[a.d. 1491–2.]
(fn. 1) Iohn Melton |
Ao xiiijc lxxxxij |
Rychard Cloos |
(fn. 2) +
Thys ys the Accoumpte of vs, Ioh'n mylton &
Rychard close, wardens of the goudes & Rentes belongyng vnto the cherche of saynt mary at hyll' in london,
for an hole yere from myhalmas Ao 1491 to myhalmas
Ao 1492.
ffyrst, we charge vs wyth' the ould dettes that we haue Resseyued
within the yere of oure Accoumpte:—
Item, of wylliam dye, bowchere |
iij l'i |
Item, of Ioh'n harres, waterman |
xx d |
Item, of wylliam pares |
iij s |
viij d |
Item, of thomas bynkes
xx d |
Item, of Ioh'n nell' |
ij s |
Item, of wylliam Courtman |
xiij s |
iiij d |
Item, of Rychard Abell', Grocere |
xl s |
Item, of wylliam harysons wyff |
ij s |
Item, of Ioh'n smyth |
v s |
Item, of the wardens of sent botolphus |
ij s |
vj d |
Item, of Robert odyam, mercere |
iij s |
iiij d |
Item, of thomas mowce, clark |
xx s |
Ioh'n westhowse, waterman |
viij s |
Item, of Robert Graples |
iij s |
Summa, viij l'i vj s ij d. |
(fn. 3) +
Item, we charge vs as wele with the cherche Rentes as with the
Rentes belongyng vnto the chauntryes for an hole yere:—
(fn. 4) The cherche Rentes
xv l'i |
vij s |
vj d |
Nasynges chauntrye |
viiijo l'i |
viij d |
Rose wrettels chauntrye |
vj l'i |
xiij s |
iiij d |
Rychard Goustlyns |
viij l'i |
xij s |
viij d |
Ioh'n Causton |
xviij l'i |
iiij s |
iiij d |
Ioh'n Bedham |
xiij l'i |
vj s |
viij d |
Maister Wylliam Cambrege |
x l'i |
Summa, iiijxx j li. v s ij d. |
Item, we charge vs with vij l'i, the whyche sir Ioh'n plomer hath
lent vnto the paryshe, to be payd every quartere v s tyll' the
sum of the money be payd, vij l'i. |
Item, we charge vs with the clarkes wages & with the bemlyght in
the sayd yere Resayved be iiij quarters of the yere, vj l'i xj s vij d. |
Item, we charge vs with the money that we Resayved at estere for
pascall', xij s vij d. |
(fn. 5) +
Item, we charge vs wyth sertayn Casweltes Resayved within the
sayd yere:—
Item, of wylliam Courtman, that he gave vs to Reles
hym of a gardyn |
vj s |
viij d |
Item, of mastere Ioh'n, at ij tymes |
xiiij d |
Item, for buryeng of a portyngale |
ij s |
Item, of thomas colyns for a powre man |
iij s |
iiij d |
Item, of Robert odyham for buryeng of hys chyld |
ij s |
Item, for ould tymbere sould to Robert Graples |
ii s |
vj d |
Item, for buryeng of Wylliam abarow |
ij s |
Item, for buryeng of a portyngale |
iiij s |
Item, for ould tymbere sould for |
x d |
Item, for ould tymbere sould to Robert Clarke |
iij s |
iiij d |
Item, for buryeng of maister braymonger
xiij s |
iiij d |
Summa, xlj s ij d. |
Summa totalis of the hole charge thys yere
j c v l'i xvj s viij d. |
(fn. 6) +
Here foloweth the payementes as wele of that that
belongyth to the cherche as to the chauntres.
ffyrst, payd to Robert fygherberd and godfrey oxenbrege, wardens of the paryshe of sent Georges
for a quyt Rent goeng owt of the tenementes of
Ioh'n Weston for a hole yere at myhalmas last
passid. Summa |
xx s |
Payd to the prioure of Christcherche, in london, for a
quytte Rentte goeng owt of the tenementes of
Ioh'n Weston, for a hole yer at estere last passed |
iij s |
Payd to the abbot of Waltham for a quytte Rent
goeng owt of the tenementes of Ioh'n Weston, for
a hole yere at ester
xxxviij s |
Obyttes kepte at the coustes of the cherche.
Payd for kepyng of the obytt of Ioh'n Weston the xix day of Aprell',
to prestes and clarkes, iij s vj d. |
payd for the obett of maister Ioh'n bradmere, kept the xxiij day of
novembere Ao 1492, ij s x d. |
payd to sir Ioh'n plomere for kepyng of the morowmas for a hole
yere at myhalmas last passed, xx s. |
payd to master Ioh'n Redye for the Rehersyng of the namys [of the]
fownders of the chauntryes in the bed Rolle, for a hole yer at
myhalmas last passed, xvjd. |
Summa, iiij l'i viij s viij d. |
(fn. 7) + the Coustes of the ij clarkes.
payd to Wylliam edmundes, clarke, for a quartere at
crystmas |
xiij s |
iiij d |
payd to Everod, the chyld, for the same quartere
vj s |
viij d |
Item, payd to Saundere worsle for a hole yere wages,
fynysshed at the fest of sent mychaell' last passed |
xxxvj s |
viij d |
Item, payd to Robert debenham, clarke, for iij quarters
of a yere, that ys to sey—estere, mydsomer and
myhalmas |
xl s |
Summa, iiij l'i xvj s viij d. |
Coustes of the quere.
Item, payd for holme & ive on crystmas even, ij d. |
Item, for mendyng of the Antyfonere, vj s. |
Item, for a quarst of bastard on crystmas day, iij d ob.. |
Item, for wyn on xij day at masse, iiij d ob. |
Item, for makyng clene of the gutters in the grete snowe, ij d. |
Item, for mendyng of the vestment at sent kateryns awtere, vij d. |
Item, to master weston for iiij quayeres of the grete boke, xv s. |
Item, for mendyng of the sanctus belle, ij d. |
Item, for Scowryng of the laton in the cherche, xx d. |
Item, for bovx and flowrys on palme sonday, v d. |
Item, for palme the same day, iij d. |
Item, for wyn on palme sonday, vj d ob.. |
Item, for a quartere of colles at ester, vj d. |
Item, for wachyng of the sepulcre at estere, x d. |
xxvij s ob.. |
(fn. 8) + coustes of the quere.
Item, payd for wyn on holy thursday, iiij d. |
Item, for Rosys on corpus Christi day, viij d. |
Item, for birche at mydsomer, ij d. |
Item, for wyne on sent barnabes even, x d. |
Item, for wyne on sent barnabes day, viij d ob.. |
Item, for iiij dousen garlondes on cherche holyday, xv d. |
Item, to bowere & hys companye on sent barnabes day, ij s viij d. |
Item, to pye for hys labour the same day, viij d. |
Item, for wyne on owre ladye day the Assompcyon, v d. |
Item, for Caryeng awey of ij lowde Roboys owt of the cherche, v d. |
Item, for a c & di. of v peny nayll' for the cherche dore, vj d. |
Item, for a sourples for the clarke, bought of sir wylliam, ij s. |
Item, for makyng of a new pewe in the cherche, ij s. |
Item, for a peyre of henges for the pewe dore, vj d. |
Item, to wylliam pares for kepyng & wachyng of the cherche the
space of x wekes, viij s. |
Item, to Ioh'n dorham for a sourples, xij s. |
Item, for wyne on halowmas day, vj d. |
Item, for havyng the Roboys for the cherche end, v d. |
Item, for naylles to the quere, iij d. |
Item, for vj l'i of candell', vj d. |
Item, to the smyth for a key to a hangyng loke in the Roud loufte,
iiij d. |
Item, for makyng clene of the cherche, iij s iiij d. |
Item, payd to the Rakere, viij d. |
Item, for ij peyre of patens for the prestes, vj d. |
Item, payd to sir Ioh'n tyllesle for mendyng of the portos, with
othere bokes, xvj d. |
Item, payd to Raff Colkes for xxj l'i of candell', xxj d. |
Item, payd to Robert wylles for xij l'i of candell', xij d. |
Item, payd to wylliam pares for the mendyng of o thyng and othere
in the cherche, xij d. |
Item, for Restyng of Anes benett, vj d. |
ij l'i v s ij d ob.. |
Summa totallis of all' the coustes of the quere,
iij l'i xij s iij d. |
(fn. 9) +
Expences for the profyt of the cherche.
Item, payd for oure Rydyng to barnett, in coustes, iij s j d. |
Item, for enteryng of the axyon of wylliam dye, bowchere, x d. |
Item, for the iugement of wylliam dye, bouchere, viij d. |
Item, payd to fovx for hys laboure, iiij d. |
Item, that I spent on the quest for dye, ij s ix d. |
Item, payd for a dyner whan Master parson with othere of the
paryshe were with hym at the sonn, xvij s ix d. |
Item, spent whan master parson was at gabryell' with master
alderman and master plomere, iij s x d. |
[Summa], xxix s iij d. |
Expences in wex to the wex chaundelere.
Item, payd for di. a c & xv l'i wex at iij l'i iij s iiij d c. Summa,
xl s ij d. |
Item, payd to Rogere mydelton, wex chaundelere, for the makyng of
the beame lyght, pascall', & the trendell' & othere lyghtes spent
in the cherche within thys sayd yere, viij s xj d. |
Summa, ij l'i ix s j d. |
The sayd Rogere oweth vnto the cherche xij l'i & a quarter wex.
Reparacyons of the cherche Rentes.
Item, payd for mendyng of prestes seege, iij d. |
Item, for tyelyng of the powre mens howsys, ij s ij d. |
Item, to christefer kechyn for a wyndowe bourd & naylles, & hys
man a day in sir wylliam boyes chambere, xvij d. |
Item, a loud lome to the same, iiij d. |
Item, for a c lath, v d. |
Item, for a quartere lath nayll, j d ob. |
Item, for ij sax lyme, iiij d. |
Item, for a dawbere & hys man, xij d. |
Item, to a dawbere that brought lome in for the flores, iiij d. |
Item, for mendyng of iij doures, ij d. |
Item, for mendyng of a wyndow & settyng vp of a new wyndow, ij d. |
Item, for naylles to the same, ob. |
Summa, vj s ix d. |
Vacacyouns of the howse that the goudman mershe ocupyed, by halff
a yere, v s. |
Summa totalis, xj s ix d. |
(fn. 10) + Reparacyons of the new howse in the cherche
Item, payd for makyng of the fowndacyon of the new howse, to ij
masons for vij dayes werke, iij s viij d. |
Item, to a labourere for v dayes to the same, xx d. |
Item, to a labourere for ij dayes to the same, x d. |
Item, for a busshell' & di. of tyell' pyns, vij d ob. |
Item, to a mason for iiij dayes werke to the same, ij s viij d. |
Item, to a labourer for the same iiij dayes, xx d. |
Item, payd to the tyelere for tyelyng of the same howse, vij s. |
Item, payd to a mason for iiij dayes werke and ij ml' brek, xiij s. |
Item, payd to Wylliam horn for vj dayes werke & hys man, vj s vj d. |
Item, for a mason ij dayes in the same howse, xvj d. |
Item, to hys labourer for the same ij dayes at vd a day, xd. |
Item, for di. a quartere of Roufe tyell', vij d. |
Item, for strawe to make mortere with to the dawbere, viij d. |
Item, for a tyelere & hys man ij dayes more on the same howse,
ij s ij d. |
Item, for ij ml' brek, viij s viij d. |
Item, for iij c breke, to Ioh'n hamsterlay, xvj d. |
Item, to Ioh'n kellay for viij loude of sand, iij s iiij d. |
Item, for dawbyng of the same howse vndere & above, xj s. |
Item, for ij c ij loud & iiij sax lyme to the same, xiij s. |
Item, payd to Roger smalwod for mendyng & makyng of the gutters
in the same howse, xxvj s. |
Item, bought of the goudman hawlhed, xxvj c hertlath to the same
howse, at vd a c, x s x d. |
Item, for ij loud of tyell' in to the same howse, iiij s viij d. |
Item, payd vnto thomas mundes for xj c & a peny worth of v peny
naylle, to the same howse, iij s ix d. |
Item, for ij c & di. of vj d nayle, xij d ob.. |
Item, for vij c & di. of iiij d nayle, xxij d ob.. |
Item, for di. a c of iij d nayle, j d ob. |
Item, for ij c & ij penyworth of xd nayll, xviij d. |
Item, for iij ml' & a ob. worth of Roufe nayle, ij s vj d ob.. |
Item, for xvj ml' & a quartere & a ob. worth of sprygg, viij s ij d. |
Item, for viij c & di. & a penyworth of hartlath, iij s vij d ob.. |
Item, payd to christofere kechyn for makyng of the same howse &
for the tymbere therto, viij l'i. |
Item, payd to the smyth for barres, lokes, and keyes to the same
howse, xiij s ob. quarter. |
Item, payd to sir Ioh'n plomere for the coustes that he dyde in takyng
downe of the same howse, xxj d. |
Summa totallis coustes of the new howse, xvj l'i (fn. 11) xviij s (fn. 11)
v d ob. quarter. |
(fn. 12) + The coustes & payementes of naysynges chauntrye.
Item, payd to sir Ioh'n tyllsle, prest, to syng for the sayd Ioh'n
nasyng for a hole yere at myhalmas last passed, vj l'i xiij s iiij d. |
Payd to the abot of Waltham for a quytte Rent goeng owt of the
tenementes of Ioh'n nasyng for a hole yer at the fest of sent
mychaell' last passed, xxij s. |
Item, payd for tyelyng of wylliam olyvers howse, vj d. |
Item, payd for mendyng of Robert clarkes howse, ij s ij d. |
[Summa], ij s viij d. |
Summa, vij l'i xviij s. |
The coustes & payementes of Rose wrettell' & Ioh'n
weston chauntrye.
Item, payd vnto sir Robert halle, prest, to syng for the sayd Rose
wrettell' & Ioh'n weston for a hole yere at the fest of sent
mychaell' last passed, vj l'i xiij s iiij d. |
(fn. 13) + The coustes & payementes of Rychard goustlyns
Item, payd to sir wylliam stokes, prest, to syng for the sayd Rychard
goustlyn for an hole yer at myhalmas last passed, vj l'i xiij s iiij d. |
payd to the priores (fn. 14) of kelborn for a quytt Rent goeng owt of the
tenementes in foster lane for a hole yer at myhalmas, vj d. |
payd for the obytt of Richard goustlyn kept the fyrst day of
decembere last passed, iiij s ij d. |
In primis, spent for the Resayveng of money of master lewes, iiij d. |
Item, for caryeng of a loud of tyell' in to foster lane to master exmes,
iiij d. |
Item, for ij loud of brabant stonys to the same howse, viij d. |
(fn. 15) Item, for ij dawbers to master selles howse, ij s ij d. |
Item, payd to Thomas horle, mason, for makyng of master exmes
kechyn & kanell'stone, xxxiij s. |
Item, for lath into master lews howse, iiij d. |
Item, for makyng clene of the same howse, xij d. |
Item, for a mason & hys man ij days ij s ij d, & for a loud of sand &
a busshell' of plastere, xiij d, into master seelles howse. |
Item, for naylles to master exmes howse, ij s v d. |
Item, for pavyng of the tenementes, v s vj d. |
Item, for iij sax lyme into master selles howse, vj d. |
Item, for sand to the same, ij d. |
Item, for a c of breke tyell' into the same howse, vj d. |
Item, for a mason & hys man a day in the same howse, xiij d. |
Item, for a gabyll' to putt into the wall', vj d. |
Item, for a c & di. of brabant stone to master exmes kechyn,
xvj s vj d. |
Item, payd to Christofere kechyn for gyestes & poustes & xxv foute of
tymbur to the kechyn in master exmes howse, iiij s ij d. |
Item, for a c & xxv fout of planche bourd & quarters to the same
kechyn, iij s vj d. |
Item, for ij men iij dayes a pece, iiij s. |
Item, for a man ij dayes in master selles howse, xvj d.
iiij l'i xj d. |
Summa totallis, x l'i xviij s xj d. |
(fn. 16) The coustes & paymentes of Ioh'n Caustons chauntrye.
Item, payd vnto sir wylliam boyes, prest, to syng for the sayd Ioh'n
Causton for a hole yere at myhalmas last passed vj l'i xiij s iiij d. |
payd to the bretherhed of sent thomas fovnded within the cherche
of sent magnus, in london, for a quyte Rente goeng owt of Ioh'n
fysshys howse for a hole yere at Estere, vj s. |
payd to the masters of the brege howse for a quytte Rent goeng owt
of Ioh'n fysshys howse for a hole yere at myhalmas, xiij s iiij d. |
payd to the priore of chrystcherche, in london, for a quytte Rent
goeng owt of the tenementes & gardyns besyde the menores at
the towre hyll' for a hole yere at estere, v s. |
payd for the obytt of Ioh'n Causton, kept the fyrst day of August, to
prestes & clarkes and for Ryngyng, iij s xj d. |
Item, for lath & naylles at the towre hyll', and for a carte to haue
thedere tymbere, ij s viij d. |
Item, for dawbyng of the same ij howsys, iiij s xj d. |
Item, for a mason & hys man a day in fysshys howse, xiij d. |
Item, for mendyng of master fysshys howse, ij s viij d. |
Item, payd to Christofere kechyn for ij men iij dayes apece at the
towre hyll', iiij s. |
[Summa], xv s iiij d. |
Vacacyon of the howse that wylliam whetlay late ocupyed, by o
quartere, ij s. |
[Summa], ij s. |
Vacacyon of the howse that Gerold ocupyed, by di. a ere, iiij s. |
Summa, ix l'i ij s xj d. |
(fn. 17) + Coustes spent in the lawe aenst the priores of
sent Elyns for Ioh'n Caustons chauntrye.
Item, fyrst payd vnto fovx of the yeld halle for the testament of Ioh'n
causton, iiij d. |
Item, to Master wode, seriaunt, iij s iiij d. |
Item, to master savll' and to master marow, iij s iiij d. |
Item, that mylton and I spent to lambeth, iij d ob. |
Item, to master wod & master sawll' and master marow the xxiij
day of novembere, x s. |
Item, that was spent there vpon them, xj d. |
Item, to Mastere Morden for the same cawse, iij s iiij d. |
Item, to mastere (fn. 18) morden & to master marow, vj s viij d. |
Item, for copyeng owt of the testament, to master marows clarke,
iij s iiij d. |
Item, payd to Ioh'n purfote, clarke of the mayres court, for copyeng
owt of the testament of Ioh'n causton, vj s viij d. |
Item, spent be mastere plomere & Ioh'n mylton for goeng to westmester And to my lourd bryantes, and also at the kynges hed
& at the sent Iones hed, ij s iij d. |
Item, to master wod, iij s iiij d. |
Item, to master morden, iij s iiij d. |
Item, to my lourd cheff Iuge & to my lourd bryant, xiij s iiij d. |
Item, to master morden & to master marowe, vj s viij d. |
Item, spent for oure parte of the dynere whan my lourd hussy & my
lourd bryant was at the cardnalles hatt ayenst the priores of sent
Elyns, xviij s xj d. |
Item, for a dyner was mad last for my lourd chefe Iuge & my lourd
bryant for on thynge & othere that went therto, iiij s x d. |
Item, for a ronlett of malvinseyn gevyn vnto master plomere, and
for the barell', xij s vij d. |
Summa, v l'i iij s v d ob. |
Summa totallis, xiiij l'i vj s iiij d ob.. |
(fn. 19) + The coustes & payementes of Ioh'n bedhams
Item, payd vnto sir Ioh'n plomere, prest, to syng for the sayd Ioh'n
bedham for an hole yere at myhalmas last passed, vj l'i xiij s iiij d. |
payd for the obytt of Ioh'n bedham kept the xvj day of may last
passed, to prestes & clarkes, powre people & to the cherche
wardens, xiij s iiij d. |
payd to Gabryell' de vrs toward hys Reparacyons of the grete place in
sent botolphus lane, for an hole yere at myhalmas, ij l'i xiij s iiij d. |
payd vnto iij powre men of thys paryshe, that ys to wytte, wylliam
pares, Reynold bull' and Ioh'n toplady, every sonday in the
yere xij d, ij l'i xij s. |
payd vnto Ioh'n dorant for the oyle spent in the lampe wythin the
quere in the tyme of thys Accoumpte, x galons and di., price of
the galoun xij d, x s vj d. |
Item, payd for iij tabulles in a Remembrans of the powre mens
charge, v d. |
Summa totallis, xiij l'i ij s xj d. |
(fn. 20) + The coustes & payementes of Master cambreges
Item, payd vnto sir Ioh'n lovell, prest, to syng for the sayd Mastere
cambrege, for an hole yere at myhalmas last passed, vj l'i xiij s iiij d. |
payd to the abbot of barmondsey for a quytte Rente goeng owt of the
tenementes of mastere cambrege at the stokkes, for an hole yere
at myhalmas last passed, vj s. |
payd for the obett of master cambrege, kept the xix day of August
last passed, to prestes & clarkes & for Ryngyng, iiij s ij d. |
Item, to poure folke in bred and ale, vj s ix d ob.. |
Item, for ij chesys to the same obytt, xviij d. |
Item, payd to the mayre and shereves and to the swerdberer at the
same obytt, xv s. |
[Summa], xxvij s v d ob.. |
Item, payd to a mason and hys man ij dayes at the stokes, ij s ij d. |
Item, for naylles to the same howse, ij d ob.. |
Item, payd to Christofere kechyn for xxxv foute of elmen bourd
and quarte & quarters and ledges to the same, xxij d. |
Item, for pavyng of the tenementes, iiij s viij d. |
Item, to phelyp bornham for v loud of sand, xx d. |
Item, for caryage of ij loud stones, vj d. |
[Summa], xj s ob.. |
Summa totallis, viij l'i xvij s x d. |
(fn. 21) +
Item, we aske alowaunce for a quartere Rent that was
gevyn vnto wylliam edmondes
ij s |
vj d |
Item, we aske alowaunce of potacyon money that we
geve vnto the tenauntes in Resseyuyng of owre
v s |
Item, for engrocyng and makyng vp of thys accompte |
vj s |
viij d |
Summa, iiijxx xv li. |
Summa totalis payd, xix s viij d. |
Rest due vnto the cherche. Summa, viijo li xvij s. (fn. 22) |
whereof ther ys owyng thys yere in dettours handes thys parselles
Ioh'n polyvere for buryeng of master braymonger
xiijs |
iiij d |
+ wylliam halle |
viij s |
iiij d |
wylliam dye |
vj s |
viij d |
(fn. 23) Robert odyam, mercere |
iij s |
iiij d (fn. 23) |
Ioh'n westhowse |
iiij s |
+ Robert debenham, clarke |
ij s |
vj d |
Thomas bynkes
xx d |
Nycholas smythson |
x s |
Rychard chelmsho |
xv s |
Robert a Graples |
x s |
wylliam whetlay |
iiij s |
anes benett |
xvj d, hew
hebbes suerte to be payd at Ester. |
+ modeer boyes |
xij d |
Summa deturs, iij l'i xvij s x d. (fn. 24) |
Rest in money, v l'i xix s ij d. (fn. 24) |
(fn. 25) +
Thes ben the ould dettes that have be left vnpayd by
the cherche wardens in tymes paste.
Robert a Graples |
xij s |
Ioh'n huntyngfeld |
vj s |
Thomas Recheforth' |
iiij s |
wylliam harsons wyff, gardner
v s |
iiij d |
Ioh'n smyth' |
xv s |
T. Mowce |
xxvj s |
viij d |
Ioh'n Mowce |
xvj s |
+ Rychard chelmsho |
v s |
wylliam wylkenson |
xv d |
watken Galleson |
ij s |
Ioh'n hogges wyff |
iiij s |
vj d |
The taylore ther next |
iiij s |
+ Berlynges wyff |
vj s |
viij d |
+ harry vavysere |
xv s |
iiij d & |
the clarkes wages for an oull' yere |
iiij s |
iiij d |
Nycholas welles
xv d |
Nycholas thornle |
iij s |
Summa, vj l'i viij s j d. |
(fn. 26) + Ihesus, 1492.
Memorandum: that Mr wylliam wylde, parson, schewed, the xxj
day of Ianyver, vnto Mr william Remyngton, Alderman, to Mr
Robert plommer, gent, to Ioh'n smarte, william prewne, Ioh'n
ducklyng, herry kello, Ioh'n deraham, Ioh'n Mascall', Richard cloce
& to Robert howtyng, That the wyll' of sir Ioh'n Motram, prest of
Poulles, þat late decessid, yave his booke callid an Antiphoner vnto
þe chirch vnder this condicion. That the chirchwardens, now beyng
Richard cloce & Robert howtyng, and theyr successoures chirchwardens, schall' paye euery yer vj s viij d for the obyte of þe said I.
[Motram], to the ffelowes of holmes coleghe ffoundid within Powllis,
duryng the termes of xx yeres. To the perfformyng of the which,
All' the saide persones above writen in the name of all the paryssh
be ffully agreed.
(fn. 27) Rychard Cloose |
Ao ml' lxxxxiij |
Robard howtyng |