Pages 481-495
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1905.
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In this section
- From Michaelmas, 1662, to Michaelmas, 1663.
- 21 November 1663.
- 8 April 1663.
- From Michaelmas, 1663, to Michaelmas, 1664.
- From Michaelmas, 1664, to Michaelmas, 1665.
- From Michaelmas, 1665, to Michaelmas, 1666.
- From Michaelmas, 1666, to Michaelmas, 1667.
- From Michaelmas, 1667, to Michaelmas, 1668.
- From Michaelmas, 1668, to Michaelmas, 1669.
- From Michaelmas, 1669, to Michaelmas, 1670.
From Michaelmas, 1662, to Michaelmas, 1663. (fn. 1)
21 November 1663.
Report being made be thes wha had red, compaired, and calculated the compt of Niniane Andersoune, lait thesaurer, anent his intromissioune with the tounes rents frae Michaelmes 1662 to Michaelmes last, that the samyne was very honest and right, the saids magistratis and counsell did ratifie, allow, and approve the samyn, and ordaines both chairge and discherge to be heir bookit, quhilk is as fallowis: and first the
Fallowes the compt of the soumes of monye deburst upon discherges be the compter—
Fallowes the sowmes deburst be the compter for the tounes fielles—
8 April 1663.
Report being made be some of theis who were appoyntit to heir Mr. Robert Goveane's compt that they had done and performed the same, conforme to the counselles ordour, it is therfor ordained that the said compt, both charge and discharge, should be heir booked, quhilk is as fallowes; (fn. 2) and first the
CHARGE. | |||
In the first, compter charges himself with the ground annualles and others conteined in the rentall, (fn. 3) extending to | £713 | 12 | 1 |
Item, with the moneys gotten for so meikle of the rentall as is bought in befor this tyme at seavintin yeares purches, (fn. 4) conforme to the particular compt, extending to | 649 | 3 | 0 |
Item, with the tounes fourt pairt of the fermes, maillis and haill few dewties of the Gorballis, the cropt 1661, including James Belles and Alexander Pollokes mailles extending to | 913 | 15 | 11 |
Item, with quhat he receavet fra Allane Gairner for the maill of the smiddie in Briggait fra Witsonday 1661 to Witsonday 1662, | 20 | 0 | 0 |
Item, with the maill of the yaird at the bak of the meilmercat, | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Item, with the maill of the two buithes beneth the tolbuith, fra Witsonday 1661 to Witsonday 1662, | 69 | 6 | 8 |
Item, with the poffilles in Easter and Waster Commounes and toune mylne land, the cropt 1661, | 495 | 6 | 8 |
Item, with the tynd tak dewtie of certain landis in Borrowfeild, Flemyngtoune and persone landis, the said cropt 1661, | 51 | 9 | 2 |
Item, with the rent of the lipper hospitall, attour the victuall, | 5 | 3 | 0 |
Item, the small tynd tak dewties awand be commissar Flemyng, yearlie, of thrie shilling Scotis the cropt 1647 and since to the 1661 inclusive, for Over Possill, Cowstoun and thrie aikers in Old Gallowmuir, being fyftine yeares, is | 2 | 5 | 0 |
Item, with eight markis, yearlie, the yeares 1659, 1660, and 1661, dew be Mr. Niniane Hill for the landis of Garroch, | 16 | 0 | 0 |
Item, with Marion Stewart her small tynd tak dewtie of twa shilling Scotis yearlie for the space of fyftene yeares, | 1 | 10 | 0 |
Item, with James Colhoune his six penneis the said space, | 0 | 7 | 6 |
Item, with the tynds that wer allowit to umquhill Mr. George Young as a pairt of his stipand the said cropt, conforme to ane particular compt therof instructit, | £44 | 6 | 6 |
Item, with the lait barrone of Auchyll his band of | 266 | 13 | 4 |
Item, with the barron of Auchintroikis band of | 50 | 14 | 10 |
Item, that is dew be the Laird of Lockerby, | 119 | 10 | 0 |
Item, be the earle of Hartfeild fyfty pundis x s. yearlie, the yeares 1657, 1658, 1659, 1660, inde, | 202 | 0 | 0 |
Summa of the whoill charge is | £4004 | 3 | 8 |
Imprimis, the compter discharges himselfe by debursmentis of the sowmes fallowing wpon warrand, the not paymentis, expenssis impendit, his awine fiell, and utheris after specifeit. And, first, by making payment to Hugh Neisbit, lait thesaurer, conforme to his two receptis, ane in Junij and the uther in August 1662, before the compter got any intromissioune considerable of his charge, and quherwith Hugh chargit himselfe at his compt futing, inde, | 1,466 | 13 | 4 |
Item, for denuncing of Auchintroick to the horne registrating him therat and raising captioune therwpon, inde, | 3 | 18 | 0 |
Item, deburst be Williame Andersoune by warrand and reteiring bak the tounes band quhilk the compter hes presentlie delyvered up, inde, | 666 | 13 | 4 |
Item, to Mr. Johne Bowie, be warrand daitit 17 November 1662, | 84 | 0 | 0 |
Item, be warrand on the first of November 1662 to Mr. Ralph Rodger, | 240 | 0 | 0 |
Item, be warrand on the 7th February 1663 to Mr. John Bowie and Mr. John Claudie, | 240 | 0 | 0 |
Item, by not payment of the particular small grund annualles the said year, 1661, by the particular persones conteined in ane compt, apairt be itselfe conteining the reasones of not payment heirwith producit to be ane article of charge to the nixt compter extending to | 104 | 16 | 6 |
Item, by not payment of the barron of Auchyles band, quhilk the compter never receavit, inde, | 266 | 13 | 4 |
Item, by not payment of Auchintroicks band against quhom there is captioune in James Moodies hand, | 50 | 14 | 10 |
Item, by not payment of Lockerbies monye conteined in the charge, it being alledgit to be payit to John Moodie, lait thesaurer, | £119 | 10 | 0 |
Item, by not payment from the earle of Hartfeild of | 202 | 0 | 0 |
Summa of the discharge is | £3,444 | 19 | 4 |
Scots money; sua charge and discharge being compared, their restis in the compters handis the sowme of £559 4 s. 4 d. Whilk compt befor wryttin, charge and discharge therin conteined being at lenth red and considered, the samyne was allowed and approvine. And aff the forsaid £559 4s. 4d., monye restand in the compters hands, there was rebaited the sowme fallowing, viz., allowed to the compter for the annuelrent of 2200 markis he advanced to Hugh Neisbit, lait thesaurer, ane reasonable space befor he got any considerable monyes of his charge in, and for wrytting of thrie scoir twa actis to theis who bought in their small annualles at seavintine yearis purches, £50 Scots. Mair, allowed to the compter for his fiell at fyve pundis per cent., conforme to his agriement with the toune, £200 4s.; and £12 allowed to be distribut be the compter to the officiares that helped him to collect the said small dewties; all extending to £262 12s.; so there being now restand in the compter Mr. Robert Goveanes hand £297 0 s. 4 d., quhilk he hes delyvered be the counselles ordour to Niniane Andersoune, present thesaurer, who is to be chargit therewith. The said Mr. Robert Goveane, therfor, is heirby dischargit of his said compt accordinglie.
From Michaelmas, 1663, to Michaelmas, 1664. (fn. 5)
Follows the compt of the sowmes of money intrometted with be Mr. Robert Goveane, conforme to the trust committed to him be the provest, baillies, and counsell of this burghe, and ar conteined in the rentalles committed to his charge for that effect, and that for the cropes and yeires of God 1662 and 1663 . . . [Extracts:—]