State Papers, 1658: May (4 of 4)

Pages 141-153

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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May (4 of 4)

A letter of intelligence.

Hague, May 28. [1658. N. S.]

Vol. lix. p. 117.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image 141]

Since my last, which was the first I ever had the honor to address from these parts, according to directions, I returned to the Hague, to resolve on some buisiness, and receive new instructions; the former not sufficient for future resolves, Charles Stuart resolving, the latter end of this weeke, or the beginning of next, for Franckford; 121 71 128 147 161; and giving some passes to one Sidney Stocale, 122 190 155 162 129 47 92 107 61, and others, for the service of elect. Brand. Ch. Stew. takes very few with him; Ormond, my lord Gerard, 149 33 150 57, and some few. I am designed yet to goe in the place of secret ry Nicholas, where I 552 463 292 419 159 599 95, shal be able to doe you no inconsiderable service. Sunday last was seavenighte O Neale 320 422 came to Brussels from England; Ormond is come to Brussels. Sunday last Ch. Stew. D. York, D Glocester, Prss.Roy. his son, and Ho- 239 383 quin court did 163 310 dine 460 with the burghers of 363 143 157 481 Brussels: all at another table 276 110 were very highlie received, and with much ceremony; stay'd till about 8 of the clock. Monday last don John, 68 451 123 303 420 628 and the marquis Caracena, marched to the 518 289 67 445 329 563 554 army. On tuesday tues prince Condé, D. York, D.Gloucester, and Ho- quin court 151 163 484 on wednesday. All make fourteen thousand 554 552 560 560 horse. They have but 5 or 6 thousand foot. 5 or 6 560 353 552. Most of the D. Gloucester's men are lost. Ormond's regiment consists of seven hundred; Ch. Stu. as many. They are said to be four thousand 266 4 560 in Dunkirk. But of this, and what else that happen, I shall certainely give you an account by the next poste; by which you shal be confirmed, that I am,
Your unfaigned, asseured freind and servant,
William Browne.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Culpepper is in North Holland. I shal know hereafter his imployment. The next you shall receive from Brussells.

The Superscription.
A Monsieur Monsieur Thomas Plampin, à la Rose-blanche en Bredstreete, London.

Captain Stoakes to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lix. p. 103.

Right Honorable,
In my last from Furmitora I gave a full relation of the statt of the squadron, and of what had passed att Leagorne, and my intention in plying towards Cadiz, in hopes to meet with the victuallers; since which time I have ranged all the coast of Spaine as farre as Malaga, where the last of Aprill wee surprized a Spanish man of warre of 24 gunes and 120 men, which had his station att Gibralter, in the mouth of the straites, and had done much hurt; and (in all probability) would have done much more, if not timely taken off. The windes proveing verey boystrous att west, I was by noe means able to gett out of the straites, although I endeavored many dayes; and was the more earneste, by reason of the intiligence I had from the captaine I tooke, and from a Holander whoe came lattly out of Cadiz, that the Spanish fleet are in the bay of Cadiz, reedy to saill for the Indes; 38 or 40 saill in all: 17 of them are to convoy the Indes men as farre as the Canaryes, and then to returne to Naples. One of there best men of warre was oversett in the Carackes, which have hindred their goeing forth some time. I am informed shee is wholly lost, onlly her gunes. It hath been noe small trouble to mee, that want of victualls should hinder my meeting the enemy. I had with mee but six of the ten; being forced att Formitora to send two of them to Argir, to procure, if possible, victuals for their subsistance, and on to Marsilla, and another to Tetuan. Had all the ten been with mee, and victualled, I should have adventured upon them, though I had followed them halfe way to the Indies: notwithstanding, wee were all resolved to fall upon them in the bay of Cadiz, with the small party which wee had; and endeavored it eight dayes; but westerly winds held soe vemently, that we could not gett out. Our victualls being soe neare expended, we weare doubtfull of perishing in the sea, and soe were forced to this place, where we arrived the 15th instant. Truely, my lord, for wante of all thinges, especially saillers and victuals, we are in a verey sad condition; for in all my life, never was I soe put to my sheftes by fowle weather: the winter hath, and still continues so bade in theise parts, that the oldest man never saw the like. We have not, throughout the whole fleet, above 18 dayes victualls att short allowance; and thinges so excessive deere, that I know not what sheft to make, if the victualls come not within that time.

May it please your honor, this day I received a letter from Mr. Longland of Leagorne, that informes mee, my bills, which weare charged on the treasurer of the navy, are not yet pay'd, nether accepted; nether was a bill of Mr. Thomas Amoreyes of Lisbon, in November. This being blowne abroad amongst the merchants, I dout of being furnished with mony to buye victualls for our men to eatt. I leave the consequence to your honor's judgment, and doe earnestly desier some course may bee taken therein; for I will assure you, I shall charge noe more then nessessity forceth me to: nether have I exceeded the credit given mee by his highnesse, the mony being mad good, which I payed for the captives at Tunes. I have lengthened out the victualls which I had at first, by putting our men to short allowance, that if I should pay them what is there due, it would neare amount the creditt his highnesse gave mee. In the man of warr which I took, there was a small parsell of suger, which I intend to make off for paying some short allowance to our men for there refreshment here; it being high time to keep them quiatt. I hope your honor will be pleased to consider, that allmost seventeen moneths is a long time to bee abroad; and every man is talking of home; the time hath been out a long time; and captaine Smith sayd, hee would not stay out in her, if hee might have her given him. If it should be soe, that I did stay out another winter, I desier that a shipp might bee sent; for this can never doe it: besid, poor men cannot maintain their familyes soe long att home. I leave all to your honor's grate wisdom, doe take leave, and remain,

Right Honourable,
Your faithfull servant,
John Stoakes.

Lyme, in the bay of Marsilla;
May the 18. 1658.

H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland, to colonel Cooper, May 19th, 1658.

In the possession of William Cromwell esq;

I Received, about three weeks since, a desire from you by major Lowe, that this young man, who attends you, of whom you give a good character, might have a colours in your regiment. I must confess, I was not forward at that time to signify to him my approbation, tho' I was and am still willing to gratify you in any thing of that nature, or otherwise; for truly I do esteem him to be an honest man, faithfull to his highness and the publick, and one who on all occasions hath testifyed the like to me.

Dr. Gorges hath direction to prepare a commission for the ensign's place; and withall, to signify my grant thereof to lieutenant-colonel Duckenfield, with orders for his passing the musters accordingly.

I suppose I need not give you any relation of major Lowe's carriage at that time, when the late address from hence to his highness was first under consideration with the cheif officers here. I shall only say, that it favoured of so much peevishness and perverseness, that even his best friends, and some of those of his own judgment, could not but censure him for it. You know, that I never thought him any ways qualifyed to be a major; besides he hath been observed, as well by myself as other sober persons, who have known him longer than you have done, to be a man of none of the best temper. Moreover I must tell you, that he is so engaged in his own and others affairs, that he hath not given that diligent attendance on his charge, which an officer of his quality ought to have done. I say, upon these and many more considerations, with which I shall not now trouble you, I have thought it a duty incumbent upon me, on this occasion, to dismiss him from his command, lest (besides what else might be urged) so evil a precedent, no ways discountenanced, might have a dangerous influence upon such a body as an army, to the encouragement of unquiet spirits to oppose the unanimous resolutions and actings of the army in the manifestation of their duty, and to the discouragement of such as are sober and well-minded among them. Having made this vacancy, which I do assure you I have done on no other account than what is publick, I have not been a little sollicitous to find a fit person to supply that place; even such a one, as might be most suitable to you, and most serviceable to the publick. I have prevailed upon captain Staples to leave his troop of horse, and accept of that command, and have commissioned him accordingly. He is a person of a very clear reputation, and generally known to the officers of the army, having always served among us from the beginning of the warr, and well experienced in foot-service. Having given you an account of my proceedings in this business, which hath been done with a great deal of respect and candidness towards you, I no ways doubt your fair interpretation thereof.

And likewise to prevent mistakes of the proceedings of our synodicall meeting, so called here, I suppose your good friend and mine, Dr. Harrison, will give you some account thereof.

Although your relation to this place, and my inclination to you, might put me upon hastening your return hither; yet understanding, that there are still discourses of calling a parliament suddenly, wherein I suppose his highness will judge your attendance necessary, I shall only say, that whenever you receive his highness's dismiss, you will be very welcome to
Yours, &c.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.


May it please your Lordshipp,
Bergh was rendered yesterday upon no better conditions then to be prisoners of warr; their is fyve of the eldest regiments the Spanyards had taken in it, and are this day a shipping for Callais. The Spanish forces cannot be in greatter confusione and disorder then they are in; and their is that consternation upon all men, that they stand as it were with their armes folded, beholding their owne ruine, without endeavouring, by any rationable way, to stopp the course of that inundation, wherein they are reddy to be swallowed upp. All the considerable towns in Flanders are levying forces for their owne defence; and some here, who pretend to know much of the intentions of the Flemings, flatter me with hopes, that the provinces will ere long speak for themselves; and, that especially the marittime places of these provinces will rather inclyne to demand protectione from his highnes and England, then either from France or Holland. I give all discourse of that nature the best entertainment I can; and if it please the Lord to give that (which as to all faire appearances he hath broght to the birth) strength to bring forth, I doubt not, but a goodly chyld shall be come, which shall own his highness and England as one of its best godfathers. As to businesse heare, I carry it on with all the care and industry I am capable of. I may say, this towne hath hithertoo afforded me lesse rest then the camp. I have not yett gott all the approaches slighted, tho' I work as hard as ever I can every day. I make a good stepp both as to reparations without, and government within. I am now settling of the harbour, to the end the profitts of it, belonging to his highnes, may be dewly collected. I send your lordshipp herewith the copy of a proclamatione I have emitted: it relates to the deportment of the soldiers; another will goe forth tomorrow; a copy whereof I shall send, which will relate to the bourgoise, and will regulatt the valeus of mony, and the pryces of provisions. Your lordshipp will find both of them ruff-hewed peices; but so I can reach the matter of your businesse, your lordshipp will, I hope, excuse my failings in point of form. I have been bold to assume the tytle of generall, severall of the directions of your lordshipp's letters to me carying it: and I must beseech your lordshipp to beleeve, that I was not prompted to take that name, either by vanity or ambition: but a name (tho' ane airy thing in itself, in all cases where it's design'd rather to cary on a businesse by authority then force) doth many tymes signify considerably, especially amongst the meaner sort of people. I writt in my last to your lordshipp, that provisione must be made for hay, for the subsistance of the cavallry in winter; but now Bergh is taken, I am putt in hopes to gett hay furnished at the third part at least of the expense it will stand you in, if it came from England. I resolve also to save what I can for pallisados heare, and shall give your lordship an account of it: but in the mean tyme I must begg, that 2 or 3000 good ones be sent as soone as possible; they are to be imployed at the points of the principal bastions. If his highnes will send over 300 effective horsemen, I beleeve I shall be able to doe our businesse with that num ber; or at least, if I find that number not sufficient, I can importune his highness for more. I cowld wish I had if it were no more but one troop for the present necessity, till the rest cowld be transported with conveniency; for I beginn to find the French horse as dangerous to be mett with in the fields as the enemies. I had yesternight a very complementive letter from his eminence, wherein againe he renewed his sense of his highness's favour in the treatment of duke de Crequi and his nephew. So soone as he returns to Mardick or Bergh, which will be within this 3 dayes, (if it please God to preserve the king in health) I intend to presse the settling of the contributione for the subsistance of this guarrisone, that all marches may be distinct and cleare betwixt us and the circumjacent garrisons belonging to the French. The devastations made by both the armyes are so great, as their will be no possibility of drawing any contributiones at present; but it's good to have things of that nature settled. The barbarityes committed yesternight by the French at Bergh will begett me addresses from severall of the most substantiall inhabitants their, for liberty to transport themselves to Dunkerke: their friends have spoake for them alreddy; butt they are all rigid Catholickes; and wee have too many of that stamp here alreddy. I hope his highnes will give leave to any oppressed Protestant family to come in under his protection heare; but without his highnes's expresse commands, I will receive no Catholicks, not so much as those, who have belong'd to this place, and have once deserted it. I am confident it will be a most acceptable sacrifice to that God, who hath given his highnes and the nation ane interest heare, that this place may be made ane asyle to poor Protestants. But I consume to much of your lordshipp's tyme. God will direct your lordshipp better then any can advyse; and I must make it my businesse rather to doe well then say well, tho' I am not good at either. I am,

May it please your Lordship,
Your most humble, fathfull and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Dunkerke, June 2d.
S. N. 1658.

General Fleetwood to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

Dear Brother,
We are now preparing for the high court of justice, which sitts to-morrow, wheare are to be tryed Dr. Hewett, Mr. Mordant, Sir Henry Slingsby, Mr. Smyth, and Mr. John Russell, Sir Richard Willis, Sir William Compton, and severall others; wheare I doubt not but they will finde impartiall justice. The Lord make it a warning to others, and of use to us, to see how little we are to trust to the fayre pretension of som mens kindnes, unlesse they have hade hearts and hands in or to the work! For surely our worke is of that nature, that will discover persons not to be long friends to it nor us, unlesse they have princeples in some measure sutable to it. The buysness of Ostend you will heare what the issue is therof. They begin this campaigne with very ill successe. I wish we may have a beter account of our men this then the last yeare. Our men begin to be very unwilling to goe upon that service. His highnes is not as yet com to a resolution as to the time of parliment; the delay of which, I feare, will put us upon some extremityes, by reason of our extraordinary wants of moneyes, which treade so fast upon our heeles in all our affayres, that I confesse I know not what will becom of us, unlesse the parliment will suddenly answer our occasion. I do beleive we spend as litle of the states moneyes but upon publicke occasions, as ever any did; but the truth is, our expences and occasions for moneyes are extraordinary, and we canot with safety retrench them. Ther is 2 or 3 auncient ministers, Dr. Tate, Mr. Fayrfull, formerly a minister in Tyrron, and another, whose name I know not, out of Willshire, all of them, because of my former relation to Ireland, do desire each of them 50 l. advance. I know not the gentlemen as to know their gifts and holynes, neither can I tell what direction you give about their advance-moneyes. Dr. Tate, I understand, is perticulerly invited by yourselfe; and therefore you are, I presume, fully satisfyed in him. I intreat to know.

May 24. [1657.]

Captain Stoakes to secretary Thurloe.

Vol.lix. p.119.

Right Honorable,
In my last I gave your honour an account of the condition of the party with me at the entrance into this port, to which please to be referred. Since is come to me the Bristoll and Hampshire from Tituan, bringing me a small refreshment, which cost double the price usuall, by reason of the extraordinary raines, the country being soe overflowed, that the people are not able to approach the citty. This I mention, that your honour may know what unsesonable weather hath bin in these seas; not any summer as yet. Our necessityes are such, wee have not the liberty to dispute the price of victuals, but take it at what rate soever; soe that a great sume of money goes a small way, and the worst is, such a great want of boath, that it puts me to my witts end. God grant weather to bring the victualls hither; otherwise in all these parts I shall not finde victualls to subsist. Amidst all these perplexitys, I am somewhat comforted by your honour's of the 13th instant, together with the copy of his highness's letter to the great duke, and answered to his agent; wherein he is pleased to owne the proceedings at Leghorn, which is no small encouragement, that his highness will countenance me, who, to the utmost of my power, shall endeavour the accomplishment of all his commands, nothing more troubling me, then that I am not able to doe him any more service in these seas, where the enemy hath so many ports and watch-towers all alongst the coast, that we noe sooner appeare, but they get under their castles, where we can doe noe good, but at more hazard then the service will be profitable. The Bristoll and Hampshire mett with fower galleys of Naples close by Barselonia, and chac'd them under two of their castles, which was all they could doe. I have this day ordered the Kent and Guinea to convoy a merchant-ship towards Tunis, to surround Sardinia, and soe to Leghorn, (by way of Mounte Christo, where the enemy usually lyeth) to take in those provisions left there, and see if they have a better reception then our last, in which they are to spend but thirty days; by which tyme all their victualls will be expended. The Jersey have ordered to ply off the isles of Erres. The rest of the frigotts with me doe intend shall range the bay of Valentia, and the coast thereabouts, as long as their victualls shall give them leave. The Farfax as yet appeares not, being gon from Algeir (from whence I sent to call her, and the Yarmouth). I conceive they are gon to Tituan, being unable to furnish themselves at Algier, by reason of the drought. This is all at present worth your honour's notice, more then that you would be pleased to give order my credit be not lost in the non-payment of my bills; which will very much add to the rest of the favours received from your honour. For which I am,

Right Honourable,
Your honour's in all due observance,
John Stoakes.

Lyme frigatt in Marselia bay,
the 25th of May, 1658.

H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

26. May, 58.

In the possession of William Cromwell esq;

Wee are glad our address found the acceptance we hoped for. I wish the same success to my lord Falconbridge.

Although I have often traced the cavalier in his trinkling here, yet I always thought more advantage might be made (as our affairs stood) by observing his walk, then preventing his first attempt; yet your stirring the ill humours in England made me a little watchful, least some of them should discharge themselves upon us. And being informed, that more passengers than ordinary were lately come over, I thought fit to cause a search through this city and suburbs last night at midnight, to the end I might have an account of every stranger and his business; but I have met with nothing of so much moment, as would amount to more than your diversion. I know not whether that might be a kindness to you. I am sure it would not be so to the publick; for I may say, upon your carefull labour depends a great part of our security. The ministers I called together about their maintenance, have this day given me a large paper in referrence to several matters offered by me to their consideration, and are now returning to their respective homes, parting with much love, having, during the time of their being together, kept a good understanding, and mutual respect and tenderness one towards anothere; though I must tell you, endeavours have not been wanting amongst persons of no mean quality here to blow up the coals, and frustrate those good ends we aimed at. I confess I always thought Robert Goodwin was not laid aside for his own faults, but rather to make me fit to be chastized. I perceive occasions are often sought. I have had patience hitherto, and if things mend not shortly, it will be necessary to trouble you with a state of them. I am
Yours, &c.

H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland, to lord Fauconberg.

May 26. 58.

In the possession of Will. Cromwell esq;

My Lord,
This trapan at Ostend seems as strange to me, as the sitting down before that place the last year at a coast, which the besiedged might overflow at their pleasure. I know not whether Don may sacrifice to his own politicks for either. It seems rather to mee, that the French have failed in theirs. Altho' people do commonly measure mens wisdom by their success, yet in this case one may wonder, that marshal d'Aumont should expect saith in those, whose want of saith was the only thing, which qualified them for his service.

I shall be always very willing to dispose myself according to the advice of my friends; but I think that affair, which you mention, about my going into France, will require much consideration; which being duly had, would easily incline me to whatever should appear most for the publick service. But I suppose your lordshipp speaks of it as a matter rather past, than under any present deliberation. I am
Yours, &c.

H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland, to lord Broghill, May 26. 58.

In the possession of Will. Cromwell esq;

My Lord,
Since your retirement into the countrey I am more a stranger to affairs than I was wont to be. However things have gone hitherto, I cannot expect they should mend by your absence. I must needs agree with your lordshipp, that the posture of affairs is not such as I could wish it were. We hear still of a parliament; but no time appointed for it. This bopeep game will likewise necessitate me to wear my faith in my eyes. I doubt the delay of a parliament may be occasioned from the unripeness of the design of Disbrowe and Fleetwood; the account whereof you received from your honest old neighbour. Your lordshipp knows this place seldom affords any remarkable matter. Thanks be to God, that unhealthfull distemper, which seized almost on all the inhabitants of this countrey, is quite removed; and in further answer to our prayers, we have had very seasonable rains.

And truly I hope the meeting of the ministers hath not been without a blessing. They are now gone home, having very lovingly agreed in all their conferences. I could tell you some workings of another nature, but must deferr it either till you come to London, or till I see you. I am, &c.

Monsieur Talon to the French embassador.

From aboard the vice-admiral of England, the 7th of June, 1658. [N. S.]

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

I Send you in all haste a letter of M. de Turenne, by which you will see the present necessity we have of a speedy recruit from England, for the perfecting of a work so well begun. I come just now out of the trench, where I have been best part of this night. In which time the enemy made a very violent sally out upon our men, but were beaten back with loss, even into their counterscarp, our cavalry being engaged with theirs, and bringing back ten prisoners; among whom there is one captain of horse, and a cornet. We had on this occasion near 100 disabled men, half French and half English. Monsieur de Turenne was himself in the trench, and the lord Lockhart in the head of the English, who gave a signal testimony of their valour. Their work is much advanced this night, and they are now got in 3 nights within 60 paces of the enemies counterscarp. The trench of the French is not yet so much advanced; but to-morrow morning there will be two pieces of cannon brought for a battery, which will much expedite the work. I am now with the vice-admiral, from whom we receive considerable assistance for our siege, to discourse and consult with him about the means to demolish by sea the fort de Bone at Dunkirk, which doth us much mischief as to our works. While I was in the enemies hands, from whom I lately made my escape, I found by them, that they would hazard all to hinder Dunkirk from falling under the dominion of the English. If I had here an opportunity of writing to you, I would inform you of all the particular passages of our siege, that so you might do the same to his highness. As also, I should be glad, by this commerce, to give you a testimony how perfectly I am,

Your most obedient and humble servant,

The testimony of Thomas Topham, sworne and examined.


That he was, May the 8th, at the fethers taverne in Cheapside, where were one collonel Deane, Mr. Manley, Mr. Seamour, Mr. Somers, a west-country gentleman, to the deponent unknowne, and Mr. Carleton, who appeared on behalf of Mr. Southcoate of Paul's church-yard, Mr. Hall, Mr. Isaackson, together with the deponent. The intention of the meeting was for the interest of Charles Stuart, to give an account what forces they could raise at an hower's time. That Charles Stuart was to come over with 7 or 8000 from beyond sea, Oastend, or some place beyond sea unknown to the deponent. For the meeting at the mermaid, he should give an account of, that they had not many meetings but to drink a cup of wine. And the deponent being comanded to declare what else he knew in relation to that designe, said, in relation to the citty, Deane said, that if Mr. Manley would make good what he promised to him, he would secure all the outparts of London to him, and demanded 150 horse to face the Mewes. This was the 8th of May last, as the deponent takes it; which if Manley would make good according to his promise, he would fall upon all the quarters from Fleetstreete, Holborne, and Smithfield; but he would never make out where the faces were. That the number of men, that each person engaged to bring, are as followeth, viz. Manley spoke of 200 horse, Carleton for Southcoate 250 foot and horse, besides some men to secure Paul's, if they were provided with armes, Seamour 200, Somers 500, and did not question but he should make them up a regiment, if the designe held out but a while, the west-country gentleman 800 horse, but would have brought it more, had he known it sooner. And this deponent further saith, that Manley was the collonel of horse, who had his comission from the king Charles Stuart, dated from Bruges the 20th of January, the 9th yeare of his reigne; and that Manley did fix upon under-officers: that Somers was to have been a collonel of foot: that he told this deponent, his comission was in Morefields, and that one Carleton delivered it to him, a minister, as the deponent takes it, an ancient man, in grey clothes: that Manley spake of some horse, that were to come from Hatfield; but the deponent knew not the number: but Manley further told him of some pistolls and holsters, put, as the deponent thinkes, in one of the lord of Salisburye's houses that was to be lett: that the said Manley further told the deponent, that there were very honourable persons would appear, if the foresaid party were able to stand, and told of one person, that, he said, we would wonder at; but he was engaged on an oath not to discover him, nor make it knowne to any; and did not question but many would appeare, if they did but stand a while: that the 8th of May it was appointed they should meet againe the 9th, being Sunday, at Mr. Isaackson's, the Golden-key in Cheapside; but that held not, in regard the persons that should, could not be met with: that May the 10th they met at the deponent's house; there came onely Deane, Manley, and Seymour, with 2 or 3 more persons, unknowne to the deponent. They came in about 9 of the clock, ordered no candles should be seen, but would come in the darke, and went up to a roome, and staid there 2 howers; but the deponent was not admitted to come to them, nor was Seamour admitted in the counsell; but told them it was very late, and came down to the deponent into his kitchin. They staid there till 12 at night, and Manley told the deponent, that they were agents from the generall; and that Deane had given them very good satisfaction; and that the designe should be put in execution; but did not then tell the time. That May the 13th, at the Exchange taverne by the stocks, met Manley, the 2 Needhams, Isaackson, Brandon, and a man in a plush jackett: that the end of that meeting was only to know and be acquainted with one another. The deponent was to have been an officer under Manley. That the deponent was at a meeting at Creeplegate, where were Manley, the 2 Needhams; one of them was to have been an officer under Manley, as Manley told the deponent; and that one was to have been a lieutenant-collonel, and the other a captaine: that there were also present there Isaackson, and one Carrant, who, Manley said, was to have been a captaine, Goodwin, Hancock, Langridge, and the deponent: that Mr. Manley told them, that saterday was the night, and that there should be a meeting the next day for orders, and for the word and the signall. This was fryday; but the next morning appointed his officers to meet at the Mourning-bush taverne at Aldersgate; and there only his officers met, and were to goe for the word and other orders to the Mermaid in Cheapside, from an agent from the generall: that the signall was to have been given on saturday at 2 a clock; but the designe should have been put in execution at 11 at night, when the chymes went at Bow and Cornhill; and then should they receive orders at the Mermaid, as Mr. Manley told him: that the discourse at the Mourning-bush, where were onely Manley his officers, was, that they were going to receive orders; that their regiment were to meet at the Sunn taverne to receive orders at 8 at night from him that was to be their major: that Stacy came to the deponent at the King's-head in Swithin's lane, and told him, he had met with a soldier at the Tower, who told him, that the lord Barkstead had receiv'd orders from his highnes to march out from the Tower with 5 running drakes; whereupon he said, that the business was discovered; but he slighted the drakes. That the deponent being going to the Mermaid, Mr. Hale stopt him, telling him, that Manley and the rest were taken; and so the deponent returned back: this was between 2 and 3 a-clock. That they brought in armes and ammunition to a warehouse took of the deponent, which were brought in by Manley his order, who, as he told the deponent, was to provide armes for his regiment; and told the deponent on saterday morning, that there was a suite of armes for Sir Gilbert Gerrard at the said warehouse. That one Brandon had the key of the said warehouse. That there were 2 boxes of pistolls there, some loose, some holsters; being, as Manley told the deponent, for Sir William Layton, who was to seize on the guards at Paul's. That there were 5 or 6 dozen of powder hornes, some 3 or 4 dozen Mr. Manley, as he told the deponent, sent in with some powder; and that they spake of seizing the lord Titchborne, collonel Rose, and the officers of the train'd bands; and that the prisons should be all open. That Isaackson told the deponent, that it was in motion to have a collection, viz. 5 l. a-piece from the officers, for some person to seize upon his highnes. That when Manley was examined before the lord Titchborne, he told this deponent, he became ingaged for Hutchinson to raise a regiment of men for the king of Sweden; but before he would be bound, he made him swear he would never fight directly or indirectly against the house of the Stuarts, else he would never become bound; and said, that if this designe went on in London, that Hutchinson with his party would joyne; and that the said Manley told the deponent, that there would be men enough both from the cittie and country, that would joyne.

Marshal Turenne to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Vol. lix. p. 109.

L A cour s' estant rencontreé icy, il y a quelque temps, que je ne me suis pas donné l' honneur de vous escrire.

Mais comme les tranchées sont ouvertes depuis trois jours, et que l'on trouve une grande resistance, et que l'on a nouvelles asseurées, que l'armée de l'ennemi s'en viendra un de ces jours en presence de celle du roy, je vous supplie de parler à Monsieur le protecteur, à sin qu'il envoye promptement un renfort d'infanterie. Il seroit necessaire, si on veut avoir quelque seureté pour la conqueste de cette place, qu'il s'eut au moins deux milles hommes de pied de renfort, que Monsieur le protecteur envoyast en diligence. Je vous supplie de luy representer, qu'il fit bien cet effort là pour Mardick, car cecy est de telle consequence pour ses ennemis, qu'il n'y a rien au monde, qu'ils ne fassent pour le secours de la place. Si Monsieur le protecteur a de l' infanterie sur la coste de la mer, il saudroit, qu'il la fit embarquer pour venir icy en diligence. Car je vous diray sans tremeur, que l'on manque de l' infanterie faire un grand siege, et resister à l' ennemi de dehors, qui a touts les advantages du monde pour entreprendre sur les lignes de quel costé, qu'il voudra.

Les ennemis firent hier une sortie sur les deux tranchées: les Anglois y firent fort bien, et se levent fort de notre cavallerie, qui poussa ses ennemis sur leur contrescarpe. Il y a eu un capitaine de cavallerie de l' ennemis pris, et quelques cavalliers, avec un cornette, et quartier-maistre. Ils disent qu'il y a soixante compagnies de cavallerie dans la place. Il est vray, que les compagnies sont soibles, mais asseurement il y a plus de sept à huit cents chevaux. Cela nous occupe beaucoup de plus, et est cause, que je vous demande encore de solliciter en diligence un renfort de deux mille hommes, et que l'on envoye tousjours, ce qui est prest.

Il si est passé deux ou trois actions, ou les Anglois ont fort bien fait; et on veu comme les Francois vont de tout bon cœur pour la conqueste de cette place, ce qui leur donne beaucoup de gaité et de la confiance. Nous sommes desja fort proche de la contrescarpe, et cela hastera fort l' ennemis de faire un effort; et asseurement estant divisez, comme nous sommes, par des ponts, si on n'est promptement renforce d' infanterie, il peut y arriver un accident. C'est la pure verité, laquelle doit obliger Monsieur le protecteur à l' envoy des hommes en diligence. Continuez moy vos bonnes graces, et me croyez,

Vostre tres humble serviteur,

Du camp devant Dunkirk,
le 7. Juin, 1658. [N. S.]

Mr. Downing, resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lix. p. 115.

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Honourable Sir,
Since the last post I wrote to you by one Mr. P ri n ce a me r c ha n t of Amsterdam, who is indeed a very honest man, and faithfull to his friends, and indeede the man that I depend upon, upon all occasions, in Amsterdam; and unless you shall be pleased to shew him a reall countenance and assistance in that particular business of his owne he comes about, I shall be uncapable of giving you such accompts from those parts as I have done, and otherwise shall for the future be able to doe. It is true I have some others, but none like him.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

I can assure you, that heere is nothing like the st. gen. e n ga ge in g to r e l i e v Dunkirk by s e a, though there are not wanting them, that doe their utmost, e v e n in the st. gen. to blow them up to such an art; but having gained so much upon ducees of Zeeland, this doth extreamely keepe of any such thing; for that they being next neighbours to Dunkirk, the onely way to bring about such a thing must have bin by engaging them first; but Holland finds them very little inclined to any such thing, which is of no small consequence to your affaires; and by mine abovementioned I gave you an accompt, that the fleete from Amsterdam is gone to sea, which is, I thinke, a very good assurance to your siege of Dunkirk; 109 251 477 511 142 72 279 311 408 582; but truly I know not what to say to the ranckling business of the Portugal prises, nor what effects it may produce. I dout at next rancounter I shall finde de Wi t very much out of patience; for that, according to your former, I promised this weeke an answer without sayle concerning them; and surely some answer, though generall, were, I thinke, much better then none, were it onely a letter of kindness in generall termes, intimateing his highness resolution, in this particular, and in all others, to preserve the treaty of peace betweene him and this state: such an answer as this would serve for some time, till 217 469 159 114 83 36 143 286 154 305 460 475 476 83 87 probably Dunkirk might be out of danger; 418 408 260 109 58 286; and further, relieveing the Spaniard, they will say, that that is but the act of particular men, and not of the state; and that 'tis noe more then their subjects did against themselves dureing the warr with Spaine; and that they have made orders for the punishing such as I have complained of, although it's as true, that nothing hath bin effectually done against any of them in pursuance of them: and for the Spanish bringing in the shipps of the English into their harbours, reasoning that case with admiral Obdam, he replyed, that being in friendship as well with Spain as England, their harbours ought to be open equally to both, but that they were willing to use their endeavour to hinder the unladeing any of them: and at another time de Witt said to me, that they could not complaine of any by virtue of Portugall . . . . . . . . manner bring Dutch ships into the English harbours, and that it was not against the treaty. But I shall do my ut most. 84 270 381 157 148 385. I am glad of what you write concerning the Scotish staple at Trevere. By my last I gave you an account, to wit, stands in relation to the lady Stanhope's and her pass. 64 414 207 63 286 122 217 143.

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I shall, according to your directions, send to Amsterdam for the I ri s h co lo ne l and by the next give you an accompt concerning that business; but the person being wholly a stranger to me, I cannot as yet say much therein. I shall have a care of Gardiner 36 339 286. He is now come hither from Brussels, 306 585, and this post comes to you a letter from him directed to Monsieur Plampin. 355 100 123 339. This weeke Sir John Marlow 72 116 64 105 371 135 86 116 161 sent one of his sons to me 143 477 379 with a proser; 443 48 51 286, that the said Sr John. 131 73 118 66 110, if he might have from me a pass, 425, and an hundred pound sterling to bear his charges, and his pardon, would go for England, and discover 37 314 305 547 207 267 143 254 154 286 to you all he knows 324 77 395 162 287 concerning Charles Stuart's designs; 56 108 287; and this he in general sayd to mee, that hee could 324 254 discover things of importance, 142 408 338 431 136 150 205 251, and that divers in the north of England 186 41 339 468 395 136 150 65 408 547 had sent to him, to invite him to England; 466 326 339 477 547; and that his so n would put himself any-where as a prisoner in your power 286 339 511 433 for his father's faithful 134 141 298 72 149 65 50 150 86 426 135 performance. 109 251, I told him, I could say nothing thereto without directions, which when I had, he should have an answer from me; but he said, that his father would not be as spy to remain amongst them. 231 217 17 143 123 173 477 137 44 371 339 203 468 103.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

This morning came to me one colonel 477 379 116 390 254 365 390 86 Palmer, 199 100 286, and gave me the inclosed account. 142 279 184 258. 'Tis he that Holdin the messenger 468 379 142 138 339 57 286 once brought to you, and who was to have bin lieutenantcolonel to 387 109 150 254 365 390 84 477 collonell Lions, 412 144, who was to have carried a 17 regiment into France. He offers his 143 327 service, if I will imploy him, to Ch. Stew. so I desire your directions therein.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

I think the resolutions of the states of Holland, which I sent you by the last post, concerning a renewal of alowance 199 408 199 362 205 251 with Venice, 42 393 251, is considerable to England. I have spoken with French embassador about it, and he will give an accompt thereof to Mazarine. 174 14 441 390. Just now a messenger of the states general came to me to let me know, that the deputies of the states general desire a conference with me to-morrow at 10 of the clock; and whether I shall have some new thing concerning the Portugal prises, I know not. I have by this post sent you the coppyes of such papers as they gave me at my last conference, on the 1st June instant. The inclosed, which was mentioned to be sent you in the letter by my secretary, was forgott. My wife, I thank God, arrived here safe on tuesday night last.

I have this post charged 500 l. upon Mr. Noell upon my owne account as part of my allowance of 1510 l. per annum, and shall truly in all things endeavour to my utmost. I shall look after the ships 140 for England as well as I can. He that will direct his letters to you from Bruxels to Timothy 468 Downing Ctozo, 174 110, will make use of the inclosed cypher, of which he hath a copy. I am,

Honourable Sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

Hague, June 7. 58. [N. S.]

Lord Fauconberg to secretary Thurloe.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

Being yet very sicke, and my eyes much weakened by sea, physick and smoake, off which I have had good store since my landing, I must beg leave to use Wickham's hand in acquainting you with our adventures.

Be pleased then to understand, that heareing his majesty intended for Mardike, I resolved to venture any weather, rather then disappoint his journey thither. About ten a clocke at night on thursday last, I shipt all my horses and carriage; and on friday morneing about ten a clocke embarqued myselfe, takeing only my lord Howard, and my owne retinue, aboard with me: all the rest of the gentlemen, which were grown more numerous since my last, went aboard the lesser vessell called the Wakerfeild.

The wind turneing against us, as soone as ever we were aboard, shutt us up all the day in the roade; about eleven at night we weighed anchor, the wind then very high; and within halfe an hower, turneing to a very great storme, drawe the Wakerfield, and the biggest of the three horse-boates, in which all mine were, to the number of 39, away from us, we hope to Mardike or the Downes, otherwise the horses are inevitably lost, having nothing of provision aboard with them. My owne ship, and two smaller horse-boates, though with the losse of their masts, praised be God, cast anchor upon this road earely this morning. But the wind continued so extreame high, as made it impossible for us to get ashore till about an hower ago; and then with so much hazard, as I would perswade but few of my people, scarce of the seamen, to venture with me; but had they bin so sicke on board as I, they would not have been so thoughtfull for themselves. At my approach, I could but wonder to discover such infinite numbers of all forts of people along the coast, and upon the wall; the kinge himselfe, the queene, and duke of Anjou, in a box built, I thinke, on purpose for this occasion; though the posture I entred in answer'd nothing their expectation, haveing onely my two ship-boates, which all the rhetorique I had could not perswade my company to fill. The count de Charos, governor of the towne, stood ready at the pierre by the king's order to receive me with 8 or 10 coaches. Immediately after my arrivall, most persons of quality in towne came to falute me; but perticularly from his eminence came the captain of his guards; from his majesty the duke de Crequy; from the queene the count de Orvall, sonne to the famous duke of fully; and from the duke d' Anjou marquis d' Hiantelle, all to complement me, and lament the disaster of my journey. The king's own Switzers guard my door. All his officers and the queene's are apointed to attend me at meales. The duke de Crequy had orders to have supped with me; but finding me so exceedeingly out of order, left me to retire. In short, the same orders, that have formerly bin given for the entertainment of the dukes of Modena and Mantua, &c. are now for my reception. The count de Charos acquainted me at my landing, how much the king desired to see me, and know by me of his highnes's health; and to that end told me, his majesty intended to give me audience to-morrow, which I endeavored to excuse, saying it would be an interruption to their majestyes devotions, as I conceived, and was a day, which ought by mee to be set apart for other matters. This, with other endeavors, which I intend to use, will, I hope, free mee from any trouble to-morrow.

As to the siege of Dunkirk, by the little discours I have had with the duke de Crequy, chevalier Grammont, and others, I find they infinitely esteeme my lord Lockhart for his courage, care, and enduring the fatigue beyond all men they ever saw. These were their owne words. The enemies army, as they say, are 10000 horse, and 8 or 9000 foot. Our forces, French and English, wil be to-morrow 18000 within the lines, besides what the king hath heere, and 6000 horse, that the marshall le Fonte commands up in the country, in case they should make an incursion that way. The besieged have made two sallyes, one upon the French quarters, and another upon the English, both which were repulsed very suddenly, and without any losse on our parte. I do not heare the king hath any intentions of returneing suddenly thither, in regard of the Spanish armyes approoch; for Monsieur de Crequy tells me, he resembles so perfectly his grandfather, as, should anything of action happen, they would be in danger of looseing the gallantest prince they ever had.

Monsieur de Crequy came just now to acquaint me, the king would give me audience to-morrow, but I have excused it; which I hope you will do, the useing another hand, and this bad paper. For my owne writeing-box is still aboard, as all my other clothes yet are. Dear sir, I am most heartily

Saturday night, 12 a clocke,
29th [May 1658.] from Calais.

Your affectionate and most faithfull servant,

I feare I shall be forc't to stay sower or five dayes, to-morrow being a lost day as to my buisnes; and therefore I shall desire you would please to dispatch a courrier to me with what commands his highnes hath for me. I was really scarce able to see what I writt to his highnes; therefore I hope your goodnes will pardon my useing another hand.

Secretary Thurloe to Mr. John Aldworth, consul of the English nation at Marseilles.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;

I have received yours of this 28/18. May, with one inclosed from captain Stoakes, whereto the inclosed is an answer, which I pray cause to be safely delivered to him. You have done exceeding well to assist him in furnishing himself with provisions for the fleet. The 1500 l. which you charged, is ordered to be paid, and shall take all the care I can, that it be paid accordingly, which is all the trouble that I will give you at this time; and rest

Whitehall, May ult./June 10th, 1658.

Your very assured friend.

Instructions to captain Stoakes.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;

Oliver P.
Whereas the French king hath communicated to us, that he is very shortly to engage in a naval expedition against the king of Spain, the common enemy of us both; and to this purpose his said majesty hath commanded a fleet of ships at Thoulon, and some regiments to be transported upon them; and hath hereupon desired of us, that some of our ships in the Mediterranean sea may keep company with his fleet, for their better security: you are therefore, upon the receipt of this instruction, to cause 5 or 6 of the ships, now under your command, to set sail for Thoulon, or at least at such time as you shall understand the fleet of his said majesty shall be in readiness to sail; and being come thither, or being met at such place as agreed upon, the commander of the said squadron of 5 or 6 ships shall keep them company upon their expedition, and sail with them to such place in the Mediterranean sea against the Spaniard, as the admiral of the French fleet shall desire, according as the wind and weather will permit, and as it will consist with the safety of the said ships; and shall also endeavour to defend the said fleet of France against any of our enemies, which shall attack them.

The commander of the said squadron is to carry his flag as at other times, and to take care, that in all other things, during his being with the French fleet, the honour of us and commonwealth be preserved.

And having done this service, he is to observe such farther orders as you shall give him, in pursuance of your former instructions. Given at Whitehall, this 31st May 1658.

To captain Stoakes, commander in chief of our fleet in the Mediterranean sea.

Secretary Thurloe to captain Stoakes.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;

I hope my last is come to your hands, whereby you will see what his highness hath done upon the representation you made him touching the unexpected encounter you meet with at Leghorn; so that I need not add any thing more upon that subject.

This day I received yours, dated from Marseilles on the 18th instant, and am very sorry, that the great industry you used for the meeting of the enemies ships at Cales hath been ineffectual for want of victuals, which truly had been sooner with you, but that they were kept very long in the river of Thames by easterly winds. I hope the victualling ships are now arrived, for your future supply.

As for the bills of exchange, which you charged hither, I do assure you, it is the first word I have heard of their being sent back again. Upon the first notice of their being come, I moved it in the council, and the payment of them was immediately ordered; and if any obstruction fell out afterwards in the payment thereof, it was very ill done of those who look'd after them, that they did not acquaint some of us with the difficulties they found in obtaining the money; for though we are in some want of money, yet we know, that your credit must not suffer, the good of the whole fleet depending upon it.

I suppose you will have heard, before this comes to your hand, that Dunkirk is besieged by the English and French, both at sea and land, and the siege goes on very hopefully. The last news we had from thence was, that the enemy made a very bold sally, but were very gallantly repulsed; and our men are got within pistol-shot of their counterscarp. The Spaniard is drawing all the forces he can make into the field, to endeavour its relief.

De Ruyter is in the Downs with 22 men of war: he is bound unto Lisbon and the Mediterranean sea. This is all I have at this time to trouble you with; and rest

Whitehall, May ult. 1658.

10th June.

Your affectionate friend to serve you.

Your taking of the Spanish man of war is a very good service. It will be necessary, that upon the receipt of this instruction, you do give notice to the admiral of France, that you have received this direction from his highness.