Roll 1244: 10 Edward I

Pages 174-175

Lancashire Assize Rolls: 4 John - 13 Edward I. Originally published by Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society, s.l, 1903.

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Assize Roll 1244 Divers Counties.

10 Edward I.

m. 40.

Pleas at Mamecestre [Manchester] on Tuesday next before the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord before Sir Roger Loveday and Master Thomas de Sodinton in the tenth year of the reign of King Edward [30 Dec. 1281].


Novel disseisin (Jury of 24)—John Byron v. Robert Greleye re 2 parts of the manor of Heton.

Defendant attaints the verdict of the Assize taken at Lancastre before Geoffrey Aguyloun and Alan de Walkyngham, Justices assigned, to the effect that William le Noreys enfeoffed John Byron of the said tenement fifteen days before the feast of S. Michael a° 7 Edward [15 September 1279] and put him in full seisin, and that he so continued for three days until Robert disseised him unjustly. Robert says that on the day on which it is said that John was enfeoffed no declaration thereof was made until Thursday before the feast of S. Martin next following [9 November 1279] when John went to the steward of Robert, and asked for entry into the tenement, claiming nothing therein but for a term of six years; and the steward did not dare to allow John to enter his lord's fee, neither in fee nor for a term, without his lord's permission, and John on the Friday after [10 November] took possession of the tenement. The steward perceiving this sent his men the same day to hinder John from having seisin; and John, as he could in no way get seisin, went to Mamecestre to talk with Robert, and asked Robert to satisfy him for the costs and expenses he had incurred: and it was agreed that Robert should pay John 17 marks for his trouble and term and for all the rights that he had in the tenement: John, with William le Noreys to whom the tenement at one time belonged, came and gave it up to Robert as chief lord of that fee and quitclaimed it to him and his heirs for ever; so that Robert entered by surrender from John and William and not by disseisin; and that such was the case he asks a jury of twenty-four.

John and the 12 jurors of the said Assize appear in support of their verdict and ask enquiry.

Postponed to Sunday next after the feast of the Circumcision of the Lord [4 January 1281–2], for lack of jurors. On which day the parties and the jury come and Robert comes and withdraws himself; so he is committed to gaol and his sureties to prosecute are fined. Thereupon come Peter de Burnil, Adam de Biri, Robert le Noreis, Gilbert Suthworthe, Robert de Welston, Richard de Holton, Roger de Boulton, Roger de Brodhurst, John de Ainesworth, John de Riland, Richard de Westleie and Maddok de Acton, and pay fine for the said Robert and his sureties, 100 marks; sureties, Robert de Holland, Peter de Burnil junior, Adam de Werkilton, Alan le Noreis, Master Richard de Riland, David de Holton, Hugh de Holton, Richard de Herkilston senior, Hugh de Walston, Adam de Aspul and Henry del Strete.

Later it is agreed between Robert and John, that John admits the tenement to be the right of Robert and surrenders and remits it to him and bis heirs quit of him (John) and his heirs for ever. Later, John acknowledges that he owes to Robert 200 pounds of silver, of which he will pay 100 marks at Pentecost this year [17 May 1282], 100 marks at the feast of S. Martin next [11 November 1282], and 100 marks at the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mary next [2 February 1282-3], and grants that the Sheriff may distrain on his lands and chattels etc. Moreover he finds these sureties—William le Botiller, Robert de Hoylaund, Alan le Noreys, Peter de Burnhill junior, Adam de Byry, Peter de Burnhill senior, Gilbert de Sotheworth, Robert le Noreys, Robert de Wlston, Richard son of John de Houlton, Maddok de Akton, Roger de Boulton, Roger de Brodhurst, John de Aynesworth, Richard de Westeley and John de Rylaundes, each of whom admits himself to be principal debtor and grants for himself and bis heirs that, if the said John shall be in default at the payment of the money at the said terms, the Sheriff shall make distraint on his lands and chattels etc.

John de Byrun acknowledges that he has remitted, given up and altogether quitclaimed, for himself and his heirs, to Sir Robert de Gresley his lord, two parts of the manor of Heton Noreys with all appurtenances, so that neither he nor his heirs can in future claim exact or prove any rights in those 2 parts nor in any part of the said manor of Heton Norreys. In witness whereof he has put his seal to this writing, these being witnesse:—Sir John de Hodeleston, Sir James Byrun, Sir Robert de Lathum, Sir Henry de Lee, Sir Alan de Sengleton, Sir Richard de Quaghton, Henry de Trafford, Geoffrey de Chaderton, Richard Punchardun, Alexander de Pylkyngton and others. Given at Mammecestre on Sunday in Epiphany in the 10th year of the reign of King Edward. [11 January 1281–2].