Middlesex Sessions Rolls: 1656

Pages 241-256

Middlesex County Records: Volume 3, 1625-67. Originally published by Middlesex County Record Society, London, 1888.

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6 January, 1655/6.—Series of sets of Recognizances, taken on the said day before John Barstead esq. (sic) Lieutenant of His Highnesses Tower of London, Thomas Swallow esq., Richard Powell esq., and John Baldwin esq., Justices of the Peace for Middlesex, for the appearance of divers undermentioned persons at the next G. Q. S. P. for Middlesex, to be held after Easter, then and there to answer "for being present at the hearinge of a masse at the lodgeings of the Venetian Ambassadour situate in Charterhouse Yard within the said county on the 6th day of January 1655 at the time of the elevation of the host and other ceremonies then and there used"; to wit,

(1.) Of Richard Allen, of Buttolph's parish Aldersgate London bricklayer and Anthony Williamson of Pulchres London painter and Frances Molins of the Old Bailey spinster, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of the said Frances Molins spinster &c.

(2.) Of John Baptist Gyatt of Crutched Friers London merchant and Bonadventure Ganyeare of Bucklers Berry London merchant, in the sum of twenty pounds each; For the appearance of Ambrose Munts &c.

(3.) Of Bonadventure Ganyeare of Bucklers Berry London merchant and John Baptist Gyatt of Olave's Crutched Friers London merchant, in the sum of twenty pounds each; For the appearance of James Gyatt of Katherines Tower precinct &c.

(4.) Of Bonadventure Ganyeare of Bucklers Berry London merchant and James Gyatt of Katherines Tower precinct merchant, in the sum of twenty pounds each; For the appearance of John Baptist Gyatt of Olave's Crutched Friers merchant &c.

(5.) Of John Baptist Gyatt of Olave's Crutched Friers merchant and James Gyatt of Katherines Tower precinct merchant, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and Martha Richardson of Christ-Church London spinster, in the sum of forty pounds; For the appearance of the said Martha Richardson &c.

(6.) Of John Baptist Gyatt of Olave's Crutched Friers London merchant and James Gyatt of Katherine's Tower precinct merchant, in the sum of twenty pounds each; For the appearance of James Van Hundergan &c.

(7.) Of Richard Allen of Buttolphes Aldersgate London bricklayer and Anthony Williamson of Pulchres London painter, in the sum of twenty pounds, and of Katherine Fordham of the Old Bailey London widdow, in the sum of forty pounds; For the appearance of the said Katherine Fordham &c.

(8.) Of Thomas Nicholls apothecary and Thomas Nicholls gentleman, both of Andrewes Holborne, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and Francis Willoughby also of Andrewes Holborn chirurgeon, in the sum of forty pounds; For the appearance of the said Francis Willoughby &c.

(9.) Of Rowland Hughes blacksmith and Anne Lewis widdow, both of Bride's London, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of the said Anne Lewis &c.

(10.) Of Nicholas Gregger of Pulcher's co. Midd. innkeeper, in the sum of forty pounds; For the appearance of Anne Gregger, wife of the said Nicholas &c.

(11.) Of Henry Gray of Clement's Danes' co. Midd. taylor and Ventislaus Holler of Bride's London picture-drawer, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of the said Ventislaus Holler &c.

(12.) Of Thomas Bailey of Fetter Lane London gentleman, in the sum of one hundred pounds; For the appearance of Valentine Bayley of the same place &c.

(13.) Of Matthias Fumbregen of Trinity Minories gunstockmaker and Phillip Resehooke of Mary Whitechappell co. Midd. gunsmith, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of William Esser &c.

(14.) Of Gabriell Cressey of Buttolphes Bishoppsgate London merchant and Charles Beranger of Allhallowes-in-the-Wall (sic) London merchant, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of Peter Denlenier of Bartholomew Lane London merchant &c.

(15.) Of Thomas Knight of Pulchres London stacioner and George Bridge of Martin's Outwich London silk-weaver, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and of Thomas Bourne of Buttolphes Bishoppsgate London stacioner, in the sum of forty pounds; For the appearance of the said Thomas Bourne &c.

(16.) Of Matthias Fumbregen of Trinity Minories co. Midd. gunstockmaker and Phillip Resehooke of Mary's Whitechappell, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of Baltezar Houltesen &c

(17.) Of Baltezar Houltesen of Lawrence Pountney gentleman and Phillip Resehooke of Mary's Whitechappell co. Midd. gunsmith, in the sum of forty pounds; For the appearance of Matthias Fumbregen of Trinity Minories gunstockmaker &c.

(18.) Of Walter Phipps of Mary Abchurch London joyner, in the sum of twenty pounds, and of John Surdon of the same parish, in the sum of forty pounds; For the appearance of the said John Surdon &c.

(19.) Of Matthias Fumbregen of "the Little Minories" co. Midd. gunstockmaker and Phillip Resehooke of Mary Whitechappell gunsmith, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of John Spurvert esq. &c.

(20.) Of Joseph Vandermander of Cannon Street London merchant and Charles Beranger of Allhallowes-in-the-West (sic) London merchant, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of Gabrell Cressey of Buttolphs Bishopsgate &c.

(21.) Of Robert Blackburne of Martin's-in-the-Feildes gentleman and William Baildon of Pulchres London gentleman, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of the said William Baildon and his wife Joan Baildon.

(22.) Of Gabriell Cressey of Buttolph's Bishopsgate merchant and Charles Beranger of Allhallowes-in-the-Wall London merchant, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of Bartram di Barbonne of Loathbury London gentleman &c.

(23.) Of Gabriell Cressey of Buttolph's Bishopsgate merchant and Charles Beranger of Allhallowes-in-the-Wall London merchant, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of John Baptista Vander Hoeven &c.

(24.) Of Gabriell Cressey of Buttolphes Bishopsgate merchant and Charles Beranger of Allhallowes-in-the-Wall London merchant, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of Elizabeth Beranger, wife of the said Charles Beranger, &c.

(25.) Of Gabriell Cressey of Buttolph's Bishopsgate merchant and Charles Beranger of Allhallowes-in-the-Wall London merchant, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of Joseph Vander Mander of Cannon Street London merchant &c.

(26.) Of Gabriell Cressey of Buttolph's Bishopsgate merchant and Charles Beranger of Allhallowes-in-the-Wall London merchant, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of Bernard Dargibell of Bartholomew Lane London merchant &c—S. P. R., 14 April, 1656.

6 January, 1655/6.—Recognizance, taken before John Barkstead esq. Lieutenant of His Highnesses Tower of London and J.P., of Peter Ladore of Giles Cripplegate merchant, in the sum of forty pounds; For the appearance of Mary Ladore, wife of the said Peter Ladore, at the G. Q. S. P. for Middlesex after Easter, to answer &c. "for saying she hoped that the English in France would receive the same sawce there." S. P. R., 14 April, 1656.

6 January, 1655/6.—True Bill that, at Sepulcher's co. Midd. on the said day, Katherine Fordham late of the said parish widdow "did willingly then and there heare Masse said and sung by a certaine Roman Preist (to the Jurors aforesaid unknowne) In manifest contempt of the lawes of England, To the evill example of all others in the like case offending And against the Publique Peace &c. And against the forme of the statute in such case made and provided."— Also on six several parchments similar True Bills against Martha Richardson spinster, Anne Lewis spinster, John Spencefeild gentleman, Anne wife of Thomas Lightfoot yeoman, Charles Beranger merchant, Frances Molines spinster, all six late of Sepulcher's co. Midd., for willingly hearing mass said and sung by "a certaine Roman Preist," on 6th of Jan. 1655/6 in the said parish.—Also, True Bill against Thomas Smithson late of Martin's-in-the-Feildes co. Midd. vintner, for willingly hearing mass said and sung "by a certaine Romane Preist" on the 16th of December 1655 in the said parish.—Also, True Bill against Thomas Fletcher late of Martin's in the-Feilds co. Midd. linen-draper, for willingly hearing masse "said and sung by a certaine Romane Preist" on 25th December, 1655, in the said parish."— To account for an apparent discrepancy between the descriptions of offenders named in these bills and the descriptions of the same persons in their Recognizances, the student must bear in mind what was said in a former volume of the practice of draughtsmen of indictments to describe an offender as "late of the parish" in which he committed the offence charged against him. These True Bills exhibit no minutes touching arraignment or the consequences thereof. S. P. R., 14 April, 1656.

7 January, 1655/6.—True Bill that, at Stepney co. Midd. on the said day, Roger Thomas late of the said parish laborer stole and bore away a silver beaker worth thirty shillings, of the goods and chattels of Richard Burden. Confessing the indictment Roger Thomas pleaded his clergy effectually and was branded. G. D. R., . . . ., 1655/6.

7 January, 1655/6.—Recognizances, taken before Richard Powell esq. J.P., of John Harrison of Buttolph Aldersgate London haberdasher and Richard Mitchell of Sepulchre's London grocer, in the sum of twenty pounds each; For the appearance of Robert Cramlington, the said John Harrison's apprentice, at the next S. P. for Middlesex and on the first day thereof, to answer &c. for "being one of those that was taken comeing from Mass at the Venetian Ambassadour's in Charterhouse Yard on the last Lord's Day."—Also, the Recognizances, taken on the same day before the same J.P., of George Marmyon of Christe-Church London hosier and Henry Rawling of Andrewes Hol borne marchaunt-taylor, in the sum of ten pounds each, and of Robert Ryther the said George Marmyon's apprentice, in the sum of twenty pounds; For the said Robert Ryther's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to answer &c. for "beinge one of them which was taken comeing from Mass from the Venetian Ambassadour's in the Charterhouse Yard on the last Lord's Day." S. P. R., 10 Jan., 1655/6.

7 January, 1655/6;.—Recognizances, taken before John Barkstead esq., Lieutenant of His Highnesses Tower of London and J.P., of Nicholas Warren of Rosemary Lane in Mary Whitechappell . . . ., and of John Simonds of the same parish silk-weaver, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and of Tege Corbett of East Smithfeild co. Midd. . . . ., in the sum of forty pounds; For the said Tege Corbett's appearance at the next G. Q. S. P., then and there to answer for being present on the 6th inst. "at the hearing of Masse at the lodgeings of the Venetian Ambassador" in Charterhouse Yard. S. P. R., 14 April, 1656.

7 January, 1655/6.—Recognizances, taken before Richard Powell esq. J.P., of . . . . Wintersall of Clerkenwell gentleman and Thomas Maior of Bride's London tayler, in the sum of ten pounds each; For the appearance of the said . . . . Wintersall and Thomas Maior at the next G. S. P. for Middlesex, to answer &c. "for willingly hearing mass at the Venetian Embassadours house in Charterhouse Yard in the parish of Sepulchre's co. Midd."—Also, nine other sets of similar Recognizances (on parchments that are so injured by rot and dirt as to be imperfectly legible), taken on the same day before the same J.P., for the appearance of Peter Plocker, Thomas White of Martin's-in-the-Vintrie London fruiterer, John Love haberdasher, Marie Lemor (? Leonore) wife of John Anthonio, John Ellis, William Vaughan, Michael Forrest of Blackfriers London taylor, Lawrence Crooke and William Sesse, at the next G. Q. S. P. for Middlesex, to answer &c. "for willingly hearing mass at the Venetian Embassadour's house in Charterhouse Yard." S. P. R., 14 April, 1656.

16 January, 1655/6.—Recognizances, taken before John Hooker esq. J.P., of Robert Armitage currier and Valentyne Tresham haberdasher, both of St. Gyles's-in-the-Feildes co. Midd., in the sum of ten pounds each, and of Francis Mallary of the said parish cordwayner, in the sum of twenty pounds; For the said Francis Mallary's appearance at the next S. P. for Midd., to answer &c. "for neglecting to assist John Strode gentleman in the execution of the Lord Protector's warrant for the apprehension of Jesuittes and popish preistes, contrary to the directions thereof." S. P. R., 19 Feb., 1655/6.

17 January, 1655/6.—Recognizances, taken before John Barkstead esq. Lieutenant of His Highness's Tower of London and J.P., of Edward Salter marriner and William Salmon clothworker, both of Mary Magdalen's London, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of John Levingston at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to answer &c. "for haveing beene in armes of the late King's sonn's party at Worcester (where he was taken prisoner) and after makeing his escape haveing beene assigned for the Barbadoes, being a daungerous and disorderly person." S. P. R., 19 Feb., 1655/6.

20 January, 1655/6.—True Bill that, at Martin's-in-the-Feildes co. Midd. on the said day, Thomas Gilman late of the said parish labourer stole and bore away two silver beere bowles worth five pounds, two silver trencher plates worth five pounds, one silver tankard worth six pounds, one silver cawdle cupp and cover worth three pounds, three silver trencher salt-sellars worth thirty shillings, three-and-twenty silver spoones worth seven pounds, &c. of the goods and chattels of John Leighe (?). Over Thomas Gilman's name, at the bill's head, appears the brief clerical minute, "Confesses it." G. D. R., . . . ., 1656.

28 January, 1655/6.—Recognizances, taken before Sir John Barkstead knt. (sic) Lieutenant of His Highness's Tower of London and J.P., of James Stewkley and John Butler, both of Martin's-in-theFeildes co. Midd. cordwainers, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and of Hugh Wagstaffe of Covent Garden co. Midd, cordwayner, in the sum of forty pounds; For the said Hugh Wagstaffe's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to answer &c. "for dispersing sundry scandalous papers and pamphletts entituled 'The Complaint of Journymen Shomakers.'" S. P. R., 19 Feb., 1655/6.

1 February, 1655/6.—Recognizances, taken before Sir John Barkstead knt. (sic) Lieutenant of His Highness's Tower of London and J.P., of Phillip Yowe of Anne Blackfriers London salter and Elizabeth Williams of Dunstons-in-the-West London widdow, in the sum of two hundred pounds each; For the appearance of Dorothy Cooper at the next G. Q. S. P. for Middlesex, to answer &c. "for harbouring and concealing one William Gardiner whoe was suspected to have beene in the late insurrection with Penruddock and to have assisted him in makeinge his escape into France, and from that time is supposed to have received letters from and held correspondence with him." S. P. R., 14 April, 1656.

10 February, 1655/6.—Recognizances, taken before Sir John Barkstead knt. (sic) Lieutenant of His Highnesses Tower of London and J.P., of John Freind of Katherines Tower precinct brewer, William Wich (? With) of Fulham gentleman, Thomas Cranke of Fulham yeoman and Henry Harrison of Fulham bricklayer, in the sum of one hundred pounds each; For the appearance of Robert Plumstead of Fulham victualler at the next G. Q. S. P. to be held for Middlesex after Easter, "to answer what shall be objected against him by Walter Newman for saying that the said Walter Newman and the Army were murthering rogues, that they had murdered their King, and that theire hands were soe dipt in blood they could not wash it off, and for assaulting the said Walter Newman." S. P. R., 14 April, 1656.

20 February, 1655/6.—Memorandum, touching prisoners convicted and pardoned:—Frances Jackson als. Atkinson, Elizabeth Edwards, Peter Wheatley, Sarah Sutton, Anne Haiward als. Howard, John Phippe als. Phipps, Mary Joice, Henry Timmes, Richard Baskervile, Mary Gibbs, Joan Parsons,—nowe prisoners at the Gaole of Newgate were pardoned and are to be transported: Also, Mary Cotton, Sarah Parry, John Miller and Thomas Dawson,—nowe prisoners as aforesaid were pardoned and are to be delivered. G. D. Reg.

25 February, 1655/6.—Recognizances, taken before Sir John Barkstead knt. (sic) Lieutenant of the Tower of London and J.P., of Edward Price harness-maker and George Andrewes founder, both of Brides London and of Francis Perdeney of Dunstons-in-the-East London merchant, all three in the sum of two hundred pounds each, and of John Spensefeild of Brides London gentleman, in the sum of four hundred pounds; For the said John Spensefeild's appearance at the next G. Q. S. P. for Middlesex to be held after Easter, to answer &c. "for being present at the hearing of a Masse at the Venetian Embassadors lodgeings in Charterhouse yard in the said county the 6th of January at the time of the elevation of the Host and other ceremonies then and there used, and for being suspected to be a Romish preist." S. P. R., 14 April, 1656.

3 March, 1655/6.—Recognizances, taken before Sir John Barkstead knt. (sic) Lieutenant of His Highnesses Tower of London and J.P., of Robert Wheatley of Mary Whitechappell carpenter and William Wheatley of the hamlett of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney yeoman, and Hillary Hancock of New Gravell Lane . . . . co. Midd. brewer, all three in the sum of forty pounds each; For the said Hillary Hancock's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to answer &c. "for being present att an unlawfull assembly and game of Cockfighting neere Well Close in the parishe of Stepney in the county aforesaid on the 3rd day of March 1655, contrary to an Ordinance of his Highnesse the Lord Protector in that behalfe made and provided." —Also, other sets of Recognizances, taken on the same day before same J.P., for the appearance of William Henderson, . . . ., Abraham Beard of London merchant, Robert Wheatley afore-described, Jasper Skacher of Shadwell aforesaid gentleman, William Wheatley afore-described, and Richard Morford of Shadwell aforesaid, then and there to answer &c. for being present at the same cock-fight. S. P. R., 14 April, 1656.

6 March, 1655/6.—Recognizances, taken before Solomon Smith esq. J.P., of John Axon and Abraham Fence both of Debtford, and Timothy Greene of St. Katherin's, all three marriners, in the sum of twenty pounds each; For the appearance of Phillip Beard at the next S. P. for Middlesex to be held after next Michaelmas, "to answere to the complaint of Judith Danie for violently assaulting and beateing of her and for impresting her for Jamegoe with a pretended warrant and then takeing 12d. to discharge her." S. P. R., 9 Dec., 1656.

15 March, 1655/6.—True Bill that, at Martin's-in-the-Fields co. Midd. on the said day, Ralph Skipwith and Thomas Merry, both late of the said parish gentlemen, assaulted Sir Thomas Wortley knt., and that in the ensuing affray Ralph Skipwith with a pistol charged with gunpowder and a leaden bullet gave the same Sir Thomas Wortley in his left breast a mortal wound, of which he then and there died instantly, being thus killed and murdered by the aforesaid Ralph Skipwith and Thomas Merry gentlemen. Over Ralph Skipwith's name, at the bill's head, appears this clerical minute "Puse guilty of homicide and not guilty of the murther noe goodes &c. praieth the booke and reades is burned &c."—Also the Coroner's Inquest-post-mortem for the cause of Sir Thomas Wortley's death. G. D. R., . . . ., 1656.

23 March, 1655/6.—Recognizances, taken before Sir John Barkstead knt. Lieutenant of His Highnesses Tower of London, of Edward Bolton of Brides London faulkener, and Henry Seyle of Dunston's London stacioner, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and Henry Browne of Giles-in-the-Feilds co. Midd. gentleman, in the sum of forty pounds; For the said Henry Browne's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex to answer &c. "for being suspected to have knowledge of sundry armes and weapons offensive and defensive which were left and concealed at the house of William Booth of the parish of Pulchres in the county of Middlesex by the enemyes of this Commonwealth and [for] not discovering of the same." S. P. R., 14 April, 1656.

23 March, 1655/6.—Four sets of Recognizances, taken before Sir John Barkstead knt. Lieutenant of His Highnesses Tower of London and J.P., for the appearance of divers persons at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to answer &c. "for being a Roman Catholique and being present at the hearing of a Masse at His Excellency the French Embassadours lodgeings at Newport House within the said county on the second day of December last past at the time of the elevacion of the host and other ceremonies then and there used"; to wit,

(1.) Of Edward Carter brasier and John Woolerston brewer, both of Giles-in the-Feildes, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and Robert Webb of the said parish cordwainer, in the sum of forty pounds; For the appearance of the said Robert Webb &c.

(2.) Of William Brooman stacioner and Thomas Taylor gentleman, both of Andrewes Holborn, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and of Thomas Smithson of the same parish vintner, in the sum of forty pounds; For the said Thomas Smithson's appearance &c.

(3.) Of Simon Marriott gentleman and Solomon Moore tayler, both of Covent Garden co. Midd., in the sum of twenty pounds each, and of John Stayler of the same place goldsmith, in the sum of forty pounds; For the appearance of the said John Stayler &c.

(4.) Of John Smith linen-draper and Matthias Scattergood linendraper, both of Christ-Church London, in the sum of twenty pounds, and of Thomas Fletcher of Covent Garden co. Midd., in the sum of forty pounds; For the appearance of the said Thomas Fletcher &c. S. P. R., 14 April, 1656.

26 March, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before Sir John Barkstead knt. Lieutenant of His Highnesses Tower of London and J.P., of William Owen of Barking London gentleman and Richard Fincher of the Inner Temple London esq., in the sum of twenty pounds each, and John Titoe of Andrewes Holborne gentleman, in the sum of forty pounds; For the said John Titoe's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to answer &c. "for being a lewd and disorderly person that cannot give a good account of his life and conversacion, being taken at an unseasonable houre in the night at a tavern in the same county."—Also, two sets of similar Recognizances, taken on the same day before the same J.P., for the appearance of Ignatius Robinson of Giles-in-the-Feilds co. Midd. gentleman and Robert Yalden of Martin's-in-the-Feilds gentleman at the next S. P. for Middlesex to answer to the same charge, set forth in the same words. S. P. R., 14 April, 1656.

28 March, 1656.—True Bill that, at Giles's-in-the-Feildes co. Midd. on the said day, Edmond Chamberlayne late of the said parish gentleman assaulted Launcelott Grantham gentleman and with a rapier gave him in the right side of his back a mortal wound, of which he then and there died instantly. Edmond Chamberlayne was "at large." G. D. R., . . . ., 1656.

31 March, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before Sir John Barkstead knt. Lieutenant of His Highnesses Tower of London and J.P., of William Graves of . . . ., taylor and John Stephens of . . . ., victualler, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and of Robert Baron of Grayes Inne co. Midd. gentleman, in the sum of forty pounds; For the said Robert Baron's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to answer &c. "for being suspected to have received and dispersed sundry commissions from Charles Stuart and to hold correspondence with him, and whoe cannot give a good account of his life and conversacion." S. P. R., 14 April, 1656.

5 April, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before Sir John Barkstead knt. Lieutenant of His Highnesses Tower of London and J.P., of William Freeman of Buttolphs Bishopsgate cooper, in the sum of twenty pounds, and of John Warner of Giles Cripplegate yeoman, in the sum of forty pounds; For the said John Warner's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to answer &c. "for uttering certaine scandalous and daungerous speeches tending to the prejudice of the Commonwealth." S. P. R., 14 April, 1656.

10 April, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before John Briscoe esq. J.P., of Thomas Higho musitioner, Thomas West gentleman, John Barnatt cooke and Daniell Gyles, all four of Staines co. Midd., Thomas Higho being bound in the sum of forty pounds, and his three sureties being bound in the sum of twenty pounds each; For the said Thomas Higho's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, "to do and abide what the Court shall then and there award, for his drincking a health to King Charles and the Duke of Yorke." S. P. R., 14 April, 1656.

11 April, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before Tobias Lisle esq. J.P., of Thomas Forrest chandler and Richard Blake glasier, both of High Holborne co. Midd., in the sum of ten pounds each; For the appearance of Henry Henson . . . ., at the next S. P. for Middlesex "to answer the complaint of James Hammond foreman of the Quest for High Holborne for assaulting and kicking of him when hee with the rest of his quest went to view the common shore." S. P. R., 20 May, 1656.

9 May, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before John Baldwin esq. J.P., of Henry Banbury and John Armstrong, both of Giles Cripplegate co. Midd. brewers, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and John Moncaster of the said parish victualler, in the sum of forty pounds; For the said John Moncaster's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, "to answer what shall be objected against him by Ensigne Robert Treswell for refuseing to quarter such souldiers as were brought unto him for that purpose by the said Robert Treswell, and calling him Rogue Rascall &c. with other abusive speeches." S. P. R., 20 May, 1656.

12 May, 1656.—True Bill that, at St. Clement's Danes co. Midd. on the said day, Phillipp Potten late of the said parish laborer stole and bore away one scarlett cloak worth nine pounds, one plushe coate with a silver clasp worth ten pounds, one grey cloth coate laced with gold and silver lace worth eight pounds, one paire of pockett pistolls worth five-and-thirty shillings, one redd westcoate with gold buttons worth twenty shillings, one broad sworde worth twenty shillings, one paire of cloth topps worth fifteen shillings, one canvas horse-cloth worth two shillings, and thirty-seven pounds in numbered moneys, of the goods chattels and moneys of Thomas Crowther gentleman. Phillipp Potten was "at large." G. D. R., 15 Oct., 1656.

15 May, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before Richard Loton esq. J.P., of Robert Johnson of Whitechappell . . . ., in the sum of twenty pounds, and of William Turner of Whitechappell butcher, in the sum of forty pounds; For the said William Turner's appearance at the next S. P. to be held for Middlesex at Hicks Hall, "to answer the complaint of Symon Diggby for calling him papist and a fidler to a papist and a papist preist." S. P. R., 20 May, 1656.

19 May, 1656.—True Bill that, at St. James's Clerkenwell co. Midd. in the night of the said day, John Bucke alias Bridge late of the said parish gentleman broke burglariously into the dwelling-house of Thomas Earle of Elgin, and stole therefrom and bore away one silver bason worth ten pounds, one silver ewer worth six pounds, two silver "skilletts" with silver covers worth ten pounds, one silver trenchar plate worth five pounds, two silver ladles worth thirty shillings, two silver spoones worth twenty shillings, two silver cawdle cupps with silver covers worth six pounds, and eighteen diaper napkins worth twelve shillings, of the goods and chattels of the said Thomas Earle of Elgin. John Bucke was found 'Not Guilty.' G. D. R., 14 Jan., 1656/7.

26 May, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before John Waterton esq. J.P., of William Williams gentleman and Andrew Dalbie yeoman, both of New Gravell Lane in Stepney co. Midd., in the sum of ten pounds each, and of William Peirsall of the same lane carpenter, in the sum of twenty pounds; For the said William Peirsall's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to "answeare for keepeing of a common victualling house on his own authority, and selling of bottled wine and bottled beere without the leave or license of any of the Justices of the Peace for the countye of Middlesex." S. P. R., 1 July, 1656.

2 June, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before Sir John Barkstead knt., Lieutenant of His Highnesses Tower of London and J.P., of Thomas Ozell and David Counsett, both of the hamlett of Spittlefeilds in the parish of Stepney co. Midd. weavers, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and of Morris Seiston of the same hamlett labourer, in the sum of forty pounds; For the said Morris Seiston's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, "to answer what shall be objected against him by William Robinson and Katherine his wife and Elizabeth Wal cott for drinking a health to the confusion of His Highnesse the Lord Protector and saying that he the said Morris was more fitt to be a Protector than his said Highnesse." S. P. R., 1 July, 1656.

6 June, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before Sir John Barkstead knt. Lieutenant of His Highnesses Tower of London and J.P., of William Cope of Margarett's Westminster hackney-coachman, and John Grissold of Pulchres London hackney-coachman, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and of Thomas Jackson of Margarett's Westminster hackney-coachman, in the sum of forty pounds; For the said Thomas Jackson's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to answer &c. "for committing nusances in severall partes and places of the said county by useing and exercising hackney-coaches therein, not beinge licensed thereunto, contrary to an Ordinance of His said Highnesse in that behalfe provided." S. P. R., 1 July, 1656.

10 June, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before Richard Powell esq. J. P., of Richard Pryor waterman and Thomas Underhill blacksmith, both of Stepney co. Midd. in the sum of twenty pounds each, and of Elizabeth Maddison of Stepney aforesaid widdow, in the sum of forty pounds; For the said Elizabeth Maddison's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to "answer for uttering scandalous words against the Protectour, and the Lord Cheife Justice Glynn." S. P. R., 1 July, 1656.

12 June, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before John Waterton esq. J.P., of Thomas Morley and Samuell Hudson, both of Stepney co. Midd. yeomen, in the sum of ten pounds each, and of John Polgreene of Ratcliffe Highway yeoman, in the sum of twenty pounds; For the said John Polgreene's appearance at the next S. P., to answer &c., he "being accused by Mr. Leonard Sampson headborough of Ratcliffe highwaye and most of his next neighbours of keepeinge a notorious disorderly house, by keeping wenches to stand at his dore, to beckon in Flemings and other lewd persons into his house where bawdery is suspected to be committed." S. P. R., 1 July, 1656.

16 June, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before Solomon Smith esq. J.P., of John Tayler labourer and Nicholas Bray cowper, both of Eastsmithfeild, in the sum of twenty pounds each; For the appearance of Martha Tayler, wife of the said John Tayler, at the next S. P., "then and there to answere the complaint of Dorrethy Parry for assaulting her, and for sayeing shee had stolen a silver cupp from her, and for goeing to two cunning men and gaveing them 12d. a-peece to tell her what was become of her said cupp." S. P. R., 1 July, 1656.

25 June, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before Richard Powell esq. J.P., of Thomas Rudgate of Bride's London tayler and John Peach of Andrewes Holborne tayler, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and of Nicholas Archbold of Dunstan's-in-the-West London gentleman, in the sum of forty pounds; For the appearance of the said Nicholas Archbold at the next S. P. on the first day thereof, to "answer for being taken by a warrant of privie search, and he could give noe good account of his life. He is a reputed Hector." S. P. R., 1 July, 1656.

9 July, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before John Hoxton esq. J.P., of Edward Yonge of Lymehouse chirurgeon, in the sum of two hundred pounds, and of Robert Good plumer and Ellis Coleman seaman, in the sum of one hundred pounds each; For the said Edward Yonge's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, "to answer the complaints of Samuell Gill upon suspicion of takeinge upp and sending him on shippord to bee transported to Virginia." S. P. R., . . . ., 1656.

15 July, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before John Baldwin esq. J.P., of Stephen Selwin potter and Peter Smith yeoman, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the said Stephen Selwin's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, "to answer such matters as shall bee objected against him by Henry Holland of the Tower of London, being suspected to entice away young children and privately convey them beyond seas." S. P. R., . . . ., 1656.

9 August, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before Sir John Barkstead knt. Lieutenant of the Tower of London and J.P., of Thomas Wildboare butcher and John Ellis baker, both of the Liberty of the said Tower, in the sum of twenty pounds each, and of Edward Wroughton of the same Liberty haberdasher, in the sum of forty pounds; For the said Edward Wroughton's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to answer &c. "for dispersing abroad sundry scandalous and seditious papers entituled 'England's Remembrances,' tending to the disturbance of the publique peace."—Also, a set of similar Recognizances, taken on the same day before the same J.P., for the appearance of Daniell Kirton of the same Liberty distiller at the same next S. P., to answer to the same charge. S. P. R., . . . ., 1656.

26 August, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before John Barkstead esq. (sic) J.P., of Agmondisham Pickais of the Inner Temple London esq. and Thomas Bryers of the parish of Mary Savoy co. Midd. milliner, in the sum of one hundred pounds each; For the appearance of Peircy Owen at the next Gaol Delivery for Middlesex, to answer &c., he "being suspected to be a robber and to have been present with Thomas Hales and John Waller persons condemned and lately executed att Cambridge att severall robberies committed by them and especially at the robbery of the French ambassador's servants neere Dartford in Kent." G. D. R., 15 Oct., 1656.

26 August, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before Richard Loton esq. J.P., of John Bramell of Coleman Street marchant, in the sum of twenty pounds, and Leonard Wessell of Whitegate Alley throwster and Phillip Mathewes of Whitechappell turner, in the sum of ten pounds each; For the said John Bramell's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to be held at Hicks Hall in St. John's Street, "to answer the complainte of the officer of Norton Fallgate for being taken late in the night by the watch in a rantinge manner with bottles of sacke in his hand, and for affrontinge the officer in the execution of his office."— Also, five similar sets of Recognizances, taken on the same day before the same J.P., for the appearance of Peter Pote of Phillpot Lane London marchant, Henry Johnson of Phillpote Lane London marchant, Gerrard Confoot of St. Katherin's marchant, George Matson of St. Katherin's marchant, and Balthazer Houlthousen of Laurance Poultnes Hill marchant at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to be held at Hicks Hall, in order that each of the said revelling merchants may then and there "answer the complainte of the officer of Norton Fallgate for beinge taken late in the night by the watch in a rantinge manner with other company with bottles of sacke in theire handes and for affronting the officer in the execution of his office; it being further noted in the minutes of their recognizances that Henry Johnson and Balthazer Houlthousen each confessed himself to be "a Roman Catholicke." S. P. R., . . . . Sept., 1656.

29 August, 1656.—Coroner's Inquisition-post-mortem, taken at Margarett's Westminster on view of the body of William Ashburnham esq., there lying dead and slain; With verdict that, on the eighth day of the said August at the parish of Maribone co. Midd., Giles Rawlins, late of Mary le Savoy parish co. Midd. gentleman assaulted the said William Ashburnham and with a rapier gave him a little below his right arme-pitt a mortal wound, of which he died at Maribone aforesaid on the 28th inst., being thus killed and murdered by Giles Rawlins. G. D. R., 15 Oct., 1656.

10 September, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before John Hoxton esq. J.P., of William Allen carpenter and David Hill waterman, both of Shadwell, in the sum of forty pounds each, and of James Ewing of the same place waterman, in the sum of sixty pounds; For the said James Ewing's appearance at the next S. P. for Middlesex, "to answer the complaynt of John Tapley upon suspicion of stealeinge a parcel of junck from abord the good shipp called the Sarah of London rideing at anchor in the river Thames." S. P. R., 9 Dec., 1656.

19 September, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before Richard Loton esq. J.P., of Stephen Talley throwster and Richard Cossins weaver, both of Whitechappell co. Midd., in the sum of ten pounds each; For the appearance of Susan Jones at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to be held at Hicks Hall, "to answer the complainte of Rebekah Allen for raisinge a tumult against her and callinge of her 'spirit' and sayeinge she had caused her to be sent away on shippboard to be sent beyond seas." S. P. R., 9 Oct., 1656.

24 September, 1656.—True Bill that, at Stepney co. Midd. on the said day, Margery Noland the wife of James Noland late of the said parish laborer stole and bore away one silver beaker worth two-andtwenty shillings, of the goods and chattels of Thomas Hyatt. At the bill's head, over Margery's name, appears this clerical minute, to wit, "Puse not guilty nor did fly." G. D. R., 15 Oct., 1656.

25 September, 1656.—True Bill that, at St. Clement's-Danes' co. Midd. on the said day, Daniel Smith and Mathew Kempton, both late of the said parish, broke into the dwellinghouse of Henry Field gentleman and stole therefrom and bore away one silver tanckard worth six pounds, of the goods and chattels of the said Henry Field. The only clerical minute on the bill's face tells no more than that Daniel Smith had been branded before. G. D. R., 15 Oct., 1656.

29 September, 1656.—True Bill that, at St. Giles's-in-the-Feildes co. Midd. on the said day, Richard Middlemore late of the said parish clerke, born within the kingdom of England, and after the Feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist, 1 Eliz., and before the said 29 Sept., 1656, made and ordained a Seminary Preist by authority derived and pretended from the Sea of Rome, traiterously and as a false traitor was and remained. The clerical minute "at large" appears over Richard Middlemore's name at the bill's head. Note, it is not charged in this bill that Richard Middlemore was made a priest in parts beyond the seas, nor is he represented as having returned from those parts into England. G. D. R., 15 Oct., 1656.

6 October, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before John Waterton esq. J.P., of Robert Reekely and George Horth, both of Stepney co. Midd. yeomen, in the sum of ten pounds each, and John Ellitt of the same parish bricklayer, in the sum of twenty pounds; For the appearance of the said John Ellitt at the next S. P. for Middlesex, "to answer the complainte of George Hutchinson who accuseth him of chellenging (sic) him the feild, contrary to an ordinance of his Highnes and Councell touching dewells." S. P. R., 9 Oct., 1656.

24 November, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before John Hooker esq. J.P., of Ambrose Jewers of St. Martin's-in-the-Feildes chaundler, in the sum of twenty pounds, and of John Wate of the aforesaid parish taylor and John Mosse of Fleet Street chirurgeon, in the sum of ten pounds each; For the appearance of the said Ambrose Jewers at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to answer &c., he "being charged to bee a com panion to highwaymen and burglars and to share with them and likewise to bee a common trepanner." S. P. R., 9 Dec, 1656.

3 December, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before Solomon Smith esq. J.P., of Henry Cowood wheelwright and of Peter Hayward and John Tibballs, both watermen, and all three of Katherin's co. Midd., in the sum of twenty pounds each; For the appearance of Margerett Cowood at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to answer &c. "the complaint of Richard Bryan for assaulting of him, and for enticeing and conveying of him aboard of a shipp with an intent to transport him to some forraigne parte beyound the sea contrary to his minde." S. P. R., 9 Dec, 1656.

10 December, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before Thomas Byde esq. J.P., of Richard Maplesden of Silver Street London silke-stockingmaker and Robert Nash of Beech Lane Cripplegate salesman, in the sum of forty pounds each; For the appearance of Elizabeth Wight at the next S. P. for Middlesex, "to answer the complaint of George Dowding one of the headboroughs of Shorditch who tooke her in an uncivill posture danced upon the knee of a deboist man that was amongst others ranting and singing in a disorderly and suspicious alehouse at an unseasonable houre in the night, and by which persons the said officer and his watch were threatned and abused, and the house raised against them."—Also, four other similar sets of Recognizances, taken on the same day before the same J.P., for the appearance of Grace Bowyer, Steward Trench, Thomas Tanner and Augustin Smith at the same next S. P., to answer &c. for being of the same ranting, singing, disorderly and riotous company in the suspicious ale-house. S. P. R., 13 Jan., 1656/7.

16 December, 1656.—Recognizances, taken before John Waterton esq. J.P., of John Cloake doctor in phisicke and John Lane carpenter, both of Stepney co. Midd., in the sum of twenty pounds each; For the appearance of Joane Gibbes, wife of Uriah Gibbes of Shadwell in Stepney aforesaid marriner, at the next S. P. for Middlesex, "to answere the complainte of William Tracye and John Baker young seamen, who accuse her of inticeinge them to lodge at her howse and then defrauding them of five-and-twentye pounds a-peece in money (in fowerteene dayes tyme) which they left in her handes." S. P. R., 13 Jan., 1656/7.

22 December, 1656.—True Bill that, at "Katherine's Tower" co. Midd. on the said day, Thomas Arnime late of Katherine's Tower aforesaid stole and bore away one silver drinking-beaker worth thirtytwo shillings, of the goods and chattels of John Bell. Confessing the indictment, Thomas Arnime asked for the book, read it and was branded. G. D. R., 14 Jan., 1656/7.