Item, frae John Coats, merchand, in part payment of the seats in the Laigh Kirk, the tyme he was collector therof, |
1142 |
0 |
0 |
Item, frae Thomas Maxwell, merchand, in part payment of the seats in the meeting house in the Wynd the tyme he was collector therof, |
410 |
0 |
0 |
Item, frae Gavine Wood, merchand, in part payment of the seats in the Inner High Kirk, the tyme he was collector therof, |
596 |
11 |
0 |
Item, frae John Watsone, tailzeor, in part payment of the seats in the Outter High Kirk, the tyme he was collector therof, |
172 |
0 |
0 |
Item, receaved frae John Gibsone, as the ballance of his accompt of the rent of the seats in Merk Daylies meeting house the tyme he was collector therof, |
51 |
6 |
0 |
Item, payed to Mr John Pujolas, ane French protestant minister, be act of counsell of [29 November 1690] viz. sixtie pund, for helping him to print his French grameris, and ane hundreth pund for a yeares pension, according to the act dated 26 Junij 1691, |
160 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to Stephan Crawfurd, for ane boats fraught he payed to John Burnet, skipper in Greinock, that caried a partie of souldiouris and two persones of the name of M'Claine, prisoneris to Inverarray, be act of counsell dated 28 Januarij 1691, |
20 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to James Brounlie for his paines in keeping the counsell seat in the Laigh Kirk, be act of counsell dated 9th February 1691, |
8 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to George Nisbit the first yeares cellarie for mending the glass windowes of the High Kirk and queer, frae the first of March 1690 to the first of March 1691, be act of counsell dated 8th March 1690, and his receipt, being for the first year only for putting the church in repair, the other of the yeares following being 200 merks, |
£240 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to George Nisbit, to ane accompt for furnishing lead to the High Kirk, and workmanship, be act of counsell dated 28 Januarij 1691, |
200 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to John Spreull, wryter, for paying these persones that hes riden to severall places in calling some ministeris for the toune, be act of counsell dated 25 Apryll 1691, |
34 |
5 |
0 |
Item, payed to Helen Bryce, relict of umquhill David Crawfurd, that was spent in her house be the magistrats with persones of qualitie, be act of counsell dated 15 Maij 1691, |
42 |
1 |
0 |
Item, payed to John Aird, younger, merchand, for his and these that went with him, their charges and expenses in going to Linlithgow and Torphican anent the call given to Mr. Alexander Haistie, to be ane of the toune ministeris, be act of counsell dated 25 Apryll 1691, |
53 |
7 |
0 |
Item, payed to Robert Fairlie, cordoner, for helping him to build the gavell of his house on the north side of the Old Vennell, whilk latelie fell by occasion of the springs that runes to the tounes well, be act of counsell of the said date [15 May 1691], |
160 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to John Mitchell, maltman, for his charges and expenses, and these who went with him to Edinburgh at two severall tymes, anent the debate betwixt the toune and trades about the election of the deacon conveener, be act of counsell dated 15 May 1691, |
344 |
15 |
0 |
Item, payed to Charles Chartouris, baillie in Edinburgh, that was resting to Mr. Ralph Rodger of his stipend the tyme of his deceass, as being ane of the tounes ministeris, be act of counsell dated 26 Junij 1691, |
166 |
13 |
4 |
Item, payed to John Gibsone, late baillie, whilk he debursed to workmen that helped to cast throw the cast of the Counshlie boig in Provand, and seeking to get ane lyme craig ther, be act of counsell dated 11 October 1690, |
29 |
6 |
0 |
Item, payed to Mr. James Drummond, minister, in satisfaction to him of all he can crave frae the toune the tyme he exerced the ministrie here, be two acts of counsell, the first wherof dated 26 Junij, and the other the 26 August 1691, |
£400 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to John Herman Dalhousies, ane German minister, out of charitie, be act of counsell dated 27 August 1691, |
72 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to John Wallace and John Robieson, for their charges and expenses and horse hyres in going to Edinburgh in December 1690, anent the controversie in electing the deacon conveener, be act of counsell dated the 5 of September 1691, |
46 |
12 |
0 |
Item, payed to Walter Whyte for furnishing floweris and strawing to the counsell seats in the kirks and counsell house this last year, be act of counsell dated 4 October 1691, |
12 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to William Allasone, to help to make up the loss of ane horse that was prest frae him be ane of the Danish officeris to ryde to England, be act of counsell dated 5 of September 1691, |
24 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to George Nisbit for repairing the roofe of the High Kirk and pointing the samen since November, and furnishing necessaris therto, and for repairing the glass windowes in the Laigh Kirk, meeting house in the Wynd and Gramer School, be act of counsell dated 4 of October, 1691, |
263 |
2 |
10 |
Item, payed to John Corse, merchand, whilk he gave to severall of the tounes people that went to Edinburgh in March 1689, at the meeting of the estates, and when the armes were brought from Stirling, and other debursements anent the tounes affaires, be act of counsell dated 24 of September 1691, |
372 |
7 |
4 |
Item, payed to Mr. Robert Knox, allowed to him of transportation money for bringing him and his familie here when he came to be ane of the tounes ministeris, be act of counsell dated 23 Apryll 1687, |
240 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to livetennent Duff, for the use of ane companie he had here for preventing their takeing free quarteris, be act of counsell dated 6th Apryll 1691, |
150 |
0 |
0 |
Item, to Mr. Neill Gilleis, ane of the tounes ministeris, whilk was resting to him preceiding Whitsonday 1690, |
200 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to Mr. James Broune, another of the tounes ministeris whilk was resting to him preceeding the said terme, |
630 |
0 |
0 |
Item, to Mr. James Woddrow, another of the tounes ministeris, whilk was resting to him preceeding the said terme, |
£630 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to Mr. Thomas Kennedie, another of the tounes ministeris, his yeares stipend and house maill frae Whitsounday 1690 to Whitsounday 1691, |
1080 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to the said Mr. Neill Gilleis, the said yeares stipend and house maill, |
1080 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to the said Mr. James Woddrow his said years stipend and house maill, |
1080 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to the said Mr. James Broune, his said yeares stipend and house maill, |
1080 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to Mr. Alexander Haistie, another of the toune ministeris, for halfe ane yeares stipend preceeding Whitsounday 1691 |
333 |
6 |
8 |
Item, payed to Mr. George Skirvine, master of the Gramer Schooll, ane year and halfe ane yearis cellarie and house maill, fra 1st May 1690 to 1st November 1691, |
460 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to Mr. Mungo Lindsay and Mr. John M'Cleran ane year and halfe ane yeares cellarie as doctoures in the Gramer Schooll, to witt, to the said Mr. Mungo as eldest doctor £76 13s. 4d., termlie, and Mr. John £66 13s. 4d., termlie, |
430 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to Mr. Alexander George, late minister of the Barronie, £900 for his stipend as minister, the crop and year of God 1688; more paid to him £50 for the communion elements the said year, for whilk he obtained ane decreit against the toune before the lords of session, dated 25 July 1691, |
950 |
0 |
0 |
Item, to the said Mr. Alexander George for his stipend for cropt and year 1689, conforme to ane act of the lords of privie counsell granted in his favoures, |
900 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to Mr. Alexander Kinneir in part payment of his stipend for the year 1688, |
333 |
6 |
8 |
Item, payed to Mr. Robert Knox, late minister, his yeares stipend and house maill, the year 1688, |
1080 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to John Walter ane yeares pension frae Candlemas 1690 to Candlemas 1691 as ane of the poor men in St. Nicolas Hospitall, conforme to bishop Lightounes mortification, |
54 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to John Andersone ane yeares pension frae 1st May 1689 to 1st May 1690 as ane of the poor men in the said hospitall, |
54 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to John Patersone ane yeares pension frae Lambmass 1690 to Lambmass 1691 as ane of the poor men in the said hospitall, |
£54 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to Malcolme Fleming, indwellar, ane year's pension fra Whitsounday 1688 to Whitsounday 1689 as ane of the poor in the said hospitall, |
54 |
0 |
0 |
Item, payed to Walter Brock, jayllor, for two yeares fiall and cellarie allowed to him be the toune for furnishing coall and candle to the counsell house, Kings hall, and dean of gilds hall, frae 1st November 1688 to 1st November 1690, |
53 |
6 |
8 |
Item, payed to William Thomsone, chirurgeon, whilk he debursed for Charles Thomsone, skipper in Dunnottar, and robbed ther and his shipp tacken fra him, be act of counsell dated (blank) 1691, |
11 |
12 |
0 |
Item, payed to some dragounes for the tounes part of localitie for Liningshaugh, for the moneths of October, November and December 1690 and Apryll 1691, |
4 |
14 |
0 |
Item, to John Hamiltone, as factor ordained be the lords of privie councill, as the stipend and communion elements of the Barronie Kirk the year 1690, whilk is to be applyed for building ane manse to the minister of the said kirk, |
950 |
0 |
0 |