Dec. 4. Bantam. |
424. John Hearne to the East India Company. Instructions for lading the Hector, in case she had not enough at Surat. Benefit of a trade from Surat to Bantam. Reasons why the Dragon went not to the Moluccas. 100l. laid out in canvas would not be lost in such a voyage as this; great grief to a merchant not to be able to get commodities of good value through want of sails. Provisions left by Capt. Keeling for the Hector, that she may the better proceed to the Moluccas or Banda, or both. The Hope pinnace to proceed to Banda, and Mr. Browne and Mr. Sydall to remain there to procure nutmegs and mace for the next shipping. Flemish nobles procure the Flemings great trade; thinks it very requisite to send a reasonable quantity by the next shipping, for with them a good trade may be had at Banda and the Moluccas. A factory also to be left at Priaman the next voyage, will be very beneficial. The matter of Sir Edward Michelborne not forgotten among some of the chief here in town, but hopes it will be in time; if any more such as he be permitted to do as he did in those parts, their state there would be very dangerous; urges the Company to use all prevention in this point. The country at dissension among themselves, but will use the best means to keep free from blame. Begs his wages may be considered, having served two years at 4l. a month. [One page. O. C., Vol. I., No. 8.] |
Dec. 4. Bantam. |
425. John Saris to the East India Company. Since his last of 14th July 1608 [wanting], little matter worth knowing has happened. On 4th October the Dragon arrived from Priaman partly laden with pepper; opinion that the general should not go for the Moluccas, so took in the rest of his lading of pepper and silk at Bantam. Has written concerning the commodities required at this place. Depreciation in the price of "pieces" and powder, by reason the sailors are permitted to bring so many. Sends list of commodities to be sent by the next ships, consisting of iron, lead, sword blades, pieces, powder, opium, galls, and cloth. Trade of a "Chinesa." Advantages of a trade to Succadana, which yields great store of diamonds and is followed by the Flemings; blue glass beads, which the Chinese make, necessary; sends one by the general, as they may be brought from England cheaper. Has moved the general to send a pinnace to Succadana to make a trial, and brought him several Chinese who have been there and report well of the place. Sees no reason, but they should do as much as the Flemings in this point, only they have better instructions. The general has order that the pinnace shall go to Succadana on her return from Banda. Does not certify the state of the Moluccas and the taking of Taffasoll and Machian by the Flemings, because the general and Mr. Towerson will do so. One page and a half. Indorsed, "4th December in Bantam 1608; 24th September, 1609 in London." O. C, Vol. I., No. 9.] |
Dec. 14–26 |
426. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Oversight of the ships' works at Deptford. Bonds between the governor and Edm. Scott. Gratification of 5l. to Mr. Mountney. John Waldron allowed 40l. a year as formerly. Supply of 5l. per ct. for timber to be paid to Rich. Atkinson. Committee appointed on the one side by Sir Jas. Lancaster and Sir Henry Middleton, and on the other by the Company, to examine the order of Jan. 14, 1607, touching the true interpretation of the allowance of the profit of adventure: |
Dec. 16.—About Sir Leonard Hallyday, and the money belonging to the Company, which, he detains; names proposed to hear and end the controversy. Robt. Waldow to enter actions against such as do not pay in their money due to the Company. Robt. Bell, elected of the committee, July 1 last, sworn. |
Dec. 26.—The adventure of 125l. of Alphonsus Fowle in the third voyage set over to Randall Hopkins. The Company content to refer the controversy with Sir Leonard Hallyday to four good men, not aldermen. Rebate of 40s. allowed to Mr. Hamersley for dirt found in the cloves, and short weight. Morris Abbott and Fras. Taylor requested to audit the accounts of the first two voyages, which they have begun, and the third voyage so far as the business will allow. Thos. Stephens to call in the bills in the receiver's hands, and all debts owing to the Company. [Four pages and a half. Court Bk., II. 103–105.] |