Pages 42-60
Lincoln Wills: Volume 3, 1530-1532. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1930.
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In this section
1530 (September)
The testament of Thomas Murre of Boston.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, ff. 227d–9.]
3 September, 1530. I Thomas Murre of Boston, roper, makes my testament concludyng [folio 228] in the same my last will. My body to be buryed in the churche of st Botulphe in Boston, with my mortuary as the costome and the law requirys. To the high alter in the sayd churche for tithys forgotten vs. To every gylde in the sayd churche of st Botulphe by whome God our Lady and all the saintes in heven ar honoryd and worshyppyd vjd. To our Lady of Lincoln xijd. To our Lady warkes at Lincoln viijd. To the fatherles chyldren at st Catheryns at Lincoln xijd. To the iiij closters in the towne of Boston for goyng before me to the high churche and for syngyng of dirige every on of them iijs. iiijd. To Agnes my wyff all her goodes that she brought to me when I dyd marry her, no thyng to be with drawne from her that she can cownte or rekyn hyrs. To the sayd Agnes my wyff the house that I dwell in for her lyff; remaynder to Jenet Lownde in fee symple; remainder if she decease or she cum to xviij yeres, to the eldest chylde of Richard Murre of Kyrton. To the sayd Agnes my wyff the grene that I bought of John Gaton for her lyff; and then to be solde be my executor or executors of them and disposyd in warkes of charyte for my soule and all crysten soulys. To our Lady gylde in Wyberton ij garneshe of vessyll lay metyll so they kepe on yerday yerly to say dirige and messe for my soule and all crysten soulys. To the frerys Carmellyttes in Boston on garnesh of vessyll lay metyll and my best spyt. To Richerd Murre of Kyrton my best gowne, on dooblet, and on pare of hose. To every godbarne that I have lyffyng viijd. To Elizabeth Carmalde, my servant, a cownter that stands in the schop, and a bed price xiijs. iiijd., bed bordes, and all such thinges as schetys, coverlydes, blankyttes, and peloy, praysyd to the sayd valoy of xiijs. iiijd.; also on garnysh of vessell lay metyll; also ij howsys in Pulvertofte lane in fe symple and an ambre, a chavefyng dyshe, and xls. in money, [etc.]. To Jenet Lownde xls. in money [etc.]. I will ther be gyffyn to pore people at my buryall day in farthyng bred xiijs. iiijd., and also as myche at my sevent day, my xxxty day, and my fyrst yerday, sum liijs. iiijd. I will that the housys that standes in Buk lane, buttyng vppon the Whyte Frerys of the weste and uppon the sayd lane uppon the northe and uppon Edward Baudre of the southe and vpon the kynges high way of theest, be solde ij yeres after my decease, and the money therfore receyvyd the on halffe to be waryd in reparacions at the frerys Carmelyttes where most nede is, and the other halffe to be disposyd in mendyng of high ways and in other warkes of charite. To John Turner, my prentys, xs. To Robert Stubys, my servant, my tolys sufficient to lay a cabyll of iij score stone and so downe to a halter of a ob', and halffe my beame and halffe my wyghttes, and he to by the other halffe by the syght of my nyghbors, and xls. in money. To the bedmen of our Lady gylde in Boston xiijd. in the weke a yere lastyng after my decease wekely to be payd. To the gylde of the vij Martyrs in Boston vijd. I will have a prest to syng for my soule and all crysten soulys the space of a yere, gyffyng to hym vl. vjs. viijd. to hys wagys. And the sayd money to be in the kepyng of sir Richard Cooke, prest, he to pay the prest quarterly as hys quarter cumys. I will be mayd a brother in Corpus Xp'i gylde after my beryall day in payng my dewtes as the custome of the gylde is, I gyff my iij housys and my lyttyll grene callyd my layng place to the alderman, chamberlanes, and cobrether of Corpus Xp'i gylde for the terme of iiij score yeres and xij and for ever iff it may be sufferyd by the lawe, beryng suche a obbyt for my soule and all crysten soulys as the sayd alderman and cobrether and my executors may a gre uppon. And yff it can not be mayd sure within the sayd terme, then the sayd alderman and cobrether [folio 229] to sell it and dispose it in warkes of charite for my soule and all crysten soulys. The resydewe of my goodes I gyff and wytt to Agnes my wyffe and Richerd Murre of Kyrton, whome I make executors, by the counsell of sir Richerd Coke, prest, whome I make supervysor, [etc.]. Thes beyng wytnes, sir Thomas Cersy, parysh preste; Thomas Wryght; Gylberd Daylle; John Daylle; William Etwell; John Pollerd; John Bylton; wyth other moy.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 20 October, 1530, by the executors.
The testament of John Houson [of Scarthoe].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 325.]
4 September, 1530. I John Howsson of Scartho make my testament and last will. My body to be buryed in the churchyerde of Scartho. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln xijd., and to the high alter of Scartho iiijd. To our Lady light of Scartho ijs. viijd. To the rode of Scartho xijd. To Richerd Houson, my sone, xls. To Jenet my eldest doughter. To Jenet my yongest doughter. To Johan my doughter. The resydewe of my goodes I gyff to Margaret my wyff and to Thomas my sonne, whome I make executors. Wytnes heroff, sir John Fysher, parson; Edwarde Howson; Nicholes Bell; John Kyddyngton.
Proved before P., at Grymesby, 15 March, 1530–1. Administration was granted to Thomas Howson, the executor, Margaret the relict and executrix being prevented by death.
The testament of Alice Twellys [of Burton Pedwardine].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 258.]
4 September, 1530. I Alice Twellys of Burton Pedwardyne make my testament. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of the holy apostell st Androy of Burton, and my mortuary as the law dothe assigne. To the reparacions of our mother church of Lincoln iiijd. To the sacrament in the sayd church of Burton for tithys forgotten xijd. To Catheryne Bell. To Johan my doughter my best kyrtyll, a smoke and a napurne. To Margery my doughter. To Agnes Twellys. To ychon of the chyldren of Richerd Twellys, my sonne. To ychon of the chyldren of William Gyldyn. To ichon of the chyldren of the sayd Johanne my doughter. The reste off all my goodes I put to the disposicion of Robert Twellys, my sonne, whome I make executor, to bryng me honestly furth, to kepe my vijth day, my moneth day, and my yere day, and to pay my dettes, my rentes, and my legacies. Thes wytnes, sir Robert Jenkynson, vicar of Burton; Richerde Twellys; William Gyldyn; and other moy.
Proved before P., at Sleford, 27 September, 1530. Administration was granted to the executor.
The testament of William Cooke [of Dry Doddington].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 257d.]
5 September, 1530. I William Cooke of Dodyngton of the parysh of Westburgh make thys my laste will and testament. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of the south parte of the parysh church of Westburgh. To the high alter in offeryng iijs. iiijd. To the reparacions of the churche of Westburgh vjs. viijd. To the vicar of Westburgh iijs. iiijd. To Dodington chapill iijs. iiijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xxd. To the observantes of Newark halffe a quarter of malte. To our Lady frerys of Lincoln iiijd. To the Augustyne frerys of Lincoln iiijd. To Jenet my syster a cowe. To William Johnson and hys wyff xvjd. To sir Thomas Harmestrong xvjd. To sir Robert Alcoke xijd. To Stephyn Cooke vjs. viijd. To John Cooke. To Richerd Cooke. To John Thomson iiijs. To Dodyngton brygges ijs. To the churches of Clapole and Hough, Benyngton, Hougham, Stubton, to every of them iiijd. To st Jamys gylde of Dodyngton, saynt Catheryne gylde, and the Plough gylde, to every of them a stryke malte. I orden my wyff to be my executrix. I make sir Stephyn Cooke and John Thomson supervisors. Thes beyng wytnes, Roger Kyghley; Stephyn Cooke; Richard Aleyn; John Thomson; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Sleford, 27 September, 1530. Administration granted to the executrix.
The testament of Robert Medley [of Brigsley].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 267.]
5 September, 1530. I Robert Medlay of Bryggeslay makyth my testament and last will. My body to be buryed in the churchyerde of st Helene of Bryggeslay. To our Lady of Lincoln viijd. To the high alter of Bryggeslay for tentes not remembryd xijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln viijd. The resydewe of my goodes not wyt I gyff and wyt to Mawde my wyff whome I make my executrix to dispose for the well off my soule as she shall make answer before the high juge of heven. Thes wytnes sir William Bull, parson of the same church.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 10 November, 1530. Administration granted to the executrix.
The testament of Ed' Alayn [of South Ormsby].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 317d.]
9 September, 1530. I Edmund Alayn makyth my last will. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of st Leonerde of Southormesby. To the holy sacrament iijs. iiijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln apare of geate beeides wt a sylver ryng and xijd. of money. To st Anne of Ormesby to fyndyng of a lyght vjs. viijd. I will vjs. viijd. be gyffyn to pore folke of Kettesby, Wawmgare, Ormesby, Brynkyll. To John Sylle of Ormesby one cote wich hys servant ware, and a dooblyt the body of worstyd and the slevys of chamlet. To hys wyff iiijs. viijd. wich John Syll owyth vnto me. To William Yerland wyff my best gowne but on. To Anne Croke ij candylstykes, [etc.]. To sir John Cooke xijd. To the clerke iiijd. To mr William Skypwyth the yonger my supervisor vjs. viijd. To my too executores to eyther of them vjs. viijd., John Thewe and Robert Elwode. The resydew of my goodes not bequethyd I gyff to my sone, John Alayn, and yff anny thyng shall happyn him, I will that a prest shall syng for me and for all those that I am bounden to pray for so long as it will last at the myndes of my executors. Thes wytnes, John Gybson; William Kyrkby; wt other.
Proved at Kettesby, 11 March, 1530–1.
The testament of Thomas Kyrkeby [of Caythorpe].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 260.]
12 September, 1530. I Thomas Kyrkby of Cathorp make and orden thys my testament and last will. My body to be buryed in the parysh churche of saynt Vincent in Cathorpe. To the high alter of Cathorpe for my tithys with holden or forgotten xxd. To our mother churche of Lincoln ijs. To Isabell my wyff. To Thomas, Richard, and Beteres Day. To every on off William Haleday chylder. To every on of Richerde Halyday chylder. To every on of William Kente chylder. To every on of John Thomson chylder. To every on of my godchylder. To the comunalte of Rawceby iijs. iiijd. To the church of Normanton iijs. iiijd. To Carleton churche iijs. iiijd. To the church of Cathorpe xxs. To the Trinite gylde of the same towne on seame barly. To sir Rawff Parker. To Hough gylde iijs. iiijd. To Fulbek churche iijs. iiijd. To Isabell my wyff my howsys in Cathorp that I have by coppy for the terme of her lyff, and then she to dispose it for the helthe of both our soulys. The resydewe of my goodes I give to Isabell my wyff and Thomas Day, whome I make my executors. I make Hugh Prest and John Thomson of Cathope to be helpers to my wyff. Thes wytnes, sir Rauff Parker; Heugh Prest; William Halyday; John Thomson; and other moy.
Proved at Cathorp, before P., 28 September, 1530. Administration granted to the executors.
The testament of T. Wryght [of Cadney].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 326d.]
12 September, 22 Henry VIII [A.D. 1530]. I Thomas Wryght of Cadney, husbandman, makes my testament and last will. My body to be buryed in the [folio 327] churche of All Halloys in Cadney. To the high alter iiijd. To the sayd church warke iijs. iiijd. And to the buyldyng of Howsom chapell vjd. To the convent of Newsted apon Ankholme xvjd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln vjd. To Agnes my wyff Bennet house and vij acres of lande and medoy duryng her lyff; and aftyr her decease, to remayn to my heyr. To William my sonne halffe a toffte in Howsom with iij landes at Pule hedlandes, and those landes that somme tyme was Helene Formans, and sex landes that was callyd Hamma lande wich is iij of the on syde and thre of the other syde. To my sayd sonne xxs. of money to be takyn of my goodes to the buyldyng of a house. And the resydue of my landes I will that John my sonne have immediately aftyr my decease. The resydewe of my goodes my will is that Agnes my wyff [and] John my sonne have to dispose for the well of my soule, whome I make my executors; and William Pyvell to be supervisor. Thes wytnes, John Maydynwell; Robert Northcotes; and other.
Proved before P., at Castor, 16 March, 1530–1. Administration granted to John the executor, Agnes the relict and executrix being prevented by death.
The testament of Richard Addyson [of Killingholme].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 231d.]
15 September, 1530. I Richard Addyson of Kelyngholm, seke in body, makes and settes my last will. I wyt my soule to God [etc.], and my body to be buryed wt in the church yerde of saint Deonyse of Kelyngholme. I wyt to the holly sacrament for tithys and offerynges forgottyn xijd. To our Lady of Lincoln in oblacion viijd. To our Lady warke viijd. I wyt to the churche of st Deonyse in Kelyngholme a quarter of whete [etc.]. I wyt to the church of st Peter in Halton viijd. I wyt to do halffe a trentall of messys for the helthe of my soule vs. To mr John Bothe off Kelyngholme a browne stott of ij yeres olde and more. To sir Thomas Bylton my curat vs. To Jamys Addyson, my brother, my weddyng gowne and my wood knyffe, and he shall gyff the sayd woode knyffe aftyr hys departyng to Henry Addyson my sonne, and I desyre my brother Jamys to governe Henry my sonne and my wyffe will for go hym. To Thomas Gartham my dagger and a leder dooblet, and I desyre hym and hys wyffe for to governe John and Elizabeth Addyson my chyldren and my wyff please to forgo thame. To William Garthom my red orege jaket. To John Garthom a gray bastane colte stagge, [etc.]. To Henry Garthom a blake fely stag, [etc.]. To John Addyson my sone ij stottes, [etc.]. To Jenet Skeytter a browne qwye, [etc.]. To Agnes Jentyll a cowe wich my wyff will gyff her. To Robert Shamond my grene jerkyng orellys my best hose. The resydewe of my goodes not wyt, my dettes payd and my funerall expenses mayd, I wytt to Agnes Addyson my wyff and to John Addyson my sonne, whome I do make my executors that they may dispose my goodes to the pleasure of God and salvacion to my soule; and the goodes to be equally devydyd in thre partes, on parte to my wyff, the secund to John my sonne, and the thyrde parte to my other fyve chyldren equally devydyd. Wytnes of thys my last will, syr Thomas Bylton; Thomas Garthom; John Whyte; and William Garthom; wyth other moy.
Proved before P., at Castre, 10 October, 1530.
The testament of Edward Cottyngham [of Bonby].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 219.]
15 September, 1530. I Edward Cottyngham of Bonby makes my testament. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of st Androy of Bonby. I wyt to the high alter of saynt Androy of Bonby xijd. To our Lady of the northe hyle iiijd. I wyt to the high alter of our Lady of Lincoln xijd., and to the warke of the same churche xijd. I witt to saynt Savior of Newburgh iiijd. I wyt to Madyn Rathbot ijd. I wyt to dame Malde good qwene iijd. I wyt to st John of Wyngall ijd. I wytt to the Holy Crosse of Barton jd. and to the goode roode ther jd. I wyt to st Michel of Burnhome iijd. I wyt to a prest for v messys xxd. I wyll that vijd. be gyffyn to lame folkes and to pore folkys. To Thomas Cottyngham, Agnes Cottyngham, Margaret Cottyngham, and Agnes my syster, every on of them a yow. To Xp'ofer Seyrby a lamme. I wytt to Elizabeth my syster xijd. To Alice my syster xijd. To Margaret my syster xijd. The resydew of my goodes I gyff to John Cottyngham my broder, and that he dispose it for the well of my soule. Wytnes herof, sir John Hygdon, vicar ther; Vincent Dane; Robert Johnson; wt many moy.
Proved before P., at Castre, 10 October, 1530.
Testament of John Hommylton [of Sixhill].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 327d.]
15 September, 1530. I John Hommylton of Syxhill, husbandman, of a hole mynde savyng seke of body, makes my testament. To be buryd in the churchyerde of All Halloys of Syxhill. To the holy sacrament in the same church for my tithys and oblacions forgottyn xijd. To the reparacions of the bellys in the same churche xijd. To the reparacions of the northe hyle in the same church a stagge, and of the price of hym must be payd to the forsayd warke vs. To our Lady gylde in the same churche a wheder schepe. To our Lady warke of Lincoln iiijd. To Northwyllyngham church iiijd. To our Lady frerys of Lincoln for sayng of a trentall for me and my wyff xs. To the Augustyn frerys of Grymesby for sayng of a nother trentall for me and my wyff xs. To the systers of Syxhill abbay a yow schepe. To Anthony Hommylton my sonne and to Robert hys brother and to Thomas Hommylton my brother a fely wich John Grene will gyff hym. To Richerd Grene and to Jenet Grene hys syster. To Jamys Beche chylder of Estbarkworth. To Jenet Esotson my syster in law. The resydue of my goodes I gyff to John Grene of Syxhill, my brother in lawe, the wich I orden executor. Thes beyng wytnes, Robert Jakson, vicar of the same; Richerd Sutton and Richerd Bleysby of the same; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Market Rasyn, 17 March, 1530–1, by the executor.
The testament of John Sheperde [of Benington in Holland].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 230.]
16 September, 1530. I John Sheperde the elder of Benyngton makes my testament and last will. To be buryed in the kyrke of Bennyngton with that thyng that the law requiryth to be my mortuary. To the sacrament iiijd. To the reparacion of All Halloys iiijd. To the high alter iiijd. To every other alter besyde iiijd. To our Lady of Lincoln for offeryng iiijd. To st Catheryne ijd. To the farmer for forgottyn tithys vjd. To Richerd my sonne my mylne and my qwernys to remane in my house. To Agnes my doughter on qwy burnyng, [etc.]. To John my sonne. [folio 230d.] To Thomas my sone on qwye burnyng and on red bald colte stag. To John Felde, my godsun. To Catheryne Felde. I bequeth on bushyll barly to be gyffyn in bred on Good Fryday in almys to pore folke by the space of xxty yeres after my decease with halffe a quarter malte to be gyffyn of st Thomas day before Crystenmes by the space of xxty yeres aftyr my decease. To the kyrke warke of Bennyngton iijs. iiijd. I will have on trentall to be sung in the kyrke of Bennyngton for my soule and my wyff soule, payng therfore xs. To Margaret my doughter. The resydewe of my goodes I gyff them to Elizabeth my wyff and Richerd my sonne, whome I make my executors, with mr John Fryskney to be supervisor herof, he for to have for hys labor iijs. iiijd. Thyes wytnes, sir Roger Pyshe; sir William Stedeman; syr William Roper; and John Loydon; with other.
I will that Richerd my sonne have my capitall messuage with v acres land that it standes upon, iiij acres land arrable lying betwyxt the kyrk styghtes, and on acre and di. arable lande callyd Arle lande, iiij acres lying in the See felde, and ij acres lying in Leuerton Rede meres, and halffe on acre and di. on roode lying in Benyngton ynges callyd Costed hyll, and iij roode and di. lying of the sowthe syde of Costed hyll, iij acres and di. pastre lying in Medylgate, and on pece pastre callyd Benacle grene, on rigge callyd Hopkyn garthe, ij acre lande callyd Bell lande lying at Sotgave ende, and ij acres in Wolffe hole lying in Leuerton ynges, in fee symple. To Richerd my sonne iiij acres lande lying in Gottdyke felde of thys condicion that he shall kepe and cause to be kepte on obbyt in the kyrke of Benyngton by the space of xxty yeres next aftyr my decease for my soule my wyff soule and all crysten soulys, paying yerly for it iijs. iiijd.; and at the xxty yeres ende the sayd iiij acres lande to remane to the sayd Richerde in fee symple. To Richerd my sone iij acres arable lande callyd Watlande lying in [folio 231] Seldyke of thys condicion that he shall fynde John my sonne att the scole to he cum to xxiiijty yeres of age, and to fynde hym all thynges necessary as met, drynke, clothe, and the sayd Richerd to gyff hym the ij last yeres xxs. by yere; yff the sayd John be not a preste at the ende of the sayd xxiiijty yeres, then I wyll that he have the sayd iij acres land callyd Wat lande in fee symple; yff the sayd John be a prest at the sayd xxiiijty yeres ende, then I will the sayd John have on acre lande of the forsayd iij acres of the southe syde and Richerd my sonne the ij acres of the northe syde. To John my sone on acre and di. lande lying in Medyll gate in fee symple. To Elizabeth my wyff ij acres pastre in Sandygatt and on acre and di. at the olde mylne, ij acres and di. callyd Shalok lande, and iij acres in Gotdyke, to the terme of her lyff, and then to remane to Thomas my sone; yff Thomas my sonne dye within age then I will the sayd landes remane to Richerde and John my sones in fee simple. To Margaret my doughter iij stong lande callyd What Ryg in Seldyke in fee symple. To Agnes my doughter iij acres and di. lande lying at Gotdyke next my awne lande, at the day of her mariage, to hyr heyres of her body; yff she dye wythowt heyres I will the sayd lande be devydyd betwyxte Richerd and Thomas my sonnes in fee symple. To Margaret Felde xls. To Thomas my sonne iij stong lande lying of the northe parte of my lande in Gotdyke. To Cecile the doughter of Richerd Sheperde iij stong lande nex Gotdyke brige that I bought. Wrytten the day and yere before namyd.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 20 October, 1530.
Testament of John Crux [of Aubourn].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 192.]
1530 a.d. I John Crux of Awburne, seke of body, makes this my wyll and testament. To be buryed within the churcheyerde of Awburne. To the high alter for all forgotten tithys vjd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln vjd. To the Gray frerys of Lincoln on stryke of whete. To sir George Heyvin, my curate, on calffe at the election off my wyff. To Edmund my sone. To Bryan my sone. I make Margery my wyff and Edmunde my sonne full executors, and Thomas Eyrysby to be supervisor. I will that the rest of my goodes be sett in thre partes, my wyff to have on parte, my chyldren an other parte, and all that remayneth on my owne parte my will fulfyllyd I will that it shall be at the custody of my wyff. This beyng wytnes, sir George Ewyn, my curat; Thomas Erysby; William Pryggeon; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 17 September, 1530. Administration granted to Margery the relict, reserving power to grant to Edmund the son when he shall come, etc.
Testament of Henry Devis [of Harlaxton].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 308.]
18 September, 1530. I Henry Devys of Harlaxton, makyth my testament and last will. To be buryed in the church yerde of st Androy of Harlaxton. To the high alter for forgottyn tithys viijd. To our Lady of Lincoln iiijd. To William Devys, my sone, on russyt cote. To Thomas Devys, my sone, on orrege cote. To Nicholes Devys, my sone, on qwy calffe. To Jenet Devys on brasse panne that hath a clowte of the syde. To Michael Gylberd, my brother, full power and auctorite to aske and receyve all suche dettes as ar owyng and dew unto me and ar wryttyn in my dette boke, the wich dettes I gyff to my iiij chyldren, [etc.]. The resydew of my goodes I gyff to Jenet Devys my wyff, whome I make executrice. Thes beyng wytnes, Michael Gylbard; John Martyn; William Portington; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Grantham, the last day of February, 1530–1, by the executrix.
Testament of John Emme [of Friskney].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 210d.]
18 September, 1530. I John Emme senior makes my testament. To be buryed in the church yerde of All Halloys in Fryskney. To our Lady of Lincoln iiijd. To the high alter in Fryskney iiijd. I bequeth my house with the purtenaunce longyng therto to John my sonne. To my wyff my kytchyng the terme of her lyff, [etc.]. To Alice my doughter on gret arke, [etc.]. To Margaret my doughter. To my wyff halffe my croppe with John my sonne. To Robert Emme, my kynsman. The resydue of my goodes I will that John my sonne have them, wich I make my executor to dispose it for the wele of my soule, [etc.]. Wytnessyth sir John Geffreyson, prest; William Gotte; Robert Hobard; and other moy.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 5 October, 1530.
The testament of T. Wylson [of Gedney Fen].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 238.]
In Dei nomine amen xviijo vero die mensis septembris anno Domini millesimo quingentessimo xxxo Ego Thomas Wylson de Gedney Fen compos mentis et sane memorie existens condo testamentum meum vnacum ultima voluntate mea in hunc modum. In primis lego animam meam Deo Patri omnipotenti beate Marie ac omnibus Sanctis Corpusque meum sepeliendum in cimiterio Sancte Trinitatis de Gedney Fen predicta. Item lego mortuario meo secundum formam et effectum cuiusdam actus nuper editi in parliamento &c. Item lego summo altari ibidem pro decimis negligenter oblitis iiijd. Item lego matrice ecclesie Lincolnie vjd. Item pupillis et orphanis domus sancte Catherine extra muros Lincolnie ijd. Item lego lumini sancte Trinitatis ibidem vnam libram cere et lumini beatissime Marie ibidem ijli. cere ac eciam lumini Spiriti ibidem ijd.
Thys is the last will of me Thomas Wylson mayd the day and yere abovesayd. To Lettes my wyff iij acres lande of my lorde Wentworthe fee the terme of her lyff, kepyng a styll obbyt yerly as long as she lyffyth for the soulys of Robert Wylson and Anne and Thomas Wylson and Agnes and for my soule and for my benefactors, and aftyr the decease of Lettes my wyff I will that the sayd iij acres remayn to Robert my sonne and to hys assignes, kepyng the forsayd obbyt duryng the tyme of hys naturall lyff. To Lettes my wyff vij acres lande and iij roodes wyth the buyldynges of Burghlion fee the terme of her lyff, on thys condicion that she gyff viijd. by the yere duryng her lyff to the kepyng of the obbyt on Trinite Monday, and aftyr the decease of Lettes my wyff I will that the lands remayn to Robert my sonne and to hys assygnes paying the aforesayd viijd. yerly to the sayd obbyt as long as it shall be kepyd prayng for all my good frendes soulys. To Lettes my wyff my red house with vij acres and iij roodes lande of my lordes Abbot fee the terme of her lyff, and aftyr her decease I will that the house and land remayn to Robert my sonne and to hys assignes, on thys condicion that the sayd Robert hys heyres or hys executors pay or do to be payd to my exec' and to my wyff exec' vjl. xiijs. iiijd. within the space of vij yeres next insewyng, that is every yere xxs. till the foresayd sum be fully payd, and they to dispose the sayd money aftyr thys maner: to Roger Garnet, my godsun, xiijs. iiijd., and yff he fortune to dy to remayn to Hellyn hys syster; also I will that xls. be disposyd in the reparacions of the bellys and bell frame and other thynges that hath most nede abowte the bell fraym; I will that v marke be disposyd on the gyldyng of the Trinite; I will that xiijs. iiijd. be disposyd in the [folio 238d.] reparacion of Moldroue gate from the far corner of my low pastre to sowth hed. Yff Lettes my wyff fortune to marry then I will that Robert my sonne shall enter into my hed house and vij acres and iij roodes land of my lorde Abbottes fee, payng the sayd vjl. xiijs. iiijd. after the forme aforesayd. To Thomas Wylson, my godsun my best brasse potte, and to hys heyres of hys body laufully begottyn, remainder to Agnes hys syster yff she be then lyffyng, or ellys to Margaret hys syster. To Roger Garnet, my godsun, my next best brasse potte to hym and to hys heyres, remainder to Helene hys syster. I will that Lettes my wyff have all my houshold stuff the terme of her lyff, and she to dispose it at her deyd day emong my chyldren and ther chyldren. The resydue of my goodes I put to the disposicion of Lettes my wyff, whome I make my executrix to bryng me forthe, [etc.], with the oversyght of William Thurkyll, and he to have for hys labor xxd. Thes beyng wytnes, Jamys Here, preste; Thomas Parkyn; John Mayne; Thomas Dygill; and Robert Sherman; wyth other moy.
Proved before P., at Spalding, 23 May, 1531, by the executrix.
Testament of Edmund Hobson [of Spalding, mercer].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 263d.]
19 September, 1530. I Edmund Hobson of Spaldyng, marcer, make and orden thys my present testament and last will. To be buryed in the parysh church of our Lady and saynt Nicholes of Spaldyng betwyxt the fonte and the west church dore as nygh the fonte as may be. To the hygh alter of the parysh church of Spaldyng for tithys [folio 264] forgotten xs. To the sayd high alter on alter clothe of lynnyn. I bequeth a pyx of sylver and clene gylte to bere the blessyd Sacrament in, extendyng to the valew off liijs. iiijd. To the high quere of the sayd parysh church ij copys off blew sattyn of Brydgys the price of bothe lvijs. iiijd. for the rectors of the quere, and too stoolys for the same use of the valew of xiijs. iiijd. To the Trinite gylde in the sayd church vjs. viijd. To our Lady gylde vjs. viijd. To Corpus Xp'i gylde in the sayd church xiijs. iiijd. To the alter of Corpus Xp'i on alter clothe of lynnyn and a corporax. To the mayntenance of the light of the same quere xli. wax. To the devocion of st Thomas vjs. viijd., an alter clothe of lynnyn, and to every devocion besyde in the sayd church xvjd. To the church warke xs. To the mendyng of the northe wall of the church yerde xs. I will that my executors shall distribute and gyff for the helth of my soule and all crysten soulys in funerall expenses at my buryall day and xxxty day, xvl. To my brother George Hobson duryng the terme of hys lyff naturall my house in Fulny with all the appurtenances to cause on obbyt yerly to be kepyd in the Trinite qwere within the parysh churche of Spaldyng, extendyng to the valoy of vs., and after the dethe of my brother George I will it remayn to the forsayd Trinite gylde church of Spaldyng dewryng the terme of lxxxj for kepyng of the sayd yerly obbyt in forme aforesayd dewryng the sayd terme, and for lak of kepyng of the sayd yerly obbyt I will that the sayd house with the purtenances remayn to the next of my blode; and the forsayd terme of lxxxj expyryd then I will the sayd house with the purtenances remayn to the next of my blode then beyng alyff. Also I will that sir Richerd Bell shall syng for me and all my good frendes the space of on yere in Corpus Xp'i qwere, he to have for hys labor vl. vjs. viijd. To every order of frerys within the towne of Boston iijs. To the mendyng of the high way in the Market stede wher most nede is and ij botrys of stone at the high bryg iiijl., and the market hyll to be pavyd with the same money. I bequeth toward the mendyng of the lane of thys syde of Broughton crosse betwene thys and Pynchbek and wher most nede is xs. To my lorde of Spaldyng for syngyng of messe hym selffe on the day of my buryall a ryall of golde, and to every on of hys brethren that be prestes xijd., and every other that be not prestes viijd. and [folio 264d.] every clerke of the abbay iiijd.; to the bell rynger of the abbey ijs. To the roode chyrch a super altare and on alter cloth. I will that dewryng the space of vj yeres every Sonday shall be gyffyn to eight pore persons by the handes of my executors iiijd. I wyll that dewryng the space of iiij yeres my executors every Good Fryday shall distrybute emong xlty pore persons wher they shall thynke most nede xld., and ijs. in bred on All Halloy evyn dewryng the space of the forsayd iiij yeres. Also on New Yere evyn to xxiiijty pore people wher most nede shall be dewryng the space of iij yeres ijs. To George Hobson, my brother, my house in the Market stede dewryng hys lyff, and aftyr hys decease then I will that the forsayd house shall remane to William Hobson, hys sonne, when he cumyth to xxj yeres of age. And yff it fortune that the forsayd George Hobson dye or hys sun cum to xxj yeres of age, then I will that my brother executors or assygnes shall let the house and kepe the rentes theroff to the behove of the sayd William to he cum to xxjty yeres of age; and yff it fortune that the forsayd William Hobson dye withowt a sonne of hys body, then I wyll that the forsayd house shall be solde for xxl., wich xxl. I will shall be devyded in iiij partes, that is to say, vl. to the next of my blode, other vl. to be devydyd emonges pore people, other vl. to the mendyng of hygh ways, xxs. to the marige of xxty pore maydes, xls. to the mendyng of brygges in Spaldyng and the high way to Pynchbeke, and xls. to Johan and Alice Hobson syster [sic] to the sayd William to ther heyres executors or assignes. Also I bequeth xxxiiijl. iiijs. wich Nicholes Worldedge ought me for a bargyn of lande to be payd to me my executors or assygnes yerly xviijs. the hole somme of xxxiiijl. iiijs. be fully contentyd and payd, in thys maner foloyng, I will that xvijs. iiijd. of the forsayd xxxiiijl. iiijs. yerly as it shall be payd shall be takyn to pay yerly to viij pore persons every Sonday duryng the space of vj yeres as it is above wryttyn and the sex yeres paste; I bequeth to my brother George viijl. of the reste; to Elizabeth my brother wyff iijl. of the reste; to William Hobson iijl. of the reste; to John Hobson iijl. of the reste of the same; to Alice Hobson iijl. of the reste of the same; to William Hobson, my brother, iijl. of the reste of the same; every on to be payd after other as they be her wrytten, and on to be always other heyres in order as I have bequethyd it to them; and after that all thys be payd I will iijl. of the reste of the same be gyffyn to syng vj trentallys. I bequeth [folio 265] my house at the Barre end to George Hobson, my brother, unto the tyme that hys doughter Alice cum to laufull age; and then I will that she have the forsayd house with the appurtenances for her and her heyres of her body; and yff she dye or she cum to laufull age or withowt issue of her body then I wyll that her suster Johanne have it in forme aforesayd; and in fawte of issue of Johanne I will that it remayn to the next of my blode. I bequeth my house in Gosberkyrk and all my landes lying in Gosberkyrk, Quadryng, and Surflet to my brother George hys heyres executors or assignes. I bequeth my too housys of my copy holde with the appurtenances lying in Burne to my brother George and Elizabeth hys wyff and to hys heyres off ther bodyes laufully begotten. I bequeth too pastures lying in Spaldyng, wich I holde off my lorde of Spaldyng by byllys, to my brother George hys heyres executors and assygnes for the terme of yeres that I have takyn them. To my brother George my best chest, my cownter, my best furryd gowne, my best tawny gawperdyne, my tawny dooblet and jaket jamlet, a sylver salte with the cover, on pece of sylver, v sylver sponys, on jak and sallet with a pare of splentes and a standert, [etc.], also liiijl. in money. To William Hobson, the sonne of George Hobson, my best cownter after the decease of hys father, [etc.]. To Johan Hobson, the doughter of George Hobson, a lytyll chyst with angels, [etc.]. To Alice Obson, the doughter of George Hobson a latten basyn with a laver, ij sylver sponys, [etc.]; and I wyll that eche of thes chyldren be other heyres yff any of them dye within laufull age. [folio 265d.] To Elizabeth Hobson wyff of George Hobson. To Wylliam my brother my tawney medlay gawberdyne. To my cosyn, Robert Hobson, my blak gowne furryd with whyte, my bukskyn dooblet, my best hose, and my best bonet, and vjs. viijd. in money. To William Panke of Baston and hys wyff vjs. viijd. To Alice Vtwell, my servant, a fether bed, a bolster, ij pylloys with ores, a whyte bed with tester, ij pare of flaxen schetys, ij beddes standyng, all the payntyd clothes that hang abowt my parlar and the hangyng at the high dease in the house wher my brother George dwellys, the shelffe bordes in my house wher I dwell with the payntyd clothys longyng thereto, a basyn and a laver and the presse in my chamber, a chaffyng dyshe, a byg candylstyk ij smale candylstykes, a small spytt, iij qwyshens next best, ij sawcers, a coveryng next best, a cownter in my brother George house, a thrawne chare, on of the tables in the kytchyn, and a forme, a joyned stole, and v markes of money, and a olde pewter basyn. To Jenet Horne, my keper, vs. I bequeth a braysen morter with the pestell to the use of our Lady kytchyn ther to be cheynyd. The resydewe of all my goodes I committ hooly to the disposicion of my brother, George Hobson, whome with Thomas Day, chaundler, I make executors, my brother George to have for hys payn takyng iiijl. besydes all that I have bequethyd hym before, and Thomas Day, my other executor, to have for hys payn takyn xxvjs. viijd. And I make my lord prior Thomas Spaldyng supervisor, and he to have therfore a sylver goblet gylte and iij of my best qwyshens. Thes beyng wytnes, sir Robert Gee; sir Richerd Bell; John Beston; George Cokrell; Thomas Gammyll; and William Wyllesby; with other.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 19 October, 1530. Administration granted to George Hobson, an executor, Thomas Day, the co-executor renouncing, etc.
The testament of John Huddylstone of Rowston.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 369d.]
19 September, 1530. I John Huddylstone of Rowston make my testament conteyning therin my last will. To be buryed in the church yerde of Rowston. To Mawd my wyff the thyrd parte of all my goodes moveable (excepte my woole wheroff I will she shall have the vjte parte or the price therof). To every one of my fyve doughters viijl. to be delyveryd to them be my executors at ther mariages. To Emot my eldest doughter iiij markes, and all the houshold stuff wich was my fathers over [folio 370] and besyde her sayd legacy of viijl. And yff it fortune any of my sayd doughters to decease before ther mariages, then I will the sayd legacys be equally devydyd emong the other survyvyng. To Robert my sone all those landes wich I had of my father be inheritaunce to hym and to hys heyres male of hys body laufully begottyn, remainder to Godfrey my brother and to the heyres male of hys body. I will that the sayd Robert my sonne have all my landes and copys wich I have be my own purches to hym and to the heyres of hys body, and for lak of suche issue to remayn equally to my fyve doughters and to the heyres of ther bodys; and yff any of them dy without suche issue then I will that the parte of her or them so deceasyd shall remayn to the other of them survyvyng and to the heyres of ther bodys. I will that my wyff and Robert my sone shall kepe house and my chyldren together so long as they too can agre. I will that xl. be delte emong pore people for my soule, the soulys of my father and mother, and all crysten soulys, at the day of my buryall and vijte day. To our Lady in the chapell of Rowston vjs. viijd. therwith sum ornament to be bought bi the discression of my executors wherby she may be the better honoryd. To the high altare of Rowston for my forgottyn tithys iijs. iiijd. To the kyrke stok ther vjs. viijd. To every pore body in the towne of Rowston a stryke of malte. To every one of my systers iijs. iiijd. To iiij townys nexte jonyng abowt the towne of Rowston every one of them iijs. iiijd. To our Lady of Lincoln iijs. iiijd. I will have a preste to syng for my soule, the soulys of my father and mother, and all crystyn soulys, in the chapell of Rowston by the space of ij yeres, and he to have for hys salary and wages vl. by the yere, to be payd be my executors. To Richerd Robsun. To every one of my brother Godfrey sonnys [folio 370d.]. To Robert Holme. To Edwarde Forman. To the iiij orders of frerys in Lincoln, every place to have xvjd. and a stryke of barly. To mr Robert Husey xxs. for to be good to my wyff and to my chyldren. To the dale cawsy vjs. viijd. To Catheryne my mayd. To the nonnys of Catley xs. To the house of Hauerham xs. To Godfrey my brother. To John Holme. To William Halyday. The resydue of my goodes I gyff unto Robert my sonne and William Forman, whome I make my executors. To William Forman for hys payn takyng xxs. To my brother Godfrey xxs., and I make hym supervisor. Wytnes, sir William Warde, prest; John Dawnse; Robert Morwyk; Robert Greg; sir Richerd Warde; Godfrey Huddylstone; and Walter Bate; with other moy.
Proved before P., in the cathedral church of Lincoln, 24 November, 1531. Administration granted to Robert Huddylstone, the son, an executor, William Forman, also an executor, renouncing.
Testament of William Flete [of Moulton].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 261.]
20 September, 1530. I William Flete of Multon, seke of body, makes my will. To be buryed in the churchyerd of Multon. To the mother church of Lincoln iiijd., and to the orphans at st Catheryns iiijd. To the iiij lighttes in the church of Multon viijd. To the high alter of Multon pro decimis oblitis iiijd. I wyll that a trentall off messys be sayd in the church of Multon for my soule and all soulys. And the resydew of my goodes I gyff to Jane Flete, my wyff, whome I make executor. And I will that Thomas Gere, my father in lawe, be the oversear. Thes to wytnes, John Symson; William Cok; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 19 October, 1530.
The testament of John Browne [of Humberston].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 220.]
21 September, 1530. I John Browne off Humbreston makes my testament and last will. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of Humbreston forsayd. For xt forgottyn to the parson on bushell weyt, and to the vicar on bushyll whet. To my parysh churche xijd. To our lady chyrche of Lincoln iiijd. To the holy roude of Boston iiijd. To st Margaret at Kettesby iiijd. To Tetney chyrche iiijd. To Holton chyrch iiijd. To the abbot of Welhoo on schepe. I wyll that John Browne, my sone, and Elizabeth my daughter have the thyrde parte of my goodes moveable and vnmoveable. The resydewe of my goodes not bequethyd I gyff to Helene my wyff, whome I make my full executrix to dispose them as she shall thynke beste and for the helthe of my soule. I orden and put in trust my father Robert Helde supervisor to se thys my last will suerly fulfyllyd. Thes recordes, sir Thomas Vnderhill, vicar; Thomas Clerkeson; Richerd Dykcokes; and other.
Proved before P., at Grymesby, 11 October, 1530.
The testament of William Somercotes [of Pinchbeck].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 264.]
21 September, 1530. I William Somercotes of Pynchbek makes my last testament and will. My body to be buryd in the church yerde of Pynchbek. To the high alter for tithys forgottyn vjd. To the church warke of Lincoln iiijd. and to st Catheryns ijd. I will have disposyd of messe and dirige at my buryall day iijs. iiijd. The reste of all my goodes I gyff them to Margaret my wyff whome I make executrix, with mr Ogle to be supervisor, and he to have for hys labor iijs. iiijd.
I make my last will in the same day and date abovenamyd. To Margaret my wyff my house by the see syde with the appurtenances, and my house in the northgate the terme off her lyff, and after her decease the house by the see syde to remayn to Beatrice my doughter and to the heyres of her body, and the house in the northe gate to remayn to Beatrix my doughter the terme of her lyff, and after her decease I will it be solde by the churchwardens of Pynchbek, then beyng, and the on halff of the money to be disposyd in on prest to syng, and the other halffe to be disposyd in high ways and to pore folkes in the towne of Pynchbeke. I will that after the decease of Beatrice my doughter, yff she dye withowt heyres of her body, that my house by the see syde with the appurtenances remane to the thre chylder of Thomas Tylson that were my systers chyldren, and the rente of the above namyd house evenly to be devydyd to them, yff they then be all thre alyve, the terme of ther lyvys, or so long as any on of them shall lyff; and after the decease of them all thre I will the house by the see syde remane to John Pedder, the sonne of William that was my systers sonne, yff he then be a lyff, the terme of hys lyff; and after hys decease I will it be solde by the wardens of the church of Pinchbek then beyng, and the on halffe of the same money to be disposyd of prest song, and the other halffe to be disposyd in hy ways and to pore folkes in the same towne. Thes beyng wytnes, sir Thomas Hyll, prest; John Bele; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 19 October, 1530.
The testament of Robert Growarde [of Ropsley].
[L.C.C., 1520–31,f. 253.]
1530. I Robert Growarde, in good helthe, makes my last will and testament. My body to be buryed in the churchyerde of Roppeslay. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln vjd. To the hygh alter of st Peter of Roppeslay ijs. To the churche of Botheby xijd. To the frerys of Grantham xijd. To William Jarcoke vjd. To iij chyldren off my wyffes. The resydewe of all my goodes I gyff to Johan Groward, my wyff, for to doy as she thynkes best for the helthe off my soule, whome I make executrix. I will that Richerd Styne of Botheby be supervisor. These witness, sir William Jarcoke; Thomas Kellam; Robert Barnarde.
Proved before P., at Grantham, 22 September, 1530. Administration granted to the executrix.
The testament of Margaret Howson [of Scarthoe].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 325.]
22 September, 1530. I Margaret Howsson of Scartho make my testament and last will. My body to be buryd in the church yerde of Scartho. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln vjd. To the high alter of Scartho xijd. A schete to make a alter clothe of to Scartho churche the best that I have. To Richerd my sonne a complete bed, [etc.]. To Jenet my yongest doughter. To Jenet my eldest doughter. To Jane my doughter. The resydue of my goodes I gyff to Thomas my sonne, wich I make my executor, yt he dispose it to the pleas' of God and to the helth of my soule. Wytnes herof, sir John Fysher, parson of Scarthoo; Richerd Jobson; Edwarde Alan; cum aliis.
Proved at Grymesby, 15 March, 1530–1, by the executor.
The testament of W. Pakker [of Boston].
[L.C.C., 1520–31,f. 278d.]
22 September, 1530. I William Pakker of Boston make thys my testament therin concludyng my last will. My body to [be] buryed within the paryshe churche of st Botulphe in Boston nyghe unto my wyffys Alyson and Isabell of whose soulys God have mercy. To my mortuary accordyng to the custome. To the high altare of st Botulphe for tithes forgottyn xiijs. iiijd. To our Lady churche of Lincoln xxd. To the fatherles children of st Catheryns xijd. To every beadman of our Lady gylde in Boston beynge at dirige and messe on my buryall day vijth day and xxxty day, and to the keper of our Lady house, every one of them to have eche off the days a peny. To the gylde of st George ther to pray for my soule and all crysten soulys iijs. iiijd. To the Trinite gylde to pray in lyke maner iijs. iiijd. I will that the iiij orders of frerys go with my body to the churche and there syng dirige and one the morow every one of the sayd orders to synge messe in ther owne churche and every order of them to have for ther labor iijs. iiijd. To John Pakker, my sonne, 30l. to be payd to hym hys executors or assygnes, that is to say at the age of xxjty yeres xl. and that day twelvemonethes xl. and at the twelvemonethes day then next foloyng other xl. To the same John too fether beddes, the secund couering, a couerlyd, half a garnysh of vessell, my too saltes with the covering, too goblyttes with the couering, also a dosen sponys of the maydens hedes too pecys, the one playne and the other pouncyd. To Margaret my doughter my house that Gylbert Dale dwellys in, and she to have it immediatly aftyr my decease duryng her lyff naturall uppon thys condicion that she kepe the sayd house in sufficient reparacion, pay the owt rent, and also pay yerly unto the prior and convent of the [folio 279] Whyte Frerys in Boston for one obite which I will be kepte there for ever for the soulys of John Thomson, Agnes and Jenet hys wyfes, ijs. vjd., the belman and all. And aftyr the decease of the sayd Margaret I will the sayd house remayne to John Pakker, my sone, and hys heyres for ever, yff he lyff to the age of xxj yeres, kepyng the sayd obbyt aftyr the maner and forme as is aforesayd. I will that the prior of the Whyte Frerys or other to the use of the same place take possession and sesure in the sayd house for the sewrty of the sayd obite (yff the law will suffer it). To the same John my sonne the house that was Lauertons aftyr the decesse of Catheryne my wyff, to hym hys heyres and assygnes for ever yff he lyff to the age of xxj yeres. Yff the sayd John decesse before the age of xxjty yeres, then I will the sayd xxxty poundes [etc.] to hym before gyvyn be equally shyftyd betwyxte Catheryne my wyffe and Dorothe and Margaret my doughters, my wyffe to have the one halffe and my doughters the other halff; and the too housys aforesayd to remayne to the performance of myne obbit, as aftyrwarde shall followe, always reservyd the obite of John Thomson and hys wyffes before rehersyd. To Thomas Cappe and Dorothe hys wyff the house and lande which I bought of William Day, duryng the lyff of them and ether of them, and aftyr ther decesse, I will they remayn to Cecily ther doughter yff she lyff aftyr them, to her heyres and assygnes. To the sayd Thomas Cappe aftyr my decesse the money that I lent hym. To Dorothe Cappe and Margaret her syster the gerdyll and beades that was ther mothers, and to be equally shyftyd betwyxte them aftyr the decesse of Catheryne my wyff and yff it please my wyff to have the sayd gyrdyll and bedes, then I will she gyff ether of them xxxs., and she to have the sayd gyrdyll and beades to her owne use to do withall what she please. To the abbot of Bardeney and hys brethern xls., they to syng dirige and messe for my soule, my wyfes soules, and all crysten soulys. To George Johnson xxs. yff hys awnt will. The resydue of my goodes I gyff to Catheryne my wyff, whome I orden my [folio 279d.] executrix upon this condicion, that she by or cause to be bought as muche lande to the valew of xxs. be yere, all maner off chargys of the same lande excepte, or ellys asmuche money as will purchase the sayd lande which lande or money I will the alderman and bretherne of the gylde of our Lady in Boston have for the terme and space of lxxxxij yeres nexte ensuyng my decesse for an obyte which I will be kepte yerly duryng the terme aforesayd to the valew of xs., which obyt I will be kepte yerly emonges the iiij orders of Frerys in Boston, and yff the alderman and brethern of the gylde aforesayd can obteyne and make sure the sayd lande by the law for ever, then I will my sayd obyte be kepte in maner and forme as is aforesayd for ever, and yf not then I will that it be solde be the alderman and brethern of the gylde for the tyme beyng and the money therof receyvyd to be disposyd emong pore people and other warkes of charite wher it shall be thought at that tyme most nede within the town of Boston, provydyd always that yff my goodes and other premisses do extende to the performance of the sayd obite, then I will my sayd executrix be nor further chargyd of that behalff but as conscience requiryth, [etc.]. I will that mr Bryggus be supervisor, and to have for hys labor xls. Thes wytnes, Geffrey Wace; per me Willielmum Day; per me Nicholaum Blewet.
Proved before P., at Boston, 9 April, 1532.
The testament of John Frawce [of Lound].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 255.]
1530 a.d. I John Frawce of Lownde within the parysh of Wytham makes my last will and testament. My body to be buryed in the churche yerde of Wytham. I gyff for my mortuary as the lawe askes. To the high alter of the parysh churche of Wytham for tythe and offerynges negligently forgotten xijd. To the bellys of Wytham xijd. To the gyldes of Wytham xijd. To the mother church of Lincoln xijd. To Robert Frawcye, my sonne, To Thomas Frawce, my sonne. To John Frawcy, my brother sonne. To Agnes Frawcy, my brother doughter. To Robert Frawcy, my father. To John Frawcy. The resydue of my goodes I gyff Agnes Frawce, my wyff, she to dispose them for the helthe and salvacion of my soule as she thynkes best. Thes beryng wytnes, sir John Rypley, notary; Thomas Frawcy; Robert Frawcy; with other.
Proved before P., at Creton, 23 September, 1530.
The testament of Robert Enderby [of Manby].
[L.C.C., 1520–31,f. 322.]
27 September, 1530. I Robert Enderby of Manby, makes my testament and last will. My body to be buryd in the churchyerde of our blessyd Lady in Manby. To the high alter in the same church iijs. iiijd. To our Lady of Lincoln iiijd. To our Lady gylde of Manby vjs. viijd. for to be occupyed aftyr the forme as it is begune, and to ther gylde hall a new table. To the parysh church of Lyttyll Carleton iijs. iiijd. To the parysh church of Legborne iiijd. To the parysh church of Stewton iiijd. To the parysh church of Grymolby iiijd. To my naturall mother iijl. vjs. viijd. To Jenet my wyff xxty markes. To Thomas my sonne xl., and to John my sonne xl. And yff so be the on departe thys worlde under the yeres of xv yeres, then the other to be hys heyr and executor. To every on of my godchyldren men and women xijd., provydyd alway yf so be that my goodes will not bere thes parcellys above rehersyd then I will that my executors mitigat of thes sommes afore rehersyd aftyr ther discrestions of Robert Hogeson and John Fodergyll, whome I make executors and ether of them to have for ther labor iijs. iiijd. The resydue not wyt nor gyffyn to Robert Hogeson and John Fodergyll. I will that sir Thomas Forman be supervisor, and he to have for hys labor iijs. iiijd. His testibus, sir Thomas Forman; Thomas Maw; Robert Redhed; William Henryson; with other moy
Proved before P., at Tottyll, 3 March, 1530–1. Administration granted to Robert Hogeson, an executor, reserving power to grant to John Fodergyll, etc.
The testament of John Dauyson [of East Barkwith].
[L.C.C., 1520–31,f. 223d.]
28 September, 1530. I John Dauyson of Barkeworth makes my testament. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of our Lady in Estbarkeworth. To the high alter of the monastery in Lincoln xxd. To the warkes off the same xxd. To the highe alter in the church of Estbarkeworth iijs. iiijd. To the church warke of the same on quarter of barly. To the iiij housys of Frerys in Lincoln, to every on viijd. To the church warke of Sotby vjs. viijd. To the church warke of All Haloys in Benyngworth vjd. To the church warke of st Julyan in Benyngworth vjd. To sir William Beche, parson off Estbarkeworth, xijs. To John Davyson, my sonne, xiijs. iiijd. To William Davyson, my sonne. I will ther be on trentall done for the well of my soule and all crysten soulys. The resydue of my goodes I gyff to Johan my wyff and to John Boryth of Markyt Staynton, whome I make executors, by the counsell of sir William Beche, parson of Estbarkeworth. Thes wytnes, William Johnson, William Stonys, John Bell, of Barkeworth aforesayd.
Proved before P., at Wragby, 14 October, 1530.
The testament of John Tyd [of Pinchbeck].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 252.]
29 September, 1530. I John Tyd of Pynchbek makes my last will and testament. My body to be buryed in the churchyerde of our Lady in Pynchbek. To the high alter within the church of Pynchbek iiijd. To every alter within the sayd church ijd. To our Lady of Lincoln for oblacions iiijd. To the fatherles chylder in st Catheryns ijd. To Elizabeth my wyff my pasture callyd Lawyns Coyt wich I toke of the abbot of Vawdy by byll for the terme of forty yere. To Catheryne, Jenet, Agnes, and Elizabeth my doughters xiijs. iiijd. each. I will that every on of my chylder shall receyve ther money at the age of xviij yeres. Yff eny of them dy or they cum to xviij yere, I will ther partes be devydyd equally emonges them that lyffes. And yff so be that they all dy, I will that the money that they sholde have had be disposyd for the helthe of my soule and my chylder soulys as my executryx thynkes most beste. The resydewe of my goodes I put them to the disposicion of Elizabeth my wyff, whome I orden executrix; and I desyre my father and John Hyll to be supervisors, and I wyll that my father have my lytyll whyte mare for hys labor, and John Hyll for hys labor iijs. iiijd. Thes beyng wytnes, Wylliam Bewyk, prest; William Bath; William Medus; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 19 October, 1530.