Extracts from the accounts: 1680-1690

Pages 504-524

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1905.

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From Michaelmas. 1680, to Michaelmas, 1681.

Item, the teyndis of the aikeris about the toun formerly drawen be the archbishop of Glasgow, being sett to John Mitchell, cropt 1681, for fourtein hundreth and twenty merkis, the compter charges with the half therof received in hand and extending to 473 6 8
Item, to Duncan Campbell, baillie, for furnishing the grein cloath that covers the counsell table, be warrand daitted the 27th September, 1681, 52 4 0
Item, to the clerks servantis for extraordinary wrytting this last year, be warrand daitted the 8th October 1681, 72 0 0
Item, to the post be warrand of that dait for bringing newes extraordinary the tyme of the parliament, 35 6 8
Item, to Mr. Alexander Mylne, minister, for his years stipend and hous maill for serving the cure as ane of the ministers of the toun, by his discharges in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. John Gray of stipend and hows maill, as be his discharges in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. Adam Gordoun of stipend and hows maill, as by his discharges in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander George, minister of the Barrony Kirk for his stipend and communion elements, by his discharges in the book, from Whitsonday 1680 to Whitsonday 1681, 950 0 0
Item, to John Macklain, the touns pypper, of fiall this last yeir, as by discharge, £66 13 4
Item, to John Boyd, maisson, in name of Walter Gibsone, for incowradgment and in pairt payment for building of his hows, 440 0 0
Item, mair to him for building the north gavill of Robert Cors his land and putting and hanging heidis and braces on John Spreulls syde, as by his discharges, 200 0 0

From Michaelmas, 1681, to Michaelmas, 1682.

Item, the drawen teyndis of the aikers about the toun, formerly drawen be the archbishop, being sett, the said cropt, to John Lilburn for payment of 1550 merkis, the compter charges himself with the half therof as the first termes payment, extending to 516 13 4
Item, payed to Hugh Saffley for incowradging him to stay and teach the art of navigatioune within the toun, quhilk is allowed him yearly four pounds sterling for the first yeir, with ten dallouris given him by and attour the said pension for the first yeir, be warrand daited 20 December 1681, 77 0 0
Item, for helping to bigg a stane bridge at Innerness over the river of Ness, be warrand daited 4 May 1682, 400 0 0
Item, debursed to George Grahame, for his expenssis in ryding with the primat and the archbishop of Glasgow, and utheris, be warrand daited 26 August 1682, 195 0 0
Item, be warrand dated 16 September 1682, to James Galt and his wyfe for quartering the ordinance of rutteris and dragoons, 40 0 0
Item, to Walter Colquhoun be warrand of that same dait (30 September 1682) for taking account of these who come into the toun without testimoniallis, 29 0 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander Mylne, minister, for his last yeirs stipend and hows maill serving the cure as one of the touns ministers, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. John Gray, another of the saids ministeris, his said yeirs stipend and hows maill, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. Adam Gordoun for his yeirs stipend and hows maill, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander Kinneir, minister, for his yearis stipend, by and attour the 500 merkis allowed him be warrand of counsell, £653 6 8
Item, to Mr. Alexander George for his stipend as minister of the Barrony Kirk, and communion elementis, fra Whitsonday 1681 to Whitsonday 1682, 950 0 0
Item, to the archbishop of Glasgow for a yeirs teynd tack duty of the ackeris abowt the toun for the cropt and yeir 1682, 1333 6 8
Item, to Alexander Thom to ane account for cutting the Kings armes, conform to his receipt and proveist Bellis ordour, 120 0 0

From Michaelmas, 1682, to Michaelmas, 1683.

Item, with what he received fra Alexander Ross for the second termes payment of the touns fourth part of the Gorball teynds cropt 1682, 137 10 0
Item, with what he received from Johne Lilburn for the teynds of the aikers about the toun, formerly drawen be the archbishop, the said cropt 1682, 516 13 4
Item, the Gorball teynds being sett to Alexander Ross for cropt 1683 for 1260 merkis, the compter charges himself with the first termes payment of the touns fourth part thereof, extending to 105 0 0
Item, the drawen teyndis of the aikeris about the toun formerly drawen be the archbishop being sett, the said cropt, to John Raltoun for payment of 1260 merkis, the compter charges himself with the half thereof, 420 0 0
Item, with what was restand be baillie Ross of the first termes payment of the fourth pairt of the Gorball teyndis cropt 1682, 137 10 0
Item, with what was restand be Alexander Knox of the second termes payment of the touns fourth part of the Gorball teyndis, cropt 1681, 133 6 8
Item, with what he received fra Allan Hamilton for the rent of the gleib land, formerly payed to the parson of Glasgow, for the cropt 1682, now sett in tack to the toun be the archbishop, 76 0 0
Item, to Thomas Young for the touns part of the Gorballis for helping of Govean Kirk bell, be warrand daitit 20 Junij 1683, 13 4 0
Item, debursed to James Colquhoun for putting up and gilding the new horologes in the steeple of Hutchesouns hospitall, be warrand daited the 28 September 1683, £300 0 0
Item, to James Duncan, be warrand daited the 29 September 1683, for dressing the yaird in the merchandis hospitall and furnishing floweris, 24 0 0
Item, be warrand daitit the first of October 1683, for cloath, lace and furnishing and making of ane coat to the trumpeter of the militia trowp, 101 18 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander Mylne for his last yeirs stipend and hows maill serving the cure as ane of the touns ministers, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. John Gray, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. Adam Gordoun, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander Kinneir, 1000 0 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander George, 950 0 0
Item, to the said Mr. Alexander for the touns proportion of his mans and gleib dew out of the landis of Provand, 19 14 10
Item, to Hugh Saffley quhich is allowed to him as ane yeirly pension for teaching the art of navigation fra Martimes 1681 to Martimes 1682, 48 0 0
Item, to William Bryce, in name of St. Nicholas hospitall, for severall yeirs few duty of some lands taken in to the New Green, conform to the provestis ordour and his discharge, 50 13 4
Item, to the trumpeteris that waited upon the lordis the tyme of the circuit court, be the magistratis ordour, 17 10 0
Item, debursed for cloath and making to hang befor the Kings portraitures in the counsell hows, 15 16 0
Item, for a cloak to James Hepburn, and a suit of cloathes to John Hepburn, and another suit of cloathes to the touns Scourge the poor and for furnishing and making, conform to the compt therof, 35 4 2
Item, to Robert Bartoun, ane of the clerkis servantis, for wryting and taking up ane list of the strangeris names for a considerable tyme, 24 0 0

From Michaelmas, 1683, to Michaelmas, 1684.

Item, to Mr. William Geddes by warrand of [17 May 1684] for his encouradgement to print two bookes, £23 4 0
Item, debursed for silver and gold ribbens for burgess ticketts since Maij 1683, by warrand of [27 September 1684], 240 0 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander Milne, for his yearis stipend and house maill as ane of the tounes ministeris, frae Whitsonday 1683 to Whitsonday 1684, conforme to his discharges in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. John Gray, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. Adam Gordone, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander Kinneir, 1000 0 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander George, minister of the Barrony, 950 0 0
Item, to doctor Wallace for a yearis sallary, as tounes phisitian, 66 13 4
Item, to John Robisone for a yearis sallary, as tounes chirurgian, conforme to his discharges, 66 13 4
Item, to Evir M'Neill, as his yearis sallary, for cutting poor people of the stone, 66 13 4
Item, to Colin Hamill, for ane yearis sallary, and puting on fyres at the meetings of the toune counsell the year before he went off from his office, 26 13 4
Item, to Robert Burnes younger, for ribbens to the tounes use, 18 18 0
Item, to John Purdoune, barron officer, for the tounes part of the partizanes for rydeing the fair of Glasgow, for the lands of Linningshauch, 0 14 0
Item, given to the twelve officeris for their supplie by proveist Johnstounes command, sex rex dallers for their attendance the tyme of the lords justiciaries being here, 17 8 0

From Michaelmas, 1684, to Michaelmas, 1685.

Item, payed to John Raltoune, maltman, for ane yearis sallary as the tounes quartermaister, ane hundreth and twentie pund, with sextie pund farder allowed to him for his extraordinary paines the tyme of the lait rebellion, by warrand daited 10 of August 1685, 180 0 0
Item, payed for the tounes militia horse the tyme of the lait rebellion, and for the Gorballis, £472 8 0
Item, payed to Robert Brock, goldsmith, by warrand of [19 September 1685] for ane gold box and two silver boxes, and ane stampt for the tounes use, 84 14 0
Item, payed to Hugh Safeley for ane yearis sallary, for teaching the airt of navigation frae Martimas 1684 to Martimas 1685, 48 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Archibald Inglis, parson, for transporting him frae Erskkirk to this toune, 240 0 0
Item, payed to Evir M'Neill, for ane yearis sallary, for cutting poor people of the gravell, which yearis sallary is frae Martimas 1684 to Martimas 1685, extending to 66 13 4
Item, payed to Mr. Alexander Milne, for his years stipend and house maill, as ane of the tounes ministers, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to the deceast Mr. Adam Gordone, for his yearis stipend and house maill, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Alexander Kinneir, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. John Sage, for halfe ane yearis stipend, and halfe yearis house maill, frae Martimas 1684 to Whitsonday 1685, 540 0 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander George, minister of the barronie, for halfe ane yearis stipend, and furnishing the communion elementis, frae Whitsonday 1684 to Martimas 1684, 500 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Archibald Inglis, parson, in name and behalfe of the archbishop of Glasgow, for his yearis stipend as parson, frae Martimas 1684 to Martimas 1685, 1200 0 0

From Michaelmas, 1685, to Michaelmas, 1686.

Item, debursed to Mr. Alexander Milne, ane of the toune ministeris, for halfe ane yearis stipend and house maill frae Whitsonday 1685 to Martimas therafter, 540 0 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander Kinneir, 540 0 0
Item, to Mr. John Sage, 540 0 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander George for his yearis stipend, as minister of the Barronie Kirk, frae Martimas 1684 to Martimas 1685, and for furnishing the communion elements frae Whitsonday 1685 to Whitsonday 1686, 950 0 0
Item, payed to Walter Corbet for keeping of the tolbooth cloake and chimnes. frae Lambmass 1685 to Lambmass 1686, £120 0 0
Item, payed to Thomas Pettigrew, for laying of two hearth stones in the house belonging to the tounes walk mylne in Partick, 6 0 0
Item, the compter detaines in his oune hand for his charges and horse hyre in going to Edinburgh and staying there the space of eightein dayes in waiteing upon the archbishop of Glasgow, by command of the magistrats in Apryll 1686, 54 0 0
Item, payed to Robert Boyd, maltman, as the pryce of nine firlots beir for ane peice land in Dowhill, for a place for the tounes people to wash upon, the cropt 1685, 11 12 6
Item, payed to James Colquhoune, for repairing the High Kirk, and mending the glass windowes, 66 9 4
Item, debursed to Patrick Park and severall workmen for weighting and delyvering the meill that was brought from Stirling be proveist Barnes ordour, 21 16 0
Item, payed to Elizabeth Muirhead, for keeping of ane foundline for ane quarter of a year, from Whitsonday 1686 to Lambmass therafter, be proveist Barnes ordour, 9 0 0
Item, for fyve nights keeping of ane boy, dying upon the calsey, and burying of him, 4 4 0
Item, to the fidleris and drummeris on the Kings birthday, four rex dalleris, 11 12 0
Item, for sevin horse hyres to cary the generallis baggage to Killsyth at 30 s. the peice, 10 10 0

From Michaelmas, 1686, to Michaelmas, 1687.

Item, payed for herrings whilk the proveist sent to London the last year, be act dated 12 March 1687, 72 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. John Sage, minister, for his transportation, be act of counsell dated 23rd Apryll 1687, 240 0 0
Item, payed to the proveist 17 li. 10 s. sterling whilk he debursed for procureing the Kings letter, with the secreet councillis warrand for choiseing the magistrats and counsell at the last election, 210 0 0
Item, payed to James Colquhoune for mending the windowes of the High Church, and the leads of the tolbooth be act dated 2nd Julij 1687, £72 13 0
Item, payed to the proveist, whilk he debursed for carying and transporting the archbishop of Glasgowes pleneshing and goods from Edinburgh to this place, be act dated 13 September 1687, 338 0 0
Item, payed to James Boyd, maisson. quhilk was resting him for repairing the great bridge, and whilk was ordained to have bein payed to him be ane former act of counsell, and also be act dated 9 August 1687, 433 6 8
Item, payed to Robert Stirling, for the great loss he sustained in keeping the subdeans mylne, and the charges he was at in convoying the then archbishope to Dumfreis and home againe be Air; whilk was ordained to have bein payed him be ane former act of counsell, and also be act of the said date, 100 0 0
Item, payed to Dorothea Barnes, for the expenses George McCalla, her husband, was at severall tymes in Edinburgh anent the royall companie, and whilk was ordained to have bein payed him be ane former act of counsell, and also be act of the said date, 200 0 0
Item, the compter discharges himselfe with what he debursed, at command of the magistrats since the 29 of November 1686, to severall persones for furnishing baggage horses, and whilk was spent be them in severall houses in the toune for entertaining persones, and for repairing the leads of the High Kirk, and given to poor persones be act of [28 September 1687], 612 18 0
Item, payed to James Boyd, maisson, to ane accompt for kapeing the Grein dyck, 533 6 8
Item, payed to Walter Corbet, smith, for iron wark wrought and furnished be him to the key at the Broomilaw, Partick bridge, and other places in the toune, 60 5 6
Item, payed to James Smith, merchand, for trees and caberis that was tacken frae him be the duke of Gordone's men that were here the tyme of Argyllis rebellion, and whilk they brunt on the grein for their eldine, be act of the [17 December 1687], 100 0 0
Item, payed to the proveist for his expenses and charges, and severallis that went with him to St. Andrews, to wate on the bishope at the translation, be his receipt and act of counsell dated 14 May 1687, 415 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Archibald Inglis, parson, by ordour of the late archbishop, to ane accompt of what the toune was awand him out of the teinds of the aikeris about the toune set to them, ane yearis stipend frae Martimas 1686 to Martinmas 1687, £1166 13 4
Item, payed to him for two yearis house maill, 200 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Alexander Mylne, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. John Sage, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Robert Knox, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Alexander Kinneir, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Alexander George, minister of the Barronie, 950 0 0
Item, payed to [Robert Boyd] for the tounes pairt in repairing the teind barne in Gorballis, 9 15 8
Item, to Andrew Purdoune, for ringing of the Bridgegate bell and Hutchesons hospital bell on the Kings birthday, 4 18 0
Item, payed to Patrick Wilsone and Robert Fleiming ane rex daller for ringing of the High Kirk bellis upon the Kings birthday, conforme to their receipt, 5 16 0
Item to James Dick, for ringing of the Laigh Kirk bell on the Kings birthday, 2 18 0

From Michaelmas, 1687, to Michaelmas, 1688.

Item, payed to James Hamiltone for sack, French wyne and bottle glasses, furnished be him to severall persons on the tounes accompt, be act of [2 Junij 1688,] 372 12 2
Item, payed to Mr. Archibald Inglis, parson of Glasgow 700 merks being the remander of his stipend for the year 1687, 466 13 4
Item, payed to the said Mr. Archibald Inglis, his halfe yearis stipend frae Martimas 1687 to Whitsounday 1688, 600 0 0
Item, payed to the said Mr. Archibald Inglis, his halfe yearis stipend from Whitsounday 1688 to Martimas therafter, 600 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Alexander Mylne, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. John Sage, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Robert Knox, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Alexander Kinneir, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Alexander George, minister of the Barronie, 950 0 0
Item, payed to James Boyd, maisson, in pairt payment for kapeing the New Grein dyck, £507 6 0

Followes umquhill John Boyd his accompt of the tounes commone goods and utheris belonging to the toune, and intrometted with be him the tyme he was toune thesaurer, made and cleared be the magistrats and toune counsell the 23 Maij 1691.

Item, to Christian Reid for ane quarters maintenance of ane foundline, 9 0 0
Item, to Mistres Crawfurd for drink and other necessaris at the election 1688, 20 2 0
Item, to James Wilkie for rubberis to the tounes use, 6 0 0
Item, for horse hyres and foundlines quarter wages be the proveists ordour, not subscrivit but in a nacked accompt, 104 4 0
Item, to Hieland Donnald, by baillie Patersones ordour, 4 0 0
Item, to John Bryssone for ane fundline be the said ordour, 3 0 0
Item, to John Bogle, merchand, for tarr towes, be ordour of the dean of gild, 3 10 0
Item, for cariage of daillis from the sopp house and the Grein to the back gallrie, 0 18 0
Item, to Margaret Smith for ane fundline, be James Gibsones ordour, 3 0 0
Item, for claingeing the Barras-yet well, 4 0 0
Item, to James Cumings wife for wyne and utheris on Yuill day 1688, be the dean of gilds ordour, 40 5 0
Item, to Margaret Sinclare for ane fundline, be Bailie Patersones ordour, 1 4 0
Item, to Issobell Muirhead for mantenance of ane fundline, be baillie Patersones ordour, 9 0 0
Item, to the 12 officeris and Hieland Donnald, by ordour of baillies Gibsone and Patersone, 9 16 0
Item, for burying of ane fundline, be bailie Patersones ordour, 2 16 0
Item, for mending the Tron steeple door with locks and bands, 2 8 0
Item, to Elspeth Gemmill for ane fundline, be ordour of baillie Patersone, 8 0 0
Item, to Thomas Woodhouse for clainseing the Green, £2 2 0
Item, to Andrew Bell, trumpeter, 1 14 0
Item, for the trumpetouris horse hyre 4 dayes, 3 0 0
Item, to George Young, officer, for rydeing to Edinburgh, 1 16 0
Item, to Robert Moriesone and other workmen for clainseing the Tron Church spouts, 1 10 0
Item, spent in baillie Ross house, when my lord Ross came throw the toune, 2 2 0
Item, to John Gillespie for ane express of man and horse to Edinburgh, 8 0 0
Item, for ane peice of roap and naillis to the Tron steeple, 0 16 0
Item, for ane tarr barrell to the cross bonfyre, 0 16 0
Item, to the officeris for persewing Wallace and utheris and for ane express to Edinburgh and to ane poor man, by ordour, 4 10 0
Item, to Walter Brock for coallis to the cross bonfyre, be dean of gild Napieris ordour, 7 15 0
Item, to Jean Euing for ane fundline, be proveist Gibsones ordour, 9 0 0
Item, to John Barr for ringing of the Tron Church bell at proclameing of King William and Queen Marie, 2 16 0
Item, to Robert Broune for going twyce express to Edinburgh by ordour of Walter Gibsone, 6 0 0
Item, for mending the tow of the little bell in the Tron steeple, 0 8 0
Item, to John Hepburne, dempster, 2 18 0
Item, to Hieland Donnalds wife, 2 18 0
Item, for ane express to Hamiltone be baillie Gibsones order, 4 0 0
Item, spent in receaveing the mutereris money, 2 14 0
Item, for daillis to the salmond stockis, 1 4 0
Item, spent when Capitane Young came from the Hielands, 1 1 6
Item, to Christian Reid for ane fundline, 4 10 0
Item, payed to workmen and karteris for transporting ammunition, 1 10 0
Item, to Alexander Leckie be baillie Patersones ordour for carying Marrs regiments ammunition to Kilmarnock, 28 0 0
Item, spent in proclameing of King William and Queen Mary, per accompt, 59 18 6
Item, to the two tounes drummeris at the land meithing, 5 16 0
Item, for carying a dead fundline from the Cow Loan to the Laigh Kirk, 0 5 0
Item for [Robert Boyd] paines and attendance in giveing out and tackeing in the armes and amunition and distributing the same to respective shyres and to the tounes folk and serveing the tounes guards, £60 0 0

Followes Peter Corbet his accompt of the tounes commone goods and utheris belonging to the toune, and intrometted with be him the tyme he was toune thesaurer, as he who succeeded to umquhill John Boyd, made and cleared be the magistrats and toune counsell, tenth day of September 1690.

Item, frae George Muirhead and Stephan Crawfurd of the money receaved be them for the seats in the kirks frae 31 August 1689 to 7 August 1690, as per receipt, 673 0 0
Item, frae John Gray for the seats in the Outer High Kirk, 222 0 0
Item, frae James Sloss of the money receaved be him for the seats in the meeting house in the New Wynd, 254 12 4
Item, payed to William Campbell for takeing prisoneris to Edinburgh, 148 0 0
Item, precept be the magistrats for baggage horses and expenses, 111 12 0
Item to John Gilchrist, conveener, to give to ministeris, per warrand, maisteris Craighead and Kennedy, 116 0 0
Item, to John Dobbie for a double kairt to Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch, 1 12 0
Item, to Robert Dobbie, a double kairt to Campsie, Eglintoune baggage, 4 0 0
Item, sevin double kairts and a single one with Clellands baggage to Stirling, 38 0 0
Item, for four horse to Edinburgh and expenses with governour Walker, 24 0 0
Item, to Mr. Livingstoune, minister, when he went away, 14 10 0
Item, to Hieland Donnald, for dichting the sinck at the back of the tolbooth, 1 0 0
Item, for 5 double kairts to Stirling with Argyllis baggage, 23 4 0
Item, to Christian Reid for keeping ane fundline betwixt Lambmass and Hallowday, £8 0 0
Item, to bury a poor man, and to give another poor man, be baillie Tennents ordour, 3 10 0
Item, to David Pollock for two double kairts to Stirling with baggage, 10 0 0
Item, to Thomas Younger for two guns he had in the maggazine, by warrand, 6 0 0
Item, to Issobell Muirhead for keeping a fundline betwixt Lambmass and Hallowday, 8 0 0
Item, paid to the ministeris as a pairt of their stipends, 1084 0 0

Followes Thomas Peter, his thesaurer accompt of his intromissiones with the tounes comone goods and utheris intrometted with be him, frae the nynth day of October 1689 to the 10th of October 1690.

Receaved from John Stirling, collectour for the seats of the Inner High Kirk, and that in part payment of the rent payed for the seats for the first halfe year, 149 0 0
Receaved from Stephan Crawfurd, coppersmith, collector for the rent of the seats of the Tron Church, and that in part payment of the first halfe yearis rent, 42 10 0
Receaved from John Stirling, merchand, in part payment of the seats the tyme of his intromission, for the Inner High Church, 120 0 0
Receaved from James Sloss, merchand, being collected by him out of the seats of the meeting house in the Wynd, and that from the last day of August 1690. In the which money there is four light cobbs, ane goodline steick for ane rex daller, and ane bad halfe millryne daller, 298 13 10
Receaved from Stephan Crawfurd, coppersmith, in part payment of his collection of the money of the seats in the Tron Church preceeding the first day of September, 1690, 240 0 0
Receaved from John Gray, cordoner, in part payment of his collection of the seats in the Utter High Church, preceeding the tyme foresaid, 65 0 0
Receaved from John Stirling, merchand, being the ballance of his accompt collected be him out of the seats of the Inner High Church, preceeding the first day of September, 1690, £64 18 2
Receaved from John Paterson, glover, preceptor of St. Nicolas hospitall, which he charged the compter with, more then was due him, viz, one merk each boll of four bollis payable out of Liningshaugh to the said hospitall yearlie, quhich is for the year 1689, 2 13 4
Receaved from Stephan Crawfurd, coppersmith, as the ballance of his accompt of his intromission with the money of the seats of the Tron Church, from the first of September 1689 to the first of September 1690, 184 5 0
Receaved from John Gray, cordoner, collected by him out of the seats of the Utter High Church preceeding the first of September lastbypast, 56 0 0
Payed to Mr. John Sage in part payment of his stipend, as ane of the tounes ministeris, and that frae Martimas 1687 to Whitsounday 1688, 333 6 8
Payed to John Patersone, late baillie, for puting up seats in the churches, and other wright work furnished be him, be act of counsell dated 23 of September 1689, 122 2 8
Payed to Stephan Crawfurd, coppersmith, for ane copper spout made and furnished be him to the Tron Church, be act of counsell dated 7th Januarij 1690, 93 4 4
Payed to Mr. Robert Craighead and Mr. Thomas Kennedie, ministeris, in part payment of their stipends, per ordour of baillie Leckie, 300 0 0
Payed to John Andersone, proveist, by act of counsell, dated the first of February 1690, which is for his expenses at London and in rydeing post up and doune, and otherwayes expendit be him for getting of ane gift from the King for ane free election of the magistrats of Glasgow in all tyme comeing, as said act of counsell bearis, 3729 0 0
Payed to James Hamiltone of Aikenhead, per ordour of Mr. John Sage, in part of his stipend from Martimas 1687 to Martimas 1688, 70 0 0
Lent to the livetennent collonell of the Danish cavalrie of horse, be ordour of the magistrats, £2400 0 0
Payed to John Paull and James Thomsone, be ordour of the magistrats, for buying of hay for furnishing the Danish horse, 220 0 0
Payed to John Andersone, present proveist, by act of counsell dated 24th of Februarij 1690, debursed be him to the Kings advocat and utheris, for getting the letter of gift granted be their Majesties to the toune, allowing them to choise their oune magistrats, and confirming their oune rights, past in exchequer, and for the expenses at the signet, and other charges and debursements in passing the same through the wholl seallis, and for the tounes eque and eque of Provand for the year 1689, and for his expenses at Edinburgh and horse hyres anent the said affaire, and charges going and comeing as said act of counsell bearis, 681 12 0
Payed to Mr. Alexander Mill, as ane yearis stipend and house maill as being ane of the ministeris of Glasgow, and that from Martimas 1687 to Martimas 1688, 1080 0 0
Payed for the carying doune of the wheat out of the hospitall last, which wheat was sent for Ireland be the publick, and twelve pund 12s. payed for the cartage and gabertadge of ditto wheat to Port Glasgow, 14 8 0
Payed to Mr. Thomas Kennedie, ane of the tounes ministeris, restand due to him for his service in the ministrie ther preceeding Whitsounday, and for his house rent, 630 0 0
Payed to Mr. James Woddrow, in part of his stipend, as being one of the ministeris aforesaid, which is in part payment of the year 1689, 300 0 0
Payed to Mr. Robert Landes, minister, in part payment of what is dew to him as minister, preceeding Whitsounday 1690, 300 0 0
Payed to Mr. James Drummond and Mr. Alexander King, ministeris, for exerceing the office of the ministrie severall tymes in absence of the tounes ministeris, per act of counsell dated the 9th of August 1690, 96 0 0
Payed to Mr. James Broune, as one of the ministeris of the toune, in part payment of his stipend for the year 1689, 300 0 0
Payed to Mr. Neill Gilleis, as ane of the tounes ministeris, in part payment of his stipend frae his entrie to the ministrie, 300 0 0
Lent to major Rollo, major to Argyllis regiment, by ordour of the magistrats upon band, £720 0 0
Lent to the officeris of my lord Argyllis regiment, by ordour of the magistrats upon their band dated the 17th of Februarij 1690, 720 0 0
Payed to the laird of Greenock, of the ground dewtie of the royall house for the yearis 1687, 1688 and 1689, 300 0 0
Payed to John Peadie, merchand, factor for uplifting of the rents and other casualities which formerlie belonged to the archbishope of Glasgow, which factorie he hath from the lords of their Majesties privie councill, which money foresaid being dew be the toune as a part of the said bishoprick, and that for the year 1689, 10 13 4
Payed to William Dickie, stationer, for paper which the proveist got from him, and for bound bookes for the use of the toune, which bookes are in the hands of the proveist, 15 4 0
Payed to Robert Hall, gardiner of the Gorball yeard belonging to the toune, set to him be tack, for buying of stobbs to stobb the said yeard for planting ane quickset hedge about the said yeard, which he is obleidged to doe by his tack, 6 13 4
Payed to Hugh Lochhead, be act of counsell dated the 30th of September 1690, for floweris furnished be him to the counsell lofts in the churches and counsell table said year, 12 0 0
Payed to Robert Brock, present baillie, for hay furnished be him to the toune for furnishing the English horse and dragounes in the year 1689, per ordour of the dean of gild and deacon conveener, 70 0 0
Allowed to William Allason, merchand, be act of counsell, for loss sustained be him be the tron, he wanting the same for some tyme, it being tacken up with ammunition be the Kings forces; which soume the compter was appointed to allow him by act of counsell, in part payment of the last termes payment of the casualitie of the tron set to him by publick roupe in Junij 1685, 20 0 0
Payed to Mr. John Sage, late minister in Glasgow, whereof there is sevin pund allowed to him of expenses in persewing the magistrats for the foresaid money, which was the remainder of his stipend for serveing the cure, and that from Martimas 1687 to Martimas 1688, as per his discharge dated 14 January 1691, with three pund 10s. payed for the exchange of the foresaid money betwixt Edinburgh and Glasgow, 687 3 4
Payed to Jean Armour, relict of umquhill James Stirling, for gunpowder furnished be her to the toune, in the year 1688, be act of counsell dated the 5th September, 1691, £51 2 4
Payed to Thomas Watt, for hay furnished be him to the toune for the use of the English horse and dragounes, 18 0 0

Followes George Buchannan his accompt of his intromissiones with the rents, comone goods, and utheris belonging to the toune of Glasgow, the tyme he was thesaurer therof, whilk was for the year 1690.

Item, frae John Coats, merchand, in part payment of the seats in the Laigh Kirk, the tyme he was collector therof, 1142 0 0
Item, frae Thomas Maxwell, merchand, in part payment of the seats in the meeting house in the Wynd the tyme he was collector therof, 410 0 0
Item, frae Gavine Wood, merchand, in part payment of the seats in the Inner High Kirk, the tyme he was collector therof, 596 11 0
Item, frae John Watsone, tailzeor, in part payment of the seats in the Outter High Kirk, the tyme he was collector therof, 172 0 0
Item, receaved frae John Gibsone, as the ballance of his accompt of the rent of the seats in Merk Daylies meeting house the tyme he was collector therof, 51 6 0
Item, payed to Mr John Pujolas, ane French protestant minister, be act of counsell of [29 November 1690] viz. sixtie pund, for helping him to print his French grameris, and ane hundreth pund for a yeares pension, according to the act dated 26 Junij 1691, 160 0 0
Item, payed to Stephan Crawfurd, for ane boats fraught he payed to John Burnet, skipper in Greinock, that caried a partie of souldiouris and two persones of the name of M'Claine, prisoneris to Inverarray, be act of counsell dated 28 Januarij 1691, 20 0 0
Item, payed to James Brounlie for his paines in keeping the counsell seat in the Laigh Kirk, be act of counsell dated 9th February 1691, 8 0 0
Item, payed to George Nisbit the first yeares cellarie for mending the glass windowes of the High Kirk and queer, frae the first of March 1690 to the first of March 1691, be act of counsell dated 8th March 1690, and his receipt, being for the first year only for putting the church in repair, the other of the yeares following being 200 merks, £240 0 0
Item, payed to George Nisbit, to ane accompt for furnishing lead to the High Kirk, and workmanship, be act of counsell dated 28 Januarij 1691, 200 0 0
Item, payed to John Spreull, wryter, for paying these persones that hes riden to severall places in calling some ministeris for the toune, be act of counsell dated 25 Apryll 1691, 34 5 0
Item, payed to Helen Bryce, relict of umquhill David Crawfurd, that was spent in her house be the magistrats with persones of qualitie, be act of counsell dated 15 Maij 1691, 42 1 0
Item, payed to John Aird, younger, merchand, for his and these that went with him, their charges and expenses in going to Linlithgow and Torphican anent the call given to Mr. Alexander Haistie, to be ane of the toune ministeris, be act of counsell dated 25 Apryll 1691, 53 7 0
Item, payed to Robert Fairlie, cordoner, for helping him to build the gavell of his house on the north side of the Old Vennell, whilk latelie fell by occasion of the springs that runes to the tounes well, be act of counsell of the said date [15 May 1691], 160 0 0
Item, payed to John Mitchell, maltman, for his charges and expenses, and these who went with him to Edinburgh at two severall tymes, anent the debate betwixt the toune and trades about the election of the deacon conveener, be act of counsell dated 15 May 1691, 344 15 0
Item, payed to Charles Chartouris, baillie in Edinburgh, that was resting to Mr. Ralph Rodger of his stipend the tyme of his deceass, as being ane of the tounes ministeris, be act of counsell dated 26 Junij 1691, 166 13 4
Item, payed to John Gibsone, late baillie, whilk he debursed to workmen that helped to cast throw the cast of the Counshlie boig in Provand, and seeking to get ane lyme craig ther, be act of counsell dated 11 October 1690, 29 6 0
Item, payed to Mr. James Drummond, minister, in satisfaction to him of all he can crave frae the toune the tyme he exerced the ministrie here, be two acts of counsell, the first wherof dated 26 Junij, and the other the 26 August 1691, £400 0 0
Item, payed to John Herman Dalhousies, ane German minister, out of charitie, be act of counsell dated 27 August 1691, 72 0 0
Item, payed to John Wallace and John Robieson, for their charges and expenses and horse hyres in going to Edinburgh in December 1690, anent the controversie in electing the deacon conveener, be act of counsell dated the 5 of September 1691, 46 12 0
Item, payed to Walter Whyte for furnishing floweris and strawing to the counsell seats in the kirks and counsell house this last year, be act of counsell dated 4 October 1691, 12 0 0
Item, payed to William Allasone, to help to make up the loss of ane horse that was prest frae him be ane of the Danish officeris to ryde to England, be act of counsell dated 5 of September 1691, 24 0 0
Item, payed to George Nisbit for repairing the roofe of the High Kirk and pointing the samen since November, and furnishing necessaris therto, and for repairing the glass windowes in the Laigh Kirk, meeting house in the Wynd and Gramer School, be act of counsell dated 4 of October, 1691, 263 2 10
Item, payed to John Corse, merchand, whilk he gave to severall of the tounes people that went to Edinburgh in March 1689, at the meeting of the estates, and when the armes were brought from Stirling, and other debursements anent the tounes affaires, be act of counsell dated 24 of September 1691, 372 7 4
Item, payed to Mr. Robert Knox, allowed to him of transportation money for bringing him and his familie here when he came to be ane of the tounes ministeris, be act of counsell dated 23 Apryll 1687, 240 0 0
Item, payed to livetennent Duff, for the use of ane companie he had here for preventing their takeing free quarteris, be act of counsell dated 6th Apryll 1691, 150 0 0
Item, to Mr. Neill Gilleis, ane of the tounes ministeris, whilk was resting to him preceiding Whitsonday 1690, 200 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. James Broune, another of the tounes ministeris whilk was resting to him preceeding the said terme, 630 0 0
Item, to Mr. James Woddrow, another of the tounes ministeris, whilk was resting to him preceeding the said terme, £630 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Thomas Kennedie, another of the tounes ministeris, his yeares stipend and house maill frae Whitsounday 1690 to Whitsounday 1691, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to the said Mr. Neill Gilleis, the said yeares stipend and house maill, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to the said Mr. James Woddrow his said years stipend and house maill, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to the said Mr. James Broune, his said yeares stipend and house maill, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Alexander Haistie, another of the toune ministeris, for halfe ane yeares stipend preceeding Whitsounday 1691 333 6 8
Item, payed to Mr. George Skirvine, master of the Gramer Schooll, ane year and halfe ane yearis cellarie and house maill, fra 1st May 1690 to 1st November 1691, 460 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Mungo Lindsay and Mr. John M'Cleran ane year and halfe ane yeares cellarie as doctoures in the Gramer Schooll, to witt, to the said Mr. Mungo as eldest doctor £76 13s. 4d., termlie, and Mr. John £66 13s. 4d., termlie, 430 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Alexander George, late minister of the Barronie, £900 for his stipend as minister, the crop and year of God 1688; more paid to him £50 for the communion elements the said year, for whilk he obtained ane decreit against the toune before the lords of session, dated 25 July 1691, 950 0 0
Item, to the said Mr. Alexander George for his stipend for cropt and year 1689, conforme to ane act of the lords of privie counsell granted in his favoures, 900 0 0
Item, payed to Mr. Alexander Kinneir in part payment of his stipend for the year 1688, 333 6 8
Item, payed to Mr. Robert Knox, late minister, his yeares stipend and house maill, the year 1688, 1080 0 0
Item, payed to John Walter ane yeares pension frae Candlemas 1690 to Candlemas 1691 as ane of the poor men in St. Nicolas Hospitall, conforme to bishop Lightounes mortification, 54 0 0
Item, payed to John Andersone ane yeares pension frae 1st May 1689 to 1st May 1690 as ane of the poor men in the said hospitall, 54 0 0
Item, payed to John Patersone ane yeares pension frae Lambmass 1690 to Lambmass 1691 as ane of the poor men in the said hospitall, £54 0 0
Item, payed to Malcolme Fleming, indwellar, ane year's pension fra Whitsounday 1688 to Whitsounday 1689 as ane of the poor in the said hospitall, 54 0 0
Item, payed to Walter Brock, jayllor, for two yeares fiall and cellarie allowed to him be the toune for furnishing coall and candle to the counsell house, Kings hall, and dean of gilds hall, frae 1st November 1688 to 1st November 1690, 53 6 8
Item, payed to William Thomsone, chirurgeon, whilk he debursed for Charles Thomsone, skipper in Dunnottar, and robbed ther and his shipp tacken fra him, be act of counsell dated (blank) 1691, 11 12 0
Item, payed to some dragounes for the tounes part of localitie for Liningshaugh, for the moneths of October, November and December 1690 and Apryll 1691, 4 14 0
Item, to John Hamiltone, as factor ordained be the lords of privie councill, as the stipend and communion elements of the Barronie Kirk the year 1690, whilk is to be applyed for building ane manse to the minister of the said kirk, 950 0 0