Pages 588-591
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1878.
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Table Land, the, 122.
Taccasanga, see Formosa.
Tackamondono, p. 130.
-, debts of, p. 131.
Tacomy (Moluccas), letters dated from, 1, 16.
Taffetas, pp. 129–130.
Taileur, Fras., p. 492.
Tallo, see Tolo.
Tallow, p. 158.
Tamarinds, p. 204, 390, p. 482.
Tanjore (Java), 42, p. 206, p. 230, p. 235, 723.
-, resolved to plant a factory in, p. 235.
-, the Prince "Great Naige" or "Naick" of, 42, p. 205, p. 209, 436, 723.
-, -, wishes to trade with the English, p. 205.
-, -, refuses to have the Dutch, p. 206.
-, the Danes in, 42, p. 205.
-, the Portuguese in, 42, p. 206.
-, letter dated from, 42.
Tanfield, Sir Laurence, Lord Chief Baron, 477.
Tapestry, p. 161, p. 227, 409, p. 246 (2), 421, 616, p. 483.
-, price of, p. 232.
Tapp, John, 78.
Tar, see Pitch.
Tarosaymondono, p. 130.
Tarrant, Joseph, p. 91.
Tartars, wars of the, 146.
Tartary ambassador in Persia, the, p. 162.
Tatle, Hugh, p. 483.
Tauris (Persia), p. 163.
Taylor, Alice, p. 90.
-, -, her son, p. 90.
-, Ann, p. 90, p. 222.
-, -, her husband, carpenter in the Charles, p. 222.
-, Francis, 46, p. 242.
-, John (prisoner), p. 152, p. 166, p. 222.
-, Rowland, one of the Amboyna judges, 611–613.
-, Thos., master of the Eagle, p. 21.
-, -, clerk of the band of soldiers, 721.
-, -, petition of, p. 486.
-, Wm., mate of the Jonas, p. 140, 339, p. 479.
-, -, mother of, p. 479.
-, - (a boy), p. 221.
-, -, p. 238.
Taywan, p. 251.
Tebriz, see Tauris.
Tecoe (Tiku, Sumatra), 74, 261, p. 196, 455.
-, trade at, p. 20.
-, the French in, p. 20.
-, the Dutch in, p. 20, p. 137.
-, ships for, 375.
Tedore, see Tidore.
Teggin, Thos., p. 225.
Tellowe, Robt., p. 180, p. 225, p. 479.
Temple, the, 301.
Teresa, Madre, see Madre, Teresa.
Ternate, 370, 548.
-, King of, 370, p. 340.
-, -, debts of, 99, 272.
-, -, allied with the Dutch, 370.
Ternateans, the, p. 98, 370, pp. 340–1, p. 393, p. 398.
-, attempt to make peace with Tidore. also a truce with the Spaniards, p. 340.
-, set on fire the Dutch factory and threaten to murder the Dutch merchants, p. 340.
Teroone, "means only the island of Ormuz," which see.
Texel, the, 349, 537. I., 555. I., 595, 691, 695.
-, Dutch ships in, 722.
Thames, the, water, 103.
Thatcher, John, p. 222.
Theobalds, 48, 150, 166, 178, 188, 314, 510, p. 463, 710, p. 466.
-, letters dated from, 167, 268, 269, 507, 608.
Thomas, Elizabeth, p. 478.
-, Henry, p. 478.
-, John, p. 219, pp. 223–4.
-, Philip, p. 479.
-, Wm., mate of the Lion, p. 155.
Thompson, Emanuel, factor at Amboyna, p. 4, 369, p. 306, p. 313, p. 317, p. 319, 504, p. 393, pp. 396–397, 627, p. 447.
-, -, prisoner in Amboyna castle, p. 304.
-, -, examined and tortured, p. 305.
-, -, the manner of his torture, pp. 306–7, p. 312, p. 314, p. 319, 521.
-, -, condemned to death, p. 311.
-, -, his confession, 661. ii.
-, -, is visited by John Beaumont, p. 314.
-, -, draws lots for his life, p. 313, 661. II.
- -, kept apart from the rest at Amboyna, p. 317.
-, -, executed, p. 315.
-, -, his predictions verified, p. 316.
-, -, petition (of his brother Billingsley) touching the death of, 513. i.
-, -, his estate, 627.
-, Sir John, p. 483.
-, Martha, 362.
-, Ralph, p. 156.
-, Susan (widow of Robert Kendall), p. 91.
-, Thos., p. 163, 373.
-, -, killed at Dabul, 711.
-, -, his estate, p. 483.
-, Walter, p. 488.
Thornborough, Thos., purser of the Great James and of the London, p. 92, p. 151, p. 170, 398, p. 246, p. 466.
-, -, petitions of, p. 220, p. 480, p. 486.
-, -, sickness of, 403.
-, -, purser of the London, 643, 660, 698.
Thornehill, Edward, p. 450.
Thorneton, Henry, p. 483, p. 485.
Thornhill, -, p. 238.
Thoroughgood, John, p. 222.
Throckmorton, Sir Wm., 381, p. 269, p. 278.
-, Lady, p. 269.
Tichborne, Sir Henry, p. 226.
Tichborne, Tichburne, or Titchbourne, solicitor to the East India Company, 24, 38, 41, 50, p. 133, p. 148, p. 158, p. 167, p. 170, 335, p. 176, pp. 180–1, p. 231, 435, p. 266, p. 279, 517, 682, p. 449.
-, petitions of, p. 225, p. 482.
-, much blamed by East India Company, 477.
-, his salary, p. 273, p. 482.
-, -, to cease, 517.
Tidore, 548.
-, the King of, allied with the Spaniards, 370.
-, -, makes peace with the Ternateans, p. 340.
-, natives of, 370.
Tiggin, Thos., see Tyggin, Thos.
Tilbury, p. 153, p. 242, 418, p. 255, p. 462.
-, Hope, 363, 426.
Tiles, p. 63, 650, 660.
-, price of, 435.
Timber, 13, 41, p. 111, 399, p. 246, 431, 454 660.
-, about purchase of, 517, 700.
-, about expense of, p. 267.
-, elm, p. 277, 454, p. 282.
-, -, price of, 454, p. 282.
-, measurer of, see Ducy, John.
-, from Ireland, see Ireland.
Tin, p. 28, 157, p. 142, p. 228.
-, yeilds no profit, p. 161.
-, about sale of in Persia, 577.
-, price in Persia, p. 163, p. 376.
-, about 60 tons will vend yearly in Persia, p. 376.
Tissue, 50.
Tinegapatan (Java), p. 206.
Titchbourne, -, see Tichborne.
Tithes, 398, 463, 493.
Tobacco, 587, 607.
-, to be sold to East India Company mariners at 8s. per lb., 607.
-, see also Bermudas, Spain, Virginia.
Todd, John, p. 480.
Toddington, letters dated from, 570, 580.
Todos los Santos, a Portuguese carac, 317.
Tolcorne, Peter, p. 380.
Tolo (Celebes), articles of agreement with the King of, 727.
Tolucquo, 102.
Tomans (Persian coin each worth 3l. 6s. 4d.), 373, 711.
Tombles, John, see Tumbles, John.
Tomlinson, Thos., p. 492.
Tompson, Mr., 383.
Tonomonsama, brother of Fegeno Camme, King of Firando, pp. 129–30.
-, debts of, pp. 130–131.
-, presents for, p. 130.
Torture, the manner of, practised by the Dutch at Amboyna, pp. 306–7, 684. i.
-, deeply felt in England, 718. iv.
-, whether of fire as well as water, 661.
-, see also Amboyna massacre, Pressing.
Totten, Capt. John, 13.
Tourschirt Chien, Governor of Hoochien, p. 100.
Tower of London, the, p. 136.
-, the King's powder in, pp. 275–6, 706.
-, Japan gold and silver to be coined at, 723.
-, Hill, house on, see Sherley, Sir Robt.
Towers, Mary, p. 220.
Towerson, Capt. Gabriel, one of the Council of Defence, 99, p. 205, p. 209, 499 I., pp. 306–319, 504, 539, 544, pp. 372–3, 600.
-, -, sent agent to Amboyna, p. 4, 91.
-, -, letters from, see East Indies, Council of Defence in (p. 534).
-, -, is accused by the Dutch Governor of a conspiracy to surprise the castle of Amboyna and made prisoner, p. 304.
-, -, his good affection for the Dutch and innocence of any crime, p. 209.
-, -, falsely accused by John Fardo and John Clarke, p. 311, p. 314.
-, -, protestation of his innocence, p. 309, 504, 585.
-, -, Dutch account of his part in, and confession of the Amboyna conspiracy, 461, 505, pp. 341–343, p. 347, 661. II.
-, -, East India Company's answer to, pp. 392–398.
-, -, impossibility of his conceiving, 585.
-, -, kept apart from the rest at Amboyna, p. 317.
-, -, writes much in his (prison) chamber, but all suppressed by the Dutch, p. 311.
-, -, examined, barbarously tortured, condemned to death, and executed, p. 193, p. 208, 472, p. 309, p. 313.
-, -, confession of, 515, 526.
-, -, his grave, p. 316.
-, -, East India Company petition the King concerning the hellish torments and bloody execution of, 497.
-, -, his wages to be paid, 698.
-, -, his estate, p. 486.
-, -, son of, 388.
-, -, his servant, see Clarke, John.
-, Nicholas, 107.
-, William (? brother of Gabriel), 504.
-, -, thanks East India Company for taking to heart the death of their innocent servants, p. 464.
-, -, petitions of, 482, p. 486.
-, Mr., of Portsmouth, p. 151.
Townsend, William, p. 481.
Tracey, Thos. (deceased), his estate, 430, p. 479.
-, Wm., his brother, 430, p. 479.
Trade, Committee for the East India and other Companies to appear before, p. 267.
-, -, see also Sandys, Sir Edwin.
Traiford, Edward, 352.
Traughton, James, see Troughton, James.
Traves, or Traverse, Edmund, 412, p. 256, 442, 444, p. 273, 451.
-, -, his wife and children, 412.
Treaties with the Dutch, see—
-, East Indies, the Dutch in (pp.
Trees, price of, p. 277.
-, see also Timber.
Trenoden, Wm., p. 479.
-, Alice, widow of, p. 479.
Trevor, Sir John, p. 248.
Trewman, Thos. (deceased).
-, -, his children, p. 156.
-, -, wages of, p. 150, p. 156.
Trial, the, p. 5, p. 20, 109, 342.
-, wreck of, when near 100 were drowned, 110, 134, 138, 143, 145, 260, 261, 294, 342, 357, 368.
-, names of those saved from the wreck of, 138.
-, petition of widows of mariners of, p. 219.
-, master of, see Broock, John.
Trinity House, the, p. 13, 87, 301, 361.
-, masters of, pp. 149–150.
-, -, report of, 292.
Tripp, Elias, mayor of the Dutch East India Company,
-, -, letter from, 1624: 561. i.
Trotter, -, p. 246 (2).
Troughton, or Traughton, James, p. 21, 44, p. 108, p. 152, p. 219, 455.
-, -, letter from, 1624: 494.
-, -, deceased, 352 (703).
Trow, the (Dutch ship), 146.
Trussell, Thos., p. 478.
Tsiosa, a Japanese, executed by the Dutch at Amboyna, p. 315.
Tsoncketgo (Japan), p. 315.
Tucker, John, 362.
Tully, -, p. 270.
Tumbles, or Tombles, John, master mate of the Lesser James, p. 157, p. 219, p. 221, p. 223.
-, Ann, wife of, p. 223.
Turberville, Robt., purser of the Elizabeth, p. 207.
-, -, deceased, p. 462.
-, -, his estate, p. 486.
Turetine, Jean, merchant of Genoa, p. 225.
Turkey, 156, p. 163, 407, 540, 607, 692.
-, indigo trade in, 439.
-, rare jewels of great price in, 690.
- silk from, p. 138.
-, merchants, 103, p. 163, 347.
-, see also—
-, Aleppo;
-, Bagdad;
-, Balsora;
-, Constantinople.
-, company, 402, 569.
-, -, letter from, 1624: 406.
Turkish Ambassador in Persia, p. 162.
Turks, the, p. 140, 607, 657, 677, 694.
-, wars between the Persians and, p. 288.
Turner, Myriam, p. 224.
-, Thos., p. 196, p. 204, p. 351.
Turvill, -, 708, p. 462.
Twells, Edward, p. 223.
-, Elizabeth, wife of, p. 223.
Twyne, Stephen (deceased), p. 486.
-, Alice, widow of, p. 486.
Tyggen, or Tiggin, Thomas, p. 484, p. 486.
-, his daughter, p. 484.
Tyler, Alice, p. 91.
-, Thos., husband of, p. 91.
-, -, 369.
Tynes, Edward, 35, p. 90, p. 176, p. 180, p. 487.
-, petitions of, p. 486 (2).
Tyon, -, a jeweller, 18, 29, 34.
Tyringham, Edmund, p. 226.