of the King, late wife of the Duke Horatio, the son of the Constable seeing that he could not escape, threw himself on his knees before the King and said that he could not take his daughter to wife, because when in prison he had engaged himself to a maid of honour of Queen Mary, and that the King took it very cheerfully, commending the young man for his well doing in discovering the matter. [Italian. Half a page.]
Oct. 28.
552. John Peter to Lord Paget, Lord Privy Seal. Requests that he will intercede with her Majesty to allow him the pension of 25l. for life given to him by King Henry VIII. and King Edward VI., or else a benefice whereby he may be able to serve in England, and in the meantime to send him a piece of money by the bearer to support him till he be provided for. If not, intreats him to write to the Ambassador that he may provide for himself, and no longer rest in hope of a life in England. On the 14th a servant of James McConnell, who lately had the overthrow in Ireland, came here with letters from him to the Vidame: the same servant had previously been last Shrovetide with letters and credit to the Vidame, and left at Easter. Of whatever from time to time shall be practised between them, a jot shall not be unknown to her Majesty. [Three pages.]
Oct. 29.
553. Dr. Wotton to Queen Mary. On the 23d received her Majesty's letter of the 19th, and on the 25th had audience of the King, when he declared his instructions concerning the Commissioners, and entered upon the subject of the Sacrette, maintaining, as before, the same line of argument on the King's liability. His Majesty said he thought the business of the Commissioners might better have been done in the spring for divers considerations; but seeing the Queen wished it done now, it should be, although the Commissioners could not be at the place appointed for five or six days, partly for that the ways and weather are now very foul, and because their commission and instructions required to be renewed and augmented. Maintained his opinion as to the Sacrette, yet said that also should be disposed of by the Commissioners. Thereafter, went over the same ground with the Constable, with similar objections and the like result. Noted that the King was somewhat shorter with him this time than he used to be, appearing to have consented reluctantly; and, referring to the Sacrette, "the Constable in his talk used this, or a like kind of saying:— 'Well, seeing the Queen will not take the King's word for sufficient in this so small a matter, a God's name, let the Commissioners have the hearing of it too!' as though he did agree to it, but with some discontentation." Had endeavoured without success to induce them to speak on the point of their sending of troops to the borders. Next morning wrote to the Constable to ascertain when the Commissioners should be upon the borders. Finding that he had gone from the Court to his residence here, the messenger followed him and delivered the letter. At this the Constable seemed nothing pleased, and asked wherefore he was come to seek him there ? "Marry, Sir," quoth my man, "for because I have a letter to deliver unto you from my master, the Ambassador of England." "Retirez vous," quoth the Constable, "Je lui ferai réponse." The following day received the inclosed letter from De l'Aubespine, whereby her Majesty will see that they intend not the meeting should be so soon, as he thought they had meant it to be; and he cannot but remark the somewhat rude answer and fashion used to his servant by the Constable: as also that whereas formerly when the Constable would send him an answer, it was usually brought by some gentleman or secretary in name of the Constable, and if in writing, the same was in the Constable's own hand; on the last occasion he caused De l'Aubespine to make the answer, "and now he has not written himself, but De l'Aubespine writes it." Further, the latter makes no mention at all of the Sacrette, so that it does not appear whether the Commissioners will hear that matter or not, although the King himself said he was contented they should. On the 21st went to see the Emperor's Ambassador, who next day sent him word that after he had left, a person came to inform the Ambassador that Chesnes was gone down to Boulogne, where he would disguise himself, and by help of some French and Flemish merchants would as one of their company go to Calais, there to practise secretly with some in that town with whom he has intelligence. This Chesnes is a meet man for such an enterprise, being the same who by subtlety took the town of Marano from the King of Bohemia about 14 years ago. Dudley and others of the band are now in Paris, and he hears that the King has been very good to him, and given him a licence for corn, which will produce him a good deal of money; whereof, although men have said he has lack, yet hears that he keeps a very good table. Hears that another of the same name, some cousin, has lately joined him. Others of the band seem to be in good hope to have charge of troops in case of war, and reckon to have soldiers enough out of England to fill up their companies, and some say Dudley shall be Colonel of all English that serve. Sir N. Throckmorton occasionally visits him, telling him all that he hears, and seems to have a faithful mind to her Majesty and his country. Cannot perceive that the Dauphin is yet full recovered of his quartan. During the time he remains here neither will nor diligence shall be wanting to her Majesty's service, but his skill and knowledge being so simple as they are, and having to do with so crafty and deceitful wits as these are, he doubts much how he shall be able to do any good service, especially having so little means to get any good intelligence of their secret and crafty purposes and intents. For a good while they have either looked or wished for the coming hither of Ruy Gomez, upon the report of the Emperor's Ambassador, but he says not so; and now the Count of Chalon, who was prisoner here, having paid his ransom, and gone to take leave of Marshal de Brissac, they talked so much about seeking some means to stay these businesses about Rome, that the Count, after speaking with the King and Constable thereon, has written in post to King Philip, so that men are in some hope good may come of it. [Five pages. Partly in cipher, deciphered.] Incloses,
553. I. Letter from De l'Aubespine. The Commissioners for settling the boundaries will be on the frontiers on the 18th of next month. [French. Half a page.]