Extracts from the accounts: 1662-1670

Pages 481-495

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1905.

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From Michaelmas, 1662, to Michaelmas, 1663. (fn. 1)

21 November 1663.

Report being made be thes wha had red, compaired, and calculated the compt of Niniane Andersoune, lait thesaurer, anent his intromissioune with the tounes rents frae Michaelmes 1662 to Michaelmes last, that the samyne was very honest and right, the saids magistratis and counsell did ratifie, allow, and approve the samyn, and ordaines both chairge and discherge to be heir bookit, quhilk is as fallowis: and first the

Scotis money.
In the first, he is to be chairgit with the sowme fallowing receavit be him frae Hugh Nisbet, wha was thesaurer befoir him, and was restand in his hands at the maiking of his last compt, £589 7 10
Item, he is to be chairgit with what he hes receivit for the dewtie of the mylnes at the terme of Mertimes 1662, 2900 0 0
Item, he is to be chairgit with that which he receavit from the taksmen of the laidlles for the forsaid terme of Mertimes 1662, 973 6 8
Item, with quhat he hes receavit from the takismen of the meilmercat and peckis for the said terme, 340 0 0
Item, with the sowme fallowing, receivit be him from taksmen of the troane for the said terme, 296 13 4
Item, receivit be him from the taksmen of the brig for the said terme of Mertimes 1662, 486 13 4
Item, receivit be him from Mr. Robert Goveane quhilk was fund restand in his handis at the making of his first compt, 297 0 4
Item, receivit from John Purveyance that was awand be him conforme to his band, £600 0 0
Item, receivit be him from Simeone Pittersgill that was awand be him conforme to his band, being the stock of the manufactorie, viz., fyftie pund sterling and thrie pund sterling for the annuelrent therof at Witsunday 1663, 636 0 0
Item, receivit be him from the said Simeone for the maill of that hous called the manufactorie, twellis and yaird belonging therto, fra Witsonday 1662 to Witsonday 1663, 108 0 0
Item, the mylnes, laidlles, meilmercat and pecks, and uther commoune guidis of the toune, being roupit wpon the second day of Junij last for ane yeir therefter. The compter is to be chairgit with the half of the dewtie therof he receivit in hand at the setting of the samyne; and first the mylnes . . . the equal half, 2550 0 0
Item, the laidlles do., 783 6 8
Item, receavit be him from the taksmen of the meilmercat at the setting therof, 326 13 4
Item, receivit from the taksman of the troane at the setting therof, 326 13 4
Item, receavit be him from the taksman of the brig and casualities therof at the setting of the samyn, 556 13 4
Item, receavit be him for the gras of the Grein at the last rouping therof, 80 0 0
Item, the maill of the fleshmercat the termes of Mertimes 1662 and Witsonday 1663, 200 0 0
Item, receivit be him frae John Lindsay and Thomas Lwning for the maill of the walkmylne set to them frae Witsonday 1662 to Witsonday 1663, 102 0 0
Item, receavit be him frae Mathew Fausyd for the tounes fourt pairt of the tyndis of the landis of Gorballis the crope 1662, 131 6 8
Item, receivit be him for the burges and gild brethir fynes and collectit be him frae Michaelmes 1662 to Michaelmes 1663, 315 10 2
Item, receivit be him frae John Donnald quhilk he and James Muidie wer awand to the toun be compt as restand of the tyndis of Drymen, 200 0 0
Item, receivit frae Mathew Fawsyd for the tounes fourt pairt of the tyndis of Gorballis the cropt 1663, 118 6 8
Summa of the haill chairge, £12,917 11 6
In the first, deburst to the maister of wark be warrand daitit 11 October 1662, £105 13 10
Item, deburst to the burrowis agent as the tounes pairt of the twa thousand merks was deburst in opposing Burroustounness, be warrand 18 October 1662, 154 16 8
Item, to John Donnald as a pairt of his payment for goeing and taking sessing of Silvercraigs, be warrand 14 November 1662, 31 0 0
Item, to the maister of wark be warrand of the same dait, 670 4 2
Mair to him, be warrand 29 November, 239 8 8
Item, to baillie Campbell and Dowhill for ther chairges in ryding to give a chairge to Mr. Richerd Waddell and Mr. John Andersone be warrand 6 December 1662, 168 5 8
Item, deburst for bigging the well without the West Port be warrand of the same dait, 60 15 8
Item, for defraying a part of the commissioneris chairges, 147 1 9
Item, to divers poor peopell for ther supplie, 82 12 0
Item, to the maister of wark, be warrand 17 January 1663, 173 9 10
Item, deburst to James Philp to help to buy a horse, 40 0 0
Item, to divers persones for their supplie, 115 0 0
Item, to some distrest persones, be warrand 26 January 1663, 23 4 0
Item, to divers distrest peopell, be warrand 7 February, 42 0 0
Item, to Mr. James Crechtoun and Mr. Robert Young, 120 0 0
Item, to the maister of wark be warrand 21 February, 507 12 0
Item, to divers poor peopell, 49 6 0
Item, to John Young, the tounes agent, be warrand 14 March, 61 10 0
Item, to the maister of wark, 260 16 10
Item, to the maister of wark, be warrand 4 April, 320 7 2
Item, to him, be warrand 9 May, 452 5 8
Item, to John Clerk, maiessoune, in pairt payment of the bigging of the new key at the Broomelaw, conforme to warrand 23 May, 240 0 0
Item, to the maister of wark, 267 10 0
Item, to the aires of wmquhill John Stewart, for the caus conteined in warrand, 6 Junij, 80 0 0
Item, to the maister of wark, 375 3 10
Item, to Mr. Spens, be warrand 13 Junij, 43 13 0
Item, to the drummers, £66 13 4
Item, deburst to the colledge for the tounes pairt of the tyndis of Gorballis the cropt 1662, 101 6 8
Item, to the maister of wark, be warrand 4 July, 423 19 10
Item, to Dowhill, John Walkinshaw and utheris, anent Cheislies ply, be warrand 25 July, 60 0 0
Item, to James Frank for caus in warrand, 38 0 0
Item, to Andrew Thomesoune, beddell in the Laigh Kirk, 10 0 0
Item, to the maister of wark, 327 9 8
Item, to him be warrand 21 August, 513 6 2
Item, mair to him be warrand 28 September, 490 2 0
Item, to bailie Colhoune and the deane of gild for ther chairges in Edinburgh, be warrand 15 October, 65 6 0
Item to the maister of wark, be warrand, 17 October, 267 1 0
Item, to the provest in Edinburgh as a pairt of his chairges there, 60 0 0
Item, sent to Edinburgh to Robert Mein for diurnallis, 32 8 0

Fallowes the compt of the soumes of monye deburst upon discherges be the compter—

In the first, deburst to umquhill Mr. Hugh Blair for his stipend for the term of Mertimes 1662, conforme to his discherge in the buik, 500 0 0
Item, to Mr. Donnald Catgill, conforme to his warrand and discherge, 433 6 8
Item, to the maister of the Grammer Schooll, conforme to his tua discherges in the buik, 306 13 4
Item, to Mr. John Andersoune, conforme to his tua dischergis in the buik, 133 6 8
Item, to Mr. John Winzet, conforme to his tua discherges, 100 0 0
Item, to Mr. Ralph Rodger for compleiting his stipend the Mertimes terme 1662 and preceiding, conforme to the warrand and his discherge, 580 0 0
Item, to Mr. John Carstairis, conforme to his warrand and dischearge for the lyk, 150 0 0
Item, to Mr. John Bowie, minister, conforme to his recept, 400 0 0
Item, to Mr. John Claudie, conforme to his note of recept, 400 0 0
Item, to John Clerk, measoune, for the annuelrent of 2600 merks frae Mertimes 1661 to Mertimes 1662, 104 0 0
Item, to Mathew Colhoune for a yeiris fiall, conform to his tua discherges, 120 0 0
Item, to Andrew Purdoune for a yeiris fiall, conforme to his tua discherges, £124 0 0
Item, to John Craig in Newtoune for a yeiris few dewtie of a peice land at the Walk mylne, 4 0 0
Item, to umquhile Mr. Robert Scots sone for ane yeiris annuelrent of tua thousand sex hundreth merks awand out of the land of Gorballis, 104 0 0
Item, to James Frank for a yeiris fiall conforme to his tua discherges, 66 13 4
Item, to Ever M'Neill for a yeiris fiall conforme to his tua discherges, 66 13 4
Item, to Robert Sanders, the tounes printer, for a yeiris fiall conforme to his tua discherges, 40 0 0
Item, to the deane of gild to be given to John Clerk in compleit payment of the building the new peir at the Broomelaw and his discherge, 1292 0 0
Item, deburst to Albert Nisbet in name of the duik of Lennoxe and bischop of Glasgow for the few dewtie of the new mylne of Partick, the cropes and yeiris of God 1660 and 1661, conforme to his discherge, 5 8 8
Item, deburst to Mr. John Herbertsoune for the few dewtie of the troane and utheris conteined in the discherge, 71 0 0
Item, to Charles M'Claine for his fiall in attending the tolbuith and furnishing coall and candle, 26 13 4
Item, to the executoures of umquhile Mr. Hugh Blair for his steipain the Witsonday terme 1663, conforme to the lait act of counsell and ther discherge, 220 12 0

Fallowes the sowmes deburst be the compter for the tounes fielles—

In the first to the provest, £40 0 0
Item, to the thrie baillies, 60 0 0
Item, to the water baillie, 10 0 0
To the compter himself, 15 0 0
To the maister of wark, 15 0 0
To the clerk, 15 0 0
To the procuratour fiscal, 10 0 0
To the drummers, 26 13 4
Summa of the haill discherge is £12,727 9 6

8 April 1663.

Report being made be some of theis who were appoyntit to heir Mr. Robert Goveane's compt that they had done and performed the same, conforme to the counselles ordour, it is therfor ordained that the said compt, both charge and discharge, should be heir booked, quhilk is as fallowes; (fn. 2) and first the

In the first, compter charges himself with the ground annualles and others conteined in the rentall, (fn. 3) extending to £713 12 1
Item, with the moneys gotten for so meikle of the rentall as is bought in befor this tyme at seavintin yeares purches, (fn. 4) conforme to the particular compt, extending to 649 3 0
Item, with the tounes fourt pairt of the fermes, maillis and haill few dewties of the Gorballis, the cropt 1661, including James Belles and Alexander Pollokes mailles extending to 913 15 11
Item, with quhat he receavet fra Allane Gairner for the maill of the smiddie in Briggait fra Witsonday 1661 to Witsonday 1662, 20 0 0
Item, with the maill of the yaird at the bak of the meilmercat, 3 0 0
Item, with the maill of the two buithes beneth the tolbuith, fra Witsonday 1661 to Witsonday 1662, 69 6 8
Item, with the poffilles in Easter and Waster Commounes and toune mylne land, the cropt 1661, 495 6 8
Item, with the tynd tak dewtie of certain landis in Borrowfeild, Flemyngtoune and persone landis, the said cropt 1661, 51 9 2
Item, with the rent of the lipper hospitall, attour the victuall, 5 3 0
Item, the small tynd tak dewties awand be commissar Flemyng, yearlie, of thrie shilling Scotis the cropt 1647 and since to the 1661 inclusive, for Over Possill, Cowstoun and thrie aikers in Old Gallowmuir, being fyftine yeares, is 2 5 0
Item, with eight markis, yearlie, the yeares 1659, 1660, and 1661, dew be Mr. Niniane Hill for the landis of Garroch, 16 0 0
Item, with Marion Stewart her small tynd tak dewtie of twa shilling Scotis yearlie for the space of fyftene yeares, 1 10 0
Item, with James Colhoune his six penneis the said space, 0 7 6
Item, with the tynds that wer allowit to umquhill Mr. George Young as a pairt of his stipand the said cropt, conforme to ane particular compt therof instructit, £44 6 6
Item, with the lait barrone of Auchyll his band of 266 13 4
Item, with the barron of Auchintroikis band of 50 14 10
Item, that is dew be the Laird of Lockerby, 119 10 0
Item, be the earle of Hartfeild fyfty pundis x s. yearlie, the yeares 1657, 1658, 1659, 1660, inde, 202 0 0
Summa of the whoill charge is £4004 3 8
Imprimis, the compter discharges himselfe by debursmentis of the sowmes fallowing wpon warrand, the not paymentis, expenssis impendit, his awine fiell, and utheris after specifeit. And, first, by making payment to Hugh Neisbit, lait thesaurer, conforme to his two receptis, ane in Junij and the uther in August 1662, before the compter got any intromissioune considerable of his charge, and quherwith Hugh chargit himselfe at his compt futing, inde, 1,466 13 4
Item, for denuncing of Auchintroick to the horne registrating him therat and raising captioune therwpon, inde, 3 18 0
Item, deburst be Williame Andersoune by warrand and reteiring bak the tounes band quhilk the compter hes presentlie delyvered up, inde, 666 13 4
Item, to Mr. Johne Bowie, be warrand daitit 17 November 1662, 84 0 0
Item, be warrand on the first of November 1662 to Mr. Ralph Rodger, 240 0 0
Item, be warrand on the 7th February 1663 to Mr. John Bowie and Mr. John Claudie, 240 0 0
Item, by not payment of the particular small grund annualles the said year, 1661, by the particular persones conteined in ane compt, apairt be itselfe conteining the reasones of not payment heirwith producit to be ane article of charge to the nixt compter extending to 104 16 6
Item, by not payment of the barron of Auchyles band, quhilk the compter never receavit, inde, 266 13 4
Item, by not payment of Auchintroicks band against quhom there is captioune in James Moodies hand, 50 14 10
Item, by not payment of Lockerbies monye conteined in the charge, it being alledgit to be payit to John Moodie, lait thesaurer, £119 10 0
Item, by not payment from the earle of Hartfeild of 202 0 0
Summa of the discharge is £3,444 19 4

Scots money; sua charge and discharge being compared, their restis in the compters handis the sowme of £559 4 s. 4 d. Whilk compt befor wryttin, charge and discharge therin conteined being at lenth red and considered, the samyne was allowed and approvine. And aff the forsaid £559 4s. 4d., monye restand in the compters hands, there was rebaited the sowme fallowing, viz., allowed to the compter for the annuelrent of 2200 markis he advanced to Hugh Neisbit, lait thesaurer, ane reasonable space befor he got any considerable monyes of his charge in, and for wrytting of thrie scoir twa actis to theis who bought in their small annualles at seavintine yearis purches, £50 Scots. Mair, allowed to the compter for his fiell at fyve pundis per cent., conforme to his agriement with the toune, £200 4s.; and £12 allowed to be distribut be the compter to the officiares that helped him to collect the said small dewties; all extending to £262 12s.; so there being now restand in the compter Mr. Robert Goveanes hand £297 0 s. 4 d., quhilk he hes delyvered be the counselles ordour to Niniane Andersoune, present thesaurer, who is to be chargit therewith. The said Mr. Robert Goveane, therfor, is heirby dischargit of his said compt accordinglie.

From Michaelmas, 1663, to Michaelmas, 1664. (fn. 5)

Item, with the sowme fallowing receavit be him fra Mathow Fausyd for the touns fourt pairt of the tyndes of the lands of Gorballes the cropt 1663, 118 6 8
Item, the tynds of the lands of Gorballes being roupit in August 1664 the sowme for quhilk the same was sett did extend to fourtine hundreth marks, the compter is to be [charged] with the tounes fourt pairt of the equall halfe therof receavit in hand, extending to 116 13 4
Item, deburst to William Andersoune for his service in the Blackfreir Kirk be warrand daitit 24 Januarij 1664, £40 0 0
Item, to James Frank for furnishing medicines to poor folk be warrant daitit 9 April 1664, 26 12 0
Item, deburst to Mr. Johne Bowie, minister, in compleit payment of his steipand for the Mertimes terme 1663, with four scoir punds he receavit from Mr. Robert Goveane for his hous maill conforme to his discharge, 500 0 0
Mair, deburst to him for his steipand the Witsonday terme 1664, 400 0 0
Item, deburst to Mr. John Claudie, conforme to his discharge for his Mertimes terme 1663, 380 0 0
Item, deburst to Albert Nisbit, as the college collectour, for the tounes foirt pairt of the tynds of Gorballes the croopt 1663, and the discharge of the haill is in the tounes handes, 74 13 4

Follows the compt of the sowmes of money intrometted with be Mr. Robert Goveane, conforme to the trust committed to him be the provest, baillies, and counsell of this burghe, and ar conteined in the rentalles committed to his charge for that effect, and that for the cropes and yeires of God 1662 and 1663 . . . [Extracts:—]

Imprimis, the compter charges himself with £674 17s. 1d. as the totall of the ground and teynd dewties conteinit in the rentall, thes sold the year 1661 being rebaitit for the year 1662; and with £660 15s. 1d., the totall of the rental for the year 1663, thes dewties sold therafter being rebaitit as the clerkes bookes doe bear, £1339 12 2
Item, with the totall sowme of thes annwalles sold at seavintine yeires purches since the last compt futting as the clerkes bookes beares, 169 3 0
Item, with £696 1s. 3d. being the rent of the townes fourt pairt of the Gorballis, the year 1662; and with £652 6s. 6d. as for the year 1663 according to the feares and the particular compt therof, 1348 7 9
Item, with 51 li. 9 s. 2 d. yeirlie, the saides twa yeires, for the teynd tack dewtie of Borrowfeild. Fleimyngtone, persone land and utheres in that article of rentall, £102 18 4
Item, with thrie shilling yeirlie of small teynd dewtie dew be commissar Flemyng, 0 6 0
Item, saxtine merkes dew the said twa yeires be Mr. Niniane Hill, 10 13 4
Item, with twa shillinges be Marion Stewart and 6d. fra James Colquhoune of small teynd dewtie, 0 5 0
Item, with £276 17s. upliftit be the compter for the teyndes that war allocat to Mr. Georg Young for the yeir 1662, and £548 11s. 6 d. as for the saides teyndes allocat to the said umquhill Mr. Georg and umquhill Mr. Hew Blair for the yeir 1663, 825 8 6
Item, for the teyndes that war allocat to Mr. Robert M'Quair, both the saides yeires, conforme to ane particullar compt inde, 546 3 0
Item, for the teyndes that were allocat to Mr. Johne Carstaires for 1663, being the first yeir efter his removeall, 279 13 4
Item, with £170 for threttie bolles of beir upliftit be him for the landes of Lunningshaughe, according to the commissaris fear, fra Johne Biggart the crope 1662, and £140 for the crope 1663, inde, 310 0 0
Item, with £2103 18s. dew be Silvertounehill for his teyndes for the cropt and yeir 1664 and preceiding, conforme to ane band in the clerkes hand and ane decreit in the compteres awne hand obtainit against him, conforme to the particullar compt thairof, inde, 2103 18 0
And, first, by payment making to Robert Scot, as ane pairt of the pryce of the land of Gorballes, and to maisteris John Bowie and John Glendie, conforme to ane warrand daitit the nyntine day of December 1663, 2065 6 8
Item, for raising ane sumondes of reductione against the fewares of the Gorballes and giveing in ane bill for captione against Silvertounehill quhilk was refuissed, and for renewing the letteres againe in the present magistrates names, being ordoured to doe the same and to proceid to ane comprysing, 6 12 0
Item, deburst, by warrand daitit 27 August 1664, to the relict and executoures of umquhill Mr. Hew Blair, 439 8 0

From Michaelmas, 1664, to Michaelmas, 1665.

Item, debursit to James M'Naght for supplie of Margaret Semple and Hugh Margioriebanks, her sone, in consideratioune of the los they sustained by sea and fyre, conforme to the warrand daitit the 22 of October 1664, £28 0 0
Item, debursit to James Campbell and Robert Rae for thair charges in ryding downe to the cost syd in the townes affaires, be warrand daitit the 17 of December 1664, 43 4 0
Item, debursit to Robert Meine for diurnallis and news letters quhilk compleitis him to the 22 of Junij instant, be warrand daitit the 24 therof, 51 12 0
Item, debursit to Mr. Johne Bowie, minister, conforme to his twa discharges conteined in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander Milne, minister, conforme to his discharge conteined in the book, 540 0 0

From Michaelmas, 1665, to Michaelmas, 1666.

Item, deburst be warrand daitit 14 October 1665 for the expenssis in puting up the new wather-cock in the steiple of the New Kirk, 78 18 0
Item, be warrand daitit the xxviij. of October the said yeir for building a new brig over Cumlachie burne, 200 0 0
Item, be warrand daitit 9 December 1665 to John Clark for som wark to the subdeans mylnes, 20 0 0
Item, be warrand daitit 19 May 1666 for the provest charges in goeing to St. Andrews to speik to the bishope anent Argyles money, 96 0 0
Item, deburst be warrand daitit the 9th of Junij to Jonet Reid for the townes denner at Witsonday last, 201 10 0
Item, to William Boyd, in pairt payment of rebuilding the brig at the Barras yett, be warrand daitit the first of September, 200 0 0
Item, to Mr. John Bowie, minister, for his stipend and hows maill the Mertimes terme 1665 and Witsonday 1666, conforme to his twa discharges conteined in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. William Stirling for his stipend and hows maill the saides twa termes, conforme to his twa discharges in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander Mylne for his stipend and hows maill the said twa termes, conforme to his twa discharges conteined in the book, £1080 0 0
Item, to Robert Inglishe, the tounes musitiane, for his fiel, 80 0 0
Item, to Robert Sandres, as the townes printer, conforme to his twa discharges, 40 0 0

From Michaelmas, 1666, to Michaelmas, 1667.

Item, deburst for four new silwer cupis for serving the communioune tables be warrand daitit the 3rd day of September 1667, 262 11 0
Item, deburst be warrand the same date to John Mein in Edinburgh for the newes letteres and gazetes to this day, 36 8 0
Item, to Mr. John Bowie for his stipend and hows maill the terme of Mertimes 1666 and Witsonday 1667, conforme to his two discharges conteined in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, deburst to Mr. William Stirling for his stipend and hows maill the said twa termes, conforme to his twa discharges conteined in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, deburst to Mr. Alexander Mylne for his stipend and hows maill the samyne twa termes, conforme to his twa discharges conteined in the book, 1080 0 0

From Michaelmas, 1667, to Michaelmas, 1668.

Item, the said compter is to be chargit with quhat he receavit from Robert Campbell, elder, quhilk he was owand to the towne be band as being the money was dew be Silvercraigs, fourtine thousand markes, inde, 9333 6 8
Item, deburst . . . to the relict of umquhill William Boyd for his last half yeiris fiall in attending the fabrick of the Hie Kirk be warrand daitit the secound of November, 1667, 60 0 0
Item, deburst to Robert Mundie for dressing of the New Greine, 20 0 0
Item, deburst be him to John Bell and to Mr. John Wilkie as ane pairt of Silvertounehillis debts be warrand the 4 of April, 1668, 40 0 0
Item, deburst be him to the laird of Silvertounehill for severall particullares was standing in the mantioune hows of Pravane be the same warrand, £66 13 4
Item, deburst for sklates to Newport Glasgow be warrand the 8 August, 1668, 240 0 0
Item, deburst to Alexander Hoome for his heretable right of ane rige of land he had laying in Kinklaithe, quherof the dispositioune is in the clarks handis, 74 13 4
Item, deburst to Mr. John Bowie for his stipend and hows maill for the terme of Mertimes 1667 and Witsonday 1668, conforme to his two discharges in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, deburst to Mr. William Stirling for his stipend and hows maill the saids twa termes, conforme to his two discharges in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, deburst to Mr. Alexander Mylne for his stipend and hows maill the sammin two termes, conforme to his two discharges conteined in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, deburst to Robert Mudie for keeping of the Greine at their command, in name of fiall, 20 0 0

From Michaelmas, 1668, to Michaelmas, 1669.

Item, with quhat he receavit fra Robert Rae as a pairt of the monye collectit for the takis of the tyndis of the aikers about the toune payit in name of garsum entres, extending to 3333 6 8
In primis, deburst to George Andersoune, wrytter in Edinburgh, pairtly for his debursmentis in the tounes affaires and pairtly for his paines and wrytting of above fyftie sheit of paper, be warrand daitit the last of October, 1668, 80 0 0
Item, be warrand daitit 13 February 1669 for transporting off Mathow Donald to Jamaica, 80 0 0
Item, to John Hall for furnishing sundrie poor people with medicamentis be ordour of the magistratis be warrand daitit the 10 August, 37 18 0
Item, deburst to Mr. John Bowie for his last yeares stipend and hows maill, conforme to his discharges in the book, £1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. William Stirling for his last yeares stipend and hows maill be his discharges in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander Mylne for his last yeares stipend and hows maill, conforme to his discharges in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. David Liddell, minister of the Barrony, conforme to his discharge in the book for ane yeares stipend, 900 0 0
Item, to the bischops chamberland for the tynd tak dwtie of the Barrony paroch, few dewtie of Linninghaugh and utheris, conteined in the discharge in the clarkis handis the cropt 1667, 240 14 6
Item, to John Hall, the tounes chyrurgian, conforme to the discharge of fiell, 66 13 4

From Michaelmas, 1669, to Michaelmas, 1670.

Item, with quhat he receavit fra Robert Rae as a pairt of the monye receavit for the takis of the tyndis of Garngad and utheris, extending to 449 0 0
Item, be warrand daitit the 14 of Maij to Robert Mein for post letters, 104 10 0
Item, to Walter Grahame, messenger, for apprehending of Daldowie after he made his escaip be warrand daitit the 4th of Junij, 29 0 0
Item, to John Bell for the parsones hous maill the Witsonday terme last, 66 13 4
Item, to Jonet Reid for quhat was furnished to the duk of Lennox west comming, 210 0 0
Item, to Thomas Moncuir for silver boxes he made to burges tikitis quhen the deuk should have come west, 32 14 6
Item, be warrand daitit the first of Octobour for transporting and home-bringing the Blakfrier Kirk bell and casting therof in Holland, 232 8 0
Item, to John Hall be warrand of the same dait for drogs to poor folkis, 60 8 0
Item, to Mr. John Bowie for his last yeares stipend and hous maill as be his discharges in the book, £1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. William Stirling for his last yeares stipend and hous maill be his discharges in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, to Mr. Alexander Mylne for his last yeares stipend and hous maill be his discharges in the book, 1080 0 0
Item, to the College collectour for the tounes pairt of the Gorball tyndis the cropt of 1669, 74 6 8


  • 1. This account is given in full.
  • 2. This account is given in full.
  • 3. A detailed rental, made up about this time, will be found in Appendix II.
  • 4. See Glasgow Rec., II., pp. 483, 485.
  • 5. From this and the subsequent accounts extracts only are given.