Pages 126-148
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1905.
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20 January 1670.
Hie Kirk.
Report being made be theis who wer appoyntit to sight the great metrapolitane kirk of this burgh, and the said magistratis and counsell considering the bad conditioune therof, thei ordained the maister of wark to caus repair the samyne according as the deane of gild sall injoyne.
5 February 1670.
Locallitie, sojouris.
Appoyntis twelfe pundis Scotis to be payit monethlie to ilk ane of the companies now quartered in toune, in place of their locallitie, and four pundis Scotis to be payit monethly to Ensigne Midletoune for his hous maill.
Grahame, Barrony tyndis.
Recommendis to Johne Grahame to persew for and collect the tyndis awand be the Barrony men theis severall yeares bygaine.
Tounes quarrell.
The deane of gild having made report that he had sightit the tounes quarrell with utheris, conforme to former ordouris, recommendis yit to him to tak Johne Cauldwallis band, cawtioner for Thomas Cauldwall, that he sall leive the quarrell right as he sall be injoyned, and sall be conteined in the band, and therafter to grant the said Thomas libertie to work therintill.
Litsters, frie burgesses.
Anent ane petitioune presentit be the litsters of this burgh, shewing that thei wer summond to compeir befor the shirreff of Lanerk and his deputis at Rutherglen, quhilk sumondis thei had advocat in respect thei ar frie burgessis of this his Majesties frie royall burgh and so nocht lyable to ansuer to that judicatorie, the said magistratis and counsell after consideratioune had theranent did condeschend that their pley be menteined on the tounes expenssis, and that advocatis and utheris be imployed for defending therof.
12 February 1670.
Orrey weomen.
The said magistratis and counsell taking to their consideratioune the great outcry made be many of the inhabitentis of this burgh, for that many of their weomen servandis therin hes theis divers yeares bygaine desertit their service, out of honest mens houssis, and hes tak wp houssis of their awine, quher som twa some thrie of them dwellis togither, quherby idle houssis ar keepit and many male reportis ar rysen by their bordle houssis so keepit, and therby thei doe quhat thei can to bring the plague of God on this citie, therfor the said magistratis and counsell being most willing to goe about all meanes to withhold Godis judgment from ws, and to benish away againe that ill practis that is risen among ws, have concluded that twa of their number sall goe throw with the minister of ilk quarter, and some of the sessioune with them, as the minister sall appoynt, the haill quarter and ilk particular hous therof, and to tak notice of ilk idle and orray woman that hes takin wp houssis, and to mak them ather presently to returne to service or then to act and obleis themselfes to remove aff the toune without delay, and to tak notice of theis persones who setis them the houssis that thei may be punished conforme to the proclamatioune made in the contrair; and for this effect the counsell appoyntit Johne Bell and James Colhoune to goe throw with the parson his quarter, Dowhill, elder, and Archibald Sheillis with maister Johne Bell throw his quarter, and the deane of gild and deacon conveiner to goe throw with maister Williame Stirling in his quarter, and Frederik Hammiltoune and Johne Barnes elder to goe throw with maister Alexander Mylne his quarter; and to mak report with the best conveniency.
In ansuer to the supplicatioune given in be James Moodie, maltman, craving supplie in respect of his old age and povertie and inabilitie to fend for himselfe, and for building and planting in the tounes commoune, all theis being considered thei allow him to wplift during his lyftyme threttie pundis yearly of the thrie scoir pundis Scotis as the yearly tak dewty of that mailling that was laitly occupyed by him in the Waster Commoune, and Johne Grahame, their collectour, to receave his discharge therwpon fra the tennent in pairt of payment.
New Grein
Recommendis to the deane of gild and Frederick Hammiltoune to sight quhat neidfull is to be done anent the New Grein and dyk therof to [be] builded, and thei to doe everie thing theranent as thei think fitt.
12 March 1670.
Orrey weomen.
Report being made that ther had bein ane survey of the haill toune anent the trying out of orrey weomen, it is appoyntit that ane bank be made and sent throw the toune to certifie all theis who wer appoyntit to remove aff the toune that thei doe the samyne with all dilligence, with certificatioune who utherwayes does thei sall be put aff the toune by touk of drum, and also to inhibit all weomen who have bein servantis to tak wp privat houssis, and that non set houssis to such under the paine of punishment in the most severe way at the magistratis will.
Appoyntis the deacon conveiner to speik to the fleshouris to provyd and big themselfes houssis for killing of ther flesh, and to mak report therof the nixt meiting.
Bell in Blackfrier kirk.
Ordaines the bell in the Blackfrier steiple to be takin doune and sent to Holland to be castin over againe, with the same name, armes and year of God as is presently therwpon.
Irone ravill to the tolbuith stair.
Appoyntis Dowhill, elder, and James Colhoune to agrie with quhat smiths thei think fitting for making of ane irone ravill to the tolbuith stair.
A persone to dwell at Newport.
Appoyntis the twa baillies [and five others] to try out ane fitt persone to dwell at the tounes hous at Newport Glasgow.
19 March 1670.
Recommendis to the magistratis to send some persone to Hammiltoune, anent ane summondis given to the toune to compeir befor the shirreff of Lanerk wpon the eight day of Aprill nixt to come, for the landis of Provane.
Appoyntis the provest and William Andersoune, lait provest, to be joyned to theis who wer appoyntit to try out ane fitt persone to dwell in their hous at Newport, and to sie if thei can agrie with maister William Conynghame the best way thei can for that effect, and to give him a tak for eight yeares, quherof he is to have the first thrie years frie, and to setle on the maill as thei can best agrie.
Smithis hous at Newport.
Recommendis to the deane of gild and deacon conveiner to sett the smiths hous at Newport and to agrie with him theranent as thei best may.
Fier, Provand.
Appoyntis the deane of gild, deacon conveiner, and James Andersoune, baillie of Provand, to convein the tennentis of Provand and to stryk the Provand fier for the cropt 1669 as thei think most fitting.
It is concluded that Agnes Sheillis, relict of umquhill Thomas Glen, gett fyve pundis monethlie, as uther weadowes gets, and to begin with her for this instant moneth of March.
Warrand, Barnes.
Ordaines Johne Barnes, elder, to have ane warrand for the sowme off fourtie eight pundis vij s. Scotis deburst be him to James Colhoune for dressing of the pumps in Gorballis.
Act, Bell.
The provest, baillies and counsell being conveined, anent ane supplicatioune given in formerlie be Mr. Patrik Bell, merchand, burges of the samyne burgh, befor the deane of gild of this burgh and his brethren of counsell, and therafter remittit be them to the said provest, baillies and counsell, makand mentioun that quher the said Mr. Patrik Bell, and his authoris and predicessouris, hes ane aiker of land, lyand within the territorie of this burgh, on the wast end of Egleshames croft, quhilk he intendis to dyk and park in, as utheris hes done their landis on the east end therof, quhilk aiker of land lyes nixt to certane landis belonging to John Smith, merchand, burges of the said burgh, to the quhilk ther [is] ane commoune passage appoyntit be act of counsell of the dait (blank) jm. vjc. (blank) (fn. 1) to remayne as ane publict passage to the landis in the said Eglishames croft; and that seing betwixt the said compleineris and the said John Smithis landis ther is ane hedge alreddie growand and sett be the said John Smith foragainst the south wast pairt therof, on the north end of said John Smiths yaird ther; and that the said Mr. Patrik and the aforsaid John Smith have sett, with both their consentis, ane quicksett betwixt their landis eastward fra the north east neuk of the said John Smiths yaird, the haill lenth of the said aiker of land, sua that ther is no passage left to the said John Smith his landis be-east his said yaird without he ather mak ane passage throw his awine yaird or then come throw the said Mr. Patrik his landis; and therfor the said Mr. Patrik craved the said deane of gild and his said bretherin of counsell to find and declair the said Mr. Patrik Bell to have libertie to build ane yet at the south west neuk of his said landis foragainst the said commone passage, throw the said John Smiths landis to the burne, that he may have frie ingres and regress to and fra his said aiker of land therby, as his authoris therof had of befor, but interruptioun, and to discharge the said John Smith to impeid him therintill, and that he clame no intrest by the said passage to his said landis ther be-east his said yaird. [The dean of guild remitted the petition to the town council, who met the parties on the ground and fully considered their claims, "with the reasones and allegationes of John Listoun and George Muirhead, compeirand and pretendand to have passage throw the compleiners landis to their landis ther, in the midmost pairt of the said croft," and], be this their decreit and sentance, decerne and ordaine, statut and appoynt the said Mr. Patrik Bell, compleiner, to have frie ingres and regres throw and be the said commoune passage that leidis to the said burne throw the said John Smiths landis, to and fra his said aiker of land; and grantis libertie to the said Mr. Patrik Bell to build ane yett wpon the south-west newk of his said landis for that effect, narrest the said John Smiths gavell ther, and betwixt the samyne and James Loukis landis ther; and inhibitis and discharges the said John Smith to stop or impeid him in the said passage, ather be goeing to or coming from his said aiker of land, any manner of way; and that the said passage remayne in the full breadth as is appoyntit be the said former act of counsell and as ane commoune passage ther. And findis and declares the said John Smith to have no passage or intrest in and throw the said compleiners landis in tyme coming. As also that the said John Listoune and George Muirhead sall have no ingres or regres to their said landis in and throw the said Mr. Patrikis landis in all tyme thereafter, they having uther entries therto respectively. (fn. 2)
16 April 1670.
Fear, Provand.
The deane of gild and deacon conveiner made report that thei, conforme to the counsellis ordour, went to the Provand for setting doune the fear therof this last year, and that thei setled the samyne for four pund ten shilling the boll, meill and beir overheid.
Ravill, tolbuith stair.
Dowhill, elder, and James Colhoune made their report that, conforme to the counsellis ordour, thei had agried with Alexander Goveane, hamerman, for making of ane iron ravill to the tolbuith stair, and that for sex pundis Scotis the stone weight, quhilk was allowed and approvin be the counsell, and ordaines James Colhoune to have ane warrand for the sowme of four hundreth markis . . . to helpe to buy iron for advancement of the said work to ane compt.
Calsay on the north syd of the new grein.
It is concludit that ane casay should be laid on the north syd of the New Grein quhill it be brought wp to the end of the calsay at the bowingtrie, and appoyntis the deane of gild, deacon conveiner and Frederik Hammiltoune to sie to it and have a cair of it till it be performed.
Report, provest.
The provest made report of his last being in Edinburgh anent the tounes affaires, and that he had fund some persones had stopped him in the getting of the electioune of magistratis in the tounes awine handis, and that he had raised summondis against some who had malversed in their office, quhilk the counsell approved off and recommendit to him to sumond whom he thought fitting. And ordained James Colhoune to have ane warrand for the sowme of eight scoir pundis Scotis deburst be him, out of the excyse monye, for the said provest, Mr. William Nimmo, and their men and horssis chargis and horssis hyre; and for twentie pund starling deburst be the said provest to advocatis for consultatiounes anent the tounes affaires; and for ane hundreth markis deburst be the said provest to Robert Buchanan, tailyeour in Edinburgh, in satisfactioune to him for obteining ane discharge of him anent Branshogle his escaiping out of this tolbuith after he was arreistit therin at his instance.
23 April 1670.
Warrand, Dowhill, younger.
Ordaines the deane of gild to have ane warrand for the sowme of ane hundreth pundis Scotis, deburst be him to ane poor man for his helpe and supplie to buy horssis and to be a stok, in respect he hes undertakin to furnish the toune with fresh fisch out of the wast cuntrie.
Warrand, Newport Glasgow.
Ordaines John Barnes, elder, to have ane warrand for [£300] to pay the builders at Newport Glasgow to ane compt; and also for [£48] to be given to Alexander Scot who bigs the peer at Newport.
Bank for the tounes lethers.
Ordaines ane bank to be sent throw the toune to charge all persones who hes any of the tounes lethers to bring in the samyne, and that who knowes where ony of them ar reveill the same to the maister of wark, with certificatioune to them who neglects the samyne thei sall be unlawed in quadruple of the worth of any lethers sall be fund by them.
Dundie harbour.
Ordaines the magistratis to appoynt quhat persones thei pleas for gathering in the contributioune for the helpe of the harbur of Dundie, and to report with all dilligence.
10 May 1670.
Kinkardins note.
Ordaines John Barnes, elder, to receave and accept . . . ane note of ane hundreth pundis starling lent to my lord Kinkairdin, to be distribut to the troupers of the guard.
Warrand, thesaurer.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of threttie thrie pundis eightine shilling Scotis, deburst be him to Mungow Mathie for coall and candle to the guardis, for the moneth of Aprill last, and for uther particularis conteined in the compt.
Andersoune to London.; Provest to Edinburgh.
Ordaines ane commissioune to be drawine wp for the deane of gild to repair to Londone to petitioune his Majestie to obtein the electioune of the magistratis in the tounes awine handis; and appoyntis the provest to goe to Edinburgh to advyse quhat is neidfull to be done therintill.
Hamiltoune deane of gild.
Appoyntis Frederik Hamiltoune to exerce the said deane of gildis place in his absence.
14 May 1670.
Commissioune Dowhill, younger, to repaire to petitioune the King.
The deane of gild being formerlie ordained to repair to Londone or elsquher to petitioun the Kings Majestie in the tounes favouris, conforme to the commissioune wnderwryttin, the samyne commissioune was subscryved this day in counsell and delyvered to him, quherof the tenour fallowes:—Be it knoune to all men be thir present lettres, we the provest, baillies and counsell of the burgh of Glasgow, wndersubscryvand, to have given and grantit, as we be the tenour heirof give and grant full power, warrand and commissioune to Johne Andersoune, younger of Dowhill, present deane of gild of the said burgh, to repair with all convenience to the citie of Londone, or elsquher as occasioune sall serve, and ther for ws and in our names, with all humilitie and dew reverence as becometh, to petitioune our dread soveraigne the Kings most excellent majestie for granting to this burgh the frie electioune of their awine magistratis, as uther royall burghs of this kingdome hes; as also to doe, exerce and goe about all uther maters tending to wel, liberties and priviledges of this burgh; and does also heirby grant to our said commissioner our verie full, frie, plaine power and warrand for that effect, and generallie to doe all and sundrie uther things neidfull to be done and exerced theranent, binding and obleising ws and our successouris in office to stand and abyd at all our said commissioner sall doe for ws in the premissis, firme and stable, but reclamatioune. In witnes quherof, we have subscryved thir presentis, att Glasgow, this fourtine day of May jm. vjc. and seavintie yeares, befor thir witnessis Williame Yair and George Andersoune, our twa conjunct commoune clerkis of this burgh, and Robert Allane, noter, ther, their servant, wrytter heirof.
Warrand, thesaurer, newis letter.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of eight pundis xiiij s. 2 d. starling deburst be him to Robert Mein, post maister in Edinburgh, for newes letters, and quhilk compleitis him to the first of Aprill last.
Broomelaw peir.
Recomendis to Frederik Hammiltoune to caus helpe the peir at the Broomelaw.
Contributioune, Dundie.
Appoyntis the provest, baillies, deane of gild and deacon conveiner to mak choyse of such persones thei think most meit to goe throw the toune for collecting ane supplie for help of Dundie.
Silk weavers.
In ansuer to the supplicatioune given in be [blank] Stewart, silk weaver, cravand warrand and libertie of the provest, baillies and counsell of this burgh to sett wp and have libertie to work his tred within the samyne, after consideratioune therof the saidis magistratis and counsell grantit to him his desyre conteined in the said petitioune, and for his better incurragment therintill thei heirby promis to hold him frie of quarterings and of the excys of malt for his and his servantis use, and all uther publict burdings, and that during the space of fyve or seavine yeares or longer if he here remayne.
Andersoune, commissionar to London.
The magistratis and counsell, taking to their consideratioune how thei had commissionat John Andersoune, present deane of gild of this burgh, to repair to London, or els where, to petitioun the Kings Majestie for getting a frie electioune of the magistratis in their awne persones, as uther royall burghes hes, as also to act and doe all things possible to obtein the right of the bailliarie and barronye of Glasgow, or quhat else may augment the liberties and priviledges of burgh; and seing theise things cannot be gottin done without great charges and expenssis, thei therfor doe heirby grant full power, warrand and commissioun to the said John Andersoune, their said commissioner, for effectuating the premissis, to draw wpon them quhat sowmes of monye he sall think conveinent, or to borrow the samyne there from quhatsumever persone or persones he pleaseth; and thei heirby bind and obleis them and their successouris in office to thankfullie repay the samyne with the interest therof.
18 May 1670.
Act to the tredis.
There was red the double of ane act drawine wp in favouris of the treds anent securing them of their number on the toune counsell, as hes beine observed ever heirtofoir, and libertie anent their craftis baillie. The same was appoyntit to be drawine wp in forme and thei promis to subscryve the samyne in the afternoon.
Act in favouris of the tradis.
The act befor mentioned drawine wp in favouris of the treds was at this meiting againe red and allowed and subscryved with all their handis, quherof the tenour fallowes viz.:—The quhilk day, the provest, baillies and counsell of the said burgh, being conveined, and taking to their consideratioune that forsuameikle as thei have grantit to Johne Andersoune, present deane of gild of this burgh, ane commissioune to pas to the citie of Londone, or elsequher, and ther for them and in their names to petitioune the Kings most excellent majestie to grant to this burgh the frie electioune of its magistratis, conforme to uther royall burghs within this kingdome; and seing the deacones of craftis and utheris of their members hes contractit a fear and jelosie that their liberties and priviledges thei have had heirtofoir may be prejudged and diminished therby anent their number that now is and hes bein theis manye yeares bygaine wpon the toune counsell, past memorie of man, as also that ane of the thrie baillies of this burgh hes ever bein ane craftisman; and the magistratis and counsell being most willing to keep and interteane that concord, peace and amitie amongst the haill inhabitentis, as ever hes bein observed within the samyne burgh since their settling the letter of gildrie therin, and for removing all pleyes and julosies that may aryse by their seiking of their said frie electioune of the magistratis of this burgh, therfor thei doe heirby bind and obleis them and their successouris in office note to infringe or brek any friedome, liberties or priviledges the craftis of this burgh hes had heirtofoir anent their number in the toune counsell and their office bearers therintill, or anent their craftis baillie and deacon conveiner, as hes bein formerlie in use and observed heirtofoir, nor yit to brek or infringe any liberties and priviledges the merchand rank formerlie hes had, but to mentein them to their utmost, and that for the better observing and keeping of that concord, peace and amitie that ever hitherto hes bein keeped among the inhabitentis of this burgh, and declares themselfes most willing that this present act sall be extendit in most ample forme if it sall be fund neidfull to be done.
4 June 1670.
Warrand, thesaurer.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for ten rex dollouris deburst be him, out of the monye receavit be him fra the collectouris at the mylnes, to Walter Grahame, messenger, and wtheris, for apprehending of James Waddrop of Daldowie, who had made his escape formerlie out of the tolbuith, and for puting him againe therin; and for the sowme of ane hundreth markis deburst be him to Johne Bell for the maill of the parsounes hous the last halfe year preceiding Witsonday last.
Brig, beggers.
It is concluded that whosoever sall tak the brig and customes therof in tyme coming sall be obleist nocht to suffer any beggers com in be that port to the toune, and that conforme to ane old act sett doune theranent.
Kings portratouris to be bought.
It is appoyntit that the provest wryt to London to the deane of gild to buy for the tounes use the portratouris of King Charles the First and Secund, as also ane carpett, and to send all home for the tounes use.
7 June 1670.
Set of commone guidis.
[Common good set for a year as follows:—Mills, 9,150 merks, besides 50 bolls ground malt; ladles, 2,700 merks; mealmarket and pecks, 810 merks; tron, 1,185 merks; bridge, 1,360 merks; grass of St. Mungow's kirk yaird, a "dollour" given to the officers "to buy their denner."]
18 June 1670.
Provane mylne and loches.
Appoyntis the deane of gild and James Colhoune to caus repair the Provan mylne, and to tak notice anent the casting of the loches, and to caus the tennentis of Provand to cast it so far thei ar obleist to doe, and quhat thei ar not obleist to doe to imploy utheris in toune, and to report, and to sight Williame Henrysone in Provand his hous.
Provest to Edinburgh.
The provest is choysen commissioner to the nixt conventioune of burrowes, and ordaines ane of the clarkis to subscryve to him ane commissioune for that effect, and James Colhoune to be assessour to him; and recommendis to the provest to advyse in Edinburgh quhat is neidfull to be done for the better securing the toun in the landis of Provand.
The provest to wrytt to the deane of gild.
The deane of gild, Dowhill, younger, having wryttin ane letter to the toune that the duk of Lennox will be lyklie to quyt any priviledge he hes over the toune as baillie of the regallitie, therfor the provest is appoyntit to wryt to him that he may deall to gett that done if nocht the whoill, and that the provest give him thankis for his dilligence.
Appoyntis the baillies [and four others] to meit with Johne Grahame to sight the rightis of Provand, and to sie quhat is neidfull to be done for securing the toune theranent.
16 July 1670.
Sea markis.
Appoyntis Johne Andersoune, skipper, to fix and set wp some sea markis at Newport Glasgow, and quhat expenssis he sall be therin at it sall be payit bak againe to him.
Fleshouris buithes.
Recommendis to the deane of gild and deacon conveiner to meit with the fleshouris anent the building of buithes for them at the bak of the fleshmercat.
Miller of Provand mylne.
Appoyntis the deane of gild [and two others] to meit with the miller at the Provand mylne and to setle with him.
Warrand, Andersoune, baillie of Provand.
Ordaines James Andersoune, baillie of Provand, to have ane warrand for the sowme of four scoir markis deburst be him for the fyft termes taxatioune of the said landis of Provand, and for four pundis starling deburst be him for kebers for supplie of the cast at the loch ther, and for fyve punds starling deburst be him to Johne Bell quhilk he deburst to Johne Hammiltoune in pairt payment of the twentie pundis starling he is to get for casting the said cast.
Warrand, Grahame.
Ordaines Johne Grahame to have ane warrand for the sowme of nyne hundreth pundis Scotis deburst be him to maister David Liddell, minister of the Barrony kirk, in pairt payment of bygaine stipends, and thir presentis with his discharge to be a sufficient exoneratioune; and it is to be remembrit that the said maister David is awand to the toune ane halfe yeares stipend quhilk was payit for him to maister Donald Catgill.
Apprysing of Provand.
The provest made report that he had agried with Williame Hammiltoune of Wishaw to lead ane apprysing at the tounes instance for comprysing the landis of Provand.
Warrand, thesaurer.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of five hundredth twelfe pundis xiij s. iiij d. for two hodgheids French wyne twa rubors and ane butt of sek sent to Edinburgh to some persones.
18 July 1670.
Report, deane of gild.
Johne Andersoune, deane of gild, gave wp his commissioune as grantit to him for repairing to London, and made his report anent the particular he was sent for, quhilk was approvine in the counsell.
Warrand, Bell.
Ordaines Johne Bell to have ane warrand for the sowme of thrie hundreth twentie eight pundis ane shilling Scotis deburst be him out of the excyse monye to the provest for passing the tounes eque, and the eque of the landis of Provand, and registratioune of the tounes seasing of Provand, and for confirmatioune of the landis of Silvercraigs, (fn. 3) conforme to the compt therof red and allowed.
Tak to Turner.
Ordaines ane tack to be wryttin and subscrivit in favouris of Sir James Turner of the tounes hous and tour in Gorballis, quhilk he presently possesseth, and that during his lyftyme, for payment yearly of thrie pundis Scotis, if the samyne be requyred; and that he be obleist to uphold the said landis on his awine expenssis during the tyme of the tak.
27 August 1670.
Gays houss at Newport.
The baillies and counsell being conveined, and taking to their consideratioune the bais and leud lyfe led and used be Alexander Gay at Newport Glasgow and Jeane Rankine, his spous, and their leud cariage to all maner of persones quhatsomever, and especiallie for the great abuse done to their nighbours; and seing they now dwell in ane hous belonging to the toune, the said magistratis and counsell hes unanimously concluded that the said hous they dwell in sall be immediately pulled doune and the stones and timber therof laid apairt, and that they nor non of them sall be suffered to dwell within the tounes boundis heirafter; and appoyntis John Herbertsoune, their servant, sie the samyne done with all expeditioune, and to caus benish the said persones out of the tounes boundis there.
Appoyntis baillie Ker and the deacon conveiner to try out some fitt persone to goe doune and sklait the tounes work at Newport Glasgow, and that they goe doune themselfes on Tuesday nixt and visit the said work quhat is neidfull to be done theranent, and to report.
29 August 1670.
Warrand, Kings portratour.
Ordaines Coline Campbell to have ane warrand for the sowme of twentie fyve pundis starling deburst be him to the provest, and quhilk he deburst for the Kings portratour bocht be him for the townes use.
Warrand, Bell.
Ordaines John Bell, lait provest, to have ane warrand for the sowme of sex punds starling for his awine charges in goeing to Edinburgh in attending the duk of Lennox his grace.
Warrand, thesaurer.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of nyne rex dollouris deburst be him to George Wilsoune, post, for his extraordinarie ryding the tyme the counsell satt here and Air. And for twa hundreth and ten pundis Scotis deburst be him to Jonet Reid for making and furnishing the denner was made reddie for the duk Lennox his west coming.
10 September 1670.
Warrandis, Bell.
Ordaines John Bell to have ane warrand for twentie nyne pundis iiij s. for his expenssis and hors hyre in attending the provest quhen he went to meit the commissioner; and for the sowme of fourtie sevine pundis deburst be him to the deane of gild for his expenssis in goeing to Edinburgh and Berrick to meit the commissioner; . . . and for ane hundreth markis payit for the table cloth and napkines bocht for the use of the toune.
Warrand, silver boxes.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of threttie twa pundis xiiij s. vj d. Scotis payit be him to Thomas M'Cuir, goldsmith, for silver boxes to burges tikitis.
Merchand Hospitall dyk.
Recommendis to the deane of gild, conveiner, [and three others] to visit the dyik the merchant hospitall is building about the Craigs, and to give them quhat grund is fund necessar aff the tounes land for making their dyk straught.
Tak, Turner.
Ther was subscrivit a tak to Sir James Turner of the tounes houss in Gorballis, during his lyftyme, conforme to the tenour therof insert in the book.
Nisbit, Briggait, Goos dubs.
Anent the supplicatioune given in befor [them] be Grissall Nisbit, relict of umquhill John Denny, merchand, cravand licence to build ane litle hous aff the north gavill of her hous in Briggait, presently possest be her, wpon the waist grund toward the syre ther, for the use of ane stable or the lyk; after consideratioune therof and sighting the same, after dismissioun of the counsell, the provest, baillies and counsell heirby grantis licens to the said Grissall Nisbit to build and come out in her building four elnes from the north east cunzie of the gavill of her said hous, and fyve elnes from the north wast cunzie therof towards the syre that runes ther, throw that place callit the Goos dubs, shoe and her successouris, heritouris of the said landis, paying yearlie to the toune therfor thrie shilling iiij d. Scotis monye; and ordaines her to have ane few charter therupon if she desyre the same. (fn. 4)
24 September 1670.
Warrand, Bell.
Ordaines Johne Bell to have ane warrand for . . . thrie pundis starling payit be him to Thomas Davidsoune for ane litle barrell of Ranish wyne furnished be him to the toune quhen the duk of Lennox was to come here. (fn. 5)
Dyk at Newport.
Appoyntis the deane of gild [and two others] to meit and setle with Alexander Scott anent his building of ane dyk about the tounes grund at Newport Glasgow.
New Grein dyk.
Appoyntis John Bell and the deacon conveiner to meit and setle with Robert Boyd to draw the dyk at the New Grein to the brig as it is to be builded.
Warrand, thesaurer.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of nyne hundreth pundis Scotis sent be him to Londone to ane freind ther anent the tounes affaires.
Furlotis; coachway, Balgray hill.
Ordaines the deane of gild to receave the tounes salt furlotis and caus mend the same; and approves the agriement made be him anent the making ane coachway alongs the Balgray hill.
1 October 1670.
Band to Turner.
Appoyntis ane band to be drawine wp and subscriveit in favouris of Sir James Turner for payment making to him of the sowme of four thousand markis Scotis, with the annualrent therof sen Witsonday last, and that in lew of the lyk sowme formerly awand to the lait archbishop, the said Sir James first producand the tounes band formerlie granted to the said archbishop.
Warrand, thesaurer, Blackfrier Kirk bell.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of twa hundred threttie twa pundis eight shilling Scotis, deburst be him for transporting the Blackfrier Kirk bell to Holland, and for the expenssis therof in casting the same new, and expenssis deburst therwpon to and againe.
4 October 1670.
Electioune of provest and baillies.
The said day, being the ordinarie day for the electioune of the magistratis of this burgh for the year enshewing, compeared Alexander Todrick, servitour to the earle of Tweddaill, and producit ane letter direct be the Kingis Majestie to the magistratis and counsell of this citie of Glasgow, quherof the tenor fallowes:—Sic superscribitur: Charles R. Trustie and weilbeloved, we greit yow weill. Whereas the bischop of Dumblain, whom we have nominated and presented to the archbishoprick of Glasgow, vacant by the dimissioune of Alexander, lait archbishop therof, is not yet solemnly invested, and that the tyme of the electioune of the magistratis of that our citie is now verie neir, we have thought fitt to requyre yow to receave William Andersoune to be your provest for this enshewing year; and we leave for this tyme the electioune of the remanent magistratis for this year to the said provest and counsell of our said citie; and in caice any uther be electit befor this our command comes to your handis, yow, nochtwithstanding, receave William Andersoune for your provest for this enshewing year. So, expecting your reddie obedience, we bid yow fairweill. Given at our court of Whythall the 24th day of August 1670, and of our regne the 22 year. Sic Subscribitur: By his Majesties command, LAUDERDAILL. Immediately after reading quherof, the said William Andersoune, being present, the said provest, baillies and counsell did unanimously admitt and receave the said William Andersoune provest of this burgh for ane year to come, who acceptit and gave his oath as use is.
Therafter thei went about to the electioune of their baillies, conforme to the said letter, and the haill persones being removed from the tabill quhill the present provest, the lait provest, and his twa baillies did set doune the lytis out of the quhilkis the baillies wer to be choysen; and the merchandis being threttin persones in number to be votted on, they wer divydit in sex lytis, out of the quhilk sex lytis theis sex persones wer electit and choysen, viz., . . . quhilkis sex persones wer divydit in twa lytis, viz., the first conteining [three names] and they being removed, be pluraltie of votis, Frederick Hammiltoune was out of them electit and choysen to be ane of the baillies of this burgh for the year enshewing, and the uther of the said twa lytis conteining [three names], be pluralitie of votis, Hugh Nisbit was electit and choysen to be ane uther of the baillies of this burgh for the year enshewing. And the craftis being in number to be votted on threttine persones, wer divdyit in thrie lytis, ane therof conteining fyve persones, ane uther sex and the thrid lytt twa persones, and theis being removed vicissim, they did choyse out therof [three names] to the effect ane of them might be choysene to be the thrid baillie of this burgh for the year enshewing; and theis thrie being removed, be pluraltie of votis, James Colhoune was electit and choysen to be the thrid baillie.
5 October 1670.
[The magistrates of this and the two preceding years, with three persons chosen to make up the full number, elected thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be town councillors for the ensuing year.]
8 October 1670.
Rae, lytis for deane of gild.
Robert Rae having made complent that he was most wrongously put out of his place as deane of gilde (as being deane of gilde) by the last magistratis and counsell, as appeires by their act of counsell daited the nynth of October jm. vjc. sextie nyne yeares, and was not suffered to mak the lytt for choysing of tua persones out of his bretherin of the merchand rank to be presentit with himselfe to the magistritis and counsell, quherby they might have made choyse of ane of them to be deane of gild for the year enshewing, conforme to the letter of gildrie, but was hindered and impeaded therintill, as the said act beires, therfor the said magistratis and counsell for helping and mending of the said abuse and breach of gildrie in all tyme coming, have ordained and heirby ordaines the said Robert Rae to caus wairne his bretherin of the merchand rank, members of the merchand hospitall, that he had with him the tyme he was dean of gild last, to meit and convein in the said hospitall and there to mak choyse of ane lytt of twa persones to be presentit with himselfe to the counsell and utheris interested, quherby ane of them may be choysen deane of gild of this burgh for a year to come; and in caice any of his said bretherin be dead or absent, then he is to caus wairne als many honest men of the samyne qualitie as will supplie the place of the dead or absentis.
12 October 1670.
Dean of gild, etc., chosen.
[Robert Rae, dean of guild; William Wallace, deacon-convener; Patrick Bryce, treasurer; John Bryssoune, water bailie; Thomas Boyle, master of work; Andrew Ralstoune, visitor of gardeners.]
15 October 1670.
Bailie of Gorbals.
[James Fairie, chosen bailie of Gorbals.]
Provost rydis to Newport.
Appoyntis the provest, baillie Nisbit, the deane of gild, with whom they pleas to tak with them, to ryd doune to Newport Glasgow to visit the tounes wark there and to report.
29 October 1670.
Monye collectit for armes.
Allowes Robert Campbell his giving and delyvering the halfe of the monye he receavit the last year to the merchandis collector, and the uther halfe to the craftis for the use of their poor; and ordaines the monye that sall be collectit on that accompt to run in the same channell heirafter.
Statut, breid and candle.
[Wheat loaf weighing 13 oz. to be sold for 12 d.; stone of rough tallow, 40 s. the stone; well made [candle], 48 s. the troy stone.]
Bank anent filth and middings.
The magistratis and counsell, taking to their consideratioune the great abuse and filthienes used in not dighting and reding the streitis as they aught to be, conforme as is done in uther weill governed cities, ordaines therfor ane bank to be sent throw the toune, with touk of drum, to command and charge all the indwellers and buith keepers of ilk foir tenement of land within the portis of this burgh, and indwellers in the closses at the bak of the foir tenementis, that they furthwith, and in all tyme coming, wpon everie Saturnday, caus harle and sueip the streit of all filth and dirt from the croune of the calsie to the drope of ilk ane of their respective foir tenementis of land, the lenth of its front, and to remove the said fuilzie aff the hie streetis immediately therafter, and that under the paine of four shilling Scotis so often they sall happin to contravein the same. As lykwyes they command and charge all the inhabitentis within this burgh, within the portis therof, to remove all middings aff the hie street within eight dayes after the publicatioune heirof, and that in no tyme coming they lay out any middings upon the hie streitis without the drop of their houssis, excepting that quhilk they sall caus taik or cairie away within eight and fourtie houres after the laying out thereof, and that under the payne of fyve pundis so often as they sall contravein, to be payit to him whom the magistratis hes for that effect appoynted.
Discharge of Dundies contributioune.
Johne Barnes gave in ane discharge of the sowme of twa hundreth fourtine pundis thrie shilling iiij d. Scotis as the contributioune collectit for Dundie, under the subscriptioune of John M'Cl . ., merchand, ther, who was sent to receave the samyne.
12 November 1670.
Register of the dead.
The provest, baillies and counsell, finding it necessar and requisit that ane register be keeped of all persones who happines to deceas within this burgh, they heirby appoynt Samwell Birs to keep the said register and to have fourtie shilling Scotis weikly for doeing therof.
Appoyntis the master of wark to receave the turnouris (fn. 6) fra the collectouris at the mylnes, and to be payit therfor as Hendrie Craig was who collectit the same formerlie.
Act, cordoners.
The magistratis and counsell finding that their predicessouris, be their act of counsell of the dait the xxj of Maij, 1659, (fn. 7) for the caussis therin conteined, hes statut and ordained that no fleshouris within this burgh, nor no utheris who bringis hydis and skinnes to the samyne, presume or tak wpon hand to holl any skinnes in the nek or buttockis, or cutt or holl any hydis, and that under the paine of confiscatioune of such skinnes or hydis that sall be fund so faultie, and the samyne to be tryed be theis to be appoynted be the magistratis and counsell, and to be disposed on be their sight, who should be for the tyme, as the said act in it selfe at mair lenth proportis; quhilk act being considered be the said magistratis and counsell, they thought the confiscatioune of the said hydis and skinnes for the said faultis too strik and severe; but for the preventing of the said injuries and wrongs they have appoyntit and heirby nominates and appoyntis the present deacon of the cordoners, and his successouris in office, to sight all hydis both belonging to the flesheouris of this burgh or that sall be brought in be strangers, and grantis power and libertie to the said deacone and his said successouris, quher they find any hydis so holled or scored, to exact sex shilling Scotis for ilk holl or scoir, and for uther abusing and spoyling to be punished be advyce of any of the magistratis, to be applied for the use of the poor of the cordoner calling; providing alwayes, lyk as it is heirby expresly provided that the said provest, baillies and their successouris, or ony of them, sall be alwayes judges betwixt the deacone of the cordoners, flesheouris and strangers, in caice ony debait or contraversie sall happin amongst them.
14 November 1670.
Monye to the sojouris.
Appoyntis the magistratis to borrow the sowme of sex hundreth pundis starling to lend to the souldiers in toune, in respect of the present necessitie for want of pay.
3 December 1670.
Stirling, for digging of clay, pyps.
In ansuer to the supplicatioune given in befor the said provest, baillies and counsell be Williame Stirling, merchand, burges of the said burgh, cravand libertie to dig clay in any pairt where he sall find the samyne, within the tounes commoune landis, for making of pyps, in maner conteined in the supplication, the said provest, baillies and counsell grantis libertie to the said William Stirling to dig clay for the use forsaid in any pairt of said tounes commoune landis, during quhat tyme he pleaseth, he paying to the toune such reasonable satisfactioune as they sall think convenient to requyr therfor, and satisfeing the tennentis, possessouris of such pairtis he sall dig clay in within the said landis, for the domage they sall sustein therby; reserveand alwayes the lyk libertie to any uther burgessis of this burgh to dig clay ther, giving the lyk satisfactioune to the toune and their tennentis, as also satisfeing the said William Stirling of his proportionall expenssis he sall be att in cleiring the grund, gif they happin to dig in the same place quhair he digs the said clay, and seeking out of the samyne, and that to such as the toune sall grant that libertie.
10 December 1670.
Tounes wrytis.
Appoyntis baillie Hamiltoune to speik to the provest James Campbell to try at him quhair the tounes papers ar, and to requyr him to give up these summondis that wer raised the last year against the provest William Andersoune.
Morsoune, Brodbridge.
Grantis the lyk libertie to Thomas Morsoune and John Brodbridge to dig clay in any pairt of their commoune landis, as is grantit to William Stirling, conforme to his act in all poyntis and upon the conditiounes therein exprest.
17 December 1670.
Monye left be William Braidie.
Appoyntis the provest, deane of gild [and three others] to distribut the monye that was left be William Braidie, merchand in Irland, to any poor persones they please and thinkis most neidfull.
31 December 1670.
Winning, school.
Ther is libertie granted to Walter Winning to come in to the toune and keep a school for learning of the youth to read and wryt, he keeping the samyne in the Stokwelgait.
Andersoune to cutt the salmon.
Appoyntis Robert Andersoune, maltman, to cutt the salmondis at the salmond stockis that comes ther to sell, and he to have the ordinarie dewes therfor, as umquhill William Stirling had who cutted the samyne last.