Extracts from the Records: 1551

Pages 151-162

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.

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24 February 1550-1.

Butter mercatt.

The baillies and counsale ordanis the butter mercatt to be in the fleschous quhill the Passioun owlk nixttocum, be ressoun that the samyn is regraittet quhair it is now.


(Townis breid, 4 d. laif, 13 vnce; payne escheitt; nummer 4 d., 2 d., 6 d., 8 d. breid. Owtlandis breid, 19 vnce, payne escheitt.—Tr.)

25 February 1550-1.

Merchands sailland and of skippers.

We do yow to witt: Forswamekill as thair is ane act of parliament (fn. 1) maid be vmquhill our Souerane Lord of guid mynd that last deceissit, quhome God assolyie, ratefeand and apprevand the acts of parliament maid be vmquhill King James the Thrid (fn. 2) and King James the Ferd, (fn. 3) quhome God assoilyie, twicheand merchands passand furth of the realme with merchandice to France, Flanderis, or ony vther pairts, that na merchand saill without he haif half ane last of guids of his awin, or ellis in governance as factour to vther merchands, to be putt to executioun in all poynts, and thairfore ordanit the prouest and baillies of burrowes situat at ilk port of this realme to serche and seik the persouns brekkares of the said statutes, and that thai distreyngyie ilk persoun brekkare thairof for the sowm of xx li. to be applyet on this wyse:— the ane half to our Souerane Ladeis vse, and the vther half to the saidis prouest [and] baillies for thair lawbouris; and gif the prouest and baillies be negligent in the exerceing of thair offices gevin to thame that thay sall be oblist to pay the said xx li. for ilk man that passis and saillis contrair the said act at the port quhair thai haif jurisdictioun; and als it wes ordanit that na skippers, maisters, awneris of schips, resaue any merchants to saill in thair schips without thai haif the names of thame in tikkatt subscryvet be the saidis prouest and baillies hands, vnder the payne foresaid, for ilk persoun that thai resaue,—as at mair lenth is contenit in the said acts of parliament maid thairvpoun; and als that thair is ane writting subscryuet be my Lord Gouernouris Grace makand mentioun that his Grace is suirly informit of the evill bruitt and lichtleing of this realm and lieges thairof in pairts of Flanderis and France be passing of certane sempill persouns thair in merchandice cled in vyle array, and speciallie sen the treting of this last peice with Flanderis; and for the eschewing thairof, and willing that the said act of parliament be keipit, ordanit and als commandit and chairget the prouest of Edinburgh that thai diligently causit attend at the port and heavin of Leyth and all sic pairts within the fredome of Edinburgh that na sic merchandis pas be sey to the pairts foresaidis haueand les guidis nor is contenit in the said acts of parliament, reservand the effect thairof to the said prouest to be obseruit and sett furth be him in all poynts, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said writting direct thairvpoun. Quhairfore I command and chairge in our Souerane Ladeis name, my lord gouernouris grace, and in name and behalf of the prouest baillies and counsale of this burgh, that na maner of persoun tak vpoun hand to saill fra this port of Leyth to France, Flanderis, or vther pairts our sey, in merchandice, without thai haif swa mony guidis as half ane last guidis of thair awin or in gouernance conform to the tenour of the saidis acts of parliament, and vnder the payne contenit thairin; and that na skipper, maister or awners of schips, resaue ony merchants to saill in thair schips without thai haif thair names subscryuet be the prouest and baillies, vnder the payne foresaid specifiet in the said act.—(Convict buik end.—Tr.)

13 March 1550-1.

Seriands. Acts and decreitts executing.

It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that ony seriand and officer that takis ony decreitt for ony maner of persoun, that he putt the samyn to executioun within xlviij houris after the ressaitt thairof, vnder the payne of depriuatioun of thame fra thair office for euir; and that nane of thame refuis to putt ony act to executioun vnder the said payne.

Causualiteis. Apprysings; Awaiting on; Causualiteis. Apprysings. Convening.

Item, that the dewteis concerning the officeris and seriandis, sic as apprysing of guidis, sesings, brevis, be commounly delt amangs the haill officeris and seriands and euerilk twa of thame to appryse all guidis that sall happin within this burgh to be apprysit within xiiij dayes, and Rychart Kilgour and William Cowttis to serue and appryse fra Mononday nixttocum furth be the space of xiiij dayes, and after thame Patrik Baldrany and Thomas Todrik, and thridly James Henrysoun and James Andersoun, ferdly Jhone Wawchlott Patrik Wychtman; and siclyk the officeris qubilkis apprysis guidis the nixt xiiij dayes thairafter to awaitt vpoun the prouest and vthers foure by thai twa, and thame that awcht to appryse awaitt vpoun the four baillies; and siclyke ordanis the haill aucht seriands to convene in the tolbuith daylie the tyme that the prouest and baillies sittis at x houris and remayne contenually quhill thai ryse, saiffand the saidis twa officeris that ar apprysand. And anent the proffeitts of the dewteis foresaidis, ordanis the samyn to be putt in ane commoun boxe to be keipit be Rycbart Trohop, Edinburgh, masour, and oppynnit at the saidis officeris plesour.—(Convict buik end quhilk begynes 1535. —Tr.)

Merchants byares.

It is statute and ordanit quhair it may be verefeit that ony merchand be him selff or his seruands callis vpoun any man beand of purpose to by merchandice and passand to ane vther mannis buith, or beand thairin, that he content and pay to the kirkwark the sowme of xl s.—(In ane convict buik end.—Tr.)

Standis on mercat days.

It is statute and ordanet be the provest baillies and counsale that na maner of persoun burges man nor vtheris sett ony geir or buirds on the Hiegaitt, in buyth durris, commoun venellis, passages, or owtwith thair buith durris or windowes to be sawld except it sall be lesum to thame to haif thair stand outwith thair buith dur to sell thair geir on the mercat day quhilk is statute within the realme, viz., Mononday. And it sall be lesum to ony maner of burges haiffand ane laich buith to haif ane buird to cum na farder furth nor the over stop of the said buith dur to lay his geir on daylie, becaus of the want of his buith window, vnder the payne of the skemils and buirdis quhairon the said geir shall happin to stand. And that this statute be putt to executioun be the officeris, and gif thai failyie thairin to be depryvet for euir.

7 April 1551.

Victuallis arryvand at Leyth.

We do yow to witt: It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsall of the burgh of Edinburgh, for stayncheing of derth, and that sic partiis as purpose to vphald the samyn may be knawin and pvnist, that in all tymes cuming quhen thair arryves ony strayngers at this port of Leyth laidnit with victuallis, sic as rye quheitt beir or vther stufe, that na maner of persoun freman of the said burgh or ony vthers lieges of this realme, tak vpoun hand to by ony of the said victuallis vnto the tyme the price thairof be maid be the said prouest baillies and counsale, vnder the payne of escheitt of the stufe that beis bocht to the byer, and the pryce being maid that na maner of persouns foresaidis tak vpoun hand to by ony mair of the said victuall nor will sustene his awin howshawld allanerly, vnder the payne aforesaid.

10 April 1551.


(Townis 4d laif, 18 vnce; paynes xl. s., v li., and spayning; and ilk baxter haif his awin merk. Owtlandis breid, 22 vnce; paynes ar deilling.—Tr.)

Cutting and selling in smallis in Leyth of merchandice.

In presens of the baillies and ane pairt of the counsale sittand in jugement, Robert Pyndale, Inglisman, confessit and grantit that he cuttit his veluitt and vther guidis in small peices and sawld the sam in Leyth, and thairby brak the acts of this burgh and fredome thairof, for the quhilk caus he become in the townis will, and thai decernit him to pay ten merkis to be applyet to the commoun werkis of the town.

4 May 1551.

Straynger selling in smallis.

In presens of the provest, James Carmichaell, Allane Dikkesoun, baillies, Jhone Charters, Mr Robert Hereot, Alexander Park, William Craik, Alexander Young, Alexander Ka, Adame Purves, William Coldane, of the counsale, sittand in jugement, comperit M. Walker, Inglisman, and confessit and grantit that he sawld ane pairt of his battery inbrocht be him to this burgh in small, and weyit the same in small, sic as pund, half pund, and half staynis, and thairby brak the statutes [of] the town and priueleges of this burgh, for the quhilk falt he become in the townis will, and thai ordanit him to remayne in warde or find cawtioun for the fulfilling of the said will.

11 May 1551.

Watter officer fie.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurer Robert Grahame to content and pay to Jhone Dalmahoy the sum of xij merkis for his fie sen Mairtymes last to Mairtymes nixttocum allowand thairin samekill as is payit to him sen the said feist of Mairtymes thairof quhilk beand payit etc.— [Nota.—This man was officer of the heavin of Leyth.]

Mesouris of Leyth.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis that Jhone Dalmahoy thair seriand and officer of the port and heavin of Leyth in all tymes cuming keip the mesouris callit the watter metts of salt, rye, quheitt and beir and siclyke the firlotts for meill and sic victuall, and to vplift the proffeit of the mesoring thairof, viz., viij d. of the chalder and vther sic dewteis as vsit to be tane before; provyding alwayes that this gift hurt nor preiuge nocht the fermerer of the wyld auentures present nor nane to cum twicheing his rycht of the said mesouris.

27 May 1551.

Mettares in Leyth.

The prouest baillies and counsale fyndis that the chesing of the metteris of all victuall and salt inbrocht to Leyth aucht to be be the counsale and the juges, and that the mesouris suld be delyuerit to the fermerers of the wyld auentures to be vsit be quhome he pleisis assigne thairto, and thairfore hes chosin the persouns following to be mettares, viz., Jhone Gottray, Adam Welderstoun and Thomas Haisty quhilkis wer sworne thairto, and ordanis all the commoun mettis to be delyuerit to Frances Tennend fermerer of the wyld auentures, and ordanis the said mettares to be equall pertiners of wynning in tyme cuming.

7 October 1551.

Anent the vnlawis.

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement consentit all in ane voce that the haill vnlawis and dewteis of wrangis done to the towne in the yeir tocum be vpliftit and tane be the baillies and seriandis and the samyn incontinent thairefter to be deliuerit and put in ane box to be [kepit] be the thesaurer Robert Grahame, and at the [completing] of the yeir the sayd box to be opynnit and the haill [sums of] money being thairin to be distreibut be the saidis prouest baillies and counsale as thai sall think expedient, saiffand the vnlaw of xviij s. of convict and viij s. to be distreibut or ressauit [be the] saidis baillies as thai sall think best.

9 October 1551.

Deprivatioun of the seriandis.

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement vnderstandand and findand that the haill seriandis of this burgh hes failyeit in executioun of thair offices anent the ackis maid the xiij day of Merche last bypast and vtherwys, thairfor hes depryveit and dischargeit the said seriandis simpliciter of thair offices in tyme cumming, and ordanis the foure baillies to ressaif euery ane of thame sic twa habill men to be presentit to the counsale and fund abill be tham as sall be thair seriandis for the yeir tocum and that the saidis seriandis be astreikit and find cautioun for obseruing of the saidis statutis and ansuering of sic gudis as thai salhappin to intromet with.

10 October 1551.


It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsall that all maner of baxtaris within this burgh baik thair breid gud and sufficient stuf, and that the iiij d. laif wey xx vns, vnder the pane of xl s. for the first falt, v li. for the secund falt, and the third spanyng of thame fra the occupatioun, and that al baxtaris within this burgh haue thair mark vpoun thair awin breid, togidder with sa mony hoillis besyde the samyn as the breid will cost pennyis, and that the outland baxtaris haue thair breid gude and sufficient stufe as said is, and that the iiij d. laif wey xxiiij vnce vnder the pane of deling of thair breid, and that thair be na breid bakyn within this burgh nor brocht to the merket to sell except twa penny breid, four penny breid, sex penny breid, and aucht penny breid, vnder the panis foirsaidis.


It is statute and ordanit that na maner of maltmen within [this burgh] tak vpoun hand to sell ony darrer malt fra this day furth nor nyne furlettis grundin malt for lij s., vnder the pane of v li. to be tane als oft as they failye, and siclik that na maner of broustaris nor dry tappistaris within this burgh tak vpoun hand to sell ony darrer aill fra the said day furth nor for iij d. the pynt, vnder the pane of xviij s. for the first falt, striking furth of thair caldroune boddomes for the nixt, and the third spanyng of thame fra the occupatioun.


It is statute and ordanit that na maner of persone man nor woman that bringis ony meill to the mercat within this toun strik vp the samyn quhill nyne houris before none, and that na persouns hous the samyn within ane house quhill foure efter none, vnder the pane of viij s. als oft as thay failye, and that na mettaris of meill mak ony metting thairof within this toun, bot the awneris of the meill met the samyn thairself to all oure Soueranes liegis vnder the pane of putting in the ernis at the croce for xij houris for the first, and banissing the nixt, and na maner of parsonis man nor woman regrait meill to sell in small vnder the pane foirsaid, and that nane that ar regratouris or metteris of meill in tyme bygane be fund in the merket in ony maner vnder the pane foirsaid; and that na caikbakstaris be fund in the merket.


It is statute and ordanit that na maner of persone man nor woman regrait or tak ony fische to sall agane to the nychtboures of the toun nor to oure Souerane Ladyis liegis quhill xii houris be strikin at none and fra ane hour efternone quhill vi houris at ewin, vnder the pane of banissing of the toun, and that na parsonis pas out of the toun to the poirtis or ony vther place to by ony fische to regrait agane vnder the said pane, and that na maner of parsonis that ar regratouris be fund in the merket amangis byaris and sellaris quhill the houris foirsaid vnder the pane foirsaid.


It is statute and ordanit for the commone weill of this burgh and all oure Souerane Ladyis liegis reparand thairto, that all maner of parsonis that sellis pultre, duelland within this burgh or outwith reparand thairto with siclik stuf to sell in tyme cuming, that thay bring thair stuf foirsaid powtre and wyild foule oppynlie to sell to the merket croce, and nocht to be haldin incouerit vnder cloikis and gownis nor yit in thair houssis, bot commonlie to be sauld to oure Souerane Ladyis liegis, and euery day heirfore to be ane merket day at the merket croce and na vther place and that thay begyn thair merket betuix viij houris and nyne houris before none and contynew quhill xij houris, and at twa efter none to contynew quhill sex efter none in winter and quhill sex houris at ewin in somer, and the straingeris bringand sic stufe to the merket and out duellaris to haue the merket daylie siclik, and that na nychtbouris man nor woman by fra straingearis pryweatlie nor oppynly to sell or regrait agane ony maner of wyld foule or tame, nor that nane pas out of the toun to by ony wild foule or tame to regrait agane be the space of vj myllis vnder the pane of banissing of the toun and eschete of thair stufe that beis fundin with thame, and that nane of the saidis regratouris be sene in the merket amangis byaris and sellaris vnder the panis foirsaidis.


It is statute and ordanit that all maner of stabillaris within this burgh haue thair stabillis weill and sufficientlie furnist with haik and maynger, with sufficient lokis and catbandis on thair duris for sure keping of the hors that stabillis with thame, and sall sell thair best corne that wilbe meill to all oure Souerane Ladyis liegis for x d. the pek, and the secundare for viij d. the pek, and the stane of hay for vj d. the stane, vnder the pane of xviij s. for the first fait, the secund for eschete of thair stuf, the thrid spanyng of thame fra the opparatioun, and that thay tak na stabill fee fra the parsonis that lugeis with thame, thay byand corne and hay fra the saidis stabillaris, and that thair mesouris be selit with the townis merk vnder the pane foirsaid.

Hay, aittis.

Item, that na maner of parsonis by aittis nor hay to sell agane except stabillaris, vnder the pane of escheting thairof and banissing of thame the toun.


It is statute that all candilmakeris within this burgh mak thair candill of sufficient stufe baith in weik and talloun, and that thay sell the pund thairof commonlie to all oure Souerane Ladyis liegis for nyne pennyis the rag weik and aucht pennyis the hart weik, and that thay haue thair wechtis and ballandis baith les and mair and be reddy to sell the samyn in pundis [in] houssis and vtith gyf tha pas vpoun the He gait, vnder the pane of auchtene schillingis for the first fait, the secund fait eschete of thair stufe, the thrid spanyng of thame fra the opperatioun, and quhen thay pas throw the toun that they be honestlie tursit vnder the pane foirsaid, and that they be had throw the toun as they wer of before vnder the said pane.


Item, that na talloun be meltit in fore buithis vnder the pane foirsaid nother in commoun streitis nor common venellis.


Item, that na vagaboundis that hes na occupatioun nor maister to serue quhairby thay may leif and haue thair sustentatioun, and that na maner of nychtwalkeris, dysaris, cartaris, remane within this toun, certyfyand thame that ony sic parsonis be fundin within this toun thay salbe put in fermanis and presone vnto the tyme that inquississioun be tane of thair gyding and maner of conuersatioun, and gyf thay be fund culpable to be pvnist be deid or vtherwyis in thar parsonis according to thair demeryteis, and that nane harbery siclik parsonis bot incontynent schaw to the prouest and baillies thairof vnder the samyn panis.

Flescheouris Candilmakaris.

Item, that na fleschoure nor vther parsoun within this burgh sell ony talloun to straingeris or inhabiteris of vtheris townis outwith this burgh bot to the nychtbouris thairof and candilmakaris, and that na fremen vther nor the candilmakaris by thameself nor thair seruandis melt ony talloun of thair awin nor of vtheris by the vse of thair candilmaking, vnder the pane of eschete of thair stuf als oft as thay ar apprehendit doand in the contrair, and payment of the soume of v li. to the commone warkis and banissing of the toun anent brekaris of the said statute.


It is statute and ordanit that na maner of parsoun by ony malt in this merket without thay be fremen of this toun, and to brew the samyn thairselfis and to serue the quenis liegis thairwith, and nocht to regrait the samyn agane vnder the pane of eschete of the stuf in the byaris handis gyf thay be apprehendit.


Item, it is statute and ordanit for escheing of ewill sawour pest and seiknes, that all maner of parsonis haueand fulye and middingis in the Hiegait, Cougait, and commone streittis, tak the samyn away betuix this and Setterday nixttocum with certifycatioun and thay failye the baillies will dispone thairupoun and caus the samyn be cartit away, and siclik that euerry nychtboure on euerry Setterday at ewin mak clene foment thair awin houssis baith in the Hiegait and vinellis efter the auld vs for keping of the toun clene, vnder the pane of viii s. to be tane als oft as thay failye; and that the belman pas ilk Saterday efter none throw the towne that the nychtbouris pretend na ignorance.

Anent assissis.

Item, becaus the prouest and baillies hes bene ewill seruit in tymes bygane quhen thay had ado with assissis or inqueistis, and that the nychtbouris thairof refusit to cum quhen thay wer chargit, thairfore it is statute and ordanit that all sik parsonis that ar warnit to assissis or inqueistis be the officeris and refusis to cum that thay salbe pundit for the vnlaw of xviij s., but fauouris.

Statutis anent standis on the Hegait.

Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that na maner of parsoun, burges man nor vtheris, set ony geir or burdis on the Hiegait, in buith duris commone passageis or outwith thair buith duris or windokis to be sauld, exceptand it be lefull to thame to haue thair stand outwith thair buith dur to sell thair geir on the merket day, quhilk is statute within the realme Monunday, and it salbe lesum to ony maner of burgessis haueand ane laich buith to haue ane burd to cum no farther furth nor the owir stop of the said buith dur to lay his geir on daylie becaus the want of the said windok, vnder the pane of birnyng of the skemmillis and burdis quhairon the burd salhappin to stand, and that this statute be put to executioun be the seriandis, and gyf thay failye thairin to be deprivit of thair officis for euir.


Item, that na maner of maltmen within this burgh nor outwith the samyn in ony tyme cuming sell ony malt to first to ony parsonis of this burgh bot to the burges wyffis, honest wedowis that ar substantious, certifyand, thame that dois in the contrair thairof that thay sall nocht be hard to complene before the prouest and baillies for the money thairof.


Item, that na maner of flescheouris of this burgh that bringis flesche thairto cut nor slit ony mwtun in the schulderis nor vther pairtis, nor blaw ocht the samyn, vnder the pane of eschete thairof.

Tauernareis, stouppis.

It is statute and ordanit that all nychtbouris in tyme cuming [passing] for wyne to ony tauerne haue thair pyntis of just mesoure markit with the townis mark, and that the samyn haue ane tappone as vs in vther pairtis, and that the tauernar set to thair stoup to the punscheoun heid and fill the samyn, and that na ressaving of wyne be fundin in tyme cuming be the tauernaris choppingis in the nychtbouris pyntis, and that ilk nychtboure caus mak his stoup in this maner be Johne Rynd.


It is statute and ordanit that ane baillie or ma pas with the officeris and discharge all maner of regratouris and vtheris within this burgh to by butter, cheis, eggis, frute, fische, hering or siclik stuf, to sell agane, except samony as ar fremen or fremennis wyffis and beis admittit be the gude toun, and sall find souertie ackit in the buikis for keping of the statuteis of the toun, vnder the pane of eschete of the stuf that beis apprehendit bocht be ony vtheris, and pvnissing of thair parsonis, and that na frute wyffis stand on the hiegait bot on the merket day, vnder the pane foirsaid.

[Acts to be observed.]

It is statute and ordanit that all nychtbouris of this burgh that thay obserue and keip all and syndry the foirsaidis ackis and poyntis contenit thairin, certifying thame that dois in the contrair thairof thay salbe pvnist to the regoure, but fauouris, as salbe knawin be the first brekaris thairof.

12 October 1551.

Lowry, Tailyeour, Craufurd.

William Lowry duelland in the Quenisferry, James Tailyefeir thair, and Johne Crawfurd duelland within this burgh, apprehendit regratouris of butter and wictuellis in the merkettis, ar dischargit the samyn, vnder the pane of eschete of the stufe and banissing of thame the toun.


Robart Lokke, duelland vnder the wall, apprehendit ane commone regratour of butter, is decernit to be put in the arneis of the Croce and thair to remane be the space of iij houris, and neuir to be fund agane byand butter to regrait agane, vnder the pane of banissing of the toun.

10 December 1551.

Anent the red.

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the officeris to warne all sic parsonis that hes red, mwk or stanis lyand on the hiegait or commone wynnellis of this burgh that ar nocht bigand instantlie, that thay incontynent with all deligence caus the samyn be tane away with all deligence, with certifycatioun and thay failye that the samyn salbe sauld and tane away vpoun the money gottin thairfore.


  • 1. 1535, c. 32. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, Vol. II. p. 348.
  • 2. 1466, c. 3, and 1487, c 12. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, Vol. II. pp. 86, 178.
  • 3. 1489, c. 14. Ibid. Vol. II. p. 221.