Pages 193-203
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1869.
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10 January 1519–20.
The quhilk day, the provest baillies and counsall statutis and ordanis, for resonable caussis moving thame, that na maner of nychtbour nor indweller within this burgh put thair bairnis till ony particulare scule within this toun bot to the principall grammer scule of the samyn, to be techeit in ony science bot allanerlie grace buke prymar and plane douatt, vnder the pane of x s to be tane of ilk nychtbour that brekis or dois in the contrair heirof, and als oft but fauouris, to be applyit to the maister of the said principall scule for the tyme.
21 February 1519–20.
Mandatum Gubernatoris. That nother Hammyltoun nor Dowglas be provest.
The quhilk day, my Lord Glenlus and Maister Thomas Hay, secretare to my Lord Governour, comperit in jugement and declarit to the provest baillies and counsall that it was my Lord Gouernouris mynd that nane of the name of Dowglas nor Hammyltoun sould bruke the office of provestry within the toun of Edinburgh, and thairvpoun schew my Lord Governouris writtingis of the quhilkis the tenour followis: Gif it be questioun of this erand of Edinburgh it is my avis and haill resolutioun and will that ye command it swa in my name that quhill my hamecumming and for this yeir thair be maid ane vther provest that be nocht of the name of Hammyltoun nor Dowglas, and thair at I abyde, and that he be ane man of gude and sekyr, and that ye name thame thre, of the quhilk thai cheis ane and will that allanerlie be thir presentis ye command baith the ane pairtie and the vther, in my name, and that this be done incontinent on the first day, and gif itt be neidfull, command thame of the toun and to the provest that is now till do swa, and that be the Kingis aduocat, or be my secretare or harrald of armys gif it be neidfull, for sa I will be of resoluit mynd to that effect, that thair be na pairteis in the said toun, and that thai man gang and travaill sekirlie on that ane syd and the vther. And be vertew of the saidis writtingis requirit and chairgit the said provest to ceid his office, and nychtbouris of this toun to cheis ane vther provest efter the forme of the saidis lettres as is contenit in the samyn, and askyt his ansuer thairvpoun; with the quhilk chairge the said provest said he wald avys and gif his ansuer thairto.
27 February 1519–20.
Anent the pennye custome of France.
The quhilk day, the provest baillies counsale and communitie of merchantis, forsamekle as thair is restand awand to Patrik Govane, Williame Castell, Alexander Neilsoun and Jhone Scott, the sowme of iiijm frankis or thairby debursit be thame in the townis name for the doun getting of xij d. the frank, for the payment of the quhilk sowme the merchantis of this toun ar hevelie vexit molestit and troublit, quhairfore the provest baillies counsall and communitie of merchandis hes consentit deuisit and ordanit that thair be vj personis sworne to tax the men of guid and nychtbouris of this said toun that ar of substance, to the nummer of iiijxx or jc, to lend the sowme of iijm franks for yeir and day, to the outredding and payment of the foirsaid sowme, quhilk sowme being debursit, the foirsaid communitie of merchandis ar contentit that thair be ane taxt put vniuersaly vpoun thame efter the ische of the said yeir, for outred and payment of the saidis personis that happynnis to lend the said money, euery ane for thair awin pairt; and als constitutis that the commoun seill be gevin, oblisand the communitie of merchantis for the payment of the foirsaid sowme to the saidis personis as said is thair taixt to the quhilk the foirsaidis personis that sould be devysit to lend the said sowme alwayis beand allowit to thame in payment of the sowmes debursit be thame seueralie for thair awin pairt.
Stapill, Flanderis Merchandis.
The samyn day, forsamekill as my Lord Glenluis and Mr Thomas Hay, secretare to my Lord Governour, schew befoir the provest baillies counsall and communitie of merchantis that my said Lord Governour thocht it necessar that thair sould be ane stapill in the pairtis of Flanderis, quhair that Scottis merchantis mycht resort and haif ordour amangis thame, siclyke as vther natiouns hes, and desyrit that the said communitie of merchandis wald for thair pairt declair quhilk of thir thre townis, that is to say, Camfeire, Myddilburgh, or Byrges, ar maist convenient to the said stapill; with the quhilk desyre the saidis merchandis being avysit, the men of gude of the toun for the maist pairt than beand present thocht the toun of Myddilburgh maist convenient toun to be thair stapill, swa that vther borrowis of the realme wald repair thairto siclyk as the inhabitaris of this toun, and thai haifand siclyke priuelegis as wes grantit of befoir, and as salbe deuysit to be desyrit at the said toun.
30 March 1520.
Chancellar. Provest. Arrane.
Robertus Logane de Coitfeild, prepositus.
The quhilk day, in presens of the bailies and counsall sittand in jugement, George Gude, send fra my Lord Chancellar, declarit how that it wes my Lord Chancellaris will and mynd and that he was content that the toun sould cheis ony nychtbour of the samyn quhame thai plesit till be thair provest, and als declarit that my Lord of Arrane said he sould nocht cum within the toun quhill my Lord Chancellar maid ane finall concord betuix him and the nychtbouris thairof.
3 April 1520.
Pestilence. Barnis of the Borrowmure.
The quhilk day, forsamekle as it is vnderstand that this contagious seiknes of pestilence spreddis yeirlie, throw the repair of infectit personis quhilkis ar ressait within the hous and barnis of the Borrowmure, quhairfore the provest baillies and counsall decernis and ordanis that all maner of personis quhilkis hes ony entres to the saidis barnis and houssis that thai incontinent tak doun the ruffis thairof, remoif all the tymmer werk of the samyn within xx dayis efter the Feist of Pasche nixttocum, and within vther xx dayis thairefter till remoif all the stane werk of the samyn, with certificatioun and thai do it nocht within said space the toun will caus the samyn till be removit.
26 April 1520.
Thesaurare. Provest. Halbertmen.
The provest baillies and counsall ordanis James Barroun, thesaurare, till content furnis and deliuer till iiij men oulklie quhill Michaelmes, till pas with my lord provest with halbertis for stanching of inconuenientis that may happin within this toun this troublis tyme, to ilk persoun on the day xvj d, quhilk being furnist and payit salbe thankfullie allowit till him in his comptis, keipand this precept for his dischairge and warrand.
10 May 1520.
Suplicatioun Baxteris.
The quhilk day, the kirk maister and the laif of the maisteris of baxteris gaif in thair supplicatioun desyrand the toun till gif thame liceance till tak of ilk laid of breid or flour thame come to the marcat ane penny, quhilk the toun wald nocht grant.
19 May 1520.
Buiths wodsett.
The quhilk day, the provest baillies counsall and dekynnis of craftis consentis that the aucht over buthis of thair Tolbuith on the north syde be laid in wodsett vpoun the sowme of ixcand iijxx frankis vnder ane reuersioun, and to be redemit within yeir and day efter this nixt terme of Witsounday; and the provest baillies counsall and communitie of merchandis ar oblist and standis content to be bound to the haill communitie vnder the commoun seill for redemyng of the saidis buithis within the said terme.
Lent money Personis.
The samyn day, the provest baillies and counsall decernis and ordanis thir personis vnderwritten quhilk hes promeist till len money vpoun the commoun buthis, viz Jhone Adamesoun, elder, Maister Frances Bothwell, Michaell Makquhen, Williame Rynd, Alexander Andersoun, James Aikman, Henry Wilsoun and Jhone Wicht, elder, till compeir on Mononday nixttocum till mak and tak sesing of the saidis buthis.
23 May 1520.
Dischairge Selling walx in Leith.
The quhilk day, the provest baillies and counsall decernis and ordanis Margaret Atkynesoun till desist and ceis fra all maner of selling making or tapping of walx mader within the toun of Leyth, and ordanis hir till fynd souertye thairvpoun, and to remane still in the Tolbuith quhilk scho fynd the said souertye.
9 June 1520.
Statute, Wyne, Aill.
The quhilk day, the provest baillies and counsall statutis and ordanis, with consent of the tavernaris and dekynis of craftis, that na maner tavernar tap nor sell ony claret wyne or quhyt wyne fra the morne at none furth darrar na for vj d. the pynt, vnder the pane of stryking furth of the puntioun heid, and inlykwayis statutis and ordanis that na maner brouster nor dry tapstare sell ony aill within this burgh na for xx penneis the galloun fra this viij dayis furth, vnder the pane of the vnlaw als oft as thai happin till mak falt.
14 June 1520.
Ker. Bying of woll.
The provest baillies and counsall decernis and ordanis that Symon Ker by na maner of woll in the mercat in tyme tocum bot sa mekle as he will wirk in his awin hous, vnder the pane of banesing the toun, becaus he patt him in the townis will of the bying of woll and selling to Frenchmen and to vther townis.
27 June 1520.
Commoun pynouris fee.
The quhilk day, the provest baillies and counsall statutis and ordanis that the commoun pynouris of this toun haif for thair labouris, for ilk pak of woll lattin out of the loft, cairtyng and weying of the samyn, iiij d., and of ilk serplarth takyn furth of the loft, carting and weying vj d., and gif thai refus to labour of this pryce, it salbe lefull till ony nychtbour till tak ony vther pynour that will work and mak the saidis labouris of the pryce foirsaid, and that the servand to the tronar sall haif for his labouris in the weying of ilk polk and sek ourheid iiij d.
9 August 1520.
Gristis. Mylnis Baxteris.
The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsall decernis and ordanis that the statute maid befoir tuiching the ordour of the grynding of the gristis be the baxteris in the commoun myllis be put till executioun in all poyntis, and ordanis James Wardlaw, now fermorair of the saidis mylnis, of his awin consent, the thesaurare and vther fermoraris intromettouris with the saidis mylnis, in tyme tocum till haif power till put this said act till executioun, and to tak vp the vnlawis thairfor conforme to the said act, and to mak compt and reknyng of the ane half of the said vnlaw to the kirk werk, and the vther half thairof to him and thair awin vsis; and James Wardlaw maid fayth in jugement that he sould lelelie and trewlie obserue and keip the premissis, and put the said act till executioun but fraude or gyll, and als John Stewart commoun seruand in the said mylnis hes maid fayth.
Vnlaw. Wyne selling in Leith.
The samyn day, the provest baillies and counsall decernis and ordanis Williame Forsyth to content and pay to the dene of gild, for reparatioun of the kirk, the sowme of v li. for the selling of his wyne opinlie in the taveroun in Leith the setting furth of the singis, becaus he confessit the samyn and put him in the townis willis thairof.
22 September 1520.
[Seal of Cause to the Walkers, Shearers, and Bonnetmakers.]
Till all and sindry quhais knawlege thir present letteres sall tocum the provest ballies and counsall of the burgh of Edinburgh greting in God euerlesting, wit ye ws till haif ratifiit and apprevit and be the tenor of thir present letteres ratifiis and apprevis ane contract gevin in and present befor ws in jugement be the dekin and kirkmaster of the Walkaris and Scheraris maid with avise and consent of the personis contenit in the samyn, of the quhilk contract the tenor efter followis:—At Edinburgh the penult day of the moneth of Maij the yeir of God ane thousand five hundreth and tuenty yeris proportis and beris witnes that it is appoynctit concordit and fynalie endit betuix richt worschip full men, that is to say, Williame Steill, kirkmaster, Johne Yoile, James Home and Williame Gibsoun, with all the laif of the maisteris and brethir of the Walkaris and Scheraris within the fredome of the burgh of Edinburgh beand present for the tyme on that ane part, Johne Lauson, Andro Gardum, Andro Auld, William Homyll, Thomas Dryburgh, Robert Talyefeir, Johne Wan, Johne Dalrumpill, the spous of Jonet Watson, William Rogeir, Thomas Henrisoun, Agnes Yorstoun, the spous of James Williamsoun for thameself and for the laif of the craft of Bonetmakaris vsand merket and fredome of the said burgh of Edinburgh apone the tother pairt, in maner, forme and effect as eftir followis, that is to say;— In the first, to the loving of God the glorius virgine Marye and the halie ewangelyst Sanct Mark, the fornemmyt personis bonetmakaris of thar awin fre willis for reparatioun of halikirk and devyne seruice to be done for thame at the altar of Sanct Mark, and for the commoun weill of this gud burgh grantis and oblissis thame faithfully till content and pay oukly to the reparatioun of the said altar ilk ane of thame ane penny to be ingatherit by thame self in ane box, thai haiffand ane keye thairof and the kirkmaster or ane vther maister of the Walkaris and Scheraris till haif ane vthir keye siclike for lele and trew compt till be maid of all thingis ilkane till vtheris as efferis; and quhen it sall happin the chaplane that dois devyne seruice at the said altar till cum for his mete amangis the saidis Bonetmakaris ilkane of thame to perfurnis the said chaplane his met sicklyk as the saidis Walkaris and Scheraris dois, and quhair it falyeis in his meit to be gevin till him aucht penneis that day to his wage. And gif sua beis that ane of thame may nocht gudlie perfurnis the said chaplane, in that cais it salbe lefull till tua of thame till fulfill and do the samyn als aft as it sall happin him to cum about to thame. And als the said Bonetmakaris till pay thar vpsettis and prentischip siluer to the said craft of Walkaris and Scheraris and to thar said altar, and that to be modifiit and considerit be ane pairt of the best of baith the saidis craftis; and to be gevin to the reparatioun and vphaldin of the said altar. And inlykwis the said kirkmaster and brethir of the said craft of Walkaris and Scheraris within the fredome of this burgh sall walk and caus thar seruandis to walk thar bonettis quhilk thai wyrk and bringis to thame or to thar said seruandis als weill and bettir than thai war done in tymes bygane and of the samyn price. And attour the said kirkmasteris and brethir of the said craft of Walkaris and Scheraris bindis and oblissis thame that nothir thai na thar saidis Bonetmakaris promittis faithfully till serch and sik ilk merket dayis gif that be ony bonettis maid to sell of quhite or vthir colouris of wob yarne or wrangius gottin yarne or woll, and gif thar be ony apprehendit to be escheitit to the vphaldin of the said altar. And als the said Bonetmakaris send with thar saidis bonettis ane seruand for to se that the samyn be weill done. And ilk persoun of thame sall mark thar bonettis be thame self as efferis. Attour the saidis kirkmaster and masteris of the said craft of Scheraris and Walkaris faithfull bindis and oblissis thame till fortefy and manteine the saidis Bonetmakaris in the opetenyng and getting of the act of the gude toune vnder thar seill of caus apone thar awin expens. Alsua, the saidis personis bonetmakaris promittis to the said kirkmaster and masteris of the Walkaris and Scheraris that thai sall do thar vtyr power and diligens till inbring all the laif of thar craft in all gudly haist for to fulfill and obserue the premissis as thai do in all thingis without fraude or gyle to the vtilite and proffit of the said alter. And the said kirkmaster and masteris of the said craft of Walkaris and Scheraris bindis thame to the said personis bonetmakaris to mantene supple and defend thame in all thar honest and leifull actionis, and to supple thame with thar mortclaith and all vther necessar thingis of thar said altar quhen myster is, thai fulfilland the premissis in all thingis. Alsua, the said kirkmaster and masteris of Walkaris and Scheraris promittis that thai sall nocht walk nor thoill thar seruandis nor prentyssis to walk bonettis to na bonet makar at thar sex myllis, bot the man or wif be of the said craft, nor at na vther myll at thai may stop or lat. And ilk bonetmakar wyrkand at thar awin hand as ane maister sall pay for thar vpset thretty shillingis to thair awin box and to the vtilite and proffit of the said altar; and for ilk prentys vj s. viij d. And gif ony truble or debait happinis amangis ony of the saidis craftis, thai till meyne the samyn amangis tham self in cheritable maner saffand the priuilegis pertenand to the toun. Item, gif ony of thir ij craftis and pairtiis aboue wryttin brekis till vtheris in ony poynt of the premissis, the craft brekand till pay ten pundis als aft as thai sall faill, to the reparatioun of thar said altir of Sanct Mark. To the fulfilling of the premissis and euery poynct tharof ather of the saidis partiis and craftis abon wryttin ar bundin and oblist till vtheris be the faith and treuth in thar bodiis, the halye Ewangellis tuichit but fraude or gyle. In witnes of the quhilk thing to thir present letter we haif hungin to our common seill of caus of the said burgh, at Edinburgh the xxij day of September the yeir of God jm vc and tuenty yeris.
6 October 1520.
Mercat. Hors corne.
The quhilk day, the provest baillies and counsall statutis and ordanis that in all tymes tocum the mercar for the selling of aitis and hors corne be halden at the govis aboue the Tolbuith stair on the south syde, and that na maner of stabillar nor vtheris within this toun by ony maner of sitis or horse corne cummand to this toun vpoun hors bakkis nor vtherwayis, vnto the tyme the same be presentit in to the said mercat, vnder the pane of escheiting thairof fra the byar, and that nane pas outwith the Bow as to the stok corns or vther places to mett the said corne cummand to the said toun and by the samyn vnder said pane.
Halbert men. Provest.
The quhilk day, the provest baillies counsall and kirkmaisteris, in the name of the haill communitie, hes grantit and gevin to the provest ane hundreth merkis of the commoun guid, by the ordinar fie, [for] the sustentatioun of iiij seruandis till beir halbertis with him for this yier tocum, because the warld is brukle and trublus, and that it is necessar to haif seruandis with him becaus he walkis him self in proper persoun the tyme of this contagious seiknes of pestilence, and als becaus the warld is trublus, and thairfore it is neidfull that the provest haue seruandis with wapponis till stope all troublis and evill; and the saidis baillies counsall and kirk [maisteris] ar oblist and surone in jugement that thai sall mak na preperatiue in tyme cumming nor gif the said sowme to na vther provest, without the toun haue inymetie of outland lordis, and haif sic troublis as is now instant.
18 October 1520.
Statuta vini.
The quhilk day, it is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies counsale and confraternitie of Sanct Anthone that James Prestoun, Jhone Adamesoun younger, Andro Dicksoun, Thomas Cuke, with the maister of the facultie, pas fra this tyme furth quhare ony strangear cummis with wyne of thair awin aventur and by the haill hoip of the said wynis, or samekle as plesis thame, and mak competent price thairof, and that the samyn wybe be ewinlie deuidit and delt amangis the haill confraternitie and tavernaris of this toun of the samyn price as beis maid first be thame, efter the forme of thair auld actis, and quhen the saidis strangearis makis thair entres of the saidis wynis in the townis buikis, that the personis aboue written forgather with the saidis strangearis and mak the price of thair said wyne within this toun of Edinburgh and nocht in Leith: and that nane of the tavernaris wyffis, nor wemen seruandis, pas to Leith in tyme to cum till waill, sey, or by ony wynis vnder the pane of the vnlaw contenit in the auld actis maid thairvpoun of befoir; and thir personis aboue writtin till haue for thair labouris viij d. of ilk twne wyne, and ordanis that all the nychtbouris and tavernaris that hes brocht vp ony wyne fra Leith of thir last schippis vnmaid and tabillit as said is, that the samyn be had done agane to Leith incontinent, thair to be tabillit amangis the laif of the wyne ewinlie delt amangis the saidis confraternitie and tavernaris as is aboue writtin, vnder the pane contenit in the auld actis of Sanct Anthone.
23 October 1520.
Pro Henrico Lille.
xxiii die mensis Octobris anno etc. xx, hora 3a post merediem, indictione ix, pontificatus Leonis Pape decimi anno viii°: Personaliter comparuit honeste persone, viz. Henricus Lille ex vna, Willelmus Watson et Katerina sua sponsa, partibus ab altera: The quhilk personis war content that Johne Vaiche, goldsmyth, Alexander Elphinston, and Thom Sanderson, price this geir vnderwryttin, viz. a belt of siluer ouregilt weyand vi vncis quhilk thai prist the vnce to xv s.: Item ane ring of gold weyand iii quarteris of ane vnce prisit to vii lib. as it cummys to the vnce: Item iii govnis ane of rowane tanny, ane vther of stottis blak, and ane of rycht russat, ilkane of the thre prisit oureheid to xl s.; the hall sovme extendis to xv lib. xv s.: The quhilk geir this beand prisit, the said Henry Lille deliuerit till the said William Watson and Katerine his spous, and the saidis William and Katerine oblissis thaim faithfully thair airis executouris and assignais till keip, freith, warrand, relief the said Henry harmeles and skaithles his airis executouris and assignais of the said geir at all handis now and for euir, and promittis till pay all expenses that euir it sall happin the said Henry to susteine thro the said geir and deliuering thairof to tham ony maner of way in tym tocum, et desuper dictus Henricus petiit instrumentum: Acta erant hec infra burgum de Edinburgh in botha mercatoriale dicti Henrici: Testibus dominus Robertus Lille et Willelmo Brovne capellanis, et Stephano Bell cum diuersis aliis.
5 December 1520.
Carmelett freris. Greynsyde.
The quhilk day, the, provest baillies and counsall consentis and grantis the ground and place of the Greynsyde to the Freris Carmelitis now beand in the ferry for thair reparatioun and bigging to be maid, the Kingis mortificatioun and liceance being had, togidder with the Bischope of Sanctandrois liceance obtentit, the saidis freris doand suffrage thairfore as salbe deuysit be the counsall of the toune, and the quantitie of the said land and ground to be lynit and boundit be the toun, and Sir Thomas Cannye chaiplane thairof constitute thairto.