Pages 493-503
Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Dean and Chapter of Wells: Volume 1. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.
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Fols. 391–420
Inspeximus and confirmation to John bishop of Bath and Wells and his successors by King Edward [II], dated Westminster 11 November 18 Edward [II], and witnessed by W. archbishop of Canterbury, J. bishop of Norwich, J. bishop of Chichester, Henry de Lancastria earl of Leycestre, John de Warenna earl of Surrey, John de Hastyngges and Richard Dammori steward of the king's household, of the following charters:—
A grant of King John to the churches of Wells and Bath and to bishop Joscelin, of all the possessions. dignities, liberties, etc. conferred upon them by the king, his ancestors or others; dated Gaydinton, 3 March 8 John. (See R. III. f. 2: above p. 305.)
An inspeximus and confirmation by King Henry III, dated Westminster 4 February 11 Henry III, and witnessed by Eustace bishop of London and others named, of a licence by King Richard I to bishop Reginald, dated 26 November 1 Richard I, to keep hounds for the chase in all Somerset. (See R.I. f. 15d.: above p. 14.)
A grant of King Henry III to bishop Joscelin of the manors of Winescumbe, Pukeleschirch, Blacford and Craunemere, one knight's fee in Camelertun, and the advowsons of Aissebiry, Cristemelford, Kyngton, Bokeland and Camelerton; dated 22 January 11 Henry III. (See R. III. f. 99d.: above p. 359.)
An inspeximus and confirmation by King Henry III, dated 9 May 12 Henry III, and witnessed by E. bishop of London and others named, of a charter of King John giving to Hugh archdeacon of Wells (at that time bishop of Lincoln) the manors of Ceddre and Axebrug with the hundreds of Winterstok and Ceddre (See Rot. Chart. p. 129); a charter of the said bishop of Lincoln (while yet archdeacon) giving to Thomas Walensis the town of Axebrugh, confirmed by King John; a charter of the said Thomas giving the same town to Maurice de Gant; a charter of the said Maurice giving and quitclaiming the same town to bishop Joscelin; a charter of the said bishop of Lincoln to bishop Joscelin, granting the same quit of suit of the foreign hundred and of half a mark yearly; and a charter of Thomas Walensis to bishop Joscelin thereof, with quitclaim of the said Maurice and his heirs.
A charter of King Henry III, dated 11 June 15 Henry III, witnessed by Walter bishop of Carlisle the treasurer and others named, granting to bishop Joscelin and his successors in frank almoin certain liberties in their manor of Ceddre (as in R. III. f. 1: above p. 305), with quittance for their men from lawing of dogs and from toll, saving the toll of tenants who do not hold of the bishop in chief. (See Charter Rolls, Cal. p. 133.)
A charter of the same king, dated Oxford 15 July 15 Henry III, granting to bishop Joscelin and his successors that at whatever time of the year they may die, they shall have their fruits until Michaelmas. (See R.III. ff. 340d., 348: above p. 471.)
A charter of the same king to bishop Joscelin, dated Fuleham 15 May 13 Henry III, witnessed by Richard bishop of Durham and others named, disafforesting his manor of Cungresbury.
A charter of the same king, dated Westminster 14 October 18 Henry III, witnessed by E. archbishop of Canterbury, etc., (as in the charter of this date recited above, ff. 265–6, p. 438), granting to the churches of Wells and Bath and to bishop Joscelin all their lands and liberties (as in R.III. f. 1: above p. 305.)
R.III. ff. 392–397.
Gift by Joan Perceval, late the wife of Sir Roger Percevall knight, lady of Carmeton, in her widowhood, to John bishop of Bath and Wells, his heirs and assigns whatsoever, of 2 acres of her arable land in name of glebe and the advowson of the church of Exford, of which land one acre called Wydy acre lies on a hill called Sporehull on the east side by land of Thomas de Mersshwode, the other on the said hill on the south side between land of the said Joan and of Mariot de Alre within the parish of Carmeton, in consideration of 40l. fully paid, with warranty. Witnesses: Sir Andrew Luterel, Sir Henry de Glaston knights, John de Ralegh, Ralph Fitzurse, Walter de Meryet, Richard de Wyndesore, Roger le Walle, John de Membury. Dated Carmeton, Monday after St. Lucy 1319.
R.III. f. 398.
Gift by Philip de Drokenesford, brother and heir of John de Drokenesford late bishop of Bath and Wells, to John de Godelee and Sir Hamelin his brother, of 2 acres of arable land in the town of Carmeton with the advowson of the parish church of Exeford, which his said brother had of the gift of Joan who was wife of Roger Percevall knight, to hold to the said John and Hamelin, their heirs and assigns, rendering to the chief lords the services due and accustomed, with warranty. Witnesses: Sir John de Clyvedon the elder, Sir John de Erlegh, Sir Ralph de Fizhours, Sir Hugh de Langelonde knights, John de DurbuTgh, John le Jeu. Dated Drokenesford, Saturday St. Peter ad vincula 6 Edward III.
R.III. f. 398d.
Indenture of agreement made between Peter dean of Wells and the chapter, William de Ralegh canon of the prebend of Wandestreu and the men thereof on the one part, and William Witheng on the other, whereby the said William quitclaims to the other parties 2s, 6d. which he used to take every other year of the said men in name of herbage of a field called Wythrichesham, so that they shall have common of pasture thereon every other year quit of all demands; and they grant that the said William and his heirs may enclose his wood called Munekeswude, so that their cattle and swine cannot enter therein, and if they enter by defect of enclosure they may not be impounded: submission of William Witheng to the archdeacon of Wells to enforce this agreement. Witnesses: Thomas de Cirencestria sheriff of Somerset, William de Stratton, Henry de Karevill, Bartholomew de Emnelig' knights, Walter the chamberlain, Philip de Wyka, Ralph Magot, John de Winton clerk.
R.III. f. 399d. The sheriff named held office at various dates between 1228 and 1237.
Essex. Assize at Stratford, Tuesday the octave of the Nativity of the Virgin 49 Henry III, before N. de Turry and William de Hammelton, between Walter bishop of Bath and Wells plaintiff and Constance de Ba neulle (guardian of the land and heir.of Hamon son of Richard) defendant, upon a writ of darrein presentment, concerning the advowson of Schaudeford. Plaintiff says that the now king, during the vacancy of the see, presented John Maunsel his clerk to the said church as to a prebend of Wells, who was admitted and instituted, and died parson thereof. Defendant does not appear. Verdict for plaintiff; the jury adding that they have seen three parsons presented thereto as to a prebend of Wells by the bishop before the said John. Judgment for plaintiff.
R.III. f. 399d.
Gift by William Flandr[ensis] of Dinra to Joscelin bishop of Bath of the advowson of Dinra. Witnesses: Robert abbot of Glastonbury, Faramus de Bononia, Roger Tyrel knights, Thomas de Altavilla, Walter the chamberlain, Philip de Wyke, Walter de Reygni, Thomas de Palton, Gilbert Gymel.
R.III. f. 403d.
Undertaking by John Odeline canon of Wells and rector of Jatton to save harmless the chapter of Wells concerning their confirmation and admission, upon his collation, of Peter Ameline to the vicarage of Jatton, which Master William de Lincolnia the chancellor, Nicholas the succentor, Master Luke de Membury and Robert de Marisco, the canons then present, desired to postpone, but yielded to the said rector's representations. Done in the chapter of Wells, Saturday the Innocents' day 1247.
R.III. f. 404.
Charter (in Latin) of Cynewlf king of the West Saxons or Gewisi, giving to St. Andrew, to augment the monastery by the great spring called Wielea, a portion of land, namely two hides upon the river Weluue, with bounds (including a valley called Asancumb, a hill called ðornhil, and a brook called Sealtbroc). Dated 776. Witnesses: bishops Herewald and Cruehard (?) and others named.
R.III. f. 404d. Birch, Cart. Sar. i. 283, No 200: Mon. Angl ii. 285: Kemble, Cod. Dipl. No exv, iii. p. 372.
Inspeximus and confirmation by King Edward III (by the hand of his son Edward duke of Cornwall and earl of Chester, guardian of England), dated Wyndesore 12 October 13 Edward III, and witnessed by R. bishop of London the chancellor and others
named, of an inspeximus and confirmation by King Henry III, dated Westminster 12 February 11 Henry III, and witnessed by Eustace bishop of London and others named (See Charter Rolls, Cal. p. 8), of a charter of King John, dated Bristol 10 September 7 John, granting to the church of St. Andrew Wells and the canons the manor, hundred and church of Northcory with the land of Haccha and Wrentise, in accordance with grants previously made by King Richard I, and by the said John while count of Mortain; and a market at Northcory every Wednesday. Further grant by King Edward of a market at Northcory every Tuesday, in lieu of the market they previously had, and a fair to last three days every year, namely the vigil, feast and morrow of St. Peter ad vincula.
R.III. f. 405. (See R.I. ff. 9, 10d.: above pp. 6, 8).
Charter of King Edward [II] granting to William Malerbe (at the instance of Richard Louell) a market every Monday at his manor of Shipham county Sumerset, and a fair every year lasting three days, namely the vigil, feast and morrow of St. Leonard. Witnesses: J. bishop of Chichester and others named. Dated Westminster, 5 June 2 Edward [II].
R.III. f. 406d.
Inspeximus and exemplification under the seal of the Exchequer by King Henry [IV], tested by W. Forde, Westminter, 27 February 3 Henry [IV], for the archdeacon of Wells, at the prosecution of the king's clerk John de Iklyngton one of the chamberlains at the receipt of his Exchequer, of an entry in a book of fees of the time of King Edward I (remaining in the Exchequer for evidence, not of record), stating that in the hundred of Northcury the canons of Wells hold the manor of Northcury of the king in almoin, of the gift of King Richard.
R.III. f. 408.
Gift by Walter Rotard to Walter de Purle canon of Wells, for his homage and service, of half an acre of arable land in the town of Ceddre by the court of the canons of Wells on the west side, to hold to the said canon and his assigns of the grantor and his heirs at a yearly rent of 1d., with warranty, in consideration of 20s., half a seam of wheat and half a seam of barley. Witnesses: William Bucke, William Harald, Robert son of Walter, William de Aur', William de Clafford, Roger Harald, Robert de Woky, Henry Coppe.
R.III. f. 408d.
Letter of attorney by Hugh Sugar treasurer of Wells, John Waynesford subdean, Thomas Mershe canon residentiary, Thomas Chue (Chewe), Richard Hayne and John Menyman vicars of the new close of Wells, to John Combe vicar of the new close aforesaid and Nicholas Gibbons, to enter and take seisin of the manors of Chedder and Shepham and the advowson of Shepham to them
given by charter of Master Richard Swan clerk provost of Wells. Dated 7 September 18 Edward IV.
R.III. f. 409.
Letter of attorney by Richard Swan clerk provost of Wells to John Hille vicar of the new close of Wells, to give seisin of the manors of Chedder and Shepham and the advowson of Shepham to the treasurer, subdean, canon and vicars above named. Dated 7 September 18 Edward IV.
R.III. f. 409.
Gift by Richard Swan clerk provost of Wells (feoffee jointly with John Pope clerk deceased of Thomas de Bekintona deceased late bishop of Bath and Wells) to Master Hugh Sugar treasurer of Wells, Master John Waynesford subdean, Master Thomas Mershe canon residentiary, Thomas Chue, Richard Hayne and John Manyman vicars of the new close of Wells, of the manors of Chedder and Shepham in county Somerset together with the advowson of Shepham, purchased by the said late bishop of Margaret late the wife of the Lord Hungerford deceased, daughter and heir of the Lord de Botreaux and Mules. Witnesses: Richard Chok knight one of the justices of the Common Bench, Reginald Stourton, John Newton, Nicholas Seyntlo knights, Robert Stowell, John Bykonell, John Hugons esquires. Dated Wells, 7 September 18 Edward IV.
R.III. f. 409d.
Exemplification, tested by Robert Danby at Westminster 11 May 3 Edward IV, of proceedings before the justices at Westminster in Easter term 3 Edward IV (de Banco, roll 266), upon a writ of right, tested at Westminster 20 April that year, (Robert Stawell esquire the chief lord having remised his court,) between Thomas de Bekyntona bishop of Bath and Wells plaintiff, and Margaret widow of Robert Lord Hungerford (daughter and heir of William Lord Botreaux and Mules) defendant, being a common recovery of the manors of Chedder and Shepham and the advowson of Shepham: Nicholas Rotherey vouchee, Walter Parys attorney for plaintiff, Richard Brugge for defendant, John Dene, Thomas Bole sureties for plaintiff.
R.III. f. 410.
Quitclaim by Margaret widow of Robert Lord Hungerford (daughter and heir of William Lord Botreaux and Mules) to Thomas de Bekyntona bishop of Bath and Wells, of the manors of Chedder and Shepham with the advowson of Shepham, whereof the said bishop was seised already by virtue of her charter, with warranty. Witnesses: Richard Chocke one of the justices of the Bench, Walter Rodenay knight, Robert Stowell, John Fitziames, Thomas Seyntbarbe esquires. Dated 29 April 3 Edward IV.
R.III. f. 411.
Feoffment by Thomas de Bekyntona bishop of Bath and Wells to John Pope and Richard Swan clerks, of the manors of Chedder and Shepham with the advowson of Shepham (late acquired as above), with warranty. Witnesses: Richard Chocke one of the justices of the Bench, Walter Rodeney, knight, William Brocas, Thomas Rodenay, Thomas Dauberychecourt esquires. Dated 5 August 4 Edward IV.
R.III. f. 411d.
Letter of attorney by John Pope and Richard Swan clerks to Thomas Nete and John Palle, to take seisin of the manors of Chedder and Shepham with the advowson of Shepham of Walter Parys and Hugh Forster or one of them. Dated 15 October 4 Edward IV.
R.III. f. 411d.
Letter of attorney by Margaret late wife of Robert Lord Hungerford (daughter and heir of William Lord Botreaux and Mules) in her widowhood, to Thomas Rodenay and Robert Halsewell esquires and John Dancastre, to give seisin of the manors and advowson above named to Thomas de Bekyntona bishop of Bath and Wells. Dated 22 April 3 Edward IV.
R.III. f. 412.
Acquittance by the same Margaret to the aforesaid bishop for 280l in full payment for the manors and advowson above named, which descended to her by the death of William Botreaux her father, and which she sold for the ransom of Robert Hungerford knight her son, lately captured in the duchy of Aquitaine. Dated 23 April 3 Edward IV.
R.III. f. 412.
Gift by the same Margaret to the aforesaid bishop of the manors and advowson above named, which descended to her as above, with warranty. Witnesses: Richard Chocke justice and others (as in the quitclaim above). Dated 22 April 3 Edward IV.
R.III. f. 412d.
Letter of attorney by Thomas de Bekyntona bishop of Bath and Wells to Walter Parys and Hugh Forster, to give seisin of the manors and advowson above named to John Pope and Richard Swan clerks. Dated 5 August 4 Edward IV.
R.III. f. 413.
Letter of attorney by the same bishop to John Fitz James esquire, John Touker and John Wisdam, to take seisin of the manors and advowson above named from Margaret widow of Robert Lord Hungerford. Dated 26 April 3 Edward IV.
R.III. f. 413.
Return of the tenants of the manors of Chedder and Shepham, taken by John Pope and Richard Swan clerks on the feast of St. Simon and St. Jude 4 Edward IV; on which day Walter Reve and others named appeared and did fealty for Chedder, John Groveman, John Coke and Robert Hill for Shepham.
Rental of Chedder:—
Richard Lange, John Mayde, Thomas Hochyn, Agnes Hayward, William Batte, John Wynscombe, William Hayward, John Hochyn, John Crymer, Agnes Tarry, Thomas Palle, John Ray, Alice Webbe, Henry Roo, John Foke, Richard Croker, William Baker, John Coke, and Thomas Buxty hold each one tenement, at yearly rents varying from 5s. to 4d.; Thomas Shete one tenement and mill, 46s. 8d.; William Lange one tenement and two gardens; John Palle two tenements, rent 12s. 8d.; John Smyth, one tenement in Draycot; John Coppe, one in Cassecleff, rent 6s. Rents are also due from Walter Reve and John Maunsell for land, Henry Roo and John Stacy jointly, William Seward, John Stacy and John Newton. After Thomas Palle comes the entry: Item boxis curte redd' per annum xs.
The following hold by knight service: Sir Walter Rodenay knight, Dame Isabel Cheddre, and 'fresuters' named John Maunsell, Richard Payne, William Taverner, Walter Kyng, William Hayward, John Stacy, Agnes Tarry, Walter Reve, Henry Roo, Thomas Pereson, John Credenall, Henry Wikis, Richard Harris, Henry Roo and John Stacy (joint), John Smyth of Chedder, John Pricat.
Overland is held by John More, Geoffrey Clerke, John Lewys, John Bole, William Wynscombe, William Hawe, John Wynscombe, John Browne, William Webbe, William Wynscombe (meadow), John Mayde, Isabel Tarry.
R.III. ff. 413d., 414.
Proceedings in a suit between Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells plaintiff and John Nedersole defendant, concerning a messuage and garden in Wells, whereof the defendant's service is in arrear.
Writ of cessavit per biennium, tested at Westminster, 1 October 1 [Edward IV].
Writ of cape, tested by R. Danby, Westminster, 23 January 1 [Edward IV]. (Reference to roll 215, letter S.)
Writ of venire facias (under the statutes of Westminster the second, 13 Edw. I, cap. 32), tested by the same, Westminster, 23 June 2 [Edward IV]. (Reference to roll 388).
Jury panel of 24 names, headed by Thomas Lyte esquire: of whom 16 sworn.
Record of pleas at Westminster, before Robert Danby and others justices of the Bench, Hilary term 2 Edward IV (roll 388). Defendant not appearing, the bishop recovered seisin by default. But for fear of collusion to evade the statute of mortmain, execution was postponed, a jury summoned to pronounce upon the bishop's right, and the property seized into the king's hand. Afterwards on Monday after the close of Easter at Wells, before Richard Chock one of the justices of the Bench and Richard Brugge, a special jury say that defendant holds the property in question
of the bishop, in right of his church, by fealty, suit of his manor court of Welles every three weeks, and a yearly rent of 12d.; that bishop Joscelin was seized of these services in the time of King Henry III by the hands of Thomas Bockyng' then tenant, and so were his predecessors and successors time out of mind; that the yearly value is 12d.; and that there is no collusion.
R.III. ff. 415d., 416.
Lease by Robert Malherbe lord of Shippeham to William le Walshe and Sarah his wife (daughter of Henry Simond) for their life, of a tenement which Henry Lonehyue held of him, doing yearly to grantor and his heirs the services due and accustomed, except 'revewike' and 'wredwardwyke.' Witnesses: Hugh Malherbe, William Wryntred (sic), William Malherbe, Philip Simond, Robert the clerk.
R.III. f. 416d.
Quitclaim and abjuration in the full hundred of Ceddre, in consideration of 7 marks, by Henry de Cunteville to Robert Malerbe, his heirs or assigns, of half a virgate of land in Sipeham and pasture for 248 sheep, as contained in a charter to the said Henry made by Robert Malerbe father of the said Robert. Witnesses: Walter the chamberlain of Wells, Robert de Cunteville, Nicholas de Cunteville, Robert parson of Lockestun, Walter de Ceddre, William son of Walter, William de la Burne, Gervase Mal[erbe], William de Clafford, Simon son of Henry.
R.III. f. 417.
Letter of attorney by John de Clyvedon (son of Sir Matthew de Clyvedon knight) and Mary de Drokenesford his wife to John Dacre, to take seisin of lands and tenements in the town of Schepham by gift of Sir Matthew, and the homage and fealty of the tenants, free and villein. Dated Alre, Friday after St. John ante portam Latinam 12 Edward II.
R.III. f. 417.
Quitclaim by John Southerman called Hanekyn de la Barowe to Conrad de Afflyn, his heirs and assigns, of all lands, etc., in Chippeham, Barwe and Langelborowe. Witnesses: Thomas Bubbe, Roger Teyntor, John Gode, John de Cokelborgh, Adam Holebrok. Dated Chippeham, Saturday after the Purification 30 Edward III. (In margin, erroneously: the manor of Scheppeham).
R.III. f. 417d.
Quitclaim by Robert Wrenthe of Samford to Sir Robert Malerbe his heirs or assigns of the pasture of his beasts in the manor of Shippeham upon the hill called Smaldon. Witnesses: John le Denys, Hugh Malerbe, William Wyntred, William Malerbe, Philip son of Simon. Dated Shipham, St. Mary Magdalen 11 Edward.
R.III. f. 417d.
Writing indented of John Pope and Richard Swan clerks, reciting a demise by them made to the dean and chapter of Wells, their successors and assigns for 50 years, of the manor and advowson of Schepham (which they had by feoffment of Thomas de Bekyntona bishop of Bath and Wells, who purchased the same of Margaret Hungerford, widow of Sir Robert Hungerford, daughter and heir of William Lord de Botreaux and Mules) at a yearly rent of 40s., with power to distrain for arrears or to reenter in default of distraint; and confirming the estate of the dean and chapter, to have and to hold the said manor and advowson to them and their successors for ever, with warranty. Sealed by the parties. Witnesses: Richard Chock one of the king's justices of the Common Bench, Reginald Stourton, William Powlet knights, Thomas Rodenay, Robert Stowell, Richard Hampton, Richard Artur' esquires. Dated 9 January 7 Edward IV.
R.III. f. 418.
Release and quitclaim by John Pope and Richard Swan clerks to Master William Witham dean of Wells and the chapter and their successors for ever, of the manor and advowson of Schepham, and also of the manor of Chedder in Chedder county Somerset, to the use and support of the vicars choral of the cathedral church, with warranty. Witnesses: Richard Chock one of the king's justices of the Common Bench, Reginald Stourton, William Paulet knights, Robert Stowell, Richard Hampton, Richard Artur', John Newton. Dated 9 November 9 Edward IV.
R.III. f. 419.
Gift by Agnes de Stratford (daughter and heir of Thomas de Stratford) in her widowhood to Thomas Kempe, of her lands and tenements in le Barwe which she inherited by the death of Richard son and heir of John Galewayn in the hundred of Chipham, with warranty. Witnesses: William Caileway, John de Deurle (sic), Thomas Dobbe, Henry de Dudeston (sic), John de Cokkelborowe. Dated le Barwe, Saturday St. Valentine's day 23 Edward III.
R.III. f. 419d.
Bond of Thomas le Clerk (son and heir of Richard le Clerk of Chippham) to Philip Wyndhull of Northlangele and Alice his wife, their heirs and assigns, to warrant them as well certain crofts at le Hefdstok between le Holdbury and the high road to Chippham, which they have by charter of the said Thomas, as common of pasture for all their cattle in the fields of Langele Burell and Hardemysh (sic), or to pay 20l. Dated Chippeham, the morrow of the Purification 39 Edward III. (In margin, erroneously: Shepham).
R.III. f. 420.
Lease by John de Clyvedon knight lord of Alre to Richard Hendibody and Margery his wife for their lives, of a tenement in Schepham formerly held of him by Richard le Fleyshackare with land and meadow adjoining, at a yearly rent of one double rose at
Midsummer for all demands, saving the king's service, suit of his court of Schepeham twice a year, and saving the enclosure of Corymalet park, with warranty. Witnesses: John Payn, Andrew Symond, Peter Gentilcorps, John Drayton, Andrew Fremond. Dated Alre, Sunday after St. Luke 28 Edward III.
R.III. f. 420.
Quitclaim by Peter de la Huese to John de Sancto Laudo and Joan his wife, of 6 acres of arable land and 1 acre of meadow in Chippeham, claimed by him in the court of Chippeham by the king's writ of right according to the custom of the manor, prosecuted in form of a writ of entry; also of a croft called Syhomescrofte in the town of Chippeham. Dated Chippeham, Saturday before St. Edmund K. 6 Edward. (In margin, erroneously: Schepeham).
R.III. f. 420d.