The corporation of Southampton: Letters and loose memoranda

Pages 97-134

The Manuscripts of the Corporations of Southampton and Kings Lynn Eleventh Report, Appendix: Part III. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1887.

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Letters and loose memoranda

(d.) Letters and Loose Memoranda.

— Henry VI. Letters under Henry the Sixth's sign manual and signet to "our trusty and wel beloved the Maire, Aldermen and Baillies of our Towne of Southampton and their Bretheren." Trusty and Welbiloved We grete you wele, and late you wite that right tedious compleynt hath been made unto us by our Welbiloved subgiet John Collis, Poursuyvant unto oure right entierly welbiloved Uncle the 'Duc of Bedford, of ful grevous wronges injuries and hurtes, surmised to be by your meanes unto hym doon ayenst all right and conscience in a matier to be determyned amongest you, betwene hym and oon Robert Wilson of our Town of Southampton, as by this supplication unto us late presented which We sende unto you herin closed it may appere at large, Wherefore We fully entending to see justice and equite ministred unto every our subgietes in all thair matiers and causes, Wol and charge you that peysing thurghly in your mynde What ye ought to doo herin of duetie, ye demeane you in such wise from hensforth in this matier aneinst our said subgiet in shewing unto hym playne and undelayed right witnesse that for lak therof he be not constrayned to poursue unto us for othre remedy in that behalve, Which if in your defaultes he be driven eftsones to doo, it wol sowne greately to our displeasur that eny such default or negligence shuld be founde in yow, and thereupon cause us to put othrewise our handes of help for reformacioun of the same. Yeuen vnder our signet at our Citie of Winchestre the secunde day of Octobre.

35 (?) Henry VI., July 20; London. Letters under two signets encircled with rush rings. We wolle and charge in the kynges name alle manner men that they in no wise vex trouble ne greve the Towne of Suthampton ne no persone ne persones therof their godes ne catalles contrarye to the kynges lawes upon peyne of deth, and if eny persone or persones eville disposed wolle presume to attempte ayenste the seid Towne or eny persone or persones therof, their goodes or catalles contrarye to the kynges lawes and this oure commaundement, Than We Wolle charge and in the Kynges name commaunde the Mayre Shirref Baillyes Constables and all othir officers within the said towne and everyche of theym that they withoute any delay do the said Mysdoers to be taken and commytted into warde, ther safly to be kepte into the tyme that they be laufully delyvered after the lawe of the londe, and that they faylle not to execute this oure commaundment as they wille . . . . to the Kyng . . . verain lorde and unto us at theire pereille. Yeven under oure signettes atte London the xx day of Juyll the xxxv. . . . . of oure soverain lord . . . . nry the Sext after the Conquest.

10 Edward IV., May 7; Suthampton. Privy Seal Writ of Mandate and Warrant addressed to the Mayor and Sheriff of the town of Suthampton. Edward by the grace of God King of England &c. We wol and charge you that of the money comyng and growing towardes us of the fee ferme of our said towne ye content and paye unto John Peyntour and his iij felowes by us assigned for the keping of oure Shippe called the Grace-a-Dieu to every of theim after the rate of xiiijd. by the weke for mete and drynke, to the said John Peyntour for his wages after the rate of iiijd. by daie, and to every of his said iij felowes after the rate of xiid. by the weke for their wages, and for their house-rent xiijs, iiijd. With allowaunce resonnable for reparacion of the said hows unto tyme ye have otherwise from us in commaundement, And thies oure letters shalbe your suffisant Warraunt and discharge in that behalve. Yeven under our Privee Seel at oure Towne of Suthampton abovesaid the viith daye of Maye, The xth yere of oure Reigne.

11 Edward IV., November 17; the Castell of Farnham. Privy Seal Writ of Mandate and Warrant addressed to the Mayor sheriff and bailiffs of the town of Southampton for the time being. Edward by the grace of God King of England &c. For as moche as we in consideracion of the trewe and feithfull service that our Welbeloved Thomas Raynold of Suthampton aforsaid hath divers wises doon unto us, and in recompense of the grete losses and charges that he hadd and susteyned for our sake, the tyme he was Shierief of Suthampton abovesaid, have yeven unto hym xxli. to be taken of the fee ferme of oure said Towne by youre handes, We Wol and charge you that of suche sommes of moneye as be due unto us and in your handes of the said fee ferme and that shalbe due and next comme to youre handes ye contente and paye onto the said Thomas the said xxli. And theis oure letters shalbe unto you herin suffisaunt Warrant, and that by the same We Wol ye have therof due allowaunce in youre accompt. Yeven under oure Prive Seel at the Castell of Farnham the xvijth day of Novembre the xjth yere of oure Reigne.

— Edward IV., November 17; the Castel of Farnham. Letters under Edward the Fourth's sign-manual and signet to the Mayor of Southampton. Trusty and welbeloved We grete you wel, and where We late wrote unto you that ye shulde contente and paye certain duetes unto John Peynter purser of the Grace Dieu, according to our letters of prive sele to him graunted for the same, ye as it is said denye to performe our plesur in that behalve, bycause ye were commanded by our other letters of prive sele of late time direct unto you, that ye shulde not make contentacion of eny fees wages or annuities, Whiche notwithstanding We Wol and straitly charge you that incontinent upon the sight herof alle delayes and excuses sette apart, ye contente and paye unto the said John Peynter alle suche sommes of money as is due unto him and his felaship by reason of oure graunte aforesaid as ye entende to do us plesur. Yeven under oure signet at the Castel of Farneham the xvij day of November.

— Edward IV., December 10; Paloys of Westminster. Letters under Edward the Fourth's sign-manual and signet to the Mayor and Sheriff of the town of Suthampton. Trusty and welbeloved, We grete you wel, and for asmoche as the Lordes of our parlement and the commownes of this our royaume have graunted unto us the xth part of the values of oon yer of alle their landes tenementes and other possessiouns as in several actes made by auctorite of parlement upon the same more pleinly it appereth, We sende unto you at this time our severel letters of commission with the copies of the said actes and instrucciouns, Willing and desiring and over that straitly charging you to make to be assembled all the commissioners named in the said commissions, or as many of them as ye may as hastily as ye can, at a certain day and in such place as shalbe thought moost convenable for ye to assemble in, and over that, that ye tharine, and there deliver unto them our said commissions, copies and instrucciouns, soliciting them with alle diligence for the hasty execucioun of our said commissions according to the said actes and instruccions. Not fayling so to do as ye tender our wele, and the wele of this our land. Yeven under our our signet at oure Paloys of Westminster the xth day of December.

— Edward IV., January 4; Palois of Westminster. Letters under Edward the Fourth's sign-manual and signet to the Mayor of the town of Suthampton. Trusty and welbeloved We grete you wel, lating you wite how we be enfourmed that notwithstanding We of late commaunded you by our other letters, that ye shulde contente and paye with our mony vesting in your handes suche sommes of mony as by us is due unto John Paynter Purser of our ship called the Grace Dieu and his felaship, for suche reparaciouns as by our commaundement thei have made upon the same, and for theire borde and wages, the time they were within our said ship, ye have not accomplished our commandment as it is said to our grete mervayle, Wherfore We eftsounes straitly charge you if it so be, that incontinent upon the sight herof ye make contentacioun unto the said John and his felaship, of the said sommes of mony according to our other letters, alle excuses and delayes sette apart as ye wol do us plesur, eny thing you moving to the contrary notwithstanding, and theese our letters shalbe your warrant and souffisant discharge anempst us in that behalve. Yeven under oure signet at our Palois of Westminster the iiijth day of Januery. The seal is surrounded with a ring of finely twisted twine.

12 Edward IV., May 3; Towne of Lew . . . . . Letters under Edward the Fourth's sign-manual and signet to the Mayor and his brethren of the town of Southampton. Trusty and welbeloved We grete you wel, and for youre true devor and acquietall that ye have shewed you of hertofore at al tymes to our gret pleasur according to your duetee, We hertly thank you and pray you in like wise to continue yeveyng ful faith and credence to the right reverend fader in god our right trusty and wel-beloved cosin the Bisshop of . . . . . . . and to our trusti and welbeloved knight Sir Morys Barkley in that thei shal . . . . . . . . behalve and that ye endevour you to accomplishe the same as our trust is in you . . . . . . . signet at our Towne of Lew . . . . . the iijde day of May. At the foot of the worn and frayed paper appears this Memorandum, "Md qd. ista litera deliberata fuit Thome Payne Maiori per Thomam Asshe servientem domini Regis exequend' vij die Maij Ao rr. E. iiijti xiio." On the little that remains of the seal there are indications that the wax was originally encircled by a ring of twisted rush or twine.

— Edward IV., February 7; Paloys of Westminster. Letters under Edward the Fourth's signet and sign-manual to the Mayor of Southampton and "Roger Kelshale oon of oure yomen of the Corowne." Trusty and welbeloved We grete you well, and albeit as we be enfourmed that for his inordinat demeanyng oon Thomas Blythorn of our Town of Suthampton Boweer was of late commytted to Prison yet there remaynyng, Nathelesse of our grace especial and at the humble supplicacions of our Boweers there, We wolle and be pleased that he be enlarged and put to bayle, so that he feithfully doo and contynue in oure service of occupacioun there as othre Boweers doo, receyving like wages. Yeven under our signet at oure Paloys of Westmynstr' the vijth day of Fevrier. The perfect seal of this much worn paper is encircled by a rush ring.

— Edward IV., September 2; Towne of Alford. Letters under Edward the Fourth's signet and sign-manual to the Mayor and his brethren of the town of Southampton. Trusty and welbeloved We grete you wele, lating you wite how it hathe of late bene shewed unto us on the behalve of Margerye Stamford of oure Towne of Southampton widowe, that John Walker of our said Towne merchaunt contrarie to right and good conscience kepith from hir a tenement in the Strete called the Englisshe Strete ther, which of right apperteyneth unto hir as it is said, and as she shalle shewe unto you hir right therynne more at large, Wherfore We have consideracion that bicause of povertie she is not of power to sue the processe of our lawes in that partie, desire and pray you to calle aswell the said John as hir afore you, to take examinacion of the titles by aither of thaim pretended unto the said tenement, and therupon to put you in effectuel devour to sette such direccion and ende therinne betwix thaim as shal accorde with right and good conscience, Wherynne ye shal doo unto us ful good pleasur. Yeven under our signet at the towne of Alford the seconde day of Septembre.

— Edward IV. Bill prepared for the King's sign-manual, but not signed. "To the King our Allez liegelord: Pleas it youre mocst noble and haboundaunt grace to addresse your graciouses letters under your prive seale in due fourme to be made aftir the tenour folowing,—Edward by the grace of god &c. To the Tresorer and Baronnis of oure Escheker greting, Where Thomas Raynold late Shireff of the towne of Suthampton, that is for to sey from the Feest of Saint Michell in the ixth yere oure reigne unto the same Feest than next folowing, of the money growing to us in his saide office by that tyme Within the saide tyme hath paied diverse summes of money unto oure right dere and trusty cosyn John late Erle of Worcestre, and also to oure Welbeloved William Wade late Capteyn of oure Shippe called the Rose for vitailling thereof and unto John Paynter Purser of oure shippe called the Grace of Dieu, and to other diverse persones, keping to oure use the same shippe diverses and severalles summes of monie in certaine maners and fourmes by us therein appointed, and by us to the same Thomas by mouth declared as We certeineley knowe, and Where also nowe late in tyme of the Usurpacioun of Henry the Sixt Richard late Erle of Warwicke by force and violence ayenst the Wille of the saide Thomas Raynold malgry dis compelled the same Thomas to contente and paye unto the same late Erle certeine summes of money, the whiche he claymed to be due and to be long unto hym by reason of the office of Constable of Dovorre and Wardeyne of the vth poortes of our graunte of such sommes, Whereof the saide Thomas Raynold is to be charged or chargeable at oure saide Escheker upon his accompt of his saide office as we be certeinly and credibely enfourmed, Whiche summes so paied by oure appointment and the saide summes so paied unto the saide late Erle of Warwike by coercioun and compulsioun atteyne to the summe of cviiili. ixs. xd. and above, We also considering the true and feithfull service done unto us by the said Thomas Raynold to oure right especiall pleasure at tyme of oure being at our saide Towne of Suthampton and otherwise, and not Willing hym to be charged or to satisfie to us of the saide cviijli. ixs. xd. of his owne propre godes but rather intending to provide for his indempnite herein, of oure grace especiall certeine science and mere mocioun remit and relese unto the saide Thomas Raynold the sume of cviiili. ixs. xd. of suche summes of money, Wherof he is to us in fourme abovseide charged or chargeable, and wille and charge you that ye utterly acquite and discharge hym ayenst us forever of cviiili. ixs. xd. in his saide accompte of suche summes of money, Wherof he is to us upon that accompt charged or chargeable in eny wise, and Where also oure Trusty and Welbeloved John Spryng late Shireff of the saide Toune of Suthampton that is for to sey from the Feest of Saint Michell in the xth yere of oure reigne unto the same Feest next folowing Within that tyme paied and delivered unto the saide John Paynter certeine severale summes of money for vitaillyng of oure saide Shippes to oure use in certaine maner and fourme by us appointed and by our mouth to theym (sic) declared as We certeinly knowe, and also Where the saide late Erle of Warwike in the saide tyme usurpatioun by his grete violence myght and power compelled the saide John Spryng to paye unto hym and to other to his behofe certeine summes of money being then in the handes of the said John Spryng &c." The remainder of the lengthy document, after providing for the discharge and indemnity of John Spryng in respect to 36l. 16s. 6d. would have provided for the acquittance and discharge of a third Sheriff of Southampton, named Thomas A van, in respect to 53l. 1s. 8d. paid by him, at the commandment of the King's month, since Michaelmas last past, to John Paynter and other persons, keeping His Majesty's ship, the Grace Dieu.

22 Edward IV., November 28; Paleis of Westminster. Privy Seal Writ addressed to all Mayors, Sheriffs, Custumers, &c., &c., and other officers as well of the Five Ports as of all other Franchises. Edward by the grace of god Kyng of England &c. &c. gretyng. It is lamentably shewed unto us and our counsaill by oon Petir de Valeto merchaunt of Spayne, that where he late had freight a Ship of Britaine with heryng wex and clothes of Tapestry Werk and the same brought into oure port of Wynchelsee there lying at an ankre and tarying wynde and wedir convenient certaine eville disposed persons men of werre yet unknowen unto hym entred and toke the seid Ship goodes and merchaundises and from thens coveyed the same and now late as it is said have arryved withe the seide Ship in oure Porte of Suthampton and there have solde and distributed grete parte of the saide goodes and merchaundises to the grete hurte of the said Petir contrary to oure liberties and fraunchises of our Stremys and portes, and in right evyll and malicious example if this shulde passe unrefourmed, We Wolle therefore and in the straitest wise charge you and every of you, that by alle the wayes and meanes to you possible put you in fulle devoir and diligence if the same Ship or any part of the same goodes or merchaundises or takers therof avoyne or come to any place or places where ye or any of you have rule or guidyng to arrest aswelle the seid Shippe and goodes in whosoever handes they may be founde as the takers of the same, and so suerly under kepyng to remaigne unto the tyme ye certifying us and our Counsaille of your demeanyng in that behalf shall have from us other comaundement, Charging moreover alle our subgettes and liegemen in execucion of the premisses that they and every of theym be to you aidyng helping and assistyng whensoever on our behalfe they shalbe by you or eny of you warned or required as they wolbe recomended unto us of good and due obeisaunce, Not faillyng herof as ye intend to doo us singular pleasir. Yeven undre oure Pryve Sealle at oure Paleis of Westminstre the xxviijth day of Novembre the xxijth yere of oure Reigne

8 Edward (?), September 14; City of Canterbury. Letter under the signet and sign-manual of the King to the Mayor and Customers of "the towne and poort of Southampton." Trusty and Welbeloved, We grete you wele, And where as a certain Ship called Marye Devir of Biscay in Ispayne was lately put under arrest by our commaundement within our haven ther for convey ing of Alom into this oure Royaume withoute oure lycence, It is soo that we be enfourmed that the said Ship is deteyned there within oure said haven oonly for the brynging of the saide alome and for non othre cause, Wherfore we wool and commaunde you that if the said ship be not restrayned and taryed but oonly for the cause abovesaid, Ye suffre her incontynently upon the sight hereof to departe at her fre large and libertye, And that ye fayle not herof in any wyse for thus it pleases us to be doon. Yeven undre oure signet at our Citie of Caunterbury the xiiij day of Septembre the viijth yere of our Reigne. The sign-manual and signet of this worn and stained paper are so defaced, that it is not certain the writing was dated by the sovereign to whom it is here assigned. Marks on the edge of the seal show that the wax was formerly encircled by a rush ring.

— Richard III., March 3; London. Letters under the sign-manual and signet of Richard duke of Gloucestre, Constable and Admyralle of England (afterwards Richard III.), to the Mayor of the Town of Suthampton. Trusty and Welbeloved We grete you wele and forasmoche as We be enfourmed that oure Welbeloved Servaunt Richard Forthey of the town of Suthampton squyer hathe diverse maters and sutes to do and attaine afore you in youre Courte, desire therfore and in oure herty wyse pray you that at the contemplacioun of these ye wylle owe to oure seid servaunt in his seid maters and sutes your lawful benyvolence and favour and to see that the lawe be duly mynystred unto hym withoute delaye as we trust you and as ye entende to do unto us acceptable pleasur and deserve of us singuler thanke. Yeven under our Signet at London the iiijth day of Marche. — — The injured seal of this writing bears marks showing that the wax was originally encircled with a rush-ring.

1 Richard III., September 12; Westminster. Writ of Mandate directed to the Mayor of the town of Suthampton and Admiral of the port thereof. Ricardus dei gracia &c. Waltero William maiori Ville nostre Suthampton ac Admirallo in portu ejusdem ac crecis eidem portui adjacentibus salutem, Cum nuper ad querimoniam carissimi consanguinei nostri Henrici Comitis Northumbrie ac dilectorum ligeorum nostrorum Roberti Saunderson et Johannis Hanyng possessorum cuiusdam navis vocate la Marie de Newcastell coram nobis et consilio nostro exhibitam de et super iniusta capcione et spoliacione navis predicte ac bonorum ac mercandisarum in eadem tunc existencium per subditos ducis Britannie facta et perpetrata, necnon pro eo quod iidem consanguineus et ligei nostri ad aliquod justicie complementum seu restitucionem navis bonorum et mercandisarum predictorum ab eodem duce eiusve Officiariis attingere nequibant et ob defectum ministracionis justicie, Assignamus vos ac alios Officiarios ac ministros nostros quoscunque coniunctim ac divisim ad omnia et singula naves et vasa cum apparatu eorundem necnon bona ac mercandisas quecunque quibuscunque subditis dicti ducis Villarum de Landeneau Brest Conquet Crowedou Alavowe et Abberwargh' spectancia et pertinencia usque ad summam mille quingentarum et decem et novem librarum in quemcunque portum sive locum infra regnum nostrum Anglie seu alibi sub obediencia nostra veniencia aut adducenda, arestanda et seisienda, ac sub salva ac secura custodia quousque aliud a nobis sub magno sigillo nostro haberetis specialiter in mandatis poni facienda, et ad quedam alia in literis nostris patentibus inde confectis specificata facienda et exequenda prout in literis illis plenius continetur, Virtute quarum literarum vos quandam navem de Conquet predicta vocatam la Nicholas de Conquet unde Arnoldus de Agoo est magister in dictum portum Suthampton nuper adductam unacum toto apparatu eiusdem ad requisicionem dictorum Roberti et Johannis arestatis et sub aresto huiusmodi detinetis, que quidem navis cum apparatu antedicto ad quaterviginti libras se extendit in valore prout nos in Cancellaria nostra per literas vestras sigillo Maioratus dicte ville Suthampton sigillatas reddidistis certiores: Nos tamen certis de causis nos et consilium nostrum specialiter moventibus ac pro eo quod prefatus Arnoldus per consensum et aggreamentum dictorum Roberti et Johannis coram nobis in Cancellaria nostra undecimo die instantis mensis Septembris constitutus juramentum prestitit corporale, et eciam per scriptum suum obligatorium prefatis Roberto et Johanni tenetur in Centum libris de comparendo coram nobis et consilio nostro predicto ad festum purificacionis beate Marie proxime futurum ubicunque idem consilium tunc fore contigerit ad respondendum prefatis Roberto et Johanni de premissis, et ad standum direccioni per nos et dictum consilium nostrum in hac parte ordinande et fiende; Vobis mandamus firmiter iniungentes quod dictam navem de Conquet cum toto eius apparatu dearestari et prefato Arnoldo eiusve deputato deliberari faciatis eundem Arnoldum cum navi et apparatu predictis ad libitum suum quo voluerit extra portum predictum ire et navigare permittentes, dictis literis nostris vobis ut premittitur directis in aliquo non obstantibus. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium xij die Septembris anno primo.

1 Richard III., 13 October; Lincoln. Letters under Richard the Third's sign-manual and signet "to oure trusty and welbeloved the Maior shireif and aldermen of oure Towne of Southampton." Trusty and welbelowed We grete you wele, and let you wit that the Duc of Buckingham is traterously turned upon us contrary to the deutie of his liegeaunce and entendith thutter distruccion of us, you, and alle othre our trewe subgiettes that have taken oure part, whose traiterus entent We with goddes grace entend briefly to resist and subdue, Pray you hertly therfore and naithles upon your leigeaunce charge you that with as many as ye may reise and make in defensible array on horsback ye do sende to be with us at our Citie of Coventre the xxij day of this present moneth withouten faile in any wise as ye tendre our honnour and your owne wele, and We shall soo see to you for your reward and charges, as ye shal hold you right wele content. Yeven under our signet at our Citie of Lincoln the xiij day of Octobre.

1 Richard III., November 10; Paloice of Westminster. Writ under the Privy Seal by Richard the Third to John Walker, Mayor of Suthampton. — Richard &c. greeting, It is shewed unto us and oure Counsell nowe late that Where as a Ship belonging to Sir William Berkley knight toke a ship of the parties of Britaigne but late ago, Wherin Frankyn Spynell of the said Towne of Suthampton had iiij bales of wollen clothes, which bales and clothes were commytted to the keping of Thomas Broyne squier and of the Baillif of Portesmuth to thentent that they shuld be deliverd to the said Frankyn his depute or attourney in that behalve as by Endenture theruppon made and the bill of compleynt herin enclosed more pleynly it appereth, Soth it is notwithstanding the same endenture the said Thomas Broyne and Baillif of Portesmouth utterly denye to deliver the same iiij bales to the said Frankyn withoute they have commaundement from us in that behalve as We been enfourmed, Wherefore We tendirly considering the premisses Wol and straitly charge you that ye examyn and ripely understand this mater with al the circum staunce And theruppon to minister Justice, Wherein ye shall do us grete pleasir and deserve of us therfore a special thanke. Yeven under our Prive Seel at oure Paloice of Westminster the xth of November the furst yere of oure Reign.

— Richard III., December 13; London. Letters under Richard the Third's sign manual and signet to the Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the town of Southampton. — Trusty and Welbeloved, We grete you wele, and ben emfourmed that Wher hertofore oure noble progenitours Kinges of this oure Realme of England by their sufficient letters patentes amongest other liberties and previleges haith yeven and conferred unto you ful power and auctoritie to elect name and admitte eny officere necessarie for the tyme within oure towne ther and him of a cause reasonable to remove and put out of his place and roume and in the same depute and ordeign othre at youre plaisire, certain indisposed persones are aboute to trouble and vexe you in dewe execucioun of the said graunt and confirmacioun, Wherefore We willing al resonable previleges and liberties graunted unto you by eny of oure forsaid progenitours to be inviolable observed and keped, Wole and charge you that ye duely executing the said liberties and previleges aswel in the premisses as al othre thinges concernyng the same take upon you as fer as ye lawfully may by vertue of your said grauntes and confirmacioun so to punyshe the said indisposed persones as shal be the good and fereful example of othre, And if they be such persones whome ye may not accordingly punyshe in that behalve to certifie us therof to thentent We may provide suche a lawful remedy in the same as may accorde with youre said previleges and good conscience accertaynyng you that in the execucioun of the premisses ye shal finde us your tendre sovuerain lord at al tymes herafter, Whan ye shal sue unto us in that behalve. Yeuen vnder our Signet at our Citie of London the xiij day of Decembre.

— Richard III., July 17; Castell of Notingham. Letters under the sign-manual and signet of Richard the Third to the Mayor and his brethren of the town of Southampton. Trusty and Welbiloved we grete you wele, And Wol and desire you to yeve ferme faith and credence to the Reaportes of oure trusty servauntes Garter King of Armes and Richard Gough in suche thinges as We have commaunded theim to open and declare unto you at this tyme in our behalve, And that with alle effect and diligence ye will endevoire you to thaccomplisshement of the same, as our truste is in you. Yeven undre oure signet at oure Castell of Notingham the xvij day of Juyll.

— Richard III., July 7; Palaice of Westminster. Letters under Richard the Third's sign-manual and signet to the Mayor and brethren and the burgesses of the town of Suthampton. Trusty and Welbeloved We grete you wele, And where as our Welbeloved servaunt Anthony Spynell merchaunt whom We have in the singulier favor of our grace is inhabited and Reseant in oure Towne there amongest you, We desir and in our herty wise pray you that in alle his causes and materes reasonable ye shewe unto hym your benyvolences and favours and the rather at the Reverence of thise oure letters, as ye desir to doo us a speciall pleasur. Yeven undre our signet at our Palaice of Westminster the vijth day of Juyll.

— Richard III., February 25; Paloys of Westminster. Letters under Richard the Third's sign-manual and signet to the Mayor and his brethren of the town of Southampton. Trusty and Welbeloved We grete you wele, And where upon certain suyt and processe of our lawes attained before you by William Slyfeld ayeinst Johan Sare, he is condempned with hurtes and expenses in the somme vijxxti li unto the said William, It is shewed unto us that though the said condempnacioun be unto the said William, yet the right therof apperteyneth unto our Welbeloved servaunt Thomas Yoxhile, Wherfore We tendring the wele of our said servaunt desire and praie you to see and helpe as fer as in you is, that he may be content and paied of the said somme, Sheweing unto him herein suche lawfull case (? ease) and brief expedicioun yas ye goodely may, soo that by your moyens he may the raythar attayne unto his said duetie as We trust in you, Wherein ye shal doo unto us full good and acceptable plaisur. Yeven undre oure signet at our Paloys of Westminster the xxv daye of February.

— Richard III., March 25; Paloys of Westminster. Letters under Richard the Third's sign-manual and signet to the Mayor, sheriff, and other officers of the town and port of Southampton. Trusty and welbeloved We grete you wele, and where in oure parliament holden at Westminster the furst yere of oure Reigne, amongest other actes passed in the same, It was ordeined and provided, that alle Merchantes of the Nacioun of Italie not made denisins whiche than had within this oure Royaume wares and merchandises brought from beyonde the See, and bifore the Fest of Estre than next foloweing shuld have, shuld do sell or bartre theim in groos and not by retaille to our subgiettes before the furst daye of Maij, that shal be the yere [of] our Lord a thousand foure hundred foure score and five, and the money comyng of the same sale before the said furst daye of Maij employe upon the commodities and merchandises of this oure Royeaume, thair reasonable costes and expenses alwey excepted and deducted, upon payne of forfaicture and othre penalties in the same acte expressed more at large and therupon and sith the said Acte so passed, the said merchauntes of Italie have many tymes shewed unto us and oure Counseille, aswele in the presence of diverse our Citizens of London as othre persounes called for that entent, many and great difficulties, Why they can not utter all the said wares and merchandises within the tyme and daye above limited, considering the great substance and quantitie therof more than was knowen or underestanden to theim whiche were makers and assenters of the saide Acte at the tyme of the making of the same,—Praieing therfore and requiring us of a lengier daye and respite to be yeven unto theim in avoiding their importable losses and damages whiche elles shuld venue upon theim without their gilt or default contrarie to equitie and ayeinst the myndes of the makers of the said Acte, whiche entended noo fraude ner injurie to any persoune,—We therfore having tendre consideracioun to the premisses after this matier largely debated aswele in oure Counseil as in othre places amongest our soubgietes persons of great sadnesse and experience as it is not to you unknowen have by thadvise of the Lordes of our Counseill ensueing also the myndes of the said othre discrete persounes condescended to a prorogacioun of the said daye and terme, Willing and ordeyning that it shall be liefull to the said merchauntes of Italie to utter and employe in manner and fourme conteyned in the said Acte the rest of all suche wares and merchandises as be above expressed yit unsold a this side the Fest of Mighelmase next to come and so doing tavoide the forfaitures and penalties there expressed and elles after the said Fest of Mighelmasse to falle in theim according to the said acte. Whyche oure mynde and ordenaunce We notifie unto you by this our writing to thentent that by your Wisedoms policies and discreciouns the same may be further shewed to our soubgietes within the libertie and franchise of your said Towne, they to demeane theim sef in alle thinges touching the premisses after oure said mynde and ordenaunce. Wherein both ye and they shal doo thing greatly to our pleasur according to reason and justice and to the Honor of this oure Royuame, Saving alweye the Residue of the said Acte as touching all othre wares and merchandises comyng or to come into this oure lande after the said Fest of Estre nowe passed to be uttered and employed within viij monethes after theire arrivaile, whiche We wol to stande in his full force and effecte the premisses notwithstanding. Yeven undre our signet at our Paloys of Westminster the xxv daye of Marche.

The seal (much injured) of this document is encircled by a rush ring.

2 Richard III., April 5, London. Letters under Richard the Third's sign-manual and signet to the Mayor and his brethren of Suthampton. Trusty and Welbiloved We grete you wele, And wher it is soo that diverses sedicious and evil disposed persounes both in our citie of London and elliswhere within this our Reame enforced thaymself dailly to sowe sede of noyse and dislaundre ayenst our persoune and ayenst many of the lordes and estates of our landes, to abuse the multitude of our subgiettes, and averte thaire myndes from us if they coude by any mean attaigne to that theire mischevous entent and pourpos, somme by setting up of billes, somme by messages and sending furth of fals and abhominable languages and lyes, somme by bold and presumptuous open speche and comitacioun oon with othre, Wherethurgh the innocent people, which wold lyve in rest and peax and truly under our obeissance, as thay ought to doo, be greatly abused and oftentymes put in daunger of thair lifes landes and goodes as ofte as thay folowe the steppis and advises of the said sedicious and myschevous persounes to our great hevinesse and pitie, For remedie wherof and to thentent the trouth openly declared shuld represse al such fals and continued invencions, We now of late called us the Maire and Aldremen of our Citie of London togidre with the moost sadde and discrete persounes of the same citie in great nombre being present many of the Lordes spirituel and temporall of our land and the substance of al our houshold to whom We largely shewed our trewe entente and mynde in al such thinges as the said noyse and disclaundre ronne vpon, in such wise as We doubt nat, al wele disposed persounes were and bee right wele content with, Wher we also at the same tyme yave straitly in charge aswele to the said Maire as to al othre our officers servauntes and feithful subgettes Whersoever thay be that from hensforth as often as they finde any persoune speking of us or any othre lord or estate of this our land othrwise than is according to honour trouth and the peax and restfulnesse of this oure Reame, or telling of talys and tidinges Wherby the people myght bee stirred to commocions and unlawful assembles, or any strif and debate aryse betwix lord and lord or us and any of the lordes and estates of this our land, thay take and arreste the same persoune unto the tyme he have brought forth hym or thaym of whom he undrestode that that soo is spoken and soo proceding from oon to othre unto the tyme the furst auctor and maker of the said sedicious speche and language be taken attached and punisshed according to his defautes, and that Whosoever furst fynde any sedicious bille sette up in any place he take it down and without redyng or shewyng the same to any othre persoune bring it furthwith to us or somme of the Lordes or othre of our Counsaill, all which direccions charges and commandements, so by us taken and geven by our mouth in our Citie of London, We notifie unto you by these our lettres to thentent that ye shewe the same within al the places of your jurisdiccioun, and see ther the due execucioun of the same from tyme to tyme, as ye wol eschewe our grevous indignacioun and answer to us at your extreme perelles. Yeven undre oure signet at our Citie of London the vth day of Aprile. The remains of the seal of this document afford indications that the wax was originally encircled with a rush or twine ring; and there appears at the foot of the paper this memorandum "Md qd. ista lra' fuit deliberata Magr'o Vincencio Tehy than Mair' of Suthampton & to his brethern to be executed the xth day of April the iid yere of the regne of Kyng"—.

— Henry VII., September 23; Winchester. Letters under Henry the Seventh's sign-manual and signet to the Mayor and his brethren of the town of Southampton. Trusty and and Welbeloved We grete you well, And Where as by a bille of supplicacioun to us lately presented, We undrestand that certain matiers of Variaunce and controversye depend betwen you on the oon partye, and the Maister brethren and susters of the Hospitall of Goddes House on the other partye, It is shewed unto us that by bothe your aggrementes it is appointed that a view shalbe indifferently taken for the Rightfull ordring and determynacioun of the said matiers, Wherfor We wol and commaunde you to applye yourselfes, that the said view may bee taken, and that a finalle ende be therupon made in the said matiers, so as We bee not molested with any further suyt in this behalf herafter, As ye tendre our pleasur. Yeven undre our signet at our Citie of Wynchestre the xxiijti day of Septembre. In connection with this Sign Manual mention may be made of a small number of not important papers (rough copies of depositions and other matters), touching the matters in dispute between the Corporation of Southampton and the Goddishous.

24 Henry VII., February 3; Westminster. Writ directed to Edward Beltknap esq. Master of His Majesty's prerogative in the County of Suthampton, and the County of the town of Suthampton; Commanding the said Master and his deputies that they permit the Maior bailiffs and burgesses of the said town to have and enjoy all the liberties, fines, issues and amerciaments granted to them by Edward the Fourth by Letters Patent dated on 20 August in the 20th year of his reign, which Letters Patent were confirmed by His present Majesty on the 28th November in the fourth year of his reign. "Henricus dei gracia &c. &c. Edwardo Beltknap armigero Magistro prerogative nostre sive ejus deputato vel deputatis in comitatu Suthampton ac in comitatu ville Suthampton salutem, Cum dominus Edwardus nuper Rex Anglie quartus vicesimo die Augusti anno regni sui vicesimo per literas suas patentes quas nos vicesimo octavo die Novembris anno regni nostri quarto confirmavimus de gracia sua speciali inter alia concesserit Maiori ballivis et burgensibus Ville Suthampton et successoribus suis quod ipsi imperpetuum haberent infra Villam libertatem et precinctum eiusdem ville in supportacionem solucionis feodi firme eiusdem Ville omnes et omnimodo fines pro licencia concordandi ac omnimodo alia fines exitus redempciones amerciamenta forisfacturas et deperdita omnium residencium ac omnium integre tenencium et non integre tenencium infra villam Suthampton predictam ac infra libertatem ac precinctum ejusdem Ville tam coram predictis Maiore et ballivis et successoribus suis in curia sua &c. . . . . Vobis mandamus quod prefatos Maiorem Ballivos et burgenses omnia et singula . . . . . et cetera premissa habere et gaudere permittatis &c. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium."

— Henry VIII., August 20; Manor of Oking. Letters under the signet and sign manual of Henry the Eighth to the Mayor and his brethren of the town of Southampton. Trusty and Welbiloved We grete you wele, And forasmoche as to good policie it apperteigneth in tyme of peace to provide against warres, We therfor intending to have a good nombre of Archers prepared and put in arredines aswell for the defense of us and this oure Reame as for the furniture of our other dominions and garnisons in outward partes, Woll and desyre you and nevertheles commaunde you, that forthwith upon the sight of these our letters ye do endevor yourself with all diligence possible to put the nombre of Twelve good hable and sufficient bowmen and archers in such arredines sufficiently furnysshed for the Warres, so that they maye bee forthcomyng upon a dayes warnyng at any tyme whan ye shalbe by us hereafter required, Not failling in theffectuell preparacioun and putting in arredines of the said nombre of Archers, as our trust and confidence is in you, and as ye tender our honour and suertie. And these our letters shalbe as sufficient Warraunt and discharge unto you for your indempnite in the reteignyng levyeng and preparing of the said nombre as though ample auctoritie were given unto you for that pourpose under our greate seale, Any act statute or ordinaunce made to the contrary notwithstanding. Yeven under our signet at our Manoir of Oking the xxth day of August.

— Henry VIII., May 8; Manoir of Richemount. Letters under the sign manual and signet of Henry the Eighth to "the Mayre shreaves and his brethern of Southampton." Trusty and Welbiloved We grete you wel, Assertaynyng that aswel by the tenour of a letter now sent us from the Right Reverende Father-in-God our right trusty counsaillour the bishop of Winchestre as also by a letter whiche ye the Mayer of that our toun sent unto the same our Counsaill, We to oure no litle myscontentacioun and displeasure perceyve that a grete commocion and riotous assemble hathe nowe at this season ben made and presumptuously attempted by diverse seducers and evil disposed persounes of our said toun aswel in breking doun certein dikes there as also in the bolde iustificacioun of the same to the grete disturbaunce of our peax and the perilous example of other light and wilde mynded people, We intending to have the offendours herin to be spedily repressed and punyshed as accordeth with iustice, do sende at this tyme our trusty and right welbeloved counsaillour and knight for our body Sir William Sandes constable of our castel of Southampton, Whom We have commaunded and auctorised not oonly to attache the said sedicious and riotous persones and every of them, but also by the advice of the said right reverende Fader to procede to the correccion and punyshment of the said comocion, by such ways and meanes as he shal thinke expedient, Wherfore we wol and charge you that in execucion of this oure commaundment and pleasure, Ye and every of you be to our said Knight and Counsaillour assistant aiding and obedient in most diligent maner as ye tendre our pleasure. Yeven under our signet at our Manoir of Richemount the viijth day of May.

— Henry VIII., April 9; Manoir of Richemount. Letters under the signet and sign manual of Henry the Eighth to the Mayor of the town of Suthampton. Trusty and Welbeloved We grete you wele, And where as by our other letters heretofor directed We willed you to prepayre and fournissh in sufficient redynes the nomber of twelve hable persounes to serve us in the Warres upon a reasonable monicion to be gyven to you in that behalf, Whereunto ye thene shewed yourself right towardly minded and aggreable to our full good contentacion, We therefor woll and desier you that incontynently vpon the receit of thies our letters ye send unto us your said nomber of persounes sufficiently harneysed, Soo that they may be at our Manoir of Grenewiche the last day of this present month of Aprill thens to enter into our wages and further to procede as we shall commaunde them, Letting you wete that we have ordeynid not oonly cootes of our lyverees to be delivered theim at their comyng, but also conduit money to be paied to suche one as ye shall send to receyve the same, Which for the shortenes of tyme and lakke of knowleche of the distaunce from the places where the said persounes shalbe levyed to our said manoir could not be sent to you at this season. Faile ye not effectually to accomplysh the premisses in any wise as ye tender our honour and pleasyr. Yeven under our signet at our Manoir of Richemount the ixth day of Aprill.

— Henry VIII., May 2; Manoir of Richemount. Letters under Henry the Eighth's signet and sign manual to the Mayor of Southampton. Trusty and welbiloved We grete you well, And where as we by our late letters to you addressed willed you to reteigne and kepe those Twelve hable persons in sufficient arredines to bee forthcomyng upon a dayes warnyng, Which We by our other letters heretofore willed you to sende unto us [? for service] in our warres, We for certain consideraciouns us moeving, Woll and commaunde you to sende the said xij hable persounes sufficiently harneysed to our said Manoir of Grenewiche so that they bee there the xvth day of this instant moneth of May next comyng at the farthest, Without any failling as ye tender our pleasur. Yeven under our signet at our manoir of Richemount the secund day of May.

— Henry VIII., March 22; Manoir of Grenewiche. Letters under Henry the Eighth's sign manual and signet to the Mayor and his brethren of the town of Suthampton. Trusty and Welbeloved We grete you wele, And Forasmoche as We be enfourmed that a marshe called the saltmarshe parcell of our Towne of Suthampton lyeth open uppon the see coost, and that the bankes thereof aswell as the causen nigh our Lady of Grace as in diverse and many other places of the same be worne wastyd and by stormes of the see consumed, by reason whereof the salt-water of late hathe entrid and hereafter is like to enter, Not onely to the lost and destruccion of that marshe but also by contynuance shall torne us our Towne and subgiettes thereof to grete lostes noyaunce and damages sundry wise, oneles spedy remedy in that behalf be founde, the occasion whereof is and hath bene for that the said marshe heretofore hath bene put to no good use, Whereby profyt might yerely growe for defence of itself ayenst the see, to our grete marvill and discontentacion, We specially tendring the comon welth of our said toun and to see this mater refourmed accordingly, Will therfor and commaunde you that incontinent upon the sight hereof ye not onely cause to be repeyred and amended the said bankes for the saving of that marshe but also that ye take into our handes all the said marshe putting it to suche use and order that the profyt thereof commyng may yerely defende itself agenst the see withoute any ferther charge to us or our Towne hereafter. And yf there be any persone or persones repynyng hindering or letting you or any of you for the accomplisshement of this our commaundement, that thene ye certefye us and our Counsaill there names with diligence as ye will have our favour. Ferthely We be enfourmed of dekey and povertie of that our towne whiche We and our Counsaill do studye to relyve comfort and entende to cause the same to be better inhabited and replenyshed with people, And soo We will and commaunde you to doo for your partie, And that ye preferre the comen weale of the vytelers craftymen and other inhabitauntes of that Towne befor foreyne, any acte to the contrarye notwithstanding, Whereby other shalbe encoreged to inhabite theim self among you, And also that ye see that no Ryot be used ne no idill persounes remayne amonges you, but that they be put to sundry occupaciouns or punysshed according to our lawes, Letting you wete that in the executing of the premisses or any other thing that is to the weale and comfort of that our towne ye shall not onely doo thing to the pleasur of god but in the same manner minister unto us right good and acceptable service encoragyng us by the same to helpe you fourth accordingly. Yeven under oure signet at oure Manoir of Grenewiche the xxijth day of Marche.

5 Edward VI., August 12 ; Honour of Hamptoncourte. Letters, under Edward the Sixth's sign manual and signet (with ten counter-signatures of Lords and others of the Council), to the Mayor and sheriff of the town of Southampton. Trustie and Welbiloved We grete you well, and wher our writt with such further matter as is annexed therunto is presently addressed unto you our pleasur and expresse commaundement is that in no wise you nor any for you presume to breake up or open our said writte untill it shalbe the xvith daye in the morning of this present moneth on which daye taking good testimony for your declaration at thopening of the same you shall fourthwith with as moche spede as you may possibly procede to the doing of such thinges as by the said writte be appointed unto you without disclosing the tenor of the said writte or of the shedule sent therwith directly or indirectly to any person untill the publicacion thereof except it be to your undersherif or other minister which shall execute our said writte whom nevertheles our pleasur is you shall swere to kepe the same secrete untille the very publicacion therof all which premisses We straightly charge you upon your allegeaunce to do and perfourme in suche forme as ys aforesaid, as you will aunswer for the contrary at your uttermost perille. Yeven under our signet at our Honour of Hamptoncourte the xijth of August the fifte yere of our reign.

— —, March 7 ; London. John Lucas to the Right Reverend Father — —. Reverendissime Pater et domine, noverit vestra reverencia me laborasse et ordinasse pro exemplificacione patencium quarum copiam misistis, quam exemplificacionem vobis mitto per latorem presentem magno sigillo regis signatam unacum expensis quas mutuatus sum et solvi, In primis ad Maupas custodem rotulorum apud turrim vis. viijd., Item, ad clericum suum pro scriptacione apud turrim xxd., Item pro script' ad eundem clericum xijd. Item ad ij clericos examinatores et exemplificatores nominatos sub patentibus exemplificatis viijd., Item pro sigillacione xxijs. iiijd., Item ad capitalem custodem et clericum rotulorum Wakeryng vis. viiid. pro feodo suo et summa de claro triginti novem solidos nost' q[uia] talis exemplificacio non poterit fieri nisi ad requisicionem unius . . . . et propterea ponitur Willelmo Rauenston in dicta exemplificacione tam requesitor, nichilominus nomen eius poterit deleri et nomen novum ibi poni sed non est ponderandum cuius nomen ponatur ad quorumcunque manus dicta exemplificacio perveniat, . . . . . ipse qui foret attornatus vester in scaccario nondum vent London' venerit communicabo cum eo de materia de qua mihi nuper scripsistis A mantissime Pater et domine reverende vestre supplico reuerentie non displiceat et si presens litera non sit sufficienter scripta et dictata sane attendendo quod nimium festinavi Non . . . . mi domine vobis jam . . . pro temporis brevitate sed vos et vestra dirigat, qui . . . Scriptum London Septimo die Marcii. Per vestrum humilem filium Johannem Lucas. The approximate date of this letter may be inferred from the fact that William Ravenston was Mayor of Southampton in 1398.

22 Henry VI., 24 April; Suthampton. Curious letters testimonial and certificatory (in Latin on vellum) by Nicholas Holmage, mayor, the aldermen and other discreet officers of the town of Southampton;— Certifying that on the aforementioned day John Serteyne chaplain and Gilbert Holbeme and Richard Smyth, burgesses, made declaration on oath to the following effect, That some seven or eight years since there came to Suthampton a certain John Wythyell of Bodman in Cornwall goldsmith, claiming to be cousin of the worthy burgess William Nycoll late of Suthampton, and offering to serve the said William in his art of goldsmith ; That the said John dwelt with the said William as his servant for the space of a month, in the middle of which time he declared his desire to take for his wife Katharine the daughter of the said William's wife, albeit he (the said John) had a wife living at Bodman, that on discovering the truth of this matter the said William Nycoll ordered the said John to begone to his own wife and house; that on being thus discharged and ordered off the said John swore in anger to divers people that he would have a proper share of his rich cousin's goods ; that in pursuance of this purpose the said John was suing in the Commons Bench at Westminster the executors of the said William for payment of a hundred pounds alleged to be due to him from the said William's estate by virtue of a certain obligatory bond ; that this bond was a fictitious and fraudulent writing, and that to the knowledge of the three declarators William Nycoll had never been indebted in any sum whatever to John Wythyell.

— —, September 20 ; Suthampton. (Rough copy of letter) W. Clerk, Mair of Suthampton, to the Bishop of . . . . . Ihs. Righte Worshipfull and Reverend Fader in God and my moste especial good lord I recommaunde me unto your goode Lordship. Plesyng yor goode lordship that by force of a preve seal fro the Kyng our Soverayn Lorde to me late dyrected among other, I have arrested a carak of Jene leying with yn the porte and Fraunchise of the towne of Suthampton, and heve a londe the . . . . of the same Carrak as principal leyinge ther yn fore as moche as the patron of the said carak wasse absent in Flaunders. And not withstondying that they permytted me faithfulli to obbey and abode the seide arrest, accordyng to the Kynges our Soverayn lordes commaundement, and to weye none anker yn no wise, they have sethyn presomptuosli don the outrage, and abalid them utter, proposyng to myn understondying to have departid forthwith yf the wynde and wedder wolde have servyd them, disobeyeng the commaundement of our seid sovreyn Lorde. After which tyme with suche . .

. . and power as I had and myght I did entrete them and wolde have taken the pylot leying in the same carak alonde and other of their apparell, which sholde nedis have caused them to have beeyn yn case that I myght ther yn have had my purpose, And they yn no wise wolde suffer me so to do, so that other wise I may not do, but yf I and othir sholde put our lyffes in jepardie and lose them for nought. Wherfore hit may plese your good lordship the premysses considrd a remedy to be provyded to the honor and observyng of the commaundement of our seide Soverayn Lorde the Kynge yn this be halfe. And the blessid Trinite preserve you ever after your hertes desir. Wreten at Suth' the xx day of September. Your servaunt and bedman, W. Clerk, Mair of Suth'.

37 Henry VI., November 2 ; London. W. Clerk, Mayor of Suthampton to John Dun, Walter Fetplace and alle the other auditours of the towne of Suthampton:—Right Worshipfull and Reverend Sires, And my right trusti and hertli belovyd Frendes, I commaun me unto you in alle hertli wyse, Prayeinge you do hertli as I can, that ye wol calle to your remembraunces the state that we stand yn at this day, And that ye wol as diligentli as ye can or may with one hert, one wille and one thoughte effectualli to labour, That an ende [be] had of the bookes of the Bayliffes and Broker yn all haste goodeli, And to warne the Steward that wasse to make his booke redi ayenste my comyng hom, Fore we moste with alle the diligens that we can or may make provision [of] money to be had in short tym, ore we be like to be sore hurte, and that God defend, Fore we have had to moche. And as [for] Sir John Tyer, he cam not yn the courte sith he come by the thadvyse of Ingoldesby by cause of callyng fore money, Fore he seith that he most have yet xxxli. and more to fenysh thaccompte of Walter Fetplace, The whiche ys to me right straunge so moche money so moche money (sic) as he receyved the laste yer, and this yer to, I can not understond hit. Y remytte hit to your Wysedomys. And as fore thacompte of William Nedam ther ys yet no peny paid but the bare fees by John Tyer now. Wherefore Sires these matteris most be thought upon right specialli. And yn goode feith Sires I doute not but and ye wol with goode herte and wille, undevided and withoute eny ambiguyte every man hertli and diligentli, putte his honde, we shal onys be brought oute of thraldom. Tharle of Wiltshir wasse made Tresorier of England on Sonday laste paste, And under-tresorier ys one Grymesby that wasse Clerk of the Jowelles the which made grete attendauns aboute the Kyng in his siknes. As fore chaunge of any othir officeris ther ys none yet. And as fore Janeis, upon Tuysday they had ther counsell assigned unto them, both Sergentes, And Prentises of Courte. And so moche to do wol be amongst them, God spede the right. The lordis be wroth with them, As hit ys seide. As fore John Tyer by thavyse of Ingoldesby hit wasse thought better to be at home than here for his lyeing here sholde but putte us yn coste and none availe tille the silver be redi, And xd. a day is not a litil coste ye knowe welle. I can no more but I beseche God gyde us yn alle oure werke, and have you ever in his gracouse governauns Amen. Wreten hastili at London the ijde day of Novembre Ao 37 Regis Henrici VIti By yowr own W. Clerk, Mair.

— Henry VI., October 17; Suthampton. Richard Gryme, Mayor of Suthampton, and his bretheryn to John Ingoldesby, Recorder of the same town. Right Worshipfull Sire, We commaunde us unto you, and for as moche as we be credibly enfourmed this same daye that the Eschekyr and all other courtes ben enjourned as for this tyme, We praye you hertelye to sende us redy worde by the brynger herof What day that the Mayer most come up for his accomptes on lesse that he myght be excused by youre good helpe and mene, Also se as yersterday here was one Richard Parker, Secretarye with my Lord of Exeter, and broughte with hym acquytaunce under my lordes sele and his signe manuell for the last halfe yere, And seide un to us that my lord prayde us so fayre to be payde here and seide he had never so grete myster ne nede that he is payde. Wherefor We alle praye you in case ye can in any wyse to delyvere the sele to eny of my lordes Counseill theyre and to helpe that we were delyvered of that office. And the seide Richard Parker tellith us that he will move my lorde theryn, And helpe thereto to all that he can, for we tolde hym what hurte and lost hit was unto us. And as for the bille of xli. xs. that have yf ye seme hit be to do, to take xli. of hit and to pay Umfray Hayford, Receive of hym the acquytance that ye knowe of. We remitte hit hoolly to youre discrecion. Also I praye you to sende home a note of the Inquisicioun for the Aliens siller, that hit may be made up clere ayenst I come to myne Accomptes. Also we alle praye you hertely to send us home by the brynger herof a bille of alle youre receytes and the emploiyng of the same, and We will upon that devyde hit in the Stywardes bokes as nede is, And make a redy alle the money that we may in alle hast possible whatsom evyr byfall by the grace of Allmyghty Jhũ whiche have you and all youres nowe and ever in the blessed gouvernance. Writen in haste at Suthampton the xvij daye of October.—By Richard Gryme, Mayer, and his Bretheryn. To oure right trusty welbelovyd John Ingoldesby, Recorder of Suthampton.

— Henry VI., October 22 ; London. The Earl of Warewyk and Salisbury to the Mayor of the town of Hampton. Right trusty and welbeloved I grete you wele, And where as I am enfourmed by my Right Trusty and Welbeloved freinde Sir Symon Mountford knight that at the late beyng there of the Lord Scalis and othres the Kinges our souverain Lordes Henry the Sext Enemyes and Rebelles a karville bilonging unto the same Sir Symon beyng there in that water was by thaim spoiled and robbed of thappareiles thereunto bilonging contrarie to right and conscience, and the King our said soverain lordes lawes, I therefore willing our Servaunt to bee restored of his said vessell with thapparales desire and pray you and also on our said souverain lordes behalve charge you that ye see the said Karvelle with thappareile wheresoever it be founde to be restored and delivered unto John Bygton this bringar without faile, as ye entende to do me pleasur, and god kepe you. Written at London the xxijti day of October. Therle of Warewyk and Salisbury Grete Chambrelain of England and Capitaine of Calais. R. Warwyk.—The Earl's signet on this worn paper is fairly preserved and is encircled by a rush ring.

— Edward IV., December 11; London. Robert Ratclyf, Portour of Caleys, to John William of Southampton, merchaunt.—Trusty and Welbeloved, I commannde me unto you mervelyng greetly that ye ded not content and paye to Thomas Avan nowe beyng Sheref of your Town xxs. the whiche I wrote unto you fore: Consideryng the speciall letters to you directed by my Lord of Worcestre, that tyme beyng Tresorer of England, whous soule god pardon, that ye shold unto me and unto William Wade squyer of the kynges hous deliver suche vitell for the kynges Shippis as I shold thenke nedefull and necessary to the seid Shippis. I chargid you with noo more, but with the bill of xxs., the whiche I undrestand is unpaide as yet. Wherefore I will that ye paye the seid xx s. unto the seid Thomas Avan as that ye will eschewe a gretter inconvenience. Wretyn in London the xi. day of the moneth of Decembre. By Robert Ratclyf, Portour of Caleys.

— Henry VII. Copy (on paper) of the bond, in the sum of fifty thousand crowns of gold (to the Emperor Maximilian, and Charles Prince of Spain, &c.), of Thomas earl of Arundell, John earl of Oxon, Henry earl of Northumberland, Thomas earl of Surrey, George earl of Salop, Henry earl of Essex, Thomas earl of Darby, Charles Somerset lord Harbort, Thomas Fyneux lord Dacre, John Bouchier lord de Berneys, William Blount lord Mountjoy, Thomas Darcy lord Darcy, William Conyers lord Conyers, lord Henry Stafford, and also the Mayors, aldermen, sheriffs, bailiffs, constables and communities of the counties, towne and vills of London, York, Coventre, Norwyche, Exeter, Chestre, Worcester, Bristow, Southampton, Boston, Hull, and Newcastell ; For the due performance of the marriage of Charles Prince of Spain either Cicely and Jerusalem with the lady Mary daughter of Henry the Seventh of England, within forty days after the completion of the said Prince's fourteenth year, in accordance with the treaty for the same marriage made on 21 December 1507 between the said King of England of the one part, and Maximilian "tune Romanorum Regem nunc vero electum in Romanorum Imperatorem . . . . ac eundem Principem Hispanie auctoritate tamen et expresso consensu eiusdem Regis Romanorum . . . . ac serenissimam et preclarissimam dominam Margaretam Austrie et Burgundie viduam Ducissam Flandrie &c. . . . . ex altera parte." The document, covering fourteen pages, endorsed, "This is the Copy of the bond for the Mariage of the Most noble and excellent Lady, my Lady Marye the Daughter of our most Dreadd Soueraigne Lord King Herry the VIIth."

—, —., September 7; Eshere. (Copy of a Letter from) The Bishop of Winchestre to Hugh Pakenham. Right trusty and right Welbeloved, We grete you wele, Puttyng you in knoliche that we have tithinges out of Normandie How the Frenshe men been redye with a grete powere and purpose to execute thare malice ayens this londe bothe uppon the see and also like as they did the last yere at Sandwyche at this [? season] for to lande in summe other places. A variance that is betwixe the Cite of London and men of Courte and dyvers other grete matiers that now been in hande causen the Kinge to leve his purpose of ridinge northwarde and wol abide here nygh aboute London and soo hath commaunded us and other lordes of his Counselle for to do so also to thentent that yf any grete and sodayn case falle that the lordes shal mowe hastily be assembled and take suche direccion of redresse therinne as shalbe for the suerte wele and honour of the Kynge and his Reaume, and this causeth us that we may not kepe oure purpose of comyng to Hampshir at this tyme, Whiche bothe for to have seen a goode and sadde rule sette there for the sauf garde of that cuntre and other grete matiers touchyng oure cure and charge, and also for our disporte, We wold right gladly have doon, but seth We may not come in our owne persone, We shall sende in to the cuntre suche ordinaunce we have purveied for the defence of the same, And yf any grete liklihode of jeopardie be thought suche feliship as we have aboute us shal be there without delaye, redie to make resistence. We have writen this same daye to the Maisters of the Kinges ordinance for stuffes to be hadde in the Castell of Hampton for keping therof. It is seide that there be in Hampton iij or iiij traitours that have promised it unto the Frenshe men, And therfore We praye you to comune with gentilmen of the cuntre and also with the Maire and summe other trusty and sadde men of the same towne in that matier, and to praye thaym for to see wysely aboute thaym. Ther be Commissiones of Arraye sente oute in to alle the Shires aboute the See-coastes from Cornewale unto Yorkshire for kepinge of the same, which I trust with Goddys helpe shall do grete goode, And our Lord have you alweye in his keping. Writen at Eshere the vijth day of Septembre. W B of Winchestre.

—, —., July 9; Westminster. Lords of the Council to the Mayor of Hampton. After oure hartie commendacions, Whereas you have receyved unto your warde and custodye Robert Barry and Harry Whight, lately apprehended for a robbery and haynous murder committed by them wythin the Kinges Highnes realme of Englonde (sic), and delivered unto youre handes by Wylliam Bowrman bearer hereoff, being servaunt to Sir Antony Sentleger knight deputye of the saide realme of Ireland (sic); Forasmuche as itt is thowght good the sayde two offendoures be tried in the country where the dede was doon, his Majesties plesur is you shall nott onely deliver the sayde Barry and Whight unto the saide Wylliam Bourman to be by hym convayed thither, butt shall allso assigne unto him suche your officers and assistance att his costes and charges as the same may safely be by them and him convayed to Bristow. Wherof we pray you nott fayle. From Westminster the ixth of July. Signed by T. Audeley, Chauncellor, and five others.

[1544], April 26, Westminster. Lords of the Council to the Mayor and other officers of Southampton. After our harty commendacions, Where we be enformed that there remayneth at this present within that the Kinges Majestes porte of Southampton two Crayers laden with grayne and other vitialles provyded in those partyes to be transported to. Calays for the furniture of his hieghnes garrysons theire and at Guisnez, and that uppon feare of Ennemyes uppon that cost the same differre to departe without some conduite, His Mates pleasyre is in cace theire be any shippes theire furnished for the Warres, You shall requyre the Capitaines of the same by His Majestes name to see the sayd Crayers wafted to Calays aforsayd for the more sure conveyance of the sayd vitailles thither accordingly. Thus fare you hartely well. From Westminster the xxvith of April.

—, —., October 21, . . . (Copy of Letter from) Lord St. John and Thomas Earl of Southampton, to the Lord Chief Justice, Sir William Berkelye, George Poulet and Thomas Whighte, and the other Justices of the Peace of the County of Suthampton. For the speedy setting forth by the said county, under the command of Mr. Lee, the bearer of the letter, of a hundred men armed and weaponed in accordance with the requirements of the Lords of the Council. Signed W. Sentjohn, Thomas Suthampton.

—, —., Letter from Francys Dawtrey to the Mayor and his brethren of Southampton. Giving orders in accordance with letters from the Lords of the Council, for the speedy setting in array of the forces of the shire "againste suche yvell dysposed parcons whiche aire rysen now to the dysquietinge of the whole realme." No date.

1548, January 30; Somerset Place. The Duke of Somerset to the Mayor and officers of the town and port of Southampton. For the safe custody of a certain hoy named The James, laden with goods of certain merchants of Antwerp and others, and also for prompt enquiry whether the same hoy and goods be lawful prise.

1548, February 12; Somerset Place. The Duke of Somerset to the Mayor and his brethren of Southampton. For the restitution of certain wines and other "goods to Dunstone Aues, John Van Tright, Henry Grenerice and Henry Wendyll of the Stilliard," and for the compensation of the same four merchants in respect to such of the same wines and other goods as may have been pilfered or conveyed away since they were received by "one John Robbins capten of a bark at Dover."

1548, February 29; Somerset Place. Lords of the Council to the Mayor and other the Kinges Majesties officers within the Towne of Southampton. After our harty commendacions, Undrestanding that certen parcelles of waie expressed in the ende of this letter remayne there at Hampton which by sundry circumstances we juge not wel taken we have thought good to require you first to make serche where any such be who brought them thither and what ye can gather for the suspices, cause it to be well tryed out, and stayd till further knoweledge hens' advertising us what you shal fynde in the matier. Thus fare you hartely wel. From Somerset Place the xxixth of Feb. 1548. Signed, Somerset and others.—With the following note at the bottom of the letter,—

First, Lii Ballettes of peper,

Item, xxxij Ballettes of ginger,

Item, vijc peces of Callycow cloth,

Item, vi hoggesheddes of cloves,

Item, ij pipes one hoggeshed of grayn to grayn cloth.

1548, March 22; Westminster. Lords of the Council to the Commissioners "for the tax and order of levieng the relieve graunted to his Majestic in thys late parliament within that his Majestes Towne of Southampton." Setting forth the various causes of His Majesty's present need of money, and the considerations that should make his subjects furnish the needful supply with alacrity and cheerfulness.

—, April 20; the Court. John Lyle to the Mayor and officers of town and port of Southampton. For an exact return of the ships; with the burden of their tonnage and names of their masters, and also of the whole number of the fishermen and mariners within the said town and port.

1549, May 6; Grenewich. Lords of the Council to Edward Bisshopp, Mayor of Southampton. Bidding the mayor deliver to the Spaniard Salcedo the 100l. taken from him on suspicion by the said mayor; it being found on enquiry that the said Salcedo has Mr. Leke's passport, licensing him to depart at will beyond the seas.

1549, May 15; Grenewich. (Copy of letter from) Lords of the Council to the Sheriffs and Justices of the Peace within the County of Southampton. Ordering the said Sheriffs and Justices of the Peace to have the power of the said shire in "arredines" and employ the same with vigour for the suppression of the turbulent movements of certain lewd persons, it having come to the lordships' knowledge "that sondry light folkes of the counties of Somerset and Wiltshire have attempted to stirr in great companies upon pretence of libertie proclamacions against enclosures."

1549, May 20; . . . . . W. Seint John and John Ryther to the Mayor and his brethren of the town of Southampton and John Mylle esq. of the same place. After right hertie commendacion, Forasmoche as the Kinges Majestic by thadvice of my Lord Protector and other the Lordes of the Councell have appointed certen shippes to sea for the preservacioun of the kinges subjectes traveiling the seas betwene the Mounte and Portesmouthe dailie, and another nombre of shippes at Dover for that parte of [the] narrowe seas, another nombre for the northe parte, for the defence of thenemyes and the preservacioun of His Graces owne subjectes, whiche shippes appointed for youre cost [have] been appointed to vitell at Portesmouthe and to be aided and holpen as nede shall require with you and other portes betwene you and the Landes Ende, for the which vitellinge Barney, this bringer, is appointed to have the charge, to whom We hertelie pray you to be aiding and assisting in all that you may, for the better and more spedie furniture of the said provision in tyme of necessitie. Thus fare you hertelie well. Written this xxth of Maii 1549. Your loving friendes, W. Seint John, John Ryther.

1549, May 26; . . . . . . Lord St. John and the Earl of Southampton to the Mayor and His Brethren of the town of Southampton and John Mylle esq. After right harty commendacioun, Forasmuch as dyverse frayle persons in Overton and other places of the Shere have latelye shewed ther mysorder and disobedyence by routing and gathering together, doing unlawful dedes ayenst the Kinges Peace, for the redresse whereof the Kinges Majesties plasure ys by thadvice of the Lord Protector and other his graces counsaill that order be gyven by the Justices of the Peace for the staye of his Graces people in good order and obedyence in every county: For the accomplishement whereof wee dyvyded the Shere amonges the gentlemen, and wreten lyke letters to them as wee do to you for the towneshippe of Hampton, which ys alloted to you: This shalbe to desyer in the behalf of the King's Majestie to call the constables of every hundred to you alloted discreatly without rumour charging them in the King's behalf to gyve order to the saide men of everye parishe within your saide hundredes to see the Kinges people in ther parishe in good order and obedyence, and that the constables for ther parte see dayly to the good observation of the same and to the spedy punyshement of every offendor, calling for ayde and counsaill to you from tyme to tyme as the case shall requyer lyke as you must do to other commyssyoners, yf you shall see cause, gyving order that the watches in every towne and borowghe be well kepte according to the statute, and with more nombre than hath heretofore been accustomed, bycause of this disorder, putting your selfes and the honest and wyse inhabytauntes of every hundred discreatly in some redynes to meate togy there for the redresse of suche as shall fortune to mutyne and confederate to dysorder themselfes, and for the ayde of your company, in ther quarters or the next Sheres adjoining yf such nede shall requyer: Wherin we desyer you in the behalf of the Kinges Majestie to use youre wysdomes and discretions with the moost dylygens you maye: And hereto you shall reccyve a paper of the devyson of the Shere as therby you maye knowe with whom to proceede for counsaill and ayde in this the said service. Wretyn the xxvith day of Maye 1549. Yor Loving Frendes, W. Seint John.—
Thomas Southampton.

1549, June 25; Syon. The Duke of Somerset to the Mayor of Portsmouth and the Mayor of Hampton. Mandate to the said Mayors to provide promptly a convenient vessel for the transporation of one hundred soldiers to Alderney, whither the said soldiers under the conduct of the bearer of the epistle, Robert Trokefild, are ordered to proceed in the King's service.

1549 July 13; Syon. The Duke of Somerset to the Mayor of Southampton. We commend us unto yow, and undrestonding that one friar Wigg hath of late used language there of the limitation of the kinges majesties reigne nothing unlikely a traytour, We will that ye furthwith upon the sight herof circumspectlye apprehend the bodye of the said Wigg and hym committ savely to prison there to remayne untill furder order be taken with hym. Thus fare ye hertely well. Fro Syon the xiijeth of Julie 1549. Your loving frend E. Somerset.

1549, July 23; Winchester. The Mayor and Brethren of the city of Winchester to the Right Worshipful the Mayor and his Brethren of the town of Southampton. After our hartie recommendacions, We asserteyne that we have with all diligence circumspectly searched for parson Wigge which is not to be founde within our citie, and furder we have learned that uppon thursday last past he was here, at which day his boy came and brought hym worde that yf he might be taken he sholde be commytted to ward, Wheruppon ymmediatly he departed we know not whether, but yf he happen in tyme to come to resorte hether wee will doo our dyligence for our indevor to apprehend hym by the grace of god who ever kepe you. From Winchester this xxiijth day of July. Your loving Frendes the Mayor and his bretheren of the Citie of Winchestr. And furder we have sent my Lord Protectors letters unto you herein inclosed.

1549, August 7; Westminster. Lords of the Council to the Mayor of Southampton. Ordering the mayor to deliver to "Balthaser Gonsales a Portigale the xlvjti bales of white alam, nowe proved his owne proper goodes, with his ship, marriners and the tackling." Dated from Westminster.

1549, August 13; . . . . Lords of the Council to the Mayor of Southampton. For the sufficient publication of their lordships' accom panying "Proclamation for the restraint of transporting of wolles beyonde the seas."

1549, August 16; Westminster. Lords of the Council to the Mayor and Aldermen of Southampton. After our harty commendaciouns, Whereas the alume and other marchandises that be stayed there in youre handes for French goodes be nowe sewed for by one Lope de Carion as factour for certen burgeleses (sic) and others pretending to have interest in the same, the same Lope offring to put in sufficient sureties that in cas the same goodes be proved to be Frenche they or the true value thereof shalbe restored accordingly, you shall understand that we have accorded to the same Lope his request, who havyng already put in sufficient sureties in a summe convenient before the Judge of thadmiralte to be answerable for the same goodes in cas they shalbe proved to be French within a twelvemonth and a day, We require you to se the same goodes delivered unto him accordingly, he or his factour, whom he shall send for the same, indenting with you for the delivery and receipt therof. Thus fare you well. From Westminster the xvith of August 1549. Your loving frendes &c. &c.

[1549 ?), November 5; Tichefelde. Thomas earl of Southampton to the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and burgesses of the town of Southampton. In behalf of the writer's servant John Paynton, the bearer of the epistle, who desires to become a free burgess of the said town.

1549, February 10; . . . . . Lords of the Council to the Mayor and Customers of Southampton. Reprimanding the said Mayor and Customers for disregard of previous letters touching the same business, the present epistle bids them deliver to the bearer eighteen sacks of hops found in the hoy of James Anthony the Younger, and permit the merchants claiming the said hops to take view of other goods lying in the hands of the said Mayor and Customers, and supposed to pertain to the same merchants.—Also, Letters (signed W. Saynt John and dated 25th and 30th January 1549) that are referred to in the epistle of the 10th of February, as having been disregarded.

1550, May 30; . . . . . . John Vicke to Mr. Ridge, Mayor of the town of Suthampton. Announcing that he has paid the fees amounting to xxvis. viijd. for passing under the signet and privy-seal the Mayor's "bill from the king passed with his Grace's hand," and that having the same bill in his custody he is ready to deliver it to any duly authorized person, the writer sends his hearty commendations "to myn hostesse your bedfellowe."

1550, June 12, Grenewiche. Lords of the Council to the Mayor and his brethren of the town of Southampton.—After our harty commendaciouns, Whereas not withstanding our generall letters written unto you for thenlargement of all Frenche prysoners we understand that oon John Davyd of youre towne deteyneth two Frenche prysoners, thone named Balthasar Cannyn and the other Guilliame Linguier marchanntes of Abbevile, As we do not a little marvaill thereaf, So we require and charge you on the behalf of the Kinges Majestie all excuses sett a parte not only to give ymmediat order as the said Balthasar and Guilliam but all thother Frenche prysoners may be inlarged according to our former letters without paying any raunsom or other charges, And sending to us a booke of their reasonable charges we shall give order for payment. Thus we byd you hartely to fare. From Grenewich the xijth of June 1550.

1550, August 7; Wyndesour. Lords of the Council to the "Mayour of Hampton, and to John Mylles and Robert Pennegar of the saide towne, esquyres."—After our right herty commendaciouns, Whereas apon such informacioun as hath been gevyn us of certaine conference had betwen oon Parkyns the yonger, Keaper of Crokham parke in Barkeshire, and his aunte the wief of Thomas Welles the yonger towching the demande whiche she made to know of him what newes were abrode and his answer to the same, the saide Parkyns being thereupon examyned afore us standeth for the more part in denyal, We have thought good for the more certayne knowledge of the truth thereof to requyre you ioyntly to call before you the wief of the saied Thomas Welles, and in the Kinges Majesties name to charge her that she playnly and wholy declare unto us by waye of deposicioun what talk passed the xviith day of the last monthe betwen the saide Parkyns and her upon theis three pointes, That as to say towching the President in Wales, the Bushop of Wynchester, and a sturre that shuld be in this Realme before Mighlemas next greater then the sturre of the last yeares. Wherein examyning her substantially we requyre you to sende us uppe in writing her aunswers accordingly. Fare you hertely well. From Wyndesour the viith of August 1550.—Your loving Frendes, &c. &c.

1550, August 16; Gilford. The Earl of Wiltshire to the Mayor of Hampton. Requiring the Mayor "to certifie the Lords of the Councell what" he has "doon of the examynacioun of Mr. Welles the Youngers wif touching Mr. Parkyns as the Lordes of the Councell looketh for aunswer, and the yong gentleman remayneth in warde the meane while," and "desirethe greatlie to be discharged."

1550, September 4; Otelands. Lords of the Council to the Mayor of Southampton. For the prompt conveyance of enclosed letters to Jersey and Garnesey by the next convenient messenger.

19 Elizabeth, March 21; Westminster. (Copy of) Letters under Her Majesty's sign-manual and signet, to the Marquis of Winchester, the Lord Sandes, the Lord Delaware, and the rest of the Commissioners for taking General Musters in the County of Southampton, appointed in the 15th year of her Majesty's reign, "for the musteringe leveyneg and puttinge in areadines . . . in that sheire the nomber of three hundred hable men to serve as soldiers." Together with copy of the Letter of Instructions from the Lords of the Council, accompanying aforesaid writ, under Her Majesty's sign-manual.

1580, September 4; . . . . Deposition of John Worssley, Messenger of Her Majesty's Chamber for Southampton, deposing that, on serving Henry Carewe with a Letter from the Lords of the Council requiring his presence before them in respect to a controversy between him (Henry Carewe) and the Mayor of Southampton, the said Henry spoke violent and unseemly words in disrespect of the said mayor.—Also on the same paper appears copy of the following deposition dated 18 August 1580, and signed by 18 deponents: "The daye and yere foresayd Barnard Cortmill, Maior of the towne of Suthampton, William Stanely, and John Marche of the same towne, aldermen, Peter Janverin of the same towne bayliffe, according to ther auntiant custome tyme out of mynd used, came to Kaye Haven to the full staemarke there, to kepe the Admarall' Corte, at which time theye found ther Henry Carewe and one other gentillman with him, and the said Henry hadd with him three men with sordes and bucklers weapons and then and ther resisted the forsaid Maior to kepe Her Majesties Cort, with viollence revyling the said Maior and his officers, and wold have thrown the Cort Bookes into the sea, and when as the officer called the Corte he moked at him with loud voyce, &c., &c."

1581, December 25; Sallesburie. Garratt Swift to the Mayor of Southampton. Touching a matter depending in the Court of the Town of Southampton between the writer and one Nycholas Harris, marriner, in respect to certain apparel, of the value of 3l. or 4l., said to have been forcibly and unlawfully taken from the said Garratt Swift by the said Nycholas Harris.

1586, October 7; London. Thomas Wylkes to the Mayor and his brethren of the town of Southampton. I received latelie by Mr Waterton your Towne-Clerke your verie courteouse and frendlie letter, offering unto me a burgeship of your towne for the Parliament, whereof I did, and do verie kindlie and lovinglie accept, and do yeld you my moste hartie thancks. Sithence the receipt of your said letter and my acceptance of your Burgeship, it hath pleased her Majestie so to dispose of me as to employe my service in the Low Countreys whither I am to repaire with all possible expedition, and therby forced (much against my will) to disappoint you; I doe therefore hartilie praye you to make choise of some other, that may attend that place; and if you were not or might not be speciallie provided to your better contentment, I wold be a suiter unto you to bestowe the same upon my brother in lawe, Mr. Henry Smyth, her Majesties servant, and a gentleman, that wilbe redye to doe any good indevor for the good of your towne, wherein if it shall please you to gratifie my request, I pray you to signifye your answer unto him, lodging at his Mothers at the Gilt Kye in Cheapside. And so with my verie hartye commendacions I committ you to God. From London the vijth of October 1586, Your assured frend to commande.—Thos. Wylkes.

1586, October 12; . . . . . William Butler to the Rt. Worshipful Mr Andrewe Studley, Mayor of the town of Southampton. Letter touching the payment of the fee-farm of the town: With this "Postscriptum. Mr Maior, I have become an earnest sutor to you to have your favor and furtherance to make choyse of a Freinde of mine to be one of your burgesses of your Towne in this parliament. The gentleman is a very sufficient man and yf you make your election of a burgess that is noe Townesman, you cannot make choyse of a better, his name is Mr Sampson Leonarde, dwellinge in Kente, but yf yt please you and the rest of your aldermen to graunte me my sute, you shall heare of him at my house at all tymes when you shall have cause to use him who is a very sufficient gentleman in any matter for your Towne, and my self shall thinke my self greatly beholdinge to you."

1586, February 3; the Court at Grenewich. The Lord High Admiral (Howard of Effingham) to the Mayor and Aldermen of Southampton. Touching the difference between the Lord Admiral and the Corporation of Southampton respecting pirates' goods.

1586, February 5; London. Sir Francis Walsingham to the Mayor of Southampton. After my hartie commendacions, Whereas this bearer, Monsr Dangeau, a gentleman of good quallitie and servant unto the King of Navarre, repaireth uppon occasion of busines unto the Isle of Jersey, Theise are verie earnestlie to praie you that in his passage thither he maye receave at your handes for my sake the best favor and frendshipp that you can shewe unto him: and also that you wilbe a meanes to furnish him at a reasonable price of a convenient shippe for his transportation, For the which I will thincke myself behoulding unto you; And so I committ you to God. From London the fifthe of Februarie 1586. Your verie loving frende, Fra. Walsyngham.

1586, February 20; . . . . The Marquis of Winchester to the Mayor and his brethren of Southampton. Warrant for the arrest and stay of "Ughtrede's bark bound of Ireland," intelligence having come to the Marquis that the said Ughtrede hath a meanyng not only to transporte grayne but also money under coulor thereof.—Also, copy of a previous warrant, dated 16 February 1586, by the Marquis to the same effect.

1586, February 22; . . . . . George Ughtrede esq. to the Mayor of Southampton. Letter respecting the vexatious and unlawful arrest of the writer's ship at the instance of the Marquis of Winchester. A verring that in respect to the arrested ship and her cargo he is acting on the authority of Her Majesty's letters under the Great Seal, and under warrants of the Lord Treasurer and Lord Admiral, the writer begs for the removal of the restraint put upon his ship (the God Speed of Hamton, bound for Ireland) at the order of the Marquis of Winchester. "Let me," he writes, "further advertyse you, that owre corne and goodes are aborde the shyppe, that heere are 30 poore menne att greate charges which are to goe for Her Majisteys servise, the wynde serveth fayre for the vyage as you and all mene maye see. I requyre youe to suffer the shippe to departe, as youe woll answer the defectes of her maiestyes servyses and the hynderawnces of us adventurers." On the paper appears a copy of the Lord Admiral's warrant for the passage of "The good shipp called the God Speed of Hamton of 40th tonns or thereabowtes, wherof John Wyse is master . . . . . . licensed to depart for Irland with the goodes of Henry Ughtright and Henry Billingsley esquyers, for the repeopling of Mounster."

1587, July 7; the Court at Greenwich. Lords of the Council to the Mayor of the town of Southampton. Ordering restitution of certain raisins and other merchandizes to Monsr de Bordeaux, a Frenchman, the said raisins and other things of merchandize having been taken from a French ship, wrongfully captured and carried into the Isle of Guernsey by Sir Thomas Leighton knt., under the impression that it was a Spanish vessel.

1587, July 28; Carisbrooke Castle. Sir George Carey to Mr Andrewe Studley, Mayor of Southampton. Mr Maior, Wheras yeasterdaie theare was a moste detestable robbery committed neare Christchurch uppon a French gentleman, whoe was sent over from the Kinge of Navar unto Her Majestie uppon affaires of especiall ymportaunce and secrecye; For that one of the Felons ys retired to shrowd himself in your Towne, and lieth secretly hydd in a sister's howse of his, which passeth for a maied, dwelling about 4 or 5 howses from the Watergate, whose mother one Daie of your Towne married, The offender's name being George Jhonson: Thease shalbe earnestlie for Her Majesties especiall service to requier you, to use more then ordinarie care by the assistaunce of some men of credytt, to make secreat and sufficient search for this partie and to seaze into your handes all such letters, writinges and commissions as anie wayes maie be compassed, and him to send over with them to mee, with such expedicion as possiblely (sic) maye be used. The service you shall doe herin to Her Majestie shalbe very acceptable. And so I committ you to the tuicion of the only Almighty. From Carisbrooke Castle the 28 of July 1587. Your very loving Friend, George Carey.

1587 August 11; Deptford. The Lord High Admiral (Howard of Effingham) to the Mayor of Southampton. Requiring the said Mayor to appear at the writer's court at Southampton and answer for "certaine misdemeanoures and abuses that have bin of late offered by certaine shippes belonginge to Mr Cotton."

1587, October 2; Portsmouth. The Earl of Sussex to the Mayor of the Towne of Sowthampton. After my very harty commendacions, Wheras one Henry Canter, as it is informed, and knowen to the Lords of Her Majesties most honourable privie Councell, is a notorious malefactor, and order taken for his apprehension, for so muche as he the said Henry Canter is well knowen to be come home in a Fliebote, lyenge at your Towne of Sowthampton, called the Ellyn of Weymouth and Milckam Regis, wherof one Lawrence Sprowne is Captayn, and the saied Canter appointed for Master Gonner, the owners Henry Rogers of Milckum, John Pitt, Thomas Eaton of Hampton customer, Christofer Payne and John Payne, and one John White the MasterMate. These therfore shalbe in the Quenes Majesties name straitly to commande and chardge you that you cause diligent search to be made as well within the Towne as also in the same Fliebote and other barckes and shippes ther lyenge at Roade, and to cause hym to be apprehended and safely kepte in prison and therof to advertise me. And wheras it is also reported that Thomas Cole hath byne and is in like sorte abowte or in your towne and Libertie, either on Sea or lande, That in like sorte you cause search to be made for hym, and hym to cause to be apprehended, And herof faile you not in any wise as you will aunswere for the contrary at your perill. From Portsmouth the ij of October 1587. Your loving frynd Sussex.

1587, November 24; the Court at Ely House. The Lord High Admiral (Howard of Effingham) to the Mayor and Aldermen of Southampton. Requiring the said Mayor and Aldermen to aid and assist Simon Vincent, Frenchman and procurator for the affair, in the execution of his commission (touching "the two little ships the Chanteresse and the Margaret of Cane in Normandie, laden with wheat and other graine, lately taken at the sea and brought into the port of Southampton"), whereby the said Simon Vincent is appointed to obtain, recover and take composition and satisfaction for the said corne, distributed within the liberties of the said port. Dated from the Court at Ely House.—At the foot of the letter, a Memorandum that the Mayor and his brethren to the best of their ability assisted the said Vincent out of friendship, "but nott by vertue of the Commission," as their charters gave them no power to do so.

1587, December 8; Carisbroucke Castell. Sir George Carey to Mr Andrewe Studley, the Mayor of Southampton. Certifying the Mayor that he is misinformed respecting the powers and privileges pertaining to Mayors of Southampton as Admirals of the port, and wholly wrong and illdirected in the matter in dispute between him and the Lord Admiral, touching "Mr John Young's prise, brought in by letters of reprisall," the writer urges Mr Studley to yield at once to the Lord Admiral, and not to offend so powerful a person by obstinate persistence in error.

1587, December 20; the Court at Somerset House. (Copy of the warrant of) Lords of Council to Robert Wedrington, one of the Messengers of Her Majesties Chamber. Requiring him to repair forthwith to Southampton, and command the Mayor of the same town to accompany him "to the Court, whear he shall understand at his coming the cawse of his sending for."

1587, December 26; . . . . . (Copy of Letter of) Lords of the Council to Captayne Nicholas Dawtrey. "Instruccions given by Her Majesties commandement unto Captayne Nicholas Dawtry for certain services to be done in the counties of Hampton and Dorset."

1587, December 27; . . . (Copy of a Letter from) Lords of the Council to the Marquis of Winchester and the Earl of Sussex, Lords Lieutenant of the cos. Suthampton and Dorset. For a general muster and view of all the forces of the said county, under the observation and with counsel and aid of the letter's bearer "Captaine Nicoles Dawtrey, being a man of good experience in martial affairs;" and for the execution of all measures recommended by the same Captain Nicoles Dawtrey for putting the same counties in a condition to resist foreign invaders and defeat "sundry great preparacions in foraine partes," of which "Her Majestie hath bin of latte advertised."

1587, January 23; Winchester. The Marquis of Winchester to Mr Andrew Studlye, Mayor of Southampton. Announcing that the writer has appointed and commissioned Walter Lambert esq. to be Captain of all the able men and forces within the town of Southampton; and ordering that the said mayor "and all the inhabitantes within the saied towne and countie from the age of sixteen years to threescore be atendant, obedient, ruled and ordered by the said Capitaine in all martial affaires."

1588, March 31; Greenwich. Lords of the Council to Thomas Colstocke, one of the messengers of Her Majesties Chamber. Authorizing and instructing the said Thomas Colstocke to repair to all the port towns along the sea-coasts of Kent, Sussex, Southampton, the Isle of Wight and Dorsett, and give needful commandment to Vice-Admirals and other officers, for a general restraint of all ships, other than coasting vessels going from one port of the coast to another, in order that there may be "a sufficient store of shipps and marryners, to joyne with her Majesty's navye and serve on the seas, as occasion shall require."

1588, April 1; the court at Greenwich. Lords of the Council to the Mayor and other officers of the town of Southampton. Requiring of the said town for Her Majesty's service "two serviceable and good shippes," neither of them being of less than 60 tons' burthen, and one handsome pinnace, duly manned, victualled and furnished with munitions and necessaries for two months' service, to join with Her Highness's navy by the 25th instant; it being explained that the said requisition is made in consequence of intelligence "that the King of Spain doth augment and increase his preparations," and directed that the greater part of the charges of furnishing and maintaining the said two vessels and pinnace should be paid by those merchants of Southampton who "have sette forthe certen shippes in warlike sorte by waie of reprisall," and thereby "have receaved no small benefitt."

1588 April 16; . . . . . The Lord High Admiral (countersigned by Sir Francis Walsingham) to William Harteley, one of the Messengers of Her Majesties Chamber. Warrant to repair with all possible expedition to the Commissioners of London, Southampton and the Five Ports, "appointed for the setting forthe of shipps to joyne with Her Majesties navie on the narrow seas for the service of the realme, and to give them knowledge and warninge in Her Highness name that the same shipps and pinnaces which they are appointed by the Lords of the Counsell to furnishe maie be in a readiness at Gorend vpon the xxvijth of this present moneth at the farthest, to attend upon me and to receive no farther direction." Signed.—Your Loving friend C. Howard; countersigned, Fra. Walsingham.

1588, April 19; Barnelams. Sir Francis Walsingham to the Mayor and his brethren of the town of Southampton. Acknowledging the receipt of a letter in which the said Mayor and aldermen declare their inability, by reason of the poverty of the town, "to beare the charge requyred at their handes for the preparing and setting out of twoe shippes and a pynuaise."

1588, April 20; Caresbrooke Castle. Sir George Carey to Mr. Andrew Studley the Mayor and his brethren of the towne of Southampton. Respecting certain wines, which the Mayor and his brethren have seized as having been unlawfully bought of Captain . . . ., and which the writer requires in rather overbearing terms to be released to him, as wines lawfully bought by him of a Scottish ship.

1588, October 20: the Court at St. James's. (Copy of letter from) Lords of the Council to Her Majesty's Attorney-General and SolicitorGeneral. Asking for the opinion of the lawyers on the matter (touching right to goods of pirates brought into the port of Southampton), in dispute between the Lord High Admiral and the Town of Southampton.

1588, December 5; the Court at Greenwiche. The Lord High Admiral (Howard of Effingham) to Mr Bullocker, the Mayor of Southampton:— Mr Maior, Nowe you maye perceave to what good effecte you have broughte your purposes againste me and my office whiche I am sure the folowers of the cause here have certified you of, And althoughe theire punishmente be but small for theire and your obstinate contemptes, yet looke not but that if this example shold not disswade you from the like you shold abide a far more greavouse and sharpe punishmente accordinge to the merite of such an offence, aswell by your personall punishmentes as losse of youre liberties and allowed privileges. And for those goodes and prisoners whiche you have so presumptuously detained from me under pretense of your owne righte nowe confuted and utterlie confounded, Theise shalbe straightlie to charge and commaund you presentlie uppon the receate herof to deliver unto this bearer my servant William Dudson aswell all those goodes and prisoners whatsoever, the ship Pines, and all thinge unto them apertayninge at such time as they were first ceased into your handes, And wheras I understand that you have with like presumption taken into your handes a wedge of gold belonginge unto my selfe and one Holidaie, theise are in like manner to charge and command you to deliver unto my saied servante Dudson the same and all other goodes that you have in your keepinge which is apertaininge unto the saied Holidaie, Whereof fayle you not at your uttermoste perille. From the Courte at Greenwiche, the 5 of December 1588.—Youre freind usinge me well, C. Howard.

Post:—You wente the laste tyme verie speedely oute of the towne, but if you dispatche not theise thinges forthwith, I will send for you with heave-an-hoe.

1588 December 13; the Court at Grenewiche. (Copy of Letter from) Lords of the Council to all Vice-Admirals, Mayors, &c. Enjoining the said Vice-Admirals, Mayors, &e. to be vigilant and active in assisting the Commissioners recently appointed for the discovery of goods taken and conveyed away by pirates, and for the apprehension of the pirates.

1588 December 29; the Temple. (Copy of Letter from) Messrs John Popham and Thomas Egerton to the Lords of Council. The joint opinion of the two lawyers on the matter, touching prises made at sea, in dispute between the Lord High Admiral and the Mayor of Southampton; whereby their lordships were certified that the Mayor was altogether in the wrong.

1588 January 26; Richmond. (Copy of the) Order of Lords of the Council, That (a controversy having arisen between the Lord High Admiral and the Town of Southampton touching right to pirates goods) the Mayor and aldermen of the said town shall send at or before the 10th day of February next ensuing some persons (of whom Alderman Andrew Studley is to be one) with charters &c. to establish their case, and That the Mayor aldermen and rest of the inhabitants of the said town abide by the decision of their Lordships on the matter.

1589 January . . . ; the Tower of London. Sir Owyn Hopton knt. to the Mayor of Southampton. Warrant for the apprehension of "one Rauffe Norrice late of Lymehowse in the Countye of Midds. marryner, beinge abowte the age of xxxti yeres, with a yellowe bearde, wantinge twoe fingers on one hand and one on the other," who is charged with embezzling great quantities of Her Majesty's gun-powder.—At the foot of this warrant appears the undertaking (dated at Southampton on 24 March 1589) of John Powell to answer to this charge of embezzlement in Her Majesty's Office of Thordinannce, provided the Mayor of Southampton release from durance the said Rauffe Norrice, who is guiltless of the said embezzlement, which was committed by a person who "has receaved the lawe."

1589 January 13; the Court at Richmounte. Sir Francis Walsyngham to the Mayor of Southampton. Warrant (drawn in strenuous terms) for the immediate apprehension of Gerrard Swyfte who, notwithstanding the said Mayor's representations to the contrary, is believed to be lying hid in the house of his father-in-law, one Jamwaringe; and also, in case the said Gerrard Swifte cannot be discovered and apprehended, for the apprehension and safe transmission to the Court of the said Swifte's father-in-law.

1589 January 24; the Courte at . . . . Sir George Carey to Mr Peter Stoner, Mayor, and Messrs Smyth and Eaton, customers, of Southampton. Letter of instructions that some person, described by the writer as "a very honeste man an neighbour of myn in Thislande" should be permitted to carry and pass away in the West Country "certaine maulte of his, to the quantitie of a hundred quarters, which he bought in the cuntrey and brought to your town, purposing with your leaves to passe it into the Weste Cuntrey, beinge (as I take it) a matter of course for that kinde of graine, goinge but from one Porte to another, and to relyve oure owne neighbours being people of our countrey."

1589 January 30; the Court at . . . . F. Knollys, Gregory Lovell and Alexander Hordey to the Mayor and burgesses of Southampton, Touching the provisions of wines for Her Majesty's use, in respect to which the Mayor and burgesses are said to have been wanting in forwardness and duty.

1589 February 2; the Court at Greenwich. Sir George Carey to Mr Peeter Stoner, Mayor of Sowthampton. For the free passage, without "lettes or molestacion," of the bearer of the epistle, William Ivysshe, the writer's servant and captain of the barke Yonge, who proposes "to take in at the Isle of Wighte certain victuall for his provision which is my adventure in this his pretended voiage."

1589 February 5; . . . . The Earl of Pembroke to the Mayor of Hampton. Thanking the Mayor for assistance rendered to his servant Vowclier, the earl begs that certain ships and goods may be stayed in the port of Southampton, until order may be taken for the protection of the rights of the writer and Sir Walter Rawleigh.

1589 February 11; Chester. Lord Howard of Effingham to the Mayor of Southampton. Expressing approval of the course taken by the Mayor "in dealinge with Mushgrome's man that soughte soe indirectlie the possession of the goodes broughte in by Mr Moore."

1589 February 15; Wilton. The Earl of Pembroke to the Mayor of Southampton. It having come to his hearing that the Mayor and his brethren of Southampton, without awaiting the decision of a higher court to which an application has been made in the matter, have determined to proceed to the sale of certain goods, one third part of which is claimed by him (the writer) and Sir Walter Rawleigh as pertaining of right to them, the Earl in overbearing terms orders that no wrong be done him and Sir Walter, who will remain content with nothing less than a third of the arrested goods, or a third of the money for which the whole of the goods shall be sold.

1589 February 18; . . . . Edward Hopton to the Mayor of Southampton. Touching the Lord Admiral's urgent demand for his tenth of certain goods, and the appraisement of the goods of which his lordship is entitled to a tenth. "I[am]dryven" the writer observes quaintly at the end of his epistle, "to kepe my lodging a whyle, being entred into physick: therfore I requyre you to pardon my absence."

1589 March 3; the Court at Grenewiche. Sir Francis Walsingham to the Mayor of Southampton. For the free passage out of the port of Southampton of the writer's servant, William Gilbert, who "meanyth to bringe abowte the shippe he hathe there with some parte of her ladinge for his own use."

1589 March 6; the Court at Greenwich. The Lord High Admiral (Howard of Effingham) to the Mayor of Southampton. Warrant for the delivery to Thomas Browne and Charles Evans, gentlemen, of the whole of a certain "prise of Bastard wynes and figges taken by Captaine Hayes," in order that the same may be disposed of, in accordance with an order of the Lords of the Council.

1589 March 7; the Court at Greenwich. Lords of the Council to the Deputy-lieutenants of the county of Southampton. For the appointment of Justices of the Peace and other gentlemen of the county of Southampton, dwelling near the sea-coast, to take order and make needful proclamations in ports, havens and creeks, for a general view and enrolment of all the mariners and fishermen of the said county, "to thende that there may be a good choice had of apt and sufficient men for her Majesty's service, as there shall be occasion to emploie them."

1589 March 7; my howse at Debtford. Lord Howard of Effingham, the Lord Admiral, to all his Vice-Admirals and other officers of the Admiralty, &c. Requiring them to aid the bearer of the epistle, Jaques Invance, who has been "by the French Ambassador appointed as his Deputie on the behalf of the French kinge to take and receave the on fifthe parte of all suche goodes and Frenche prises as shall happen to be taken and brought into those partes."

1589 June 4; Winchester, Sussex. The Marquis of Winchester and the Earl of Sussex to the Mayor of Southampton and the captaine of the footebandes within the towne and countie of Southampton. Letter of directions and instructions for provision of match and powder for her Majesty's service, and also for a muster and view of the trained bands within the liberty of the said towne and county of Southampton. Signed, Winchester, Sussex. Endorsed, "My L Markes and my L of Sasackes for a maystar and proveshin of povder shotte and mache."

1589 June . . ; Southampton. (Rough draft of a letter from) The Mayor of Southampton and his brethren to the Lord—. "Right Honorable uppon the receipt of your Lordship's letters of the xijth of this instant, and your honourable promiss ther in conteyned for the benefitt of this power towne of Southampton as before uppon your honourable and kinde speaches used to some of our comburgesses about the Impost of Sweet Wynes, albeit your letters aforesaid cam verrie late fer that therle of Essex and Sir George Cary made earnest meanes for the same, yet uppon hope your Lordship will patronyse the weale and state of the said Towne, We have not onlye by our concent and the burgesses incorporated your Honour of our corporation, but alsoe granted unto your Lordship the impost of sweet wynes at suche rate as our late good Lord therle of Leycester held the same for the terme of six yeares if your Lordship so long live after the end of such terme as was graunted to the said Earle of Leycester, which we desier your Lordship to accept in as good parte as the same is ment, and praye your Lordship's resolution, and we shall rest yor Lordships reddie as dewtie requireth, &c."

1589 August . . ; the Court at Nonesuche. The Lord High Admiral (Howard of Effingham) to the Mayor, aldermen and jurates of the town of Southampton. After thanking the said Mayor aldermen and jurates for electing him into their Corporation, and granting him a lease of the Sweet Wines, the writer continues, "But whereas I finde by my Lord of Essex (whom I accompt of and love as mye dearest freind) that the said lease will greatlie pleasure him in respect of other leases which he houldeth from Her Majestie, and as I would not prejudice him in any thinge that might be for his good, beinge given to understand that he was a suitor and had some hope to have the same lease graunted unto him before his departure out of England; soe I doe surrender over into your owne handes my said lease as freelie and effectuallie as it was graunted unto me, and yet notwithstandinge will thinke my self continually as moch behouldinge unto you for the same as if I should possess and enioye it in as ample sorte, as it is graunted unto me."

1589 November 11; my howse at Barmondsbye. The Earl of Sussex to the Mayor of the Town of Southampton. For the speedy payment, by the Master and owners of the ship called The Trewe Dealinge of Hampton, of the money due to James Mayre, pilot, for his service in piloting the said vessel "uppon the Last Staye of the shippes at Hamton for the traunsportinge of men to Deepe."

1589 November 3; . . . Thomas West to the Mayor, controllers and searchers of the town of Southampton. Announcing the receipt of the Orders of Lords of the Council "for the restrainte of grayne and other victuall now laden, or hereafter to bee laden to be transported without speciall licence had and obteyned from some one of their Honors"; and requiring the said Mayor, controllers and searchers to take order within their port for the execution of the said orders of their Lordships.

1589 November 12; the Court at Richmond. Lords of the Council to the Marquis of Winchester, the Earl of Sussex, the Lord Bishop of Winchester, and Lord Sandes and the rest of the Commissioners appointed for the restraint of grain and victual in the County of Southampton. Requiring strict and vigilant observance of orders for restraining corn from exportation to foreign parts, their Lordships make reference to the recent rise in the prices of grain and every kind of victuals, in consequence of abuses of the late permission of the exportation of grain and other victuals "for relief of the armey sent oute of England for the aide of the Frenche Kinge."

1589 November 22; Netley. The Earl of Hertford to Mr. Peter Stoaner, Mayor of Sowthampton. Requesting that one Captain Gremees, now under arrest at Southampton, be forthwith sent to the writer, who has some personal dealings with the said captain. It is promised in the letter that, having settled these private matters with the captain, the Earl will return him safely to the Mayor.

1589 November 30; London. Sir Julius Cæsar to Mr Peter Stoner, Mayor of Southampton. Letter of injunction that justice be forthwith done to the letter's bearer, George Hooper, in respect to his cause depending in the said Mayor's Court; with an intimation that, should the epistle fail to have the desired effect, "there will be complainte made unto the Lords of Her Majestes most Honorable Privie Counsell."

1589 December 16; the Court at Richmond. Sir Francis Walsingham to the Mayor of Southampton. Enjoining the said Mayor to assist to the utmost of his ability the bearer of the epistle, to execute a warrant for the arrest and safe conveyance to the Lords of the Council of Captain Gerard Swift, who "hath very disorderly robbed one Pierce Halle a frenchman of Deepe, and taken from him his shippe with such money and furniture as he had in her."

1589 March 22; . . . . . Sir Francis Walsingham to the Mayor of Southampton. In behalf of the writer's servant, the bearer of the epistle, who "is hardlie used by one Captaine Morris and others his parteners, who under a colour of consortshippe have caused a shippe and goodes" taken by the writer's said servant, "to be kept theare under arreste for the one halfe of the saied goodes pretended to dew unto him he said Morris and his parteners."

1590 April 27; Aberstone. The Marquis of Winchester to the Mayor and Captain of the town and county of Southampton. For the immediate calling forth and setting in arreadiness the forces of the said town, news having been received of a number of Spanish ships now at sea.

1590 May 4; . . . . Her Majesty's Commissioners for causes ecclesiastical in the diocese of Winchester to all Mayors &c. For the arrest of John Moody of Suthampton and his safe conveyance before the said Commissioners; with further order that "if he be so weake and sicklie that he cannot without daunger of his health be brought" before the same Commissioners, he shall be bound " with sufficient suerties in a round somme to Hir Highnes use, that he the said Moody shall make his perconall appearance before" them "within two daies warning to be left at his new dwelling-house in Hampton at the Palace of Woluesey near Winchester."

1590 May 14; the Court at Greenwich. The Lord High Admiral (Howard of Effingham) to the Mayor of the town of Southampton. A courteously and considerately worded letter, explaining to the Mayor that he and his brethren have no right to "intermeddle with reprisall causes."

1590 March 5/15; London. Letters by John Delafin, Lorde of Beauvoir &c., ambassador of the Most Christian King with Her Majesty the Queen of England, appointing one Invance as his substitute to take and receive for the said King the fifths of certain prises due to His Majesty, to wit "a shipp of New Haven named the Flowrc de Lys, of he burden of fowre scores tons or thereaboutes, being laden with Raisins of Maleger for a marchant named John de Palme Carille dwelling in Roan, and a barke of the burden of xxti tounes or thereaboutes laden with Orenges," the said ship and bark so laden having been taken by Wylliam Guilber, by virtue of the authority given him by the said John Delafin, Lord of Beauvoir &c. "to make war for his said Majestie againste the rebels and leggers." Dated "in London the fyfth and xvth of Marche olde and new stille one Thowsand fyve hundreth fowre score and tenth."

1590 March 7; . . . . Michiel Leeman to the Mayor of Hampton. Setting forth the orders of the Lords of the Privy Council for the disposition of "saertain quantite of Bastard and figgs" appertaining unto "sundrie marchantes" of Amsterdam, "in whose behalf the estates Generall of the Vnitid Provincis and the Count Mowricius have written verie aerneslie to the Loordes" of the said Council.

1592 September 3; . . . . The Marquis of Winchester to the Mayor and the Captain of Southampton. Requiring the presence of the said Mayor and Captain at Winchester, to receive important instructions; intelligence having come to the writer of the approach of a large fleet of ships, set forth by "the Spanish Kinge and legers"; their purpose doubtless being to make an attempt on the Isle of Wight or some maritime part of the county of Southampton. The superscription of the epistle closing with, "Hast, hast, hast for Life. Constables, postes, tithingmen see this letter safelie conveyed and delivered accordinge the direction att your uttermost perilles."

1592 September 6; . . . . Memorandum of instructions for the safe keeping of "the Towne and Countie of Southampton." With order for a general view by the Mayor and the Captain of the weapons and military furniture of the said town: signed Winchester.

1596 December 4; London. Frances Wilkes (Lady Wilkes) to William Wallopp esq., Mayor of the town of Southampton. In behalf of the writer's cousin Smythe, who is at law in the Mayor's court concerning a certain annuity due to him out the lands of one Mr. Crooke. Endorsed "My Lady Wilkes lres for endinge of the matter betwyne Mr. Croke and Smithe."

1596 January 16; the Court at Whitehall. Thomas Wilkes to William Walloppe esq., Mayor of Southampton. Announcing that the mayor's messenger is discharged with an answer from their Lordships that will doubtless satisfy His Worship; and giving thanks for the mayor's favour to the cause of Clement Smyth, commended to His Worship by the writer.

1599 August 8; . . . . John Jefferey, Mayor of Southampton, to all Justices of Peace &c. and all Vice-Admirals &c. For the assistance of Captain Thomas Stockwell, in the execution of his commission to set to sea in a pinnace, and ply to and fro between the coasts of England and France, in accordance with letters received by the writer from Lords of the Council, for the discovery of the movements of the Spanish fleet. With copy on the same paper of the aforementioned letters of Lords of the Council (dated from the Court at Nonesuche), requiring and commanding the said Mayor "to sett some two or three Pinnaces or Nimble vessells unto the sea out of that harborowe that maye goe to the coast of Fraunce and plye up and downe betwene that coast and ours," for the purpose of gaining intelligence of the movement of the approaching enemy.

1617 July 16; . . . . Hughe Darvall to the Mayor of Sowthampton. Giving intelligence that twelve sacks of wool have been landed at the quay of Lymington, in order that (with the connivance and aid of Mr. Asshe and others of the chief wool-merchants of Sowthampton) they may be laden and carried away by wayne in the afternoon, to the loss and injury of the town of Sowthampton in respect to customs.

1617 October 22; . . . (Copy of the) Order of Council (touching a corporation desired by the Londoners of such as trade into Spaine and Portugall) for adoption by Mr. Secretary Lake, Mr. Chancellour of the Exchequer and Sir Edward Coke knt., to the effect "that it is neither fitt nor convenient to give way to any such Charter of Incorporacion, as it is sought by the Londoners, but to leave every man to that lyberty and freedome of trade as hath beene followed since the making of the said statute" (of 3 James I, "for the disannulling of a former charter") "and that if theire greviances be such in theire course of trade for want of government as the Merchantes of London doe complaine of," the said merchants should "make remonstrance thereof to the next Parliament, and receive such further order there as shalbe expedient."

1618 May 18; . . . . Memorandum (with signatures) of the resolution of the Merchants and Owners of Shipping of the town and port of Southampton, "That the money to be paid according to the Councelles Letters for suppressing the Pirates shall be raised ratablie uppon their goodes and marchandizes to be exported and imported unto and from this towne."

1618 February 9; the Court at Whithall. Lords of the Council to the Mayor of Southampton. Directing the Mayor to ascertain what sum the Merchants and shipowners of Southampton will contribute to the fund for suppressing pirates at sea, and more especially the pirates of Argeire and Tunis; it being expected by their lordships that the said merchants and shipowners will not contribute less than 300l. within the next two years towards a service, for which the merchants and shipowners of London have promised to levy 40,000l.

1618 February 22; Southampton. (Fair copy of letter by) The Merchants and Owners of Shipping of the town of Southampton to Lords of the Council. Declaring the readiness of the writers to contribute sums of money amounting in all to 92l. 3s. 4d. "towardes the performance of that worthy service" proposed to them by their Lordships' letters of the 7th [? 9th] inst.; the one half of the said sum to be levied before the 1st of next April, and the remaining half to be ready for delivery in accordance with the lordships' pleasure.—Also, under the same date, a copy of the letter addressed by Mr. Prowse. Mayor of Southampton, to the Lords of the Council; informing their Lordships that, in accordance with their letters of the 7th [? 9th] inst., he called together the Merchants and Owners of Shipping of the town of Southampton, "Whereupon as well the said Marchauntes (beinge but fewe in number, and some of them but of meane estate) as alsoe the Owners of those Shippes and Barckes which are of this Towne (being but eight, and of smale Burthen) have willingly engaged themselves under their handes to contribute towards that worthie worke of suppressing and prosecuting the Pyrates in your Honors said letters mentioned, severall somes amounting in the whole to fourscore and twelve poundes iijs. iiijd."

1618 February 26; the Court at Whithall. Lords of the Council to the Mayor of Southampton. Acknowledging the engagement of the Merchants and shipowners of Southampton to contribute "92l. odd" towards the fund for suppressing pirates at sea, especially those of Argier and Tunis, their lordships require the contribution to the service to be increased by 58l.

1618 March 1; Southampton. (Copy of Letter by) Mr Prowse, Mayor of Southampton to the Lords of the Council. Certifying their Lordships that though, in accordance with their letters of the 26th of February he has urged the Merchants and Shipowners of Southampton to levy an entire sum of 300l. towards the fund for the suppression of pirates at sea, the whole result of his strenuous endeavours in the matter is that four of the chief merchants have undertaken to make the sum of 92l. 3s. 4d., already promised, up to a total of 100l. for the whole service. The letter concludes with this statement of the poverty and commercial humility of the town:—"And therefore all the said Merchauntes and Owners doe nowe againe in all humblenes desire your Honours (their estates considered) to accept of this hundred pounds by such payments as aforesaid, alleadging that verie fewe of them doe use any Trade at all into the Straytes, being (as they say) debarred by the Company of Marchauntes Tradinge the Levant Seas from ymportinge any of the Commodyties of those countries into this kingdome, and even soe most humbly referring the premisses and the smalle Trade of Merchaundizinge and shipping in this towne to Your Lordship's favorable consideracions."

1618 March 10; Whithall. Lords of the Council to the Mayor of Southampton. After reflecting in severe terms on the coldness and backwardness shown by the Merchants and shipowners of Southampton, towards the expedition against pirates-at-sea, their lordships continue, "Wee are nowe to require you without further delay or excuse to proceede really to the leavyinge of the full sum required, according to the direccions of our former letters of the 9th of Februarie last, Or otherwise that yourself and twoe of the Aldermen of that towne doe make your present repare unto us, to show cause why the same is not preferred."

1618 March 20; Southampton. Schedule of "Rates agreed one for the Levying of iiicli to be raysed uppon the Marchantes and ownours of this towne, for a contribution towardes the suppressinge of the Turkish Pyratts, commaunded by the Lords and others of the Privie Councell &c. &c."

1618 May 22; Southampton. (Copy of Letter by) Mr. Prowse, Mayor of Southampton, to the Lords of Council. Certifying their Lordships that, having in accordance with their lordships letters of the 10th of last March called upon the Merchants and Shipowners of Southampton to levy the total sum of 300l. for the suppression of pirates at sea, he can only report that the said Merchants and Shipowners "have nowe agreed to add 50l. to the 100l. by them formerly promised, which 150l. they have sent by the bringer hereof."

1619 April 18; Whithall. Lords of the Council to the Mayor of Southampton. Announcing that, as His Majesty has determined to defer for a brief while the expedition for the suppression of pirates at sea, especially those of Argier and Tunis, "there is order taken by Privie Seale for the repayment of the money" levied and paid into the Exchequer by Merchants and shipowners of Southampton towards the charges of the said service.

1619 May 14; Southampton. (Copy of Letters of Attorney, dated by the) Mayor and bailiffs of the town of Southampton to John Fennell of London, leather-seller; empowering him to receive in their behalf the sum of 150l. heretofore levied and paid into His Majesty's Exchequer for the suppression of pirates at sea, order having been taken by Privy Seal for the repayment of the said sum of 150l. to the contributors.

1619 July 12; Southampton. (Copy of letter by) Mr. Prowse, Mayor of Southampton, to Lords of the Council. Certifying their lordships that (though the Merchants and shipowners of Southampton levied and paid into His Majesty's Exchequer, in accordance with the Lordships' letters, the sum of 150l. "towardes the suppressing of the Pirattes at Sea, especially those of Argier and Tunis," and though by letter of the 18th of last April their Lordships signified "that there was order taken by Privie Seale for repaiement of the said money") the writer has vainly endeavoured to get the promised repayment of the said money.

1632 April 30; Whitehall. Lords of the Council to the Mayor and aldermen of the town of Southampton. For the appointment of one or two fit persons to represent the said town at a conference of deputies from the ports with Lords of the Council, for the purpose of taking needful measures to secure the English Trade into France from certain hindrances and interruptions.

1632 February 28. Memorandum of Resolutions, touching "the suppressing of the Turkes of Argire and Tunnis," agreed to by "the Deputyes for the Cittye of Exon, and the Townes of Plymouth, Barnestable, Dartmouth and Waymouth, and Melcomb Regis."

1633 April 10; . . . . (Copy of) Order of Lords of Council, touching measures for the suppression of the Turkish Pirates at Argiers.

1633 May 10; . . . . (Copy of) Order of a Committee of the Lords of the Council (dated, Starchamber, 10th of May 1633), touching measures for the suppression of the Turkish pirates at Argiers.

1633 May 21; Whitehall. Lords of the Council to the Mayor and Aldermen of the Town and County of Southampton. For the appointment of one or more persons of the said town to appear as a deputation, fully authorized for that purpose, at a conference of representatives of the ports with Lords of the Council, to conclude measures for the protection of merchants and their goods from Turkish pirates, in accordance with a petition lately exhibited to His Majesty "in the name of the Inhabitants of the Westerne Ports of this Kingdome."

1633 June 29; . . . . (Copy of) Order of Council, in accordance with the Report and Humble Petition of the Deputies for the cities of London, Exeter and Bristoll, and for the towns of Plymouth, Dartmouth, Weymouth, Totnes, Barnestaple, Lyme-Regis, Dorchester, Poole and Southampton, appointed to devise and recommend measures for making repayment of moneys expended for securing the trade into France from certain hindrances and interruptions.

1636 March 22; . . . . (Copy of) Order of Council, for settling the contribution to be made by the Western Ports towards the charges for securing the trade of English merchants trading into France from hindrances and interruptions.

1636 (?) October 12; . . . . (Copy of) Order of Council made in accordance with the Petition of the Merchants of the town of Southampton to His Majesty the King, for exemption, as merchants of one of the Western Ports, from the impost put upon Bay or French Salt by Letters of Privy Seal dated 2 March 12 (?) Charles I. Also copy of the said Petition.

1637 March 30; Whitehall. (Copy of letter from) Lords of the Council to the Mayors of Chichester and Rey (sic). Requiring two or more persons from those towns to appear before the Council by the first day of next July to show cause "Wherefore the Marchauntes of those townes trading to France should not join and voluntaryly contribute with the merchants of London, &c. for the settling of the trade" from interruptions.

1637 April 30; . . . . (Copy of) Order of Council for the relief of certain persons petitioning their Lordships "in the name of the French Merchantes of the Cittie of Exeter, and compleyning that diverse of the inhabitantes of the Westerne Ports and places nere adjoyning tradeing to sea doe neglect and forbear to defray the charges and expences of such as were deputed and imployed to peticion his Majestie the last year &c."

1638. Paper of "Reasons why the sole making and vending of Salt by Thomas North and his Associates from the Towne of Barwick unto Waymouth wilbe both preiudicial to his Majesties service and unto the Peticioners."

1638 April 25; [London]. The Recorder of Southampton to the Mayor of the same town. Announcing that the King has arranged "the differences concerninge the Corporation of Salters with the Scottishmen and Mr Murford," the Recorder begs that two or three of the aldermen of Southampton may be appointed to confer with him at his lodgings in the Temple, on measures to be taken for protecting the interest of Southampton in the same matter.

1638 April 28; Southampton. Paper of "Instruccions conceaved and given to Mr Nathaniell Mill and Mr Thomas Mason, two of the Aldermen of this Towne, who are deputed and authorised by this house, with the assistance of Mr Recorder, to treat with the Patentees about the Salt business."

1638 November . . . .; [Southampton]. Complaint of the Town of Southampton against a new and irregular impost of 40s. a tun on wine; together with a statement of the "Reasons why the merchants of Southampton and the Countrey therabouts should not be compelled to paye 40s. a tonne, although the merchants and vintners of London doe paye the same."

1638 November 10; [Southampton]. Paper entitled "An humble Declaracion of the discommodities and grievances arising by meanes of the late undertakers for the sole making of Salt, togither with the remedie and meanes how that business may be setled and managed with better profitt to His Majesty and more content to the Subjectes."

1638 November 15; Audit House of Southampton. Paper of "Instruccions conceived and given to Mr Peter Legay, one of the Merchants and Burgesses of this towne, who is deputed and authorized by this House with the assistance of Mr Recorder, to treate with the Patentees about the Salt business."

1638 November 29; the Inner Starchamber. (Copy of) Order of the Board sitting in the Inner Starchamber:—"Present, Lord Treasurer, Lord Privy Seale, Lord High Chamberlain, Earl Marshall, Earl of Dorset, Lord Newburgh, Mr Secretary Windebancke. Whereas a peticion was this day presented to the Board in the name of the Maior, Bayliffs and Burgesses of the Town and County of Southampton concerning the answering of 40s. upon every Tonne of wine which they shall ymport or sell in gross or by retaile, Forasmuch as the peticioners do humbly desier that they may bee heard concerning the premisses, Their Lordshipps upon consideracion had thereof doe thinke fitt and order that on Sunday next in the afternoone being the second of December, they shall bee heard what they have to say therein. Entr Will: Baker."

1638 December 10; . . . . (Copy of) the Humble Petition of Merchants and owners of Ships within the townes and countyes of Southampton and Poole and the townes of Weymouth and Melcom Regis in Dorset, and within the Isle of Wight, to the Rt. Hon. the Lords of the Privy Council. Against "the patent intended to be graunted unto Thomas North and his associates for the making and vending of salt" at Shields.

1668 August 13; . . . . John Herne to the Worshipful William Stanley esq., alderman of Southampton. Letter touching affairs of the borough of Southampton, and more particularly the Report (copy of which appears on the document) of Sir Moundeford Bramston respecting a certain sum of 200l. and interest thereon from 31 March 1631, amounting to 728l.