Pages 437-478
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1905.
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11 January 1690.
All acts since the poll to be put in a minute book.
It is concluded that there be ane book keeped for filling up the haill acts and minuts of counsell frae tyme to tyme as they are past in counsell before they be put in ane publict register, and appoints the haill acts past since the election of the magistrats and counsell by poll to be filled up in the said minute book against the nixt counsell day. (fn. 1)
Comittie for reviseing accompts, counsell book.
Appoints the committie appointed to revise the accompts to meet in the counsell house, frae tyme to tyme as they shall think fitt, for clearing the saids compts, and appoints the clerk to produce the counsell book to the said committie at ilk meeting; and if they shall have farder use for the said book, appoints baillie Peadie or John Corse to keep the samen in their custodie and returne the same when the clerk shall have to doe therwith.
Warrands, thesaurer, churches, etc.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to George Nisbit, baillie, the soume of ane hundreth and eight pund sevin shilling 8 d., Scots money, for mending and putting in of glass windowes in the Tron Church, meeting house in the Wynd, Gramer Schooll and tolbooth, and for furnishing all necessaris therto conforme to the accompts therof given in and allowed. [Also] to pay to John Patersone, lait baillie, the soume of sevintie pund fyve shilling Scots money for wright work done at the Tron Church, tolbooth and other places in the toune, and furnishing daillis and naillis therto and other necessaris, conforme to the accompt therof given in and allowed.
18 January 1690.
King William and Queen Maries gift.
John Andersone, proveist, produced ane letter of gift granted be their most sacreed majesties King William and Queen Marie, whilk their Majesties ordaine to be made and past under their great seall of this kingdome of Scotland, not onlie ratifieing, approveing and confirming the haill chartouris, priviledges, grants and concessiones from any of their Majesties royall predicessouris to and in favouris of the communitie and city of Glasgow, to the gildrie, trades and severall incorporationes or deacones therof, as effectuallie as if everie severall erection, chartor or grant were particularlie enumerated or therin repeated; and likewayes their Majesties, being come in place of the archbishop of Glasgow, for themselves and for any other right competent to them of new give, grant, and dispon to and in favouris of the said city of Glasgow and toune counsell therof full power, right and libertie to choise and elect their proveist, baillies and haill other magistrats in the ordinar maner and at the ordinar tyme, as freelie as any other royall burgh in the said kingdome doe or may choise their proveist, baillies and magistrats, begining the first election at Michaelmass nixt, and so to continow in all tyme comeing, and their Majesties ordaines the said letter to be extended in the most ample and best forme, and to pass the great seall, and promise to ratifie the same in the nixt session of their Majesties parliament.
22 January 1690.
Richard Ronnald appointed quartermaster.
Richard Ronnald, couper, is nominat and appointed to be tounes quartermaster, and to quarter the souldiouris in place of John Andersone, who is become tender and seicklie, and to have the ordinarie cellarie therfor, and that he continow onlie dureing the magistrats and counsell their will and pleasure.
Inventar of the tounes paperis.
It is concluded and agreed upon that there be ane inventar taken of the haill paperis belonging to the toune, and that they be put all in ane box or chest whilk is to have two locks and two keyes, ane wherof is to be keeped be the dean of gild and the other be the deacon conveener.
1 February 1690.
Mr. Patrick Sympsone his call approvine of.
Be pluralitie of votts, the magistrats and toune counsell of Glasgow doe cordiallie approve of and concurr with the call given to the reverend Mr. Patrick Sympsone to be ane of the tounes ministers, and subscrivit the samen with their hands.
Proveist to wryte to Mr. Neill Gilleis.
Appoints the proveist to wryte to Mr. Neill Gilleis to desire him to accept to be ane of the toune ministeris, conforme to the ordour of the synod satt last at Glasgow.
Proveist to goe to Edinburgh for getting the gift confirmed.
Nominats and appoints the proveist to repair to Edinburgh for getting the letter of gift, granted be their Majesties to the toune, for electing of their magistrats and confirming the other rights, past the great seall, and to take notice what other business the toune is concerned in there.
List of the poor.
Nominats and appoints the persones following to goe through the respective quarteris in the toune, with those whom the ministeris and sessioneris shall appoint, and set doune ane list of the haill poor belonging to the toune, that some methods may be fallen on for getting them helped and supplied, viz. [one person for each of the south, the west, the east, the middle and the north quarters]. And that they take particular notice of the poor in the first place who are burgesses, and nixt of these who have bein long resdentaris, and of these who are new entrants and incomeris to the toune.
Seats in the kirkis; the poor.
As also nominats and appoints the saids persones to set doune ane list of the inhabitants in toune who are able to take seatts in the kirks and hes not taken any, seing what is gottine for the seatts is applyed for paying the ministeris stipends, and to report as to both to the counsell. And siclike that the forenamed persones, with such as shall be nominat be the ministeris and session, take accompt what of the inhabitants in toune may pay, conforme to their respective conditiones, and to enquyre at them what they will willinglie give for supplieing the said poor weeklie or monethlie as the samen shall be agreed upon, and to report ane accompt of their haill dilligence to the saids magistrats and counsell.
Counsell bookes, John Spreull, late clerk.
Anent the petition given in be John Spreull anent the abuse done to his father be the former magistrats and counsell [anent] the toune clerkship, appoints the counsell bookes to be sighted and try what was done theranent be the magistrats and counsell for the tyme, and in the meantyme appoints the proveist, when he goes to Edinburgh, to consult what is to be done in the said affaire and to give him any assistance he can therintill.
Hutchisons hospitall.
Appoints baillie Peadie and Peter Corbet to take inspection of what old persones are in Hutchisones hospitall, and of the young boyes, and if the old men be burgesses, and the young boyes be burgesses sones or not, and to report.
Bellmen and toune officeris.
Nominats and appoints the dean of gild and deacon conveener, with Mathew Cuming and Stephan Crawfurd, to call before them the bellman, toune officeris, water serjants, and to try if they be burgesses or not, and to report; the water baillie to be present at the tyme when the water serjants are tryed.
Proveists accompt, expenses at London.
The saids proveist, baillies and counsell being conveened, John Andersone, proveist, gave in the accompt of his charges and expenses in rydeing post to London and rydeing post back from London, being imployed be the magistrats and counsell to goe there for useing his endeavouris with their Majesties for getting ane letter of gift or signature to impoure the toune to elect their oune magistrats, and in waiteing on at London the space of ane hundreth fourtie fyve dayes till he gott the said letter of gift past his Majesties hand, except the space of ten dayes he was at in rydeing post to London and home againe; the personall expence wherof is included in the (blank) articles of posting, and given to clerks at London for transcrybing the said gift and wryteing petitiones for presenting the same to their Majesties, and consulting ane advocat anent the petition presented to the King, and anent King Charles the Firsts gift to the toune of the teithes of the barronie of Glasgow, and for the secretaries and his servants dewes, and what was given to persones of qualitie who were the touns freinds in dealling with his Majestie to procure the said letter of gift. Whilk haill debursements and expenses, with the said proveist his personall charges and expenses, both ordinar and extraordinar, the said haill tyme as is abovementioned, extends to, conforme to the said accompt in procureing the said letter of gift for the toune to choise their oune magistrats in all tyme comeing, to the soume of three thousand six hundreth sevintie three pund Scots money, and for fiftie sevin pund payed for the exchange of two hundreth and fyftein pound sterling of the said soume, whilk was unanimouslie allowed and approven, and ordaines Thomas Peter, thesaurer, to pay the proveist the samen soume. . . . And the saids magistrats and counsell gave the proveist their most heartie thanks for the paines and dilligence in the said affaire.
Bell money.
The proveist, baillies and counsell being conveened, anent the petition given in be Walter Colquhoune, elder, merchand, against William Campbell and James Lawrie, bellman, for their refuiseing to pay him fourtie shilling weeklie out of the bell money whilk they are ordained to pay him be the former magistrats, and which being taken to the saids magistrats and counsell their consideration, they ordaine the saids William Campbell and James Lawrie to pay to the said Walter Colquhoune the said soume of fourtie shilling weeklie in tyme comeing, and that dureing the saids magistrats and counsell their will and pleasure.
Address to their Majesties.
The proveist produced ane address to be presented to their sacreed Majesties, whilk was read, allowed and approven, and subscrivit be the saids proveist, baillies and counsell, and delivered to the proveist to be sent to court and presented to their Majesties after the most decent and propper maner as he shall think fitt.
Proclamation against debaushrie, &c.
Ordaines ane proclamation to be sent through the toune prohibiting and dischargeing the haill inhabitants and utheris reseiding within this burgh that they nor nane of them drink in any taverne after ten o'clock at night on the week dayes, or in tyme of sermon or thereafter on the Sabbath dayes, under the paine of fourtie shilling Scots to be payed be the furnisher of the drink, and twentie shilling Scots be the drinker for ilk failzie toties quoties; whereof the one halfe to the informer and the other to be applyed to the use of the poor. As also prohibiting and dischargeing the saids inhabitants and utheris that nane of them sell or buy any kaill pott-herbs or milk on the streets upon the Sabbath day, under the paine of twentie shilling Scots, to be payed be the seller, and the like soume to be payed be the buyer toties quoties. And likewise prohibiting and dischargeing the said inhabitants and utheris that nane of them bring water from wellis, or doe any other servile work on the Sabbath day under the paine of twentie shilling Scots of penaltie for ilk failyie toties quoties. And that nae person profane the name of God by cursing and swearing. And prohibiting all persones that nane of them set any houses to tennents or fie servants who are strangeris or vagrant persones who produces not ane testimoniall of their good behaviour frae these places from which they came, under the paine of ten punds Scots money for ilk failyie toties quoties. And, lastlie, dischargeing any person or persones quhatsomever to suffer any of their bestiall to goe on the Old or New Greines, or to take away any of the stabbs belonging to any of the saids Greines, under all seveere punishment at the will of the magistrat.
24 February 1690.
Confirmation under the great seall.
The proveist produced the confirmation under the great seall of the Letter of gift granted be their Majesties to this burgh for libertie to the toune to elect and choise their oune magistrats in tyme comeing, whereby their other chartouris and rights are confirmed, and ordains ane double therof to be given to the dean of gild, and ane uther to the deacon conveener; and appoints the same to be insert in the counsell book.
Warrand, thesaurer.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to William Baxter the soume of two hundreth fourtie two punds four shilling eight pennies Scots money for whyte and blew teffities furnished be him for the tounes collouris, being ten pair of them, and for silk threed, ribbens and other furnishing therto, and for the pryce of ane new hatt and ane hatt band, whilk was given be the magistrats to ane of the officeris of the English dragounes, conforme to the accompt therof given in and allowed.
Proveist to Edinburgh.
Nominats and commissionats the proveist to repair to Edinburgh to attend the particular convention of burrowes that is to sitt at Edinburgh on the threttein day of March nixt, and appoints the clerk to give him ane commission for that effect.
Mr. Neill Gilleis.
Nominats and appoints Peter Corbet to repair to Mr. Neill Gilleis, with one of the elderis that shall be appointed for the session, and desire him to comply with the synods act anent his transportatioun to Glasgow.
Warrand, thesaurer, expenses at Edinburgh.
Ordaines Thomas Peter, thesaurer, to pay to the proveist the soume of six hundreth eightie ane punds twelve shilling Scots money, whilk he debursed at Edinburgh to the Kings advocat and the solicitor and their servants, and to the clerks of exchequer for getting the letter of gift granted be their Majesties to the toune allowing them to choise their oune magistrats and confirming their other rights past in exchequer, and for the expenses at the signet and other charges and debursements in passing the same through the haill seallis; and for the tounes eque and eque of Provand for the year 1689; and for the saids proveists expenses and horse hyres at Edinburgh anent the saids affaires, and in goeing there and comeing home, and other debursements in the tounes business, conforme to the accompt therof given in, read and allowed.
8 March 1690.
John Barnes, lait proveist, accompts.
The proveist, baillies and counsell of the burgh being conveened, John Aird made report of his dilligence at Edinburgh in representing to his Majesties privie councill that John Barnes, lait proveist of the said burgh, had sold and disposed of his reall and moveable estate and was going furth of the kingdome, he not having cleared accompts with the toune the tyme he was proveist, although he was diverse and often tymes desired to doe the samen; and their Majesties privie councill haveing ordained the said John Barnes to repair to Glasgow and present himselfe to the magistrats therof, and that he should not therafter abscond himselfe nor remove from the said city of Glasgow for ane certane space untill his accompts be cleared, and discover what imbazlements have bein made of the tounes commone goods; and he not being able to find cawtion at Edinburgh for performing the same according to the ordour of privie councill, and being now here at Glasgow, the saids magistrats and toune counsell doe hereby ordaine the said John Barnes to find cawtion that he shall not leave this burgh, bot that he shall compear frae tyme to tyme before the committie appointed be the toun counsell till the saids compts be cleared, and make such discoveries of what imbazlements have bein made of the tounes commone goods, and allowes him to take such a convenient tyme for doeing of the samen as he shall think fitt, provideing he doe the same betuixt and the first day of Maij nixt, and that under the paine of ane thousand pounds sterling in caice of failzie; and if he shall not find the said cawtion to the saids magistrats and counsell, ordaines him to be put in prison and detained therin untill he clear the saids accompts.
Glass in windowes of the High Kirk.
The magistrats and counsell have agreed with George Nisbit, baillie, to mantaine and keep the glass windowes of the High Kirk sufficientlie in glass and other necessaris for the space of nyne yearis frae his entrie therto, whilk began at the first of March last, for which he is to have twentie pounds sterling payed him for the first year for to put the samen glass windowes in ane good condition, and therafter to have two hundreth merks yearlie therafter dureing the said space, he upholding and keeping the said glass windowes sufficientlie in tyme comeing, and takeing nottice of the haill fabrick of the Kirk and leads therof, and that no abuse be done therin or in the church yaird, whilk the said George Nisbit, baillie, hereby undertakes to doe and performe for the said yearlie cellarie of two hundreth merks; and to see what other thing is necessar to the Kirk except the glass windowes, and what other work shall be found necessar to be done in upholding and repairing the said Kirk, the samen is to be payed be the toune; and appoints a tack to be drawen up betuixt the toune and the said baillie anent the said bargane.
Graves in the High Kirk yaird.
For preventing abuses done in the High Kirk-yaird by makeing of graves and buriall places within the samen, nominats and appoints Marcus Marshall, merchand, to have the overseeing of the makeing of the saids graves and buriall places, and to imploy what servants he pleases for doeing the samen, for which he is to have the ordinar allowance and cellarie payed him as otheris who made the samen gott formerlie; and that no ground be broken in the said kirkyaird for digging of graves without the advyce of the said Marcus Marshall; and his entrie therto to be frae Munday nixt the tenth of this instant.
New Grein.
Nominats and commissionats the proveist [and six others] to meet with these persones who offeris to take the New Grein, and to plow what is on the north side of the burne, and to agree and settle with any responsall person or persones who will take the samen on reasonable termes and conditiones for the tounes best advantage, and to report; and to use such methods as they shall judge most convenient for getting the samen set.
Petition by Robert Howston, abuse done to his yaird at landmercat.
Anent the supplication given in to the saids proveist, baillies and counsell be Robert Howstoune, appothecarie, makeing mention that he hes ane yaird lyand at the back of the landmercat, whilk is made use of and possest be the flesheris in the landmercat; whilk yaird is utterlie ruined, destroyed and rendered useless in him, through the saids flesheris opening ane back door on the north syde of the said mercat, and suffering their doggs to goe out therat, and not onlie himself bot his nighbouris are likewayes prejudged thereby; supplicating therefor that the said door may be closed up and keeped fast, and the saids flesheris discharged in tyme comeing to open the samen, whereby he may be keeped free of their skaith. Whilk being taken to the saids proveist, baillies and counsell their consideration, they remit the same to the dean of gild and his breithren to sight and visite the samen, and to determine therin according to justice, and if they shall find any difficultie in the matter wherin they are not cleir to give their judgement, appoints them to report the same back to the counsell.
Proveist and utheris to meet anent the pooris billis.
Nominats and appoints the proveist, baillies, dean of gild, deacon conveener [and six others] to meet and consider on the billis given in be the severall poor in the toune seeking charitie for to help them in their necessitie, and to appoint them what they shall think expedient, conforme to their conditiones, and to give warrand to the thesaurer or master of wark for paying them what they shall allow.
Servants in clerks chamber.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to John Marshall, Richard Manwell and James Heriott, the three servants in the clerks chamber, the soume of fyftein pounds sterling, equallie amongst them, for their extraordinary writing and other paines in the tounes affaires this last year.
11 March 1690.
Lands of Provand.
Nominats and appoints the proveist, baillies, dean of gild and deacon conveener, with [six others] to meet with any persones that hes a mynd to buy the lands of Provand, and to try if they can sell the samen at the best advantage for the toune, and to report to the counsell.
No Scotts school-masteris to have pensiones.
It is hereby inacted that no schooll master who teaches in the English schoollis get any pension in tyme comeing, and discharges any to be payed to these who had them.
Ringing the dead bell.
Nominats and appoints the baillies, dean of gild, and deacon conveener to name and condescend on what persones they shall think most fitt for keeping and ringing the bell for the deceast persones.
29 March 1690.
The proveists dilligence againt proveist Barnes approvine.
The baillies and toune counsell of the said burgh being conveened, they have allowed and approvine, and heirby allowes and approves of what dilligence is done be the proveist since his last going to Edinburgh before the secreet councill, or otherwayes, in geting John Barnes, late proveist, called to ane accompt of his intromissiones and imbazlements of the tounes commone goods and revenues the tyme he was proveist, and commissionats and appoints the said John Audersone, proveist, with James Sloss, merchand, to attend at Edinburgh and see the compts cleared betuixt the toune and the said John Barnes, and allowes them to give in such a charge of the tounes revenues and commone goods against the said proveist Barnes as they shall find ground for; and nominats and appoints the proveist to advert and take nottice to the tounes other affaires at Edinburgh, and to doe therin as shall be thought propper and expedient for the good and interest of the toune.
1 April 1690.
Warrand, thesaurer.
Ordaines Thomas Peter, thesaurer, to pay to livetennent collonell Fullertoune, the soume of two hundreth pounds sterling for the use of the earle of Angus regiment, conforme to ane precept drawen be James Oswald upon the toune for the said soume, whilk is to be allowed to the said toune of their cess, which was payable at Whitsounday last, 1689.
8 April 1690.
Counsell bookes sent to Edinburgh.
The baillies and counsell allowes and approves of the two counsell bookes sent to Edinburgh, whilk are frae the tyme of the election in Junij last till the year 1674, and appoints the other two counsell bookes immediatlie preceeding the other two, one wherof begins the last of December 1659 and ends the 26 of November 1667, and the other begins the 17 of December 1667 and ends the 6th of October 1674, to be sent east to the proveist.
21 April 1690.
Call subscrivit for Mr. Patrick Sympsone.
The magistrats and counsell being conveened, they did unanimouslie allow and approve of ane call to be given to Mr. Patrick Sympsone, minister at Renfrew, to be ane of the tounes ministeris, whilk call was produced and read and subscrivit be the saids magistrats and counsell.
Letter of gift to be sent to Edinburgh.
Ordaines bailie Leckie to send east to the proveist the letter of gift or chartour under the Kings great seall, allowing the toune to choise their oune magistrats, and confirming their other priviledges and chartouris, and nominats and appoints the proveist to use his endeavouris for getting the samen confirmed in parliament.
Two shipps fraughted for transportatioun of 600 souldiouris.
The baillies and toune counsell of the burgh being conveened anent ane act of the lords commissioneris of their Majesties thesaurie, daited at Edinburgh the second day of Apryll instant, whereby they recommend to the proveist of Glasgow, or such as he should intrust, to fraught two sufficient veshellis for two moneths space or longer, for the transport of six hundreth souldiouris with their provisiouns to such places as they shall receave ordour for; as also that such conveniencies of platformes and utheris as are necessar be provided for the souldiouris to lye upon dureing their aboad on shipboard, and doe thereby declare that what fraught shall be agreed upon per moneth, or other expenses for the souldiouris accomodation as above, shall be satisfied and allowed in the excyse dew and payable be the tackismen of the excyse of the toune of Glasgow and westerne shyres out of the quarteris tack dewtie payable be them for the termes of Whitsounday and Lambmass nixttocome; and in pursuance of the saids lords their act, the said John Andersone, proveist of Glasgow, haveing intrusted James Peadie of Roughhill to fraught the saids two ships as above, the said James Peadie did fraught from William Walkinshaw, merchand in Glasgow, the good shipp called the Unitie belonging to the said William Walkinshaw and partineris, of the burdein of 150 tunnes, for twelve shillings sterling per tunn monethlie; as also he did fraught from Thomas Peter, merchand in the said burgh of Glasgow, the good ship called the James of Glasgow belonging to the said Thomas Peter and partineris, of the burdein of 110 tunnes, for the like pryce of twelve shillings sterling per tunn monethlie. Therefore the saids magistrats and counsell, as haveing right to the tack of the excyse of this burgh and westerne shyres, doe bind and obleidge ws and our successouris in office to make payment [of said sums till the ships return discharged]. Likeas wee obleidge ws and our successouris in office to make payment to the saids William Walkinshaw and Thomas Peter, ouneris of the shipps abovenamed, of what money they shall expend upon platformes, water cask or uther necessaris for the souldiouris accomodation not properlie belonging to the outreick of the said shipps.
2 June 1690.
Report anent the lait proveist Barnes.
The proveist made report of his dilligence at Edinburgh against John Barnes for imbazleing the tounes commone goods and revenues the tyme he was proveist, before the secreet councill, for whilk imbazlement he is imprisoned in the tolbooth of Edinburgh till he find cawtion, under the paine of ane thousand pounds sterling, till he clear himselfe of the samen; whilk dilligence done be the proveist was approvine, and it is hereby agreed and concluded be the saids magistrats and counsell that the said John Barnes be persewed, and these who were magistrats and toune counsellouris with him the haill tyme he was proveist, for the saids imbazlements, before the lords of thesaurie, exchequer, or lords of session, as shall be thought most propper be the advice of lawieris; and nominats and appoints the proveist to advise the samen, and to cause persew the saids persones before what judicatorie as he shall be advised; and recommends to the dean of gild and deacon conveener to conveen their respective incorporationes of merchands and crafts for getting their consent and approbation heirof.
The double of ane act of parliament anent the Kings gift.
The proveist produced the double of ane act of parliament whilk the proveist is to try to get past in parliament, allowing the toune to choise their oune magistrats, toune counsell and otheris in tyme comeing, and ratifieing the gift and chartour granted be their Majesties to the toune for the said election, whilk is recomended to the said dean of gild and deacon conveener to take advice of their respective incorporationes if they be satisfied with the said scroll.
3 bands of the late Argylls.
The proveist produced three bands for soumes awand be the late marques of Argyll and his cautioneris to Hutchisones hospitall, and for paying the ministeris stipend of the Blackfrier Kirk, whilk the clerk is to put and lay up amongst the rest of the tounes paperis.
The tounes gift of the teinds.
Appoints the clerk to give to the proveist the gift the toune hes of the teinds of the barronie of Glasgow, Drimond and severall other teinds within the diocie, with the Kings confirmation therof in anno [1648 (fn. 2) ], with what other paperis he hes relateing to the saids teinds, that he may advise the samen at Edinburgh, and to try what methods they shall take for getting the toune put in possession of uplifting the samen, now when bishops are abolished.
Bishop Ross to be persewed.
Appoints the proveist to cause persew bishop Ross before the lords for the three thousand merks of penaltie he exacted aff the toune, and for what else he shall think convenient to lay to his charge.
Overseeris of St. Nicholas hospital.
In respect bishopes are now abolished, and that the bishop of Glasgow was patron of St. Nicolas Hospitall, whilk may now be neglected and the poor therin frustrat of the casualities belonging to the same, recomends to the proveist to try if the parliament will grant libertie to the toune to be overseeris of the said hospitall, and to doe what else he shall think fitt theranent.
William Kerr to be admitted burges.
In answer to the supplication given in be Margaret Weir, daughter lawfull to umquhill Archibald Weir, weiver, burges of Glasgow, makeand mention that William Kerr, tailyeour, her husband, is ane souldiour in Ireland, under the command of duke Shomeberg, and that he hes never admitted himselfe burges of the said burgh albeit he hes right therto as mariand the supplicant, by which neglect her children may be frustrat of the benefite of her burgesship if her husband should not returne; humblie supplicating the saids magistrats and counsell to admit him burges in his absence as if he were present, that their children may have the benefite therof; whilk being taken to their consideration they appoint the dean of gild and his breithren to admit and receave the said William Kerr burges of the said burgh be right of his said wife, and the benefite therof to redound to their children.
7 June 1690.
Baillie Leckie and utheris to goe to Irwing and attend the synod.
The baillies and counsell of the burgh being conveened, they hereby nominat and appoint John Leckie, baillie, William Napeir, dean of gild, Robert Brock and Stephan Crawfurd, hammermen, as commissioneris frae the saids magistrats and counsell, to goe to Irwing with those who are commissionat frae the kirk session, to attend the reverend synod of Glasgow, whilk is to sit at Irwing the tenth of this instant, and to continow and waite on the said synod swa lang as the samen shall sit, for presenting the callis that Glasgow hes given to the reverend Mr. Patrick Sympsone, present minister at Renfrew, and the reverend Mr. Thomas Forrester, minister at Killairne, whilk was referred [be] their respective presbytrees to the said synod, with power to them to concurr with the saids commissioneris for the session in all things needfull and usewall to be done for getting the saids callis discussed be the said reverend synod, and to use their endeavouris to get the saids reverend ministeris transported from their respective paroches to Glasgow.
Calseys, key, bridges.
Nominats and appoints the baillies, dean of gild and deacon convener to agree with some person they best can, for the tounes advantage, for raiseing, laying and repairing the calsey in Saltmercat, Gallowgate, and other places in toune as they shall find it necessar, and for to help and repair the key at the Broomilaw, and the Drygate and Sancteneuchs bridge.
23 June 1690.
Record of dead persones names.
Nominats and appoints Walter Colquhoune, merchand, to take up ane list and keep in record the haill persones names that shall happine to deceass in the toune, and to begin for this week, and to have threttie shilling Scots payed him weeklie be the maister of wark for his paines.
30 June 1690.
Lists of heretouris and their tennents maillis and dewties of lands.
The baillies and counsell being conveened, appoints the persones following to take up ane list and accompt of the haill lands and tenements within the toune, and take up and set doune ane just rentall of what maillis and rents the saids lands payes yearlie frae the respective heretouris and tennents therof, as likewayes ane accompt frae the heretouris of the value and rent of their lands whilkis are not set, and wherin they dwell themselves, viz. [two persons for each of the north, the middle, the east, the south, and the west quarters]; and to report their diligence to the magistrats.
Report, accompts with Lumloch.
Baillie Leckie [and three others] made report that they had met with James Stewart of Lumloch and cleared compts with him, anent what is resting for his fourtie merks of few dewtie or ground annwell he had belonging to him, payable out of some lands above the croce, framed now in ane lane called Bellis wynd; as also for the pryce of ane aiker of land in Mylnehill bought be the toune frae him, and whilk was joyned severall yearis since with the New Grein. They find the toune is yet resting to him the soume of four hundreth punds Scots for the pryce of the saids aiker of land and ground annwell, by and attoure the soume of six hundreth punds Scots whilk was payed him in pairt payment of the samen in the year 1679, [and the treasurer was authorised to pay the same].
7 August 1690.
Letter of thankis frae the commissioner to the toune.
The proveist produced a letter direct to the magistrats of this burgh frae the earle of Crawfurd, lord president of their Majesties privie councill, giveing thanks to the magistrats and toune for their good service in drawing the inhabitants together and keeping them in armes for their Majesties service and defending the toune, and ordaines the samen to be insert in the counsell book; of the whilk letter the tennor followes:— Right honourable,—Their Majesties high commissioner and lords of privy councill have thought fitt to signifie to yow that they do not onlie approve your meeting and keeping together in armes for the securitie and peace of your toune, and the encouragement of otheris to be foreward in their Majesties service, alse weell as to be in readiness to goe against the rebellis in the Highlands that threatned the countries safety, bot also to tell yow how sensible wee are of this seasonable and readie expression of your affection and dewtie for their Majesties service, and the preservation of the peace of the kingdome, for which wee give yow heartie thanks, assureing yow that as the mantenance of the true protestant religion, now hapiely satled in this church, and of our lawes, rights and liberties, are and will be their Majesties cheiff care, so your quiet and contented peace and prosperitie in mutuall love, sobrietie, and the solid practise of true pietie, will be ever their greatest satisfaction. Signed by warrand and in name of the councill by, Your most humble servant,—Sic subscribitur: Crafurd. I.P.D.S.ti. Con. Daited thuss:—Edinburgh 2nd August 1690; and directed thus:—For the magistrats of Glasgow for their Majesties speciall service.
Ministeris stipends.
The proveist, baillies and counsell being conveened, and taking to their consideration that be the lait act of parliament all ministeris that were put frae their churches and were not in the exercise of the ministrie in their respective churches the (blank) day of Apryll 1689, their said churches were declaired vacant, and that such of the presbyterian ministeris as were called be the paroshineris to the exercise of the ministrie in these or any other churches, it is declaired that they are to have the stipend for that year, 1689; and therefor the saids magistrats and counsell doe ordaine such of the presbiterian ministeris as were called and did serve the cure of the ministrie within the said burgh at or before the said moneth of Apryll, 1689, shall be payed of their stipend for the year 1689 as the former ministeris gott payed them, whilk is ane thousand punds to ilk minister, yearlie, of stipend, and four score punds to ilk ane of them for their house maill; and that the toune thesaurer and his successouris in office pay the samen to them for the year 1689, to commence frae Whitsounday the said year, and yearlie and termlie in tyme comeing dureing their serving the cure of the ministrie within the samen burgh.
9 August 1690.
Warrand, thesaurer.
Ordaines Thomas Peter, thesaurer, to pay to Mr. James Drummond the soume of four pounds sterling, and also to pay other four pounds sterling to Mr. Alexander King for their exerciseing the office of the ministrie within this burgh at severall tymes, in absence of the toune ministeris, and supplieing the places of the vacancies.
Robert Stevinstoune to keep the chimnes and haill cloakes in toune.
Be pluralitie of votts, Robert Stevinstoune is nominat and appointed to keep the chimnes in tolbooth, with the tolbooth clock and haill other clockis in the toune, for whilk he is to have ane hundreth punds Scots payed him yearlie dureing his serving and keeping the saids clockis and chimnes, except for the first year, whilk he is to doe and performe for nothing, without payment of any cellarie, and ordaines the thesaureris of this burgh to pay the said cellarie yearlie to the said Robert Stevinstoune, to begin after the expiratioun of ane year frae the dait heirof, so long as he shall be allowed to keep the saids chimnes and cloakes.
11 August 1690.
Perseute, John Spreull against the toune.
Nominats and commissionats the proveist to repair to Edinburgh for defending the toune in the persute persued be John Spreull against the toune before the parliament and committie therof whilk is to sitt the morrow, conforme to the summonds given to the magistrats and utheris for that effect, and appoints the proveist to consult what advocats he shall think fit therein and anent any otheris the tounes affaires.
Meeting of commissioneris of excyse at Hamiltone.
The proveist made report of his dilligence at Hamiltone on Fryday last, in the meeting of the commissioneris of excyse for modeling their fencible men in the shyre with horse and armes, they did remitt the same to some persones in the barronie paroch, to consider what men is fitt therin for that end, and to report to the meeting of the shyre the morrow. Appoints baillie Peadie to meet with the saids persones anent the said affaire.
Consultation anent the common.
Appoints the proveist and baillies or any of them to put the consultation to execution gottine be the toune against these persones who hes taken in severall parcellis of land aff the tounes comone, beyond what was sold them, conforme to the information given to baillie Leckie.
Act of parliament anent the tounes priviledges.
The proveist produced ane act of parliament for confirming ane act of parliament daited at Edinburgh the fourtein of Junij last, (fn. 3) giveing power to this citie and toune counsell therof to choise their oune magistrats, proveist, baillies and other officers within burgh als fullie and freelie in all respects as the citie of Edinburgh or any other royall burgh within the kingdome enjoyes the same, beginning the first election at Michaelmass nixt and so furth yearlie in tyme comeing. And further ratifieing and confirming the chartour granted be their Majesties in favouris of the communitie and comone counsell of Glasgow in the haill heads, articles and clauses therof. As also the proveist produced and gave in the said chartour whereof the tennor followes: (fn. 4) —Gulielmus et Maria, Dei gratia Magnæ Britaniæ, Franciæ, et Hiberniæ, Rex et Regina, fideique defensores: Omnibus probis hominibus totius terræ suæ, clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis quia nos considerantes regiam nostram civitatem de Glasgow in antiquo hoc nostro Scotiæ regno unam esse ex amplissimis et maximi momenti societatibus in dicto nostro regno tum propter incolarum numerum, tum etiam propter eorum dispositionem, facultates et ad commercium applicationem, quodque itidem ingentes pecuniarum summæ a dicta civitate erogatæ et exantlatæ fuere, ex eo quod magistratuum suorum electionem non habuerunt. Nosque etiam considerantes firmam et constantem communitatis dictæ civitatis adhesionem religioni reformatæ summam etiam suam alacritatem et zelum erga servitium nostrum, in quibus sese notabiles insigniter reddidere, et hinc est quod dictæ civitati jus et potestatem, prepositum seu magistratus de Glasgow designandi (apud nos remanentem virtute acti episcopatum abrogantis) tanquam regii nostri gratiæ indicium concedere benigne statuimus; utque dicta civitas in eodem sit statu cum reliquis nostris burgis regiis quoad privilegium, prepositum reliquosque omnes magistratus suos nominandi et eligendi, nos igitur ex certa nostra scientia proprioque motu et ex potestate nostra regia, cum avisamento et consensu summi nostri thesaurarij et thesaurarij nostri deputati seu thesaurarij nostri commisionariorum pro tempore, ac reliquorum dominorum aliorumque scaccarij nostri ratificavimus, approbavimus et confirmavimus sicuti tenore presentis nostræ cartæ ratificamus approbamus et confirmamus omnes et quascunque cartas, privilegia, donationes et concessiones per quosvis nostros serenissimos antecessores dictæ communitati civitatis de Glasgow vel gildæ, mechanicis ac singulis societatibus et diaconis ejusdem concessas, tam plene ac cum eodem effectu quam si unaquæque particularis erectio in hac nostra carta speciatim enumeraretur. Atque itidem nos tanquam in vice archiepiscopi Glasguensis succedentes, pro nobismetipsis proque omni alio jure nobis competente, de novo damus, concedimus et disponimus dictæ civitati de Glasgow et consilio burgali ejusdem amplam potestatem, jus et facultatem, prepositum, balivos reliquosque omnes magistratos suos ordinario modo et tempore designandi eligendi, et adeo libere, ac quodvis aliud burgum regium in dicto nostro regno prepositum, balivos et magistratos suos eligunt seu eligere possunt; incipiendo primam electionem suam ad festum Michaelis proxime sequentis atque ita annuatim deinceps omni tempore futuro. Volumus porro actum avisamento et consensu predicto pro nobis nostrisque successoribus decernimus, declaramus et ordinamus hanc nostram ratificationem et concessionem, adeo fore efficatem dictæ civitati de Glasgow ac si unaquæque particularis erectio, carta, seu concessio in presenti hac nostra carta speciatim exprimeretur et enumeraretur. Quocirca cumque omnibus defectibus inde sequuturis, cumque omnibus aliis objectionibus et imperfectionibus contra validitatem cartarum et securitatum per quosvis nostros regios antecessores dictæ civitati de Glasgow concessarum, aut hujus nostræ confirmationis et concessionis opponendis et allegandis, nos pro nobis nostrisque successoribus, cum avisamento et consensu predicto, dispensavimus et per presentem hanc nostram cartam in perpetuum dispensamus. Promittimus deinque hanc nostram confirmationis cartam in proxima sessione parliamenti dicti regni nostri ratificare, pro cujus ratificatione presens hæc nostra carta sufficiens erit instructio commissionario nostro. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti cartæ nostræ magnum sigillum nostrum appendi precipimus. Testibus: fidelibus et dilectis nostris consiliariis, Joanne domino Belhaven, Roberto magistro de Burleigh, et domino Thoma Burnet de Leyes ac fidelibus et dilectis nostris domino Duncano Campbell de Auchinbreck, milite, et Joanne Hay de Park, commissionariis pro munere et officio nostrorum rotulorum et registrorum clerici; et domino Gulielmo Kerr, equite aurato, et domino Carolo Stewart de Pettindreich, milite baronetto, nostræ cancellariæ directoribus. Apud aulam nostram de Kensingtoune quarto die Januarij millesimo sexcentesimo nonagesimo et regni nostri anno primo. Followes what is writtin on the back of the foresaid chartour: Writtin to the great seall and registrat the fifteinth day of Februar, 1690. Sic subr.: Dun. Ronald, depute. Sealled at Edinburgh the seventeinth off Februarij, 1690. Sic subscribitur: Alr. Inglis.
Letter frae proveist Barnes.
There was produced a letter frae John Barnes, lait proveist, desireing that the magistrats and toune counsell would consent to set him at libertie upon his oune band or parroll, whilk being put to ane vott, by pluralitie of votts it was refuised to be granted him unlesse he would give ane ingenuous accompt how the tounes money that hes bein imbazled was disposed of, as also the money he gott for the fynes in the toune.
Warrand, thesaurer, calseys.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Robert Leitch, younger, calsier, [£ 65 5 s.] Scots money for laying of nyne ruids, ane halfe ruid and fyve elnes of calsey beyond Sanctenewes burne, and furnishing stones, sand and other necessars therto at ten merks the ruid, and for mending severall holes in the bridge.
1 September 1690.
Precept of clare constat, Jermistoune.
There was ane precept of clare constat of the two merk land of Jermistoune, subscrivit in favouris of James Donnaldsone, as air to umquhill John Donnaldsone, his father, confirming ane chartor of the saids lands in favouris of the said umquhill John Donnaldson, granted to him be John Kirkland, be whilk the said James is to pay ten merks of few dewtie to the toune yearlie; and appoints the toune thesaurer to receave what bygaine few dewtie is resting for the saids lands.
Nominats and appoints the baillies, dean of gild, and deacon conveener, and baillie Tennent to meet with the gardineris, and to consider the petition given in be them anent the libertie they are seeking to their trade, and to report the samen to the counsell.
4 September 1690.
Seats in the kirkis and meeting housses.
Appoints the dean of gild [and four others] to call in for ane accompt of the haill moneyes receaved for the seats in the meeting houses and churches frae the collectouris therof, and to cause pay in the samen to the toune thesaurer, and that the saids persones set the seats in the churches and meeting house to such persones and for such pryces as they shall think most fitt and propper, and to report the samen to the magistrats and toune counsell.
Anent the tounes people who went to Stirling.
The proveist, baillies and counsell takeing to their consideration that their Majesties high commissioner did grant ordour to the toune of Glasgow to send four hundreth of their tounes people to Stirling for defending of that place in absence of their Majesties forces frae that place, and accordinglie the toune haveing sent ther about three hundreth men or therby, whilk coast the toune for their charges, expenses and intertainment ane considerable soume of money, for defraying wherof there was delivered to John Aird, who went to Stirling with them, the soume of ane hundreth and threttie pound sterling.
Porterfield, schooll-master, sallarie.
The magistrats and toune counsell have concluded that, for encourageing of James Porterfield to keep ane schooll in toune, he get his cellarie as formerlie payed him, whilk is fiftie two pund Scots yearlie for his house maill; and ordaines the toune thesaurer and these who shall succeed him to pay the said soume to him yearlie, and that dureing the saids magistrats and counsell their will and pleasure.
Schooll-master in Hutchisones hospitall.
The saids magistrats and toune counsell doe suspend Robert Forrest frae his office as schoollmaster in Hutchisones hospitall for some speeches spoken be him against the government, and that till the meeting in the said hospitall, and nominats and appoints (blank) Watt to supplie and exerce the said office in keeping of the said schooll till that tyme in the said hospitall, or swa lang as the saids magistrats and counsell shall think fitt.
Some leather to be offered by Mr. Robb.
It being represented that (blank) Robb is desireing to be admitted burges and gild brother of this burgh by right of his father, whose father hes lived and resided in Ireland these fourtie yearis past, as he hes done himselfe since he was borne, and hes brought some parcell of leather with him to be sold, and the end he seekes his freedome is (supposed to be) that he may have libertie to sell his said leather, therefore the saids magistrats and counsell doe appoint the said (blank) Robb to make offer of the said leather to the merchands and crafts houses, or to pay what the dean of gild and deacon conveener shall think fitt for the use of the poor of their respective incorporationes before he be admitted burges and gild brother.
5 September 1690.
Chamberlands of Provand.
The proveist, baillies and counsell takeing to their consideration that by neglect of chamberlands of the tounes lands of Provand, there are about twentie thousand punds Scots or therby of non-payments resting be the tennents given up as resting be the saids chamberlands, yet notwithstanding they charge the toune with their cellarie although some of them have not done dilligence against the tennents, therfor the saids magistrats and counsell have enacted and concluded, and hereby enact and conclude, that nae cellarie be allowed to any of the saids chamberlands of Provand who have not done exact dilligence against the tennents whose compts are not cleared; bot lykewayes, in these compts who are allowed and discharged and cellaries allowed to them there is no dilligence done against the saids tennents, altho they have given up considerable soumes resting be the tennents in their respective accompts, it is also hereby enacted that the saids chamberlands be persewed for repetition and paying back the cellaries swa receaved by them.
Baillie Gibsone and utheris to meet with two ministeris.
Nominats and appoints bailie Gibsone and George Buchanan, with any two that shall be appointed for the session, to repair to the reverends Mr. Patrick Sympsone, and Mr. Thomas Forrester to intreat them to comply and accept of the callis given them to be ministeris of this burgh.
6 September 1690.
Warrand, thesaurer.
Ordaines Thomas Peter, toune thesaurer, to pay to Hugh Blair the soume of ten pounds sterling for his paines in carying letteris on the tounes accompt betuixt this and Edinburgh, and that in satisfaction to him of all bygaine service as postmaster till the first of November nixt.
Dean of gild and utheris to goe to Dumbrittane anent free trade.
The magistrats and toune counsell takeing to their consideration that be the lait act of this current parliament, (fn. 5) the royall burrowes are restored to their ancient rights, liberties and priviledges, conforme to the severall acts of parliament made in favouris of the royall burrowes, notwithstanding wherof and contrare to the saids acts, the saids magistrats and counsell are informed that the inhabitants in Greinock and utheris on the coast syde are sending out veshellis and useing ane free trade, they neither being residenteris nor freemen burgesses of this burgh, nor any other burgh, therefor, for getting a more clear and better information in that affaire, they nominat and appoint William Napeir, dean of gild, and John Corse, late baillie, and any other they shall think fitt to take with them, to repair to the toune of Dumbartane, and to comon with the magistrats and counsell theranent, and to take their advyce and concurrance therin, and therafter to repair to Greinock with what persones the burgh of Dumbartane shall please to send with them, and take exact tryall and information of the wholl matter, and to doe all other things requisite and necessar theranent, conforme to the said act of parliament, for impeding and hindering unfreemen to use any trade to the prejudice of this burgh or other royall burrowes, and in caice the toune of Dumbartane refuise to concur in the said affaire appoints the saids persones to doe dilligence therin themselves as they shall think fitt.
Warrand, thesaurer.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to John How four rex dalleris for being assistant to John Anderson when quartermaster to help to quarter the Danishe horse that came here, and helping to take up ane list of the stables in toune for their better accomodation.
9 September 1690.
The kirk seats.
The dean of gild, deacon conveener, Simeon Tennent, John Aird, and James Sloss, who are appointed to set the seats in the churches and meeting house in toune, and to consider on the pryces thereof, and to report, by act of counsell daitted the fourth of this instant, made their report that they had met and considered anent the setting the samen seats and pryces therof, and that it was their oppinion that the haill seats in the Utter High Kirk and meeting house in the Wynd shall be set, in tyme comeing, to any who will take the samen, ane thrid pairt doune of the pryce of what was payed for them formerlie, the present possessouris allwayes getting the first offer if they will keep the same, and the comittee to continow in setting the seats of the Inner High Kirk and Laigh Kirk, conforme to the former act.
Persones appointed to uplift the pryce of the seats.
The persones following are nominat and appointed to uplift and receave the money that the seats of the kirks and meeting house shall be set for frae the first of September instant, for the space of ane year, viz., Gavine Wood, merchand, to uplift for the seats in the High Church, John Watsone, tailzeor, for the Outter High Church, John Coats, merchand, for the Laigh Church, and Thomas Maxwell, merchand, to uplift for the seats in the meeting house in the Wynd. And what they receave for the saids seats appoints them to pay in the same to the toune thesaurer, for quhilk he is to give receipt to the respective collectouris that he shall hold compt to the toune for the samen.
27 September 1690.
Accompt of the seats.
George Muirhead and Stephan Crawfurd gave in ane accompt of the moneyes uplifted and receaved be them for the seats of the Tron Church for the space of ane year frae August 1689 till the last of August 1690 yearis. Charge extends to sixtein hundreth fourtie four pund; and be the discharge it is found that they have debursed the said haill soume on the tounes accompt, except two hundreth sixtein pund fyve shilling that is yet resting and nyntie pund for seats that are not set, and ane hundreth eightie four punds fyve shilling that were resting in the compteris hands at clearing the said accompt, whilk they have payed in to Thomas Peter, thesaurer, and wherwith he is to be charged.
Accompt of the seats.
James Sloss, merchand, gave in ane accompt of the money receaved be him for the seats in the meeting house in the Wynd frae August 1689 till September 1690, whilk extends to [£ 638 12 s.], with ane accompt of [£36 6 s.] that is yet resting therof the said year; as also of [£ 86 7 s. 10 d.] receaved frae bailie Gibsone, that was resting of the money collected for building the two meeting houses, and [£ 33 3 s. 4 d.] receaved frae Robert Bogle that was resting of the seats in the meeting house the tyme he was collector; wherof charge extends in haill to [£ 794 9 s. 2 d.] and the discharge conforme to the compt therof, with the soume of [£ 298 13 s. 10 d.] payed in be him to Thomas Peter, toune thesaurer, for whilk he is to hold compt to the toune, extends to the said [£794 9s. 2d.]. Swa charge and discharge being compared they find them both equall and alike.
Warrand, garison at Drumikill
Ordaines Thomas Peter, toune thesaurer, to pay to John Baxter, meilman, the soume of threescore ane pund 13 shilling four pennies Scots money for eight bollis of meill sent be the magistrats and utheris to the garison at Drumikill, in their streats, at desire of captaine Stewart who commanded the said garison, with twentie eight shilling for cariage of the said meill.
Warrand, thesaurer, craig at Provand.
Ordaines Thomas Peter, toune thesaurer, to pay to John Corse the soume of three score eight pund three shilling six pennies debursed be him to workmen for cutting the craig for takeing away the water through ane whin craig at the Light burne in Provand.
29 September 1690.
Compts of the Provand rents.
It is concluded that in tyme comeing the compts of the tounes lands of Provand be booked and insert in the counsell bookes as the thesaureris accompts are.
Petition given in be the gardineris for a letter of deaconrie.
The proveist, baillies and counsell doe allow and approve of the petition given in be the incorporation of the gardineris concerning the libertie and benefite they are seeking frae the toune in favouris of their trade, with the report of the samen, made, subscrivit and given in be the committie theranent, who was nominat and appointed be the saids magistrats and counsell to consider the same, and appoints and grants a letter of deaconrie of the liberties contained in the said petition to be drawen up formallie in wryte, that the samen may be subscrivit be the said proveist, baillies and counsell in their favouris.
To take down south meeting-house.; Chapter house synod.
The magistrats and toune counsell takeing to their consideration that there is no necessitie for keeping up the south meeting house for preaching, therefor they nominat and appoint baillie Nisbit and Mathew Cuming, elder, to cause take doune the samen, and to sell and dispose of the timber, ston pillaris therof, and otheris therto belonging, to the best availl they can, and to dispose of what shall be gottine therefor to the poor, be advyce of the magistrats and toune counsell, after the two barnes of which the said meeting house was composed and made up are put in the samen condition they were in before they were turned in the said meeting house. And the chapter house where the synod sitts be repaired.
[Approval of acts; written on p. 111 of council record.]
The preceeding acts of counsell, contained in the foregoing ane hundreth and ten pages, begining the thrid day of Julij 1689, ar the acts made be the magistrats and toune counsell frae tyme to tyme, as they are particularlie narrated, were this day read in presence of the saids magistrats and counsell, and allowed and approvine by them. (Signed) John Anderson, provost, John Leckie, John Gibson, George Nisbitt, Will Napier, John Gillchrist.
30 September 1690.
Warrand, flowres.
Ordaines the toune thesaurer to pay to Hugh Lochhead twelve pound Scots for furnishing flowres to the counsell seat in the high church and counsell table, this last year.
Election of the proveist and baillies.
The said day being the first Tuesday after Michaelmass, and sua the ordinary day for electing and choiseing the magistrats of the said city for the year ensuing, and the saids proveist, baillies and counsell understanding that their sacreed Majesties be their letter of gift, dated at the court of Kensingtoune the fourth day of Januarij, 1689, hes given and granted full power, right and libertie to and in favouris of the said city of Glasgow, magistrats and counsell therof, to choise and elect their proveist, baillies, and haill other magistrats in the ordinary maner, and at the ordinary tyme, alse freelie as any other royall burgh in the kingdome doe or may choise their magistrats; whilk letter of gift is past their Majesties great seall and confirmed in this current parliament be their act dated the fourtein day of Junij lastbypast. And therefor the saids proveist, baillies and counsell went on to the election of the saids magistrats; and the haill forenamed persones, counsellouris, being removed frae the counsell table, except the proveist and three baillies, the saids proveist and baillies, conforme to use and wont, did sett doune the lytts of the magistrats and haill merchand rank in counsell, to the effect ane of them might be choisen to bear office as proveist for the year ensuing, and the haill persones to be lytted being sevintein in number they were divyded in three lytts, wherof two containing six persones and the other fyve; out of which by pluralitie of votts (after the counsells returning to the table) the persones following were elected to the effect foresaid, viz., John Andersone, proveist, John Leckie and James Peadie. Whilk three persones being removed and the lytt put to ane vott which of them should bear office as proveist the said John Andersone was unanimouslie elected and continowed proveist of the said city for the year ensuing, who being present did accept of the said office and gave his oath de fideli administratione therintill as use is. Therafter the saids haill memberis of counsell, except the saids John Andersone, present proveist, and the three baillies, being again removed frae the table, they, to witt the saids proveist and baillies, did set doune the lytts of the memberis on counsell who are to bear office and be choisen baillies for the ensuing year; and the merchand rank who were to be lytted being twelve in number were divyded in four lytts, out of whilk four persones are to be choisen to be divyded in two lytts that out of them two persones might be elected to be merchand baillies for the year to come, out of which the persones following were choisen, viz., William Napeir, Mathew Cuming, Thomas Peter and John Aird; and the saids four persones were divided in two lytts, viz., for the first William Napeir and Mathew Cuming, and for the second Thomas Peter and John Aird. And the crafts counsellouris who were to be lytted being ellevin in number they were divyded in three lytts, wherof two four and ane three, out of whilk three persones were to be choisen to the effect ane of them might be made crafts baillie for the year to come. Whilk being votted be pluralitie of votts John Gillchreist, Robert Brock, and Thomas Pollock were elected to the effect foresaid. And the saids three lytts of merchands and crafts being severallie removed and put to the vott, by pluralitie of votts the saids William Napier and John Aird were elected and choisen baillies of the said burgh for the merchand rank, and the said Robert Brock was elected and choisen to bear office as baillie for the crafts rank for the year ensuing; who did all three accept of the said office in and upon them, and gave their oathes de fideli administratione therintill.
3 October 1690.
[The magistrates of this and the two previous years, with persons appointed to supply vacancies, chose thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be on the council for the ensuing year.]
4 October 1690.
Act against magistrats keeping ane change or taverne.
The proveist, baillies and counsell being conveened, and takeing to their consideration the severall abuses hes bein committed these severall years past by electing and choiseing of magistrats and deacon conveeneris in this burgh who keeped change and publict taverns, which occasioned much debaushrie and drunkeness, and poor people to spend their money needleslie in the saids taverns, it is therefore hereby enacted, statute and ordained in all tyme comeing that nae person or persones be elected and choisen to bear office as proveist, baillies, dean of gild, deacon conveener, baillie of Gorballis, or as water baillie who keepes ane publict taverne or change house; and that in caice any such persones who doe presentlie keep ane publict change shall be elected and choisen to be in any of the saids offices before they be admitted to exerce the same, ordains them to find cawtion obleidgeing themselves that they shall not keep any change dureing the tyme of his exerceing therof, under the paine of ane thousand merks Scots money. And, if any persone who keepes ane taverne or change be presented on lytt frae the merchands or crafts houses to be dean of gild or deacon conveener before the lytt be admitted, it is hereby enacted, statute and ordained that the saids persones find cawtion to desist therefrae under the like penaltie of ane thousand merks dureing the tyme of his exerceing therof; and that nae persone take up or keep ane change or taverne who shall be choisen to any of the saids offices dureing the tyme he exerces the same, under the said penaltie of ane thousand merks.
6 October 1690.
Baillie Napeir and utheris to attend the generall assemblie.
The proveist, baillies and counsell being conveened, and takeing to their consideration that the generall assemblie is to meet at Edinburgh the thrid Thursday of this instant, being the sixtein day of the said moneth, they have nominat and comissionat and hereby nominats and commissionats William Napeir, ane of the present baillies of the said burgh, James Stewart and Mathew Cuming, elder, merchands, two of their oune number, and all three elderis of the church, ilk ane of them per vices to repair to Edinburgh with such as are or shall be appointed be the presbytree, and there to wait and attend on the said generall assemblie dureing the haill tyme of the sitting therof, and to give their assistance and consent to all things that shall be proposed therin for the good and weill of the church.
Lists of the hearths and uthers.
The magistrats and counsell of the burgh being conveened, and takeing to their consideration that be act of parliament dated 10th of September lastbypast, the soume of fourtein shilling Scots for every hearth within the Kingdome is to be payed, and the lords of privie councill, for the better ingathering of the said hearth money, have, be their act dated the 29 of the said moneth of September last, ordained the magistrats of the royall burghes to meet in their severall burghes at the tyme specifeit in the said act, and make a true and exact tryall and inquirie what number of houses, tenements, mylnes, smiddies, killis for drying of graine, ovens, furnaces for brewing, salt panns, glass and soapworks are within their respective jurisdictiones and liberties, alsweill these inhabited as these which are waste, and who are the possessouris of the houses and utheris foresaids inhabited, and who are the ouneris of such as are waste, (excepting allwayes hospitallis and the houses of poor people who are upon the charitie of the severall burghes), and what number of hearths are in each house, lodgeing or tenement and utheris foresaids, and what the totall number of these hearths does amount to, and transmitt ane duplicat therof, under their hands, to the clerks of their Majesties privie councill, conforme to the said act of parliament, betuixt and the dayes following, viz., the burrowes on this syde of the water of Tay betuixt and the first day of November nixt, and these beyond the samen betuixt and the tenth day of the said moneth, they therefor nominat and appoint [four persones for each of the north, the middle, the east, the south, and the west quarters] to take up the said list of the hearths of the houses, tenements and uthers foresaids.
Warrand, expenses to Edinburgh and Stirling.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to John Gibsone, late baillie, the soume of two hundreth threttie two pund ane shilling ten pennies Scots money, debursed be him to severall of the men that went with him to Edinburgh in attending on the convention of estates, and debursed be him to severall persones when they went to Stirling to bring here some armes and ammunition, and other debursements in the tounes affaires, conforme to the particular accompt therof given in, read and allowed.
John Crawfurd elected baillie of Newport-Glasgow.
The magistrats and toune counsell takeing to their consideration that there are severall abuses done and committed at Newport Glasgow, and the key and harbour therof spoilled through want of some fit person to oversee the samen as baillie ther; and being assured of the abilitie and qualification of John Crawfurd, late baillie of this burgh, to exerce the office of bailliarie, the saids proveist, baillies and counsell have elected and choisen and hereby elects and makes choise of the said John Crawfurd to be their baillie at Newport Glasgow, with power to him to doe all things requisite theranent as any other barron baillie may doe, he observeing such instructiones as shall be given him frae tyme to tyme be the magistrats and toune counsell of the said burgh; for exerceing of which office thir presents shall be to the said John Crawfurd ane sufficient commission, and the samen to continow dureing the will and pleasure of the saids magistrats and toune counsell.
Proveist and utheris to meet anent Newport.
Nominats and appoints the proveist, with the dean of gild and deacon conveener [and four others], and any three of them to be a quorum, to meet and take the case and condition of Newport Glasgow and cellars ther to consideration, and to draw up such instructiones as is to be observed there in tyme comeing for the better manadgement of the tounes affaires ther, and to call before them what persones possest any of the tounes cellars at Newport, and to cause them pay what they are resting therefor, and to call for the tounes firlots, and to ordour the disposeing therof in tyme comeing, and to report their dilligence to the toune counsell, and appoints their first meeting to be on Friday nixt.
8 October 1690.
Dean of gild, etc.
[James Peadie, dean of guild; John Gilchrist, deacon convener; (fn. 6) George Buchanan, treasurer; James Sloss, bailie of Gorbals; Stephen Crawfurd, water bailie; William Barclay, master of work; Peter Corbet, visitor of maltmen; Robert Tennent, visitor of gardeners; John Graham, procurator fiscal.]
11 October 1690.
The committie appointed be the synod, etc.
The magistrats and toune counsell being conveened, and takeing to their consideration that the synod had nominat and appointed ane committie to meet and consider of some fit persones to supplie the vacancie of the ministrie of this burgh, and the ministeris and kirk session haveing met and conveened to give their oppinion therin, they have given their oppinion of three persones following, to witt, Mr. George Meldrum, minister at Killwining, Mr. Gabriell Cunninghame, minister at Dunlop, and Mr. Patrick Verner, minister of Irwing, to be offered to the said committie for procureing their advyce and direction in ordour to obtaine any one of them to be minister of this burgh. Whilk resolution of the saids ministeris and session being considered be the saids magistrats and toune counsell, they doe give their consent and concurrence in the said resolution; and appoints the proveist, baillies, dean of gild, deacon conveener, [and three others] to meet and set doune what instructiones they shall think fitt in ordour therto, and for planting the universitie of Glasgow with able masters; whilks are to be given to baillie Napeir and John Robiesone and otheris who are appointed be the saids magistrats and counsell and presbytree to wait upon the generall assemblie at Edinburgh.
Warrand, Cunshlie bog in Provand.
Ordaines George Buchannan, present thesaurer, to pay to John Gibsone, late baillie, the soume of twentie nyne pund six shilling Scots money payed be him to workmen that helped to cutt throw the cast of the Cunshlie booge in Provand, and seeking to get ane lyme craig ther for the behove of the toune, conforme to the accompt therof given in and allowed.
21 October 1690.
Bread, tallow, candle.
[The 12 d. loaf to weigh 12 oz. 7 drop 4 grains; tallow to be sold for 48s. the stone; and candle for 56s. the stone.]
28 October 1690.
Call to Mr. George Meldrum subscrivit.
There was ane call presented be Mathew Cuming, elder, in name of the ministers and kirk session of this burgh, for calling of the reverend Mr. George Meldrum, minister of the gospell for present at Killwining, to be ane of the ordinar ministeris of the said burgh; whilk call was unanimouslie approvine and consented to be the saids magistrats and toune counsell, and subscrivit be them. And appoints the samen to be presented to the presbytree the morrow for getting their approbation therto.
Thomas Peter to agree with persones awand teinds.
The proveist, baillies and counsell, takeing to their consideration that there are severall bygane teinds resting to the toune by some of the heretoris of the toune and barronie preceeding the year 1685, they hereby grant full power and commission to Thomas Peter, merchand, to transact and agree the best way he shall think fitt with these persones who are resting any of the saids teinds, and to uplift and receave the samen and give discharges therefor, wherat they obleidge them and their successouris in office to abyde firme and stable, the said Thomas Peter allwayes making just compt, reckoning and payment of his intromission therwith.
11 November 1690.
Act anent ane stent.
The proveist, baillies and counsell of the said burgh being conveened, takeing to consideration that there is ane cess imposed on this kingdome by the current parliament, of which there was elleven moneths of the said cess payable this present year, wherof four moneths at Whitsunday last, two moneths at Lambmass last, and fyve moneths of the said cess falls due to be payed at this present terme of Martimass, whilk ellevin moneths cess payable at the saids three termes this burghes proportion is sixtein hundreth and fiftie pounds sterling; and also considering that the toune is resting to the agents of the burrowes for their pairt of bygane burrow dewes the soume of (blank); and that the saids magistrats and counsell have this tyme past used their outmost endeavouris, by dealing with the maltmen and brewaris and other inhabitants within the burgh for condescending on some fit methods for getting the said cess and burrow dewes payed some other way than by stenting the inhabitants, (and publict stent in this place being knowne to be very griveous and obnoxious) which meanes and paines hes provine ineffectuall; and therefore the saids proveist, baillies and counsell finds that, of a necessitie, there must be ane stent laid on upon the inhabitants of the said burgh for paying the said soume of sixtein hundreth and fiftie pounds sterling of cess and the said soume of (blank) resting of bygane burrow dewes; whilk, with the expenses to pay the clerk to the said stent, and the collector for ingathering therof, the stent to be imposed and laid on will extend to the soume of twentie four thousand punds Scots money; and considering that by act of parliament they are impoured to stent the inhabitants to the effect foresaid, and choise stentmasters for laying on the same, they doe nominat and appoint [ten persons] to be stentmasteris, hereby impouring them to impose and lay on the said soume of twentie four thousand punds Scots for paying this burghs proportion of the cess, burrow dewes and utheris abovewrittin, for the terme of Martimass instant and preceedings as is abovementioned; and that upon the heretouris, merchands, craftismen, victualleris, vintineris, and uther inhabitants of the said burgh subject and lyable in payment of stent. And the saids magistrats and counsell hereby earnestlie recommends to the saids stentmasteris to lay on the foresaid stent with all convenient diligence, wheranent thir presents shall be their warrand; and appoints the magistrats to call for the saids stentmasteris and to take their oathes de fideli administratione.
21 November 1690.
Persones who killed John Reid, wright, to be persued.
The magistrats and toune counsell takeing to consideration that upon the threttein day of October last John Reid, wright, being killed in the execution of his office, being corporall of the tounes guard, by hindering some abuse was committed in the toune that night, they have enacted and concluded that the persones who were present and committed the said deed be persewed therefor on the tounes expenses and charges, and appoints James Hamiltone, their agent, to imploy advocats and utheris for that effect, and to pay out what money is necessar theranent, whilk the saids magistrats and counsell obleidges them to repay, and allowes and approves what is done in prosecution of the said affaire alreadie.
Govane and Alstoun refuseing to be stent masters.
Ordaines John Govane, merchand, and Thomas Alstoune, cordoner, to be put in prison for refuiseing to accept to be stentmasteris, and to remaine ther till the magistrats and counsell take the affaire to their farder consideration.
22 November 1690.
Localitie, several persones nominat to oversee the samen.
The magistrats and counsell conveened, considering the abuses hes bein done and committed these severall yearis bygane by quartering of the souldiouris, and how the poor for most pairt hes borne the burdine therof, severallis in toune who were more able to quarter them being keeped free of that burdein, it is concluded that there be ane localitie payed in to these persones who shall quarter the soldiouris in tyme comeing by these who shall be free of quartering; therefore they nominat and appoint the proveist, baillies, dean of gild and deacon conveener to call before them the persones following, who are hereby nominat and appointed to lay on ane moderat localitie to be payed to these who shall quarter the souldiouris, and to see that the samen be made effectuall for the end to whilk it is designed, viz., [two persons for each of the five "quarters"]. Whilk localitie to be laid on to be paid be the inhabitants and burgesses to these on whom the soldiouris shall be quartered is at the rates following, to witt, for ilk collonell, livetennent collonell or major, weeklie, threttie six shilling Scots, and for ilk capitane twentie four shilling, for ilk livetennent eightein shilling, for ilk ensigne twelve shilling, for ilk serjant six shilling, for ilk corporall four shilling, and for ilk souldior three shilling; and whilk localitie swa to be laid on upon the inhabitants and payed is to be insert in the billgets on whom the souldiours shall be quartered, and the names of the persones with the quantitie of what localitie they are to receave weeklie or monethlie, the saids persones on whom there shall be any quartering, deducing and allowing in the first end what localitie shall be laid on them upon that accompt.
Anent idle persones and vagabound beggaris.
The magistrats and counsell takeing to consideration that the toune is heavilly opprest and abused by idle persones and vagabound beggaris haunting and frequenting within the samen, and the tounes poor thereby prejudged, and that severall persones setts houses to strangeris not haveing any interest or freedome in the toune, and brings in haill families of bairnes who turne beggaris, therefor, and for remeid wherof, it is statute and ordained that nae persone in toune set any of their houses to strangeris except they bring testimoniallis with them and be allowed be the magistrats, and that they doe not take in any vagrant poor persones in their houses, under the paine of twentie punds Scots to be payed be the contraveeneris, by and attoure farder punishment at the will of the magistrats. And ordaines a proclamation to be sent through the toune by touke of drum to intimat the samen.
Mr. George Glen discharged to keep any school in toune.
The proveist made report that he had severall tymes discharged Mr. George Glen for keeping ane schooll, or to teach any schollaris within the toune, whilk is found to be to the detriment of the publict Gramer Schooll, and that he had only ane tollerance for teaching till Martimass last, yet the said Mr. George continows to doe the same, therefore the saids magistrats and counsell, takeing the premissis to consideration, they nominat and appoint the proveist and baillies to send for the said Mr. George Glen and cause him find cawtion immediatlie to forbear the keeping any schooll in toune, or to teach any bairnes therin. And if he refuises to find cawtion that he be imprisoned till he doe the same.
Accompt of the seats in the High Kirk.
John Stirling, merchand, his compt of his intromission with what he receaved for the seats in the Inner High Kirk, frae August 1689 to August 1690, was produced, wherof the charge extends to the soume of nyne hundreth sixtie four punds Scots, and the discharge to three hundreth twentie nyne pund yet resting be severall persones, the list whereof is given in to the subsequent collector, extending to the like soume of nyne hundreth sixtie four punds, sua charge and discharge being compared, they are both equall and alike, and therefor they exoner and discharge the said John Stirling of his intromission with the said seatts.
Accompt of the corne, hay and straw furnished to the Danish forces.
John Aird, younger, his compt of his intromission with what he receaved of the corne, hay and straw, furnished to the Danish forces, extending to the soume of fourtein hundreth eightie nyne pund two shilling six pennies, and conforme to the discharge he hes payed in to Thomas Peter, thesaurer, the soume of ellevin hundreth threttie fyve pund fyve shilling, wherewith the said thesaurer is to be charged, and the rest he payed to severall persones on the tounes accompt, conforme to the articles contained in the said discharge, makes charge and discharge both equall and alike, and therefor the saids magistrats and counsell exoner and discharge the said John Aird of his intromission conforme to the said accompt.
A letter of deaconrie subscrivit in favouris of the gardineris.
There was ane letter of deaconrie subscrivit in favouris of the incorporation of gardineris, containing the severall articles following, of the which letter of deaconrie the tennor followes:—Be it knowne to all men be thir present letteres, wee, John Anderson of Dowhill, present proveist of Glasgow, William Napeir, John Aird and Robert Brock, baillies therof, James Peadie, dean of gild, John Gilchreist, deacon conveener, George Buchannan, thesaurer, and remanent persones of the toune counsell of the said burgh undersubscryveing. Forsameikle as Patrick Tennent, deacon of the gardineris of Glasgow, be ane petition given in be him to ws and our predicessouris for himselfe, in name and with advyce and concurrance of the haill freemen gardineris of the samen burgh, mentioning that where the gardineris of the said good toune have, neer these hundreth yearis bygane, bein incorporat as ane of the trades of the burgh, and were formerlie in use to elect their oune deacon, and did enjoy alse many and as free priviledges as any of the rest of the crafts enjoyed or possest frae the tyme of their first erection in a craft till the year of God jm. vjc. fourtie six, at which tyme the plague began in this burgh, John Woddrow, gardiner, then their deacon, was infected with the plague and sent to the Foull Muir where he was cleansed, and, amongst other of his goods that were caried out there and lost, the petitioneris letter of deaconrie and priviledges was also lost, since which tyme the petitioneris have had no right to authorize them in the execution of their priviledges bot the tollerance of ws and our predicessouris magistrats and counsell of the said burgh; through the want of which letter of deaconrie and priviledges, the petitioneris and their priviledges have not onlie bein abused and invaded by outtintounesmen and unfreemen, bot evin by memberis of their oune incorporation, who are contumacious and disobedient to all statutes made be the deacones and masteris of craft for keeping good concord amongst themselves, and for provideing the supplie of the necessities of their poor; notwithstanding of which discouragements, the petitioneris have ever, and at all tymes and occasiones, concurred, and, to their abilitie, contribute to the support and defence of the publict good of the toune and trades and priviledges therof; and since no incorporation or societie can be right governed without rules and statutes to walk by, and the petitioneris being desireous that for the good of their incorporation and remanent crafts of Glasgow, wherof they are incorporat as a member, they may be authorized with such priviledges and such rules laid doune for their government as may contribute to keep peace, concord and unity among them, and may tend to the good of the poor, which they humblie presented to ws in the termes following, viz.:—In the first, that the petitioneris may be authorized to elect yearlie, at the ordinary tyme, two of their number and present them to the toune counsell of the said burgh, to the effect ane of them may be appointed deacon for the ensuing year. That there be four or more boxmasteris yearlie choisen be the craft, wherof the deacon to choise two, and the trade the other two. That non be allowed to set up or exerce a freemans trade till he be first burges and freeman, and beis found a qualified tradisman (be the deacon and such masteris as shall be appointed by him), and able and fitt to serve the Kings leidges. That each freeman at his entrie shall pay the soumes following for their freedom and upset, viz., a prenteis of a freemans sone the soume of ten merks Scots money; item, each prenteis of ane unfreemans sone the soume of eight punds Scots money, and each outtintounesman not a prenteis, the soume of fourtie merks Scots money. That each freeman pay quarterlie to the box the soume of three shilling. And that all geir presented to the mercat, aither by free or unfreemen, that shall be found unsufficient shall be escheat, and the presenteris therof fyned at the will of the magistrats, not exceeding the value, the ane halfe to the poor of the trade and the other halfe to the baillie, the said insufficiencie being allwayes cognosced and approvine of be the baillie and his authoritie interponed for the samen; and that no unfreeman have libertie to present geir to the mercat above the value of four shilling Scots bot in fair dayes and mercat dayes, under the lyke paine. That the deacon and craft be authorized to make such acts in their courts as shall tend to the good of the trade and poor therof, and for keeping good concord among the memberis of craft, and as shall be for the good of the craft and toune; and that the deacon and craft be mantained in the execution of their priviledges be ws and our successouris, and have our concurrance for putting them in execution, the saids acts being allwayes approvine be ws and our successouris in office, proveist, baillies and counsell of the said burgh. Provideing allwayes that if any burges or tounesman have any work to work, wherin they cannot be alseweel served and at alse easie rates by freemen gardineris, it may be leisom to them to serve themselves with any whom they please to imploy, whither freeman or unfreeman. Whilks priviledges abovewrittin the petitioneris humblie presumed to be just and reasonable, and that wee would authorize them in the samen, for, as they are burgesses and freeman of the toune and trade, and bear burdine as such, it is not reasonable that people that are neither burgesses nor freemen, nor have contribute any thing for the support aither of the toune or trade, should enjoy alse much freedome as the petitioneris who have contribute as said is to both. And therefor expecting our favourable answer and complyance with their so just a requeist; as the said petition bearis. Whilk petition being by ws and our predicessouris sein and read, the samen was recomended to be more seriouslie sein and considered be baillies John Gibsone and George Nisbit, William Napeir, dean of gild, John Gilchreist, deacon conveener, and Simeon Tennent, then baillie of Gorballis, by act dated the first day of September lastbypast; and whilk petition being accordinglie sein and considered be the foresaids persones appointed for that effect, they, be their report dated the nyntein day of September also last, declared that they thought the said petition reasonable and just, and that there was nothing therby requyred bot what the said incorporation had bein in use and possession of, since the year jm. vjc. twentie eight, which was sufficientlie instructed to them by production of the records of the said incorporation since that tyme and dounwards, as the said report also bearis. And wee having of new considered the said petition, with the foresaid report, by our act of counsell dated the twentie nynth day of September last, find the samen just and equitable; and therefore wee the saids proveist, baillies and counsell, for ws and our successouris in office, doe of new ratifie, allow and approve, and be thir presents of new ratifies, allowes and approves of the said haill articles and particulars abovewritten; with power to the said incorporation of gardineris and their successouris in office to use, exerce, enjoy and make use of the haill liberties and priviledges abovewrittin in all tyme comeing, in maner and conforme as is abovementioned. In witnes wherof, wee have subscryved thir presents, at Glasgow, the twenty two day of November jm. vjc. and nyntie yearis, before thir witnesses: George Andersone, toune clerk of Glasgow, and James Heriott, his servitor, and wryter heirof.
Commission to Silvercraigs daughteris subscrivit.
There was ane factorie or commission subscryved in favouris of Grissell and Margaret Campbellis, lawfull daughteris to Robert Campbell of Silvercraigs and to Thomas Weir, husband to the said Grissell, for his interest, for uplifting the rent of the lands of Silvercraigs, conforme to ane obleisment granted be their predicessouris for that effect in favouris of Silvercraiges.
29 November 1690.
Warrand, thesaurer, guard.
Ordaines George Buchannan, thesaurer, to pay to James Coallier, smith, the soume of ten rex dalleris for his supplie and helping to mend his hand whilk he almost lost by serveing the toune as ane of their guard.
Warrand, thesaurer, French school.
Ordaines the thesaurer, George Buchannan, to pay to Mr. John Pujolas, ane French protestant minister, the soume of fyve pounds sterling for helping to pay the printing of ane French gramer he hes set out; and also ordaines the thesaurer of this burgh and his successouris in office to pay him ane hundreth pund yearlie in tyme comeing for his encouragement to keep ane schooll in toune for learning of French, to be payed him quarterlie, begining the first quarteris payment at Candlemass nixt.
Anent the cess, and election of the deacon conveener.
The magistrats and toune counsell of the said burgh of Glasgow considering the extream aversion of the inhabitants therof from payment of cess and other publict burdens by way of a particular stent, which has not bein in use of a long tyme amongst them, and that the difficulties and insupportable burdens in which the common stock of the burgh is engadged can allow them no releiffe therof, they remitted the samen to the consideration of the dean of gild and incorporation of merchants for that rank, and to the deacon conveener, with his deacones, assessouris and haill incorporatione of trades for that rank, and particularlie to the visitor and incorporation of maltmen, to consider the best and readiest course and method for raiseing the said cess, who all unanimouslie, with one consent, returned their advyce and offer to the magistrats and toune counsell that they were content to stent themselves upon the malt to be broune within this burgh, alseweill in comone ale houses as in privat families, in maner following, as the onlie readiest and most easie method for raiseing and paying the ellevinth moneths cess imposed be act of parliament frae Whitsounday last to Martimass last, inclusive of both, and in tyme comeing dureing the current cess imposed as said is. Toward which imposition swa to be raised they, for themselves and in name of the haill inhabitants of the said burgh, gave in the propositiones following:— That each publict brewer should pay two merks by and attoure the Kings excyse, and each privat brewer three pund for each mask of malt that they shall happine to brew, to such persones as shall be appointed be the merchands and trades houses for collecting therof frae the first day of Januarij, 1691, to the first day of Januarij, 1692; and after the first of Januarij, 1692, continuallie indureing the course of the said current cess, each publict brewer to pay threttein shilling four pennies by and attoure the Kings excyse, and each privat brewer fourtie shilling for everie boll of malt to be broune within the burgh within the space foresaid. Item, that the imposition of threttie punds Scots on ilk tun of wyne to be vented within this burgh formerlie agreed upon should be raised and made effectuall for the better releife of the present burdein the toune lyes under. And that there may be no fraud in the payment of the said imposition upon malt, each maltman within this burgh shall, weeklie on Satturday afternoon, give in to the receaveris of the said imposition a particular accompt of all the malt they have sold that current week, and to whom it was sold and given in, that the said accompt, compared with the collectouris rolls at the mylne, may evidence the extent of the consumption and discover any consealling or imbazleing therof. And wheras there hes bein some contest betuixt the magistrats and counsell and some of the trades anent the election of the deacon conveener at Michaelmass last, for shuning of all farder debate and expenses theranent, and that there may remaine no discord nor animositie in this burgh, the magistrats and counsell, and the tradismen, complenaris of the illegalitie of that election, hes mutuallie agreed that two or four gentlemen, wherof one halfe to be choisen be the magistrats and counsell, and the other halfe be the saids tradismen, and whatever the saids gentlemen swa to be choisen shall determine in reference to the said election the saids parties shall be obleist hinc inde to acquiesce therintill and abyde therat, and to doe their outmost dilligence that the same may be determined betuixt and the (blank) day of (blank). And farder the saids magistrats and counsell hes agreed and hereby obleidge themselves and their successouris in office that they shall not quarrell the maltmen at any tyme hereafter in the election of their visitor, or in exerceing any other liberties and priviledges belonging to them now or of before, according to use and wont, bot that they shall continow in the peaceable possession therof without interruption or impediment; and the maltmen are to be obleist to behave themselves duetifully to the magistrats and commone weill of this burgh, alseweill in reference to makeing the foresaid imposition effectuall to their outmost power as in all other things whatsoever, according to equitie and justice. Whilks premissis being at lenth sein and considered be the saids magistrats and counsell, and they rypelie advised theron, they have ratified and approvine, and hereby ratifies and approves the propositiones abovewrittin made for imposing of the stent in maner foresaid upon the said malt and wyne, and consents that the dean of gild and deacon conveeneris houses nominat and appoint collectouris, swa many as shall be thought fit be them, from tyme to tyme for uplifting therof; and obleidge themselves to concurr in the said arbitration anent the deacon conveeneris election, and that the maltmen shall nowayes be troubled in the exerceing their priviledges in maner foresaid, it being allwayes hereby declaired that in caice the said imposition shall be obstructed in haill or in pairt from being gathered and collected to satisfie the cess abovewrittin, that the magistrats and counsell shall have libertie to stent for payment therof in haill or in pairt as the imposition shall fall short as accords of law.
3 December 1690.
Libertie to John Aird to build ane toofall.
The magistrats and counsell of the said burgh being conveened, in answer to ane supplication given in to them be John Aird, ane of the present baillies of the said burgh, desireing he may have libertie to build, of the tounes ground, ten foot or thereby in length, eastward from the east gavell of his new house in Bridgegate, for building ane toofall to his said new house, the breadth of the east gavell of the samen, and whilk he is to build in sufficient ston work and to sklait the roofe therof for the better decoreing of the street ther, they have given and granted, and hereby gives and grants licence and libertie to the said John Aird to build the foresaid toofall, he allwayes building and sklaiting the samen in maner foresaid, for whilk he is to pay to the said burgh, or to their thesaureris or collectouris in their names, the soume of three shilling four pennies Scots money yearlie in name of few dewtie or ground annwell; and (if need beis) the toune is to grant to him a few right of the samen peice of ground.