Office of the Paymaster-General

Pages 17-27

Survey of London: Volume 16, St Martin-in-The-Fields I: Charing Cross. Originally published by London County Council, London, 1935.

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In this section


History of the Site.

The Office of the Paymaster-General occupies, for the greater part, the site of a portion of the old Horse Guards building, but the northern annexe is built on the site of a house erected, soon after the Restoration, by Sir Robert Holmes.

(i) Site of the main portion.

It has been seen (p. 9) that the north-west portion of the old Horse Guards building was in 1713 occupied by the house and office of the Paymaster of the Forces. It would appear that from the beginning the Paymaster was provided with a residence as well as offices. The first clear reference to this occurs in 1676, when Sir Stephen Fox was instructed (fn. n1) to "deliver upp, unto such Person or Persons as shall succeed you in your Office of Pay Master of the Forces, Your two office Roomes, with Chimneys and a Clossett next to Our Parke of St. James's, and a Lodging Roome without a Chymney. And that you have and reserve to your use the other part of the house there, now in your possession, for the dispatch of your affaires, and to keep your Clerkes together untill all your Accompts are and shall be declared," and, in view of Fox having spent £200 of his own in "makeing Conveniences in the said house," (fn. n2) to such further time "as the said two hundred Pounds shall be reimbursed to you by such Person or Persons as shall succeed you in your Office." The fact that the "rooms used for the said Office" are in early documents almost invariably described as "in the Tiltyard adjoining the Horse Guard" (fn. n3) suggests that the building formed a more or less distinct entity, and the suggestion is confirmed by a reference to the "house" in 1689 (fn. n4) as one of three (the other two of which were certainly quite distinct (fn. n5) ) adjoining the Horse Guards.

Sir Stephen Fox

Kip's view of Whitehall (Plate 1) shows the old Pay Office on the extreme right.

Some new building apparently took place in 1693, (fn. n6) but details are wanting. In 1732–33 the premises were entirely rebuilt. (fn. n7) The exact date of the decision to undertake the work has not been traced, but on 20th October, 1732, a royal warrant refers to "the Work begun by Our Order of Rebuilding an Office for the Paymaster Gen1 of Our Forces and Stables for Our Horse Guards," and approves a payment of £1,000 on account. (fn. n8) The complete accounts were passed on 19th June, 1733, (fn. n9) at a total of £3,842 10s. 11d. (including the £1,000 already paid), the work being specified as "pulling down Rebuilding and Repairing the Office of Our Paymaster General of Our Forces and the House thereunto belonging—The Office of Commissary General of the Musters The Office of the Commrs of Our Royal Hospital near Chelsea And part of the Stables of Our Horse Guards." The sum included £44 for "the Rent of a House wherein the Office of the Paymr Gen1 of the Forces and Commissary Gen1 of the Musters was kept for one Year due and ending at Ladyday 1733." The work was carried out by John Lane, Surveyor of the Horse Guards. (fn. n10)

The portion of the Horse Guards Stables thus provided was "under the Paymaster General's Office" (see p. 22), and has now been converted to other uses.

(ii) Site of the northern annexe.

On 21st September, 1671, George Kirke, "housekeeper" of Whitehall Palace, who, in right of his office, held the custody of certain premises in what had originally been the northern portion of the Tiltyard (see the plan of 1670, p. 8), sold (fn. n11) to Sir Robert Holmes (fn. n12) his interest in part thereof, described as "severall parcells of ground formerly part of the Tilt yard and part of Walsingham Garden, whereupon the said Sir Robert Holmes hath lately built and inclosed a yard with a Brick Wall, abutting East on the kinges highway thirty five foote & an halfe, South on Sir Stephen Foxs Alley thirty seven foot … North on Sir Gilbert Pickeringes house and West on Walsingham Garden, and all those other parcells of ground from the said new building in length Sixty one foote … forty three foot of the said Sixty one foot fifteene foot in breadth and abbutts on the said Sir Stephen Foxs Alley South and on Walsingham Garden North, the other Eighteene foote next the Parke Wall but twelve foot in breadth." Sir Robert, who had already erected a house (fn. n13) on the ground, finding that the premises belonged to the Crown and that his title was somewhat insecure, petitioned for an Exchequer lease, and on 25th May, 1672, obtained a grant of the premises (fn. n14) from the Crown for thirty-one years. There is no evidence to show how long Sir Robert himself resided at the house, but it is recorded that his brother (Sir John Holmes) died at Sir Robert's house on 28th May, 1683. (fn. n15) This suggests that Sir Robert was still resident, but, if so, he did not occupy the house much longer, for the ratebooks (fn. n16) show that William Blathwayt was there in 1686.

Sir Robert Holmes

Holmes died in 1692, leaving as his heir and executor his nephew, Henry Holmes, who in 1702 petitioned (fn. n17) for a renewal of the lease. This was granted on 12th July, 1703, for another term of thirty-one years. In 1729 both Henry Holmes and the Earl of Kinnoull (then sub-tenant of the house) applied for a new lease, the former alleging that the house was now so old that it must soon be rebuilt or substantially repaired "at a great charge." (fn. n18) Neither was successful, and on 17th February, 1734–5, letters patent were issued granting to Townshend Andrews a lease of the property for fifty years. Andrews rebuilt the premises, and shortly afterwards died. His widow, Catharine, on 9th June, 1737, disposed of the lease (fn. n19) to Sir Thomas Robinson, (fn. n20) who on 9th August, 1753, obtained a fresh lease to make up the existing term to fifty years. In Sir Thomas's petition (fn. n21) he states that the house was then in the occupation of the Earl of Ashburnham. (fn. n22) In 1758 Sir Thomas sold (fn. n23) the premises, stated to have been "late in the tenure … of Sir William Lowther, Baronet, deceased, and now in the tenure … of Henry Lyell Esquire," (fn. n24) to the Bishop of Bangor. (fn. n25) The Bishop (then of Lichfield) in 1769 obtained a reversionary lease of the premises for sixteen years from 9th August, 1803, and in 1770 sold the property, then "in the tenure … of Charles Townley, Esquire," (fn. n26) to Thomas Foley. From him it passed to Charles Townley (fn. n27) (24th June, 1774 (fn. n28) ), and on 25th March, 1775, was sold to Richard Payne Knight (fn. n29) for £5,000. According to the latter, he "was induced to pay so large a sum … by the pleasantness of the situation, which commanded a view of St. James's Park." The house erected for the First Lord of the Admiralty in 1786–8 partly obstructed this view, and in 1788 Knight petitioned the Treasury for compensation in respect of the diminution in value of his property and for expenses incurred in connection with the building of the First Lord's house. (fn. n30) In this, however, he was unsuccessful. (fn. n31) In 1804 Knight applied for a further lease. In the report (fn. n32) on his application it was pointed out that not only was the building in bad condition (fn. n33) and built on a disadvantageous plan, but that it projected about 20 feet before the front of the First Lord's residence, and so destroyed the effect of the regular elevation "of that new and substantial building," and obstructed its light and air as well as the view from the windows. It was therefore decided not to grant a new lease, but, on the contrary, to purchase the remainder of Knight's term, and pull the house down. On 7th August, 1805, Knight parted with his interest for the sum of £1,500. (fn. n34) The house was soon after demolished, and on the site was erected an addition to the Paymaster-General's office.

John, Earl of Ashburnham

John Egerton, Bishop of Bangor

Herewith is reproduced a plan of the premises as existing in 1804. (fn. n35) It will be noticed that it includes a slip of ground (marked by the letters a, b, c, d) extending to the Horse Guards Parade. This, which was on the further side of the site of the old wall of St. James's Park, was not included in the original grant nor in any of the subsequent leases, but was first enclosed under the authority of a sign manual licence granted on 10th October, 1738, and from that date had always been enjoyed rent free as an appendage to the house.

Figure 4:

Plan of house on the site of the northern annexe of the Paymaster-General's Office, 1804. Copied from plan in the possession of H. M. Commissioners of Crown Lands

A good representation of the house is contained in Scott's picture of Whitehall circa 1750 (Plate 31). It comprised a vaulted basement storey (retained in the present building), three square storeys above and garrets in the roof.

Description of the Structure.

The elevation of the PaymasterGeneral's office to Whitehall shows a dignified treatment of brick with stone dressings. The design displays a vertical composition of three parts, the pedimented gable adding importance to the centre. As has been mentioned above, the main portion of the building was erected in 1732–3, by John Lane. The northern annexe was added in 1806, and efforts were made to effect a harmony with the main front (Plate 32).

The present stone facade to the western front of the building was originally the park front of No. 37, Great George Street, (fn. n36) and was taken down and re-erected in its present position by H.M. Office of Works in 1910 (Plate 34). It took the place of a plain brick front, relieved with brick bands at the various floor levels, as shown in the view reproduced on the next page. Certain internal alterations were carried out at the same time, including the provision of a new kitchen and refreshment-room on the topmost floor.

Some of the rooms have their walls panelled, and contain moulded stone mantelpieces.

Room No. 1, at the ground level, was originally used as stables for the Horse Guards. It had a brick-vaulted ceiling, which has recently been removed and the room converted into an office.

Figure 5:

Paymaster-General's Office, west elevation before 1910

The most important room in the building is that of the PaymasterGeneral on the ground floor. The walls are panelled in deal in two heights, and finished with an enriched entablature comprising a modillion cornice, a pulvinated frieze with laurel and entwined ribbons, and a moulded architrave. It should be noted that the cornice and the frieze are in plaster. The mantelpiece, which is the central feature of the southern end of the room, comprises a carved wood surround with a broken pedimented overmantel (Plate 40). The northern end is divided by Ionic pilasters into three bays, consisting of an arched recess with a doorway on either side and circular lights over (Plate 40). The panelling was originally fixed in the house (demolished in 1806) on the site of the northern annexe. From Plates 38) and 39 it will be seen that it was found necessary to make certain alterations to admit of the panelling becoming adaptable for its present position, and that when the new western front was erected further alterations had to be made on account of the positions and sizes of the new windows.

Figure 6:

Room No. 1 before conversion

Figure 7:

Room No. 1 after conversion

The lobby adjoining is panelled and has decorative features complementary to the room (Plate 41).

Room No. 10 on the first floor has the walls panelled in two heights and finished with a moulded cornice.

Room No. 11 has the walls covered with square panelling, with a cornice similar to that in room No. 10. The mantelpiece consists of a mitred architrave moulding in stone around the fire opening (Plate 42). and a good ornamental cast-iron grate (Plate 42).

Room No. 25 on the second floor has plain square panelling and a shallow moulded cornice. The fireplace has a moulded stone architrave and a good ornamental cast-iron grate (Plate 42).

In room No. 14 is a handsome grandfather clock in a walnut case (Plate 41). The clock face bears the name "Windmill, London," with the date 1710 and the Royal Arms over.

The staircase to the front portion leading from the first to the second floor has turned balusters and a closemoulded string (Plate 43). The main staircase leading from the hall by the Paymaster-General's room has a more substantial balustrading (Plate 43). A small winding staircase (Plate 44). which leads out of room No. 33 on the second floor gives access to the attics, and appears to be of an earlier date.

Figure 8:

Paymaster-General's Office, staircase leading out of room No. 33

Condition of Repair.


Historical Notes.

The duties of the Paymaster-General, as consolidated by the Acts 5 and 6 William IV, cap. 35 (1835), and 11 and 12 Victoria, cap. 55 (1848), comprise those carried out before the passing of those Acts by a number of officers in the following different offices, viz.: (fn. n37)

The Army Pay Office, at Whitehall, the present site of the consolidated office.

The Navy Pay Office, in Somerset House.

The Ordnance Pay Office, in the Tower.

The Ordnance Pay Office, in Dublin.

The Office of the Paymaster-General of the Civil Services, in the Treasury.

The Office of the Paymaster of Civil Services, in Dublin.

The Office of the Paymaster at Chelsea Hospital.

The Office of the Receiver of the Constabulary, in Dublin.

The Office of the Clerk of the Bills and Receiver of Fees, at the Treasury.

The Pay Branch of the Office of Public Works and Buildings, at Whitehall.

In addition to these offices in which the payments for the respective branches of the public service were conducted, there were also various accountants with balances in their hands who were charged with the payment of the salaries and contingent expenses of their respective departments, and whose payments have from time to time been transferred to the Paymaster-General.

The following is a list (fn. n38) of Paymasters of the Forces and Paymasters-General from the Restoration to the present day. The official residence had been given up before 1836, (fn. n39) but it is doubtful how many of the Paymasters of the Forces had availed themselves of it personally. It was certainly at times in the occupation of a deputy.

Paymasters of the Forces
1661 Sir Stephen Fox.
1676 Sir Henry Puckering alias Newton. (fn. n40)
1679 Sir Stephen Fox.
1680 Nicholas Johnson and William Fox. (fn. n41)
1682 Charles Fox.
1685 Richard, Earl of Ranelagh.
1702 John Howe.
1714 (fn. n42) Robert Walpole (afterwards Earl of Orford).
1715 Henry, Earl of Lincoln.
1720 Robert Walpole.
1721 Charles, Lord Cornwallis. (fn. n43)
1722 Spencer Compton (afterwards Earl of Wilmington).
1730 Henry Pelham.
1743 Thomas Winnington.
1746 William Pitt (afterwards Earl of Chatham).
1755 Henry, Earl of Darlington, and Thomas Hay, called Lord Viscount Dupplin (afterwards Earl of Kinnoull).
1756 Lord Dupplin and Thomas Potter.
1757 Henry Fox (afterwards Lord Holland).
1765 Charles Townshend.
1765 Frederick North, called Lord North, and George Cooke.
1767 George Cooke and Thomas Townshend (afterwards Viscount Sydney).
1768 Richard Rigby.
1782 Edmund Burke.
1782 Isaac Barré.
1783 Edmund Burke.
1784 William Wyndham Grenville (afterwards Lord Grenville).
1784 William Wyndham Grenville and Constantine John, Lord Mulgrave.
1789 Lord Mulgrave and James, Marquess of Graham.
1791 Dudley Ryder (afterwards Earl of Harrowby) and Thomas Steele.
1800 Thomas Steele and George Canning.
1801 Thomas Steele and Sylvester, Lord Glenbervie.
1803 Thomas Steele and John Hiley Addington.
1804 George Rose and Lord Charles Henry Somerset.
1806 Richard Chandos, Earl Temple, and Lord John Townshend.
1807 Charles Long (fn. n44) (afterwards Lord Farnborough) and Lord Charles Henry Somerset.
1813 Charles Long and Frederick John Robinson (afterwards Viscount Goderich and Earl of Ripon).
1817 Charles Long.
1826 William Vesey Fitzgerald (afterwards Lord Fitzgerald and Vesey).
1828 John Calcraft.
1830 Lord John Russell (afterwards Earl Russell).
1834 Sir E. Knatchbull, Bt.
1835 Sir Henry Parnell, Bt. (afterwards Lord Congleton).
1836 Sir Henry Parnell, Bt.
1841 Edward John Stanley (afterwards Lord Stanley of Alderley and Lord Eddisbury of Winnington).
1841 Sir Edward Knatchbull, Bt.
1845 William Bingham Baring (afterwards Lord Ashburton).
1846 Thomas Babington Macaulay (afterwards Lord Macaulay).
1848 Granville George, Earl Granville.
1852 Lord Stanley of Alderley.
1852 Charles, Lord Colchester.
1852 Lord Stanley of Alderley.
1855 Edward Pleydell Bouverie.
1855 Robert Lowe.
1858 Richard, Earl of Donoughmore.
1859 Algernon George, Lord Lovaine (afterwards Duke of Northumberland).
1859 James Wilson.
1859 William Francis Cowper (afterwards Lord Mount-Temple).
1860 William Hutt.
1865 George J. Goschen (afterwards Viscount Goschen).
1866 William Monsell (afterwards Lord Emly).
1866 Stephen Cave (afterwards Sir Stephen Cave).
1868 Frederick Temple, Lord Dufferin and Clandehoye (afterwards Marquess of Dufferin and Ava).
1872 Hugh Culling Eardley Childers.
1873 William Patrick Adam.
1874 Stephen Cave.
1880 Hon. David Robert Plunkett.
1880 George Grenfell, Lord Wolverton.
1885 Frederick, Earl Beauchamp.
1886 Thomas John Hovell, Lord Thurlow.
1886 Frederick, Earl Beauchamp.
1887 Adelbert Wellington Brownlow, Earl Brownlow.
1890 Victor Albert George, Earl of Jersey.
1891 Robert George, Lord Windsor (afterwards Earl of Plymouth).
1892 Charles Hayne Seale-Hayne.
1895 John Adrian Louis, Earl of Hopetoun.
1899 Charles Richard John, Duke of Marlborough.
1902 Sir Savile Brinton Crossley.
1906 Richard Knight Causton (afterwards Lord Southwark).
1910 Hon. Ivor Churchill Guest (afterwards Lord Ashby St. Legers and Viscount Wimborne).
1912 Edward, Lord Strachie.
1915 Thomas Wodehouse, Lord Newton.
1916 Arthur Henderson.
1916 Sir Joseph Compton-Rickett.
1919 Sir John Tudor-Walters.
1923 Neville Chamberlain.
1923 Sir William Joynson-Hicks, Bt. (afterwards Lord Brentford).
1923 Major A. B. Boyd-Carpenter.
1924 Harry Gosling.
1925 George Granville Sutherland, Duke of Sutherland.
1928 Richard William Alan, Earl of Onslow.
1929 Sydney, Lord Arnold.
1931 Sir John Tudor Walters.
1931 Ernest Henry, Lord Rochester.

In The Council's Collection Are:

(fn. n45) Elevation to Whitehall (photograph).
(fn. n45) South elevation overlooking Horse Guards stable-yard (photograph).
(fn. n45) West elevation to park before alteration (photograph, kindly lent by the late Assistant Paymaster-General).
(fn. n45) West elevation to park as at present (photograph).
(fn. n45) General views of the Paymaster-General's room(2) (photographs).
General view of the Paymaster-General's room (photograph).
(fn. n45) Panelled room, formerly in the house on the site of the northern annexe, from drawing preserved in the Westminster Public Library (photograph).
(fn. n45) Details of panelling of Paymaster-General's room before alterations (copy of drawing in the possession of H.M. Office of Works).
(fn. n45) View of room formerly stables of Horse Guards.
(fn. n45) General view of lobby adjoining Paymaster-General's room (photograph).
(fn. n45) General view of main staircase adjoining Paymaster-General's room (photograph).
(fn. n45) General view of staircase to front portion, showing top flight from first to second floor (photograph).
(fn. n45) Attic staircase leading from room No. 33 on second floor (photograph).
General view of room No. 3 on ground floor (photograph).
(fn. n45) General view of room No. 10 on first floor (photograph).
(fn. n45) View of mantelpiece and panelling in room No. 11 on first floor (photograph).
(fn. n45) Grandfather clock in room No. 14 (photograph).
(fn. n45) View of panelling and mantelpiece in room No. 25 (photograph).
General view of cupboards across end of room No. 33 (photograph).
Plan of basement (copy of drawing in the possession of H.M. Office of Works).
(fn. n45) Plans of ground and first floors (copy of drawing in the possession of H.M. Office of Works).
Plan of second floor and attic plan (copy of drawing in the possession of H.M. Office of Works).
(fn. n45) Elevation to Whitehall front (measured drawing).
(fn. n45) Elevation of west front overlooking parade ground (copy of drawing in the possession of H.M. Office of Works).
(fn. n45) Detail of panelling in Paymaster-General's room (copy of drawing in the possession of H.M. Office of Works).


  • n1. P.R.O., W.O. 26/3, p. 130 (5th March, 1675–6).
  • n2. According to Fox himself the lodgings had been built at his expense. "I did lately, through the hands of Mr. Gascoigne, give an account of the manner of my being dismissed the King's service, which was in as severe words as could be expressed, and it reached at first not only to my office, but to an immediate quitting my lodgings, which being represented by His Royal Highness that they were built at my own expense, His Majesty was pleased to recall that part of his punishment, so that it is no crime to remain in them, which by reason of the season of the year and my full family at present, is no small favour." (Letter to the Duke of Ormonde, 28th December, 1678—Hist. MSS. Commission, MSS. of Marquess of Ormonde, new series, IV, p. 290.)
  • n3. See e.g. the grant to Charles Fox in 1682 of the Paymastership, "together with the rooms used for the said Office in the Tiltyard adjoining the Horse Guard." (Cal. of Treasury Books, 1681–5, p. 458.)
  • n4. "There are three Houses which belong to Yor Matie in St. James's Parke adioyneing to the Horse Guards, The one Inhabited by the Earle of Ranelagh [then Paymaster of the Forces] and made use of for the pay Office, etc." (Petition by William Blathwayt, Records of H.M. Commissioners of Crown Lands, R., p. 281.)
  • n5. They were the houses on the sites of (i) the north portion of the Paymaster-General's Office, and (ii) Admiralty House.
  • n6. "New lodgings are building at Whitehall for the wardrobe; and others at horse guards for the lord Ranelagh." (Luttrell's Brief Historical Relation of State Affairs, III, p. 192, 23rd September, 1693.)
  • n7. "Somewhat more Eastward, beyond the Horse-Guards, is erected a new House and Office for the Paymaster-General of the Army." (Strype's edn. (1735) of Stow's Survey, II, p. 655.)
  • n8. P.R.O., T. 52/37, pp. 469–70.
  • n9. P.R.O., T. 52/38, pp. 98–9.
  • n10. See memorial by Lane (undated, but in the printed calendar ascribed to "1726 or later"), stating that he had "now perfected and Compleatly finished the Rebuilding and Repairing the Office, etc." (P.R.O., T.1/257/60.)
  • n11. P.R.O., C. 54/4317, No. 14.
  • n12. Sir Robert Holmes (b. 1622) served in the Civil War with the Royalist forces. At the Restoration he was appointed to command the Bramble, and rose in the course of distinguished service to the position of admiral. In 1669 he was appointed captain-general and governor of the Isle of Wight. He built a large mansion at Yarmouth, where on several occasions he entertained Charles II with great magnificence.
  • n13. P.R.O., T. 54/17, p. 479.
  • n14. P.R.O., L.R. 1/62.
  • n15. Letter, dated 29th May, 1683, from Francis Gwyn. (Cal. of S. P. Dom., 1683, p. 275.)
  • n16. The references to the house in the parish ratebooks are intermittent and not always recognisable.
  • n17. P.R.O., T. 54/17, p. 479.
  • n18. See particulars in P.R.O., T. 1/271/66.
  • n19. See statement in indenture, dated 27th March, 1742, between Sir Thomas Robinson and others (Middx. Register, 1742, I, 20). The premises are said to be "late in the … occupation of the said Sir Thomas Robinson, and are now in the … occupation of the … Earl of Lincoln." Henry, 9th Earl of Lincoln (b. 1720) in 1768 succeeded his uncle as second Duke of Newcastle, and died in 1794.
  • n20. "Long Sir Thomas, " who was governor of Barbadoes, 1742–7.
  • n21. See P.R.O., T. 55/8, p. 419.
  • n22. John, 2nd Earl of Ashburnham, b. 1724, d. 1812.
  • n23. Indenture, dated 25th April, 1758 (Middx. Register, 1758, II, 226).
  • n24. According to the ratebooks, which from 1754 again include the house, it was occupied from 1754 to 1756 by James Colebrooke and in 1757–8 by Henry "Lisle."
  • n25. John Egerton was bishop successively of Bangor (1756–68), Lichfield (1768–71) and Durham (1771–87). He is shown by the ratebooks for 1759–69 as in occupation of the house. His residence probably terminated in 1768 on his translation to the see of Lichfield.
  • n26. Indenture, dated 15th January, 1770 (Middx. Register, 1770, I, 188).
  • n27. According to the ratebooks Charles Townley succeeded the Bishop of Bangor in 1769 and continued there until 1774. He was a great collector of antiquities, and in 1777 purchased what is now No. 14, Queen Anne's Gate, for the accommodation of his collection (Survey of London, X, p. 95).
  • n28. See deed poll of that date (Middx. Register, 1774, IV, 337).
  • n29. Records of H.M. Commissioners of Crown Lands, Z. 4, p. 304. Richard Payne Knight was famous for his collection of bronzes and coins, and had a great reputation in matters concerning ancient art. According to the ratebooks he succeeded his friend, Charles Townley, as occupant of the house in 1775.
  • n30. P.R.O., Works, 6/21, fo. 145.
  • n31. P.R.O., T. 29/60, p. 236.
  • n32. Records of H.M. Commissioners of Crown Lands, Z. 4, p. 290.
  • n33. It was stated to be "very old" (it had, in fact, been built 70 years) and "to have many settlements in its walls and floors," but was capable of standing another 40 years provided a sum of £300 was spent on it.
  • n34. Records of H.M. Commissioners of Crown Lands, Z. 4, pp. 299–302. Knight obtained permission to retain possession of the house until Lady Day, 1806. (Ibid., E. 5, p. 1.)
  • n35. Records of H.M Commissioners of Crown Lands, Z. 4, p. 297.
  • n36. See Survey of London, X, p. 59, Plates ).and .
  • n37. Information kindly supplied by the late Assistant Paymaster-General.
  • n38. The early part (up to 1806) is based chiefly on letters patent, the remainder is taken from Haydn's Book of Dignities.
  • n39. Treasury Minute, 19th August, 1836.
  • n40. Haydn's Book of Dignities omits any reference to an appointment in this year, but certain other lists (e.g. that given in Survey of London, Vol. XI) give the name of Lemuel Kingdon as the new paymaster. This is incorrect. Puckering was appointed on 9th February, 1675–6, to execute the office by himself or his deputy. A few days later (P.R.O., S.O. 8/11), however, it was provided that the actual payments should be "carried on by the hands of Lemuel Kingdon, Esq.r, but under the Inspection of Sr Henry Puckering alias Newton, Knt & Bar,t., whom … We have constituted … Paymar."
  • n41. Haydn's Book of Dignities gives Nicholas Johnson and Charles Fox. According to the Dict. Nat. Biog. Sir Stephen, on resigning his office, "contrived that his eldest son, Charles Fox, should share it along with Nicholas Johnson." This is incorrect. Nicholas Johnson shared the office with "William Fox, Esqr, second son of the said Sir Stephen Fox." (P.R.O., C. 66/3209, No. 8.) "His majestie hath granted the office of receiver and paymaster of his forces to Nicholas Johnson and William Fox, esqs." (Luttrell's Brief Historical Relation of State Affairs, I, p. 30.)
  • n42. Haydn's Book of Dignities gives the names of Charles Fox, James Brydges and Thomas Moore between the dates of 1702 and 1714. These were appointed to a special office "to take care of the pay of her [Queen Anne's] army in the Low Countries," and are not in the regular succession of Paymasters of the Forces.
  • n43. On 22nd April, 1721, a warrant was issued empowering Cornwallis to appoint Robert Jacomb as his deputy. (P.R.O., T. 52/31, p. 125.) In 1729 the southern abuttal of the house on the site of the northern annexe is described as the house of "Robt Jacomb Esq," so that the latter, not Cornwallis or his successor, Spencer Compton, was resident there.
  • n44. "Mr. Charles Long has entered into possession of the official house for the Paymaster of his Majesty's Forces, at Whitehall." (Morning Chronicle, 25th April, 1807.)
  • n45. Reproduced here.