Appendix: Supplementary documents

Pages 555-567

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1881.

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I. Ratification by the Dean of Guild and whole Merchants of the Burgh and City of Glasgow of the Suckening of the Inhabitants to their own Mills. Glasgow, 22 September 1608. [Original in the Archives of the City. Inventory, Vol. I., b. 14, No. 2.]

Apud Glasgw, vigesimo secundo die mensis Septembris, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo octauo. The quhilk day, William Skynner, dean of gild of the said burghe and citie of Glasgow, and haill merchandis thairof, vndersubscryvand, being convenit to consult and advys vpone sindrie effairis of the commoun weill of the said burghe, and speciallie anent the lawfull and lawdable agriement and conclusioun sett doun be the provest, bailleis and counsall, with advys and consent of ws the said dean of gild, merchandis, deakin conveiner, deakins of craftis, and vtheris of that rank, concerning the sukning of the said burghe and inhabitantis thairof to thair awn milvis, and vther milvis provydit be tham for serving of the burgessis and inhabitantis of the sam, als thankfullie and als guid chaip as ever thay wer servit of befoir, and that for certen yeiris to cum, for releif of the great debt contractit on the tounis heid be sik personis quha bwir charge and office in the said burghe of biefoir, and that the said burche may be the mair hable to serve his Majestie in conventionis, parliamentis, and vtheris his Majesteis service; and seing the foirsaidis personis, contracteris of the said dett, be thair instigatioun and persuasioun nocht only intysis and persuadis sindrie of the inhabitantis of the said burghe to oppoin tham self against the said sukin and to gif thair names and consentis to the rasing of suspensiounis against the sam, bot also ontreulie informis the lordis of his Hienes counsall and sessioun that the said sukin is nocht sett doun for the commoun weill of the said burghe, with full advys and vniform consent in maner as said is, bot to the hurt of the friemen and inhabitantis of the same, and for the privat proffeit and commoditie of thais our present provest and bailleis, and sua done without the applaud and consent of ws the said dean of gild, haill merchandis, deakin conveiner, deakins of craftis, masteris thairof, haill communitie of the sam, and vtheris of that rank: For removing of the quhilk calumnie and falsiefieing of the quhilkis reportis, we the said dean of gild, merchandis of this burghe, and vtheris vndersubscryvand, as the haill body of that pairt and rank of this commoun weill, having swir and certan knawledge that the said work for agriement of the said sukin is nocht done be the privat power and autoritie of the provest, bailleis and counsall of the said burghe, and for thair privat proffeit and particular commoditie, bot be matuir advys and deliberatioun, and with consent of ws the said dean of gild and haill merchandis of this burghe, and with advys and consent of the deakin conveiner, deakins of craftis, masteris thairof and vtheris of that rank concurrand with tham and haill communitie, that thairby the said contractit debt mycht be releivit, and the said burghe the mair hable to serue his Majestie in conventionis, parliamentis and vtheris his Hienes services, and als the mair hable to beir the commoun burding of the said burghe: Thairfoir, be thir presentis, now as than and than as now, with ane applaud, assent and consent, willinglie of our awn propper consentis, and with deliberat advyse and consultatioun had and taikin thairanent, ratifeis and apprevis the said sukin to be for the commoun weill of this burghe and haill particular inhabitantis thairof, and nocht for the privat gain of ony our foirsaidis magistratis, present or to cum; promittan also to assist, fortiefie, and defend the sam frielie without ony compulsioun in all tyme cuming. And for the better effectuating of the premissis, we the said dean of gild, and vtheris of the merchand rank within the said burghe, frielie and willinglie bindis and obleissis ws and our successouris to gif the multour dewtie to the taksmen of the mylvis of all and quhatsumever victuall bocht be ws ather in burghe or landwart heirefter during the space speciallie agreit vpone, sua that we may be disburdynit of the dett lyand on the said burghe as said is. And siklyk, for the better and heistier releif thairof, of our awin consentis, ar content and bindis and obleissis ws to gif the custome dewtie of the leadill of all maner of cornis and victuall that we sall happin to by within this burghe or without the same the space of aucht mylis distant thairfra, and that during the space agreit vpone. In witnes quhairof, we have subscryvit thir presentis, with our handis, at day, yeir, and place foirsaid. [Subscribed by sixty persons, and also subscribed by notaries on behalf of forty-three persons who could not write.]

II. Ratification by the Deacon-Convener, Deacons of Crafts, Chief Masters of the Crafts, and whole Craftsmen of the Burgh and City of Glasgow of the Suckening of the Inhabitants to their own Mills. Glasgow, 22 September 1608. [Original in the Archives of the City. Inventory, Vol. I., b. 14, No. 2.]

Apud Glasgw, vigesimo secundo die mensis Septembris anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo octauo. The quhilk day, Ninian Andirsoun, deakin conveiner of the said burghe and citie of Glasgw, Jhone Sterling, deakin of hemmirmen, Gabriell Listoun, deakin of cordoners, Stevin Hammiltoun, deakin of tailyouris, Alexander Calwall, deakin of skinneris, Thomas Morsoun, deakin of coupers, Thomas Fawsyd, deakin of baxteris, John Stewart, deakin of measonis, Archibald Reed, deakin of wrychtis, Robert Watsoun, deakin of fleschouris, Mr. Robert Hammiltoun, deakin of chyrurgeinis, Archibald Patirsoun, deakin of wobsteris, and John Brounsyd, deakin of bonet-makeris, assistit and accumpaneit with the chief masteris of the crafts respectiue foirsaid, haill craftismen and vtheris of that rank, vndersubscryvand, bieing convenit to consult and advys [etc., in same terms as in the foregoing Ratification by the Merchants. Subscribed by thirty-eight persons writing their names; by six writing monograms or initials; and by notaries for the other craftsmen who could not write,—neither the names or number of whom are given].

III. Act by the Provost, Bailies, and Council of Glasgow, with consent of the Deacons of Crafts, ordaining that the whole Burgesses and Inhabitants should, in all time coming, be astricted and thirled to the Town's Mills. Glasgow, 29 June 1615. [Original in the Archives of the City. Inventory, Vol. I., b. 14, No. 3.]

Apud Glasgw, vigesimo nono Junij millesimo sexcentesimo decimo quinto. The quhilk day, the proveist, bailleis and counsell of the burgh and citie of Glasgow, wndersubscryweand, wnderstanding that our gracious Souerane the Kingis Majestie, be his Hienes chartour wnder the great seale, of the dait the aucht day of Aprile, the yeir of God jm vjc and allewin yeiris, by the earnest desyre of the rycht reverend father in God, Johne archbischope of Glasgow, ratifeit, apprevit and perpetuallie confermit the rychtis, priueledgis, liberteis and immuniteis of the said burgh, and als, with consent of the lordis of his Hienes secreit counsell, gave, grantit and in few for ever disponit to the proveist, bailleis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh, and thair successouris, the said burgh and citie, with houssis biggingis, yairdis, land, alsweill outfeild as infeild, labourit as wnlabourit, customes be sie and land, rychtis, liberteis, priveledgis and donatioun of patronagis of chaiplanreis, prebendareis and alteragis, mylnis, multuris, suckin and knaveschip of the samyn, with certane vther liberteis and priueledgis at lenthe contenit in the said chartour, quhilk is ratifeit be our said Souerane Lord and estaitis of parliament, haldin at Edinburgh the twentie thrie day of October the yeir of God jm vjc and twelf yeiris; and als calling to rememberance that be the advyse of the said rycht reverend fathir in God, Johne archbischope of Glasgow, for releif of the sowme of saxtein thowsand merkis quhairwith this said burgh and citie was burdenit, it was fund meit and expedient that the inhabitantis thairof sould be thirlit and astrictit to bring thair malt and vther cornis to the mylnis perteining to the said burgh to be grinned thairat, during the space of ten yeiris, hoiping that within the said space the said debt sould haif bein releifit; and knawing that the said debt of saxtein thowsand markis and vther sowmis debursit for the weill and commoditie of the said burgh can not be convenientlie payit within thee said space, nor the vther warkis done quhilk ar purposit, sick as the bigging of prisonis for malefactouris, the repairing of streitis and hie wayis within and without this burgh, the building of portis and claring the watter of Clyde of sandis, craig, stanis, and vther lyk impedimentis, quhilk makis the said river almaist vnprofitabill and hinderis the tred and traffique of the merchandis thairof; and wnderstanding sufficientlie that thair is na vther meanes to accomplische the said warkis except the thirlage of the inhabitantis of the said burgh contenew in all tyme cuming to the mylnis perteining to this burgh, according to the accustomit and laudabill forme obseruit within the haill burrowis of this realme: Thairfoir, foirseing the weill and vtilitie of this burgh and for the perpetuall florisching thairof, the saidis proveist bailleis and counsell, with advyse and consent of the deaconis of craftis of the said burgh, statutis and ordanis that the haill burgessis and inhabitantis of the said burgh salbe thirlit and astrictit to the mylnis perteining to this burgh and bring thair malt and vther cornis to be grinned thairat perpetuallie in all tyme cuming; inhibiting and discharging be thir presents the said burgessis and inhabitantis to carie thair cornis to ony vther mylne or mylnes, or to buy ony malt, brew or mak drink thairof, except the samyn be ground at the said townis mylnis, wnder the paine of fyve pund of wnlaw and paying of dowbill multir to the fermoureris, toties quoties. And for the better obseruatioun heirof, ordanis the deane of gild, present and [to] cum, to tak the ayth of ilk burges to be resauit heireftir the tyme of his admissioun thairto, that he his wyfe nor servantis shall brew na malt bot sick as sall happin to be ground at the saidis townis mylnis; and that thir presents be insert in the counsell buikis of this burgh, thair to remain ad perpetuam rei memoriam. [Here follow subscriptions. Four councillors and the deacons of the baxters, smiths, tailors, bonnetmakers, masons, chirurgeons, being unable to write, were subscribed for by notaries.]

IV. Agreement between the Provost, Bailies, and Council of Glasgow and James King and John Algeo, for giving up their tack of Partick Mill. Glasgow, 10 May 1608. [Extract Act of the Town Council of Glasgow in the Archives of the City. Inventory, Vol. I., b. 11, No. 1.]

The provest and bailyeis convenit to appoint and aggrie with James King and John Algeo anent the tack grantit to thame of Partickmylne be my lord of Glasgow, quhairof thair is nyne yeiris yit to rin, hes condischendit and aggreit with the said James and Johne Algeo in this maner, to witt, that the said Johne sall have and receave of the toun the sowme of thrie hundrethe markis money betuixt the dait heirof and the feist of Lambes nixttocum, and that becaus he leifis the said mylne and his service thair; and the said James King the sowme of twa hundrethe markis money, betuixt and the feist of Mertimes nixt therefter; and that for the renunciatioun and overgiving of thair said tak of the said mylne in favoris of the toun that tak may be grantit to the toun thairof be my lord of Glasgow, and for recompans and satisfactioun of four hundrethe pundis money debursit be thame in entres silver to my lord of Glasgow; during quhilk thair tack the saidis provest, bailyeis and counsall, hes grantit that the said James King sould be myllar in the said mylne, with thir conditiounes that at the repairing of the mylne the toun and inhabitantis therof to be als thankfully and als easillie servit att the said mylne be the said James as they sall be servit in ony vther thair mylnis, and if he be found to doe ony falt atthir to the townis men, barronie men or takismen of the said myln worthie to be depryvit of his service, the same being fund and tryit be the provest, bailyeis, and counsall, for his falt done to the saidis townsmen, and be my lord of Glasgow for his falt done to the baronie men, the said James sall tyne his service and ane vther myllar placit in the said mylne at the pleasour of the provest, bailyeis and counsall and thair fermoureris; quhilk sowmes of money respectiue above wryttine of thrie hundrethe and twa hundrethe markis money promeist to the saidis James King and Johne Algeo att the termes forsaid, for the causses above wryttine, the saidis provest, bailyeis, and counsall bind and obleisses thame and thair thesaurer and successouris in office present and to cum to content and pay to the saidis James and Johne the foirsaids sowmes of money ilk ane of thame for thair awin pairtis at the termis foirsaid.

V. Decreet by the Provost, Bailies, and Council of Glasgow, following on Complaint by the Farmers of the Town's Common Mills against James King, Miller of the Mill of Partick. Glasgow, 23 April 1611. [Extract in the Archives of the City. Inventory, Vol. I., b. 11, No. 2.]

The quhilk day, in presens of the proueist, bailleis and counsell of the said burght and citie of Glasgw, anent the complaint givin in befoir thame be Georg Andersoun, Thomas Pettigrew, Walter Dowglas, James Lychtbodie, fermoureris of our commoune milnes, contrair James King, thair miller of the milne of Partick, now in the tounis handis, beiring in effect that the said James King, as miller foirsaid, sould big and lay in the dam of the said milne of Partick vpon his awin chairgis and expensis, and siclyk to furneis thrie hors with ane sufficient seruant, abill to lay on and tak aff laidis for service of the said milne, to the weill of the inhabitantis of this burght, and to abyd and mak his residence at the said milne nicht and day, as ane miller aucht to do, and to provyd and furneis the said milne with stainis in dew tyme and seasoun with all vther gangane grayth for the better service of the said milne and as vther milnes is provydit and furnischit, and that the said James held his hors in the said milne and maid ane stabill thairof to the hurt and hinder of the nychtbouris and inhabitantis of the said burght, and for that effect to find sufficient cautioun and souertie actit in the toun buikis of this burght as vtheris milleris vsis to do, for the souirtie of thankfull service, and quhilk the said James King nathir hes thankfullie done in tyme bypast and refuisis to do the samyn in tyme cuming and find cautioun to that effect without he be compellit: In the term assignit be the said proueist and bailleis to pronunce and give thair decreit in the said mater, the rychtis, ressounis and allegatiounis of the saidis compleineris and of the said James King, baytht personallie present, hard, sein, and considderit, decernis and ordanis the said James King to lay in the dam of the said milne and big the samyn sufficientlie in all tyme cuming, during all the tyme that he is miller of the said milne, and siclyk to furneis thrie hors with ane servant abill to lay on and tak aff laidis for the seruice of the said milne, to the weill and furthour of the nychtbouris of this burght, and to abyd at the said mill nicht and day, and to prouyd and furneis milnestanis in dew tyme and seasoun with all vther gangane grayth for the bettir service of the said milne as the rest of the toun milnis is provydit and seruit, and nocht to put his hors in the said milne bot to haif thame in ane vther stabill neir besyde for the better preseruatioun of the nychtbouris seckis and stuff within the said milne; and for perfyting and doing of the premisses during the tyme of his service ordainis the said James to find sufficient cautioun actit in the toun buikis of this burght; and als decernis and ordanis the said James King to content and pay to the foirsaidis fermoureris the sowme of twentie merkis sevin s. viij d. as expensis maid and debursit be thame vpon the biging and laying in of the said dam in this instant yeir of God jm vjc and ellewin yeirs, and that becaus with consent of the said James it was referrit to the said fermoureris probatioun to prive that the milleris of the said milne in tyme bygaine was subject and in vse to lay in the said dam for the bannock, and in cace of priving thairof was content to mak the expensis of the said dam; and diuers terms assignit for priving thairof privit the samyn sufficientlie, as was cleirlie wnderstuid be the saidis bailleis; and that the said James King being personally present grantit and consentit to hald the said thrie, and to abyde nicht and day at the said milne during his service, and to provyd and furneis milne stanis with all vther gangan grayth for the better service of the said milne, and as the rest of the said toun milnes is provydit and furnishit, and to hald his hors in ane vther stabill without the milne to the effect foirsaid; and therfoir the saidis proveist and bailleis decernit in manir abouewrittin. Extractum de libro actorum consilii dicti burgi et ciuitatis, per me, Archibaldum Heygait, notarium ac dicti burgi clericum, sub meis signo et subscriptione manualibus.—A. Heygait.

VI. Act of Caution by Alexander Pollock, cordiner, for the fulfilment by James King of the foregoing Decreet, No. V. Glasgow, 4 May 1611. [Extract in the Archives of the City. Inventory, Vol. I., b. 11, No. 3.]

The quhilk day, the provest, bailyeis and counsall of the said brught being convenit for the tyme within thair counsall hous, compeirit Alexander Pollock, cordoner, and is becum cautioner and sovertie for James King, myllar att Partick mylne, that he sall filfill all and sundrie the heidis, poyntis and conditiounes of the decreit pronuncit by the provest and bailyeis att the instance of the fermoureris of thair commoun mylnis against him, vnder the paine of ten pundis for the first that he happens to controvein the samen or ony heid thairof, the secound falt xx li. to be furthe cumand to the commoun vse of this toun, the thrid falt depryving of him of his millarschip; without prejudice allwayes of the damnadge and intrest quhilk the said fermoureris may incur throw the said James his negligence or refuissal to fulfill the heidis of the said decreit, to be recoverit be thame against the said James, speciallie in laying in and vphalding of the dame of the mylne of Partik and provyding of hir in mylne staines and vther graithe, as the decreit beiris in all poyntis; and the said James is decernit of his awin consent to warrand and relieve his said cautioner of his becuming caution for him as said is, and of all damnadge, intrest, cost, skaithe and expenssis that he may incur thair throw in all tyme cuming. Extractum per me.—G. Hutchesoun, Cl.

VII. Act by the Provost, Bailies, and Council of Glasgow as to Complaint against James King, miller of Partick. Glasgow, 30 September 1615. [Extract Act in the Archives of the City. Inventory, Vol. I., b. 11, No. 1.]

The provest, bailyeis and counsall being convenit, James King, myllar of Partick mylne, being accusit for nocht serving of the toun thankfully, and speciallie for casting the malt pertinning to Walter Dowglas af the hors, the samein being detenit be him in the mylne twa dayes of befoir vngrinned, and castin out of the happer the day befoir, the saidis provest, bailyeis and counsall, having tryit the samein by the said James awin declaratioun, haith thairfor fundin that the said James hes transgressit the act of counsall maid in the monethe of Maij 1608, and hes incurit the paine of deprivatioun thairin conteanit, yit they have continuit the samein quhill the twenty ane day of October nixt.

VIII. Act by the Provost, Bailies, and Council of Glasgow as to Complaint against James King, miller of Partick. Glasgow, 21 October 1615. [Extract Act in the Archives of the City. Inventory, Vol. I., b. 11, No. 1.]

The provest bailyeis and counsell of the said brucht, being convenit, James King, myller att Partick mylne, is fund in the wrang of his awin confessioun for vsing of ane vther misor nor wes givin him, and thairfoir hes vnlawit him in the sowme of ten markis, and ordaines him to find cautioun for keiping of the former misour givin to him, vnder the paine of ane hundrethe pund and deprivatioun from his millerscheip.

IX. Act of the Mill Court of the Old Mill of Partick. Glasgow, 21 June 1625. [Extract in the Archives of the City. Inventory, Vol. I., b. 11, No. 4.]

Mylne Court of the auld mylne of Partik, within the baronie and regalitie of Glasgow, haldin in the castell and palice of Glasgow the twentie ane day of Junii jm vjc twentie fyve yeiris, be the richt reverend father James Archbischop of Glasgow, lord of the lordschip and regalitie therof, and Sir Waltir Stewart of Mynto knycht, ballie and justice depute of the said regalitie court. Confirmit— Dempstar, Johne Purdoun.

The quhilk day, the said reverend father and his said ballie hes concludit, statut and ordanit, that thair salbe twa mylne courtis haldin yeirly anent the said mylne to try all faultis and wrangis betuixt the suckin of the said mylne and the millar therof; ane of the saidis courtis to be haldin at Witsounday and the vther at Martimes yeirlie, or within the space of (blank) thairefter as my lord of Glasgow and the ballie foirsaid sall appoint; the tennentis of the suckin and the miller to be warnit to that effect.

Secundlie. It is statut and ordanit that thair salbe no servandis in the said mylne bot onlie the maister miller, the vndermiller, and ane servand to serve for the hopper, and he to be payit be the maister miller. Lykas, it is statut and ordanit that sua lang as James King, present miller of the said mylne, remaynis in service as maister miller he salbe ansuerable for the dewtie and gud service of the vnder miller and vther servand foirsaid, and that he sall not suffer ony vther fellowis, laidis or vagaboundis (by the tua ordinar servandis foirsaidis) to cum and abyd in the said mylne, vnder ony cullour or pretext of service, or vtherwayis to seik or receave ony thing fra thais that cumes to the mylne.

Thridlie. It is statut and ordanit that the maister miller of the said mylne sall haif for his service and mentenance, and for payment and satisfactioun of the twa vnderservandis foirsaidis, for thair service onlie, ane peck of siftit meill of ilk thrie bollis schilling, for grinding therof, according to vse and wont, vnles somthing be givin to thame of mere benevolence without ony exactioun as dew to thame in ony sort. Item, ordains that na mair be takin be the maistir miller, nor the twa servandis foirsaidis, fra ony persounes of the burgh or baronie of Glasgow for grinding of fyve firlottis malt bot onlie according to the missour seillit be the toun of Glasgow.

Item, the said James King, miller, being present, vndertuik vpoun him to vphald the said mylne and mylnedame in tyme cumyng, and to furneis the said mylne in all gangand graith sufficientlie, and to hald the mylne wattirticht and vphald the wallis and ruif thairof, and to mak ane skew abone the mylne-quheillis, and to theik and vphald the same, and to haif ane ingle of collis thairin in tyme of frost in winter for thowing the yse af the mylne quheillis, that the mylne may gang in tyme of frost, and to mak dorres of the said mylne to be sufficient and lokfast, and that the mylnestaines salbe sufficient and all vther necessaries furneist and vphaldin be him to the said mylne, and to mak guid and thankfull service thairat, baith to burgh and baronie, that thair salbe na caus to complein, the tennentis alwayis furneissand the thak yeirlie dew by thame to the said mylne in dew tyme betuix Yuill and Candilmes for theiking of the said mylne.

Item, it is aggreit and concludit, for ease of the tennentis of the suckin, and for ease of the fermoureris of the said mylne, lykas it is heirby appointit for this present yeir till farder ordour be takin, that Tyisday and Furisday ilk ouk salbe imployit in grinding of malt fra the soonerysing till the doungoing therof, alsweill for burgh as baronie, and the suckines meill to be grind at all vther tymes of the ouk.

Extract out of the act and court buikis of the baronie and regalite of Glasgow be me, George Huchesone, notar, court clerk of the said regalitie; witnessing heirto my signe and subscriptioun manuall.—G. Hutchesone.

X. Obligation by James King, miller of Partick, following on Complaint against him by the Provost, Bailies, and Council of Glasgow. Glasgow, 26 April 1638. [Original in the Archives of the City. Inventory, Vol. I., b. 11, No. 5.]

Att the castill of Glasgow, the twentie sex day of Apryll the yeir of God jm vjc threttie aught yeiris; being present the right reverend father in God, Patrik Archibischope of Glasgow, anent ane complent maid be the provest, bailleis and maist part of the counsall thairof, being present, agens James King, present myllar at the mylne of Partick, being also personallie present himself in the said Castill, for that the said James had transgressit ane act maid and set doun at ane mylne court of the said mylne of Partick haldin at the said castill vpoun the twentie ane day of Junij jm vjc twentie fyve yeiris be the Archibischop of Glasgow for the tyme, and Sir Walter Stewart of Mynto, knycht, baillie deput of the regalitie therof, that na mair be takin be the maister myllar nor his servandis vnder him fra any persones of the brught and baronie of Glasgow for grindding of fyve firlotis malt bot onlie according to the missour seillit be the toun of Glasgow; and seing befoir the said archibischope it is cleirlie provin that the said James King hes transgresit the foirsaid act and hes takin mair nor the missour appoyntit to him thairby, speciallie hes takin of everie seck of malt grund at the said mylne ane loik vpoun the back of ane bonnet, callit ane pickle, vnder pretence of voluntarie gifting thairof to him or his servandis attour his appoyntit missour, to the grait prejudice of the people repairing to the said mylne for grinding of thair malt, extorting far abone his allowit missour, as seamis guid to him and his servandis; for repairing of the whilk abvse the said James King, with consent of the said archbischope, bindis and obleissis him for himself his servandis and vnder myllaris in the said mylne, not onlie to mak guid and thankfull service to the haill inhabitantis of this brught reparing to the said mylne of Partick for grinding of the malt and wther victuall, conforme to the actis sett doun in the said mylne court, bot also that na mair malt sall be takin or receavit be him or them fra any persone or persones within the brughe or baronie of Glasgow whilk sall be broght to this brught to be browin, nather pickle nor na vther quantitie of malt, les or mair, except the missour foirsaid appoyntit to him, and that nather vpoun pretence of voluntarie gifting thairof to him or his servandis for thair moir readie service, or ony wther pretext whatsumevir, bot onlie the full of the missour seillit be the said brught and delyverit to him out of ilk fyve furlottis malt happins to be grund at the said mylne; and in cais he or they do in the contrair the said James King bindis and obleissis him his airis and executoris to content and pay to the parteis intrest fra whom mair nor the missour foirsaid of malt sall be takin or receavit be them, or ony ane of them heirefter, to ilk ane of them, for the first fault ten pundis, for the secund fault twentie pundis, and for the thrid fault, in cais he or ony of his vnder myllaris or servandis transgres the said act furthe and fra the dait heirof, he sall be absolutlie depryvit out of the said mylne and service thairof; and in that cais obleissis him frilie to renunce and give over the same immediatlie thairefter, with the mylne hous and pertinentis, in favouris of the said reverend father and his successouris sua that they may mak choyse of ane sufficient myllar in the said mylne who will observe the said act of the dait the xxj day of Junij 1625 yeiris foirsaid to the said brught. In witnes quhairof, thir presents writtin be William Yair, notar, servitour to Mr. Johne Hutchesone of Scottistoun, toun clerk of the said brught, and is subscryvet at day yeir and place foirsaid, befoir thir witnessis James Lyndsay of Scheillis, Patrik Watsone, fleschour, Robert Mur, wrycht, burgesseis of Glasgow, and Richard Murrey, servitour to the said Archbischope.

(Sic subscribitur) Glasgow consentis.

I the said James King. with my hand at the pen led be the notaries following, at my command, becaus I cannot wrytt myself. (Here follow docquets of two notaries and witnesses' signatures.)

XI. Renunciation by the Provost, Bailies, and Council to the Archbishop of Glasgow, of the Mill of Partick, with all casualties and duties belonging thereto. Glasgow, 26 April 1638. [Original in the Archives of the City. Inventory, Vol. I., b. 11, No. 6.]

Be it kend to all men be thir present lettres, we, James Stewart, provest, Johne Andersone, Coline Campbell, Niniane Andersone, bailleis of the burgh of Glasgow, [dean of guild, deacon-convener, and] councillouris of the said brught, to have renuncit and overgivine, as we by the tennour heirof renunce and frilie and simpliciter for ever overgive, to and in favouris of ane reverend father in God, Patrik Archibischope of Glasgow, all and haill the mylne of Partick, with all dewties and causualiteis belonging thairto, quhilk we had in verball tack of his predecessouris thir divers yeiris bygane, with full power to the said Archibischope and his successouris to enter thairto, bruik, joys, sett, vse and occupay the same at thair pleasour, but ony impediment in the contrar, be thir presentis, written be Williame Yair, notar, servitour to Mr. Johne Hutchesone of Scottistoun, our clerk, and subscryvet with our handis att Glasgow the twentie sex day of Apryll the yeir of God jm vjc threttie aught yeiris, befoir thir witnesses Gilbert Merschell, notar in Glasgow and the said William Yair. (Here follow signatures.)

XII. Obligation by James King, miller of Partick, to repair the Mill and otherwise implement his contract. Glasgow, 24 July 1639. [Original in the Archives of the City. Inventory, Vol. I., b. 11, No. 7.]

Be it kend till all men be thir present lettres, me, James King, myllar att Partick mylne, forsameikle as I wnderstand the great benefeit I reape and injoy be the bonnock of all malt grund att said mylne and broun within the brughe of Glasgow and boundis of the suckin thairof, quhilk is the od and speciall benefeit I receave for my service in the said mylne, and in regaird that the samein mylne is now becum altogidder rowinous in the wallis and ruif thairof, quhilk is obleist to be vpholdin be me sufficientlie vpon my awin chargis, conforme to ane act conteanit in ane mylne court haldin thairanent of the dait the twenty ane day of Junii jm vjc twenty five yeiris, and now becaus the present takismen to whom the said mylne with vtheris mylnes belonging to the said brught is sett be the provest, bailyies and counsall thairof, ar greatlie prejudgit throw the insufficiencie of the forsaid auld mylne of Partick; tharfor witt ye [me] to be bundin and obleist, lykas I be the tennor heirof bind and obleis me to Patrik Bell, provest, Henrie Glen, Mathow Hamiltoun and William Neilsoun, bailyies of the said brught, haill toun counsell of the samein and thair successouris, to mend, beit and repair the said mylne sufficiently, conforme to the forsaid act conteanit in the said mylne court, and that betuixt the dait heirof and the first day of August nixttocum sufficientlie in all thingis, conforme to my obleisment conteanit in the said mylne court, and keip nae mae servandis in the said mylne, nor tak nor suffer to be takine nae farther dewtie for or service in the said mylne nor is appoyntit be the samein mylne cowrt; and if I failyie in any of the premissis, the samein [being] provine befor the saidis provest, bailyies and counsall, and thair saidis successouris, I heirby declair that it sall be leissum to them to remove me fra that pairt of my service in the said mylne in swa far as concernis thair suckine, and to place and imput ane vther myller in my place within the said mylne for serving of thair farmorers and vthers thair inhabitantis and vther persones wha brings malt to the said mylne thair to be grund, and thairefter to be broun within the said brughe, and that immediatlie efter the said failyie. In witnes quhairof, [etc.].