Pages 538-540
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 2, 1513-1616. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.
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Quabicondona, see Taico Same.
Qnanto, p. [0-9]29, 669
Quarles, Mr., 17
- Wm., 281, 288, 616
Quabicondona, see Coytmore.
Queda, 266
Queen's Foreland, see Elizabeth Foreland.
Quicksilver, 455, 682, p. 269, p. 272, 691, 717, p. 305, 763, 770, 799, 827, 847, 849, 915, 931, 946, 987, 989, 1021, 1034, 1065, 1167, 1174
Quileatch Chan, 650
Quiloa, 266
Quilts, 846, 848, 857, 944
Quinsay Haven, 147
Racke, 1029
Raines, John, 902
Raisins, 361
Raleigh, Sir Carew, 813
-, -, wife of, 813
Raley (Ralegh), Sir Walter, 236, 237, 1184
Ramberte, Ric, 36
Ramm or Ramme, Anthony, 467, 687
Ramridge, John, 256
Ramusius, 237
Rana, an Indian Prince, 767
Randall, Hugh, 122
-, Thos., see Randolphe.
Randoll, alias Reynoldes, Thos., 36
Randolphs, Thos., 24, 31, 33. II, .45, 51, 70, 71, 79, 95, 105, p. 52, 141, 154. XII
-, -, letter of, 1577 : 32
-, -, letter to, 1578 : 154. XI
Rant, Dr., 983
Rashell, 946. I
Rassingham, Edmund, 928
Rastall or Rastell, Thos., p. [0-9]35, 800, 813, 899, 928, 980, 995, 1003, 1007, 1053, 1167
Ratcliffe, 221, 303, 381, 407, 453, p. 229
-, Thos., Earl of Sussex, Lord Chamberlain, 1572–1585 : 24, 33. II, 45, 70, 95, 105, 137
-, -, letter to, 1578 : 92
-, Countess of Sussex, 105
Raymond, Capt. Geo., 76, 239, 591
Read—, 697
Reade, Gerard, p. p. 240
Reave. Rich., 361, 393
Red Dragon, the, 279, 284, 286, 300
Red Lyon, the, 751. II
Red Sea, the, 238, 266, 406, 506, 521, 588, 608, 632, 634, 638, 659, 695, p. 306, p. 320, 767, 807, 847, 856, 897, 915, 962, 976, 1187
-, book of the ports and places near, 357
-, letter to shun, 570
Regib Aga, Governor of Mocha, 490, 506, 509, 511, 514, 515, 519, 533, 536, 538, 541–544, 546–549, 551, 553, 558, 560, 561, 568, 569
-, letters of, 1611: 540, 552
- letter to, 1611: 554
Reignold, Thos., 695, p. 318, 772–
Reismagros, islands of, p. 262
Rennes, 602, 609
-, parliament of, 577, 581, 672
-, president of, 513
-, letters dated from, 601
Resolution, the, p. 241
Revett, Wm., 386, 393, 395, 459
-, -, death of, 464
Reynoldes, see Randoll, Thos.
Reynolds, Rowland, 616, p. 318
-, Wm., 470, 491
Rice, 455, 716, 754, 1006, 1072
- house, 745
Richard, Stephen, p .335
Richards, Edward, p. 271, 772
Richardson, Thos., 281, 288
Richmond, court at, p58
Ricquaert, Mailliart, letter of, 1606: 347
Riggat, Thos., 43
Ripp, John Cornelius, 248
Roberts, see alias Beggar, John, 36
Roberts, Elias, 465
-, Theod., 461
-, Tudor, 1003
Robins, Geo., p240, 769, 969
Robinson, Arthur, 456, 477, 616, p. 273, 695, p. 303
-, Christ, 36
-, Edward, p58
-, Henry, 256, 281, 288, 368, 407, 417, 420, 864, 912, 928, 956, 1174
-, -, letter of, 1611: 577
Robinson, Hump., 281, 288, 374, 381, 393, 430, 448, 460, 616, 691, 693, p. 286, p. 303. 912
-, John, 256
-, Robt., 281, 288, 357, 456, 477, 616
-, Wm., 381, 448
-, Mons. de, 602
Rochelle, 964
Rochester, 585
-, Visct., see Carr, Sir Robt.
Rodolph II., Emperor of Germany, 600
Rodriges, Lorenzo, letter of, 1600: 275
Rodrigoe, John (the Indian), 362, 373, 377
-, -, death of, 388
Roe, Sir Thos., p318, 770, 772, 785, p. 335, 791, 794, 800, 802, 803, 827, 831, 833, 839, 845, 850, 864, 867, 871, 873, 879, 889, 891, 928, 987, 989, 991, 1086, 1137, 1144, 1167, 1174–5, 1180, 1187
-, -, instructions for, 1614: 852
-, - letters of—
-, 1615: 1035, 1036.
-, 1616: 1086–4, 1146, 1169, 1176–7
-, -, letters to—
-, 1615: 967, 1033, 1043, 1077.
-, 1616: 1085, 1091.
-, -, demands and complaints to Gov. of Surat by, 1028
-, -, answers to objections against removal from Surat to Goga, 1149
-, -, value of presents received by, 1189
-, -, household expenses of, 1189
-, -, disorderly conduct of his page, 1077
Rogers, Peter, minister, p. 273, p. 287, 841
-, -, letter of, 1615: 950
-, Rich., p. 240
Rolfe, Wm., p. 316
Rome, church of, 446
Romney, Walter, 452
-, Wm., afterwards Sir Win., 256, 257, 273, 281, p. 117, 288, 289, 297, 298, 374, 386, 403, 414, 448, 474
-, -, elected dep. gov. of the E. I. Comp., 284, 292, 308
-, -, elected alderman, 317
-, -, governor of the E. I. Comp., 356
-, Rebecca, Lady, 616
Rood Church, 772
Rooke, Geo., p316
Roper, Andrew, 472
Rosas, Pedro de, 244
Rose, John, 1034
-, Mr., 939
Rose, the, 1021
Rosewell, — 370
-, -, wife of, 370
Rosin, 433, 717
Ross (Ireland), 930
Rossinginge, 1171
Rotterdam, 641, 874, 966
Rouen, 272, 1074
Rowe, Sir Henry, Lord Mayor of London, 1607–8: 409
- or Roe, Capt. Rich., p. 270, 697, p. 282, p. 286, 704, 706, 711, 715, 903, 940, 1154, 1161
-, -, letters of, 1615 : 909, 1050, 1075
-, -, John, brother of, 704
Rowles, Rich., 386, 393, 405, 406, 409, 423
-, -, commissions to, 394, 397, 400
Royal Merchant, the, 239
Rubies, p. [0-9]6, p. 57, p. 270, p. 272, 691, 737, 1175
Ruby ring, 314, 328
Rud, Henry, 843, 864
Rudd, Rich., p. 318, 956, 980, 1009
Rudyer,—, 1047, 1053
Rumney, Isaac, p. 240
Rundall, Thos., 666, p. 230
Russell, Francis, Earl of Bedford, 33. II, 45, 48, 54, 113
-, Sir Wm., p. 302
-, Wm., 463, p. 241, 734, p. 336, 902, 999, 1021, 1024
-, -, grant to, 616
-, Mr., 715, 717
-,—, 622
Russia, 7, 9, 19, 21, 145, 605, 769, 792, 905, 912
-, merchants trading to, see Muscovey Company.
-, voyages to, 6
-, Emperors of, see —
-, Iwan Wasilejevitch, 1533–1584
-, Michael Fedrowitsch, 1613–1645
-, trade of, 17
Russland, see Russia.
Ryals, 268, 272, 273, 277, 1021, 1034, 1044
Rye, 739
Ryvett, Thos., 48