Index: G

Pages 544-547

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 3, 1617-1621. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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Gainsford, Thos., 720, 726.

Galls, 78.

Ganges, the, 16.

-, part of, commanded by the Portuguese, 38.

Gardiner, Christopher, p. 97.

-, Wm., 87.

Gardyner, Mary, 180.

Garnous, Nicholas, p. 98.

Garrard, Abrah., p. 227.

Garret, John, 646, 810, p. 502.

-, Wm., p. 502.

Garrington, Thos., p. 98.

Garroway, Henry, 391, 505, p. 230, 700, 829, 1039, p. 505.

-, Sir Wm., 323, 428, 685, 1123.

-, -, Wm., son of, 635.

Garterson, John, death of, 842.

Garway, Arthur, p. 98.

-, Nathaniel, p. 98, p. 230
-, see also Garroway.

Gasken or Gaskin, Thos., 755, 763.

Gastrell, Israel, p. 505.

Gates, Sir Thos., 961.

Gauls, 122.

Gayton, Robt., 1138.

Gaytoun, p. 157, pp. 160-1, 651.

Gazidia, 47.

Geckle, Fras., 846.

Geere, -, p. 345.

Gehore gold, price of, 130.

Gelderland or Guelderland
-, 494, 1090
-, see also Zutphen.

Gemmet, Mary, p. 225.

Gengele, 502.

Gentleman, Thos., p. 338.

George, Edward, 445, 450.

-, John, father of, 445, 450.

-, John (Dutchman), 785, p. 349.

Georgian merchants, 600.

Germany, Emperor of, see Matthias.

Gerrard, G., letter from,
-, 1619 : 536.

Gettins, Christopher, 816.

-, John, 816.

Geynsford, -, 910.

Ghehangier (ship), the, 247.

Gibberd, Thos., p. 503.

Gibbon, John, p. 227.

Gibones, Robt., confession after "release from his torture," 1093.

Gibson, Catherine, 466, 480.

-, Oswald, 301.

-, -, his child, 301.

Gidwyn, Thos., 789.

Giffard, see Gifford, Capt.

Giffard or Gyfford, Robt., pp. 307-8, 849, 880, p. 506.

Gifford or Giffard, Capt., 395, 414, p. 348.

-, Roger, p. 98.

-, Thos., 480, p. 225.

Gift, the, 158, 162, 189, 193, 217, 269, 295, 302, 384, 444, 590, 601, 603, 607, 643, 663, 775, 842, 844, p. 374, 908, 933, 980, p. 495.

-, arrives at Acheen, 365, 388.

-, - at Masulipatam, 787.

Giles or Gyles, Capt. Richard, 149, 314, 377, 552, 613, 776, 778.

Gill, Roger, 200 p. 502.

Gilliver, Raph., 781, p. 339.

Gilman, Edward, 114, 119.

-, -, chief factor at Patani, 597, 842, 851.

-, -, his base and idle carriage, 846.

-, -, sent home prisoner, p. 495.

Ginger, 325, p. 159, 753, p. 306.

-, green, 1103. I.

Giocomino, Sigr., Spanish Governor of the Manillas, 99.

Gipps, Robt., 38.

-, -, death of, 266.

Glamyle, Wm., p. 226.

Glass bottles, 1.

- ware, 38, 173, 213, 624, p. 306.

-, window, 266, 790.

Glasscock, Chas., p. 230.

Glaziers, 756.

Globe, the, 4, 37, 38, 44, 47-8, 54, 67, 87, 94, 127, 133, 137, 138, pp. 55-6, 149, 176, 192, 216, 220, 246, 266, 267, 272, 387, 515, 601, 603, 775, 842, 844, p. 374, 883, 908, 980, 981, 1083, p. 474, p. 496, 1174, 1176.

-, consultation on board, 111.

-, letters dated from, 54, 845.

-, surgeon of, see Neve, John.

-, homeward bound, 245.

-, arrives at Masulipatam, 1129.

Globes, 270, 330.

Gloucester, co., 774.

Glover, Robt., p. 226.

Gloves, 624.

Gnoffiquia (Machian), 1067, 1153.

-, the Dutch in, 1067.

-, letter dated from, 1122.

Goa, 45, 68, 70, 74, 75, 77, 78, 107, 187, pp. 259-260, p. 309, 1112, 1126, 1144, p. 486.

-, the Inquisition House at, p. 360.

-, great preparations of the Portuguese at, 753.

-, Vice-King of, 99, 753.

-, fight between Turkish pirates and Portuguese ships from, 1137, 1156.

-, seizure of a junk of, 980.

-, names of English ships at, 1169.

-, report of English ships taken by the Portuguese at, 1053-4.

-, ships of defence to sail for, 1108.

Goad, Stephen, 1171, p. 504.

Goats, 410, 643, 717, 980.

Goch or Gogh, of Zutphen, Jean de, 412, 461, 470, 527, 555, 616, 641, 680, 716, 729, 860, 1044, 1062, 1077, 1087, 1090, 1098, 1139.

-, -, commission from the States General to, 488.

-, -, his credentials, 492.

-, -, Sir D. Carleton's letter in his favour, 494.

-, -, knighted by King James, 707.

-, -, his patent of knighthood, 710.

Godfrey, Wm., p. 227.

Godfrye, Thos., p. 97.

Godolphin, -, 778.

Godschall, Joab, p. 506.

Godspeed, the, p. 359, 929-30.

Gogh, of Zutphen (Gelderland), see Goch, Jean de.

Gogo, 172, 186, 189, 247, 267, 289, 302, p. 181, 590.

-, King of, 189.

-, shipping of, 388, p. 259.

Golconda, 220, 336, p. 374.

Gold, 36, 47, 57, p. 58, 162, 172, 180, 186, 189, 221, 230, pp. 106-7, 300, 302, 316, 329, 330, 597, 930, 952.

-, extraordinary amount taken by the Dutch in the East Indies, 344.

-, chain of, 940.

-, and silver cloth, see Cloth.

-, lace, see Lace.

-, spangles, see Spangles.

-, thread, see Thread.

Golden Lion (Dutch ship), the, 185.

Golding or Goulding, "the gentlewomen's chaplain at Surat," 270, 289, 300, 531.

-, goes in disguise to Ahmedabad, 302.

-, his wives, 762.

-, his will, 762.

Goldsmiths, the, 799.

Gombroon, 498, 753, p. 308, 811.

-, old fort destroyed and new one built, 498.

-, governor of, 498.

-, the Portuguese port of, 19.

-, taken from the Portuguese, 77, 498.

-, Spain demands surrender of, 753.

Gomera islands, 47.

Gomers, Cornelius, 285.

Gomersoll, -, 659, 661.

Gomm, John, 1122.

Gomye, Anthony, 241.

Gonninge, John, p. 229, p. 338, 797, p. 345, 810, 821, 827, 932, p. 407.

-, -, letters from-
-, 1620 : 911.
-, 1621 : 1067.

-, -, letter to,
-, 1621 : 1160.

-, -, his instructions as one of the Council of Defence, 1019.

-, -, certificate by, 1031.

Gonsalves, Gyles, 863.

Gonsalvez, Domingo, p. 348.

Gooa, King of, 353, 439.

-, Queen of, 353.

Gooddredge, Thos., 694.

Good Fortune (Dutch ship), the, p. 386, 1108.

Goodin, Penelope, p. 502.

Goodwin or Goodwyn, Jack, 162, 340, 797, p. 350.

Gordone, Wm., master of the Hound, 418, 430, 747, 817, pp. 359-360, 877.

-, -, letter from,
-, 1618 : 419.

-, -, illness of, 357, 359.

-, Joan, p. 503.

Gordin, Wm., 521.

Gore, Alderman John, p. 98, p. 340.

-, Jerard, son of, p. 340.

-, John, son of, p. 340.

Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, captain of Plymouth Castle, 829, 1086.

-, -, building a new ship to outsail the Dutch, 1060.

Goslinge, -, p. 55.

Goto, "Bongew," of, 575.

Gough, John, p. 229.

Gould, Andrew, p. 228.

-, Hugh, p. 228, 915.

-, Robert, preacher at Surat, 596.

Goulding, see Golding.

Gouldsmith, Edward or Edmund, p. 226, p. 227.

Goulston or Gouldstone, Wm., 323, 1068, 1072.

-, -, his son, 1068.

Gourdayne or Gourden, Wm., see Gordone, Wm.

Gourney, John, 94, 226, 466-7, 480, 610, 697, p. 476, 1143.

-, -, death of, 52.

-, -, will and estate of, 635, 697, pp. 349, 350

-, Thomas, brother of John, 265, 466, 697, pp. 349-50.

-, Wm., brother of, 466.

Gracechurch Street, see Gratious Street.

"Gracious or Gratious Street, London," 907, 910.

Grand Mogore, the, see Great Mogul.

Grand Signor, the, 16, p. 120, 270, 330, p. 158, 372, 593.

Grant, Edward, 740, 743, 750, p. 339, 827.

Graunt, George, p. 502.

Gravenor, Edward, p. 227, 832.

Gravesend, 238, 255, 262, 265, 428, 697, 743, p. 348, p. 350, 808, 810, 821, 825, 926.

Great Defence, the, see Defence, the.

Great James, the, see James, Royal.

Great Mogul, the, 30, 33, 38, 45, 60, 61, 74, 91, 127, p. 57, 162, 172, 182, 186, 193, 203, 207, 209, 213, 217, 230, p. 106, 267, 269, 270, 302, 759, 762, 810, 828.

-, his pedigree, mode of life, and character, 203, 276, 535.

-, "drinks," 209.

-, letters from,
-, 1618 : 398, 399, 525.

-, letter from the King, prepared by Sir T. Roe, to, p. 345.

-, phirmaunds and privileges granted to the English by, 122, 398, 399, 790.

-, progresses of, 17, 220, 624, 786, 790.

-, wars with Decans and, 1149.

-, presents for, 74, 172, 173, 276, 316-7, p. 259, 768, 786, 790.

-, presents from, to King James, 749.

-, court of, 16, 624, 786, 790.

-, his dominions, 754.

-, -, invaded, 1119.

-, mother of, 466-7, 567.

-, wife of, see Nourmahal.

-, son of, see also Kharrum, Prince.

-, coachman of, see Hempsale, Wm.

-, musician in the service of, see Armstrong, Thos.

-, his painter, 162, 186.

Great Samorin, the, 514.

Green Dragon (Dutch ship), the, 392.

Green Lion (Dutch ship), the, 219.

Greene, Christopher, surgeon to Sir T. Roe, 217, 276, 642, 646, 697, 726.

-, -, petition of, 752.

-, -, Roe's opinion of him, 270, 276, 293.

-, Elizabeth, p. 504.

-, John, 726, p. 503.

-, Lawrence, p. 340, 823, 1128.

-, -, elected one of the "committee" of East India Company, 1039.

-, Michael, 1015.

-, Reig., 700.

-, Peter, p. 502.

-, Tabitha, wife of, p. 502.

-, Thos., p. 502.

-, William, p. 340.

Greenland, 166, 306, 374, 430, 449, 584, 589, 688, 696, 715, 776, 791, 867, 965, 995, 998, 1006, 1011, 1164.

-, ships, wreck of one of the, 743.

- fishery, 509, 791, 797, 803, p. 350.

-, voyages to, 378, 397, 552, 793, p. 345, 1079.

-, "ill measure" and insolencies by the Dutch to the English in, 401, 449, 918.

-, grievances with the Dutch in, 434, 457-8, 468, p. 350.

-, the Hollanders have no pretext for, 505.

-, -, not to sell away implements, &c. in, to, p. 345.

Greenwell or Grenwell, Wm., 743, 781, p. 341, p. 506.

-, Anne, 1145, p. 506.

Greenwich, 666, 673.

-, letters dated from, 690, 867.

Greete, Hugh, jeweller, 36, 39, 101, p. 108, 433, 445, 597, 659.

-, -, confined a prisoner to his chamber, p. 106.

-, -, sent home a prisoner, p. 108.

-, -, legacy left by, 589, 785.

-, -, his estate, 734, 1072.

Gregory, Chas., 910.

-, -, wife of, 910.

-, -, 165.

Grenbury, Thos., p. 227.

Grenwell, John, p. 229.

-, Wm., see Greenwell.

Gressic (Java), 948, 1465.

Greville, Sir Foulke, Chancellor of the Exchequer, 560, 589, 610, 697.

-, -, present from East India Company to, 713.

Greyhound, the, p. 186.

Grievance, the junk, p. 108.

Griffin or Griffyn, John, death of, 842.

-, Peter, p. 359.

-, Rich., 149, p. 97, 255, p. 351.

-, -, salary of, 198.

-, -, death of, 519, 522.

Griffyn, Thos., 450.

Grimes, Daniel, p. 225.

Grimston, John, beadle to the East India Company, 700.

Gripp, -, 634.

Gris, M., p. 186.

Gritt, Hugh, see Greete, Hugh.

Grotius, M., 485.

Grove, Bartholomew, 622.

Grudge, Jonathan, 778.

Grÿph, Christiaane, his instructions as one of the Council of Defence in the East Indies, 1019.

Gudgion, Fras., p. 98.

Guelderland, see Gelderland.

Guernsey, 964.

Guilbart, Thos., 1124.

-, 403
-, see also Nova Guinea.

-, patent for sole trade in, 469.

Gullcandawe or Gul Chanda, see Golconda.

Gumlac, 162, p. 159, 608, p. 495.

Gunning, John, see Gonninge, John.

Gunpowder, 304.

Gunpowder treason, the, 106.

-, 330
-, see also Cannon.

Gunter, John, 584, 682.

-, Julian, wife of, 584, 682.

Gurdon, Henry, p. 338.

-, Joice, wife of, p. 338.

Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, 464.

Guy, Edwyn, 781, p. 339.

-, Richard, 985.

Guzerat, 134, 182.

-, trade in, 217, 268.

-, people of, 187, 230, 257, 269, 270, 293, 384, 515, 590, 759, 763, 790.

-, -, called "Judas villains, 760.

-, -, character of, 47.

-, Governor of, 45.

-, junks and shipping of, 193, 230, 388, 790, 879.

-, cloth, see Portuguese, the.

-, seas, 220.

Gwalior, letter dated from, 606.

Gybon, Katherine, 445.

Gydwyn, Thos., p. 339.

Gyfford, Robt., see Giffard, Robt.

Gyles, Rich., see Giles, Rich.