Pages 555-565
A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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December (2 of 4)
Mr. S. Disbrowe, one of the council of Scotland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 527.
Right Honourable,
I received yours of the 30th of November, which gave intimation of his highnes
and the councill's resolve to call a parliament. The consequences and effects of such
an assembly I would hope and earnestly pray, may be for good: and surely it is every
one's duty, who wishes well to the peace of our Syon, to be industryous in his station to
promote an election of persons of honest and sober principles. In order therto, so farr as
may relate to this nation, I would humbly offer and beg a resolve of two thinges; first,
whether it may stand with his highnes good pleasure to have the members of his councill here chosen; and if so, whether it will be judged convenient, that they may come
up, or any of them, there being here but four, besides my lord general Moncke. 2dly.
Whether you have in your thoughts any able and fit persons (two or three) who may do
service in the house, whom you may desire to be chosen for Scotland, which I doe not
doubt may bee effected, if you please to commend any such to the general, wherein I
shall give my best assistance, there being som countyes and townes in this nation, who
being not able to mayntayne such as they would elect, and so will chuse non at all,
except some persons be recomended to them, who will put them to noe charge; and
being confident, if I hinder it not myselfe, I shall be chosen for the place I formerly
served for, I would humbly beg to know, whether it may be his highnes pleasure, I
should attend it; wherein I have noe desire of my owne, being as free in myselfe to stay
here, as to come thither, as his highnes shall command. I have not to add, but my
hearty and humble thankes for the undeserved respects you have been pleased from time to
time to put upon me; and am
Your Lordship's
Most affectionate, most faythfull, and humble servant,
Sa. Disbrowe.
Edinb. 9th Dec. 1658.
By the committee of the council for the affairs of Mardike.
PRESENT: Lord Disbrowe,
Mr. secretary,
Lord Jones,
Lord Fleetwood,
Lord Sydenham,
Lord Strickland.
9th Decemb. 1658.
Vol. lxii. p. 497.
The committee having taken consideration of a paper of proposals tendered to them for the better carrying on his highness in Flanders, and for furnishing his highness's garisons and forces there, do offer as their humble opinion to the council, that the several orders and directions following be forthwith put in execution; viz.
1. That the commissioners of the admiralty and navy be authorized and required forthwith to appoint such vessel as they shall think fit, to transport to Dunkirk the beds and other provisions now provided to be sent for the use of his highness's forces there.
2. That Mr. Symball and Mr. Powell do take care, that the 600 beds, with ruggs, and other things, provided by Mr. Martin Noel, be forthwith put aboard such ship, as the commissioners of the admiralty and navy shall appoint for transporting provisions to Dunkirk.
That Mr. Richard Scutt, usher of the council, with all speed provide 100 doz. pound of candles of long tens to the pound, and cause them to be carefully packed up, and delivered to Mr. Powell and Mr. Symball, that they may care for putting them on board the vessel, that is also appointed to carry provisions to Dunkirk; and that the said Mr. Scutt bring a bill to this committee, to the intent order may be taken with Mr. Gualter Frost for satisfying his disbursements therein.
4. That the lord Lockhart be desired to cause duplicates under the hand of the commissary of the musters of all the muster-rolls for the horse and foot in Flanders, to be from time to time sent over to the council here; and that, for the supply of the horses, which shall from time to time die in the service, upon certificate produced from the lord Lockhart, that the person, whose horse is dead, is continued in the service, and liberty be given him for transporting such other horse as he shall provide, custom-free.
5. That his highness will please to give direction and power to the lord embassador Lockhart, to cause the magistrates of the town of Dunkirk to be elected in the usual manner, care being taken, that his highness and the English interest be provided for, as may be consistent with the articles of surrender.
6. That it be left to the lord embassador Lockhart, by such persons as he shall think fit, to transact for such proportions of hay, as shall from time to time be necessary for the supply of the regiment of horse at Dunkirk, the charge whereof to be defrayed by the moneys allowed on the establishment for the pay of the said regiment.
7. That the lord embassador Lockhart be left at liberty to make such agreement with the inhabitants of Nieuport and Ostend, for liberty of fishing on that coast, as he shall judge reasonable, and agreeable to the present constitution of affairs.
8. That John Ashurst, of London, merchant, be required with all speed to perfect his account with Mr. Jessop, one of the clerks of the council, for such moneys as were remitted to him out of France by the direction of the lord embassador Lockhart.
9. That Mr. Jessop do prepare a state of his account for the moneys by him received and paid for the service of Flanders.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, 20th December, 1658. [N. S.]
Vol. lxii. p. 531.
Madame de Savoy went away from Lions the 8th, without much satisfaction, without making any great presents to the officers of the king, who entertained her. It is doubtful, if the king will keep Christmas at Lions or Nevers. The queen sent a present to the duchess of Savoy of 50 buttons of diamonds; and the marquis of Mortemar carried to her from the king for the duke a sword worth 50,000 crowns, and a chain of diamonds for the princess Margaret. It was observed, that the king, in leading the duchess, put not himself near the princess, as he had done at her first arrival. The promise given to the duchess is written with the king's own hand, and signed by him and the queen, although she shewed much aversion from this marriage. The writing is, that if within four months a marriage be not made with the infanta of Spain, she shall receive intire satisfaction. She would be assured, that this negotiation should be broken, and refused at first to take the writing. Monsieur de Lionne is not likely to go into Spain, till Bartet be returned, and the queen of Spain brought-to-bed. The English have taken, confiscated, and brought to Toulon, a Holland ship, called the Mary of Amsterdam, and was bound for the isles of St. Domingo.
Mr. Downing, the English resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 539.
Right Honourable,
Yesterday I received yours by a frigate from the Downs, together with his highness's letter to the states, and other papers, concerning the three ships taken coming
out of Bantam; but having the last week sent you the answer of the states general to
my last memorial concerning the said ships, I shall forbear doing any thing further in
that business, until your further order. I hope, as to restitution, that resolution will do
the turn; for in case that the inventory of goods, to which that hath relation, shall be
short, I hope I shall be able to prevail to have that amended, so as that they may have
full restitution; but for satisfaction of damages, there is indeed no mention of that, and
that is a thing of great intricacy and difficulty to adjust and obtain. Truly I never had
so hard a task in my life, as to obtain what I have obtained; and upon direction from
yourself and the merchants, shall endeavour the putting it into a way of execution to their
We have very little news here at present. Your letters are commonly more fresh from Copenhagen than ours, the passage by land being so uncertain, by reason of the armies, which are in the way, and the passage by sea being not very free to this place. The captain of one of this state's ships mentioned in my last, which I sent you upon tuesday last by a merchant, which went from Skeveling for London, doth positively yet affirm, that he saw a fleet riding under Croningburg-castle; which, if so, must be the king of Sweden's fleet come out of Landschronen, where it was here hoped, that admiral Opdam would have shut them up, by stopping up the harbour. Men do generally think here, that it's very well for his highness's fleet, in respect of their own safety, that they are got back again to England; for the harbours and rivers being all frozen here, nothing but ice can be expected in the Sound, and consequently nothing of action for the fleet, and hazard and danger enough, into what place soever they should have retired for their pre servation. And withal its said, that in probability in the spring-time a fleet may be much sooner in the Sound from England that out of Gottenbourg, or any other harbour of the king of Sweden's, for that they continue frozen long after the Sound is open. The states are in great trouble for Opdam's fleet, both in relation for their surety this winter, and the providing them with victuals, for which, as you will perceive by the inclosed, all possible care is taking. Neither the French embassador nor myself have yet any answer given us to our memorial. Here is great difficulty made, whether in case the states should agree to send their embassador, that the king of Sweden would admit them in the quality of mediators, and so they rendred ridiculous; and this difficulty sticks mainly. And upon this account Mr. Appleboom hath been spoken unto, that he would give in a memorial, inviting them thereunto. But he answered, that being they had attack'd his master's fleet in a hostile manner, and given orders to their admiral to ruin them, where-ever he could find them, and to transport his enemies, he would do nothing without further orders. And the French embassador and myself were also spoken to, to the same purpose, that we would each of us give in another memorial, to invite them to send their embassadors. But I answered, that they might well consider, that they had already received two papers to that effect, the one given to their embassadors at London, and the other by me to the states here; and all this out of mere kindness to them for their sakes; and therefore, it was now time to expect something from them; besides, they are afraid of Copenhagen, left it should not be sufficiently provided to hold out this winter; and that there being engaged thus in the way of a mediation might tye up their hands as to further acting for the providing of that place. On the other hand, they are apprehensive, left if they should neglect the overture, which hath been made to them, they should not have another of that kind; and the king of Sweden carrying Copenhagen by force, they ruined in their traffick unto that sea, which is indeed the foundation of their strength and riches. Besides, they are dayly pressed on all sides, upon the account of Poland and Brandenburg, as that by this way of procedure they will lose them, and yet not sure of the king of Sweden; and they do all say plainly, that though that king doth press England and France to take his part, yet not so as to be his counsellors, or that upon their account he will be willing to quit his hold in Zeeland, one port town upon that sea being of more importance to him than all Poland, or a great part of Germany from the sea-side. I asked Mr. Appleboom, what his thoughts were of our giving another memorial, as above-hinted; but found him very little inclining to it, saying, that this states had need of some to mediate for them. Here is much talk of having a very strong fleet at sea the beginning of the spring, and, for fear of what may happen to Opdam's fleet, of building thirty fail of new frigates.
Here is very much talk of a peace making between England and Spain, as also between France and Spain; and great hopes there are of great changes upon these accounts; and the sowing of jealousy is an excellent artifice. It was that broke the league between France and this country; and on the other hand its good to be sure as much as may be.
I have this last week obtained the restitution of a very good ship, which belonged in a
great part to captain Lilburne of Durham, and was brought into Zeeland by an Ostender.
I have also obtained the arresting of all the goods that belong to any of Flanders in Zeeland, until such time as they shall bring back an English ship, which they had brought
prize into Zeeland, and, after the taking out part of her lading, set sail with her for Flanders; and these are the first ships, that I believe were ever restored upon this account in
Zeeland to English or any other nation whatsoever: and I hope, by this means, to make
those Flanders pyrates have very little mind to bring their prizes, for the future, into the
harbours of this state. There are also some other ships, which I hope in a few days to have
restored to their owners. In some of my former, I wrote to you about a ship called the
Vrede or Peace, which sailing from Guinea in the year 1655, with design, as 'tis said, to
pass by the isle Martinico, and so for Holland, without any thoughts or order to go to the
Barbadoes, or any other place belonging to the English, was yet taken by general Pen,
under pretext of being bound for Barbadoes. I could earnestly desire, that you would be
pleased to take such other, as that the said ship with her lading might be delivered by the
court of admiralty at London to its proprietors; for I have obtained restitution of divers
ships, and should be heartily glad to let them see by that instance, you would be as ready
to do as to demand justice; and the restitution of this ship will take away all the cry, that is
made concerning the ships of this country taken by general Pen; for all the rest were taken
(as I am credibly informed) actually trading at the English plantations. I am,
Right Honourable,
Your most faithful humble servant,
G. Downing.
Hague, 10/20. Dec. 1658.
The post, which should have come last week, is come yesterday; but this weekes post is not yet come. To-night or to-morrow I am promised the resolution of the states generall concerning the warr in the North, which I intend to send by the friggott. I have heer inclosed to you copyes of two letters from admirall Opdam, which you may guesse. * * *
Nieuport to the states general.
London, 20th December 1658. [N. S.]
Vol. lxii. p. 537.
The 16th instant I have received letters and writings from your high mightinesses of the ill usage, that some English ships have shewed to some Holland ships in the Mediterranean sea near Marseilles and Leghorn; whereof I intending to speak with the secretary, have sent unto him. This morning he hath sent by Mr. Morland, that I shall shortly have answer upon my memorials touching the 2 Portugal prizes; but that first the opinion of the admiralty was expected. I thank'd him, and answer'd, that I had a desire to speak with the secretary upon other affairs, that concerned the public good. I now am informed, that the 15 ships went away but the day before yesterday from Solsbay in Suffolk toward the Sound; and that Sir George Askew with 4 great frigats, and a Swedish man of war, and a merchant ship, followed after from Queenborough; but there have been since so little wind, and such mists, that they could not go much forward.
R. Saunders to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 547.
Right Honourable,
I am bold, thorough the multitude of your great affaires, to intrude with the puting you
in mind of my tender respects and service to you; and I would be glad to know, wherein
I might be any way serviceable to the Lord and his people in my generation, according to
the little opportunity I have put into my hands. I am now waiteing upon the Lord here
at Kingsaile-fort, wherein appeares little busines at present. I pray present my faithfull
humble service to his highnes the lord protector, and let me not die in your thoughts at
this distance, who am
Your truely affectionate humble servant,
Ro. Saunders.
Kingsale-sort, Dec. 10th, 1658.
A letter of intelligence.
Brussels, 21. December, 1658. [N. S.]
Vol. lxii. p. 531.
Don John passeth through France with 3 coaches, and the rest of his company goes by sea; but it is not yet known, who shall succeed in his place: yet it is said, that the archduke of Inspruck is already on his way hither, with the marquis de Fuentes, to receive the government; yet he hath more mind to the government of Milan. It will be the end of the next month before Don John goes hence. They speak still here of a peace with England; and the chief ministers say, that on the king of Spain's part, they underhand labour continually, to dispose all things for the same. It is said, that cardinal Mazarin desires, that the king of France should match with the infanta of Spain. Next week Don Stephen de Gamarra returns to the Hague, to reside as embassador. Within few days it will be concluded with the states of Brabant for the maintaining of 8000 men, and with the state of Flanders for 5000 men. Lately the prince of Condé hath received 200,000 crowns, and he is to have 15,000 more; and then goes into Germany, to pay the forces, that come from thence, 350,000 crowns.
Intelligence sent from Holland by Mr. Downing.
Vol. lxii. p. 293.
That the 24th of November last the dukes of York and Gloucester went to the princess royal at Breda, and staid until the second instant, and then returned to Brussels.
That Mrs. Stephens, who came over out of England lately, brought very small comfort for the royal party; and Charles Stuart is much dejected, and is very poor, having pawned all his plate, and is served in nothing but pewter.
There came a packet of letters for him inclosed in a cover to Colt of Rotterdam, merchant, which the said Colt sent immediately to Charles Stuart by Williams, whom I have formerly mentioned. Colonel Hauskett and Lovelace, who were lately put in the Tower, of whom I gave you formerly an account, are able to inform you of any design, that is on foot, the said Lovelace for Oxfordshire, and Hauskett for Kent. Don John goes within this fortnight forwards towards Spain, and Caracena with him, as some say.
Dr. Benj. Whichcot to lord chief justice St. John.
Vol. lxii. p. 558.
My Lord,
I yesterday received your lordship's letter (but none before; yet Dr. Tuckney
had a letter from Whitehall, on munday, about the same busines, the contents wherof
he did presently communicate); and I did immediately deliver the enclosed to our vicechancellor. I shall take the best care of the busines I possibly can; so also, I am sure, will
the rest of the heads upon the place. We resent the busines very well, and highly like the
person your lordship doth propose; and I hope the body of the university will doe the
same; for the uncertenty lies in this, that every master of arts hath as much to doe in this
election as any doctor; yet I trust we shall all agree. Yet I must acquaint your lordship,
that Sir Francis Russel hath sent, and on monday intendes to come in person, to move for
Sir Anthony Morgan of Ireland, in the name of the lord lieutenant of Ireland. Yet I
greatly hope, and doe beleive, that the university doth soe highly honour the person, and
so greatly regard (as becomes us) your lordship's recommendation, that whosoever proves
second, Mr. secretary wil be the first in our election; and herof as in motion, if there
be cause, soe in the determination therof I shall timely certify your lordship. So with my
most humble service presented I take leave,
Cambridge, Dec. 11. 1658.
Your Lordship's humbly devoted servant,
Benj. Whichcot.
Dr. Thomas Clarges to Henry Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excelency,
There is a commission issued for the tryall of captain Whetston and captain Saunders at a court marshall of the admiralty. There will be all the commissioners of
the admiralty in it, and many others officers and gentlemen, and the quorum are not to
be less then fourteen. I have not heard intimation of their crimes, but the first of them
was lately sent prisoner from captain Stoakes, commander of the fleet in the Mediterranean
sea. My lord Fleetwood and my lord Desbrowe are made lords wardens of the Cinque
ports, and conestables of Dover; and this day my lord Whitlock will be made one of the
lords commissioners of the great seale. I had advice yesterday from Dunkirk, that my
lord Lockart is march'd out with a small party of horse and foot, to attempt something
upon the enemy, of which I shall hope to be able to write more particularly to your excellency by the next. To-morrow the election will be for the citty of London, where so
many are in nomination, that I am not able to guesse at those will carry it. I have in my
letter to the lords of the councill given their lordships the names of as many as I know of
the persons elected to serve in parliament, amongst whome doctor Petty is one, chosen for
West-Loo in Cornwall; and it will be very necessary for his highness service, that your
excelency give him leave to be heere at the first sitting of the parliament.
I was informed, it was lately moved at a common councill in the citty of London, that the citty should invite his highnes, and the councill, and the officers of the army, to a feast, which after some debate was disapproved, first by alderman Touke, whoe told them, in the year 1640, or 41, the citty invited the late king and his councill to a feast, which was look'd upon with much jealousy by the then lately begunne parliament, as if they thereby intended to countenance and support the court against them; and the imprisonment of the lord maior and many other changes followed as the effect of that entertainment, and the jealousy contracted by it; so that to prevent the like at this time, he thought it advizable to stay till the parliament assembled, and invite them al together: and so it was resolved. This narrative was told me so privately, that I humbly intreate your excelency to commuicate it to few, because I was desired to conceale it by the person, that told it to,
May it please your Excelency,
Your excelencie's most humble and
most obleiged servant,
Tho. Clarges.
London, this 11th of Dec. 1658.
Consul Maynard to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 557.
Right Honourable,
I Write your honour ten days past by several conveyances, and since that time I
find no alteration in the Portugal affairs. The Spaniards continue their siege both at
Elvez and Mouson, and the Portugeze are raising forces as fast as they can (which God
knows is slow enough) to fight them; but 'tis much to be doubted, unless there be some
diversion made by some prince with the king of Portugal, it will be difficult to get the
Spanish armies out of this kingdom; and if they continue here till the spring, and beat
the Portugueze in the field, this country will be in very great hazard of losing.
I received yesterday a letter from Cadiz dated the 18/28. November, in which I am written,
that certainly the galleons are expected there about the end of December; but the fleet
being great and heavy sailors, they may stay 20 or 30 days longer. The Spanish fleet
comes wonderful rich; they bring in all about 60 millions; and though they are in all
about 64 ships, which will be loaden and much pestered, less than half that number of men
of war will (by God's assistance) deal with them well enough. The duke of Medina Cely
hath fraighted five Holland ships at Cadiz, from 24 to 28 guns a-piece, and taken up
five small Spanish ships: all ten are to go out for advices, some to lye beyond the Canarie
islands, and the rest betwixt the islands and the bay of Cadiz, to give advice to the plate
fleet; and in case of danger, the Hollanders are to take out the treasure of the galleons,
and carry it for several parts of Biscay and Gallicia, and happily some of them may adventure through the channell. The duke hath four Dunkirkers, which he keeps in a readiness
at Cadiz, to send out on all occasions. The Spaniard extremely fears the coming of the
English fleet on their coasts, and the more because the duke of Medina hath advice from
Amsterdam, that about the begining of November last 40 sail of English frigats departed
from the Downs and the isle of Wight, to wait the coming home of the West-India fleet.
The Fairfax frigate appearing lately before Malaga, where were four Mayorkin men of
war, which the governor of Malaga forced to go out and fight her; but having felt 2 or
3 of the Fairfax's broadsides, they fled all four, two of them to the Eastward, and two of
them to the Westward: the Fairfax followed those two, that went up the Streights, and 'tis
supposed she hath taken them both. I am sorry I have no conveyance to write to the frigats in the Streights of the Hollanders, which are set out by the duke of Medina, neither
have I any conveyance to signify this to your honour; but my letters might go to several
out-ports, to wait opportunities to be conveyed to you, whom I beseech the Lord ever to
bless and prosper; and these shall always be the hearty prayers of
Lix. the 12/22. Dec. 1658.
Your Honour's faithful servant, Tho. Maynard.
Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 543.
Right Honourable,
Upon friday last, by the post I gave you an account of my having received your
express from the Downs; and I therein inclosed to you a copy of the states generals
resolution given me in answer to my memorial concerning the present warr between the
kings of Sweden and Denmark. I have kept the captain of the frigat until now, desiring,
before I dispatcht him hence, to speak with Monsieur de Witt, which I could not do until
last night, by reason of his so much business, in regard of the assembly of the states of Holland, which separated late upon fryday last, and are to meet again the 15th of January.
I did acquaint him with what new instructions I had received concerning the English ships
taken in the East-Indies. He told me, that I knew very well, what a difficult thing it was
to obtain any thing in this country, which might have a reflection upon their East-India
company; and that he had laboured in that business, even to his utmost, upon my instigation, not only as a minister of state, but even among his particular friends; and therefore,
that he hoped, that what he had done would be very acceptable to his highness; and that
that business would be pressed no further. As to the scruple, which is made concerning the
inventory, by which restitution is to be made, he hath promised me, that in case it be not
full and true, that he will take care notwithstanding, for a full and true restitution of all
which hath been taken, that so the merchants need not upon that account to concern
themselves. But for the other points concerning reparation, and of losses, and of the
honour of the nation, he desires, that seeing restitution is made, I would not further press
them, as things now stand; and considering that his friends would say, that he had deceived
them, in perswading them, that in case a full restitution were made, he did not doubt but
that that would satisfy; whereas they would have had remonstrated to his highness such
sufferings as have been from the English by the subjects of this state, and reparation and
satisfaction to have been made alike at one time on both sides. He said, moreover, that
the directors of the East-India company do allege for themselves, that in the year 1619
the English and Holland East-India companies did jointly agree, to send three Holland
ships, and two English ships, to ride before Bantam, with order to stop and hinder from
trading there all ships of any nation whatsoever; and accordingly they did hinder from
trading there some Danes ships; and the order carried in it this reason, to wit, that this was
the only way to reduce that barbarous people to reason. He also acquainted me, that for
the better regulating affairs for the future, the East-India company here had now lately sent
into the East-Indies one of the counsellors of the court of Holland, pensionary of the Brill,
a very knowing (as he said) and well deserving person, who being to be judge there, will
take better care for the observation of the treaty between England and this state. We had
also much discourse about the place and way of making the restitution, whether it were
better to do it here or in the East-Indies; but being that they had not yet received the
advice of the directors of the East-India company, to whom they had written about it, nor
that I knew the mind of the merchants, we could come to no conclusion therein; but
when I shall know their mind, I shall do my utmost for them; and am,
Right Honourable,
Your most faithful humble servant,
G. Downing.
Hague, 12/22. Dec. 1658. 11 in the morning.
Dr. Thomas Goodwin to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 563.
Right Honorable,
I send this by an express, Dr. Harrys of Trinity-college Oxon beeing now dead
It is a sequestration, the old president beeing alive, and so belongs unto my lord; and
this is to bee the first experiment of places falling under that distinction from others, where
the former heads sequestred are dead, in which case you have permitted the fellowes to
choose, not in this. I made it long since a great request for my good old lord for some
headship in the university, for Mr. Thomas Cracroft, master of arts of eleaven yeares, which
in the whole in the university, according to the ordinarye account, is 18 yeares standing.
I have given yourselfe and my lord, and this lord that now is, his character of his beeing
a scholar, and a spirituall usefull man, as any other amongst us. Besides, hee hath been
proctor, (and a laudable carriage therein is esteemed a great stepp to an headship, or other
preferment) also a tutour successively unto three noblemen, and vice-president two yeares
together in our college. Your honour may remember, that you were pleased to expresse
as to mediate on his behalfe. I allso spake twice to my lord about it, and twice named him
personally unto his highnes, as I had often done, and sometymes in your hearing to my
good lord that is gone. His highnes, that now is, was pleased to promise mee twice
for him.
My earnest request is, that the most speedye and effectuall course may be taken, to prevent the college from a choyce, (which it is certeyn they will attempt, and then dispute it)
by my lord's putting in this man by the broad seale (that course you were pleased to pitch
upon, when I spake last about it). The gentleman himselfe is not so much confirmate in
health as to waite upon my lord in it, especially so as publickly to appeare; but Mr.
Panton of All-souls, a godly man, agitates for him. Sir, I wrote by Mr. Nye the
state of my spirit and affayres unto you; and doe leave both that and this busines, and all
my concernments, that are afore you, perfectly in your hands; and so rest,
Dec. 12th, 1658.
Your most obliged friend and servant,
Tho. Goodwin.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelturn.
May it please your Excellencye,
Since my last I have received none from you, the post beinge not yet come from
Ireland. Wee do little here but prepare for the next parliament, and our preparations
have only consisted in matters of forme hitherto, though I beleeve things more substantiall
are as necessary to be thought of before the meetinge of that assemblie; it beinge like to be a
great crisis, and noe endeavours are omitted to give trouble; and wheither men, who designe it, will not be able to effect their intentions in it, I am not able to say. That which
all here seeme to be fixt in, is to adhere to the Petition and Advise; and if the foundation
thereof be admitted, viz. a single person and two houses of parliament, I hope wee may
agree in all other thinges, which truly I thinke is all mens duty to endeavour as far as falls
in his power; for I very much dread the consequences of a breach, which if it should fall
out, I see not how it will be possible to keep out the common enemye longe, who thinkes
he hath already layed his buissines soe, that it cannot miscarry. And its most certeyne, that
C. Stewart and his brother James have designed to be here at the first meetinge of the parliament, takeing it for graunted, that troubles will come in with the parliament; and I
believe they have done their parts to make them. Besides these inbred troubles, wee are
not upon very good termes with the Dutch, who certeinely intend very ill to us, if they
can carry their designes in the Sound, upon which they intend to put their rest. And we
beleeve, that this state is also very much concerned in those affaires; and accordingly did
send 20 ships to the Sound, which hath much alarmed the Dutch, who had resolved to
send away 4000 foot, and some other ships of warre; but upon notice, that the English fleet
was gone that way, they recal'd their men, though they were on ship-board, and ready to
set sayle. The states generall alsoe agreed to the motion of his highnes to endeavour a
peace betweene the 2 Northerne kings, which before they had denyed to doe, which are
very considerable effects of his highnes sendinge the fleet that way. Besides, hereupon,
the kings of Denmark and Poland and elector of Brandenburg are sendinge ambassadors
to his highnes upon this occasion. God is pleased yet to give us honour in the eyes of the
nations. I wish wee doe not lay ourselves lowe, and stayne our owne glory. I remayne
Whitehall, 14. Decem. 1658.
Your Excellencye's most humble
and obedient servant,
J. Thurloe.
General Fleetwood to Henry Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
Deare Brother,
I am very unwilling to be troublesom to you; but the sadde condicion of my poore
kinsman, the lord Lambert, maks me presume upon your favour to him, that you
would please to consider his case, and remember the merrits of his father, and his own
sufferings thes times, with the sadde condicion his poore family is in, who, it seemes, is
lik to suffer very much through the pretence of a discovery, which is made of part of his
estate as concealed; which though he did not make a formall discovery of, yet, as by the
inclosed the thing was owned. And if after all his sufferings he must loose a part of his
estate, will seeme to be very hard, which as I understand is lik to be his case, unlesse by your
favourable interposition he may finde releife. If you will please to consider the equity of
his case, it will oblige a poore family, and a great expression of your kindnes to myselfe.
The writts for the parliament will be sent you to-morrow by an expresse. Ther are great
labourings to get in. We have our hopes and our feares. It is a time, which calls for
great waiting upon the Lord. Accordingly his highnes and counsell have apoynted a day
for the 3 nations to seake the Lord in, as also a privat day for his highnes counsell and
army the next weeke. If the Lord is pleased to unite us in love, and remove jealousyes,
even from amongst thos, who have most reason to love one another, it will be a choyce
mercy, and a great argument, that the Lord hath yet a delight to doe us good, which I
desire we may have hearts to desire and endeavour. We have hoped, that our late sending the fleet hath wrought a good effect amongst the Hollanders, which you will heare
from other hands. I am
Decemb. 14. [1658.]
Your most affectionat brother, and humble servant.
Dr. Thomas Clarges, to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excelency,
The French forces are very active in Flanders to keepe the footing they have there.
Marshall Thureine himself quarters in Ipre. Monsieur de Rochpere, a very gallant
commander, is governor of Oudenarde; and because that place is much looked upon by
the Spaniards, he is very diligent in finishing the fortification, and has got into it at least
4000 foot and 300 horse. From the court at Lyons they write, the duke of Savoy is gone
from thence to Turin by post. His mother and the princes Margarite his sister are shortly
to follow. It is sayd a match is concluded betwixt the king and the young princesse of
Savoy, upon condition not to be consummated till a returne of the archbishop of Lyons
from Madrid, whoe is to treate of a matche betwixt the king and the infanta of Spaine.
And if it be not finished in four months, the other is to be celebrated. It is a suddaine
resolution, and much discoursed of, that in the midst of all the preparations of warr betwixt
those two crownes, a match of this nature should be propounded, especially at this time,
when the house of Austria is so low in Flanders, and not in much reputation in other places.
From Holland they write, that the French ambassidor and our resident have presented
some memorialls to the states generall, in order to a reconciliation betwixt the crownes of
Sweden and Denmark; but it is not said, what effects they had; but it is certaine, that the
four thousand men intended are not gone to the relief of the king of Denmark. They
had all new coates, before they were put on ship-board, but are yet staid. The Swedes
have thirty ships in a place called Landscroon, which is blocked up by the Holland fleet;
and admirall Opdam hath sent for eighteen more, to make up the want of those ships, that
were lost or render'd unserviceable in the last sight.
The king of Sweden hath summoned his men to Elsineur, intending to send forces to strengthen Fredricksode, which the elector of Brandenburg with the confœderate forces is præpareing (notwithstanding the coldnes of the season) to beseige, haveing to that purpose assembled a good part of his forces together. But prince Adolphus, the king of Sweden's brother, will attempt to hinder him. The duke of Holstein, the king of Sweden's fatherin-law, has been forced to agree to a very inconvenient neutrallity. He is to put into the duke of Brandenburg's hands the fortresse of Gortop, and to receive into the garrison of Tonninguen as many of his soldiers as there are of his own in it; so that it is hereafter to be kept in common to both parties. And to make disadvantages the more considerable, he is not to have any alliances with the Swedes, or joyne in any confœderacy against the emperour, or king of Denmark. I suppose by the favorablenes of the winds, our fleet may be by this time in the Sound, which may make some alterations in the affaires there.
My noble friend, my lord Broghill, about three weekes since, knoweing I had two destinct commissions from Scotland, one to be agent for the army from generall Monck, and another as agent for the counsell by order of the generall and the counsell, was pleas'd to acquaint me, that in regard I was only agent to the councill of Ireland, for which I have a hundred pounds a yeare, your excelency thought it fitt to give me an order to be agent for the army in Ireland, with a salary of a hundred pounds a yeare for that, over and above the salary I have as agent for the councill. In order whereunto, I sent to your excelencie's secretary doctor Gorges for your excelency's order to that purpose, who returned me answere, that your excelency made some difficulty in it, by which I perceive my lord Broghill was mistaken; and I humbly desire your excelencie's pardon for the importunity some of my friends may have given your excelency upon this mistake; for I am so sensible of the obligations and respect I owe your excelency, that I think your acceptance of my duty and services is a sufficient reward for them; and I wish it lay so in power to doe your excelency service, as I am sensible there is a tye upon me to doe it; for I am,
May it please your Excelency,
Your excelencie's most humble and
most obleig'd servant,
Tho. Clarges.
London, the 14th of
December, 1658.
Dr. Thomas Clarges to the lord lieutenant and council of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Lordships,
I beleive by that time this comes to your lordships, the writs for the parliament
will be with you allso; for I heare they are to be sent away to-morrow by an expresse.
I am inform'd, the same members will be summon'd to the other house as in the last parliament. Some letters from France import, that there is a treaty on foot for a marriage
with the infanta of Spaine, notwithstanding the vigorous prosecution of the warr on both
sides: but there is a little restriction in it; that is to say, if it be not concluded in four
months, the king is to marry the daughter of Savoy, and the conditionall articles are
Whilst the king of Sweden is endeavouring the safety of Fredericsode, which is suspected to be the designe of the enimy upon him, eight of the Holland ships, with some Danish men of war, are gone towards the Belt, to transport forces into Zealeand. But I hopee by this time our fleet will be in those parts to moderate these affaires. The citty of Thoren hath bin gallantly defended by the Swedish garrison; and at the last assault made on the 18th of November they kil'd many of the king of Poland's eminent commanders, as Clebeck and Poswisky, and some others; but being oppressed by fresh numbers, they in the towne lost most of their outworks and the great bastion, which serv'd them instead of a citadell, so that it is conceived the place must be suddainly surrender'd.
The admirall Opdam hath sent hastily for 18 ships to supply his fleet: he himself is sick of the gout in Copenhagen; and it is thought Ruiter will goe with the next supply, to manage all when he comes thither, except Opdam be recovered.
The Muscovites have made an incursion into Poland, and routed a body that opposed them, and taken prisoner the generall Gonzieusky, whome they have carried to Minsco; but before they went, they left 3000 men in Vilna, a place, which they had surprized. But in the meane time, the Polanders had prevailed with the Tartars to make a diversion in Muscovie, which obliged them to retire to the safety of their own borders. I am,
May it please your Lordships,
Your lordships most humble servant,
Tho. Clarges.
London, this 14th of
December, 1658.
Mr. E. Vaughan to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 573.
Right Honourable,
I thought when I had the happines to attend you att London, and then contracted with your honour for the management as your deputy for the post-master's
place in this nation, that I should not now lye in prison for want of that meanes payed me
as my salarye. I beseech your honour to consider my condition, and the service I have
performed; and if you be not satisfied by former certificates and recommendations for
my fidelity, honesty, and diligence in the prosecution of your honour's affairs here, &c.
you shall receive further. In the interim, I humbly desire your honour to take these sollowing desires into consideration, viz. 1. That all charges ought to be certaine to time
and person; and if any person be wronged in point of wages, the servant hath this liberty
at law against his imployer.
2dly, That any person charginge another touching life, or livelyhood, ought to be bound by recognizance, to prosecute at common law; otherwise the charge is voyde in law.
3dly, And if any person shall disturbe any man's office of freehould, without lawful authoritie, it is mente mala, and punishable by law.
May it please your honour, the charge against me and my sallarie detained, I know is
contrarie to your honour's disposition and will; and the person, that charges me, doth
touch my life, credits and livelyhood, which is contrarie to the commission granted me by
your honour, and those that doth disturb in my employment doth act contrary to
your power, &c. All things being considered by your honour, I humbly begge, that you
will please to send over order, that I may receive my sallarie, and to grant me licence to
attend your honour; and if the 250 l. now claimed from me be due to your honour, I
will put in sufficient security for the payment thereof. I hope your honour hath received
letters from the councell and the lord Broghill, in my behalf, which I humbly desire may
be taken into consideration, and to be honourably pleased to send an answer; and altho'
your honour cannot as yet be thoroughly satisfied with my realty, be assured, that you shall
have good assurance of both my fidelity and integrity in all points whatsoever from honourable persons in this nation, and likewise of England; all which is left to your honour's
pious and charitable thoughts, humbly craving your answer; and remain,
Dublin, 15th Decemb. 1658.
Sir, Your most obliged, faithfull, obedient servant, E. Vaughan.
Sir Francis Russell to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 578.
Deare Sir,
As I was desireous to serve you, so have I bin buisy about it; and the other day sent
to some of my neighbours, to meet me at Newmarket, to confer with them about
making choyse of yourselfe for one of our knights for this shire. I found them all ready
and willing to give you their votes; and they were sensible, how much it would be to
their advantage to have you a freind and servant to Cambridgeshire. Those of my neighbours, who were at some distance from me, I writ unto, as collonel Castle, my brother
Chicheley, and some others, whose answers I have not as yet received. But that person,
whom I did employ to the towne of Cambridge to speake to my freinds there, brought me
word, that the university was unanimously resolved to make choyse of you for their burgesse. This they give out allready, and send me word of what they resolve. Old Mr.
Faireclough was with me, when that message was brought me, and was ready to put pen
to paper to wright to his freinds of the cleargy about you, and to serve you as myselfe
intended. Upon further debate with him, what was fit to be done, we concluded, that to
know your mind now, whether we should proceed any further, was best; and that according to your advise and directions, we will goe on or desist. Therefore I desire to heare
from you by the saturday post. Sir Anthony Morgan was very likely to have bin your
brother burgesse; but I understanding by my lord Claypoole, that there will a certain
number, choosen out of Ireland, to serve for that nation. I sent the vice-chancellor thanks
for his respects towards my lord Henry and Sir Anthony. Sir, I hope to heare from you
the first opportunity. My love for you is true and reall, and from a person (I think I
may say) you know not, notwithstanding all our outward converse. This mistery,
when 'tis knowen by you, I hope will not be to your disadvantage. You may be more
than consident, that I am,
Deare Sir,
Yours, to love and serve you faithfully,
Franc. Russel.
Decem. the 15th, 1658.
I should be glad to know, whether my lord Henry be likely to see England this winter.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excellencye,
I writt last night by the post, and therefore have nothinge more to trouble your
excellency with, save to present my humble services upon occasion of sendinge this
messenger with the summons of parliament. I feare the tyme is somewhat short, unlesse
your excellency be pleased to quicken the officers, who are concerned in this service, and to
lay your comands upon the members chosen to hasten over, that they may be here the
first day of the sittinge of the parliament; for otherwise they will be of no use at all to
our affaires, which probablie may come to an issue, within a few dayes after the parliament sitts. And it is very necessary, that such be chosen, who will certeinely come; for
to choose such as cannot come by reason of their trusts, or will not, because of their other
occasions, will be wholly fruitlesse to us. But I referre these thinges to your consideration
and direction, beseechinge your pardon for this boldnes in
Whitehall, 15. December,
Your Excellency's most humble, faithfull
and obedient servant,
Jo. Thurloe.