Index: G

Pages 515-517

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 2, 1513-1616. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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Gabriel, the, 26, p. 13, 29, 32, 33, 37, 51, 59, 93, p, 39, 99, 122, 133

-, inventory of, 128

Gabriel Island, p. 41


Gamlin, Edward, 691

Gammage, Mr.,17

Gamond, John, 279

Gamryn, Nath.,274



Ganges, the, l

Gardiner, John, p. 282, 723, p. 303

Gargrave, ——,412

Gardyner, Edward, p. 284

Garramandel (?),283

Garrard, Sir John, 833

-, Robert, p. 56

-, Samuel, 256

-, Sir Thos.,48

-, Alderman Sir Wm.,6, 16, 17

-, -, letter of, 1567 : 15

Garrett, Henry, 889

- Sam.,417

-, Lady, 889

Garway or Garraway, Fras., p. 240

-, Henry, 706, p. 303, 765, 864, 999 1009

-, Thos.,256, 281, p. 117, 288, 616

-, Wm., afterwards Sir Wm.,256, 257, 267, 268, 273, 279, 281, 300, 430, 616, p. 271, 706, 772, 928, 999, 1031 1047

Gassett, Mr.,956, 983

Gate, John, p. 315

Gatehouse, the, 702

Gandiny ,459

Gearing, John, 393, p. 240

Gee, John, 388

Gefferson, Wm.,5

Geffrey, a Frenchman, 34

Gelbege Harbour, Ireland; see Killybegg Harbour.

Gembuzar , letter dated from, 865

George, the Portugal, 654

-, the, 150

Georgian Christians, 1087

Germany,79, 80, p. 59, p. 60, 572, 946

Emperor of, see Charles V., Rodolph II.

Gerret, ——,221

Ghalata ,266

Giamaco (China),252

Gibbes, Mr.,98

Gibbes' Sound, p. [0-9]9

Gibbins, Wm., p. [0-9]40

Gibson, Ant.,281, 288, 770

-, Katherine, 362

Gifford, Capt, 706, 711, 956, 958, 962, 983, 985, 995, 999, 1009

Gift, the, 286, 300, 811, 859, 922, 924, 926, 946, 979, 1050, 1072, 1082, 1090–1, 1187

Gilbert, John, 479

-, -, adventures of (deceased),1021

Gilderland of Holland, the, 387

Giles, John, 700

-, -, Joan, wife of, 700, p. 284

-, Robt, 393


Gilpin, Geo., letter of, 1600: 278

Gilson, Peter, 1091

Ginger,309, 763, 776

Gipps or Gippes, Robt.,768, 785, 787, 794, 800, 807, 831, 839, 989, 992, 1167

-, -, letter of, 1615: 990

Give, ——,400

Glamyll, Fras.,1044

-, John, son of, 1044

Glascocke, Philip, 386, 393

Glass beads, 632

Glemon, Thos.,474

Globe, the, 496, 497, 620, 621, 630, 647, 655, 684, 686, 743, 749, 756, p. 315, 771, 824, 849, 862, 870, 877, 882, 898, 904, 906, 910, 921, 959, 971, 1004, 1016–7, 1019, 1021, 1024, 1031, 1053, 1091, 1167, 1176–7, 1187, 1189

Glover, Sir Thos.,420

Goa ,1, 240, 254, 266, 275, 283, 337, 344, 446, 449, 452, 457, 464, 574, 615, 638, 662, 743, 763, 788, 811, 852, 859, 980, 1176

-, Samarin or Emperor of, 350

Lord of, see Cambaya, King of.

-, Viceroy of, 280, 743, 881, 1137, 1176

-, -, letter to, 1615: 1036

-, war proclaimed by English against Portugals of, 1180

-, custom house of, 280

Goad, Steph.,368, 393, 479

-, -, wife of, 368


Goddard, Alderman Rich.,256, 257, 259, 267

Godolphin, ——,113

Godsalve, Roger, 983

God's Gift, the, 716, 745

Godspeed, the, 303, 313, 318

Goga ,459, 584, 674. i, 788, 859, 1149

-, ships burnt by the Portugals at, 837

Gold and gold ore, 1, 9, 34, 57, 58, 60, 62, 65, 67. i, 81, 83, 84, 86, 122, 134, p. 56, p. 57, p. 59, 238, 266, 314, 503, 630, p. 302, 760, 772, 1023, 1058, 1076, 1089–90, 1111, 1134–5, 1171; see also Japan gold and silver in

-, charges of melting gold ore, 61

-, price of, 612

Golden Dragon, the, 889

Goldsmiths' Hall, p. 282

Gomanomarrow ,639

Gombroon ,1181–2, 1186

Goner, Mr.,464

Gonsalves, Cape , p. 228

Good Comfort, Bay of, 225

Goodings, John, p. 335

Goodlacke, Christ., p. 240

Goodman, Jas.,412

Goodman's Fields, 697

Goodyere, ——,111

Gooter, Wm.,629

Gore, John, 256

-, Raphe, 281, 288, 1014

-, Robt.,281, 288, 616

-, Wm.,256

Gores ,1

Gorges, Sir Ferd.,770

Gorsuche, Dan., p. 240, p. 315

Gosnold, Thos.,700

Gosson, Rich.,281, 288

-, -, letter of, 1614 : 708

Gotts or Gottes, Rich.,902, 956

Goulston, Dr. Theodore, p. [0-9]14, p. 318

Gourney, John, chief factor in Siam, 597, 662, 663, 737, 806, 862, 877, 971, 973, 1015, 1018, 1021, 1023, 1026, 1091, 1094, 1165, 1170, 1178

-, -, letters of—
-, 1612: 620
-, 1614: 726, 756, 758, 759

-, -, letters to—
-, 1614 : 686
-, 1615 : 1063, 1066, 1073
-, 1616 : 1098

-, -, wages of, 1044

-, -, report of the death of, 1063, 1099

Gracia or Gratia (Java),862, 888, 898, 913

Grafton, Rich., p. 284

Grand Cairo ,711

Grand Magore, see Great Mogul, the.

Grand Signor, the, 420, 446, 455, 459, 544, 546, 570, 617, 695


Graves, Jas.,949, 958

Gravesend, p. 13, p. 56, 221, 271, 286, 395, 693, 695, 697, p. 285, 718, 723, 769, 802, 867, 873, 879, 889, 892, 941, 962, 969, 1021

-, document dated from, 884

Gray, Henry, 839

Great Defence, the, p. 335, 817, 873, 876, 839, 891, 928–9

Great James, the, 1142

Great Mogul, the,—
-, 1608–9: 406, 453, 455
-, 1611–3: 584, 603, 632, 638, 638–40, 647, 650, 659, 662, 663, 665, 674
-, 1614: p. 270, p. 272, 691, 739, pp. 316–8, 767, 770, 773, 778, 790, 792, 797, 799, 803, 808, 810, 811, 832, 846–848, 852, 856
-, 1615: 859, 864, 881, 905, 915, 917, 931, 938, 946, 953–4, 967, 1028, 1033, 1035–6, 1049
-, 1616: 1086, 1146, 1169, 1172, 1174, 1176, 1180, 1187, 1189

-, presents to, 799, 801, 848, 864, 917, 946, 1021, 1086, 1169. I

- picture of, 946

-, wars of, 788, 847

-, Normal, Queen of, 946, 1086

-, youngest son of, see Sultan Chorome or Coronne.

-, mother of, 811

-, ambassador from England to, see Roe, Sir Thos.

Great Turk, the, see Grand Signor, the.

Green, Mr.,221

Greene, Benj.,450, 465, 467, 506

-, John, 288

-, Lawrence, 256, 433, 460, 461, 463, 616, p. 303, 899, 999

-, Reynold, 256, 281, 288, 356, 367, 374, 417, 448, 463, p. 240, 695, p. 302, 999

-, Wm.,463

-, butcher, 359

Greenhurst, ——,682

Greenland ,150, 238, 303, p. 241, 678, p. 269, p. 273, 785, 787, 817

-, whale fishery at, 678, 860, 961

-, -, disputes and conferences concerning, 834, 854, 860, 874, 893, 947.i. 955–957, 961, 963, 966–7, 970, 972, 977

Greenwell, Wm., deputy governor of the East India Company, 281, 288, 370, 374, 381, 414, 448, p. 241, 623, p. 269, 697, p. 302, 956, 999

-, - grant to, 616

-, -, letter to, 1615 : 903


-, letters dated from, 154. xi. xiv, 192. i, 336, 982

Greenwoode, John, 281, 454

Greet, Mr.,378

Greete, Hugh, chief of the factory in Succadana, 474, 477, 479, 710, 730, 736, 1104

-, -, letter of, 1615 : 1071

Gregory, ——,122, p. 56

Grent, John, 794

Gresham, Sir Thos.,24, 31, 33. h, 45, 47, 70, 75, 94, 95, 105, 107, 115, 118, p. 59

-, -, letter of, 1579 : 135

Gressycq ,522

Grevil, Foulke, treasurer of the Navy, afterwards Sir Foulke, 265, 267, 1053

-, -, letter of, 1600 : 266

Greyhounds, see Dogs.

Greynfelde's voyage, 22

Griffin, John, 465, 467

Grimes, ——,717

Grimston, John, 378, 393, 430, 454, 458, p. 303

Grosapa, King, 1

Grotius, Hugo, 641, 643, 874

Grove, Peter, 274

-, Philip, 272, 279, 286, 362, 378, 383, 386, 397, 406, 407, 411

Groynland, see Greenland.

Gryffyn, Owen, p. [0-9]3, p. 52

Guadea ,744

Guardafuy , Cape, 632

Guiana ,813

Guie, Henry, 378

Guildhall, p. 271

Guilford, Sir Henry, 616

Guinea ,206, 207, 221, 224, 231, 232, 266, 335, 709, 908

Gulston, Dr., p. 335

Gumlack,455, 715, 776, 932

Gunpowder,286, 425, 430, 520, 524, p. 269, 763, 780, 782, 892, 1072, 1186

-, unnecessary expenses of, 479

Guns, brass, 1

Gunston, ——,31

Guzano, Pedro, 707

Guzerat ,357, 650, 662, 716, 744, 754, 946

-, as spacious as London, 846

-, natives of, 357, 374, 412, 561, 562, 565, 639, 647, 663, 931, 996, 997, 1058, 1111

-, -, great enemies to the English at Acheen, 1058

- goods, 898

- ship, 659

Guzerats, King of the, 846

Gwido, Luke, 89

Gylberte, Adrian, 234, 235

-, -, patent and grant to, 234, 236

-, Humphrey, afterwards Sir Humphrey, 12, 15, p. 13, 31, 48, 54, 221, 234, 675, 705

-, -, discourse by, 9

-, -, petitions of, 11, 13, 14

-, Otes, 13

Gyles, Capt. Edward, p. 319, 785, 787

Gysly, Mrs.,221

Gyttins, H., letter of, 1613: 647

Gyttons, Wm.,5