Cumberland Lay Subsidy: Liberty of the Prior of Carlisle

Pages 61-64

Cumberland Lay Subsidy Fifteenth and Tenth, 6 Edw. III. Originally published by T Wilsom, Kendal, 1912.

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In this section

Liberty of the Prior of Carlisle.


Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Adam the Proctor 15 0 Joanna, Widow 13 0
Tilla, relict of Henry Cocus 2 8 4 John, servant of Henry Cocus 18 0
Eva, relict of John del Heued 1 16 4 John de Artureth 18 0
John, son of David 1 4 4
John, son of Ellot 12 10 David, son of Alexander 3 6 10
Benedcitus de Egremond 14 8 Walter Bissoppe 1 0 4
Roger Coqus 1 5 0 John Dogode 1 2 8
Thomas le Carter 13 0 Gilbert, son of Henry 1 9 2
William prepositi [sic] 1 8 8 Richard, son of Alexr. 1 8 4
Hugo Cornfed 17 4 Rogerson of Alexander 1 7 8
Sum of all goods in Vill aforesaid £23 19 7
" one-fifteenth £1 12 0


Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Master of St. Nicholas' Hospital 10 0 0 Mariote, who was wife of Alan 12 0
William de Scotteby 1 10 0 Adam de Monihill 3 0 0
Roger le Wright 13 0 Robert Coqus 1 6 0
Adam de Dundraw 1 15 8 Adam, son of Mariote 2 1 0
John Smytsone 1 19 4 Adam Sutor 15 0
William Pebyls 1 6 3 Roger le Smyth 1 2 6
Robert le Walker 15 0 Dom. Nicholas Orre 2 5 0
Huga le Barker 2 17 6
Sum of all goods in aforesaid Vill £32 8 3
" one-fifteenth £2 3 2


Adam Colyer 18 8 William, son of Robert 2 0 8
Henry Gold 12 0 Thomas, son of Gervase 1 8 2
William Dene 19 0 Agnes, relict of John le Hirde 1 5 4
William del Skulker-houses 1 0 6 John le Bruester 15 8
Robert, son of Robert 3 16 8 Lawrence del Cote 1 3 6
John, son of Robert 3 15 4 Thomas Brissewod 18 6
Sum of all goods in said Vill £18 14 0
" one-fifteenth £1 4 11


Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Prioris Henry de Petrelwra 1 13 8 Thomas le Storer 15 0
Thomas de Petrelwra 2 7 6 Stephen Potter 15 0
Adam le Schephird 1 8 8 Robert del Halle 11 3
William Calfhird 2 2 6 Walter Bercarius 15 0
Richard Antetriste 18 0 John Shouhird 15 8
John Bercarius 1 3 0
Matilda le Boys 1 14 8
Total of goods £14 19 11
" fifteenth £1 0 0


Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
John le Taillour 2 18 8 Henry Presteman 10 8
John, son of Alice 4 15 8 John del Grene 1 0 0
John le Wright 12 8 John Prestebruther 14 4
Thomas, son of Reginald 14 0 John, son of Walter 13 0
John le Wright, senior 11 8 John del ffell 1 4 0
Sum of goods £13 10 8
" fifteenth £0 18 0
Sum of 15th in this liberty £6 18 2

Dalston. (fn. 1)

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
John de Troythquer 4 17 2 John, son of Robert 1 0 8
Anota Sergauntmanwif 17 6 William, son of Ede 1 10 10
John, son of Alan faber 3 0 0 Symon del Wode 11 4
William Ermite 10 0 Dom. John Burdoun 9 4 6
John, son of Hugo 1 13 0 William, son of Stephen 2 10 0
Robert de Culgayth 3 10 0 Richard Doune 1 14 2
Henry Bayard 3 15 0 Nicholas Scharpe 13 0
William Pyngheney 2 19 4 Richard de Haula 15 8
Alan ffaber 11 8 Thomas de Dumfres 1 7 6
John Lambe 1 2 6 John, son of Stephen 18 2
Hugo Baker 3 5 10 Walter ffaber 3 9 0
Robert Steward 2 1 0 William, son of Richard son of Matilda 1 1 6
William del Grene 10 0
Thomas, son of Robert 1 9 8 Henry yeldfray 1 13 3
John Rayncok 1 0 8 William, son of Adam 1 0 10
Thomas le Hirde 7 0 0 John del Wra, Junior 4 10 10
Thomas, son of Thomas le Hirde 3 10 8 Adam Brisewood 14 1
William del Brintephayt 1 8 4
John, son of Nicholas 3 0 10 Richard, son of Matilda 1 7 4
Gilbert Campiounn 1 5 0 John Bogette 3 13 0
Robert Campiounn 1 3 4 John ffairban 1 13 8
John, son of Reginald 19 8 Henry, son of Hugo 2 12 6
Stephen Haward 1 2 8 John Sowth 3 6 6
Patricius Carpentarius 1 0 0 John del Wra, Senior 17 0
Robert Stele 1 4 10 William del ffeld 1 2 6
William, son of Alan 10 10 Alan del Panteria 5 4 2
Walter, son of Radulf 3 5 4 John, son of Thomasfaber 3 2 6
William, son of Henry Todde 1 4 7 Patricius del Panteria 1 8 1
Thomas Tynegate 1 13 4 . . . de Dalman 1 2 0
John, son of Dow 1 12 6 . . . Sooth 2 1 10
Richard Sclater 13 5 . . . 19 10
William Redhewed 1 15 0 . . . 16 2
Robert, son of Henry 1 5 0 . . . inre 6 0 0
William Schepman 1 7 4 . . . d 15 2
John de Camera 1 17 3 . . . ur 4 2 6
John ysmaisone 19 8 . . . 2 17 6
Thomas de Calder 3 2 8 . . . 4 6 0
Walter Pyngheney 2 8 10 . . . 1 7 4
Robert, son of Adam 12 6 . . . 1 11 0
. . . 12 6
. . . 1 1 3
The total is effaced; only of wh 1/10 £16 0 13


Has in Goods. £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
John, son of Robert 2 4 10 Roger Bullokman 1 4 2
John, son of John Thomas Piscator 1 12 6
Honreme 2 5 4 son of John Scote 15 0
Adam Corfete 2 16 0 Thomas Lorimer 1 6 2
John de Haula 2 14 0 Adam Bullok 4 13 8
John Sparow, minor 2 17 6 Thomas Kerre 16 6
John de Denes 1 15 0 Richard Bullok 3 2 4
Henry de Denes 15 0 Richard ffowler 2 16 3
John Houreme 2 7 6 Alan Birilete 12 7
John, son of Richard Robert de Caldebek 1 3 3
le Writhe 3 11 0 John Collan 1 8 9
Robert Corfete 1 6 4 Robert, son of John
John Godeman 2 8 6 Howreme 1 7 6
William, son of John Adam, son of Davit 2 0 0
Houreme 5 11 4 John, son of Robert 2 11 2
Roger de Haula 3 5 0 John Collan 2 15 6
Richard Carpentarius 4 3 6 Richard Collan 2 2 8
John, son of Radulf 1 13 8 Robert, son of Roger 1 2 6
Symon Cissor 16 0 Thomas, son of John 1 8 9
Matilda, wife of Hugo 14 1 John, son of Richard 2 16 3
John Carpentarius 2 16 0 Thomas, son of Thomas 1 12 6
Alan de Ricardby 3 11 2 Thomas, son of John 1 6 2
Symon, son of Matilda 3 5 0 Roger Sparow 1 10 7
Adam, son of Alan 1 11 2 Thomas Clericus 4 1 8
Sum of all goods £96 14 4
" one-fifteenth £6 9 2

Caldicotis. (fn. 2)

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
John del Capella 5 2 4 John Caractarius 1 1 0
Thomas Barker 1 7 3 John de Wederhal 2 1 8
William Grute 1 7 4 Robert Hakeltrauen 1 8 4
Andrew del ille 18 3 John Skelete 1 5 0
Mathew le Sclater 1 14 2 John, son of Robert 1 5 10
William del Moriley 1 4 2 John Persiwal 15 0
Gilbert Taynturel 1 11 0 John kirkebride 1 8 1
Roger Clares 3 0 0 . . . 1 1 0
Robert le Litester 1 5 0 . . . 1 8 8
John Worschep 1 13 4 . . . 16 6
Gilbert Algode 15 0 . . . 1 15 6
Richard de Wederhal 1 5 0 . . . 1 10 0
Gilbert Pikspal 1 0 10 . . .
Roger Tannator 3 5 0 . . .
Thomas de Crigngeldik 15 0 . . .
William Gretewed 5 2 6 . . .
There is no sum total at foot as usual, but on the dorse is written [19]6 6 8
£13 3 10


  • 1. Dalston, now in Cumberland Ward, was an unimportant village in the barony of Dalston: it is probable that this heading includes all the vills in the barony. The subsidy levied was 1/10;th.
  • 2. Denton, p. 101 and note—"The manor of Caldcotes alias Harrington House was Gilbert Caynterell's A.D. 1371 who left it to his wife Julian." Gilbert Taynturel in this subsidy is probably the individual mentioned by Denton.