Pages 238-261
Cardiff Records: Volume 5. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1905.
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Cardiff Council Minutes, 1896–1897.
1896 November 9 Monday.
Councillor Ebenezer Beavan, J.P., is elected Mayor. He having accepted the appointment and subscribed the statutory declaration, the chair was vacated by the ex-Mayor (the Right Hon. Lord Windsor), and the Mayor was installed therein.
Councillor Morgan Morgan is appointed Deputy Mayor.
Mayor's salary £800.
Resolved unanimously That this Council desires to record its hearty thanks to the Right Honorable Robert George Windsor-Clive, Lord Windsor, Privy Councillor, Lord-Lieutenant of Glamorgan, for the efficient and dignified manner in which he has carried out the important and responsible duties of Mayor and Chief Magistrate of this Borough during the past eventful year, as well as its great appreciation of the many valuable services so faithfully and zealously rendered by him to the Town and Port; of the graceful reception of Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales and the Princesses Victoria and Maud, on their historic visit to Cardiff in June last; of the generous and hospitable entertainment of various public bodies, and of the courtesy, tact and geniality with which he has presided over the deliberations of the Council.
Committee appointed to arrange for the presentation to Lord Windsor of the honorary freedom of the Borough.
Hewell Grange, Redditch,
November 14th, 1896.
Dear Mr. Town Clerk,—I have received your letter enclosing a copy of the Resolution proposed by Mr. Alderman David Jones and seconded by Mr. Councillor Brain, and passed by the Council on November 9th. Will you be good enough to convey to the Council my very high appreciation of the kind terms in which the Resolution is expressed. In receiving such an expression of thanks from my late colleagues, and in the assurance of their esteem, I feel that I am amply rewarded for having undertaken the responsibilities of so high an office as Mayor and Chief Magistrate of the Borough of Cardiff. —I remain, Mr. Town Clerk, Yours faithfully.
November 14th 1896.
Dear Mr. Town Clerk,—I have received your letter in which you informed me that at a Meeting of the Council on November 9th it was resolved to present me with the honorary freedom of the Borough of Cardiff. I beg that you will convey to the Council my deep sense of the honour they thus propose to confer upon me—the greatest, I venture to think, which I could receive at their hands. I shall consider it a great honour to have my name enrolled on the list of Freemen, which contains names so illustrious as those of many of my predecessors.— I remain, Mr. Town Clerk, Yours faithfully.
Mr. J. L. Wilkins, General Manager, writes from Paddington that the Great Western Railway Company have approved a Plan and voted the necessary expenditure for the provision of a station at Roath, near Splot Road bridge.
Councillor J. J. Buist joins the Records Committee.
Parks Superintendent reported that a large number of foxes overran the Botanic Gardens in Roath Park and carried off numbers of the wild-fowl placed there. He asked that wire netting should be placed around such gardens.
Resolved That the surrounding landowners be requested to assist this Committee in preventing the encroachment of the foxes.
Borough Engineer reports to Special Committee re Floods. After the abnormally high tide of 6 October last the water flowed over a portion of Ferry Road, at the south end of Kent Street, and on to a portion of Avondale Road. He at once gathered a strong gang of men and, by working all night, was enabled to throw up a temporary bank, thus preventing serious damage to property. Streets in the neighbourhood of the Bute Esplanade were inundated, and the tide overflowed the sea bank at the East Moors.
The Committee resolve to hasten the completion of permanent works which will prevent inundations, and to ask the assistance of Lords Bute, Windsor and Tredegar.
Corporation decline to sanction the scheme for a proposed electric tramway from Cardiff to Penarth, preferring to keep their roads within their own hands.
1896 December 14.
Special Committee re Weiring of the Taff. Resolved That the Borough Engineer be authorized to expend a sum not exceeding £200 in sinking or boring trial shafts, in order to prove the nature of the ground.
The shops of Mr. Prust, chemist, and Messrs. Williams, grocers, in Clifton Street, Roath, are to be acquired for the widening of the east end of Four Elms Lane.
Vote of regret and condolence on the death of Alderman Thomas Rees, J.P.
Vote of regret and condolence on the death of Mr. William Jones, stationer, Duke Street, brother to Alderman David Jones.
Land known as the Lower Wedal, and the Mount, purchased by the Corporation, for the enlargement of the Cemetery.
Records Committee, December 10. Sample illustrations for the Records publication were submitted from the Western Mail, Ltd.
Resolved That it be left in the hands of the Town Clerk to obtain further samples.
Resolved That Mr. Ballinger, Chief Librarian, and Mr. Ward, Curator, be asked to attend next meeting and submit books of a similar character to the Records, in order that the Committee may decide regarding printing, paper and binding.
Application for a copy of the Records publication was received from the Town Clerk of Newport, Mon., on behalf of the Free Library of that town.
Resolved That the consideration thereof be adjourned until the volumes are near completion.
Mr. Elliot Stock's offer to publish the Records is accepted, and a copy of the Prospectus is to be forwarded to him for consideration and suggestions.
Mr. George Beynon Harris is appointed as a Solicitor in the Town Clerk's Department, at a salary of £200. He is to reside within the Borough.
The Deputy Town Clerk and Mr. Beynon Harris attended before the Committee, and the Chairman explained the positions they would respectively occupy in the Town Clerk's Department.
Mr. E. F. Kennard is appointed Swimming Master and Instructor in Gymnastics at the Corporation Baths; salary £2 per week.
Wharton Place leased to Mr. James Howell.
Sub-Committee appointed to negotiate with Lord Bute for obtaining the Cathays Park for municipal and other public purposes.
1897 January 11.
The Mayor, Councillor Ebenezer Beavan, J.P., is elected an Alderman.
Alderman Andrew Fulton resigns his Aldermancy.
The Council of the Iron and Steel Institute accept the Corporation's invitation to hold their Autumn Meeting this year at Cardiff.
Order for the metalling &c. of (inter alia) Tynycoed Place, Roath.
Mr. Lawrence G. Williams, Under Sheriff, writes complaining of the inadequate accommodation provided for the Judges of Assize. (The matter was referred to the Property and Markets Committee).
1897 January 19.
Councillor Ramsdale elected Alderman. Special Committee appointed to deal with all questions relating to salaries and wages paid by the Corporation.
Special Committee appointed to deal with the construction, repair and cleansing of strees and roads within the Borough.
Town Clerk urges the provision of a larger strong-room for the Corporation's deeds and muniments.
University Museum, Oxford.
January 15th, 1897.
Dear Dr. Vachell,—I have to thank you for a profitable tour in the Cardiff Museum and Art Gallery, which I did not even know the existence of. The Corporation seem to be installing it upon very judicious lines. The more I see of museums, the more I value the local element, whether Natural History on the one hand, or Arts on the other. Rooms full of things in general do not impress the intelligent young people who come in, so forcibly as the local things, which are real to them and lead their attention on to connected objects from all over the world. Your Curator is evidently very much alive to the value of "old-fashioned" things, just now or lately disappearing in Wales. I saw several for the first time, such as the breast-plough and the oyster-shell lamp from Gower. The local pottery seemed to me none the less interesting because of the fine things from South Kensington. You have, I think, a Curator who sees the instruction a museum may convey, and will sort out local and general, so as not to be crowded out by mere curiosities which do not teach much.—Yours very truly.
Edward B. Tylor.
1897 February 8.
Resolved unanimously That the Council of the ancient County Borough of Cardiff present a loyal and dutiful address of congratulation to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen on the attainment of the sixtieth year of her reign, and that the Town Clerk be desired to prepare the draft thereof and submit same to the Parliamentary Committee for approval.
General Purposes Committee resolved that a Provisional Agreement be entered into between Lord Bute and the Corporation for the purchase of Cathays Park at the price of £150,000, for the purpose of municipal buildings; trees to be preserved and the unused space to be left open in perpetuity.
Records Committee, February 15. Resolved That the volume submitted by Mr. Ballinger, entitled "Calendar of the Inner Temple," by F. A. Inderwick, Q.C., be adopted as the sample for paper, type and binding of the Cardiff Records.
The Archivist reported as to his work to this date.
Application for a copy of the Records was received from the Right Rev. Dr. Hedley, Bishop of Newport (through Mr. J. Hobson Matthews).
Museum Committee, February 25. Vote of regret and condolence on the death of Mr. James Pyke Thompson, J.P. The Curator is to attend the funeral at Sevenoaks on behalf of the Committee.
1897 March 8.
Dumfries House, Old Cumnock, N.B.
4th March 1897.
My dear Mr. Mayor,—The silver wedding day of my wife and myself falls upon April 16th. We have always retained the most lively recollection of the kindness with which we were received, not only by the Corporation, but also by the people of Cardiff, upon our wedding day. It has occurred to me, as a memorial of this twentyfifth anniversary, to place in the hands of the Town Council the sum of £1,000, the yearly income of which should be annually given to some girl of the poorer classes in Cardiff whose marriage might be impeded by the want of such a sum. I should wish that in giving it the Mayor, or some other person whom they may prefer, should remind the bride and bridegroom of the origin of the foundation, and should read to them the first eleven verses of the second chapter of the Gospel according to Saint John. There are several points of detail upon which I should wish to be guided by the desire of the Council. The nomination of the candidates should, I think, be confined exclusively to Councillors; but it is a question whether the selection should be left to the Mayor alone, or to the Mayor and Aldermen, or be left to the whole Council, voting by ballot. I think it is also a question whether the entire sum should always be given to one person, or should be divided into two at the discretion of the disposers of the benefaction. I should be glad if you will be so good as to communicate this to the Council on Monday.—Believe me, dear Mr. Mayor,
Yours sincerely.
Resolved unanimously That the sincere and hearty thanks of this Council be accorded to the Most Honourable John Patrick Crichton Stuart, Marquess of Bute and Earl of Dumfries, K.T., for his princely generosity in deciding to place in the hands of the Town Council, as a memorial of the silver wedding of the Most Hon. the Marchioness of Bute and His Lordship, the sum of £1,000 (the annual income thereof to be given to some girl or girls of the poorer classes in Cardiff whose marriage might be impeded by the want of such a sum), upon the terms mentioned in His Lordship's letter of the 4th instant to the Mayor.
Resolved That the points of detail mentioned in the foregoing letter from the Marquess of Bute be referred to the Finance Committee to settle and generally to deal with the matter.
Resolved unanimously That this Council present to the Most Honourable the Marquess and Marchioness of Bute an address of congratulation upon the occasion of their silver wedding, on 16th April, and that the Town Clerk be desired to prepare the draft thereof and submit same to the Parliamentary Committee.
General District Rate 1s. 3d. in the £.
Sub-Committee to draft a scheme for the establishment and management of a Stores Department.
An application was received from the Mace-bearers for an extra pair of trousers, but the Property and Markets Committee could not see its way to accede thereto.
Letter from Mr. Lascelles Carr, editor and proprietor of the Evening Express &c., sending the original framed drawing, by Mr. J. M. Staniforth, of the cartoon entitled "Opening of the Cardiff Gymnasium." "I have thought that the Property Committee might possibly like to preserve it as a memento of a very interesting occasion." (The drawing represents prominent members of the Corporation in bathing costume.)
Resolved That the gift be accepted, and the hearty thanks of this Committee tendered Mr. Carr therefor; and that the Borough Engineer hang the picture in the Members' Room.
Resolved That the Town Clerk again prepare memorials to the Home Secretary praying that the titles of "Lord Mayor" and "City" be granted to Cardiff.
1897 March 29.
Parliamentary Committee. Letter, dated 19th inst., from Mr. T. H. Thomas, and one dated 20th from Mr. Charles Morgan, suggesting certain action on the part of the Corporation, in support of the Petition for including the armorial bearings of the Principality of Wales in the Royal Arms of Great Britain and Ireland.
Resolved That the consideration of this question be postponed for the present.
Queen's Diamond Jubilee Address is to be engrossed and illuminated on vellum, rolled in a morocco case, at a cost of five guineas, by the Western Mail, Limited:—
To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty.
The Humble Address of the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the County Borough of Cardiff, in Council assembled.
May it please Your Majesty:
We Your Majesty's loyal and dutiful subjects desire to offer to Your Majesty, with feelings of the greatest joy and most profound respect, our sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of the completion by Your Majesty of a Reign of Sixty Years, an event unique and unparalleled in the annals of our Country.
No other period of English history can compare in glory with what we proudly term the "Victorian Era;" nor has any age been so fruitful in the arts of peace, in great scientific discoveries, and in all the best elements of moral, material and intellectual progress.
Your Majesty's reign has witnessed the removal of the tax upon knowledge, and the complete emancipation of the public press. It has seen the cheapening of the people's food, the inauguration of a system of national education, the sanitation of our towns, the development of a vast network of railways all over the land, the introduction of penny postage, the employment of the electric telegraph, and the laying of the submarine cable; and almost every year has added to the volume and wealth of England's trade, and extended the frontiers of the British Empire.
Every form of philanthropic work has flourished under the gracious auspices of Your Majesty; and by the beauty and purity of your life Your Majesty has deepened and strengthened the foundations of the Monarchy of the British Empire, which has its roots in the love and devotion of a free people.
The County Borough of Cardiff is the largest town in the Principality of Wales; it was a small town sixty years ago, but has now a population of more than 170,000, and in respect of tonnage is the first port in the World. Cardiff, therefore, proudly terms itself a "Victorian" town, and its inhabitants realize the grand achievements of Your Majesty's long and glorious reign.
May Your Majesty live for many years in the enjoyment of health and of the choicest gifts and blessings that Providence can bestow, and thus continue Your Majesty's beneficent reign over a free and united people. These are the outpourings of ardent, affectionate, loyal and dutiful subjects to Your Majesty's Throne, who are eager to testify their attachment to a constitutional Sovereign in the person of their beloved Queen.
County Borough of Cardiff.
To the Most Honourable the Marquess of Bute and Earl of Dumfries, K.T., and to the Most Honourable the Marchioness of Bute.
We the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the County Borough of Cardiff, in Council assembled, respectfully offer our heartfelt congratulations on the twenty-fifth anniversary of your wedding day. We have in memory the unbounded gladness with which you were received by the people of Cardiff and the neighbouring districts, on the 16th of April 1872, and welcomed as bride and bridegroom, and the public rejoicings and festivities which attended the happy union of the noble houses of Bute and Howard; and now, after twenty-five years, we count it a pleasure to give expression to the joy with which we have seen the bright example of your wedded life. We rejoice in the knowledge that God in His wisdom has blessed you with issue of your marriage to perpetuate the noble house of Bute, and we wish the greatest happiness and prosperity to your children, namely, to your daughter, Lady Margaret Crichton Stuart; to your eldest son, the Honourable John Crichton Stuart, Earl of Dumfries (who opened the Roath Public Park on his thirteenth birthday, the 20th of June 1894); and to your sons, Lord Ninian Edward Crichton Stuart and Lord Colum Edmund Crichton Stuart. We gladly take the opportunity afforded by your silver wedding to assure you of the high honour in which we hold your names, and to express our grateful appreciation of the many munificent gifts you have generously made to the inhabitants of this Town, especially those in aid of higher education, the provision of parks and open spaces for the people, and the ministry to those in sickness and suffering. We earnestly trust that the loyal and affectionate relations and bonds of friendship that have from time immemorial existed between your noble house and the people of Cardiff may continue and be strengthened in the future. We refer with pride to the fact that during the municipal year 1890-1 Your Lordship amidst universal gratification became the Mayor and Chief Magistrate of Cardiff, and carried out the heavy and onerous duties thereof in a manner worthy of the best traditions of your noble house. We have, therefore, on behalf of this large and progressive Town and Port of Cardiff, which owes so much to the great enterprise and publics pirit of Your Lordship, peculiar pleasure in offering to both of you, as well as to your children, our warmest good wishes at this felicitous epoch in your lives; and we pray that you may long live in health and strength to enjoy the choicest gifts and blessings that Providence can bestow.
Common Seal affixed to a memorial to the Court of the University of Wales, praying that the Office of the University Registrar be placed at Cardiff.
Councillor Buist's motion in favour of the taxation of groundrents again came before the Council. The Mayor having vacated the chair, the Deputy Mayor was elected to preside. The motion was then put and carried by a majority of 12.
Borough Engineer reports on the reasons for the bad condition of the roads and streets.
Mr. David Roberts tenders his resignation as Corporation Auditor after a service of over 35 years.
Possession of the Wedal Farm is to be given up to the Corporation on the death of the tenant's mother, Mrs. Davies, who is over 70 years of age, and was born on the premises.
Inspector of Explosives reports to the Property and Markets Committee:—"This report being the last I shall make to the Property and Markets Committee, I think it my duty to acknowledge the kind manner I have at all times been treated by my Committee for over a quarter of a century. I, therefore, in return sincerely hope that each member may enjoy the good health, vision and longevity that I have. I say health, because I am not aware that I have kept my bed a day in my life, as reported to the Thrift Committee. My sight, I have never needed the assistance of glasses to read or write up to to-day. And long life, if I am spared (D.v.) until to-morrow month, I shall have completed my 77th year of age. Those blessings I wish to each of my Committee. I can say what very few men in Cardiff can say— that I have had the honour of an invitation and attended the banquet of 40 Mayors of my native Borough of Cardiff. The foregoing acknowledgments, gentlemen, are the heartfelt wishes of your humble servant,
Wm. Luke Evans, Inspector of Explosives."
1897 April 12.
£21,300 to the School Board.
Councillor Jenkins' motion binding Lord Bute to keep open the Pier Head landing-stage free of toll to passengers was lost.
£2,000 is to be paid to the Mayor, by way of remuneration, out of the Borough Fund.
Records Committee, April 8. Archivist asked for instructions as to proceeding to London to complete certain work.
Resolved That the matter be postponed until the next meeting.
Circular letter from the Law Committee of the Association of Municipal Corporations, forwarding prints of a memorial from the Congress of Archæological Societies to municipal and county authorities, praying such authorities to search for all ancient documents in their possession and have them calendared in the same manner as has been done by the Corporations of London, Cardiff, York and other towns.
Gilbert Dutton appointed assistant to the Curator of the Museum.
At the Museum Committee a letter was read from Mr Hobson Matthews, in which that gentleman suggested that portions of an old Welsh MS. translation of the "Christian Directory," (fn. 1) which he had presented to the Museum, should be transferred to the Welsh MS. collection in the Free Library.
Resolved That the request be acceded to, upon condition that the Free Library Committee make an equitable exchange.
Letter from Mr. M. J. Harte, the newly-appointed Collector of Customs, making application that he be appointed Collector of Harbour Dues in succession to his predecessor, the late Mr. Tolputt, was read and agreed to.
1897 May 10.
Resolved unanimously That the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the County Borough of Cardiff, in Council assembled, desire to express their profound sympathy with the President of the French Republic and the people of Paris, in the heartrending calamity that has recently befallen them and the French nation by the terrible fire which occurred in the building where a charitable bazaar was being held, and by which about 120 persons lost their lives and a very large number received severe injuries; and hereby record their admiration of the fortitude and heroism displayed by rescuers and rescued alike on that awful occasion.
Special Meeting of Council, 24 May, convened to consider the evidence given by the Mayor on behalf of the Corporation in support of the Windsor Dock Bill.
Councillor Buist proposed That this Council regrets the evidence tendered by His Worship before the Committee of the House of Lords re the Windsor Dock Bill, such evidence not being in accord with the unanimously expressed opinion of this Council.
Councillor David, seconded by Alderman Carey, proposed by way of amendment That whilst regretting that the Windsor Dock Bill has been rejected by the House of Lords, this Council desires to affirm its confidence in the Mayor.
The amendment was carried, after a warm and protracted debate.
Special Meeting of Council, June 3. The Right Honourable Robert George Windsor-Clive, Lord Windsor, Privy Councillor, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Glamorgan (ex-Mayor of the Borough of Cardiff) attended, and was admitted an Honorary Freeman of the ancient and loyal Borough of Cardiff. The Freedom was presented in a silver-gilt casket.
Water Bailiff reports on the dispersion of the wreck "Cardiff Castle," which he considers has been properly effected.
Town Clerk reported as to the power of the Watch Committee to prohibit the crying of newspapers in the public streets on Sundays, and the matter was left in the hands of the Head Constable.
Memorial to be forwarded to the Prime Minister, praying that the titles of Lord Mayor and City be granted to Cardiff.
Messrs. Ballinger and Ward report as to the illustrations to be included in the Records publication.
Resolved That the Archivist collect the illustrations required for each volume, and submit to this (Records) Committee. Draft Contract with Western Mail, Ltd., for printing, illustrating and binding the Records, is approved as altered.
Councillor Buist ordered a copy of the Records.
Resolved That the Town Clerk write Mr. J. S. Corbett, respectfully asking him to supply this Committee with a copy of the Ministers' Accounts for 1320, or allow the Archivist to take a copy thereof.
Tender accepted for the erection of the Docks Branch Library.
Mr. Arthur Bennett, of Croydon, is engaged to undertake the naming and classification of specimens in the Museum Herbarium, and is to be rewarded with a set of volumes of the Records publication, he having requested to be supplied with a History of Cardiff, or some similar work, by way of remuneration.
National University Offices Sub-Committee met at Shrewsbury, April 23, and waited upon the University Court for the purpose of urging the claims of Cardiff to be the location of the University Offices. (Ultimately the Court shelved the question for a period of five years.)
Villa di Bello-sguardo, Florence.
April 26th, 1897.
Dear Mr. Town Clerk,—I have received your letter of the 22nd with regard to the presentation of the Honorary Freedom of the Borough. I am anxious to consult the convenience of the Corporation as far as I possibly can; but I expect to remain abroad till about the middle of May, and on the 20th of that month till the 30th I have to be with my Yeomanry in Worcestershire. Under these circumstances will you be good enough to ask the Committee whether a somewhat later date would be equally convenient to them—either early in June or after the Jubilee festivities are over ?—I remain Yours very faithfully.
The following Welsh inscription is to be placed on the casket containing the scrip of Lord Windsor's Freedom:—
"Cyflwynedig gyda Dinasfraint Anrhydeddus (fn. 2) Bwrdeisdref Sir (fn. 3) Caerdŷdd i'r Gwir Anrhydeddus Robert George Windsor-Clive, Arglwydd Windsor, Cyfrin Gynghorwr, Arglwydd Raglaw Sir Morganwg, (fn. 4) fel cydnabyddiaeth o'r gwasanaeth mawr a nodedig a roddwyd ganddo i dref Caerdŷdd fel Maer a Phrif Ynad yn ystod y flwyddyn 1895-6.
Dyddiedig. 1897.
E. Beavan, Maer.
J. L. Wheatley, Ysgrifenydd y Dref."
[Presented with the Honorary Freedom of the County Borough of Cardiff to the Right Honourable Robert George Windsor-Clive, Lord Windsor, Privy Councillor, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Glamorgan, as a recognition of the great and marked service which was given by him to the Town of Cardiff as Mayor and Chief Magistrate during the year 1895-6. Dated—1897. E. Beavan, Mayor. J. L. Wheatley, Town Clerk.]
Wild Birds Protection Acts are to be enforced within the Borough.
The new park at Canton is to be named "Victoria Park."
Resolved That a new Town Hall and Law Courts be erected in Cathays Park, at the southern end of the western side thereof.
Union of Bakers call upon the Council to suppress the underground bakehouse at the Beaufort Restaurant, No. 20 High Street.
1897 June 14.
Whitehall. 10th June 1897.
Sir,—I have had the honour to lay before the Queen the loyal and dutiful address of the Corporation of the Borough of Cardiff on the occasion of Her Majesty's attaining the sixtieth year of her reign, and I have to inform you that Her Majesty was pleased to receive the same very graciously.
I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your obedient Servant.
M. W. Ridley.
Letter from Monsieur A. de Trobriand, French Consul at Cardiff, that the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Paris conveys to the Municipality of Cardiff his best thanks for their kind sympathy in connection with the recent fire at a Charity Bazaar. An extract from the Minister's letter reads:—
"J'ai été très-sensible à ce témoignage de douloureuse sympathie, et je vous prie d' être auprès de la Municipalité de Cardiff l'interprète des remerciements émus du gouvernement de la République."
Resolved That the whole of the employees of the Corporation be allowed a holiday on the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Day, Tuesday, 22nd inst., or an extra day's pay in lieu thereof.
Corporation accepts a tender for removing the hull of the ketch "Copious," lying at anchor on the East Mud; which vessel took fire and was abandoned.
Asylums Committee decline to purchase Ton-yr-ywen Farm, in the parishes of Llanishen and Whitchurch, of Mesdames Mary Morgan and Annie Owen, for £27,600.
Records Committee, June 18. Town Clerk reported he was unable to obtain a copy of the Ministers' Accounts for 1320 from Mr. J. S. Corbett.
Application is to be made to the Local Government Board for sanction to borrow £5,500 for re-plotting and publishing a new Ordnance Survey Chart of the Borough.
Burial Board Committee are to remove and re-inter, under the supervision of the Medical Officer of Health, the bodies lying in that part of Saint John's Churchyard which is required for the Working Street improvement.
Permission is withdrawn from F. Wakeham to ply breaks between Broadway and Roath Park Lake.
Parliamentary Committee. Town Clerk submitted draft memorial to Her Majesty in Council, praying that Arms representative of Wales be included in the Royal Shield and Standard. (fn. 5) Resolved That the same be approved and the Common Seal affixed thereto.
1897 July 12.
Council considered the following Memorial:—
To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.
The Memorial of the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Cardiff, under their Common Seal, sheweth:
(1) That your Memorialists are deeply concerned in all matters affecting Wales, and especially those relating to its national importance and its position relatively to the other component parts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
(2) That your Memorialists desire humbly to draw Your Majesty's attention to the various National Arms contained in the Royal Shield and the coinage of the United Kingdom, and humbly to express their regret that Arms representative of the Ancient British people are not included amongst them, and that in the National Flag of Union no portion represents them.
(3) Your Memorialists desire to refer to the distinct national life and character of the Ancient British people, their past history and distinguishing language, and most strongly, though deferentially, to urge that one quarter of the Royal Shield of the United Kingdom should be allocated to Arms representing them.
(4) That your Memorialists would refer to the numerous changes, both by omission and addition, which have been made in the Royal Shield up to the year 1801, as shewing precedent for such a change as your Memorialists pray. And in this connection your Memorialists would with deference recall to Your Majesty's remembrance the fact that one of Your Majesty's illustrious ancestors, King Henry VII., was of Cymric race, and fought the decisive battle of Bosworth Field under his banner of the Red Dragon of Wales, and that all the Tudor Sovereigns bore Arms or supporters representing that Country.
(5) That your Memorialists beg leave to refer to the unbroken loyalty of the Welsh people to the British throne, and to the perfect amity existing between them and the peoples of England, Scotland and Ireland; also to the Cymry (Welshmen) who have fought and bled for the Throne, not as individuals merged in the English army, but in regiments professedly Welsh and as distinct in nationality as the Scottish and Irish troops, having their own qualities and successes; and also your Memorialists would refer to the aid and influence of Wales, both in ancient and modern times, in the arts of peace.
(6) That your Memorialists desire permission to allude to the vast increase, during Your Majesty's beneficent reign, in the population, wealth and resources of Wales, which has been attended by a widening of the patriotic ideals of Your Majesty's loyal subjects in that Country; and that your Memorialists have specially desired to approach Your Most Excellent Majesty in Council during this present year of Your Majesty's Diamond Jubilee, in order to show the earnest wish of Your Majesty's Cambrian subjects to draw still closer into union with England and the other Countries of the United Kingdom, while correspondingly conscious of their own ancient race and history and desirous of heraldic recognition similar to that accorded to the other constituent parts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
Your Memorialists do therefore humbly pray that Your Most Excellent Majesty in Council may be pleased to order that Arms representative of Wales may be introduced into the Royal Shield and the coinage of the United Kingdom, and that an emblem for Wales be added to the National Flag of Union.
And Your Memorialists will ever pray, &c.
Same was approved and the Common Seal affixed thereto.
1897 July 29.
Mr. G. F. Hill asks the Corporation to make improved provision for the Library requirements of the Cardiff Law Society in the Town Hall. (Referred to the Borough Engineer to report.)
Town Clerk is, if possible, to obtain and frame all original designs for caskets presented with the Freedom of the Borough.
Detective Inspector W. Scott is advanced to first class, for courageous action in arresting a man armed with a loaded revolver, with which he had shot a man.
1897 August 9.
G. L. Hunter appointed Boiler Inspector; salary £80.
Town Clerk stated he was not aware that application had ever been made to Lord Bute to hand over Sophia Gardens to the Corporation as a Public Park.
Resolved That the Town Clerk make enquiries as to whether there is any legal difficulty in the way of the Sophia Gardens being handed over to the public.
Records Committee, August 4. Letter from the Marquess of Bute stating he had no objection to a reproduction of his portrait in the first volume of Cardiff Records, and suggesting the selection should be made from one of those taken of him as Mayor. Town Clerk reminded the Committee that the painting of his Lordship by Herkomer had been selected.
Letter from Lord Windsor forwarding a photographic portrait of himself, for reproduction in the Records publication.
Application from Mr. F. E. Andrews to subscribe to the Records publication.
Six Charters to be reproduced in facsimile by the Autotype Co.
Resolved That the whole of the matter suggested for publication in the volumes of Records be revised prior to copy being sent to the printers, such revision to be left in the hands of the Chairman.
Mr. Alward is to give up immediate possession of the Mount, and Mr. T. Davies is to give up possession of the Wedal on 1 May 1898. Mr. Hopkins is to give up immediate possession of the Lower Wedal.
1897 September 13.
Town Clerk read the following letter received by His Worship the Mayor from the Secretary of State:—
Whitehall. 7 Septr. 1897.
Sir,—I have received the Queen's commands to transmit to you the accompanying medal, which Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to confer upon you on the completion of the sixtieth year of her reign.
I have to request that you will be good enough to send me an acknowledgment of the receipt of this decoration.
I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant.
M. W. Ridley.
The Mayor of the Borough of Cardiff.
Moved by Councillor Good: That, considering the grave public scandal that has been caused by the nepotism and favouritism that prevail in the appointment to offices under the Corporation, a Committee be formed to investigate the same and report thereon to this Council, shewing what direct or indirect relationship any official of the Corporation may bear to any member thereof, or to the head of any Department thereof; also shewing the names, the dates of appointment, salaries, increments, fees or other emoluments attached to or arising from any such office respectively.
The above motion was lost.
The Manager of Cardiff Market reported as to the displacement of fish salesmen on the Hayes, owing to the construction of an underground lavatory on the open space there by the Health Committee.
Resolved That the Manager arrange with the Head Constable as to the costermongers standing temporarily on the highway in the Hayes.
The Manager of Cardiff Market stated he had been unable to collect the tolls on cattle sold at the Foreign Animals Wharf, in consequence of the refusal of the salesmen to pay same.
Resolved That the matter be referred to the Town Clerk for his attention.
Town Clerk reported that Captain William Jones, Cardiff Pilot, informed him that stone ballast had been discharged from the barque "Albatross" into the Middle Pool in the fairway of Cardiff Roads. The Town Clerk caused enquiries to be made by the Water Bailiff, and a summons was issued under the Harbours, Dock and Pier Act 1814, against the master of the vessel, who was fined £5 and costs.
Town Clerk reported that he had received 63 Memorials in favour of the Armorial Bearings of Wales proposal, from Welsh authorities and bodies. Consideration of the matter was adjourned.
Finance Committee considered the draft Declaration of Trust in connection with Lord Bute's Silver Wedding Dowry, which had been submitted to the Town Clerk by the Marquess' Solicitor; and in approving thereof recommends that the nomination of girls eligible for the dowry be made in writing by each Member of the Council individually.
1897 October 11.
Receipt from the School Board for £11,000.
Resolved unanimously That this Council do record its great gratification at the completion of a statue of the late Lord Aberdare, who, during a busy and most exemplary life, rendered numerous and inestimable services to the cause of education in South Wales, and the Cardiff University College in particular; and hereby expresses its unqualified delight at the decision of the Committee in charge thereof to erect the statue in the Borough of Cardiff.
Resolved That a temporary site for the statue be granted in the Howard Gardens, and that subsequently the statue be placed in Cathays Park.
Moved by Councillor Good: That it be an instruction to the Town Clerk to further investigate the conditions upon which the Sophia Gardens are held by the public of Cardiff and Lord Bute respectively; also to obtain all information as to the public rights of way across Cooper's Fields (now enclosed as the Castle Park), with a view to enforcing and maintaining a legal claim thereto; and that he report progress thereon at each succeeding Meeting of the Council.
Resolved accordingly.
Vote of regret and condolence on the death of Dr. Vaughan, Dean of Llandaff. (Parliamentary Committee, October 16).
1897 October 25.
Records Committee, October 27. Archivist's Report:—
"Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Records Committee,
I have the honour to inform you that the manuscript materials for the Records publication are now ready for the printer. The copy for Volume I. has been inspected by your Chairman and found in order. There appears, therefore, to be no reason why the printing should not commence forthwith, so soon as the question of paper has been finally decided.
The preparation of these materials has, of course, involved much labour. The work of compiling a digest of the Council Minutes alone, covering a period of two hundred years, has occupied several months and takes up about two thousand sides of foolscap. It will be evident to you that this portion of the Records publication will be of immense interest and value to the public, not only from the historical point of view, but also as a work of reference in all that concerns municipal matters. The original Minutes exist only in unique manuscripts down to 1878; and though the subsequent years' Minutes have been printed, the earlier numbers of this printed series are so extremely scarce, and the later ones so bulky, that a digest is imperatively needed for ordinary purposes of reference.
There remains the work of editing the Records publication.
This will require the closest attention, for anything like careless or inadequate editing would wreck the whole work and bring upon it such severe condemnation from the literary press as would ruin my reputation for work of this kind and even reflect upon the Corporation themselves. It is absolutely essential that the printed proofs of the forthcoming book should be corrected from the original documents. Unless this is done, the 'Cardiff Records,' when published, will be devoid of critical value and inadequate to the requirements of serious students of our local history."
Resolved That the copy for Volume I. be forwarded to the printer for setting forthwith, and the Archivist instructed to proceed with the revision thereof; and that all final proofs be submitted to this Committee for approval.
Resolved That the question of correcting a portion of the proofs of Volume I. from original documents not in the possession of the Corporation be adjourned until the next meeting.
The Committee instructed the Archivist as to the Preface.
Resolved That the question of settling the quality of the paper for the Records be left to the Chairman and Mr. Ballinger.
The Archivist reported that the following gentlemen desired to subscribe to the Records publication:—T. H. Thomas, esq., 45 The Walk, Cardiff; A. H. Mathew, esq., Llandaff Cottage, Bromley, Kent.
Chancery Records of Glamorgan.
A letter dated 15 August was read from the Secretary of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, as to the result of the application of the Corporation herein; also the Town Clerk's reply of 16 August.
Richard Morgan is appointed Water Bailiff, in the place of Daniel Jones, deceased; salary £35 with uniform.
1897 November 2.
Resolved unanimously, upon the motion of His Worship the Mayor:—That this Council, in renewing to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen the assurance of their devotion to Her Majesty's Person and Throne, desire to express the sincere regret with which they received the intelligence of the death of Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Teck, and to tender their most respectful and deep sympathy with Her Majesty and Her Majesty's Royal Family in their sorrowful affliction.
A like Resolution to be forwarded to H.R.H. the Duke of Teck.
His Worship the Mayor (Alderman Beavan, J.P.), on behalf of the General Purposes Committee appointed to carry out the celebration of the Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen in Cardiff, presented to the Council a magnificent chain and badge (subscribed for by the ladies of Cardiff in commemoration of the 60th year of the reign of Her Majesty) for use at functions by the Mayoress of Cardiff for the time being.
Resolved That this Council have pleasure in accepting the same.
The following is a description of the badge, which was designed and supplied by Messrs. Spiridion & Son, Cardiff:—
The Chain is composed of a succession of shields, Tudor roses, dragons, goats and sea-horses, all made of 18-carat gold. The shield, which occupies the centre of the front of the chain, is emblazoned in correct heraldic colours with the arms of the County Borough of Cardiff, the chevronels being composed of rubies. The shield is surmounted by a mural crown set in diamonds. Occupying a similar position at the back of the chain is a shield bearing the arms of Wales, also surmounted by a diamond mural crown. (fn. 6) At the back of this shield is a pair of leeks in saltire. On each side of the chain from front to back are six shields, each of which is charged with the arms of one of the twelve counties of Wales. (fn. 7) For those counties which bear no arms, the arms or seal of the chief corporate body in that county have been adopted. These are all enamelled as far as possible in correct heraldic colours, and each is surmounted by the Prince of Wales' plumes. Each shield is supported by either a dragon and goat, or a dragon and sea-horse, it being the intention of the designer that those counties which have a seaboard should be supported by a sea-horse, and inland counties by a goat. Between every two shields is a Tudor rose, the Common Seal of the Borough of Cardiff, correctly enamelled. There is also a contrivance by which the chain may be shortened several lengths. The pendant is composed mainly of diamonds. The centre of it is occupied by an enamelled painted portrait of the Queen, surmounting which are the Royal Arms, properly enamelled. At each side of the portrait is a figure, representing respectively Poetry and Music. Below these are branches, in diamonds, rubies and emeralds, of roses, thistles and shamrocks. At the back of the pendant is an inscription setting forth the occasion of the presentation. The link which joins the pendant to the chain is composed of a Tudor rose, on which is set a diamond of the first water. The whole is enclosed in a red morocco case, and the coloured design is framed and hung up in one of the rooms of the Town Hall.
New Councillors elected are:—Lloyd Meyrick, John Wesley Courtis, Frank Allen Fox, William Thomas Symonds, John Chappell.
Resolved That, having regard to the increase of work in the Town Clerk's Department, Mr. F. J. Schroeter and Mr. R. A. Wheatley be appointed to assist therein at a salary of £2 per week each.
The Mayor-Elect is Alderman Joseph Ramsdale, J.P. Salary £1,000.