Pages 579-588
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 3, 1617-1621. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.
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Sables, sale of, 659.
Sabowe, fort of, 1035.
Sack, Spanish, 490.
Saddow Road (Jambi), 326, 662, 664.
Sadler, Francis, secretary to the East India Company, 192, 700, 712, 1057.
-, -, letters to,
-, 1620 : 841, 910, 947.
-, -, gratuities to, 395, 726.
-, Isaac, p. 339.
-, Nicholas, 304, 659.
-, Richard, 184.
Saffron, 78, p. 159.
Sago, 846, 1027.
Sailmakers, complaints against, 770, 1086, p. 498.
-, suit in Chancery against, 1154, 1175.
-, petition for wages, p. 502.
St. Augustine , 230.
St. Bartholomew, letter dated from, 148.
St. Helena , 127, 750, 888.
St. James', the Prince's house, keeper of, see Bennett, David.
St. Katherine, prison of, 810, p. 454.
St. Lawrence , island of, 47, 230, 882.
St. Louis, the, (French ship,) 257.
St. Malo, 257, 424, 669.
-, French merchants at, 118.
-, the Vice-Admiral of (ship), 933.
St. Martin's Lane, letters dated from, 675, 995, 1018, 1059, 1076.
St. Mary's, Scilly, 785.
St. Michael (French ship), the, 257.
- (Holland ship), the, 857
St. Paul, picture of the conversion of, 24.
Saintpeere, Owen, 306.
St. Stephen's, letter dated from, 703.
St. Thomas , 133.
St. Thomas' Hospital, 1060.
Sakadanne, see Succadana.
Sakaii (Japan), 1, 747.
-, letter dated from, 190.
Saker, Christopher, 96.
-, -, death of, 96, 140.
-, Jeremy, purser of the Masulipatam factory, 979.
Salads, 1160.
Salbancke, Joseph, 4, 44, 172, 218, 220, 293, 336, 389, 405, 535, 593, p. 259.
-, -, letters from-
-, 1617 : 203.
-, 1618 : 372.
-, -, wages of, p. 55, 184.
Saldanha Bay , 137, 193, 230, 286, 302, 421, 609, 742, 789, 855. III., p. 375, 866, 906-8.
-, King James made supreme head and governor of, 908.
-, -, proclaimed King of, 926.
-, Englishmen slain by savages at, p. 375.
-, English and Dutch fleets in, 874.
-, consultation in, 882.
-, letters dated from, 87, 866, 874.
- road, 127, 827.
Salinas, Miguel de, 481.
Salisbury, Lady (picture of), p. 309.
-, letter dated from, 138.
- House, letter dated from, 536.
Salmalte , fort of, 1035.
Salmon, John, p. 98.
-, -, master of the New Year's Gift, 158, 159, 176, 268, 535, 700, 712, 883, 1134, 1175.
-, -, death of, 610, 611, 643, 692.
-, -, estate of, p. 349.
-, Robert, 391, p. 230, p. 349, 1134.
Salstonstall, Sir Rich., p. 230.
-, Sam., 38.
-, 134, 136, 204, 246, 392
see also Ormuz, "the island all salt."
Salt Islands, 927.
Salt-water, to make it fresh, 801.
Salter, Sir Nich., 743.
Salters, at Blackwall, the, see Blackwall.
Saltpetre, 180, 252, 294, 765, 803.
Salus, Joan, p. 504.
-, John, p. 504.
Salvador, the, (Portuguese ship,) 133.
Samaritan, the, 127.
-, wreck of, 47.
Sambopa , a fort in Macassar, 99, 353, 408.
-, letter dated from, 353, 408, 439.
Sambrooke, Jeremy, 347, pp. 227-8, 808, 1066.
-, -, his wages, 810.
Sampobet, Wm., p. 338.
Sampson, the, 176, 212, 216, 255, 601, 603, 662, 664, 761, 763, 767, 775, 787, 814, 817, p. 359, 820. I., 835, 844, 851, p. 374, 877, 908, 911, 979.
-, taken by the Dutch, 747, 755, 818, 842, 845, 878, 948, p. 498.
-, value of goods taken in, 846, 950, 1097.
-, account of killed and wounded aboard, 846.
-, the Dutch say they will keep her for their Black Lion, 942.
-, master of, see Hackwell, Thos.
-, letters dated from aboard, 601, 662.
Sana , p. 301.
-, English desire to settle factory at, 372.
-, Pacha and Governor of, see Mahomel, Sultan.
Sandalwood, 191, 273, p. 159.
Sandcrofte, Francis, p. 100.
-, John (deceased), 176, p. 100, 384.
-, Wm., p. 100.
Sanderson, -, 188.
Sandwich, 557, 821.
-, election at, see Sandys, Sir Edwin.
Sandye, Robt., p. 340.
Sandys, Sir Edwin, p. 229, 700.
-, -, his election for Sandwich, 958.
Sanford, Anthony, 785.
Sangcraft, see Sandcrofte, John.
Sangora (Siam), 975, 1099.
Sant Jaque, Estefano de, 894.
Sapon, 86.
Saracen's Head, (Gracious St.,) the, 910.
Saracould, Ralph, p. 506.
-, Thos., p. 506.
Sare, Wm., 1111.
Sargeant, Nath., 176.
-, -, James, son of, 176.
Saris, Capt. John, 1, 106, p. 56, 234, 275, 1102.
-, -, complaints against, 105.
Sarqueis, 808.
Satins, 316-7, p. 159, 624.
-, brocaded, 1149.
-, sell at little profit, 786.
Saunders, James, p. 337.
-, -, Mary, wife of, p. 337.
-, John, p. 229.
-, Robt., 1092, p. 505, p. 506.
Saunderson, John, p. 226.
Savage, Geo., p. 97, 817.
-, -, death of, 930.
-, Robt., 227.
-, -, drowned, p. 349.
-, -, brother of, p. 349.
-, Thos., p. 297.
Savages, 325, p. 375, 926.
Savidge, Geo., p. 90, 226, 407, 846.
-, -, letter from,
-, 1617 : 72.
Saville, Henry, 526, 535.
Savoy, the Duke of, 284, 594.
-, letters dated from the, 16, 244.
Savyle, Wm., p. 228.
Sayer, Edmund, p. 2, 86, 106, 221, p. 125, p. 128, 275, 282, 291, 407, 621, 747, 817, p. 359, 929.
-, -, letters from-
-, 1617 : 152, 167, 174.
-, 1618 : 277, 441.
-, -, letters to-
-, 1617 : 229.
-, 1618 : 376, 386, 411, 454, 462, 481.
-, 1619 : 620.
-, 1620 : 905, 916.
-, -, quarrels with Japanese and is banished from Firando, 930.
-, -, sent to Nangasaki, p. 359.
-, -, his secretary, 732.
-, -, his Jurebasso, see Melchas.
-, Jeremy, 403.
Saywell, Mat., 474, 661.
-, Eliz., p. 504.
Scarfs, embroidered, 172, p. 309.
Scattergood, Anthony, p. 340.
Schiedam, the, (Dutch ship,) 1129.
Schilling, Capt., see Shilling, Capt.
Scilly Islands, the, 373, 779, 783, 803, p. 348, 926.
- road, 776, 778.
-, -, safety of the ships at, 791.
Scinde , 186, 263, 267, 268.
-, the governor of, 244.
-, inhabited by the Portuguese, 267.
Scofield, Henry, p. 225.
Scoles, Fras., p. 97.
Score, Simon, 474.
-, -, Anne, widow of, 474.
Scot, Edmund, pp. 230-1, 700.
Scot or Scott, George, 323, 367, 499, 503, p. 230, 557, 600, 608, 642, 653, p. 340, p. 350, 1066.
-, Sir John, 276.
-, Robert, p. 340.
Scot, Burgomaster of Middelburg, 928, 1090.
Scotland, 323.
-, the fishing in, 422.
Scurvy, preservation against, 774.
Sea Adventure the, p. 2, 86, 89, 221, 226, p. 126, 275, 282, 291, 407, 817, p. 359.
Sea fights, see Battles.
Seager, Edward, 200, 249, p. 228, 661, 789, p. 339, 1068.
Sea horse, see Morse.
Sealing-wax, 221.
Sea Wolf, the, (Dutch ship,) 667, 847.
Sedensnore, Henricke, 238.
Sedgwick or Sidgwicke, -, 252.
-, daughter of, see Jonson, wife of.
Selaman , English factory in, p. 425.
Seland , island of, 787.
Selby, Geo., p. 337.
-, -, Maudlyn, wife of, p. 337.
Semidono, -, p. 359.
Semper, Nathaniel, p. 99.
-, Owen, p. 99.
Senegal , 469.
Senend , 790.
Seracold, Ralph, p. 100.
Seran, see Ceram.
Sere, Andres, 1129.
Serle, Aquila, p. 338.
Sernara, Duke of, 877.
Ses, Maestro, see Sayer, Edmund.
Sessin, Wm., p. 97.
Seville, 367.
Seyliard, Nicholas, 770.
-, -, son of, 770.
Shambrooke, Jeremy, see Sambrooke, Jeremy.
Shapley, -, 1125.
Shaserim , 811.
Shashma or Xaxma (Japan), p. 2, 221, p. 127, 282.
-, Hollanders murdered by Chinese at, 221.
-, King of, p. 2.
Shaw Hussen, 213.
Sheeres or Sheires, Thos., p. 97.
Sheffield, Mrs., 241.
Shehreyarie, Gov. of Moghistan, 19, 451, pp. 306-310, 811.
-, -, present to, p. 306.
Shephard, Tristram, p. 348.
Shepheard, -, 754, 797.
Sheppard or Shephard, Thos., p. 99, 442, P. 340.
Sherborne, Robt., p. 407.
Sheres, -, 911.
Sherington, Isaac, 180.
Sherley, Sir Anthony, 22, 107, 122, 784.
-, -, a very poor man and much neglected, 784.
-, -, his retirement and pension, 305, 784.
-, Sir Robert, 15, 22, 56, 107, 121, 135, 139, 177, 210, 264, 330, 358, 367, 416, 594, 753, p. 307, 784-5, 810.
-, -, an enemy to Portugal, 135.
-, -, well entertained at Lisbon, 183
-, -, his entertainment at Madrid, 305, 358, 784.
-, -, wife of, 22, 139, 210, p. 307.
-, -, agent to, see Robbins, Wm.
-, Sir Thos. 22.
-, -, children of, 22.
Sherricke, Geo., 990.
Shilling, Capt. Andrew, 158, 269, 270, 289, 336, 389, 396, p. 260, 738, 743, 758, 765, 776, 778, 799, 801, p. 345, 806, p. 350, 810, 816, 821, 823, 825, 829, 834, 866, 882, 908, 911-3, 926, 1007.
-, -, commander of the Anne Royal, 298.
-, -, letter from,
-, 1618: 372.
-, -, journal of his voyage, 750.
-, -, mortally wounded, 992.
-, -, wages of, 754.
-, -, his fleet, 939.
Shipton, John, 810.
Shipwrights, petition of the, 329.
Shiraz , 19, 68, 69, 70, 74, 77, 80, 91, 92, 156, 263, 339, p. 160, 340, 467, 480, 651, p. 310, 811, 858.
-, English factory settled at, 76, 330, 753.
-, -, house for, 80.
-, letter to the factors of, 63.
-, proposal to dissolve factory at Ispahan or, p. 160.
-, English resident in, see Barker, Thos.
-, minutes of consultations at, 339 I., p. 307.
-, the Khan of, p. 308.
-, Duke of, see Emanguolique Khan.
-, "Darraga" of, 57.
-, Mint, master of, 872.
-, -, coining in, 848.
-, letters dated from, 57, 70, 848.
Shirauz, see Shiraz.
Shoby, Capt., 81, 86, 226, p. 126.
Shongo Same, Emperor of Japan, pp. 2, 3, 86, 201, 221, 226, p. 127, 315, 441, 732, 817-820, p. 360, 929, p. 402, 963, 1112.
-, succeeds his father Ogusho Same, 105.
-, his acceptance of King James' letters, 274.
-, privileges to the English granted by, p. 3.
-, -, refused to be renewed by, 274.
-, English factors sent with presents to, 930.
-, presents for, 971, 1112.
-, -, the English not suffered to go with, 1118.
-, buys up all the lead, 930.
-, more against the Romish religion than his father was, 8.
-, all Christians put to death by, 819.
-, wishes utterly to root out the memory of Christianity in, 819.
-, Cock's visit to, and wonderful account of the court of, 1, 407, 792, 819.
-, goes hunting with above 10,000 men, 315.
-, no martial man, but a great politician, 819.
-, superiority of the Daire or chief priest over, 274.
-, ambassadors from the King of Corea to, p. 128.
-, his Council, p. 2, 971.
-, -, secretaries of, 1.
Shoreham, 672, 692, 700.
Short, Eliza, widow of John, p. 225.
-, Elizabeth, widow of Henry, p. 225.
-, Henry, 740, 783, p. 338, 803, 810, 821, 827, 829, 989, 990.
-, -, letter from,
-, 1620 : 909.
-, -, sickness of, 1021.
Short, John, p. 225.
Short, Richard, 353, p. 225, p. 462, 1118.
-, -, supposed to have been secretly murdered by the Portuguese, 353.
Shortinge, Alice, p. 98.
-, -, John, son of, p. 98.
Shouker or Shukar, Jeremy, see Saker, Jeremy.
Shreeve, -, 1154.
Shrewsbury, 720.
Shrive, John, 158.
Siam , 1, p. 2, 12, 72, 86, 105, 142, 201, 206, 221, 226, 234, p. 107, p. 126, p. 128, 275, 282, 291, 441, 755, 763, 767, 775, 787, 817, pp. 359-360, 820 I., 846, p. 374, 930, 1051, 1099, p. 476.
-, prosperous voyage to, 8.
-, territory and trade of, 317.
-, factory of, 140, 221, 775.
-, factors in, see
-, Longe, Edward
-, Pitt, Richard.
-, house built for the company at, 466.
-, attempted rescue of prisoners from, 1074.
-, as great a city as London, 466.
-, the Chinese in, 975.
-, the Hollanders in, 72, 851.
-, their chief factor in, see Newrode.
-, the Portuguese in, 72.
-, King of, 72, 86, 221, 283, 349, 1048, 1069.
-, deer skins from, p. 2.
-, junks, 1070.
-, wood, p. 55.
-, letters dated from,
-, 89, 140, 349. See also Bankok, Judea
-, Ligor
-, Sangora.
Siberia , 307.
Sidgwicke, see Sedgwick.
Silks, 15, 19, 89, 90, 97, 98, 124, 142, 175, 198, 201, 221, 234, p. 128, 275, 277, 310, 316, pp. 156-7, 376, 411, 498, 594, 600, 624, 790-1, p. 350, 817, p. 360, 880, 929, 979, 992, 1103 I., 1112, 1134, 1136, 1149, 1161, 1173, p. 503.
-, concerning the sale of, 745.
-, -, trade of, 1024.
-, expenses of the transit of, 380.
-, as commonly sold as oystera, p. 472.
-, stockings, see Stockings.
-, Bengala, 782, 786, 1078.
-, China, p. 55, 344, 775.
-, Japan, p. 127, 386, 454, 963.
-, Persian, 56, 59, 74, 76, 122, 156, 308, 330, pp. 157-9, 356, 446, 467, 475, 532, 584, p. 259, 753, pp. 308-9, 756, 799, 811, 849, 872, 926, 1128, 1130, p. 496.
-, -, contract with the Shah for, p. 158.
-, -, the quantity to be bartered for, 263.
-, -, to be had annually, 738.
-, -, packed in sacks, 992.
-, -, price of, 122, 745.
-, raw, p. 2, 12, 122, 210, 219, 515, 927, 1168, p. 504.
-, prices of, 74, 156, 753, p. 308.
-, -, abatement in, p. 308.
-, Turkey, 738.
Sill, Henry, p. 338, p. 349, p. 407.
Sillore, see Solor.
Silva, Don Garza de, Spanish ambassador in Persia, 59, 68, 70, 74, 77, 80, 91, 91 I., 92, 93, 97, pp. 157-8, 446, p. 309.
-, -, refused audience of the Shah of Persia, p. 121.
-, Don Juan de, p. 3, 52, 105, p. 126, 1156.
Silver, John, 1125.
-, -, letter from,
-, 1619 : 625.
Silver, 1, 47, p. 55, 230, p. 107, p. 125, 821, p. 474.
-, exportation of, 799, p. 345, 1022.
-, want of, to coin, 367.
-, price of, 799, p. 345.
-, see also Mines.
Simonds, Thos., p. 229.
Simons, Robt., p. 340.
Simonson, Wm., 161, p. 96.
Simpson, Jas., p. 228.
Sinan, see Sana.
Sinclair, Sir Andrew, 290.
Sindu, see Scinde.
Siras, see Shiraz.
Skeans, see Swords.
Skengero, Dono of Miako, 577.
Skinner, John, p. 226.
-, -, Sarah, widow of, p. 226.
Skinner's Hall, 696.
-, 26, 142, 201, 226, 273, p. 360
see also Furs.
-, Beaver skins.
-, Coney skins.
-, Deer skins.
-, Lamb skins
-, Squirrel skins.
-, Tiger skins.
Skynner, Augustine, 505, p. 230.
Slade, James, 692, p. 348. p. 497, p. 499, 1175, 1177.
-, Matthew, letters from-
-, 1617 : 112, 113, 131, 170, 199.
-, 1618 : 338, 344, 351, 354, 435.
Slaney or Slanye, Humphrey, p. 55, 700, p. 506.
Slavery and slaves
-, 57, 1095, 1108
see also Arabia
-, Blacks.
Sleigh, Richard, 489, 738, 758.
-, -, debt of, 750.
Smart, Geo., 418.
Smeeth, co. Kent, p. 340.
Smelte, John, letter from,
-, 1619 : 618.
Smith, Bertram, p. 97.
-, Edward, 501.
-, Elizabeth, wife of John, 697, p. 337.
-, Elizabeth, wife of Simon, 450.
-, Geo., 505.
-, Henry, purser, 1100, p. 474, p. 504.
-, Humphrey, 165, 216, p. 99, 241, p. 340.
-, James, p. 227.
-, Jeremy, p. 340.
-, John, steward of the house at Jacatra, 157, 238, 557, 678, 694, 697, p. 337, 825.
-, John, pp. 226-7.
-, Nich., p. 337.
-, Ralph, p. 504.
-, Richard, 895, 1083.
-, Sir Richard, 466, p. 231, 694, 1130.
-, Robt., p. 97, p. 226, p. 229, 642, 678.
-, Simon, 450, p. 341.
-, Susan, wife of Nicholas, p. 337.
-, Thos., son of Jeremy, p. 340.
-, Sir Wm., 700.
-, -, letter from:
-, 1619 : 532.
-, Wm., 192, 194, 505.
Smithe, Ambrose, 368.
Smitheck, Thos., 1168, p. 499, 1175, 1177.
-, -, his appointment and salary, 1171.
Smyth, Lewis, 7, 88, 114, 119, 246.
-, -, letter from,
-, 1617: 204.
-, Richard (coachman for Persia), 557.
-, Thos. p. 227.
Smythe, Sir Thos., Governor of the East India Company, 16, 106, p. 55, 166, 182, 198, 209, 221, 222, 231, 238, 241, 301, 304, 306, 323, 347, 377, 397, 412, 434, 452, 469, 474, 484, 505, 514, pp. 229, 230, 553, 589, 608, 631, 659, 700, 748, 750, 752, p. 307, 754, 762, 765-6, 771, p. 340, 797, 799, pp. 348-50, 808, 832, 873, 934, 955, 1040, 1042, 1049, 1066, 1079, 1092, 1096, 1100, 1102, p. 470, 1138, 1143, 1145, 1168, 1173, 1179.
-, -, letters from-
-, 1618 : 429, 452.
-, 1619 : 769.
-, 1620 : 920.
-, -, letters to-
-, 1617 : 8, 45, 105, 221.
-, 1618 : 276, 277, 282, 289, 378.
-, 1619 : 574, 599, 604, 605, 612, 627, 723, 767.
-, 1620 : 822, 843, 845, 909, 915.
-, 1621 : 986.
-, -, chosen governor, 700, 705.
-, -, -, begs to be excused being, 1039.
-, -, his audience of the King, 306.
-, -, appointed commissioner to treat with those from Holland about the East Indies, 505, 534.
-, -, the poor box delivered up by, 1052.
-, -, a box of letters and toys from India for, 270.
-, -, presents (gratuities) from the East India Company to, 341, 391, 712, 734.
-, -, -, exceptions taken to, 700.
-, -, feasts the States commissioners, 696.
-, -, an adventurer of almost 20,000l. in the East India Company, 1039.
-, -, complaint of his having 10,000l. with the East India Company at 10 per cent., 754.
-, -, warrant for payment to, 382.
-, -, indisposition of, 771.
-, -, his house at Deptford burnt down, 586.
-, -, his house adjoining Crosby House, 1092.
-, -, his house in Philpot Lane, 588, 743, 841, 947.
-, Lady, wife of, 221, 777, 822.
-, Sir John, son of, p. 340.
-, -, family of, 822.
-, -, his purser, see Bosvile, Henry.
Snell, -, 455.
Soame, Sir Stephen, 168.
-, letter to the factors of, 168.
Soar road , 1119.
Socotra , Island of, 882, 1119.
Solicitor-General, the, see Coventry, Sir Thos.
Sollimatt , King of, 285.
-, -, his wish for the English to settle a factory there, 285.
Solomon, see Proverbs.
Solomon, Isle of, 325.
Solomon, the, 38, 94, 127, 137, 189, 238, 240, 245, p. 109, 332, 353, 407, 409, p. 186, 424, 450, 1173.
-, arrives at Macassar, 353, 746.
-, seized by the Dutch, 424, 746, 846.
Solor , Island of, 317, 415.
Some, Arthur, 1038.
Somers Islands , the, 608, 720.
-, tobacco from, see Tobacco.
Somersdike, or Sommerdyke, Mons., see Aerssens.
Sophy of Persia, the, see Abbas Mirza.
Sorrier or Sorryer, John, p. 502.
Sounck, Burgomaster, of Horne, Albert, 485, 898, 928.
-, -, commission from Dutch East India Company to, 487.
-, -, his credentials, 491.
South-east passage, the, 198.
South Holland (Dutch ship), the, 1108.
South Seas, the, 160.
-, discovery of new passage to, see Le Maire.
Southwell, Sir -, 387.
South-west, patent for the, see Le Maire.
Southwicke, Thos., p. 228.
Sound, John, 748.
Southampton, Earl of, see Wriothesley, Henry.
South Holland, the, 981.
Spain, 56, 216, 367, 637, 707.
-, remarks on friendship between England and, 1036.
-, truce between Holland and, see Holland.
-, reports of the "glorious triumphs" of the Spaniards over the English in India throughout, 478.
-, the Court of, full of the disgrace put upon the English by the Dutch in India, 504.
-, and the East Indian treaty, 721, 734.
-, endeavours of the faction in, to alienate King James' affection from the Dutch, 885.
-, great preparations for war in, 988.
-, King of, see Philip III.
-, ambassador to Persia from, see Persia.
-, ryals from, 374, 743.
-, silver imported from the West Indies to, 1024.
Spaldinge, Aug., p. 56, 194, 196, 216, 519, p. 266, 670, 671, 759, 760, 787, 802, 824, 937, 953, 979, 1057, 1125, p. 470, p. 472, 1134, p. 474, 1173, p. 498, 1174.
-, -, letters from-
-, 1618 : 512, 516, 517, 518, 522.
-, 1619 : 533, 540, 562, 598, 775.
-, 1620 : 835, 878, 883, 932.
-, 1621 : 1172.
-, -, letter to,
-, 1619 : 607.
-, -, consultation by, 1176.
-, -, private trade and estate of, 1134, 1173.
-, -, captain of the Unicorn, 747.
Span, Thos., 280.
Spangles, 624.
-, gold, 879.
Spaniels (dogs), 186.
Spanish fleet, the, 52.
-, -, defeated by the Dutch, 108, 109.
- company, the, letter to,
-, 1621 : 1022.
- a, ship robs the Viceroy of Malacca,
-, ambassadors 412, 619, 753.
- secretary in England, 708.
- money, 367.
-, letters in, 303, 454, 462, 481.
Sparkes, Geo., p. 98.
-, John, 450, p. 225.
-, Margaret, widow of, 450, p. 225.
Spectacles, p. 107.
Specx, Jacques or Jacob, Dutch chief in Japan, 201, p. 359, 1118.
-, -, letter from,
-, 1617 : 9.
Speedwell, the, 119, 137, 150, 151, 425 I., 564.
-, taking of, 211, p. 109.
Speke, Capt. Jacob, see Specx.
Spence, Geo., 990.
Spencer, Adam, p. 229.
Spettie, Thos., 1070.
Spicer, Rich., p. 97.
Spices, 18, 19, 20, 47, 57, 74, 76, 91, 122, 124, 128, p. 55, 220, p. 120, 317, 325, p. 159, 403, 404, 408, 424, 433, 464, 489, 500, 502, 593, p. 260, 666, 754, 811, p. 385, 990, p. 425.
-, scarcity of, 245.
- trade of the Dutch in, pp. 4, 7.
-, great profit to be made on spices sent to Persia, 268.
-, complaint of the non-arrival of, for some time, 1040.
Spicke, commander of the Hector, 384.
Spike, Thos., 262, p. 340.
Spikenard, the best from Agra, 786, 790.
Spilbergh of Zealand, successful voyage from India of, 108, 109.
Sprage or Spragge, Thos., 336, 396, 790, 856.
Spring, -, 810.
Springham, Eliza, p. 506.
Springoll, Henry, 450.
Sprunt, Wm., p. 504.
Spurgin, Amos, 712.
Spurston, Wm., p. 505.
Spurwaie or Spurway, Thos., 5, p. 5, 73, 99, 128, 129, 423, 444, 499, 519, 669.
-, -, letters from-
-, 1617 : pp. 6, 8.
-, 1618 : 245, 424, 436.
Squire or Squier, Rowland, p. 100.
-, Samuel, 455, 474, 589.
-, Rachel, widow of, 1072.
Squirrel skins, 464.
Stacie, Stacye, Stacey, or Stacy, Walter, p. 5, 128, 129, 130, 409, 623.
Stafford, Alex., 255, p. 350.
Stamere, -, 776.
Stanfield, Humphrey, p. 503.
Stanley, Richard, 252.
-, Wm., Earl of Derby, 341.
-, Eliz., Countess of Derby, 341, 347.
-, -, grandchild of, 341.
Staple, John, 450.
Staplers of England, 212, 216, 249.
-, complaint of, 165.
Star, the, 455, 464, 482, 501, 717, 760, 775, 879, 883, p. 386, 886, 892, 908, 932, 939, 947-8, 980, 990, pp. 424-5, 1021, 1032, p. 495, p. 496, 1176.
-, "rendering up" of, to the Dutch, 742, 755, 761, 763, 787, 842, 876.
-, at Bantam, 915.
-, sails for Banda, 933.
Star Chamber, the, 347, 377, 1138, 1152, 1154, 1161, 1173.
State Paper Office, the, see Papers, Office of H.M.
States Island , 108.
States General, the, 288, 453, 461, 471, 484, 500, 534, 723, 748, 864, 897, 919, 954, 957, 961, 964, 969-70, 1041, 1055, 1139.
-, Sir D. Carleton's memorial, proposition, and remonstrance to, 425, 449, 495, 540.
-, reply of, to Carleton's proposition, 583, 587.
-, instructions for his speech with, 443.
-, decree made by, 445.
-, resolution of, 460.
-, meeting of, put off, 1148.
-, Act against the English made by, 463, 470.
-, sending commissioners to England, 468, 487-8.
-, their action against the pirates, 896.
-, and their affairs in France, 722.
-, letters from-
-, 1618 : 487, 488.
-, 1619 : 724.
-, 1620 : 928. I.
-, letter to,
-, 1621 : 1036.
-, ambassadors to England and France sent from, 897-8, 928, 941.
-, -, delay in their dispatch, 946.
-, English ambassador to, see
-, Carleton, Sir Dudley
see also East Indies, Holland, James I.
Stavelin, Stavelinge, or Stavely. John, 404, 1125, p. 470, 1145, 1161, 1168, p. 504.
Staverts, -, 1148.
Staverton, Thos., 242, 932, 990, 1174
-, -, letters from-
-, 1618 : 353, 408, 439.
-, 1619 : 746.
-, -, letter to,
-, 1619 : 597.
Steel, 1, 94, 134, 162, 185, 257, p. 159, 515, 592, 753, 760-1.
- hemp for twine, 770.
Steele, John, 241.
-, Rich., 38, 44, 74, 98, 147, 162, 172, 173, 182, 186, 189, 209, 218, 217, 230, 266, p. 121, 268, 270, 276, 300, 302, 336, p. 159, 421, p. 307, 754, 762, 776, 778, 790.
-, -, his grand projected waterworks at Ahmedabad, 266, p. 120, 269.
-, -, his accounts, 774.
-, -, never entertained in the Great Mogul's service, 790.
-, -, petition of, p. 339.
-, -, goes to England, p. 260.
-, -, arrives in England, 743.
-, -, condemned for his unworthy carriage, 743.
-, -, wife of (Webbe, Frances), 162, 182, 186, 189, 213, 230, p. 120, 270, 421, 531, 754, 785, 790.
-, -, -, her marriage, 276, 300, 302.
-, -, -, her confinement at Surat, 289.
-, -, -, her goods, 762.
-, -, family of, 230, 790.
Steere, Wm., p. 506.
Stepenhreth [Stepney?], parish of, 301.
Stephens, Anne, 672.
-, Fras., 469, p. 226, 1068, 1072.
Stevens, Jonas, p. 225.
-, -, Margaret, widow of, p. 225, p. 338.
-, Nathaniel, p. 99.
-, Thos., p. 228.
-, Wm., p. 504.
Steventon, Marmaduke, 842, 851, 1130.
-, -, letter from,
-, 1620 : 877.
Stiles, Oliver, 241.
-, Thos., 801.
Stock, Mrs., p. 57.
Stockings, silk, 172, 1050.
Stoddard, John, 799.
Stone, Andrew, p. 498.
-, Benjamin, 1168.
-, Henry, p. 408.
-, -, Bridget, wife of, p. 408.
-, John, 809.
-, Wm., 700, 821, 825, 829, 1171, 1173.
-, -, elected treasurer of the East India Company, 1039, 1060.
-, -, "one of the cities' council," 1111.
Stonywell, Wm., letters from-
-, 1617 : 211.
-, 1618 : 240, 242, 251, 258, 254,
-, 259, 261.
-, -, will and estate of, 630, p. 503.
Storms, extraordinary, 717, 986.
Story, John, p. 338.
-, -, Grace, mother of, p. 338.
-, Robt., p. 503.
Stow, co. Huntingdon, p. 229.
Strachan, Strahan, or Strahanna, Geo., a Scotch physician, 535, 753, p. 309, 848, 872, 894-5, 992.
-, -, a great linguist, p. 309.
-, -, report that he would poison all the English in Ispahan, 894.
-, -, agreement between the East India Company and, p. 310.
-, -, letters from,
-, 1620 : 828, 893.
-, -, wife of, 753.
Stratford, -, death of, 257.
Streyner, Wm., p. 503.
-, -, Mary, wife of, p. 503.
Stringer, Geo., p. 230.
Strong waters, 45, 104, 230, 270, 302, 316, 624.
Strowd, George, 797, p. 345, 803, p. 505.
Studley, Nath., p. 340.
Styles, Oliver, p. 408.
-, Thos., 700.
Succadana (Borneo), 39, 73, 234, 337, 353, 373, 643, 664, 742, 775, 814, 914, 1143.
-, English factory in, 370, 597, 775.
-, commodities of, p. 107.
-, - vendible at, 476.
-, trade good at, 370.
-, the Chinese in, 101.
-, the Hollanders in, 370, 373, 597.
-, the Queen of, 361, 370, 648.
-, governor of, 370, 385.
-, -, bribed by the Dutch, 49.
-, Landak prows in, 597.
-, letters dated from, 36, 39, 49, 101, 361, 370-1, 385, 476, 597, 648.
Suckling, Sir John, 700, 781.
Sudbury, 947.
Suffield, Arthur, 1171, p. 503.
Suffolk, Earl of, see Howard, Thos.
Sugar, 38, 74, 76, 122, 230, p. 120, p. 159, p. 306.
- candy, 266, p. 159.
Suker, Jeremy, his examination, p. 470.
Sulpheckaure, Sultan, 339.
Sulphur, p. 106.
Sultan, the, see Grand Signor, the.
Sumatra , 38, 88, 94, 127, p. 58, p. 106, 269, 295, 362, 384, 592, 760, 775, 814, p. 359, 845, 1134.
-, territory and trade of, 318.
-, King of, character of, p. 106.
-, the Dutch at, 597.
-, -, English taken by, 851
see also Acheen, Catotanga, Indraghiri, Indrapura, Jambi, Palembang, Priaman, Tecoe.
Sun, the (old), 208, 212, 216, 252, p. 126, 599, 670, 775.
-, loss of, 574, 601, 609, 611, p. 265, 704, 734, 803, pp. 349-51, 822.
-, money lost in, p. 374, p. 474, 1136, 1143.
-, the new, p. 127.
Sanda , Straits of, 137, 588, 547, 609, 643, 718, 727, 742, 755, 761, 768, 835, 842, 844-5, p. 374, 878.
-, -, English ship taken by Dutch in, 842.
-, -, fight between English and Hollanders in, 822.
Sundbridge, co. Kent, p. 340.
Supply, the, 589, 778, 785, p. 348, 816, p. 436.
Surgeons, master and warden of, 821.
Surgeons' Hall, 700.
Surgery stuff, see Drugs.
Surat , 4, 16, 17, 18, 19, 33-4, 37-8, 41, 44, 46-7, 59, 60, 68, 74, 75, 76, 88, 91, 92-4, 97, 119, 127, 134, 135, p. 57, 146, 156, 159, 161, 172, 173, 180, 184, 198, 213, 216, 217, 220, 224, 227, 245, 246, 255, 266, 267, p. 121, 293, 300, 330, 339, p. 159, 347, 365, 384, 403, 412, 430, 466, 467, 480, 505, 515, 531, 536, 606, 709, 743, 748, p. 309, 754, 760-1, 775, 778, 780-1, 783, 785, 797, 799, p. 345, p. 349, 856, 915, 980, 1000, 1078, 1108, 1126, 1128, 1134, p. 486, 1163.
-, opinions of trade at, 293, 750, 758.
-, the council of, 1119.
-, President and factors of, letter from,
-, 1621 : 1149.
-, chief factor at, see Kerridge, Thos.
-, factors at, 883, p. 496.
-, -, letters to-
-, 1617 : 186.
-, 1620 : 811.
-, the English factory at, 70, 218, 230.
-, -, indiscreet government of, 54.
-, -, wrongs and abuses at, 790.
-, -, "bad supplies" from, 418.
-, -, sales at, 189.
-, -, provisions for relief of, 241.
-, very good warlike ships to be built for, 613.
-, disorders and quarrels of the English, and their offer to take, p. 180.
-, prohibition against English wearing arms landing at, p. 181.
-, goods and presents fit to be sent to, 317, p. 351, 1171.
-, quarrels between the English and natives of, 47.
-, capture of junks belonging to natives of, 61.
-, devices of Hollanders to drive English from trade at, 384, 430, p. 259, 754, 762, 1130.
-, consultations held in, 35.
-, a Dutch factory established at, 47.
-, ships sailed for and arrived at, p. 56, 159, 474, 482, 547, 589, 666, 767, 786, pp. 348-350, 834, 908, 1007, 1129, 1133, 1167, 1171.
-, ships from, 540, 589, 855. III., 879, 933.
-, relading of ships from, 47.
-, value of stock employed to, 758.
-, agreement for letting a house at, 31.
-, phirmaund for English house at, 394.
-, English put out of their house at, 396.
-, King of, see Kharrum, Prince.
-, the governors of, see
-, Mocrob Khan
-, Zulyher Khan.
-, though esteemed rich, the common inhabitants very needy, 759.
-, the custom-house and "customers" at, 295, 790.
-, the Flemings at, 267.
-, -, privileges of, 189.
-, preachers at, see Gould, Robt, Leske, Wm.
-, surgeon for, 765, p. 338.
-, agency, the, 296.
-, a barge necessary for, 772, 774.
-, fleet arrived at, 790, 926.
-, conditions of English residents at, p. 259.
-, Roe's opinion and survey of Company's affairs at, see Roe, Sir Thos.
-, great preparations of the Portuguese to expel English from, 753, 755, 763.
-, - of Dutch, 755, 763.
-, junks, 624, 872.
-, bullion sent to, 624.
-, carpets from, see Carpets.
-, cloth from, see Cloth.
-, spices from, see Spices.
-, wheat to be bought at, 241.
-, letters dated from, 7, 34-5, 37-8, 44, 61, 71, 189, 624, 756, 759, 830-l, 836, 926, 992, 1149, 1158.
-, river, 193.
-, road, 11.
Susa, Don Luis de, Portuguese Governor of Ormuz, 498.
Sutton, Edmund, 1174.
Swaine, Rich., 754, 758.
Swally , 37, 127, 193, 213, 230, 289, 300, 302, p. 260.
-, climate and character of the people of, 33.
-, road, 37, 267, 600, 992.
-, letters dated from, 33, 40-1, 45, 147, 193, 302, 592.
Swan, the, p. 7, 73, 82, 95, 105, 128, 234, 659, 684, 803, 883, 930, p. 402, 967, 1110, 1118, 1172.
-, minutes of council held aboard, p. 5.
-, taken by the Dutch, p. 6, p. 106, 257, 425. I. 499, 623, 818,
-, -, names of those aboard when, 29, 474.
-, offer of restitution of, p. 7.
-, master of, see Davis, John.
-, crew of, prisoners with the Dutch, 116, 584, 682.
- (Dutch ship), the, 1095.
Swan or Swanne, Rich., master of the Roebuck, 158, 785, 821, 834, 992.
Swanley, Richard, p. 5, 146, 251, 459, 535, 584, 682, 754, 770, 778, p. 345, 825, 1052, 1068.
-, -, private trade of, 789.
-, -, gratuity to, p. 345.
-, -, prisoner in the Moluccas, 808.
-, William, master of the Charles, 41, 489, p. 337.
-, -, his private trade, 762.
-, Elizabeth, wife of Richard, 584, 682.
Swanton, -, 1046, 1052.
Swareg, Swaryes, or Swerez, Francis, 182, 659, 786, 790.
Sweden, King of, see Gustavus Adolphus.
-, 464.
Swerez, see Swares.
Swetland, Wm., 439.
-, -, death of, 667.
Swords, 61, 91, 172, 189, 194, 316-7, p. 309, 790, p. 351.
Sword-blades, 38, 45, 134, 216, 218, 220, 330, p. 159, 624, 753, p. 309, 756, 980, 1121.
Swynnhowe, Geo., 445, p. 506.
Symonds, Bartholomew, 972, 1119.
Symons, Robt., 821.
-, Thos., 239.
Synan, see Sana.
Syngora , 982.
Syon, letter dated from, 885.