Middlesex Sessions Rolls: 1632

Pages 41-49

Middlesex County Records: Volume 3, 1625-67. Originally published by Middlesex County Record Society, London, 1888.

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1 February, 7 Charles I.—True Bill for not going to church &c. during two months beginning on the said day, against John Wiseman late of Drurylane co. Midd. alias &c. late of Wymbish co. Essex esq. G. D. R., 20 Feb., 8 Charles I.

22 February, 7 Charles I.—True Bill that, at St. Martin's-in-theFields co. Midd. on the said day, Thomas Saltar and Daniel Bazeley both late of the said parish laborers, stole and carried off "tresdecim discos argenti anglice thirteene great silver platters ad valenciam ducentarum quinquagint' et quinque librarum," worth two hundred and fifty-five pounds, of the goods and chattels of the Most Noble John the Earl Pembrooke and Mountgomery. Thomas Saltar confessed the indictment and was remanded. Found 'Guilty' Daniel Bazeley pleaded his clergy effectually and was branded. G. D. R., 6 Dec, 8 Charles I.

1 March, 7 Charles I.—True Bill for not going to church &c. during three months beginning on the said day, against William Bird late of Wotten Woeinge co. Warwick gentleman, John Bolt late of Wolverd Magna co. Warwick gentleman, William Canninge late of Foxcott co. Warwick esq., Anthony Dormer late of . . . . co. Warwick esq., Thomas Morgan late of Weston co. Warwick esq., Richard Middlemore late of Edgebaston co. Warwick esq., James Walters late of Woolsley co. Warwick gentleman, each of these persons being also and in the first instance described as 'late of St. Andrew's Holborne co. Midd.' G. D. R., 27 June, 8 Charles I.

1 March, 7 Charles I.—True Bill for not going to church &c. during one month beginning on the said day, against fifty-eight persons, late of St. Andrew's Holborne, Whitechappell, St. Giles's-in-theFields, St. Sepulchre's, St. James's Clerkenwell, St. Katherine's, Heston, Paddington or Kensington. The persons so indicted comprise— Robert Ford yoman and his wife Ellen Ford both late of Whitechapell; David Pascall yoman and Margaret Seelane widow, both of St. Giles'sin-the-Fields; John Platt of St. Sepulchre's yoman; John Farmer gentleman, William Salusbury gentleman, Elizabeth Manwaring widow, all three late of St. James's Clerkenwell; Anne Barber late of Saffron Hill widow; Dorothy Lee widow, Joan Powell widow, William Beckett yoman, Roger Coume gentleman, all four late of St. Giles's-in-theFields; Christopher Gibbons late of St. Katherine's tailor; and Walter Whitticke late of Paddington: The other forty-three recusants being individuals repeatedly noticed in previous entries of this book, as indicted for not repairing to church &c. G. D. R., 13 April, 8 Charles I.

13 March, 7 Charles I.—True Bill that, at Stepney co. Midd. on the said day, Frances Pritchett late of the said parish spinster brought forth a living bastard male infant, and afterwards on the same day murdered the same infant by giving it with a knife in the left part of the neck a mortal wound of which it then and there died instantly. Found 'Guilty' Frances Pritchett was sentenced to be hung. G. D. R., 13 April, 8 Charles I.

27 March, 8 Charles I.—True Bill that, at Heston co. Midd. on the said day, Sara Braynt widow, late the wife of Richard Braynt, knowing that rattesbane alias arsenicke was a deadly poison, made a pancake of wheate flower and water, and put rattesbane alias arsenicke into the same pancake, which she forthwith gave to her said husband with the intention of murdering him, and that he took the same poisoned cake of her and ate it, and that after languishing from the said 27th, of the poisoned pancake, so administered to him, died of it on the last day of the said month, being thus murdered by his said wife. Found 'Guilty,' Sara Braynt was sentenced to death by burning. 'Po se cul ca nl' comburend.'—Also, the Coroner's Inquisition for the cause of the said Richard Braynt's death. G. D. R., 13 April, 8 Charles I.

29 March, 8 Charles I.—True Bill that, at St. Martin's-in-theFields co. Midd. on the said day, Richard Carpenter alias Phibby Jack and John Wood, both late of the said parish yomen, stole and carried away three cutworke bands worth sixteen pounds, of the goods and chattels of Charles Lord Moore. Found 'Guilty,' both culprits pleaded their clergy effectually and were branded. G. D. R., 13 April, 8 Charles I.

1 April, 8 Charles I.—Bill for not going to church &c. during three months beginning on the said day against Bestney Barker late of Whitechappell alias &c. late of Westdoniland alias Berechurch in Colchester co. Essex esq.; Katherine Audley late of Westdoniland alias Berechurch Colchester co. Essex widow and Sir Henry Audley late of Harrington in Chadgley Corbett co. Worcester knt, the two last-named persons being also described in the first instance as late of St. Giles's-in-the-Fields co. Midd.—Endorsed 'Ignoramus.' G. D. R., 29 Aug., 8 Charles I.

19 June, 8 Charles I.—True Bill that, at St. Giles's-in the-Fields co. Midd. on the said day, Roger Dale late of the said parish yoman stole and carried off "unum oscipium anglice one drinkinge tunne of silver" worth sixty shillings, of the goods and chattels of the Master and Scholars of Baleyall in Oxford. Roger Dale was found 'Not Guilty.' G. D. R. . . ., 8 Charles 1.

10 July, 8 Charles I.—Recognizances, taken before Laurence Whitaker of St. Giles's-in-the-Fields esq. J.P., of Thomas Wildberd of St. Margaret's Westminster gentleman, Nicholas Rawlins tailor and John Rogers gouldsmith both of Great St. Bartholomew's London, and John Tummey of St. Sepulchre's London co. Midd. butcher, all four in the sum of fifty pounds each, and of Philip Tummey of the last-named parish butcher in the sum of two hundred pounds; For the said Philip Tummey's appearance at the next Gaol Delivery for Midd., to answer "for utteringe certain base and scandalous speeches against his Majesties (sic) and againste the Lords and others of his Majesties Most Honourable Councell." G. D. R., 29 Aug., 8 Charles I.

24 July, 8 Charles I.—Coroner's Inquisition for cause of death, taken at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields co. Midd. on view of the body of Abigail Williams then and there lying dead; With Verdict that, on 23rd instant, at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields co. Midd., the said Abigail Williams murdered herself by putting an end of a rope about her own neck and the other end of the same rope "circa . . . . anglice vocat' a jacke," and so hanging and suspending herself; the jury further certifying that at the time thus murdering herself the said Abigail Williams had not to their knowledge any goods or chattels in the county of Middlesex.—Also, on the same file a True Bill that, at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields co. Midd. on the said day, Abigail the wife of Robert Stappard of the said parish gentleman assaulted Abigail Williams and with a broom-staffe struck her on the left side of her head, and by so doing gave the same Abigail Williams a mortal wound of which she then and there died instantly, being thus slain and murdered by the said Abigail Stappard. On her trial Abigail Stappard was found 'Not Guilty.' G. D. R., 5 Oct., 8 Charles I.

26 July, 8 Charles I.—Order, made at S. P. held at Hickes Hall, that the hemp mills at the House of Correction be repaired, and that a new hemp-mill be made there, so that a greater number of persons may bee imployed to labour. S. P. Reg.

4 August, 8 Charles I.—True Bill for not going to church &c. during two months beginning on the said day, against sixty-five persons, late of Chiswicke, Chauncery Lane, Grubstreete Goldinglane, St.Giles'sin-the-Fields, Saffron Hill, St. James's Clerkenwell, St. John's Street, High Holborne, or Heston co. Midd.; Comprising William Saunders esq., his wife . . . . Saunders, and . . . . Fryer widow, all three late of Chiswicke; Lewis Scarbolt chandler, and Mary Oliver widow, both late of St. Giles's-in-the-Fields; Henry Clarke of Grubstreet yoman; Anne Slifeild late of Golding Lane widow; Richard Greenbury gentleman, Michael Hugginson gentleman, Israel Fryer gentleman, Thomas Foster esq., John Hawkins gentleman, Symon Warmington yoman, John Hawkins gentleman, all seven late of St. John's Street; and George Smithson, late of High Holborn vintner, all those of the sixty-five persons not mentioned in this note being individuals who have been mentioned repeatedly in other entries as recusants indicted for not going to church. G. D. R., 5 Oct., 8 Charles I.

22 August, 8 Charles I.—True Bill that, at St. Martin's-in-the Fields co. Midd. on the said day, Frances Sprye of the said parish spinster alias &c. the wife of John Sprye late of the same parish yoman, stole and carried off a precious gem called a carconett of diamondes worth one hundred and fifty pounds, a paire of diamond bracelettes worth twenty pounds, a paire of diamond pendents worth forty pounds, one pearle bracelett with greene and redd stones worth eighteen pounds, a gold hoope ringe with a dyamond worth seven pounds, a pearle bracelett worth four pounds, a pointed diamond ringe worth two hundred pounds, forty yards of gold lace worth forty shillings, an ounce and a halfe of gold twist worth nine shillings, "unum ventrale panni linei anglice a cutworke apron" worth five pounds, a silver maudlin cup worth six pounds, "unum pultarium argenti anglice a silver porringer " worth . . . . shillings, "unum galerum castoreum anglice a beaver hatt" worth three pounds, and one hundred and eighty pounds in numbered moneys, of the goods chattels and moneys of Sir William Tresham knt. G. D. R., 5 Oct., 8 Charles I.

5 October, 8 Charles I.—True Bill that, whereas at Stanwell co. Midd. on the said day, Thomas Heysem alias Delbridge, William Butcher and William Wood, all three of Stanwell aforesaid labourers, stole nyne and a halfe yardes of damaske worth ninety shillings, together with other things set forth in the indictment, of the goods and chattels of Thomas Ayer gentleman, Hugh Strideup late of Oldebrainford co. Midd. yoman and his wife Alice Strideup and Thomas Bevin late of Hownsloe taylor on the next day, viz. 6th Oct., knowing him to have perpetrated the said felony received harboured and comforted the said Thomas Heysem. G. D. R., 20 Feb., 8 Charles I.

1 November, 8 Charles I.—True Bill for not going to church &c. during three months, beginning on the said day, against Sir Henry Awdley late of St. Giles's-in-the-Fields co. Midd. knt.; and against Sir John Yates alias Gates knt. and Abigail Packington widow, both late of Chadgley Corbett co. Worcester, John Russell late of Malverne Parva co. Worcester esq., Francis Hanford late of Wollishull co. Worcester esq., and John Weedon late of Feckingham co. Worcester esq., each of the last-named five persons being also described as late of of St Giles's-in-the-Fields co. Midd. G. D. R., 20 Feb., 8 Charles I.

1 November, 8 Charles I.—True Bill for not going to church &c. during three months beginning on the said day, against Thomas Morgan late of Weston co. Warwick esq., Richard Middlemore late of Edgebaston co. Warwick esq., Anthony Dormer late of Budbrooke co. Warwick esq., Sir Charles Smith late of Wootton Wawen co. Warwick knt., and Anthony Sheldon late of Grafton co. Warwick gentleman, each of the said persons being also and in the first instance described as "late of St. Andrew's in Holborne co. Midd." G. D. R., 20 Feb., 8 Charles I.

1 November, 8 Charles I.—True Bill for not going to church &c. during three months beginning on the said day, against Elizabeth wife of Thomas Hilton late of Morton co. Westmoreland, Talbott Hodgshon gent. and his wife Margaret Hodgshon both late of Broomehall co. Westmoreland, Sir Ralph Conyers late of Layton co. Durham knt. and his wife Lady Mary Conyers, Cuthbert Conyers late of Layton aforesaid gentleman and his wife Margaret Conyers, Mary wife of Gerrard Salvin late of Coxton co. Durham gentleman, Laurence Sayre late of Worsall co. York gentleman and his wife Elizabeth Sayre, Alice Bennyon late of Hartepoole co. Durham spinster, Anne wife of Ralph Buttery late of Nesbett co. Durham yoman, Thomas Haggerston late of Haggerston co. Durham esq. and his wife Alice Haggerston, Robert Salvin late of Raby co. Durham and his wife Anne Salvin, Anne Mitforth late of Hewlam co. Durham widow, William Knaresborough late of Twisle co. Durham yoman, William Power late of Dalden co. Durham gentleman, George Taylor late of Corneshawe Rawe co. Durham yoman, William Syngleton late of Broughton co. Lancaster gentleman, Dorothy Walton late of Howth co. Lancaster widow, Robert Squire late of Harwood Magna co. Lancaster yoman, Nicholas Hesketh late of Beckensall co. Lancaster gentleman, Edward Smyth late of Sharisbricke co. Lancaster yoman and his wife Elizabeth Smyth, Anne wife of Leonard Washington late of Warton co. Lancaster gentleman, Thomas Kirkby late of Rawcliffe co. Lancaster gentleman and his wife Anne Kirkby, Susan Hesketh late of Rufforth co. Lancaster . . . ., Robert Sayer late of Burneley co. Lancaster yoman, Richard Blackborne late of Scorton co. Lancaster yoman and his wife Anne Blackborne, Anne Nicholson late of Poulton co. Lancaster widow, Dorothy Fowler late of St. Thomas co. Stafford widow, Bryan Lane late of Cotton Hill co. Stafford gentleman and his wife Willgifford Lane, Lady Anne Claveringe wife of Sir John Claveringe late of Calliley co. Northumberland knt., and John Waterton late of North Stanley co. York . . . . and his wife Jane Waterton,—each of the said indicted persons being also and in the first instance described in the indictment as late of St. Margaret's Westminster co. Midd. G. D. R., 20 Feb. 8, Charles I.

1 November, 8 Charles I.—True Bill for not going to church &c during one month beginning on the said day, against Frances wife of Henry Broome late of Houlden co. York yoman, Isabella Lee late of the city of York widow, Anne wife of William Leathley of Grewellthorpe co. York yoman, Mary wife of Leonard Robinson, of . . . . co. York gentleman, Walter Grimston of Gadmadam co. York gentleman, John Plumpton of Knockton Abby co. York esq., William Munkton of Burland co. York gentleman, John Dawny of Potter Brunton co. York gentleman, Anne Toppan of Agglethorp co. York widow, Rowland Revell of Stannington co. York yoman, Anne Cholmley of Fulrice co. York widow, Coulston Farley of Lebbarston co. York yoman and his wife Grace Farley, John Errington of Yaram co. York esq., Frances Stevenson of Thornton Wood co. York widow, Jane Allanson of Sandhutton co. York widow, William Tockells of Gisbrough co. York gentleman, Philip Constable of Everingham co. York esq., James Singleton of Markington co. York gentleman, Cuthbert Buhner of Scruton co. York yoman, William Palmer of Naborne co. York esq., Alexis Wodka of the city of York M.D. and his wife Ellen Wodka, George Twhinge of Hewarth co. York gentleman and his wife Anne Twhinge, Anne wife of Allan Askewe of Greenehoe Bolton co. York gentleman, Simon Ryder of Pickton co. York yoman, Thomas Lewlyn of Ranfeild co. York gentleman, William Browne of Killinghall co. York yoman, Ursula Bishopp wife of Thomas Bishopp of Pocklington co. York gentleman, John Hebden of Clynte co. York yoman, Mary Hammerton wife of Stephen Hammerton of Hellifeild co. York esq., John Fawcett of Roclyffe co. York yoman, William Lawes of Rickpeth co. Durham yoman, John Jackson of Harraton co. Durham gentleman, George Rixon of Darneton co. Durham yoman, Charles Towneley of Sledwith co. Durham gentleman and his wife Mary Towneley, Fortune Horsley of Northbiddick co. Durham spinster, Elizabeth Lady Selby wife of Sir William Selby of Winlington co. Durham knt., William Selby of Winlington aforesaid esq., Bely Wickliffe wife of Francis Wickliffe of Preston co. Durham gentleman, Elianore Orde of Prowde Castle Northumberland widow, Sir Arthur Gray of Spindleton co. Northumberland knt., Robert Rooksby of Newcastle co. Northumberland gentleman, Sir Francis Radcliffe of Gateside co. Northumberland knt, William Buckle of Hepscot co. Northumberland yoman, Christofer Gilpin of Skelemargh co. Westmorland yoman, Edward Gilpin of Skelemargh aforesaid yoman, Charles Saule of Sallet co. Westmorland gentleman, Frances Lancaster wife of Launcelot Lancaster of Craketrees co. Westmorland esq., George Jefferson of Kirkby Stephen co. Westmorland yoman, Richard Smith of Finglehead co. Westmorland yoman, Thomas Dodson of Sisar co. Westmorland yoman, Sir Thomas Lampleagh of Duffenby co. Comberland knt., Joan Munsey of Graystocke co. Comberland widow, Winifred Musgrave of Joaneby co. Comberland spinster, Anne Cornes of Wiver co. Chester widow, Richard Vaudry of Banke (?) co. Chester gentleman, Anne Warren of Poynton co. Chester widow, Katherine wife of William Coventree of . . . . Grange co. Chester gentleman, Katherine Whitemore of Cawdy Grange co. Chester widow, Thomas Sherburne of Heysham co. Lancaster gentleman, Nathaniel Banister of Altham co. Lancaster esq., William Houghton of Grymserge co. Lancaster gentleman, Roger Hesketh of Gocsenarghe co. Lancaster gentleman and his wife Isabella Hesketh, Thomas Ashton of Croston co. Lancaster gentleman, Thomas Weiden of Croston aforesaid yoman, Grace Wilkinson of Preston co. Lancaster widow, George Wilkinson of Broughton co. Lancaster yoman, William Worthington of Worthington co. Lancaster yoman, Robert White of Magna Eccleston co. Lancaster yoman, Robert Harrington of Hyton co. Lancaster gentleman and his wife Anne Harrington, Richard Edgerton of Parr co. Lancaster yoman, Jenet Ball of Windle co. Lancaster widow, Thomas Dalton of Pillinge co. Lancaster gentleman, Thomas Dalton of Thurnam co. Lancaster esq., Elizabeth wife of Thomas Prestwich of . . . . co. Lancaster esq., Thomas Richardson of . . . . co. Lancaster gentleman, Christopher Taylor of Haighton co. Lancaster yoman, William Banes of . . . . co. Lancaster yoman, Robert Layfeild of . . . . co. Lancaster yoman and his wife Helen Layfeild, Ellen wife of John Towneley of Hurstwood co. Lancaster gentleman, Gabriel Hesketh of Goosnar co. Lancaster gentleman, William Hodgson of Euxton co. Lancaster yoman, Sir William Gerrard of Bryn co. Lancaster baronet, James Anderton of Clayton co. Lancaster esq., John Watson of Cliviger co. Lancaster gentleman and his wife Anne Watson, Elizabeth wife of Richard Sherburne of Stanyng co. Lancaster esq., William Chorley of Writtingham co. Lancaster yoman, Robert Worthington of Euxton co. Lancaster yoman, John Cricklowe of Clayton co. Lancaster yoman, William Roscoe of Euxton co. Lancaster yoman, Charles Towneley of Hapton co. Lancaster gentleman, Anne Bannister of Cureden co. Lancaster widow, Dorothy Iremonger of Charculne co. Stafford widow, Edward Eyre of Newbolt co. Darbye gentleman, Thomas Charlesworth alias Holmes of Woodwall co. Notts. yoman, Robert Nettleton of Broadholme co. Notts. yoman, Fardinand Bythian of Broadholme aforesaid yoman and his wife Margaret Bythian, Sir John Thimblebye of Irnham co. Lincoln knt., Marmaduke Constable of Bottesworth co. Lincoln gentleman and his wife Anne Constable, and John Sibsey of Panton co. Lincoln yoman and his wife Ursula Sibsey;—each of the aforesaid persons thus indicted for not coming to church &c., being also and in the first instance described in the indictment as late of St. Margaret's Westminster co. Midd.—At the foot of the long and closely written bill appears the usual memorandum of proclamation in accordance with the Statute. G. D. R., 5 Dec, 8 Charles I.

26 November, 8 Charles I.—True Bill that, at Uxbridge co. Midd. on the said day, Henry Jones of the said parish laborer fabricated and counterfeited under the hands and seals of "John Wakers and William Browne deputies a spurious passport," certifying that the bearer of the document was one Robert Shelton recently "landed here at Margett in the Hand of Tennitt in the county of Kent," licensing him to travel "to the towne of Minehead in the county of Somersett where his friends live," and commending him to the charitable consideration of perusers of the document. Confessing the indictment, Henry Jones was fined five shillings and sentenced "to be sett upon the pillory one hower in Uxbridge upon a markett day with a paper upon his head shewinge his offence." G. D. R., 5 Dec, 8 Charles I.

30 November, 8 Charles I.—True Bill that, at Charterhouselane co. Midd. on the said day, Elizabeth Warren stole and carried off "unam bibliothecam (sic) anglice a bible" worth twelve pence, a book called The Government of Vertue worth four pence, a coife worth twelve pence and "three shovelboard peeces of silver" worth three shillings and sixpence, of the goods and chattels of William Clerke. Found 'Guilty,' Elizabeth Warren was branded on the thumb. G. D. R., 5 Dec, 8 Charles I.

1 December, 8 Charles I.—Inquisition for cause of death, taken at Heston co. Midd. on view of the body of John Redworth there lying dead and slain; With verdict that, on the 27th ult., the said John Redworth and one John Webb of Cheswicke co. Midd. after drinking in friendly fashion at Cheswicke in a tavern called "The Signe of Bohemia" were on the point of leaving the same tavern, when John Webb, seeing John Redworth's pike-staff standing at the door, took up the same weapon in the middle thereof, and holding the point thereof towards John Redworth, then leaning against the wall said jocosely "John thou hast here a very sufficient staffe," to which John Redworth replied in jest "Tushe John, why dost thou take a staffe into thy hands and knowest not how to use it? I can take yt from thee with my hatt," and forthwith putting his hat suddenly before John Webb's face so that he could not see leaped and ran upon him, and in so doing leaped and ran upon the piked end of the staff, receiving therefrom by mischance, and not with John Webb's intention, in his left eye a mortal wound, of which he died at Heston on the 30th day of the same November. G. D. R., 29 Aug., 9 Charles I.

5 December, 8 Charles I.—Whereas this Courte was informed of divers affreyes assaultes and outrages, committed by divers of the inhabitants of St. Clementes Danes on the one parte and St. Martinesin-the-Fields on the other parte, whiche hathe growne by reason of the laieing of soile by the inhabitantes of St. Clementes in a leistall within the parishe of St. Martines; For prevencion of which outrages and the dangers that are likely to ensue thereupon, it is Ordered that the inhabitantes of St. Clementes Danes shall have libertie to lay the common soile and dirt of their streets in the said leistall, where they laied for a longe time, untill our Lady-day next; And Sir Richard Wynne, Sir Henry Spiller, Sir William Slingesby, Dr. Bates and Mr. Whittaker are desired to take some paines to examine the matter in difference betweene the said parishes, as well touching the right and interest the said inhabitantes of St. Clementes pretend to have in the said leistall, as the annoyance complained of, and to settle a peace betweene them if they can. G. D. Reg.