Pages 203-208
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1869.
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19 January 1520–1.
Commoun seill. Contract Hammyltoun.
The quhilk day, the provest baillies counsall and communitie consentis and grantis till gif thari commoun seill to the contract to be maid be the toune to my Lord Hammyltoun efter the forme of the act maid be the lordis thairvpoun.
5 February 1520–1.
Villa. Erroll. Constabularie.
The quhill day, the provest baillies counsall communitie and dekynis of craftis grantis and consentis that the hundreth pundis promittit be the toun to my Lord Erle of Errol for the office of Constabularie deputt be tane of the commoun guidis becaus it concernis the commoun weill, and ordanis ane precept to be maid and direct to the thesaurare for payment to be maid thairof as efferis.
27 February 1520–1.
Seal of Cause to Websters.
[The provost, bailies, and council granted a seal of cause to the websters, of this date, in the same terms as that dated 31 January 1475–6 [antea p. 331], with the following exceptions,viz., (1) The payment of "twa merkis" appointed by the former seal of cause to be made by each man admitted to "occupy the craft as for mastere," was changed to thired shillings; and (2) the following clause was inserted immediately before the last sentence of the former seal of cause.]
And now becaus the communite of the wobstaris walkis wardis extentis and beris all vther commoun chargis within this tovnne, and the outland wobstaris duelland vtouth the fredome of this toune takis werk of the nichtbouris and wynnyng tharof and beris na chargis within this tovne; tharfor that lik out-wobstar to landwart cummand within this toune and takend the stuf tharof till weif sall pay ilk oulk ane penny, quhilk is bot small valour, to vphald the diuine seruice at the said altar situat within the said College Kirk of Sanct Geill, to be ingatherit be the dekin and kirkmasteris of the said craft for the tyme to the vphaldin of diuine seruice at the said altar.
13 May 1521.
Beggaris.; Closetts.
The provest baillies and counsale statutes and ordanis that all maner of beggares, men and wemen, that ar habill persouns to wirk and lawbour for thair leving, devoyde and red this towne and boundis thairof within thre dayes heirafter, vnder the payne of birning of thair cheiks and banesing of the towne for all the dayes of thair lyfe; and als that all maner of personis indwellares in this towne clenge all fifth of saiges and vther filth befor thair lugeings within thre dayes heirafter, vnder the paynis of viij s. to be tane of thame that fallis heirintill but favour, with certificatioun that the provest and baillies will putt this act and statute till executioun incontinent heirafter.
27 May 1521.
Banist Pestilence.
The quhilk day, Bessye Symourtoun recentlie tane with certane infectit geir of this contagious seiknes of pestilence, hydand the samyn vnder treis at Williame Foularis clos fute, for the quhilk caus scho wes decernit to be brint on the cheik and banist this toun endurand the provest and baillies will.
5 June 1521.
The quhilk day, the provest baillies and counsall renuncis and dischairgis the gift that thai had gevin till Sir Michaell Dysert of Sanct Duthas altare of before situat within the College Kirke of Sanct Geill, and all that followit thairvpoun, and the samyn till be of nane availl force nor effect in tyme cumming.
The samyn day, Besse Broun is for her demerittis banist the fredome of Edinburgh and Serefdome of the samyn, be the authoritie of the provest and baillies and of Edward Kincaid seref deputt of the said serefdome, induring thair will, and nocht tocum thairintill in the meynquhill vnder the pane of birnyng of hir on baith hir chekis.
16 July 1521.
Pro Roberto Gray.
Decimo septimo die mensis Julii, anno Domini etc. xxi, hora 3a post merediem, indictione ix, pontificatus Leonis Pape decimi anno ix°, personaliter accessit honestus vir Robertus Gray, filius et heres quondam Alexandri Gray burgensis burgi de Edinburg, ad personalem presenciam Roberti Logane prepositi dicti burgi, et ibidem dictus Robertus Gray protestatus est prout sequitur in vulgari:—[On the seventeenth day of the month of July in the year of God etc. 21, the third hour after noon, the ninth indiction, in the ninth year of the pontificate of Pope Leo the Tenth, an honest man, Robert Gray, son and heir of the deceased Alexander Gray, burgess of Edinburgh, went to the presence of Robert Logan, provost of the said burgh, and the said Robert Gray protested as follows, in the common tongue.] I Robert Gray, in presens of you notar publict, sais and declaris to Marion Brovn spous till Hew Douglas that this ground apon the quhilk scho intendis to big pertenis to me heretablie, as I haif schawin till hir diuers tymes. For the quhilk I requyr hir to mak na biggin therapon, and gif scho dois the contrar heirof that the said biggin pertene to me without refoundin of ony expensis, and heirapon I ask instrumentis. And attour the said Robert allegit that the said land quhilk the said Marion intendis to big was awand till him v merkis of annuell yerlie sen the field of Floudon, and protestit that he mycht haif payment thairof and remeid quhen and quhar it efferit, et petiit instrumentum: Testibus Roberto Logane de Coitfield preposito, Adam Stewart, Waltero Chepman, Eduardo Litill, Francisco Touris, Johanne Irland, Johanne Con, Johanne Tait, Waltero Lokart, et Willelmo Brown, and this was done befor the said land upon the hie street.
20July 1521.
Pro villa et domino Congilton et Magistro Scole de Leith, penes defensionem domini regis et ville.
xx° die mensis Julii anno Domini etc. xxi, hora xii, indictione ix, pontificatus Leonis Pape decimi anno ix°, In presens of the provest ballies and consall, the lard of Congilton comperit, and in the name of the lardis of Bass and Wauchton desyrit at the provest ballies and consall to declair to him how thai wald behaif thame tuiching the resisting of the Kingis rebellis and brokin men that was to cum to the tovn to my lord of Angus, and declarit that the saidis lardis and himself war redy till obey the Kingis lettres and fulfill the samyn in all poynctis, and therapon askit instrumentis.
The quhilk day, the provest ballies and consall ansuerit and said to the said lard of Congilton in the tovnis naim that quhat tyme and how son the baronis cummys to this tovne of Edinburgh that thai sall vse thair counsall in the resisting of the Kingis rebellis and brokin men the best way thai kan for defence of the Kingis grace his castell and tovn, and therapon the provest askit instrumentis, and this was done in the Tolbuth befor witnes, Maister Robert Galbrath, Adam Stewart, Adam Otterburn, Vincent Strathauchin, with other diuers.
xx° die Julii hora 3° post merediem indictione vt supra: The maister of the gramer scule of Leith callit schir [blank] allegit and said that hiddertillis he was redy at all tymes efter his power till resist aganis the Inglismen and the Kingis rebelles, and as yit offerit him redy till resist the Kingis rebelles and brokin men and Inglismen at his vtter power, and protestit for remeid and help, et petiit instrumentum. Testibus vt supra.
Pro villa.
xx° die mensis Julii anno etc. xxi hora xii. The provest baillies counsall and communite offerit thame redy till resist the Kingis rebellis and tratouris with thare bodiis at thare vtter power, for saifte of the Kingis person his castell and toun, sua that the baronis wald assist to thame efter the forme of the Kingis lettres direct to thame therapon, et desuper prepositus petiit instrumentum. Testibus Johanne Creichton, Henrico Creichton, et domino Thoma Maxwell.
Pro dominus de Lestalrig et Craigmillar et Innerleith.
xx° die mensis Julii anno etc. xxi° hora v post merediem. The lard of Lestalrig and the lard of Cragmillar, ilkane of thaim for thaim self, offerit thaim redy till resist the Kingis rebellis at thair power, for saifte of teh Kingis persoun castell and toun, efter the forme of the Kingis lettres direct to thaim thairapon, and to concur with the toun, and thairfor protestit that quhat danger cum thairthrow na thing mycht be imput to thaim becaus thai offerit thaim redy till fulfill the King and the lordis commandis, et desuper petierunt instrumenta. Acta super montem castri. Testibus, domino preposito ville, magistro Adam Otterburn, Jacobo Preston, Johanne Irland, et Georgeo Home, Alexander Spens, Francisco Touris.
Schir Alexander Touris of Innerleith protestit siklik.
Pro villa.
The quhilk day, the provest ballies and consall offerit thame redy till resist the Kingis rebelles with thair bodiis and gudis at thair vtter, for safte of the Kingis person his castell and toun, et petiit instrumentum. Testibus prescriptis.
Pro villa et baronibus penes defensionem domini nostri regis et ville.
xx Julii hora quarta post merediem. The lard of Wauchton for him and the lard of Bass protestit that sen thai war commandit be the Kingis lettres till cum to this toun till resist the Kingis rebelles, and at thair collegis baronis of the cuntre war nocht redy as thai war, and as the lordis promittit to thaim, as thai allegit, that therfor na perell mycht be imput to them, et dominus Wauchton petiit instrumeotum. Testibus, preposito balliuis et communitate.
The provest baillies and consall requyrit thelard of Wauchton and the lard of Bass that thai and thair folkis suld remane still in the tovn, aud quhat part thai wald tak anent the resisting of the Kingis rebellis the tovne suld tak the samyn and pas with thaim, et prepositus petiit instrumentum. Testibus, magistro Roberto Galbrath et Vincentio Strathachin.
The lard of Wauchton in his naim and the lard of Bass offerit thame till do within the toune as thai war requyrit to be the Kingis lettres and out of the toune thai suld do syklyk as vtheris baronis wald do, et petiit instrumentum. Testibus vt supra. Acta in pretorio.
21 July 1521.
Pro Magistro Adam Otter burne et aliis convicinis burgi.
xxi die mensis Julii anno etc. xxi hora vii post merediem indictione ix pontificatus Leonis Pape decimi anno ix°. In presens of me notar publict and thir witnes vnderwrittin thir personis viz. Master Adam Otterburn, Nichol Carncors, Eduard Kincaid, James Preston, Johanne Dauidson for him and Francis Spottiswod his gud son, Richart Cristeson dekin for him and in the naim and behalf of his craft of fleschouris, and Johne Stevinson fleschour, ilkane be thame self offerit thame redy with thar bodiis till manteine and obey our Souerane Lord the King in the defending of his person castell and tovn of Edinburgh, and offerit thaim with thair bodiis till defend the samyn in the resisting of rebellis and tratouris, and disassentit ony maner of way to the takin doun of the ii heidis of the chalmerlane and his brother of the Tolbuth end, and protestit ilk ane be thaim self that quhat danger damage or scath cum thair throw in tym to cum that na danger nor scath mycht be imput to thaim nor thair heretage in tym to cum, et petierunt instrumenta pro se. Acta erant hec prope archum inferiorem. (These things were done near the Netherbow.) Testibus Vincencio Strathauchin, notario publico, Johanne Smyth notario, Henrico Tulleis, Jacobo Dykson, Roberto Cowan, Johanne Dykson, Jacobo Strang, Thoma Blakbeid, Thoma Wauchop.