Extracts from the Records: 1583, Jan-Mar

Pages 263-264

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1573-1589. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1882.

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1583, Jan-Mar

30 January 1582–3.

Richertsoun saidler, chop.

Decernis and ordanis Jhonne Richertsoun, saidler, to remove and tak down his treyne chop laitlie biggett vnder the stairis of his land on the west syde of Nudreis wynd, becaus the sam is contrair to guid nychtbourheid, and the Kingis hie street is narrowet thairby; and the said Jhonne beand personally present ansuerit and declairit that he wad nocht do the sam, thay mycht do as thai pleisit.

6 February 1582–3.

Rex, villa, putting Douglas to liberty.

Comperit Robert Dowglas of Corsehogillis and producet the Kingis Maiesties lettre vnderwrittin for releif of James Dowglas, sone to [blank Dowglas at Drumlaynrig, quha wes laittlie convict before the toun for thift and adiudgeit to the deid, of the quhilk lettre the tenour followes: Rex. Provest and baillies of our burgh of Edinburgh, we greitt yow weill. Forswamekill as we of our speciall grace and mercie hes grantit and gevin to James Dowglas his life, quhairfore it is our will that ye baneis him the toun during our will and lett him to liberty, keping thir presentis for your warrand. Subscryuet with our hand at Halyruidhous, the fourt day of Nouember the yeir of God jmc fourscoir twa yeirs. James R., Gowry; Indorsat,—a pud Halyruidhous, 4o Novembris 1582; sederunt, Glencairy, Gowry, Cathcart, Orknay, Dumfermling, Cambuskynneth, clerk of register, comptroller, Provest of Dundie. Red, past, and allowet in counsell, Joannes Andro. Quhilk lettre thai ordainet to be obeyit in all poyntis.

20 February 1582–3.

Precept, the saurer, Fergussoun.

Ordanis Mungo Russell, thesaurer, to by the counterfeitt seill of caus maid the tyme of the laitt trubillis, and to delyuer to Jhonn Fergussoun, maser, haver thairof, threttie schillingis for the sam, to the effect the said seill may be destroyet.

21 February 1582–3.

Compromiss, merchantis, craftismen.

The haill baillies, dene of gild, thesaurer, [council and one hundred and fifty] nychtbouris, merchantis of the said burgh, representand the haill communitie of the said merchantis, being convenit in the counsalehous, and vnderstanding that diuers gentilmen and baronis sic as Sir Archibald Naper of Edinbellie, knycht, Robert Fairly of Braid, James Jhonestoun of Elphinstoun for the pairt of the merchantis, and Jhonne Cokburne of Arnestoun, maister Robert Pont, and maister Dauid Lyndsay, minister at Leyth, for the craftismen of this burgh, hes bene in lang conference vpoun the materis debaittabill betwix the saidis merchantis and craftismen, and at lenth has devyset and sett down dyuers articles vpoun all thair controuerseis with the quhilkis the merchantis hes bene content, yitt the craftis hes refuisit and reiectit the sam, quhilk beand notifeit to the Kingis Maiestie, he hes callit before him the provest, and baillies, and counsall, with the deykinis of craftis, and desyrit that the said variance mycht be referrit to the said gentilmes and commoneris as arbiteris, and to his Maiestie as owrismen, and as his Maiestie and the said owrismen suld agrie thairvpoun bayth the pairteis to stand at the samyn as the forme of the compromitt to be maid thairvpoun, schawin, producet, and instantlie red and publist at lenth purportis, the said baillies and counsall, and the said merchantis for thair estaitt, having diligentlie considerit the said compromitt and haill poyntis thairof, willinglie condiscendet and agreit thairto, and that the baillies and counsall suld in thair behalffis subscryve the sam.

6 March 1582–3

Precept, gild, Harwod, belman.

Ordanis maister Jhonne Prestoun, dene of gild, to pay to Jhone Harwvd, dene of gild the last yeir, the sowm of such pund debursit be him to the belman the twa yeiris of the said Jhonnes office of dene of gild, for the buriall of the puir; quhilk the auditouris of comptis refuisit to allow to the said Jhonn, and the sam sal be allowet to the said dene of gild in his comptis; als inhibits and discharges the said maister Jhonne Prestoun to pay in tyme cuming ony maner of sowmes to the belman for the said buriall.