Index of places: A-J

Pages 233-246

Feet of Fines of the Tudor Period [Yorks]: Part 4, 1594-1603. Originally published by Yorkshire Archeological Society, Leeds, 1890.

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Abberforth, 37.

Acaster, 72, 126.

Ackelam, 184.

Acklam, 29, 81, 133.

Ackworth, 69, 134, 146.

Ackworthe, 170, 171, 191, 199.

Acome, 65, 126.

Acreynges, 118.

Acton, 63, 107.

Acworth, 136.

Addell, 51.

Adderclyff, 190.

Addle, 44, 91.

Adle, 36.

Adlingfleet, 62.

Adlingfleete, 117, 142, 178, 179.

Adlingflete, 60, 95, 134, 158.

Adlyngflete, 2, 9, 28.

Adwalton, 37, 46, 102, 166, 188.

Adwick, 77, 128.
-, — als. Aldwick als. Aldwick upon Dearne, 101.

Adwicke, 13, 116, 184.
-, — als. Aldwicke, 38.
-, — upon Dearne, 97.

Adyngham, 30.

Aeringden als. Earingden Park, 116.

Agbrigg, 178.

Aghton, 47.

Aickton, 60, 189.

Aireton, 65.

Airton, 163.

Aisgarth, 130.

Aislabie, 3.

Alborowe, 168.

Albroughe, 59.
-, — als. Alburghe, 192.

Alburghe als. Albroughe, 192.

Aldborowghe als. Aldburghe als. Auldburghe, 99.

Aldbrough, 125.

Aldbroughe, 17, 52, 202.

Aldburgh, 95.

Aldburghe, 28.
-, — als. Auldburghe als. Aldborowghe, 99.

Aldingflete, 76.

Aldwick als. Adwick als. Aldwick upon Dearne, 101.

Aldwicke als. Adwicke, 38.

Allerton, 34, 93, 163.
-, —, Chappel, 84, 177.
-, — Gledo, 84.
-, — in Bradfordall, 144.
-, — in Bradforddale, 24, 200.
-, — in Bradford Dale, 105.
-, — Mavleverer, 152.

Allertonbywater, 162.

Almholme, 26, 78, 122, 156.

Almonburie, 64.

Almonbury, 63.

Almonburye, 19.

Altoftes, 187.

Altofts, 192.

Aluerthorpp, 91.

Alverthorp, 178.

Alverthorpe, 2, 22, 54.

Alwoodley, 145.

Ampleforde, 111, 180.
-, — in the par. of Oswaldkirke, 51.

Amston als. Anston, 190.

Anderbesteple, 169.

Anderbye cum le Stepple, 141.

Andle Dalton als. Est Dalton als. Dalton Norres, 17.

Angram, 123.

Anlabie, 10, 190.

Anlabye, 45, 145, 149, 163.

Anston als. Amston, 190.

Apleton, 72, 126, 204.

Apletreweeke, 194.

Appleton, 40.
-, — als. Appleton upon Wiske als. Appulton on Wiske, 73.
-, —, East, 121.

Appletreweeke, 37, 75.

Arcksey, 177.

Arden als. Nunarden, 129.

Ardenside als. Nunardenside, 129.

Ardesley, 37, 171.

Ardington, 91.

Ardislawe als. Eastardislawe, 54.

Ardislowe als. East Ardislowe, 169.

Ardslowe, 30.

Arkelam, 184.

Arkenden, 139.

Arkesey, 77, 102, 116, 122, 156, 184.

Arkilgarthdale, 74, 195.

Arksay, 26.

Arksey, 9, 25, 78, 90, 185.
-, —Inges, 181.

Arkylgarthdale, 74.

Armeley, 18, 78, 84, 167.
-, —als. Westarmeley, 38.

Armeleye, 152.

Armethorpe, 21, 99, 145.

Armethorppe, 145.

Armyn, 23, 27, 73, 94, 141, 177, 179.
-, —, Little, 73.

Armyne, 61.
-, —, Little, 6.

Armynge, 109, 157.

Arncliffe, 133.

Arnclyff, 75.

Arnecliff, 49, 53.

Arnecliffe, 10, 11, 65.

Arneford, 65.

Arnold, 96, 170.

Arnoll, 32, 83, 122.

Arras, 157.

Arrathorn, 131.

Askam Bryan als. Bryan Askam, 38.
-, — Richard, 30.

Askarne, 91.

Aske, 12.

Askehorne, 9.

Askerne, 25, 124, 197.

Askewe, 14, 34.

Askewithe, 91.

Askham, 126.

Askholme, 62.

Askwith, 194.

Askwithe, 102.

Aslabie, 174.

Aslabye, 104.

Asquyth, 107.

Asteweeke als. Astwicke, 79.
-, —, als. Awstweeke als. Awstwicke, 5.

Aston, 189.

Astricke, 65.

Astweeke, 86.

Astwick, 57.

Astwicke als. Austwicke als. Awstewick 130.

Atley Cowton als. Actley Cowton, 100.
-, — als. Atclay Cowton, 9.

Athlingflete, 129.

Atlingflete, 129.

Attercliffe, 45, 67, 94.

Atterclyff, 50, 52, 54.

Atterclyffe, 182.

Auburne als. Awburne, 26.

Audefeild, 89.

Audewarke, 65.

Audfeilde, 65.

Aughton, 29, 100, 125.
-, — als. Awghton als. Augton, 57.

Auldboroughe als. Auldburghe, 46.

Auldburghe als. Aldburghe als. Aldborowgh, 99.

Austenbie, 198.

Austerfeilde, 175.

Auston, 78.

Auston als. Ouston, 4.

Austroppe, 16.

Austwicke, 65.
-, — als. Awstewick als. Astwicke, 130.

Awburne als. Auburne, 26.

Awckley, 66.

Awcliff, co. Lanc., 172.

Awdbrugh, 87.

Awdfeild, 202.

Awdwarke, 27.

Awesterfeild, 2.

Awghton als. Aughton als. Augton, 57.

Awkesley, 2.

Awkley, 40.

Awstbye, 107.

Awsterfeilde, 31.

Awstewick als. Astwicke als. Austwicke, 130.

Awston, 114.

Awstropp, 117.

Awstweeke als. Asteweeke als. Awstwicke, 5.

Awstwicke als. Awstweeke als. Asteweeke, 5.

Aynderbye, 65.

Ayre, The, 141.

Ayrsame, 184.

Ayton, 48, 55, 171, 198.
-, —, Great, 179.
-, — Magna, 151.

Azerley, 89.


Baddesworth, 63.

Baddesworthe near Wentbrigge, 184.

Badsworth, 136.

Bagbie, 98.

Bagby, 111.
-, — in the par. of Kirkbyknowle, 134.

Baildon, 7, 23, 79, 120.

Balbie, 2, 74, 92, 121.

Balby, 5, 32, 48.

Balderbye, 65.

Balkholme, 35, 57.

Balne, 94, 96, 107, 123, 124, 125, 135.
-, — als. Bawne, 169, 194.

Bancke Newton, 114.

Bancknewton, 15.

Barden, 117, 125.

Bardsay, 146.

Barghe, 177.

Barkesland, 191.

Barkisland, 81, 183.
-, — als. Barsland, 93.

Barkston, 6.

Barlbie, 69.

Barleby, 165, 194.

Barley, 23, 27, 43, 94, 133, 157.

Barmbowe, 37.

Barmbrough, 13, 136.
-, — Grange, 13.

Barmbrugh, 46.

Barmby on Dun, 77.

Barmby upon Donne. Douneals, 106.

Barmebie near Bossall als. Bosshall, 50.

Barmebye, 176.

Barnbrough, 18, 20, 70.

Barnbroughe als. Barnebroughe, 40.

Barnburghe, 101.

Barncastle, 50.

Barnebie, 19.
-, — upon Donne, 19.

Barnebroughe, als. Bramebrughe, 36.

Barnebye upon Donne, 64, 101.

Barnesley, 4, 7, 13, 30, 31, 38, 39, 44, 47, 88, 102, 110, 131, 175, 178, 191, 199, 201.
-, —, Ould, als. Ould Towne, 88.

Barneston, 39.

Barnoldwick Coates, 181.

Barnoldswicke Coats, 83.

Barnthorp Grange, 46.

Barraby, 37.

Barsland als. Barkesland, 93.

Barthrop, 152.

Barthropp, 29.

Bartindaile, 157.

Bartindale, 157.

Barton, 22, 29, 43, 62, 136, 156, 168, 192.
-, — in Le Street, 148.

Barughe, Great, 155.
-, —, Little, 46.

Barwgh, Little, 41.

Barwghe, Little, 41.

Barwick, 37.

Basedale, 179.

Bashall, 7.
-, — als. Bashalfe als. Baxhall als. Basholfe, 19.

Basingthorpe als. Basinthorpe, 190.

Basserkle, 145.

Batley, 51.

Batleye, 203.

Battersbie, 61.

Battersby, 151.

Battersbye, 150.

Baurghe, 113.
-, —, Great, 25.

Bavyne, 9.

Bawckholme, 13.

Bawghe, Great, 137.

Bawlne, 60.

Bawne, 6, 44, 80, 108, 126, 170.
-, — als. Balne, 169, 194.

Bawtree, 33, 175.

Bawtrie, 84.

Bawtrye, 12, 31.

Baxhall als. Bashall als. Bashalfe als. Basholfe, 19.

Bayldon, 194.

Bayneton, 50.

Baynton, 51.
-, — upon the Wold, 147.

Beadale, 137.

Beall, 100.

Beamesley, 107.

Beckhay, 37.

Bedall, 14, 34, 49.

Bedall als. Beddall als. Bedell Ascoughe als. Bedell Ascugh, 14.
-, — als. Bedell Ascughe, 34.

Beddall als. Bedale Ascughe church, 14.

Beeford, 132.

Beelbye, 90.

Beeston, 46, 153.
-, — als. Beiston, 31.

Befford, 96.

Beforth, 24, 193.
-, — in Holdernes, 200.

Beforthe, 121, 136.

Befourth, 9.

Befurth, 167, 177.

Befurthe, 177.

Beilby, 52.
-, — als. Bilby, 37.

Beilbye, 192.

Beiston, 21, 51, 56, 59, 70, 84, 178.
-, — als. Beeston, 31.

Belbie, 134.

Belbye, 94.

Bellarbye, 144.

Bellassies, 70.

Bellerbie, 130.

Bellerbye, 4, 55, 196.

Belthorpe als. Belthropp, 154.

Bempton, 37, 108, 112.
-, — als. Benton, 71.

Benitland, 31.

Bennington, 198.

Bennyngholme, 170.

Bennyngton als. Bynnyngton, 142, 153.

Bentham, 28, 115, 171.
-, —, Nether, 100, 144, 169.
-, —, Over, 144, 169.
-, —, Upper, 100.

Benthame, 137.

Bentley, 2, 25, 26, 69, 77, 78, 84, 90, 102, 113, 116, 122, 136, 156, 164, 181, 184, 185.
-, — Ings, 9.

Benton als. Bempton, 71.
-, —, Nether, 14.
-, —, Over, 14.

Bentum, 94.

Benytland, 35.

Berithorpe, 97, 146, 158.

Berrythorpe, 143.

Bessacle als. Bessacar, 22.

Beswick, 111.

Beuerley in Netherdall, 65.

Beuley, 74.

Beverley, 15, 17, 28, 57, 60, 84, 85, 89, 101, 110, 116, 128, 132, 133, 150, 153, 158, 167, 177, 178, 193, 195, 202, 203.
-, — als. Bewerley, 169.
-, —, Graie Friers in, 60.

Bewerley als. Beverley, 169.

Bickerton, 72.

Bierle, 200.

Biggin, 81.

Biginge, 200.

Bilbroughe, 30, 159.

Bilby als. Beilby, 37.

Bilham, 101, 160.

Billingley, 25, 47, 88, 160, 161, 169.

Bilton, 41, 72, 76.

Bingley, 72, 77, 79, 80, 135, 164, 166, 173.

Birchworthe, 3.

Birdfurth, 69.

Birkenshawe, 204.

Birkes, 130.

Birnbem, 65.

Birscowe, 14.

Birsthill, 26, 52.

Birthwayte, 66.

Bishoppthornton, 106.

Bishopside, 92.

Bishopthorneton, 91.

Bishopthorpe, 8, 72.

Bishopton, near Ripon, 85.

Bishopwilton, 154.

Bisshopthorpe, 126.

Blaburie, 152.

Blackehall, 78.

Blacker, 13.

Blackston, 66.

Blacktoft, 27, 190.

Blakehall, 18.

Blakston, 2.

Boling, 74.

Boling, 74.

Bollinge, 22, 71, 81, 97, 169, 200.

Bollowes, 109.

Bollynge, 120, 141.

Bolron, 56.

Boltby, 196.

Bolton, 48, 65, 89, 136.
-, — in Bradfordale, 23.
-, — in Bradforddale, 29, 147.
-, — near Bradford, 109, 149.
-, — Perecye, 159.
-, — upon Derne, 13, 45, 54, 148, 163.
-, — upon Swaile, 42.
-, — upon Swale, 110, 148.
-, — upon Swayle, 119, 153, 154, 181, 192.

Bondegate, 118.

Bondgate, 5, 67, 145.

Bonwick, 130.

Boollinge in Bradforddale, 148.

Boothbyegarth, 122.

Bordeley, 53.

Bordley, 65.

Borne, 23, 27, 94.

Borobie, 2.

Borobrige, 28.

Borobye, 134.
-, — als. Borowbye, 36, 84.
-, —, Over, 141.

Borowbye als. Borobye, 36, 84.
-, — als. Borrobye, 34.

Borrobye als. Borowbye, 34.

Borrowby als. Lowe Borrowbye, 62.

Borrowbye als. Burrowbye als. Lowe Burrowbye, 197.

Bosden in Bowland, 144.

Botham, 104.

Boughby, 73, 81.

Boulron, 196.

Boulton, 63.
-, — upon Dearne, 201.
-, — upon Derne, 35, 37.

Bourthwayte als. Burgthwayte, 165.

Bowes, 4, 55, 56.

Bowethorp als. Bowthropp, 9.

Bowlby in Cleveland, 141.

Bowlinge, 112.

Bowthropp als. Bowethorp, 9.

Bowthwaite, 89.

Boythorpe, 18.

Brackenam, 142.

Brackenthwaite, 107.

Bracewell, 156, 174.

Bradborne, co. Kent, 63.

Bradfeild, 190.

Bradfeilde, 52.

Bradfeld, 1, 60, 88, 98, 115, 125, 153 199.

Bradford, 7, 41, 71, 93, 109, 110, 127, 144, 148, 169, 180, 188.
-, — West, 201.

Bradforde, 135, 189.

Bradfourd, 74.

Bradfurthe, 6.

Bradley, 75.

Braham, 187.

Braistiewood, 137.

Braiton, 23, 27, 94.

Brake, 4.

Braken super le Wold, 144.

Brakenholme, 24, 26.

Bramcrofte, 190.

Bramebrughe als. Barnebroughe, 36.

Bramhope, 67.

Bramley, 50, 89, 152, 193, 195.

Brampton, 18, 22, 24, 27, 39, 66, 105, 145, 177, 189.
-, — Bierlawe, 101, 170.
-, — Byerley, 39, 146.
-, —, co. Lincoln, 196, 197.
-, —, Gate, 18.
-, — in the Morning, 61.

Bramwith, 19, 64, 80, 103, 106, 130.
-, — als. Church Bramwith, 187.
-, —, Church, 125.
-, —, —, als. Bramwith, 187.
-, — Woodhouse, 27.
-, — als. Woodhouse, 78.

Bramwithe, 9, 180.

Bramwithwodhouse, 6.

Brandesburton als. Braynesburton, 119.

Brandisburton, 26, 52.

Brandon, 145.

Branshaymore als. Exleymoore, 44.

Bransholme, 106.

Braton, 83, 113, 120, 146.

Brathwate, 149.

Brathwayte, 145.

Brathwell als Braywell, 177, 193.

Braunton, 19.

Braycrofte, 98.

Brayecrofte, 23.

Braynesburton als. Brandesburton, 119.

Braythewayte, 80.

Braywell, 190.
-, — als. Brathwell, 177, 193.

Breareley, 130.

Breareshawghe, 91.

Brearitwisell als. Briestwesle als. Breestwisell, 124.
-, — als. Briestwisle als. Breestwisell, 138.

Brearley, 102, 132, 165.

Brearton, 23.

Breerton als. Brereton, 140.

Breestwisell als. Briestwesle als. Brearitwisell, 124.
-, — als. Briestwisle als. Brearitwisell, 138.

Brend, 106.

Brereton als. Breerton, 140.

Brettanbie als. Bryttanbie, 22.

Bretton als. Westbretton, 147.
-, — Salmon als. Burton Salmon, 105.

Brexay, 171.

Bridlington, 26, 204.

Briestwesle als. Breestwisell als. Brearitwisell, 124.

Briestwisle als. Breestwisell als. Brearitwisell, 138.

Brigham, 113, 193.

Brightside, 18, 52.

Brightsyde, 34.

Brightum Lee, 67.

Brineshall, 65.

Brinsford, 190.

Briscowe, 61.

Brockholebancke, 92.

Brockhooles, 164.

Brodesworth, 116.

Brodesworthe, 20, 170.

Brodsworthe, 55.

Brompton, 151, 155.

Brotherton, 20, 100, 204, 205.

Brotton, 26, 48, 76, 124, 138.

Broughton, 30, 37.
-, —, Great, 166.
-, —, Little, 166.

Brounflete als. Brumflete, 156.

Brumflete als. Brounflete, 156.

Brumpton in Pickerynge Lithe, 57.

Brunton, 94.

Brustwick, 164.

Brymbem als. Brymham, 137.

Brymben als. Brymham, 199.

Brymham als. Brymbem, 137.
-, — als. Brymben, 199.

Brystowe, 34.

Bryttanbie als. Brettanbie, 22.

Buckden, 75.

Budelom, 69.

Budlome, 156.

Buerley, 89.

Bugthorpe, 11, 12, 120.

Bulmer, 95.

Burdefoorthe, 105.

Burdsall, 80.

Burgh, 82.

Burghewallis, 77, 78, 91, 124.

Burghwallis, 4, 6, 32, 53, 96, 114, 125, 134.

Burghwallys, 194, 197.

Burglaigne als. Burland, 3.

Burgthwayte als. Bourthwayte, 165.

Burithorpe, 189.

Burland als. Burglaigne, 3.

Burley, 3, 23, 118, 162, 189, 197.
-, — Edge, 175.

Burnayend, 23.

Burnby, 28.

Burnbye, 12.

Burne, 127, 146.

Burnemyer, 29.

Burneston, 9, 171.

Burnsall, 37, 92, 166.

Burrell, 14, 34, 49.

Burroughbrigg, 132.

Burrowbrigg, 125, 174.

Burrowbrigge, 202.

Burrowbye als. Lowe Burrowbye als. Borrowbye, 197.

Burstwick, 45.
-, — in Holdernes, 8.

Burstwicke, 13, 173.

Burthwate, 194.

Burthwayte, 63, 66, 67.

Burton, 14, 23, 27, 94, 112, 115, 155, 157, 170, 172, 192, 193, 197, 198.
-, — Agnes, 93, 164.
-, — Constable, 79.
-, — in Londesdale, 40.
-, — in Lonesdale, 74, 144.
-, — in Lonsdale, 146.
-, — Lennard als. Lennard Burton, 140.
-, — Leonard, 62, 103, 128, 147.
-, — Pidsey, 85.
-, — Pydsey, 115.
-, — Salmon, 126.
-, — als. Bretton Salmon, 105.

Busby, Great, 135.

Busbye, 48.
-, — Magna als. Buskbye, 138.

Bushop Thorneton, 102.

Bushoppthorpe, 153.

Bushopthorpe, 172.

Buskbye als. Busbye Magna, 138.

Busshopp Munckton, 183.

Busshopthorpe, 126.

Busterthorpe, 126.

Buttercrame, 36.

Butterwicke, 154.

Buttonlee in Ribchester, 116.

Byerle, 116.

Byerley, 52.

Byggen, 113.

Byggyn als. Corifago als. Carrhagge, 105.

Byland, Old, 201.

Byllam, 36, 54.

Byllingley, 170.

Byllyngley, 56, 132.

Bylton, 135.

Byngley, 64, 70, 91.

Bynnington, 187.

Bynnyngton als. Bennyngton, 142, 153.

Byrkyn, 202.

Byrley Edge, 24.

Byrom, 11.

Byron, 204.

Byshopthorneton, 110, 121.

Byshopthorppe, 72.

Bysshopton, 108.


Cadbye, 40.

Cadebie, 71.

Cadeby, 13, 72, 78.

Cadebye, 87, 146.

Cadibye, 32.

Calcotts, 94.
-, —, Nether, 94.

Caldcoates, 198.

Caldecotes, 151.

Caldicotes, 45.

Caley, 76, 202.

Calfeowe als. Calfhowe, 12.

Calton, 33.
-, — in Craven, 163.

Caluerley, 193.

Calverley, 63, 165, 167.

Camelfurthe, 43.

Camelsforth, 38, 120.

Camelsforthe, 109, 157.

Camelsfurth, 48, 61, 62.

Camerton, 13, 164.
-, — als. Pannyll Manor in Ryall, 13.
-, — als. Paynell mannors, 164.

Campsall, 4, 6, 9, 25, 60, 77, 78, 80, 91, 94, 103, 124, 125, 130, 170, 197.

Cantley, 18, 22, 145.
-, —, Nether, 22, 145.
-, —, Over, 22, 145.

Caponhawe, 166.

Carbrook als. Carbroughe, 52.

Carcroft, 32, 44, 78, 134.

Carcrofte, 4, 192.

Carethropp, 49.

Carkan als. Karkyne, 52.

Carlesmoore, 185.

Carlesmore, 4, 20, 89.

Carleton, 19, 23, 27, 33, 43, 48, 56, 61, 70, 75, 86, 94, 109, 134, 145, 157, 159, 200.
-, —, East, 204.
-, — in Cleveland, 103, 138.
-, — in Coverdale, 199.
-, — in Craven, 175.
-, — Mennet, 77.
-, — near Snaith, 38.
-, — upon Ayer als. Eyer, 48.
-, — upon Ayre als. Eyre, 62.

Carleton, West, 13, 204.

Carnabye, 26.

Carperbye, 131, 177.

Carrhagge als. Corifago als. Byggyn, 105.

Casteley, 56.

Castleford, 162, 201.

Castlehubye, 65.

Castley, 15, 63, 155.

Catcliff, 190.

Catcliffe, 67.

Cateryke, 82.

Catfosse, 195.

Caton, 11, 198.
-, —, South, 194.

Cattcliffe, 171.

Catterton, 72.

Catthall, 65.

Cattleholme, 154, 172, 179.

Catton, 101, 155.
-, —, Nether, 70.
-, —, Over, 70.

Catwicke, 195.

Cave, North, 186, 197.
-, —, South, 174.
-, —, Southe, 120.

Cawood, 19, 46.

Cawthorne, 16, 25, 30, 58, 98, 103, 115, 146, 201.

Cayton als. South Cayton, 188.

Chappelthorpe, 133.

Cheete, 130.

Cheriburton als. Northburton, 76, 163.

Cheryburton als. Northburton, 97.

Cheswelley, 132.

Chickinley, 172.

Chickynley, 13, 38, 133.

Churcheletham als. Kirklethame, 131.

Churwell, 21, 31, 56, 59, 153, 174, 190.

Clacke Heyton als. Heyton, 56.

Clackheaton, 116.

Claiton in par. of Hoiland, 17.

Clakheaton, 19.

Clapham, 2, 79, 86, 141.

Clarebrouge, 70.

Clareton, 152.

Clayton, 1, 5, 39, 48, 54, 90, 96, 142, 144, 159, 167, 179, 182, 205.
-, — in Bradfordale, 14.
-, — in Bradford Dale, 136.
-, — in Bradforddale, 148, 163.

Cleisebie, 198.

Clementhorpe, 104, 126.

Clevyng Closes als. Clevyngfeild, 28.

Cliffe, 26.

Clifford als. Clifforth, 171.

Clifton, 78, 96, 184, 193, 197, 200.
-, — Inges, 114.
-, —, St. Olave in, 114.

Cloughton, 39.

Clyff, 109, 157.

Clyffe, 91, 177.

Clyfton, 65.

Clynt, 102.

Cockswold als. Cuckwold als. Cockold, 33.

Cockwold als. Cuckwold als. Cockeswold, 33.

Coderston als. Cotherston, 186, 198.

Colden, Great, 114.

Coldham als. Great Coulden in Holdernes, 192.

Coldheindley, 130.

Coldhindley als. Coldhinley, 78.

Coldhyndley als. Coldhyndlay, 18.

Coldon Parva, 124.

Colinge, 14.

Colleye als. Cowley, 190.

Colling, 105.

Collingcarre, 175.

Collinge, 80, 105, 175.

Collinghill, 175.

Collington, 108.

Collome als. Colome, 167.

Collton, 10.

Colome als. Collome, 167.

Colton, 185.

Colynge, 34.

Comberworth, 58, 187.
-, —, Nether, 58, 187.
-, —, Over, 58, 187.

Conenley, 10.

Conesburghe als. Cunsborough, 176.

Conisbroughe, 123.

Conishton Cold, 155.
-, — Colde, 123, 154.

Coniston Colde, 41, 90, 186.
-, — als. Conisheton in Kettleweldaile, 118, 122.

Conistroppe, 152.

Connesburghe, 111.

Connyston, 171.

Conondley, 75.

Cononley, 105.

Conyers, 65.

Conysburrough, 80.

Conyston, 11, 121.

Cookerigge, 36.

Cookold, 29.

Cookwold als. Cuckwold als. Cucks Wold, 170.

Copgrave, 34, 135.

Copmonthorpe als. Coppenthorpe, 72, 126.

Copt Hewick, 88.

Corifago als. Carrhagge als. Byggyn, 105.

Cornebroughe, 55, 108.

Cortworth, 125.

Cotehowse, 76.

Cotham, 52.

Cotherston als. Coderston, 186, 198.

Cotnes, 74.

Cottam, 89, 93.

Cottingham, 15, 16, 17, 46, 50, 178, 179, 203.

Cottingley, 59, 153.

Cottingwith. 57.
-, —, West, 57.

Cottingwyth, West, 5, 19.

Cottingwythe, West, 42.

Cottyngley, 31.

Coulden, Great, als. Coldham in Holdernes, 192.

Coverdall, 15.

Coverham, 70, 189.

Coverhame, 124.

Cowckerigg, 6.

Cowdon, 79, 136.

Cowick, 114, 145.

Cowicke, 43, 48, 128, 186.

Cowley als. Colleye, 190.

Cowlinghead, 54.

Cowlton, 134.

Cowlynge, 75.

Cowton, 28.
-, —, Atley, als. Atclay Cowton, 9.
-, —, — als. Actley Cowton, 100.
-, —, East, als. Long Cowton, 10.
-, — Graunge, 133.
-, —, North, 14, 34, 151.
-, —, South, 34.
-, —, Sowth, 9, 14, 45, 100, 151.

Coxwold als. Cuckold, 105.

Coyshe, 75.

Craholme als. Crawme, 9.

Crakall Magna, 196.
-, — Parva, 196.

Crakowe, 75.

Cranswick, 97.

Crawme, 52.
-, — als. Craholme, 9.

Cridlinge, 100.
-, — Stubbes, 100.

Criggleston, 133.

Crofte, 152.

Crofton, 21, 41, 66, 124, 178.

Crome upon the Would, 167.

Cromoke, 130.

Cromwelbothome, Over, als. Old Cromwellbothome, 131.

Cropton, 104, 189.

Crosbie Cote, 135.

Crosbye Graunge, 198.

Crosland als. Croslandfoss, 119, 151.
-, —, North, 158, 203.
-, —, South, 184.

Croslande, North, 184.

Croslandhalff, 203.

Croxton, co. Stafford, 47.

Crygylstone, 18.

Crymsall, 48.

Cuckold als. Coxwold, 105.

Cucks Wold als. Cookwold als. Cuckwold, 170.

Cuckwold als. Cockswold als. Cockold, 33.
-, — als. Cockwold als. Cockeswold, 33.
-, — als. Cookwold als. Cucks Wold, 170.

Cuckwolde, 157.

Cudworth, 7, 128.
-, —, Nether, 53, 70, 72, 128.
-, —, Over, 70, 72, 128.

Cudworthe, 18, 130.

Cudworthe, Nether, 69.
-, —, Over, 69.

Cullingworth, 173.

Cumberworth, 83.
-, — Hall, 83.
-, —, Nether, 83, 110.
-, —, Over, 83, 110.

Cundall, 62.
-, — als. Cundaile, 68.

Cunnystone, 65.

Cunsboroughe als. Conesburghe, 176.

Cusworth, 7, 183, 185.

Cusworthe, 102, 184.


Dacre, 65.

Dalagill, 89.

Dallbancke, 91.

Dalton, 14, 16, 19, 34, 41, 47, 80, 99, 117, 156, 161, 187, 190, 193, 201.
-, — als. Dalton Parva, 167.
-, — als. Litle Dalton als. Narre Dalton, 71.
-, —, Est als. Andle Dalton als. Dalton Norres, 17.
-, —, Farr als. Great Dalton, 80, 146.
-, — Magna, 11, 22.
-, —, Narr als. Little Dalton, 80, 146.
-, —, Over, als. Farre Dalton, 71.
-, —, —, als. Great Dalton, 69.
-, —, Parva, 11, 22.
-, —, South, 80, 86, 156, 164.
-, — Traverse als. Gayles, 106.
-, — Traves als. Dalton in le Gales, 88.
-, — upon Swayle, 151.
-, — upon Tease, 135.

Danbie, 10.
-, — Lawnds, 121.
-, — Moores, 121.

Danby, 70, 81, 90.
-, — upon Wiske, 106, 143.

Dancaster, 6, 65.

Danthroppe, 150.

Darefeild, 8, 53.

Darfeild, 1, 25, 45, 47, 88.

Darfeld, 43, 56, 188.

Darfield, 161.

Darington, 164, 176.

Darnall, 54.

Darnebroke, 65.

Darnell, 52.

Darnoll, 26, 45, 180.

Darrington, 110.

Darton, 95, 117, 130, 159, 177, 185.

Darwen, The, 9.

Darwent, The, 57.
-, —, —, in Wellane, 139.

Darycotes, 145, 149.

Deane Graunge, 107.

Deanehead, 64.

Dearne, The, 53.

Dedinsall als. Over Dinsdall als. Dinsdale als. Dinsdell, 169.

Deepdaile, 19.

Denbie, 111.

Denby, 82.

Denbye, 30, 85, 156, 170.
-, —, Nether, 34, 85.
-, —, Over, 34, 85.

Denebie, 121.

Denholme als. Denhom, 58.

Dent, 17, 19, 63.

Denton, 69, 76, 202.

Depedale, The Grange of, 198.

Derfeld, 132.

Derne, The, 13, 20, 32, 37, 77.

Dewesbrye, 78.

Dewisburye, 138.

Dewsburie, 18.

Dibdale in Dent, 79.

Dichemarshe, 145.

Dichmarshe als. Dikemarch, 43.

Didershewe, 14, 34.

Dighton, 46, 57, 201.
-, —, Churche, als. Kirke Dighton, 77.
-, —, Northe, 129.
-, —, Sowthe, als. Kirkedighton, 129.

Dikemarch als. Dichmarshe, 43.

Dinsdale als. Over Dinsdall als. Dinsdell als. Dedinsall, 169.

Disfurth, 136.

Dishforth, 65.

Dodworthe, 146.

Dogilbye, 12.

Doglebye, 161.

Don, The, 32.

Doncaster, 2, 3, 6, 16, 19, 25, 32, 34, 44, 45, 48, 49, 62, 66, 69, 71, 74, 76, 77, 84, 87, 88, 92, 110, 113, 115, 116, 117, 130, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142, 144, 145, 155, 170, 181, 187, 197, 203.

Donne, The, 19, 106.

Dowestropp, 16.

Dowstrop, 97.

Doxill, 37.

Drawghton, 75, 107.

Drax, 28, 31, 61, 62, 109, 116, 157, 164, 168, 179, 187.

Draxe, 6, 38, 43, 48, 62, 73.

Drewton, 120, 142, 186.

Drifeild, Great, 93.

Driffeild, Great, 89, 189.
-, —, Little, 89.

Driffeld, Great, 76, 82, 83, 86, 113.
-, —, Litle, 83.

Driffelde, Great, 85, 86.

Drighlington, 22, 37, 71, 102, 142, 165, 166, 179, 184, 185, 193.

Drighlinton, 46.

Dringhow, 147, 168.

Dringhowe, 167, 177.

Dringhowses, 47, 49, 172.

Dripole, 134.
-, — in Holdernes, 84.

Drycar (read Dyrcar), 184.

Dryffeild, Great, 184.
-, —, Little, 85, 184.

Dryffeld, 154.

Drynghowses als. Ringhowses, 72.

Drypole, 64.

Drypoole, 17.

Duffeild, North, 112, 159, 173.
-, —, South, 112, 159, 195, 201.

Duffeilde, South, 41, 81.
-, —, Sowthe, 68.

Duffeld, Southe, 24.

Dunkeswick, 6, 145.

Dunne, The, 9, 181.

Dunscroft, 60.

Dunsforde, 24.

Dunsforth, 105.
-, —, Nether, 24.
-, —, —, als. Lowe Dunsforth, 170.
-, —, Upper, 24.

Dunsforthe, Nether, 42.

Dunsley, 125, 146.

Dynnyngton, 12, 55, 199.

Dyrcar (see Drycar).

Dysforthe, 161.
-, — cum Raynton, 144.


Earebye, 5.

Earingden als. Aeringden Park, 116.

Earsebie, 31.

Earswick, 128.

Earswicke, 62.

Easbye, 107.

Easdyke, 66.

Easington, 5, 11, 108, 137.

Eassington, 73.

Eastardislawe als. Ardislawe, 54.

Eastblacktofte, 99.

Eastbrouton, 84.

Eastburne, 53, 151, 152, 153.

Eastehall, 7.

Eastehawxwell, 46.

Eastewood, 61.

Eastfeilde, 76.

Eastfield, 167.

Eastgirricke, 120.

Eastheslerton, 112.

Eastkeswick, 145.

Eastlayton, 143, 197.

Eastmarton, 174.

Eastoft, 129.
-, — als. Estoft, 141.

Eastofte, 178, 179.

Eastrington, 3, 5, 43, 122.

Eastroppe, 42.

Eastwhinholme als. East Wyneholme, 100.

Eastwood, 105.

Eaton College, 110.

Ebberston, 45, 78, 147, 154, 155, 178, 198.

Ebberstone in Pickerynglithe, 17.

Ecclesall, 77, 101, 181.

Ecclesell, 193.

Ecclesfeild, 175.

Ecclesfeld, 8, 24, 173, 202.

Ecklands, 185.

Eckleshill, 132, 204.

Edderthorpe, 53.

Egboroughe, 178.

Egbrough als. Egbourgh, 10.

Egburghe, 86.

Egleston, 74.

Eglestone, 74, 195.

Egton, 74, 117.

Eigbroughe, 204.

Eland, 3, 5, 38, 60, 93, 101, 114, 127, 131, 152, 156.

Elande, 158.

Eldrothe, 130.

Ellarbie, 129.

Ellarbye als. Ellwarbye, 64.
-, — als. Elwarbye, 117.

Ellaye, 145, 149.

Ellenstring als. Ellinstring, 121.

Ellerbie, 109, 170.

Ellerburne, 29.

Ellerby als. Elwerbye, 125.

Ellers, Heighe, 101.
-, —, High, 145.

Ellerton, 57, 98, 125.

Elley, 10.
-, —, West, 50.

Ellingthorpe, 39.

Ellingthorpp, 111.

Ellmstring als. Ellenstringe, 121.

Ellwarbye als. Ellarbye, 64.

Elmeley, 93.
-, — als. Emley, 53.

Elmesall, 4.

Elmeswell als. Helmeswell als. Helmeswell upon the Wolde, 89, 93.

Eltofts, 20.

Elvington, 52.

Elwarbie, in Holdernes, 130.

Elwarbye, 119.
-, — als. Ellarbye, 117.

Elwerbye als. Ellerby, 125.

Emley, 142, 182, 183.
-, — als. Elmeley, 53.

Eplebie, 203.

Erdislawe, Easte, 185.
-, —, West, 185.

Eriholme, 14.

Eshdaleside, 113.

Eshrowe, 150.

Esington, 47, 141, 201.

Eskrigg, 95, 169.

Eskrowere, 18, 25.

Esshton, 30.

Estardislawe, 15.

Esterwicke in Holdernes, 160.

Estoft als. Eastoft, 141.

Eston, 138, 170, 173.

Estringwick, 159.

Etherdwick, 105.

Etton, 44, 181.

Eure, The, 27.

Everle, 171.

Everthorpe, 197.

Evestone, 65.

Ewre, The, 71.

Exleymoore als. Branshaymoore, 44.

Extropp, 48.

Eyre, The, 38, 192.

Eythorpe, 134.


Faceby, 48.

Facebye, 138.

Faireholme, 15.

Fallesgrave, 151.

Fangfosse, 33.

Farlington, 167, 192.

Farnam, 34, 61.

Farneham, 139.

Farnehill, 105.

Farnelay Tias, 146.

Farneley, 44.
-, — Tyas, 160.

Farneleytias, 188.

Farseley, 193.

Farsley, 36, 93.

Faulesgrave als. Waulesgrave, 80.

Fayrebarne, 81.

Fearbie, 135.

Feazor, 86.

Feldum, 94.

Fenton, Kirke, 81.
-, —, Little, 81.
-, —, South, 200.

Fenwicke, 9, 27, 60, 79, 135, 138, 186, 194.

Ferebrigg als. Ferefrieston, 79.

Feriebriggs als. Ferie in Frieston, 68.

Ferie in Frieston als. Feriebriggs, 68.

Ferneleyetias, 151.

Ferneleytyas, 119.

Ferribrigge, 20.

Ferribye, North, 127.

Ferrybrigg als. Ferryfriston, 94.

Ferrybye, 50.

Ferryfriston als. Ferrybrigg, 94.

Ferryfryston, 20.

Ferybrigg als. Feryfryston, 141.

Feryfriston, 135.

Feryfryston als. Ferybrigg, 141.

Fesser als. Feyserghe, 130.

Fetherston, 63, 189, 201.

Fetherstone, 142, 180, 189.

Feyserghe als. Fesser, 130.

Fingall, 14, 34.

Firbeck, 151, 179, 190.

Firbecke, 55.
-, — als. Fyrthebecke, 55.

Firbye, 49.

Fishergate, 126.

Fishlake, 6, 23, 60.

Fisholme, 193.

Fitling, 45.

Fitlinge, 63.

Flamborough als. Flambrough, 12.

Flambrough als. Flamborough, 12.

Flamburgh, 108, 112.

Flasbie, 132.

Flasby, 30, 58, 152.

Flasbye, 174.

Flaxflete, 122.
-, — als. Flaxlett, 112.

Flaxlett als. Flaxflete, 112.

Flaxston, 108.

Flaxton on the Moor, 178.

Fletham, 97, 158.

Flinton als. Flynton, 196.

Flixton, 142, 181.

Flocketon, 93.

Flockton, 38, 111, 165, 170.
-, — als. Flocketon, 53.
-, —, Nether, 30.
-, —, Over, 30, 165.

Flower Buske, 17.

Flynton, 15, 63.
-, — als. Flinton, 196.
-, — in Holdernes, 25, 193.

Fockerbie, 129.

Fockerthorpe, 73, 81.

Follyfett, 107.

Folyfitt, 187.

Folyfote, 60.

Fooston upon the Wolde, 121.

Forneburghe als. Thorneburghe, 82.

Fornythorpe, Southe, 108.

Fosham als. Fossham, 25, 193.

Foshame als. Fosshame, 197.

Foston, 7, 32, 129.

Foulbie, 11.

Foulbye, 6, 117.

Foulds, 177.

Fountance, 65.

Fountancefells, 65.

Fowlefurthe, 169.

Fowlforthe, 7.

Foxholes, 18, 154, 168.

Foxhooles, 48.

Foxoppe, 75.

Frayscroppe, 94.

Frickeleye, 179.

Frickley, 4.

Friston, 23, 27, 94.

Frothingham, South, 29.

Frythby, 14, 34.

Frytton, 10.

Fuiston, 83.

Funtance Fells, 183.

Fynnyngley, 2.

Fyrbeck als. Fyrthebeck, 36.

Fyrsbye, 123.

Fyrthebeck als. Fyrbeck, 36.

Fyrthebecke als. Firbecke, 55.

Fyrybrigg, 65.

Fytling, 90.

Fytlinge, 21.

Fyveley, 174.


Gales, Dalton in le, als. Dalton Traves, 88.

Galtres, Forest of, 25.

Ganstead, 11, 15, 33, 35, 36, 83, 84, 86, 171.

Gansted, 137.
-, — in Holdernes, 137.

Ganstede, 16.

Gansteede, 35.

Garfford, West, als. Garforth, 73.

Garforth, 128.

Garforthe, 37.
-, — als. Garford, 32.

Gargrave, 2, 30, 90.

Garsden, 17.

Garsington als. Griston, 10.

Garton, 45, 89, 93, 123, 134, 181, 202.
-, — on the Wold, 142, 143, 144.
-, — upon the Wolde, 120.

Garwarbie, 112.

Gate Brampton, 18.

Gateforde, 23, 27, 94.

Gatefulforth, 21.

Gatefulfurth, 43.

Gateupp als. Gatupp, 194.

Gatinbie, 35.

Gatonbye, 154.

Gatupp als. Gateupp, 194.

Gatyll, 152.

Gawckthorpe als. Gawthorpe, 145.

Gawghawaye, 89.

Gawthorpe als. Gawckthorpe, 145.

Gayteford, 94.

Gaytefurthe, 42.

Gelstrop, 21.

Gemlinge, 96.

Geseborne in Craven, 16.

Giglesweeke, 76.

Giglesweke, 106.

Gigleswick, 95.

Gilberdike, 31, 98.

Gilberdyke, 105, 108.

Gildersom, 120.

Gildersome, 22, 86, 165, 193.

Gildingwells, 55.

Gilstead, 64.

Gilsteade, 77, 79, 80.

Gilthwait, 7.

Gilthwaite, 47.

Gilthwayte, 190.

Girricke, 131.

Gisborough als. Gisbourne, 205.

Gisbourne, 56.
-, — als. Gisborough, 205.

Gisburne, 75, 79.

Glacedale, 10.

Glaphowe, 138.

Gledlees, 201.

Gledleys, 190.

Glousburne, 75.

Glusborne, 10.

Glusburn, 105.

Glusburne, 53, 59, 62, 105, 151, 153.

Gnoupe, 65.

Goderston, 50.

Golcarre, 163.

Goldcarre, 168.

Goldesbrugh, 58.

Goldsburgh, 132.

Goldthorp, 136.

Golkar, 21, 152, 205.

Golkarre als. Goldkarre, 12.

Golker, 67.

Gomberthorn als. Thorne Gombald, 190.

Gomersall, 2, 12, 22, 51, 58, 67, 89, 113, 116, 117, 142, 196, 204.
-, —, Great 26.

Goodmadhame als. Goodmaghame, 5.

Goodmaghame als. Goodmadhame, 5.

Goodmanham, 135.

Gouldesbrough, 174.

Gouldhall, 145.

Gowldall, 110.

Gowle, 24, 80, 203.

Gowthwaite, 89.

Grafton, 65, 87, 152.

Grancemoore, 164.

Gransmore, 205.

Grascougill, 100.

Grauncemore, 74.

Graystone Gyll, 169, 181.

Greanake, 31.

Greenhamerton, 65.

Greenmarshe, 62.

Greisbrocke, 84.
-, — Byerley, 84.

Grenake, 174.

Grenebury Grange, 34.

Greheburygrange, 14.

Grenehill. 79.

Grenelton, 7.

Grenhill, 77.

Gresbroke, 37, 129.
-, — als. Gresbrough, 152.

Gresbrooke, 24, 136.

Gresbrough als. Gresbroke, 152.

Gressyngton als. Gryston, 75.

Greteland, 103.

Grewellthorpe, 65.

Grimwith als. Grimouth, 194.

Grindilton, 139.

Gringley, 70.

Gristhwayte, 59.

Griston als. Garsington, 10.

Gristropp, 26, 174.
-, — in Pickeringlith, 120.

Gristrupe, 15.

Grunton als. Grynton, 74.

Grymbalthome als. Grymbalthorpe, 114.

Grymesbye, 65.

Grymesthorp, 18.

Grymesthorpe, 24.

Grymston, 115.
-, —, North, 115.

Gryndilton, 88.

Grynton als. Grunton, 74.

Gryston als. Gressyngton, 75.

Grystruppe, 173.

Guisley, 131.

Gumblethwayt als. Gunthwayt, 63.

Gumblethwayte, 38.
-, — als. Gumblewaghth, 30.

Gunthwayt als. Gumblethwayt, 63.

Guyseley, 7, 16, 23, 122, 204.

Gyglesweeke, 75.

Gyldingwells, 164.

Gyldkyrke, 83.

Gylstead, 166.

Gysbourne als. Gysbroughe, 48.

Gysbroughe als. Gysbourne, 48.

Gysburne, 173.


Habton, als. Hubton, 135.

Hackfurth, 196.

Hackfurthe, 121.

Hacknes als. Hacknesse, 171.
-, — Dale, 171.

Hagthorpe, 24, 26.

Haighe, 123, 141.

Haitefeild, 169.

Haldenbe, 76.

Haldenbie, 129.

Haldenby Park, 129.

Haldworthe, 92.

Hallam, 41.

Hallifax, 200.

Halnaby, 29.
-, — Grange, 29.

Haltomprice, 190.

Halton, 106.

Hamelthorpe als. Hamonthorpe, 25.

Hamleton, 23, 27, 94.

Hamolthorp als. Hamonthorp, 18.

Hamonthorp als. Hamolthorp, 18.

Hamonthorpe als. Hamelthorpe, 25.

Hampall, 72.

Hampesthwait, 46.

Hampeswith, 65.

Hamphall als. Hampole, 115.

Hampole als. Hamphall, 115.

Handsworth, 201.

Handsworthe, 142.

Hannesworth, 68, 71.

Hansworth, 45.

Hansworthe, 56.

Hanworthe Lees, 80.

Harden, 25, 64, 72.

Hardwick, 189.

Hardwicke, 63.

Harkaside, 138.
-, — in Swaldale, 138.

Harewoode Dale, 171.

Harlesey, 153.

Harlessey, 29.

Harlington, 13, 46.

Harpham, 70.

Harswell, 173.

Hartewith, 60.

Harthill, 8, 144, 192.

Harthwith, 199.

Hartlepool, 65.

Hartlington, 144.

Hartwith, 99.

Hartwyth, 89.

Harwood, 45, 145.

Haselholme als. Haslesholme, 8, 180.

Haslesholme als. Haselholme, 8, 180.

Haslington, 43.

Hastropp, 164.

Hatefeild, 120.

Haton, 12.

Hattfeild als. Haytfeild, 129.

Haughton, Little, 8.
-, —, — als. Walleshall, 53.
-, — Magna, 167.

Hawkesweeke, 10.

Hawkesweke, 49, 75.

Hawkeswicke, 11.

Hawkesworth, 23.

Hawkswicke, 107.

Hawnebye, 129, 183.

Haworthe, 28, 141, 155.

Hawton Magna, 48.

Hawxwell, 125.
-, —, — West, 46.

Hayles, 109, 157.

Haytfeild als. Hattfeild, 129.

Hayton, 108.

Headley, 94.

Headon, 68, 79, 134, 168.

Hearingthorpe, 74, 79.

Hearingthropp, 13.

Heath, 11, 67.

Heathe, 6, 117, 178.

Heaton, 3, 19, 78, 94.
-, — in Bradford Dale, 94.
-, — Rodes in Bradford Dale, 3.

Hec Magna, 168.
-, — Parva, 168.

Heck, 48.
-, — Magna, 125.
-, — Parva, 125.

Hecke, 85.
-, —, Great, 157.
-, —, Little, 157.

Heckmondwicke, 51, 203.

Heckmondwike, 202.

Heckmondwyk, 128.

Heckmondwyke, 161.

Heckmonwike, 2, 19.

Hedden, 1, 129.

Hedon, 104.

Helaugh, 72.
-, — in Swadale, 73.

Helaughe, 123.
-, — in Swaldale, 74.

Hellyfeild, 205.

Helmeswell als. Elmeswell als. Helmeswell upon the Wolde, 89, 93.

Helperthorpe, 161.

Helthwaite Hill, 145.

Helweeke, 7, 175.

Hemesley, 70.

Hemlynton, 103.

Hemyngbroughe, 91, 109, 157.

Hensall, 10, 48, 140.

Hermyngthorpe, 11.

Heshilton, 14.

Hesilton, 34.

Heslerton, 169.

Hesley, 152.

Heslington, 7, 32, 33, 172.

Hessell, 10, 163.

Hessilheade in Salley, 42.

Hessill, 163.

Hessle, 145, 149.

Hetherick, 145.

Hetton, 65.

Hesylwood, 75.

Hewbie als. Hubie, 6.

Hewby, 145.

Hewick, 65.

Hewicke ad pontem, 54.

Heworth, 172.
-, — Graunge, 172.

Hexthorp, 92, 113, 130, 181.

Hexthorpe, 2, 74, 145.

Hextropp, 5, 117.

Hextroppe, 32.

Heysell, 134, 146.

Heyton als. Clacke Heyton, 56.

Hickleton, 4, 62, 134.
-, — als. Hickelton, 40.

Hiemore, 130.

Highame, 177.

Highhowland, 142.

Highlofthousegrange, 130.

Hilderthropp, 140.

Hillome, 23, 27, 37, 94.

Hilsland als. Wigfall, 13.

Hilslandes als. Wigfall, 126.

Hilton, 183.

Hinderwell, 121.

Hindley, 102.

Hipperholme, 36, 62, 71, 93, 181.

Hipperhome, 117, 153.

Hippeswell, 171.

Hodroide, 102.

Hodroyde, 76.

Hoiebye, 45.

Hoiland, Heighe, 205.
-, — Swaine, 202.

Hoilande, Highe, 182.

Holbeck, 59.

Holbecke, 29, 84, 157.

Holden, 164.
-, — in par. of Boulton near Bolland, 34.

Holgaite Sutton, 36.

Hollam, 110, 193.

Hollamswyne, 21.

Hollinghall als. Hollinghawe, 202.

Holme, 158.
-, — in Spaldingmore, 31, 32, 44, 82, 88, 169, 170, 189.
-, — in Spaldyngmore, 24.
-, — upon the Wolde, 43.

Holmeton, 82.

Holtby, 14, 34.

Holtbye, 157.

Holthropp, 10.

Honmanbie, 16.

Hononbye, 31.

Hooke, 23, 27, 80, 94.

Hooton, 36, 161.
-, — als. Hutton, 48.

Hooton Cranswick, 154.
-, — als. Hutton Cranswick, 147.
-, — Pannell, 50, 55, 60, 159, 161.
-, — Robert, 41, 62.

Hopperton, 152.

Hopton, 18, 19, 33, 42, 78, 151.

Horburie, 21, 164, 173.

Horburye, 51.

Hornebye, 50.

Hornesey Burton, 170.

Hornsey Burton, 57.

Horsford, 174.

Horsforth, 51, 107.

Horsforthe, 85, 86, 128.

Horton, 62, 65, 71, 74, 81, 106, 113, 130, 139, 141, 144, 152, 154, 173.
-, — als. Horton in Riggesdale als. Ribblesdale als. Ribbelsdale, 94.
-, — in Bradfordale, 188.
-, — in Bradforddale, 22, 120, 174, 176, 200.
-, — in Bradford Dale, 17, 33, 59, 96, 123, 146, 161.
-, — in par. of Geseborne in Craven, 16.
-, — in Riblesdale, 103.

Hotham, 24, 97, 167, 184.

Hoton Levet, 63.

Hotton Pannell als. Hutton Pannell, 54.

Hougheton, 162.

Houghton, 201.
-, —, Great, 132.

Houlden, 134.

Houley, 200.

Houleye, 119, 151.

Houton Pannell, 72.

Hoveden als. Howden, 61, 86.

Hoveyngham als. Hovyngham, 10.

Hovingham, 131, 132, 144.

Hovyngham, 6, 10.
-, — als. Hoveyngham, 10.

Howcke, 180.

Howden, 2, 11, 17, 22, 63, 67, 91, 96, 121, 153, 174, 176.
-, — als. Hoveden, 61, 86.

Howdon, 203.

Howe, 204.

Howlandeswayne, 25.

Howton Levet, 201.
-, — Levett, 73.

Hoyland, 39.
-, —, Over, 39, 164.

Hoylande, 3.
-, — Swayne, 76.

Hoylandeswayne, 43.

Hubie als. Hewbie, 6.

Hubton als. Habton, 135.

Hubye, 69.

Huddersfeild, 64, 117, 137, 139, 161, 200.

Huddersfield, 92.

Huddeswell, 29, 143.

Hudmanby als. Humanby, 46.

Hudswell, 63, 82, 166.

Hugget, 96.

Huggett, 96.

Humanby, 181.
-, — als. Hudmanby, 46.

Hundemanby als. Hunnanby, 196, 198.

Hundesley, als. Hunsley, 174, 175.
-, —, South, als. South Hunsley, 174.

Hundmandby, 176.

Hunmanbie, 157.

Hunnanbie, 175.

Hunnanby als. Hundemanby, 196, 198.

Hunshelfe, 33, 44, 61, 164.

Hunsingover als. Hunsingore, 173.

Hunsley als. Hundesley, 174, 175.
-, —, South, als. South Hundesley, 174.

Hunsworth, 116.

Huntington, 62, 122, 128.

Hunton, 82, 131.

Huntshelf, 52.

Hurst, 18, 38.

Hurste, 78.

Huton, 57.
-, — Bushell, 171, 198.
-, — Cranswick, 196.
-, — Cranswicke, 91, 96, 202.
-, — near Gisborowe, 137.
-, — near Rudbie, 112, 150.
-, — on Darwent, 88.
-, — on the Hill, 88.

Hutton, 189.
-, — als. Hooton, 48.
-, — Cranswick als. Hooton Cranswick, 147.
-, — on the Hill, 147.
-, — Pannell, 54.
-, — Pannell als. Hotton Pannell, 54.
-, — upon Darwent, 147.
-, — Wandisley, 123.

Hymesworthe, 176.

Hymingfeild, 179.

Hymsworth, 113.

Hynderswell Church, 73.

Hyndley, 163.
-, —, South, 33.


Idle, 24, 37, 84, 93, 151, 174, 197, 199.

Ilkeley, 65.

Ilkley, 30, 107.

Ilkton, 65.

Ingbirchworth, 142.

Ingburtchworth, 82.

Ingebircheworthe, 174.

Ingerthorpe, 65, 109, 152.

Ingleby, 151.

Inglemer, 9.

Inglemere, 181.

Ingleton, 28, 94.

Ingmanthorpe, 77.

Irton, 6, 7, 198.
-, — als. Urton, 163.

Issington, 1, 129.


Jolby, 29.