Townships: Grimsargh and Brockholes

Pages 108-113

A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 7. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1912.

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Grimesarge, Dom. Bk.; Grimisharg, 1242; Grimsarche, Grimsharg, 1244; Grimesherg, 1253; Gremesargh, Gremeshargh, Grymesharth, Grymesharuth, 1292; Grymesargh, 1293; Greymesargh, 1301; Grymsar, xv cent. This last shows the pronunciation (i short).

Brochole, 1212; Brocholes, Brochols, 1290. Locally pronounced Brockus.

This township consists of two distinct parts connected by a narrow strip of ground beside the Ribble. A small part was included in the borough of Preston in 1880 and in the township of Preston in 1894. (fn. 1) Grimsargh, the northern half, has an area of 1,184 acres, stretching from the Ribble to Savock Brook. It is divided from Elston on the east by a wooded clough. In the southern corner the land rises steeply from the river, and here is Red Scar, a mansion commanding fine views over the valley. The surface of Grimsargh is comparatively level, but mostly above 200 ft. over sea level.

The principal road is that from Preston to Longridge, going north and then east. The railway between those towns crosses this part of the township in a north-easterly direction, and has a station named Grimsargh, from which a branch line runs north-west to the asylum at Whittingham.

There are reservoirs of the Preston Waterworks in the north of the township. Near Red Scar there was formerly a well reputed to be medicinal; 'it went by the name of Boilton Spa, and it is said that its water cured consumption. This well was in the form of a double trough, 2 yds. long and 2 ft. broad, and was approached by about half a dozen descending steps. The water came out of the breast of Boilton Wood, and in front of the drain or pipe by which it entered the well there was a piece of carved work in the shape of a human head, through the mouth of which the water ran into the receiving trough. . . The well was done away with and the water drained off about thirty years ago [i.e. about 1850], by the late Colonel Cross. (fn. 2)

Brockholes lies in a bend of the Ribble, its boundary on the east and south, being closed in by Ribbleton on the other sides. The greater part of it is low-lying level ground, but on the border of Ribbleton the surface rapidly rises for nearly 100 ft. Lower Brockholes and Higher Brockholes are in the south-west and north-east respectively. Near the former house the Preston and Blackburn road crosses the Ribble by a bridge, first erected in 1824, and then in stone in 1861. It was known as the Halfpenny Bridge, from the toll formerly charged. There are very few houses in this part of the township, which has an area of 753½ acres.

The area of the original township is 1,937½ acres, (fn. 3) and in 1901 there was a population of 453 for the present reduced township. (fn. 4)

The soil is clay and alluvial, with subsoil various. The land is chiefly in pasture.

The township is governed by a parish council.

A wayside cross, known as Three Mile Cross, formerly stood in Grimsargh. (fn. 5) The line of a Roman road, called Watling Street, has been traced in Grimsargh and Elston.


In 1066 GRIMSARGH, then assessed as two plough-lands, was a member of Earl Tostig's Preston lordship. (fn. 6) Some time after the Conquest the manor was divided; Grimsargh, as half a plough-land, was held in thegnage; Brockholes, also half a plough-land, was given to the baron of Manchester; and Elston, the remaining plough-land, to the baron of Penwortham.

Roger son of Augustin de Heaton of Heaton in Lonsdale had a confirmation of his half plough-land in Grimsargh in 1189 from John Count of Mortain; Roger had obtained the manor from Roger son of Orm (son of Magnus) (fn. 7) who held Hutton near Penwortham and Medlar near Kirkham. (fn. 8) Roger de Heaton demised it to Gilbert de Grimsargh. (fn. 9) His son Roger de Heaton held it in 1262, the tenant then being William de Grimsargh, who paid the 3s. thegnage rent due from Roger to the king. (fn. 10) William the son and heir of Roger afterwards confirmed the title of William de Grimsargh, the rent being unchanged. (fn. 11) The Earl of Lancaster received 3s. from Grimsargh in 1297. (fn. 12)

About this time the Hoghtons of Hoghton appear to have acquired lands in the township, (fn. 13) and eventually purchased the lordship from the Grimsargh family. (fn. 14) In 1324 the mesne lord, William de Heaton, was said to hold it by the old rent of 3s., (fn. 15) but in 1346 the immediate tenant only was recognized, viz. Adam de Hoghton. (fn. 16) The manor descended in this family without noteworthy incident (fn. 17) until 1772, when it was sold by Sir Henry Hoghton and Frances his wife to William Shawe the younger, (fn. 18) from whom it seems to have passed to the Cross family, seated at Red Scar in this township. (fn. 19) Mr. William Cross is the present lord of the manor, (fn. 20) but lives in Surrey, Red Scar being let.

Hoghton of Hoghton. Sable three bars argent.

RED SCAR (fn. 21) stands in a commanding situation facing south-east above a bend of the River Ribble on its north bank about three miles north-east of Preston, and is a picturesque two story gabled building of timber and plaster, partly dating probably from Elizabethan times, but so much restored and added to that few of its original architectural features remain. It was enlarged and altered in 1798 and again in 1840 when the library was added. The exterior timber and plaster work is almost wholly imitative and modern, but a thatched one-story wing at the north-east end, now used as a dining-room, preserves to some extent an interesting ancient feature. The interior contains some oak furniture and carvings formerly in the old church at Grimsargh.

BROCKHOLES, as already stated, was a member of the fee of Manchester. It was granted to the Lathom family, (fn. 22) and of them held by a tenant assuming the local surname. The first of them known by name was one Award de Brockholes, (fn. 23) whose son Roger appears in pleadings of 1246 and otherwise. (fn. 24) Roger's son Adam de Brockholes (fn. 25) died in 1290 holding the manor of Brockholes of Sir Robert de Lathom by the eighth part of a knight's fee; also land in Byrewath in Garstang and in Paythorne in Gisburn. (fn. 26) His son Roger succeeded, but was still under age in 1292. (fn. 27) He married Nichola daughter and heir of Isolda de Rigmaiden, (fn. 28) and was succeeded in or before 1311 by their son John. (fn. 29) He was followed at Brockholes about ten years later by his brother Adam (fn. 30); by what title is not quite clear, but probably by a family partition, John's descendants having the manor of Claughton in Garstang.

Red Scar: The Dining-Room

Adam de Brockholes, who was living in 1341, had several children, including Nicholas his heir (fn. 31) and Roger. (fn. 32) Nicholas had at least two sons, (fn. 33) but the manor appears to have descended to two daughters or granddaughters: Margaret, who married Roger Elston, and another who married — Singleton. (fn. 34) A partition was afterwards agreed upon, by which the former had Old or Higher Brockholes and the latter New or Lower Brockholes. (fn. 35)

The Elston moiety descended regularly (fn. 36) to Robert Elston, who died in 1662. (fn. 37) After some changes it was purchased in 1694 by Thomas Winckley of Preston, (fn. 38) and descended to Frances Lady Shelley, (fn. 39) after whose death in 1873 it was sold to Edward Petre in 1875; from him it has come to his son, the present owner, Mr. Oswald Henry Philip TurvillePetre, of Husbands Bosworth. (fn. 40)

HIGHER BROCKHOLES, now a farm-house, stands on low ground near the Ribble below Red Scar, the river here flowing in a south-easterly direction on the east side of the house, the front of which faces south. It is a long, low, two-storied stuccoed building very much modernized, but retaining for the most part its grey slated roof and some portions of its original timber framing. (fn. 41) The house, however, is architecturally uninteresting except for a portion at the east end now disused, which is a good example of 17th-century black and white work on a low stone base, with overhanging upper floor and gable. The work is simple in detail, consisting mostly of the structural framework filled in with straight and diagonal pieces and quatrefoils. A carved oak panel bears the date 1643 and the initials R E A, probably those of Robert Elston and Ann his wife. The interior has been almost entirely modernized, but contains old oak stairs and thick oak doors. (fn. 42)

The Singleton moiety (fn. 43) descended to William Singleton, who died in 1556 without legitimate issue. (fn. 44) A pedigree was recorded in 1613. (fn. 45) The estate was in 1564 sold to Sir John Southworth of Samlesbury, (fn. 46) and afterwards changed hands, being at last in 1696 acquired by the above-named Thomas Winckley. (fn. 47) The two moieties thus reunited have so continued to the present time.

LOWER BROCKHOLES, now a farm-house, stands in a low situation close to the bend of the Ribble near Brockholes Bridge, facing east towards Samlesbury. (fn. 48) It is a small two-story building of no particular interest architecturally, having been very much modernized and the exterior covered with roughcast. The windows are all modern, but the roof retains its grey stone slates, and the north wing, which has a separate gabled roof at right angles to that of the rest of the house, preserves its old half-timber construction above the ground floor, though much of the timber has been renewed. There is a wide open gabled porch of two stories projecting 9 ft. 6 in. and measuring 8 ft. square inside, over the archway of which is a stone dated 1634 with the initials and arms of Francis Bindloss, the arms with helm, crest and mantling, and a crescent for difference. The interior is structurally uninteresting, but a small oak staircase of good design with turned Jacobean balusters still remains, and in one of the bedrooms is some oak panelling forming a dado, on which is the inscription, 'Quamlibet expectes horam tibi ducere mortem, disce mori mundo Christoque resurgere spera, 1630.'

Apart from the lords of the manor there are few records of estates in the combined township, (fn. 49) and in most cases the owners of them did not reside there. A branch of the Hoghton family, however, was in the 17th century resident in Grimsargh, and in 1653 William Hoghton, a 'delinquent,' whose estate had been ordered for sale by the Parliament, desired to compound, but was too late. (fn. 50) William Elston and William Hoghton in 1631 paid £10 each, having refused knighthood. (fn. 51) Several estates of Grimsargh 'Papists' were registered in 1717. (fn. 52)

In connexion with the Church of England a chapel was erected at Grimsargh about 1716 by the efforts of Samuel Peploe, vicar of Preston. (fn. 53) It was dedicated to St. Michael. It was entirely rebuilt in 1868–9 by the Rev. John Cross, brother of the lord of the manor. (fn. 54) It had a separate parish assigned to it in 1875. (fn. 55) The vicars are presented by the vicar of Preston.

A Congregational mission was begun in 1903.

St. John's College, Grimsargh, is a private adventure school for boys. (fn. 56)


  • 1. Loc. Govt Bd. Order 31607. About 192 acres were transferred to Preston.
  • 2. Hewitson, Preston, 388. Boilton is on the north-west boundary of Brockholes, adjoining Ribbleton.
  • 3. 1,748, including 53 acres of inland water; Census Rep. 1901.
  • 4. In addition the part included in Preston contained 108 persons.
  • 5. Lancs. and Ches. Antiq. Soc. xx, 173.
  • 6. V.C.H. Lancs. i, 288b.
  • 7. Farrer, Lancs. Pipe R. 437.
  • 8. Ibid. 409.
  • 9. So stated in the charter of his grandson William de Heaton cited below. In 1212 Grimsargh is not separately named among the Heaton lands; Lancs. Inq. and Extents (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 48. Roger had died in 1204, leaving a son of the same name, who was under age.
  • 10. Ibid. 231; thus Roger had nothing from Grimsargh except relief and wardship. Roger's heir was his son William.
  • 11. Kuerden MSS. v, fol. 113.
  • 12. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 289. The tenant is not named.
  • 13. In 1292 Adam de Hoghton held a messuage and 12 acres in Grimsargh, as heir of his father, who had purchased from Richard son of John de Flitchcrofthaw. The plaintiff, Richard son of Robert son of John de Goosnargh, said that these Johns were the same person, but he was nonsuited; Assize R. 408, m. 22. At the same time William son of Robert de Elston claimed the sixth part of a water-mill in Grimsargh against Richard de Hoghton and Alexander de Hyde. The plaintiff, who recovered, stated that his father had purchased the mill from Thomas de Grimshagh (? Grimsargh), but Agnes widow of Thomas had a third part in dower, which she had granted to plaintiff till he had received the cost of repairing the mill; ibid. m. 3 d. Again, Roger de Eccleston (? Elston) complained that Thomas de Grimsargh and Richard de Hoghton had obstructed his right of way; ibid. m. 32 d.
  • 14. The time of purchase does not appear, but in 1301 Richard de Hoghton seems to have had a fair estate in Grimsargh; Final Conc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 192. Richard son of Sir Adam de Hoghton granted 9 acres in Grimsargh to Henry de Eccleshill; Dods. MSS. lxx, fol. 160b. In 1325–6 William son of Roger de Caton granted William de Heaton and Anilla his wife the service of Sir Richard de Hoghton for lands in Grimsargh; quoted in Memo. R. (L.T.R.) 128, m. xv (37 Edw. III). An agreement as to arbitration on various matters in dispute was made in 1334 between William de Grimsargh and Sir Richard de Hoghton, two neighbours and a man of the law being chosen by each to view and decide; Add. MS 32106, no. 318. The transfer of the manor does not seem to have been complete until 1362, when William de Grimsargh granted to Sir Adam de Hoghton all his messuages, lands, rents, services, &c., in the vill of Grimsargh; ibid. no. 520. Of the Grimsargh family little is known. A William de Grimsargh appears between 1242 and 1262, followed by a John de Grimsargh in 1293; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 151, 231, 280. Gilbert son of Thomas de Grimsargh in 1292 claimed common of pasture against John de Grimsargh and William de Brockholes, but was non-suited; Assize R. 408, m. 58. To charters of 1284 John de Grimsargh and Gilbert his brother were witnesses; Kuerden fol. MS. fol. 74, 50 (B 5). John de Grimsargh attested a deed in 1312–13; ibid. fol. 74. William de Grimsargh contributed to the subsidy in 1332; Exch. Lay Subs. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), 58.
  • 15. Dods. MSS. cxxxi, fol. 39.
  • 16. Survey of 1346 (Chet. Soc), 59. This shows that the deed of 1362 above cited was only the completion of a sale that had taken place long before.
  • 17. The manor of Grimsargh, as held by the service of 3s., occurs among Hoghton properties in inquisitions, fines, &c., but the family do not seem to have resided there. See Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc), i, 145 (1422); Duchy of Lanc. Knights' Fees, bdle. 2, no. 20 (1446); Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 89, no. 141 (1616), &c. Grimsargh was held by Elizabeth Kighley at her death in 1524 by 3s. rent, the reversion being to Sir Richard Hoghton; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. v, no. 61.
  • 18. Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 387, m, 114.
  • 19. It is stated that the manor was sold by Sir Henry Philip Hoghton (d. 1835) to William Cross of Red Scar (Fishwick, Preston, 93), in which case the apparent sale to Shawe must have been a mortgage only.
  • 20. For pedigree see Burke, Landed Gentry. This gives John Cross, d. 1799 –s. William (of Red Scar), d. 1827–s. William Assheton, d. 1863 -s. William, b. 1850.
  • 21. a There is an illustration in Twycross, Lancs. Mansions, ii, 48.
  • 22. In 1212 Richard son of Robert (de Lathom) held half a plough-land in Brockholes, part of the Grelley fee, by the thirteenth part of a knight's fee; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 54. The dependence upon Manchester, though merely nominal, continued to be recorded down to the 17th century. In 1322 Robert de Lathom held the thirteenth part of a fee in Brockholes by John de Brockholes; Mamecestre (Chet. Soc), ii, 379. For sake fee 8d. was paid, also 9d. for castle ward, and puture of the Serjeants was due; ibid, ii, 288. In 1473 the wife of Nicholas Singleton held the lordship of Brockholes by the Ribble by the same tenure; ibid, iii, 480.
  • 23. Award de Brockholes attested a charter by Henry de Lea; Add. MS. 32106, no. 69. In the account of Samlesbury has been mentioned an Edward son of Edward son of Orm de Brockholes; the first Edward (living 1227) may be identical with the Award of the text. One Ellis de Brockholes appears in Yorkshire in 1284; Cal. Close, 1279–88, p. 271. There may have been other places of the name; Gen. (new ser.), xi, 196.
  • 24. In 1246 Roger de Brockholes recovered common of pasture in 4 acres in Brockholes against Maud de Ribbleton, Robert and William her sons and Richard de Ellesley; Assize R. 404, m. 4. The first of these defendants was perhaps the Maud daughter of Henry who unsuccessfully claimed 20 acres at the same time against Roger de Brockholes, Richard de Lathom and others; ibid. m. 13. Roger and his wife Christiana acquired land in Byrewath in Garstang; Add. MS. 32106, no. 1105. In Dec. 1253 an agreement was made between Roger de Brockholes and Huard de Bradshaw as to certain quarrels respecting land in Bradshaw given in free marriage with Huard's sister Mabel; Harl. MS. 2112, fol. 65/107. It appears that Mabel had married Roger, for William son of Roger de Brockholes released his claim (derived from Mabel his mother) to 4 acres in Bradshaw to Robert son of Henry son of Huctred de Bradshaw; Kuerden fol. MS. fol. 50 B. Roger had also a son Richard, who gave William his brother land in Brockholes and Old Brockholes; ibid. William son of William de Brockholes in 1284 gave his uncle Richard (son of Roger) his right in an oxgang of land in Ribbleton called Hysokecroft; ibid. Another version of the charter places Hysokecroft in Brockholes; Add. MS. 32108, fol. 288. In 1341 William son of William son of Roger de Brockholes claimed 9 acres in Grimsargh against Richard son of William son of Roger de Brockholes; De Banco R. 328, m. 524 d.
  • 25. In 1280 Adam de Brockholes, as grandson and heir of Award de Brockholes, claimed a messuage and half an oxgang of land in Brockholes against Robert Noel, Agnes his wife, and Cecily (under age) the sister of Agnes, who held two-thirds, and Henry de Walton and Agnes his wife, who had one-third; De Banco R. 36, m. 70. The claim was still being prosecuted in 1287 against Robert son of Adam Nowell of Mearley, Agnes and Cecily, it being alleged that Award de Brockholes had demised the land for a term (then expired) to Uctred de Brockholes; ibid. 69, m. 75 d. About 1284 an exchange seems to have been made, Robert Nowell and the sisters taking land in Paythorne; Kuerden fol. MS. fol. 273. Robert Nowell and Agnes his wife claimed common of pasture in Brockholes in 1288 against Adam de Brockholes and William his brother; Assize R. 1277, m. 31. It may be added that an Alice daughter of Roger son of Uctred de Brockholes released (c. 1285) to her sister Agnes all her inheritance in Brockholes; Kuerden MSS. v, fol. 118b. Roger son of Agnes de Brockholes in 1314–15 gave land in the township to Thomas son of Roger Hyde; Towneley MS. HH, no. 1875. Henry son of Robert de Ribbleton released to Adam son of Roger de Brockholes half an oxgang of land in Brockholes held of Adam; Add. MS. 32107, no. 996. The same Adam and Henry made an exchange of land called Elondes, the bounds naming the brook which formed the division between Brockholes and Ribbleton; Towneley MS. HH, no. 1877. Adam gave his brother William a part of the waste of Brockholes, within certain bounds; a field called the Hyles is named; ibid. no. 1888.
  • 26. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 274. Henry de Haydock and William le Blund were the executors of the will of Adam de Brockholes in 1292; Assize R. 408, m. 100. In the same year John de Rigmaiden claimed a debt—but was non-suited—against the executors of Cecily widow of Adam de Brockholes; ibid. m. 54 d.
  • 27. Maud widow of William de Clifton claimed a messuage and half an oxgang of land in Brockholes against Roger son of Adam de Brockholes, but the trial was adjourned till Roger should be of age; Assize R. 408. m. 5 d. William de Clifton and Maud his wife gave all their land in Brockholes with a messuage there to Robert their son, and this Robert made an exchange with Adam de Brockholes about 1284; Kuerden fol. MS. fol. 75, 74.
  • 28. About 1290 Adam son of Richard de Disteshaw granted all his land in Brockholes to John de Rigmaiden and Isolda his wife; Towneley MS. HH, no. 1867. In 1308–9 Isolda de Rigmaiden released to Nichola de Brockholes, her daughter and heir, all right in the same; ibid. no. 1868. In continuation of the last note it may be added that in 1310–11 Maud widow of Robert son of William de Clifton released her dower land to Nichola widow of Roger de Brockholes, and that Roger son of Robert de Clifton soon afterwards granted all his lands in Brockholes to the same Nichola; Kuerden fol. MS. fol. 74–5.
  • 29. The last note shows that Nichola was a widow in 1310–11. In 1316–17 John son of Roger de Brockholes released to Nichola his mother a third part of the manor of Brockholes, &c., as dower; Kuerden MSS. v, fol. 118b. Nichola afterward's gave to her son John the rent from the third part of the manor; HH, no. 1869. John was still in possession in 1322; Mamecestre, ii, 379. A dispute in 1323 between William de Ribbleton and Roger son of Richard de Ribbleton concerning 12 acres, &c., in Brockholes shows that the father had held of Nichola de Brockholes by knight's service. John and Adam de Brockholes and Richard Deuyas and Isolda his wife, formerly wife of William (?) de Ribbleton, are named; Assize R. 425, m. 1, 5. John de Brockholes appeared for Nichola and the others.
  • 30. Nichola widow of Roger de Brockholes in 1319 procured a messuage and land to be settled on her with remainder to Adam son of Roger de Brockholes and Margaret his wife; Final Conc, ii, 35. Roger son of Agnes de Brockholes, already named, in 1324–5 made a release to Adam de Brockholes; HH, no. 1890. In 1329 Adam son of Roger de Brockholes made a feoffment of a third part of the manor, &c.; ibid. no. 1874.
  • 31. In 1339 Robert du Marreys, clerk, regranted to Adam son of Roger de Brockholes and Margaret his wife twothirds of the manor of Brockholes, with the homage and service of the free tenant William de Brockholes; with successive remainders to Nicholas, Adam, John, Robert and Henry, sons of Adam, and then to the right heirs of William de Brockholes; Kuerden fol. MS. fol. 259. An Adam de Brockholes son of William was living in 1349; Add. MS. 32108, fol. 289. In 1341 Roger son of Roger de Elston exchanged certain land in Brockholes with Adam son of Roger de Brockholes and Margaret his wife; the remainders were to Adam's sons Nicholas and John; HH, no. 1894.
  • 32. In 1349 Roger son of Adam de Brockholes released to his brother Nicholas all right in the manor of Brockholes; ibid. no. 1906. Roger de Singleton of Singleton and Alice his wife in 1348 granted to Nicholas de Brockholes all the lands in Brockholes which had belonged to Adam de Singleton; J. Harland's note.
  • 33. The preceding note shows that Nicholas was in possession in 1349. In 1355 he granted leave to get turves in Brockholes; Add. MS. 32108, fol. 289. In 1358 he received from John de Preston a release of all the right in Brockholes which John had had from Edmund de Brockholes; Kuerden MSS. v, fol. 118b. Three years later he made a feoffment of the manor; HH, no. 1884. Another feoffment was made in 1396–7; Kuerden MSS. iii, B 14. The seal shows a cheveron between three brocks (?). Nicholas de Brockholes and Margaret his wife occur in 1402; HH, no. 1880. Roger son of Nicholas de Brockholes in 1377–8 quitclaimed to Nicholas his father and Margaret his wife all right in Brockholes; ibid. no. 1558. Thomas de Bredkirk was in 1387 pardoned for the death of Geoffrey son of Nicholas de Brockholes, killed at Preston in 1385; Cal. Pat. 1385–9, p. 284. In 1378 William del Pole and Margery his wife had some interest in the Brockholes estate; Final Conc. iii, 5.
  • 34. The deeds preserved (those of Elston of Brockholes) are not clear on this point. In 1419 (or perhaps 7 Hen. IV) a moiety of the manor of Brockholes, held for life by Margaret widow of Nicholas, was settled on Roger Elston and Margaret his wife, the heir of Nicholas, with remainder to their son John, contracted to marry Agnes daughter of John Fleetwood; Add. MS. 32107, no. 548. John Elston had a son William, who as early as 1428–9 was contracted to marry Ellen daughter of Thomas Haighton; Add. MS. 32108, fol. 289b. According to the pedigree the other heiress married Thomas Singleton; Fishwick, Preston, 288.
  • 35. John Elston was bound in 1437–8 to Nicholas Singleton for the performance of an agreement as to lands in Brockholes; Kuerden fol. MS. fol. 115. From notes by Kuerden (MSS. vi, fol. 74) it seems that a division was made in 1453–4 and an award relating to it in 1478. In 1458–9 William son of John Elston granted a lease of Old Brockholes; ibid. Another note of agreement between Nicholas Singleton and Roger Elston states that the latter was to have Old Brockholes for life; Add. MS. 32107, no. 2987. Again in 1445–6 Roger Elston, whose son John had granted Nicholas Singleton the reversion of a moiety of the manor of Brockholes, released his own life interest in the same; HH, no. 1901. The moiety of the manor was the subject of a settlement in 1453–4, when the elder John, son and heir-apparent of William Elston, was contracted to marry Agnes daughter of Nicholas Singleton of Brockholes; Add. MS. 32108, fol. 289b. The parties being near akin a dispensation was obtained; Kuerden MSS. vi, fol. 74. William Elston had a younger son also named John. Robert son and heir-apparent of John Elston, senior, was in 1483–4 married to Anne daughter of John Singleton of Withgill; Add. MS. 32108, fol. 289b. In 1515 John Elston agreed with Margaret daughter of Robert Waddington as to her marriage with his cousin and heir Ralph Elston (apparently son of Robert); ibid. Again in 1553–4 William Elston, who had married Katherine daughter of Evan Browne, was to have Brockholes; ibid. It appears that he was the younger son of Ralph Elston; Richard the elder son had died. Ralph Elston and Richard his son were out-burgesses of the guild of 1542; Preston Guild R. 19. In the same year two messuages, &c., were settled on Ralph Elston and Richard his son and heir-apparent; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 12, m. 81. Ralph Elston occurs as vendor (or trustee) in 1553; ibid. bdle. 14, m. 48. In 1538–9 Roger Asshaw and Jane his wife claimed a 'form or kneeling place' in Preston Church in right of his manor of Elston, but Ralph Elston of Old Brockholes asserted his right to it. The churchwardens, seeing that 'manslaughter, sedition, and great unquietness were like to have ensued,' took away the form till a legal decision could be given; T. C. Smith, Preston Church, 250–1.
  • 36. Ralph Elston, named above, died 4 Nov. 1556 holding a capital messuage and lands in Brockholes of the executors of the will of Lord La Warre in socage by a rent of 4d. yearly. The kinsman and heir was Richard Elston, aged five years; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. x, no. 3. The following field-names, &c., are given: Grey Bank, Margaret Acre, Boatfield, Holme, Eases, Oldhouse, Brewhouse, &c. Richard Elston, a minor, made complaint in 1571 as to invasion of his grandfather's lands by John Shireburne and Katherine his wife; Duchy of Lanc. Plead. Eliz. lxxxii, E 1. From the Preston Guild R. (p. 27) it would seem that Richard was the son and heir of Richard (? William) Elston, deceased. A settlement of Richard Elston's estate in Brockholes or Over Brockholes was made in 1574; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 36, m. 73. He died in 1592 holding the same estate of John Lacy (as of his manor of Manchester) by the twenty-sixth part of a knight's fee and a rent of 4d.; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xv, no. 14. The service was that due for a moiety of Brockholes. William the son and heir was thirteen years of age. He died in 1636 holding his Brockholes estate of Edward Mosley of Manchester by the fourth part of a knight's fee and 4d. rent; Robert his son and heir was twenty-eight years of age; ibid, xxix, no. 1. William Elston, a scholar and a Puritan, was the author of a history of his family (Harl. MS. 1727, fol. 336), under the title of Mundana Mutabilia: Ethelestophylax. Extracts from it were printed in the Preston Guardian of 1881, Feb. 5, 19, &c.
  • 37. Robert Elston's son William died in 1664 without issue, and Robert's six daughters in the same year sold the estate to Paul Moreau of Knowsley, who settled at Brockholes.
  • 38. The vendor was Paul Moreau, grandson of the purchaser in 1664. Paul Moreau, James his son and Paul his grandson, &c., were out-burgesses of the guild of 1682; Preston Guild R. 191.
  • 39. For pedigree see Fishwick, op. cit. 276. Thomas Winckley was son of John Winckley, curate of Garstang (1637) and of Broughton (1661); he was registrar of the duchy Chancery office. He died in 1710 and was succeeded by his son John, who died in 1753. John's son Thomas left an only daughter Frances, who married Sir John Shelley, sixth baronet (d. 1852).
  • 40. Mr. E. H. Petre died in 1902.
  • 41. The timber construction shows externally at the back.
  • 42. Fishwick, op. cit. 298.
  • 43. Nicholas Singleton, possessor in the time of Henry VI, has been mentioned. There was an arbitration in 1474 between Alice widow of Nicholas Singleton and the sons—James (the heir), John, Lawrence and Roger; HH, no. 1918. John Singleton of Brockholes in 1485 granted all his lands to Sir Alexander Hoghton, apparently as trustee; ibid. no. 1902. In 1495–6 Robert Singleton, another son of Nicholas, released all his claim to his brother John; no. 1895. In 1487–8 James Singleton and Thomas his son became bound to Richard Singleton of Broughton, engaging to make no alienation of the inheritance of Nicholas, father of James, so that it might descend to Richard the son of James, except as to lands of 20 marks yearly, the dower of Agnes wife of James and daughter of Richard Hoghton of the Lawnd in Bowland. Richard was to occupy the Bank in Broughton; Kuerden fol. MS. fol. 389. Richard Singleton died in 1499, having been married or betrothed as early as 1458, while his grandfather Nicholas was living, to Elizabeth his wife, who survived him. He held the moiety of the manor of Brockholes of Sir Thomas West Lord La Warre in socage and other lands in Bolton-le-Sands, &c. Thomas his son and heir was twenty-seven years of age; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. iii, no. 52. Thomas Singleton about two years later made a feoffment of messuages and lands in Brockholes called Rishmelfield, Gamridding, a water-mill and a fishing, to fulfil the marriage covenants of his sons Robert and Henry with Anne and Aline, daughters of John Singleton of Shingle Hall; Kuerden fol. MS. fol. 381. Robert Singleton died in 1525, his wife Anne having died before him, leaving a son and heir William, only about two years old. He held one moiety of the manor of Brockholes and various lands, &c., in the other moiety of Lord La Warre, as of his manor of Manchester, by knight's service. He also held a burgage and land in Preston of the heir of Adam Brockholes by the rent of three grains of pepper, and other tenements in Broughton, Barton, Ribchester, Whittingham, Bolton-le-Sands, &c.; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. vi, no. 64.
  • 44. Ibid, x, no. 1, in which his will is recited as well as various family settlements. To Mary his wife he allowed his dwelling-house, a close called Gamridding, with mill and fishing; to Robert his bastard son he gave certain closes and his interest in the tithe of Brockholes. Brockholes was held of Lord La Warre by the seventeenth part of a knight's fee and the rent of 4d. The heir was his uncle Henry Singleton, chaplain, aged fifty-five. From later depositions it appears that Henry had been a friar. For Robert Brockholes see Exch. Dep. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), 2.
  • 45. Visit. (Chet. Soc), 81.
  • 46. An indenture concerning the manor is enrolled in the Common Pleas, Mich. 3 & 4 Phil, and Mary. An account of the disputes which followed William Singleton's death will be found, with copies of depositions, in Fishwick's Preston, 94–6, 289–93. It appears that the above Henry Singleton and his nephew William son of Thomas Singleton of Bank Hall in Broughton sold the estate to John Singleton of Ripley, who in 1565 sold to Sir John Southworth. John son of Henry Singleton in 1557 gave his life interest in the Eyes in Brockholes to John Singleton of Ripley; Kuerden fol. MS. fol. 389, no. 399. Fines relating to the settlements at the same time are Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdles. 17, m. 33, 80; 27, m. 171. After the death of Sir John Southworth in 1595 his estate in Brockholes, not called a manor, was said to have been held of the lord of Manchester by the three-hundredth part of a knight's fee and the rent of 4d. A free fishery in the Ribble was included; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xvii, no. 3. By Thomas Southworth (son of Sir John) Brockholes was mortgaged and then (1620) sold to Edmund Breres of Preston, and sold again the next year to Sir Robert Bindloss of Borwick Hall. It descended to a grandson Francis and then to his sister Dorothy wife of Sir Charles Wheler, who in 1668 sold to Paul Moreau, owner of Higher Brockholes, and John Walshman of Preston, who divided the estate; Preston Chron., May 1862. Fishwick (op. cit. 96) states that Lower Brockholes was in 1682 the property of Hugh (John) Walshman, who died in 1694.
  • 47. The Walshman share was sold to Winckley in 1696 and the Moreau share in 1698. A full abstract of the title is in Piccope MSS. (Chet. Lib.), iii, 292–310.
  • 48. Lower Brockholes was formerly reached from Preston by a roadway known as Brockall Lanc, which now forms part of the high road from Preston to Blackburn made in 1824. There was a direct way between the two towns previous to that date, but it was a mere lanc, and there was either no bridge or a very primitive one across the river at Lower Brockholes. When the road and bridge were projected the landowners and farmers petitioned Parliament to refuse authority for its construction, their contention being that if the new road were made it would give Samlesbury farmers the means of competing with them at Preston; Preston Guardian, 28 Dec. 1907.
  • 49. Ellis de Knoll and Alice his wife about 1290 granted Edmund Earl of Lancaster a piece of land in Grimsargh lying on the east side of his park of Hyde; Great Coucher, i, fol. 62, no. 13. Matthew de Huyton (? Heaton) and Maud his wife in 1323–4 claimed land in Grimsargh against Alice the widow and Adam the son of Ellis de Knoll; Assize R. 4.25, m. 5 d. In 1351 Roger de Blackburn acquired a messuage and land in Grimsargh from John son of Ralph de Freckleton and Maud his wife; Final Conc. ii, 131. William Pole and Margery his wife in 1378 held two messuages with land and rent in Grimsargh, Brockholes and Preston; ibid, iii, 5. Their tenant Richard de Smewes was perhaps the Richard who occurred as defendant in July 1351; Duchy of Lanc. Assize R. 1, m. 5. William Pole was in 1398–9 accused of felling and carrying away certain trees belonging to Nicholas de Brockholes; Add. MS. 32107, no. 1020. Later (1454–5) an agreement was made between John Pole and John son of Roger Elston as to the bounds of their lands in Brockholes; Kuerden MSS. vi, fol. 74. John Singleton in 1530 held land in Grimsargh of Sir Richard Hoghton in socage; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. vi, no. 32. In 1541 Gabriel Hesketh purchased from another John Singleton lands in Claughton and Grimsargh; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 12, m. 60. Bartholomew Hesketh of Rufford made a purchase in 1536–7; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 162, m. 15. George Hesketh of Poulton died in 1571 holding land in Grimsargh of Thomas Hoghton by a rent of 4d.; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xiii, no. 15. See also Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), iii, 363. Evan Browne of Ribbleton in 1545 held land in Grimsargh of Richard Hoghton by a rent of 20d.; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. vii, no. 24. Thomas Brockholes in 1567 also held land there of Thomas Hoghton; ibid, xi, no. 6. The Gerards of Brynn had land in Grimsargh said to be held of the king in thegnage by a rent of 2d. in 1537; ibid. viii, no. 29, 13. William Pemberton in 1575 purchased a messuage and land there from Sir Thomas Gerard; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 37, m. 154. Richard Pemberton died in 1619 holding of Sir Richard Hoghton by a rent of 6d.; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), ii, 224. Thomas Asshaw in 1564 purchased a tenement there from the Earl of Derby; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 26, m. 152. This was perhaps the messuage held in 1627 by Sir John Radcliffe of Ordsall, the tenure not being stated in Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xxv, no. 6. Thomas Shireburne of Heysham held land in Grimsargh of Hoghton in 1635; Towneley MS. C 8,13 (Chet. Lib.), 1083.
  • 50. Royalist Comp. Papers (Rec. Soc. Lancs, and Ches.), iii, 301; Index of Royalists (Index Soc), 42. See also Fishwick, Preston, 361. Two husbandmen of Grimsargh, Thomas and John Cosson, being 'suspected of popery, 'were in 1653 summoned before the committee for compounding. They did not appear, and the two-thirds of their estates were sequestered; Cal. Com. for Comp. i, 656.
  • 51. Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 221.
  • 52. Estcourt and Payne, Engl. Cath. Nonjurors, 95,136–7. Their names were Paul Charnley, John Coseney, Robert Hummer, Richard Fishwick, George Clarkson, James Rogerson, Gilbert Slater and Thomas Slater.
  • 53. Gastrell, Notitia (Chet. Soc), ii, 470. It was consecrated in 1726.
  • 54. T. C. Smith, Longridge, 210–14; notices of curates in charge and vicars are given, with a view of the church. See also Hewitson, Our Country Churches, 85–8. A 'Capellanus de Brockholes' attested an agreement in 1253, but the placename may be the surname only; Harl. MS. 2112, fol. 65/107.
  • 55. Lond. Gaz. 14 May 1875.
  • 56. T. C. Smith, Longridge, 216. The place was formerly known as The Hermitage, the residence of a family named Chadwick.