The Chronicle of the Grey Friars: Henry V

Pages 12-15

Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London Camden Society Old Series: Volume 53. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1852.

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Henricus Quintus Rex.

And kyng Henry the Fifth was crownyd, that was hys sonne, at Westmyster the ixth day of April, the yere of our lorde God M1cccc xiij.

Pi.°. A°. Thys yere the lorde Cobhame made a rysynge with many lollars and heryttykes, as Roger Actone and many moo, to the number of xxxvj.; and ware draune and hangyd on a gallows new. made in sent Gylles felde, and five of them ware brent, the kynge lyinge at sent Jones. (fn. 1)

ij°. A° Thys yere the kynge wanne Harflew in Normandy. And this yere Richard Gurmon, (fn. 2) French baker of Lumberstreth, was brent in Smythfelde. And this yere was the kynges grete worke begonne at Shene. And this yere the kynge toke his viage towarde Normandy, and rode thorow the citte of London unto Sowthhamtone the xviij. day of June, and there he abode, his Stoffe, and hys company. And the v. daye of August nexte ware put to deth at Hamton sir Richard of Yorke erle of Chambrych, the lorde Scroppe, and sir Thomas Grey knyght, for treson, imagenynge the kynges deth. And in this tyme was one Claydon (fn. 3) skenner brente in Smythfelde the xth. day of September. And the morrow after sent Laurens day the kynge with hys pepulle sheppyd at Porchemowth, and he landyd at Kedecause, three myle owte of Harflew, on our lady day the Assumpcion. And the kynge layd hys sege fro that daye unto the xxij. daye of September or the towne ware yelded up. And in that whyle there dyde manny of hys pepull, as the erle of Surye, (fn. 4) the byshope of Norwyche, (fn. 5) sir John Phylpot, and many other knyghttes and sqweeres, and a grete many of the comyn pepulle. And then the towne and castelle was yeldyd up unto the kynge with the keyes, and the kynge made the lord Bewforde (fn. 6) that was erle of Worseter captayne. And thene the kyng toke [his] waye towerd Callys with viij.M1. fyghtynge men. And the xxv. day of October on sent Crispians day the lordes and chevaltre of France layd with xxvj. Ml. men, and wolde have stoppyd the kynges waye, that he shulde not passe to Callys. And the kynge with his host batellyd with them manfully, and fowght with theme in a felde called Agyncort, and slew and toke of them dukes, erles, and knyghttes and other to a grete number, and a grete multytewde of the comyn pepulle. And of Englyche men was slayne, as the duke of Yorke, the erle of Sur[ry (fn. 7) ], and other, but a fewe. And the morrow after Simond and Jude daye tydynges came to the new mayer of the sodyne battelle. And then was made grete solempnites and processions was done ther for, with prelattes, prestes, freeres, and other sage men of the cytte. And after that the kynge came to Dover, Cantorbery, and soo to London; and there the mayer, aldermen, comyns, rydynge worshyppully ayenst hym in rede gownes and whyte hoddes, and browte hym to Westmyster. Also this yere came the emperar of Almen (fn. 8) in to Ynglond with viij C. hors to sent Georges felde. And the xxix day of March the duke of Holonde (fn. 9) came to London, and he laye at the byshoppe of Elys place in Holborne.

iiij°. A°. Thys yere the xiiij. day of December sir John Oldecastell knyghte was drawne from the tower of London un to sent Gylles in the felde and there was hongyd and brent. Thys yere one sent Martyns day was byshoppe Martyne the vth. chosyne byshoppe of Rome.

vj°. A°. John Briane was drowned in hys shrefehode, and in his stede was chosyne John Perneys shreffe for the resydew of the yere. And this yere on sent Donstons day was the towne of Rome yeldene to the emperor; and the towne of Ponteys was taken, with many other castelles and towers.

vij°. A°. Thys yere the qwene Katerne was crownyd the xxij. day of Marche.

ix°. A°. Thys yere the towne of Mewys in Bry was yeldyn.

And this yere Mortemer brake owte of the tower of London, and was takyn agayne afterward in Walys, and browte agayne un to the tower of London. And this yere was browte to London a byshoppe, a knyght, and a captayne of Mewys in Bry, with xxviij. prisoners of France. And this yere was the furst provincialle chapter of freeres minors in London. And this yere the kynge dyssecyd,


  • 1. Stowe places this great play under the year 1409. See also other chronicles quoted in Collier's Hist. of Dramatic Poetry, i. 19.
  • 2. thrown.
  • 3. Thomas of Lancaster duke of Clarence and Margaret (Holand) widow of John Beaufort earl of Somerset.
  • 4. The priory of St. John's at Clerkenwell.
  • 5. Turmyne, a heretic. Chron. Lond. (Nicolas).
  • 6. John Claydon. (Ibid.)
  • 7. Thomas Arundel, more commonly called earl of Arundel; he returned home sick of the dysentery, and died at his own castle of Arundel, on the 13th of Oct. 1415.
  • 8. Richard Courtenay bishop of Norwich died at the siege of Harfleur, 20 Sept. 1415.
  • 9. Richard Beauchamp lord Abergavenny, afterwards earl of Worcester.
  • 10. Not slain in the battle, as stated in the preceding passage.
  • 11. The emperor Sigismond came to England, and was installed as a knight of the garter on the 7th May, 1416. He was brother to Anne the queen of Richard the Second.
  • 12. William of Bavaria count of Ostrevant, who had been formerly admitted into the order of the garter by king Richard II. in 1390, came to meet the emperor; but, having been detained by contrary winds, did not arrive until the 28th of May (not March).—Beltz, Memorials of the Garter, p. 340. "The counts of Holland of this family, being by birth dukes of Bavaria, were usually styled dukes of Holland."—Ibid.